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Winning ith the


Nw Yok 3/116

Henry Hot and Company, Inc.

Puble e 1866
115 West 18th Street
New York, New York 111

of Hot®
Henry Holt isand
a registered

Copyright© 1993 by Antoly Krpov

All rights reseed
First published in the United ttes in 1993 by
Henry Hot and Company, Inc
Originaly published in Gret Britin in 1993 by
B T Btsford td

Librry of Congress Ctlog Crd Number: 92-56754

ISBN 0-8050-2633- 4 (An Owl Book pbk)

First American Edition1993

Printed in the United Kingdom

Al rst editions are printed on acid-fr paper
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 !

Adve: R D Keene, M OBE

Tel Edto: Andrew Kinsmn 4/116


Introduction 7

 Main Line with 6 ... c6 and 7 ... e7 

2 Main Line with 6 ... c6 and 7 ... g4 48

 Main Line with 6 ... e7 and 7 .. -  64

4 Main Line with 6 ... d6 68

 White Fourth Move Alternatives 8

6  d4 87

Index of Variations 2 5/116
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he etro is dened as early as number of games won by Back is

Blacks second moe: I e4 e5 2 hardly less than the number of
f3 f, and already the opening wins for hite.
appears on the board. hat ncidentally, in four of my ve
distinguishing features does it matches with Kasparo this com
have? erhaps only one paratively rare opening was
between two opponnts of equal encountered, and the seen games
strength Black risks nding him played have ade an appreciable
self with the safety of a draw contribution to its theory. t can
straight away  3 xe5 d 4 f3 be sad without exaggeration that
xe4 5 e2 e7  d3 and hite throughout its history the etro
exchanging queens almost guaran has never been studied with such
tees a halfpoint. But is this realy intensity as after my duels with
a deciency of the etro  recall Kasparov
that in one of the current ari Although the reader is possibly
ations of the Ruy Lopez hite famiiar with all our games with
c bring the game to an immedi the etroexcept the one in ew
ate end . . . 8e8, f3g5, . . . York from my book The Oen
e8f8, g5 3 etc.) as, in fact, Game n Actn  have of course
many of my opponents have done inuded them in a special book
when  have had Black. But in dedicated to this opening, all the
practice the player against whom more so because recently many
the etro is played generaly tries important examples, mproe
to take the initiatie n this case ments to variations, and new ideas
Black ca fuly expect an enthral hae appeared. hey are all
ling strugge with equal chances. reected in this new book.
As a result as statistics show, the As in my previous work Beatn
7 7/116

8 Itoduto

he Grnfe  have incuded in  . .  e7 7 0-0 e7 7  .  c

this book 25 contemporary games which has proved to be by far the
as a foundation, the maority of most fashionabe choice for Back
which were980s
half of the payed
and in
thethe second
beginning in recent
biity times Ainsharper
is discussed chapterpossi
of the 990sbut the commentaries in which Back attacks the centre
to them, as before, refer to many with 7 . .  g4 without spending
valuabe exampes from the past time deveoping his kings bishop
According to the modern stan rst Chapter three deas with the
dard nformaor cassication of   .  e7 7 0-0 0-0 system wich
openigs, the Petro
intowo sections  C42isand
C43. gives
spiringBack a soid,whist
position if rather unin
he rst of these is characterised four i concerned with the interest
by the capture of the pawn  3 ing  . . . d which has been very
xe5 and aso by various rare fashionabe of ate n chapter ve
continuations, and the second we ook at hites ateatives on
by refusing this capture with 3 d4. the fourth move, and the nal
t is worth pointing out that in chapter deas wih 3 d4, which is
recent years the C42 system has aso very much in vogue
been consideraby more popuar, Does the tite of the book do
and therefore it is given more ustice to its contents? Of course,
attention and space  this book. earning o by heart countess
One might recal that one of the variations, which there are in thi
variations beginning with the cap book, wi be of some use. How
ture of the e5-pawn 3 xe5 d 4 ever,  beieve that famiiarity with
f3 xe4 5 d4 d5  d3 c the games incuded in this book
was subected to a thorough exam and cose study of them, wi give
ination in my rst three matches the reader a contemporary under
with Kasparov, and in the th standing of the opening, and in
match there was an interesting this sense one can certainy think
game played with 3 d4. that the book wi deveop under
he main line of the Petro is standing of how to pay, and win
divided into four basic variations, with, the Petro
each of which is covered by a inay  want to thank chess
chapter of this book. Chapter one aster and writer Evgeny Gik for
deas with the system 3 xe5 d his hep in preparing the manu
4 f3 xe4 5 d4 d5  d3 c script. 8/116

