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Present Simple: What/when + do / does + subject + verb infinitive + adverb of frequency+ (object if possible)+ ?
Example: I drink coffee every morning___________What do you do every morning ?
Past Simple: What/when + did + subject + verb infinitive+ (object if possible)+ (TM if possible)+ ?
Example: He finished his dissertation ___________What did he finish yesterday?
Present Progressive and Past Progressive: What/when + to be (Present or Past) + subject + verb + ing + (object if possible) + (TM if
possible) + ?
Example: She is reading the new book ___________What is she reading?
She was reding the new book this morning ___________When are you reading the new book?
Future Simple: 1- What/when + wil + subject + verb infinitive + (TM if possible) + ?
2- What/when + to be in the present + subject + going to + verb infinitive + TM (if possible)+?
Example:He will read a new novel What will he read next month? / What is she going to read next month ?

Present Simple:1-Where + do / does + subject + adverb of frequency + verb infinitive + (object) + (TM if possible)+ ?
2-Where + auxilary to be + subject + ?
Example:1- He usually go to gym _________ Where does he usually go?
2 -he is at home today __________ Where is he today?
Past Simple: Where + did + subject + verb infinitive + (object) + (TM) + ?
Example: they lived in town 10 years ago. ___________ Where did they live 10 years ago?
Present Progressive and Past Progressive: Where + to be (Present or Past) + subject + verb + ing + (object if possible) + (TM if
possible) + ?
Example:1- I am going to the library ________ Where are you going to ?
2- I was going to the library ________Where were you going to ?
Future Simple: 1 Where + wil + subject + verb infinitive + (object if possible) + (TM if possible) + ?
2 Where + to be in the present + subject + going to + verb infinitive + TM +?
Example: I will live in the space _________ where will you live ?
I am going to live in the space __________ where are you going to live ?

Present Simple: Which+ object + do / does + subject +adverb of frequency+ verb infinitive + (object if possible) + ?
Example: he often reads history books ____ Which book does he often read ? NOT Which book you often read ?
Past Simple: Which+ object + to do + subject + verb infinitive + (object if possible) + (TM if possible)+ ?
Example: he read history books last month ____________Which books did he read last week?
Present Progressive / Past Progressive: Which +object + to be (Present or Past) + subject + verb + ing + (TM if possible) + ?
Example: I am visiting Germany not Poland ________Which country are you visiting ?
I was visiting Germany last year not Poland _______Which country were you visiting last year ?
Future Simple: 1 Which + object + will + subject + verb infinitive + (TM if possible) + ?
2 Which + object + to be in the present + subject + going to + verb infinitive + (TM if possible) + ?
Example: 1- Which phone will you buy tomorrow?
2- Which phone are you going to buy tomorrow ?
Present Simple: 1 Why + do / does + subject + adverb of frequency + verb infinitive + (object if possible) + ?
2 Why + to be (present) + adverb of frequency+ adjective+?

3 Except for: every (day, month, year, minutes…..

Examples: He always arrives late because he lives far away Why does he always arrive late ? (main v “arrive”)
NOT why you always arrive late
2 He is late because he lives far away _________Why is he always late ? (no main v)

2 She is absent because she lives far away _________Why is she absent ? (no main v)
Past Simple: 1 Why + did + subject + verb infinitive+ (object if possible)+ (TM if possible)+ ?
2 Why + to be (past) + adverb of frequency+ adjective+?
Example: 1 He finished late yesterday because the manager ordered him

1 Why did he finish late yesterday ? (main v “finish”) NOT Why he finished late ?
2 She didn’t speak because she was angry __________2 why was she angry ?
Present Progressive / Past Progressive: Why + to be (Present or Past) + subject + verb + ing + (object if possible) + (TM if possible) + ?
Example: I am shouting because you can’t hear me __________Why are you shouting?

I was shouting because you couldn’t hear me __________Why were you shouting in the stadium ?
Future Simple: 1 Why + will + subject + verb infinitive + (object if possible) + (TM if possible) + ?
2 Why + to be in the present + subject + going to + verb infinitive + TM +?
Example: 1 He will go to Spain because he has a meeting.___________ Why will he go to Spain next month?

2 he is going to travel to Spain because he has a meeting.____________Why is he going to Spain next month ?

Present Simple: 1 How + to be (in present) + ?
2 How + do/does + subject + adverb of frequency + verb infinitive + object + ?
Example: 1 I am fine _______ How are you ?

2 she speaks fine _______How does she usually speak in class ?

Past simple: 1 How + to be (in past) + TM + ?
2 How + did + subject + verb infinitive + object + TM+ ?
Example: 1 I was tired yesterday _______How were you yesterday ?

2 He spoke fine in class yesterday ________How did she speak in class ?

Present Progressive / Past Progressive: 1 How + to be + subject + verb + ing + (TM if possible) + (object if possible)?
Example: 1 he is doing fine _______ How is he doing (now)?
1 he was doing fine this morning _______ How was he doing this morning ?

Future Simple: 1 How + will + subject + verb infinitive + (object if possible) + (TM if possible)
2 How + to be (in present) + subject + going to + verb infinitive + (object if possible)+ (TM if possible)

Example: 1 He will go to school by bus tomorrow_________How will he go to school tomorrow ?

2 He is going to go to school by bus tomorrow ________How is he going to go to school tomorrow ?

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