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 Live Developer Training

Student Activity Handout

Your guide to the complete training
Date- 27-28th February
Live Developer Training: Student Activity Handout
This comprehensive training guide has been curated to assist you in navigating smoothly
throughout the entire duration of the training program. We encourage you to thoroughly
review the provided handout and do not hesitate to contact us via the chat box for any
inquiries or clarifications. During the hands-on training integration exercise, the instructor
will demonstrate all steps outlined in the guide on the screen. These steps are detailed to
enhance understanding and facilitate seamless configuration of the integration bridge. In
the appendix, you will find all necessary details and credentials required for the exercises
and assignments, simplifying the configuration process.

Instructions for the assignments

Throughout the entirety of the training program, a variety of quizzes and activities
have been scheduled to ensure a comprehensive learning experience.
Active participation in all quizzes, exercises, and activities throughout the session
is strongly encouraged.
It is important to thoroughly read and understand the instructions for each exercise
and assignment.
Should you have any doubts or questions regarding the activities, please don't
hesitate to ask for clarification in the chat.
Ensure that all activities are completed within the specified timeframe.
In case of encountering any technical issues, please reach out to our technical
support team for assistance.
Refer to the provided support documents for any assistance required with the
Avoid sharing any sensitive or proprietary information within the assignments.
Kindly register on the eZintegration platform as instructed.

Activity Guide

Sign up to eZintegrations™

Step 1: Click on the 'Try it here' button, you will be redirected to the eZintegration
sign up window.
Step 2: Fill up the form with details mentioned: First name, Last name, work email
address, Phone number, and company. Select your job title, number of employees in
the company, and country of your organization from the drop-down list.
Read the Master Subscription Agreement and then select the check box to agree to
the agreement. Click on 'Start my free trial' button to submit the form.
Step 3: After signing up, you will receive a welcome email with a link to verify your
account. Click on the 'Verify account' button
Step 4: Now, you will be redirected to the password change window. Enter a new
password for your account. Confirm the password by entering the same password.
Select a security question from the list provided. Provide an answer to the security
question which should not be complete answer or can be guessed easily. Click on 'Set
password' button.
Step 5: Login to the portal by entering your username and password. Select the
'Remember me' check box for easy login in future. You will be logged in to the
eZintegration portal to explore various integration options.

Hands-on Integration Activities Steps and details

Activities and assignments

Exercise 1
Configure Training API 2 in the Data Source. Use the details and credentials
provided in the Appendix for configuration and follow the steps as shown in the
training by the instructor.
Take a screenshot of the response or complete Data Source page and share with us
on the chat window.

Exercise 2
Configure the BizdataTrainingDB database as a source using the database details
and credentials provided in the Appendix. Follow the steps as shown in the training
by the instructor.
Take a screenshot of the response or complete Data Source page and share with us
on the chat window

Final Assignment
Create an IB using Training API 2 as Source and BizdataTrainingDB Database as its
Use 2 transformation operations such as Data type and one operation of your choice
with 1 cleaning operation such as eliminate and send the data to target DATABASE.

Integration- API to DATABASE

Source - Training API 2
Operations - Transformation, Wrangling and cleaning
Target - BizdataTrainingDB

Hands-on Integration Activities Steps and details

Integration Bridge: Salesforce to Database (MySQL)

API Marketplace
Step 1: After logging in, click on Marketplace button on the dashboard.
Step 2: You will be redirected to the API Marketplace page of eZintegration.
Step 3: Select Training API 1 by Bizdata from the list of Catalog. You will be redirected to
the API page.
Step 4: Click on ‘Add to Cart’ button to add the API to the cart. As it is a free API you will
be able to use it directly in the integration for free.
Step 5: Click on the Side bar and select ‘Integration’.
Step 6: You will be redirected to the Integration Page..
Step 7: Click on ‘Add’ button to start creating an Integration Bridge.

Data Source Configuration

Step 1: Select API as Source type.
Step 2: In Product name section, select ‘Add from cart’ option from the Note below. It will
show a pop up with the details of APIs added to your cart.
Step 3: Select the training API from the Pop up. The API Method, URL, Authorization
details, Headers, Body and other required details will pre-populate.
Step 4: Add the Client credentials and Refresh Token in the Refresh Token Endpoint Body
under Authorization. (Note: Find the Credentials in the Appendix.)
Step 5: Click ‘Test’ button to test the API and check the response. Data Source
configuration completed.

Data Operation Configuration
Step 1: Click on ‘Next’ button on the Data Source tab. You will be redirected to the Data
operations tab.
Step 2: Drag and drop the ‘Single line to Multiline’ Operation and add the following value
in the text box: ['bizdata_dataset_response']['records'].
Step 3: Drag and drop the ‘Append’ Operation and add the following value in the text box:
"new_key": "new_value".
Step 4: Drag and drop the ‘Data Aggregation’ Operation and add the following values in
the text boxes mentioned:
Groupby Key: new_key
Array Key: orderline
Step 5: Drag and drop the ‘Single Line to Tuple’ Operation and add the following values in the text
boxes mentioned:
Singleline Key- ['orderlines']
Table Headers- "Id","Name","Email","Phone"
Tuple Key- tabledata
Step 6: Click on ‘Next’ button, Data Operations Configuration is completed.

Data Target Configuration

Step 1: Select ‘Database’ as Target Type from the drop-down menu.
Step 2: Select ‘MySQL/Maria’ as Storage name from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Select ‘Latest’ as Version from the drop-down menu.
Step 4: Enter Host IP, Port Number, Schema name, User name and Password details.
(Note: Find the Database in the Appendix.)
Step 5: Enter ‘Order Set of Values (Tuple Key)’ details as ['tabledata'].
Step 6: Keep the batch size unchanged.
Step 7: Enter the SQL Statement to insert data into the database. (Note: Find the SQL
Statement in the Appendix.)
Step 8: Click on ‘Next’ button, Data Target Configuration is completed.

Summary Tab setup
Step 1: Enter Integration Bridge Name in this format: LDT First name Last name
Step 2: Enter bridge description as: Bizdata training assignment. (Describe your IB
in one line.)
Step 3: Select the schedule as Interval and set the value to ‘6000’.
Step 4: Click ‘Submit’ button and run the integration bridge.

Training API 1 Details
Token API-[POST] :
Authentication Type: Oauth2.0
Grant_type= password
Password= B!zdata@360

Database Details:

Host IP:

Port No: 3306
Schema name: BizdataTrainingDB
Database Name: BizdataTrainingDB
Username: Bizdata_livedev
Password: Training@123

SQL Statement:

"""Insert into test(id,Name,Email_id,Phone_number)


Training API 2 Details


Authentication Type: Basic Auth


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Copyright © 2024 Bizdata and/or its affiliates. All right reserved. The document is provided for information
purpose only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be
error-free, not subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including
implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness of a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim
any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by
this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.

eZintegrations™ and Bizintel360™ are registered trademarks of Bizdata and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.

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