1 Mai Line with 6 ... c6

and 7 i e7

Game o I debate  the Petro which

KarpovPorsch unfoded m my battes with
Turn 98 Kasparov.
n 192  had  origna theoreti t is now quite cear why 
incuded ths game, payed com
ca due wth Laos Portisch on
the theme of the Petro: urin, parativey ong ago  ten years
iburg, Lucerne Athough the  in the book.  hope that the
dierence in points was mini reader famiiar with it from other
ma  2 :I in my favour, the pubications wi not be oended,
opening batte, one can say, was since this book is devoted to the
won by hite with a cean Petro.
sheet 1  S
he foowing game opened the 2  
discussion and in the notes to it   xS
are the two other dues that is, As we have said aready, here
our opening triptych coected the Petro branches into two main
together Athough the variaton systems  3 xe5 and 3 d4, and
 payed three times with Portisch the rst arger part of the book
was not subsequenty encountered is devoted to taking the pawn on
at the highest eve, it shoud be e5.
mentioned that this was argey  
due to the resuts achieved in those  
gaes  aso think that this theor he contiuations 4xf7 and 4
etica arguent with Portsch pre c4, to whch chapter 5 is devoted,
pared the ground we for a new are comparativey rare
9 9/116

1 Man Lne wh    an 7    e7

  xe There followed  1     d5 1 3 d3
5  e6 14 e3 00 15 ad d6
Possibly only Bors Spassky 6 e5 e8! 7 e f6 8 f3
old ove 5at e.
the top
s level
far uses
back the
as 8c7at once
was  b3 d7
    ore
b5 0 accurate
c4 b 1
16 n his atch for the ches b a6 0 c4 fe8 1 c5 8
crown, Tgran Petrosan deon  c3 b5 3 e a5 4 a3 g6 5
strated a clear plan of arranging h3 d8  g4 f7 7 g e6
his peces. 8 f4 xf4  xf4  xe I 30
n fact at the sae tournaent  xe  a4 3 b4 e8 3  xe8  xe8
n Turn in y
 succeeded n gae with Spassky
equalising easily 5 33
g6g36I d8
xg634hge f335 !
37 5 b8
   e7 6 d3 f6 7 g5 •xe+ n another tournaent (Ha
8 xe e7  c3 c6  (This burg 8 Spassky chose a new
s Petrosians dea. Black avoids ove  c4 against e but it aso
syetry and the loss o tepo gave White nothing:   . . h6  0
loses sgncance f4  c6 Possible  s 1 0    00
 I I c3
a6 14 a3e8 d7
  0015 
 8 c6
b4  3 with
equalty Here  got nothng out
of t as White, KarpovSyslov,
Tilburg 1 8  I c3 f5 1 
000 000 3 he g5 14 e3
g4 5 d5 xe3 16 xe7+
xe7 17 fe  de8 with full equalty
t ust be said that Spassky
still uses 5 e although wthout
particular success Here is one
10 00 a6 I I  fe  c7   recent exaple: SpasskySalov
f  e6  3 e3 00 1 4 d4  e8 Barcelona 1 8 5    •e7 6 d3
 5 d5 xd5  6 xd5 cd 17 b5 6 7 g5 • xe+ 8 xe e 7
d8 18 ad f6 1 c3 c7 0   c3 c6 10 000 castling long is
e  e8   d4 d 7  f3 hardly better than castling short
xd4 3 xd4 c6 4 e3 I 0  .   a6  I e4  xe4  de
! c5 13 xe7 xe7 14 h
Several onths later againt  e 8 1 5 d4 f8  
usupov Toluca  8 Spassky 5 5
preferred 1 d4 nstead of 1  6 d3  c6 10/116

