Present Continuous - Worksheet FINISHED

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Actividad 2

1. Debes realizar preguntas y respuestas usando el presente continuo.


(she / work / in Peru / this year?) (No, she / study / in Mexico)

a. Is she working in Peru this year?

b. No. She’s studying in Mexico.

1. (you / study / English / at the moment?) (Yes, I / work /


a. Are you studying English at the moment? (question)

b. Yes I’m working hard! (Answer).

2. (they / listen / to the radio?) (No, they / play / CDs.)}

a. Are they listening to the radio? (question)

b. No, they are playing CDs. (answer).

3. (Peter / wash / now?) (Yes, he / have / a bath.)

a. Is Peter washing now? (question)

b. Yes, he is having a bath! (Answer).

4. (they / live / in Madrid / at the moment?) (Yes, they / learn / Spanish.)

a. Are they living in Madrid at the moment? (question)

b. Yes, they are learning Spanish! (Answer).

5. (David / sing / in a group / this year?) (No, he / work / in a restaurant.)

a. Is David singing in a group this year? (question)

b. No, he is working in a restaurant! (Answer).

2. Escribe verdadero o falso a las siguientes oraciones. Si los enunciados

son falsos, debes escribir cual fue el enunciado con el error.

She is listenning pop music. FALSE

Correction: She is listening pop music.

He is learning German. TRUE.

1. She is eating a banana.

a. True
b. False.

2. We’re eatting ice-cream.

a. True
b. False.

3. I’m feeling sick.

a. True
b. False.

4. Shes’ believeing in a false information.

a. True
b. False.

5. “Huge” is meaning “very big”.

a. True
b. False.

6. John’s thinking about my idea.

a. True
b. False.

7. Mick are knowwing Jane.

a. True
b. False.

8. He’s having lunch at the moment.

a. True
b. False.

9. She’s developping her project right now.

a. True
b. False.

3. Completa la conversación. Usa los verbos que se encuentran en

paréntesis y escribe su correcta conjugación en el presente continuo.

Mary: Hi Jane! What are you doing?

Jane: I’m going (I / go) to the bank. What are you doing?
Mary: I’m shopping (I/shop) something. I’m looking for (I / look for)
for a new tennis racquet. I’m playing (I / play) a lot of tennis at the
moment, and I need a new racquet.

Jane: Where is Jackie? Do you know?

Mary: Yes. She isn’t in England at the moment. She’s working in
(She/work) in Germany for a month.
Jane: What is she doing (She / do) in Germany?
Mary: She’s singing (She / sing) in a night-club.
Jane: Really? What about Fred and Sue? What are they doing? (They /
Mary: They are studying (They / study) for an exam. They’re always in
the library at the moment.
Mary: How is your sister? Is she all right?
Jane: Yes, she’s fine, but she’s tired. We are painting (We / paint) the
living-room. It’s hard work.
Mary: Can I help you?
Jane: No, it’s OK. My father is helping (Help).
Mary: Well, I hope you find a good racquet.
4. Agrega ing a los siguientes verbos después de esto elige 9 de los verbos
y realiza 3 oraciones positivas, oraciones negativas y 3 enunciados
interrogativos añadiendo la temática del ing.

Infinitive verb Verb with ing Infinitive verb Verb with ing

1. die Dying 7. Establish Establishing

2. Fight Fighting 8. Blow Blowing

3. Develop Developing 9. Break Breaking

4. Plan Planning 10. Snow Snowing

5. Sail Sailing 11. Do Doing

6. Fish Fishing 12. Make Making

Positive Sentences Translation

1 They are fighting 1 Ellos estan peleando

2 We are Developing 2 Nosotros estamos desarrollando

3 I am planning something 3 Estoy planeando algo

Negative Sentences Translation

1 I am not sailing 1 Yo no estoy navegando

2 We are not blowing 2 Nosotros no estamos soplando

3 He is not dying 3 El no esta muriendo.

Interrogative Sentences Translation

1 Is it snowing? 1 Esta nevando?

2 Are you making it? 2 Estas haciendolo?

3 is she breaking the plates? 3 Ella esta rompiendo los platos?

5. Escribe la conjugación indicada para cada uno de los verbos que se
encuentran en negrilla de acuerdo a la intención del enunciado.
Recuerda lo estudiado del presente progresivo.

1. They are waiting (wait) for us on the corner now.

2. Listen! I think the telephone is ringing (ring).

3. I see that you are wearing (wear) your new suit today.

4. The boys are making (make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet.

5. Mr. Zehavy isn’t working (not work) in his office today.

6. My parents are going (go to a concert tonight.

7. The bus driver isn’t driving (not drive) carefully.

8. Are the pupils decorating (decorate the room at the moment?

9. You aren’t taking (not take) a shower right now.

10. They are having (have) sales in all the big stores now.

11. Look! It is beginning (begin) to rain

12. At present my grandparent are traveling (travel) in London.

13. The maid is cleaning (clean) the room now.

14. Are you watching (watch) TV right now?

15. Sharon isn’t swimming (not swim) in the pool at the moment.

16. My brother isn’t coming (not come) home today.

17. Two old ladies are sitting (sit) under a tree.

18. Are they laughing (laugh) at what I said?

19. Ronen is looking (look) for the book which he lost.

20. Mom is sick. She is laying (lie) in bed.

21. The bus is coming (come).

22. The passengers are sitting down (sit down).

23. One woman is giving (give) the driver the money. An old man

24. He is reading (read) his newspaper.

25. The young boy is ringing (ring) the bell.

26. Two children are running (run) for the bus.

27. The bus is stopping (stop) and the people are getting off (get off) it. .
6. Completa los siguientes textos usando el presente continuo fíjate en los
verbos que se encuentran en paréntesis y por último traduce los texto al

