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rua Padre Jose de Anchieta 665, ap 42 cep 04741 000 Sketch Up Rhinocéros Catalan
(+262) 0692281423 M.S. Office Grasshoper Italien EXPÉRIENCES PROFESSIONNELLES
jan 2023- dec 2023 SODEXI Landscape and ingenery | Reunion Island, France. Responsible
EDUCATION for all urban and landscape projects.Manager of multiple teams and
jan 2010 - dec 2016 Bachelor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Sao creator of projects involving city center restructuration, NBS solutions for
Paulo, (FAUUSP) Brazil climate change, urban forests, tropical endemic restoration, multiple
types of gardens and landscape design for social housing.
sep 2013 - sep 2014 Exchange program with the Barcelona School of Architecture, Polytechnic
University of Catalonia ETSAB UPC oct 2021 - dec 2022 LANDSCAPE DETAILS | Cayenne, French Guyane, Amazon. ResponsIble
for urban and landscape improvement projects in amazonie. Coastal
WORKSHOPS COURS ET AUTRES EXPÉRIENCES Path Project (with Atelier 234), Charbonnière Square, PUG Troubiran
oct-dec 2023 ETIR - Tropical Island Ecosystems Trainning | Reunion Island, France. University Campus, sustainable urban planning at the OIN (Operation
of national interest) Margot, development of the Loyola Rorota trail and
oct 2022 FIXING THE FUTURE. Participation in conferences and workshops to design of street furniture.
find solutions for climate changes. Barcelone, Spain
jul 2020 - may 2021 UNIVERT SUSTAINABLE OFFICE | Piton Saint Leu, France. Project manager.-
avr 2022 JOURNEES DU DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE. Institut français du
Development of urban and landscape improvement projects in Reunion
dévellopement. Vietnan
Island and Mayotte, including gouvernement mettigns , technical
jun 2022 WORLD URBAN FORUM. Discuss housing and landscape solutions meetings and dwaings from design to development phases
for some cities UN Habitat. Katowice, Polland nov 2019 - mai 2020 LAB (Bioclimatic Architecture Laboratory) | Saint Pierre, La Réunion.
jun 2021 Climate Fresk. Moderator of this participatory and creative workshop Project Junior Leader. Development of housing, hotels, and parks
that aimed to define the challenges of climate change at the Education projects in Reunion Island and Mayotte (extension of the Hotel
for Sustainable Development (ESD) Forum and other similar events. Dimitile, Parc Belvedere, Parc Etang du Gol, 80 housing units La Saline
jul 2020 “Architecture, landscape and biodiversity” with Michel Reynaud. Vuebelle, Urbanization Henri CORNU and Concours Lycée in Chirongui).
Training experience about the main issues of tropical green spaces. Competition phases, from masterplan to construction documentation in
Technology Park of the South, Reunion Island the domain of bioclimatic architecture, ecology, and landscaping.
sep 2017- nov 2019 TOPOIEIN STUDIO | Dijon, France. Responsable for Projects of
jan 2020 Member of “Alternatiba” Association. Citizen movement with concrete
alternatives for climate and social justice. rehabilitation and refurbishment of individual and collective housing,
sustainable construction projects for public facilities (medical rooms,
mar/jul 2016 Course “The Structural Design in Architecture” prof. Yopanan Rebello gymnasium, schools) and new housing, from the masterplan do contract
(60h). Wood, concrete, and steel in architecture with physical models administration
and calculations
jul 2016 - aug 2017 LYNX Architecture | Dijon, France. Independent architect. Collaboration
feb 2014 Taller Habitar el Presente, Barcelona, España. Promoted by Zaida Muxi
with the studio in the Creation and Realization development of
Muntaner and Josep Maria in ETSAB - UPC
Feasibility Studies, Building Permits, Business Consultation File and
jan 2014 Step by Step Istanbul, Turkey. Scholarship winner participate of this Implementation Plans of Housing, Commercial, EHPAD and Tertiary
workshop promoted by ETSAB UPC Barcelona, Spain Buildings in France, in Brussels and in the Swiss Alps:
jul 2013 Eduardo Souto de Moura Landscape Workshop. Scholarship winner to jan - jul 2015 Isay Weinfeld | Sao Paulo, Brésil. Architecture internship in Sao Paulo.
participate in the Improvement of river area Paraty, Rio de Janeiro may 2014 EMBT Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue and Santiago Cirujeda |
oct 2010 ELEA (Latin American Meeting Architecture Students). Workshop and Barcelona, Spain. Collaboration in the urban intervention of the Reset
conferences trought latin america design cities and landscape Barcelona group, Teamwork with several ETSAB students.

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