Man Ln wth 6    6 an 7      7 II

7 - �e7 16 3  xe3  7 xe3 6 1 8 e

8  e �  7 1 d �e7 0  H8  1
3 e7 wit a a adva

w tage to Wite
 also encountered 8    �5 
te ourt gae o te World
Capiosip atc in Merao
in  8   we ater  �b5 Korc
no played te iportant iprove
et agaist e     6 
Tian Portsc,
Black cose     Moscow  8 1 
00 I 0 �xc6
b I I e5 4   e3 d6?
n all sx Petro eence gaes better was      e8 13  5
o y rst tree atcs wit ad got to a dicult postio
Kasparov Backs ligtsquared Te poit o te bsop
bisop eter cae to g4 consd aoeuvre to 6 is tat ow Wte
red  te
a oe Tenxt gae
debate wtorPortisc
tayed cannot strengte
e5 as atr is b
10 xc6+ kigt o
  e5
was solely devoted to te develop xe5  de 00 Black can develop
en o te bisop o 5 Ti reely ad Wte still as to be
ove was introduced into practce careul to slow dow te ov
by Rober Hber n s quarter ent o te eney c ad dpaws
a Canddates atc wit  te Merano gae te poso
dras doran n 180 n act was equal ater  0 bd 00  I
ts ove was know to e ro  oppoen
 t is true tat y
y ow gae wi Kasparov  sortly ater ade several iaccur
our rs eeig tree years acies and in te end eve lost
beor our dues or te crown owever t opeig was ot te
Moscow  8 1  tree geeratios reason or tis Te resul clearly
tea touraet  ad Black ad a psycological eect o
d eves unolded in te olow Korcno ad e never reured
ing way  bd xd 0 xd to te Petro or te res o te
�xd3 I  xd3 00 1  c3  d7 atc Wat a pty Te lowg
 ber continued wt      ove ad bee specially prepared
d6 ad ater 13 5 ad8 4 or 
4 a draw was agreed 3 �4 9 c 3
6 14 e3 ae8 5 ae �d8 gor aitsev ad  ad prepared 11/116

12 Mn Lne wth 6    6 n 7     e7

ably still had a draw, but  ech
B aicaly sacriced a piece ad
quickly lost  e? 6 3
b1 f8
d6  h7
6 h8 e7xd5 5 e
7 c c6
 a d  xd xd 30
e   6 3 1 xe8  3 
e5 and White resigned
To be honest, whe we et
at the Olypiad i Lucere ad

precisely this opeing surprise or Portisch again played

 was surprised at histhestubbor
the atch in Merao but it ess. pparetly the outcoe of
reaied unused So the ovety our last eeting had ecouraged
was sprung on Portisch    the Hugarian gradaster.
9   a3  
 I Now approxiately the sae
O course
Because o thisotstrike
I 0 cdbegan
to structure arises as i
Lubosh Kavaek in y
thegae with
doubt c4, but White is ot round  was Black  a3 00 10
obiged to hurriedy clarify at c4 f6 I I  c3  xc3 1  b xd3
ters. 13 xd3 d 14 xc4 a5 15
 - a4 b6 with equality although
Later at Tilburg 1 8, Portisch owadays White wis a few gaes
tried a dierent contiuation � with this type of structure ro
I 0    d, but ater I I c3! 6 1  tie to tie
xc4 00 13 a3 c6 14 d5 
succeeded i obtainig a cear
advantage The gae cotinued
1 4    a5  5 a c5 1 6 g5
e8 1 7 a4 d7 1 8 c h6 1 
h4 xd5 0 xd5 xh4 1
xe8 xe8 Here  could have
increased y advantage with 
e  or  d   but  thought 
saw an eective variation which
unfortuately cotained a aw
fter Backs precise reply  prob 12 tc3 12/116

M L wh    a 7 ... 7 1

lthough this ove brought e at the edge o the board  1 8 d

a splendid victory in urin at the b6 1 xa5 ba 0 e5 d6 
Olypiad in Lucerne  dcided c6 o r  8 e5 xe5 1   xe5
not to test y
preparation and opponents hoe
deviated rst hit b6 0  4 oe8the bishop
appearance ae on
ting d5 Since  proised to bring ore energetic
you the whole triptych  shall 18    r8 19 r.  r8?
digress and tell how our last eet Surrendering the postn
ing on this thee turned out. t Black didnt like  . .  xe
was also airly interesting. because o 0 xe with the threat
KarpovPortisch Lucerne ( ol) wasnt
8 o 1 e5 xe5  or
so dangerous xe5Black.
but this
1   5 1   1   5 
. t6 Only 0  .  xe5 oered any
Blacks pieces are precariously resistance
arranged or exaple  14 .   e8 1 . td
 5 e5 (with the threat o  6  c4) Creating the irresistible threat
 5   axe
with 1 6attack
double xe5 d7
4   1 7d6?
3 o gg4.
ide then11 d
  h5with
 the sae
3 g5 3
 5 c4 a5 16 d winning 14 g3 b6 prolongs the struggle
 . . ad8 15 4 with a clear  1 . .  5
advantage to White t is dicult ter 1 .  . b6  g4 c 3
to blae Black or a ove wich xc xc 4 xa5 xe5 5
parries iediate threats, xc Black is a piece down. Now
although it does not solve the  xc4 xd5 3 4 leads to
cardinal probles victory but even stronger is   
15 c d7
ter 1 5 . .  d6  6 d5  
coes the tactical blow 17 c5 w
16 d5 . t6 1 7 r
The tempting sacrice of the
excha nge brings no real advan-
tage :  7 .g5 xa I 18 d fxd I
1 9 xd 1 .f6 20 cb a b8, and
the b7-pawn cannot be defended.
17 . .  ta5 18 .j
t was possible to exploit the
unfortunate position of the knight  g! x5 13/116