Autumn Is Here

It is beginning of autumn. I can see though the

window that it is raining (rain). The wind is
blowing (blow) and some leaves are falling
(fall). My brothers are listening (listen) to
records and they are discussing (discuss) the
weather. It seems that the summer is over and
there is nothing to look forward to. A small dog
outside is running (run) and it is barking (bark)
in happily. I guess he looking (look) for shelter.
I think that the best thing about autumn and
winter is that spring and summer are soon to

Es el comienzo del otoño. Puedo ver a través de la ventana que está
lloviendo. Está haciendo mucho viento y se están cayendo algunas hojas.
Mis hermanos están escuchando unas grabaciones y ellos están
hablando sobre el clima. Parece que el verano se acabó y no hay nada
más que ver. Afuera un perro pequeño está corriendo y está ladrando
felizmente. Creo que él está buscando donde resguardarse. Pienso que lo
mejor acerca del otoño y el invierno es que, pronto comenzará la
primavera y el verano

A Busy Afternoon

It is 06:00 o'clock in the afternoon.

Everybody is busy. Father is cooking (cook)
a delicious roasted meat. Mother helping
(help) to my dad to serving (serve) the
food. Miriam is doing (do) the dishes. Uri is
washing (wash) the family car. Our little
dog is barking (bark) happily. He is waiting
(wait) for somebody to play with him
again. There are a lot of activities in our
camping day. People are swimming (swim) into the river. Mothers are taking
care (take care) their children and calling (call) to come back at the camping.
It is amazing but I am a little sad because another day is coming (come) to an

Una tarde ocupada
Son las 6 de la tarde. Todo el mundo está ocupado. Mi papa está cocinando una deliciosa
carne asada y mi mama le está ayudando a mi papa a servir la comida. Miriam está lavando
los platos y Uri está lavando el carro de la familia. Nuestro perrito está ladrando felizmente.
Él está esperando a alguien para que juegue con el nuevamente.
Hay muchas actividades en nuestro día de camping. La gente está nadando en el rio, las
madres están cuidando a sus niños, y los están llamando para que regresen al campamento.
Es increíble! Pero estoy un poquito triste porque se está acabando otro día.

7. En esta actividad debes formular preguntas que tengan el tema

presente continuo acompañado de Wh Questions. Los enunciados que
observas a continuación dan la respuesta a tu pregunta, haz la
pregunta basándote en el enunciado.

Example: Tom is visiting his girlfriend right now.

What is Tom doing right


1. The students are playing outside of classroom at this moment.

Why are the students playing outside of classroom at this moment?

2. I am meeting with my friends today after school.

Where am I meeting with my friends today after school?

3. Look! The dogs are lying under a tree.

Why are the dogs sitting over there?

4. Tami and Tali are studying in the library this week.

What are they doing at the library?

5. The boys are crying now because their dog is sick.
Why are the boys crying?
6. Listen that beautiful voice! Oh yeah is my sister, she's singing in the living

What is your sister doing?
7. They are watching the film: "shades" right now.

What are they watching?

8. Mr. and Mrs. Michelson are leaving in a few minutes because it is so late.

Why are they leaving so fast?

9. I am eating a cheese and ham´s sandwich right now.

What are you doing?

10. Paty is sitting in her room.

Where is paty sitting on?

11. Ryan is thinking about her parents tonight.

What is he thinking about?

12. I am having lunch with my sister at big burger´s restaurant now.

Where are you having lunch?

13. Loren is planning to go to Egypt

Where is Loren planning to travel?

8. Alejandra está llamando a su hermano Adan por medio del celular.

Tienen una conversación en la que se preguntan algunas cosas. Escribe
a tu criterio preguntas que correspondan a las respuestas que da Adan
a Alejandra y completa la conversación.

Alejandra: Hi Adan where are you?

Adan: I'm in an amazing place called Peñol’s stone
Alejandra: Where is that?
Adan: is a landmark inselberg in Colombia.
Alejandra: Where is it located?

Adan: It is located in the town and municipality of Guatapé, Antioquia:

Alejandra: Is it a touristic place?
Adan: Of course, there are a lot of tourist in this beautiful place.
Alejandra: Are you traveling alone?
Adan: No, I’m not alone. Karin is with me I love her.
Alejandra: Why didn’t you call me?
Adan: I was calling you but you were busy in your business.
Alejandra: How can I get there?
Adan: Near the base of the Rock, there are food and market stalls for
Alejandra: Are you having fun both together?
Adan: Yes, We are having a great time. But tell me what are you doing?
Alejandra: I was making dinner and tell me when are we going there?
Adan: I'm coming home in an hour; please wait some days for me.
Alejandra: O.K, but don’t take so long

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