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Porifera- Sponges (Hubky)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phyllum: Porifera
Kingdom Animalia is divided into two branches: Invertebrata- animals without a backbone
Vertebrata- animals with backbones
Invertebrata are further classified into 8 phylla:
 Porifera (Hubky)
 Coelenterata (Acnidaria + Cnidaria)
Cnidaria (Pŕhlivce): Hydrozoa (Polypovce)
Scyphozoa (Medúzovce)
Cubozoa (Štvorhranovce)
Anthozoa (Koralovce)
 Platyhelminthes (Ploskavce)- classis: Turbellaria (Ploskulice)
Trematodes (Motolice)
Cestodes (Pásomnice)
 Nematoda (Hlístovce)
 Annelida (Obrúčkavce)
 Mollusca (Mäkkýše)
 Arthropoda (Článkonožce)
 Echinodermata (Ostnatokožce)


- Environment: marine + freshwater

- sedentary way of life
- Symmetry of the body: Asymmetrical or Radially symmetrical
- Shape of the body: highly branched, cyllindrical, hollow
A cavity called Spongocoel is enclosed by the body
Their body is supported by skeleton made up of calcareous
(vápenaté) and siliceous (kremičité) spicules (ihlice) or spongin
The Sponges have a loose organisation of cells which are specialised to perform different
The different cells found in sponges are: Pinacocytes- they form the protective layer of the body
Choanocytes- mantain the water current inside the body
Amoebocytes- they store reserved food
Respiration + Excretion: simple diffusion
Digestion: Intracellular, Gastrovascular cavity- Through OSTIA, the water enters the spongocoel
and leaves through a single large OSCULUM.
Reproduction: asexually by budding, fragmentation or regeneration
Sexually by gametes (male gametes + an egg cell)
Examples of Sponges: Euplectella (Venus Flower Basket)- Venušin kôš
Spongia officinalis (The Bath Sponge)- Hubka mycia

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