14 Ma  wh 6    C6 a 7    7

Neither     c 3 xc has disappeared but Black can do

xc 4 xc4 nor      xe5 nothing about the dpawn 
3  xe5  xe5 4 g5 is o any help   d7
3 g f3+ 2 g   6 h4! 7
'a h+  g3  an
Blak regne 
Let us nally return to the battle 
with Portisch in urin
2 x3
3 b d

age without
is dicult
Black to an
14 x4 d6 

w Movng the knight to the edge
of the board allows White to rly
seize the
6 initiative a5
n response to 1 6    g4 there
is a choice between the siple 17
f3 h5 18 g4 and 17 b a5
18 d3 ollowed by the seizure
o the f5sq uare
 preliinary suary can 7 b b5
ade White has ore purpose  Blacks pieces are oosely placed
fully arranged his forces and has and Portisch is trying to create
clear pressure on the centre. footholds for the. White ust
n the gae hlvestKhali act energetically
an M insk 1 87 Black played 1 4 8 a4 a6
   a5 but was unable t o solve n the event of 1 8 . . . ba  had
his opening probles his is what a pleasant choice between 1  d5
happened 15 a c5 16 e5 ae8 0  xe8  xe8 1  x5 xf5
6 17 g4 d7 18 4 xe5  xa4  b8 3  e  and 1  c4
  xe5 cd 0 cd c6 1  d5 c5 0 d (or 0 xf5 x5 1 h4
c8  h3 e6 3  c5  xa 4 b3  b d7 3 d xc5
 xa d7 5 d5 e7 6  d 4  a with excellent attacking
he advantage o the two bishops chances 0  .  xc5 1 e5 14/116

an n wh 6    6 an 7     7 15

xd    xd 1 g4 3 xc5 gaist the threat o 6  ae 1 ad

xd  4  xa5 7 e7 or exape 5 .   c6
19 ab ab 6ae  e8 7xf7 with ate
2 lxf5 xf5 or 5 irresistibe
.  a6 6 ae f6 7g3
21 e7 fb8 8 with threats.
22 d7
8 23 xf7+
w The bishop canot b e touched
3  xf7 4 xa5! xa5 5
b 3  g6 6 e6 with
23 ate. wh8
24 xd6 xf7
25 e7 f8
26 5
White has a aterial ad pos
fter  1    x e7   xe7 c6 itiona advatage The outcoe is
3 estrog
aso  c4 4
is e5 1 d5
b3 55e5
 aready
26 decided. f4
xa 6 xa xe5 7 xd5 cd 27 e2 h6
8 xe5 d8  e7 c8 30  b7 28 e4 f7
and White has won a paw.    29 e5 4
  . fe8   xd6 cd  3  b1 3 xa8 xa8
h5 the weakness of the back 3 f5 g6
rank is revealed 4 xe8  xe8 32 e4 wh7
5 g4 h3 6 xa5 xc3  7a!. 33 h3 a1 
lso bad is 1   . c8    b1 34 wg2 
d7 3f 3 g6 4 a  However 35 b4 d6
oving the rook to b8 aso eets 36 xd6 
with an unexpected and strog 37 d3 d5
reply 38 f3 
22 g4
The ideas behid this extrava Gae No. 
gant ove are reveaed i the
oow ing variatios  . . . 4 3
xd6 xd6 4 f3 d7 4    Taoniki (o 198
f8 5 xf7! h8 6 g3! I e4 e5
5 e and it is dicut to deed 2 lf3 f6 15/116

6 an Ln wh 6    {6 n 7     e 7

 xeS d6 xd5 1 3 c3 000! f 1 3   

 f  xe db4 White maages to get the
5 d4 dS advatage 14 e4 xd4 15 e3
6  d . e7
7 00 6 c5
a3 1 6c6
xd4 I dt3b50>8
1  cdac17 18
8  e .g4 f6 1 b4 g6  e4 Popovc
9   f6 Kurajica ugoslavia 184; or 15
10 d  xf     d8 1 6 xd4  xd4 1 7 a3 c6
1 Wxf3 WxdS  18 b5 d 1 xc7 >d8 0
t b5, bramovcRukavia
w9 ugoslavia
15 d f6 185
also 14sucet
e4 b4or
the draw is 1 5 .  . xd4 1 6 xd5
xd 17  ad  c6 18  xd cd 1
 xd4 1 6 a3 xe4 1 7  xe4 xc3
18 b a5 wth ull equalty hlv
estMikhalchishi, Lvov 1 84 

