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Essay 2, Article 1

“Teaching English Through Literature-Based Instruction: An Integrated Study of

Language and Literature”

Section 50: Anas, Turki, Hood, Mohammed, Mohannad

This article aims to explain the integrated study of language and literature in teaching English
through literature-based instruction in EFL classroom.

Background information (literature review):

The study highlights the increasing integration of language learning with the study of literature,
emphasizing the importance of literature in teaching and learning English, particularly for EFL
students. And the Role of literature in language teaching by providing students with opportunities
to engage with various literary elements such as plot, character, setting, and themes,
fostering self-reflection and holistic education. In addition to the literature-based instruction,
which involves teaching and learning through literary works to develop students' language
and literature skills simultaneously. Also it mentioned Student-centered learning and Cultural
awareness and empathy.

Significance important:
The significance of this article lies in its examination of employing literature-focused methods in
English language education, wherein language and literature are seamlessly merged within an
EFL classroom setting. By stressing the utilization of literary pieces for language instruction, the
text underscores the significance of enabling students to interact with diverse elements of
literature, including storyline, characters, environment, and themes. This combined approach to
language and literature not only improves students’ linguistic abilities but also nurtures a more
profound comprehension and admiration for literary works. In summary, the text emphasizes the
importance and efficacy of incorporating literature-centered strategies to enhance students'
language and literary competencies in an inclusive and captivating manner.

Main findings, results:

Teaching English through literature-based instruction helps students to improve their language
and literature skills, and most activities generally help students to enhance their self-confidence
in all types of teaching language (reading, speaking, listening, and writing). Moreover, teaching
English through literature-based instruction is not only limited to be taught as integrated study
but also colors the teaching of language in advance. Therefore, it opens opportunities to be taught

Concluding remarks:
the essay concludes by emphasizing the benefits of literature-based instruction in teaching
English to EFL students, highlighting its role in enhancing language skills, promoting critical
thinking, and fostering holistic development among learners.

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