the game LobroMikhalchshi

ortmud 184, White took o
c6 stead of 16 a3, ad ater 16
My rst World Champonshp xc6 b 1 7 a3  xd4 1 8 ab  xd
battle wth Kasparov lasted a ong 1  xa7  e8! Bla ck eve stood
tme ve whoe months ad many better
openg ideas which were Beore moving o  should me
ecountered were rened durg tion that the move 1  h3 whch
the marathon, partcuarly at the Kasparov preerred  game 8,
Oympiad n Thessaoniki where was rst seen in the game Vem
this game was played. The reader rovcKurajica Bela Crkva 1 84 
might well remember that this pos  that game Back took o d4
ition arose  the 8th game o with the quee ad 1    . xd4
that match where ater 1 h3 13 c3 d8 14 5 h5 15 •g3
matters quickly ended peaceuy >8 6 e3 b4 17 a3 a5
see the ext game But the quee ed to approximate equality 14
aso has other moves b5!? s worth examing Oe
1  way or aother  decided to avod
More than once exchagng on surprses ad changed the ow o
d5 has been played yet it doesnt the game mysel by taking o d4
promise Whte much  xd5 with the knight which delvered 16/116

an n wh 6    6 a 7    7 7

Back ro any probes 16 

12 xd4 17 tx7 
13 t3 0-0 10 18 �e3

 Not 18 b5 because o 18 

 18 
n accurate ove ter 1 8   
d6 1 b5 �xh 0 xh
d5 1 xa7 Whte is better
19   

 stake,
gans the upperafter
 ed �d6 0 �b6 �e5 
 xd8  xd8  xa6 ad equality
p unti now everything had s antaned
foowed HberSyslov 19 b4!
Veden 183  the orignal  

f3 n thatgae o the
gae Blackexchange on
cotinued  0
2  ed 1 then 0 td4!
   �a5!
13     d8 and stl had to work  0     a5 White cotnues
hard or the draw Thanks to with 1 xa6 e7  �c5 x5
castlng Black now not only equ  �x8
ises but even takes the initiative 21 4 txf5
14 tb5 g4 22  xb4 d7
n the gae braovcKura 23  
jca ugoslavia 184 there o  �f4 oses to 3     c8 4
lowed  4    b4 and a draw was xb7 d5 5 �e5 xc7 6 
uckly agreed e8!
15 xg4 23 8
Hardy good is 1 5 x c7 c5! 24  b4 d8
wth a Black attack but ater  5 25 h3 txe3
xc7 ad8 6 xg4 xg4 7 26 fe 
e the gae s leve 27 e4 <e7
15 txg4 28 b4   
16 5 29 xd xd+
nd here  6 e is better but 3 w2 
 6  xc7 is dangerous because o 31 e5 
1 6    �c5! n tie trouble White akes 17/116

1 an n wh 6    6 an 7   e 7

the decisive mistake The ending 7 0-0 tc6  

is unpeasant but ater 3  e
it was possibe to oer stubborn II
3 <xe5
32 ta8 b5
33 a4 td5
34  b3 ba
35  b7 b
36 f3 a3

 key moment The system of
defence with 6 .   c6 and 7   
Game No 3
e 7 or these two moves reversed
as in this game) was worked out
Wo C 
by the Russian master aenisch
Moco 
Kasparov and  have payed seven back in the
aggressive ast 6 century
seems    c6 More
7 0-0
Petro efences in our battles for g4 with immedate pressure on
the chess crown, and  think that the centre However this idea is
they have all cleary inuenced the not new either. n his Hanbuc
development of theory n six of of   Carl Schechter gives the
them  al from the rst three folowing variation with the moves
matches  3 xe5 was played transposed  6    g4 7 00 c6
Three games are incuded in the 8 e  f5 9 c4 d6 I cd xf3
main text and three in the notes    xf3 xd4  e3 f6  3
to them This opening did not xe4 fe I 4 xe4 f7 I 5 g 5
make an appearance in Seville  xg5 6 xd4 with advantage
and in our th match the move 3 to White (CapablancaMarshal,
d4 was tried That game wil be match I 909). nstead of the unsuc
examined in detai ater on cessful move 8    f5 he rec
 e4 e5 ommended 8    e7! and then 9
2 tf3 tf6 xe4 de  xe4 f3   xf3
3 txe5 d6 xd4   d3 e6 with an eual
4 tf3 txe4 game
5 d4 d5 ecades have passed and theory
6 d3 e7 has not stood stil but possibly 18/116

Man n wh 6 .   6 an 7    7 

only in our time has it become so 8 c4 f6 9 c3 0-0

clear how important evey tempo he two games of the rst match
is i this opeing system. he two which are referred to a little later),
moves by the black bishops  the where
convicdplayed White
bla cksquared oe to e and the him that the
whitesquared oe to g4, it ca variatio was safe for Black, ad
be said, dene the two separate the third time he chose to play with
channels i this branch of the the opposite colour. owever, 
Petro. We shall look i more had laid a small surprise i store.
detail later at the bishop cmig 8 c4 (12

to g4,game.
last which was
haveintroduced i the
noticed that i 
recet years that side by side with 
Blacks plan of action agaist the
enemy centre the symmetrical
variation has bee widely used, in
which the c6square is not occu
pied bywith
paw, thetheknight
bishopbut by the
coming to
d6 6  . . d6  0-0 00 8 c4 c6
Blacks positio i a little passive
but solid enough We shall also White quickly attacks the cen
look at this system later. tre n our previous games with
Now that we shall concentrate this opeing White had played
o my six games with Kasparov, e before movig the cpaw
 shall set out the opeig of and had achieved othing. ere
each of them i brackets are the are those games.
umber of the match ad the num KasparovKarpov  2 8)  6 .  
ber of the game). c6  0-0 . g4 8 e1 . e 9 c4
  , 28) 6  .  c6  0-0 .g4 f6 0 cd .xf3 (this move was
8 e1 .e 9 c4 f6 10 cd itroduced by Smyslov i his Ca
2, 1 5) and 3, 6) 6  .  c6 didates match with ber,
 0-0 .g4 8 c4 f6 Velden 1 983. arlier 1 0  .  xd5
 1 , 30) : 6 . . . e  0-0 c6 had been preferred) 1  xf3 x d5
8  e  .g4 9 c4 f6  0 c3 a more detailed commetary o
( 1 , 4 1)  6 .   .e  0-0 c6 thi s position ca be foud i the
8 c4 b4 previous game) 12 h 3 xd4 1 3
 1 , 48) 6  . . c6  00 .e c3 d  1 4 x d xd 1 5 19/116

20 n ne wth 6    6 n 7    e 7

�e3 e6 16 ad1 d6 1 f5 especially amusing incident once

e 18 b5  h d8 9 xd6 cd happened to the young chess star
20 h3 b6 21 g4 h6 22 d4 ac8 Vasily vanchuk. n the game
23 KasparovKarpov
c3 g6 24 c3 h5 25 ( 1  f3
: 6 vanchuknand,
1 9889 Black playedReggio
10  . milia
. d6
. . . e  00 c6 8 e  g4 instead of castling short and events
(after 8 . . . f5 9 c4 the game fol turned out rather unusually 
lows KarpovPortisch which was fd2? 0 12 f3 h4 13 f
featured earlier 9 c4 f6 10 c3  h3 the continuations  3 . . .
instead of 10 cd  28th game  0 f2 14 xf2 xf2  5 x2
. .3. d  I xd4
3 �xc4 14
12 �e3 �x3
d4 5 xh2
e e 1 51 6xe4
 de
and16 1xe4
3 . . . h5
g 6 14
 xe c4 1 6 b c6 1   b3 c5 are joyless or Black 1 4 c2
xb3 18 ab ab8 19 a3 e8 (if 14 gh g6 1 5 h I then  5
20 xe8 xe8 . . . . 2 1 6 xf2 x2 1  d I
uch earlier, in game six o the he8 decides 14 . . . g6 1 5 b3
Candidates na with Korchnoi  h8 1 6 a3 de8 1.

restrained 194  played
9 c3 5  0 b3the1
mo re 4


n this unconventiona struggle

White has outplayed his opponent
ter 1 0 . . . 00 I  bd2 h8 and could have obtained  decisive
2 h3 �h5 13 xb Black lost advantage here 1 4 g5 18
quickly, although the opening was xg5 xg5 1 9 g h e6 20  h 
not responsible. The position in 4 2  ae  . But he unepectedly
the diagram is currently oten moved the king  1   hI ??
encountered in grandmaster tour 2 18 x2 xg2, and
naments, and in general the game White resigned (i 19  xg2 or 9
turns out in Whites avour. n  g1 then 1 9 . . . e I  olows. 20/116

Ma Le wt 6 . lc6 ad 7  e7 

nstead o I 0  . . d6 and I 0 . . . xh6+ "h7 22 h3 and Back

0-0 Back aso has the move 10 . . . resigned.
d7. However, in the recent game 0  
EvestYusupov, Rotterdam
989), White dictated the pay: I I . . . Ater 10 .  .sb4
e6 good (olowng
II cS) 10
II e2 cS
d2 0-00 1 2  3 xd2 1 3 xd2 12 a3 c6 13 d d 14 e3
S 14 a4 he8 IS b3 a6 White has a dente advantage
16 d2 g6 7 4  b8 1  (Veimirovicchsser, meder
xd7 xd7 19 "2 6 20 g3 evska aanka 1979).
8 21 a4 7 22 aS h6 23 S  x 5   e6 

etc.Let us at ast return to the 41st  c6the interesting try 13  . 

gae. cS was discovered. After 1 e3
8  (5 c8  S e2 cd 16 xd4 c4 17
n the 48th game, the ast o the ad White i s better, but  1 4
rst atch, Kasparov was appar  . . c4 I S c2 dS Back has
ently ready to use my prompting equaised (edorowiczKogan,

s te
ove) White
 tis time bishops
Kasparov next
was UA 198S). oers
 S 4 ossiby 14 gS
White h6
playing White.  did not carry out chances Now i I S  . . c4 xf6
te .  . c6b4 manoeuvre o the x6 17 e4 White domnates
4st game and decided to play the the centre o the board.
old ove with te other knigt   6
KasparovKarpov I, 48): n the game Lobron Handoko,
8  /6 9  00 0 
  Yugosavia 19S, ater 14  . . e8
Once and or al stoppng  S bS d6 (Wite is aso better
conterplay with g4. ater I S  . . a6 16 xc6 b 17 eS)
Altog the move h3 as airy 6 gS  ed8 17 x6 x6 1 8
loy pinciples, one can anage e4 White obtained a noticeabe
itout it, or exampe Kudrin advantage and turned it into a
Wol, UA C 98S: 0  xdS Wi.
  e e6 12 a3 6 1 3 e4 5 /  7
de? the wrong knight goes to A serious mstake. Correct was
  3 . . ce 7! equaises) 14  S  . . dS, or exampe: 16 g3
gS! xgS S xgS S (and 6 17 c2 ce7 18 e4 S
no S    h6 is correct) 16 dS 9 x6+ x6 20 b3 c6 21
e4 7 xe4 b8 8 hS h6 eS dS 22 3 e6 23 ad
9 ae xdS 20 x 7 6 21 S 24 xdS - Gued 21/116

22 n ne wth 6    6 an 7  . .  e7

Schssler, Havaa 1985

 e5! e5 7 de d5 8 d5 6
d5 9 2 g 
20O 1 9 .c6
ac . h6
21 play
with cotiue
a strog
20 :d 
This leads by force to a di
cult positio or Black t was
ecessary to submit to a worse
xc6 22withc4
20    c6 21 •xc6 move, ith the iteto o avoid
2 h :jd8 22 e e ig the exchage o the bishop
No better is either 22 .  xe6 was a real ovelty  this bygoe
23 x g6 , or 22  e8 23 c3 match Beore the 9 cd hd bee
f6 24 4! played (see game 0
23 g /8 24  8 :8 25 9 d

 e4 28
:j8 :j:g3
7 2 <h8
:e3 29:g7
 30 eThe
6 I 0terestg
c3 0-0possbiities 9
(or the tras
:3 positio  9   00 10 c3 e 6
Blacks positio is strategically wi be examied i the otes to
lost ad although the game co other games
tiued or almost aother orty 0  0-0
moves, Kasparov gaied the vic  
tory deep i the edgame. lso 1 1 e5 c6  2 xc6 b
1 3 c3 d6 14 b3 f5 1 5
 d 5 c 5  6 e d4 1  e 3 has
w occured, with advatage to Whte
(Sidikaaccoe taly 1985
Blacks correct respose s the
immediate 1 1  d6 ter 1 2
b 3 5 1 3 a 3  d5 1 4 c3 e 6
1 5 e c6 16 c 2 c the game is
level (Sidikysk Bade-Bade
 d6
9 e2!   2  f6
Strictly speakig oy this fter 12  g4 1 3 h3 h 5 1 4 22/116

an n wh     c an 7 . . . 7 2

g4! g6  5 e5 oowed by 4, 

hite i cleary better, but 2  . . w
h8! deerve attention n the
game ater
 3 e5 6 4 3Varna
 98 5
 5 h3 h5  6 e6 x3  7 g
e8  8 4 5  9 h2 g6 20
b3 g5 Back ad a eou
tatve on the kingide
13 h3

Later, in 52nd
Agzamov, the game
USSR A Sokolov
Ch 985, 22 h2 g6 23 d5
hite played the even tronger  3 19  xd8 axd
e5 and ater  3    c6 more 20 xb2  x 3
accurate was  3    c5  4 4 c4 21 xb7 
5 xc4 xc4 6 xc4 xd4 22   x 2
7 b5, but bad i  3    5  4 23 xa7

x7  x7
b3 or  3 5
. .  x7
xe5 4x7 6
de 5 A a White
changes resut ha
o the
woma ex
a pawn
 5 x7 )  4  4 5  5 xc6 but thi coud have been done
  6 d5 c5  7 a4 a6  8 e  better in aother way 23 
e7 (better i s  8    c4  9 c2 d   (23 .   e4 24 xa7) 24
d6) 9 c d6 20 g3 xd xd 25 xa7
acheved a large advatage 23  d
3 .f5 24 e7 xe7
14  e3 e8 25 xe7 d3
5 a3    26  b2
A peudoactve move. More 27 b4
riabe wa  5 .  . c6 The threa was 27   . c2
16  c5 wning the a3pawn ow 27   
17 d e4 c2 is met by 28 e
 7  xb2 8 xb2 xc3 27 h6
doesn't work  9 cd!  xb2 20 28 e4 
x7 x7 2 d5 with a 29  d5
 stoppabe attack 30 e1 4?
18 2! xb2  time trouble Black make e
O  8    g3 trong is  9 g losing move 30    7 or 30   .
x e3 20 d2 d4 2  xd4 xd4 c2 wa required 23/116

24 a n wh 6    6 an 7    e7

3 a4! d4 35 xg7  b2 36 5  x2

3 1     e5 does not help 3 2 a5 37  is o better
d6 33 a6 xc5 34 xc5 xc5 35 
35 e8 7 36 a7. xb4 8 36 wh2 xf2
32 a5 7 xf4 a
8 e6 xa5
 Black makes lie more compli
w cated or himsel A oe Dor
ma poited out an easier path
to a draw was 38    g5 39 g7
h7d541 e
8) 39h8
 .  42
h8 40
a6 (42
xh6 g7 43 g6 x8 44
6  g7 45 x2 xa5) 42   
g   43 g3  a 3  44 g4
his ca be coidered an his 9  xg7  wh

toric poitio.
pawn By orward
oe square movig he a
White 40
4 f7
 g3 e
wi  33 a6 b3 33 .   a4 34 Here the game was adoured
a7 c6 35 e6 d5 36 d6 33 ad in my home analyis  co
.    b8 34  xd  a3 35 b7) vinced mysel that it is impossibl
34 xb3 a4 (34 . xb3 35 to realie the extra paw For
 e8  and 36 a7) 35 c5 a5 36 aother thirty move  tried to do
e4 7 37 a4 xa4 38 xa4 it but ala without uccess
d4 39 c3 ad Black lose the 4 d2
bishop 42 d7 c3
At thi momet  had already 43 f3 g8
secured ve victories ad wining 44 f4 f5
thi game would have ecured vic 45 e4 f7!
tory in the match with a core o 46 d8
6  I  However the game concluded here were more chaces in
i anothr ahion and che hi the mior-piece endi g: 46 x7
tory took a completely dieret x7 4 7 5  n act my
tur oppoents traier Dorma ad
33 xd d4 Vladimirov hortly aterwards
34 e6 a7 publihed some iteresting aaly
35 d7 i howig Black's best method 24/116

an ne wh 6    c6 an 7     e7 2

o deece i thi edig Thi i the ovelty (aother

46    wh7 47 d3  e7 + 48 order o move i 9    00 I 0 c3
w f3 � b2 49  b3 �c  50 d5 �e6) Whoe novelty i it? t
:e5 5 f6+ wg6 52 e4 f5+ the 1985 Mocow interatioal
53 e2 e5 54  b4 e 7 55  c4 tournament interatioal mater
e8 56 g3 �b2 57 wf3 e6 58 Arkhipov three time made thi
:c �d4 59 d5 �e5 60  b5 bihop move ad in the ote
c7 6  c5 � b6 62 c8 �d4 to hi game with Tehkovky i
63 g8+ �g7 64 h4 a6 65 f4 nformor there i the ymbol 
la, ater 65 h5 x h5 66 (novelty) However, only one
xg7 atatic
Black a3 67rook4 3
appear. moth itbeore,
played Chritiane
i Linare had
againt jubo
65  a5 66 e8 :f5+ 67 jevic So it ca be coidered that
we3 e5 68 :g8 e7 69 f4 thi openig dicovery wa ide
:f7+ 70 g4 h5+ 7 h3  pedently made by two player.
0 c3 00
 �e3 (9
Game No 4
KhafmaArkhpov The later
cued move I I cd will be di
Moso 985
 e4 e5 9
2 f3 f6 B
3 xe5 d6
4 f3 xe4
5 d4 d5
6 �d3 �e7
7 0-0 c6
8 c4
t could be uppoed that the
41t game would or a long time
dicourage Black rom puttig hi Black ha may cotiuatio
kight o b4, but hortly ater here  I I  .  �5 I I    xc3, I I
ward, itead o the 9    d  .  5 I   .  �6 We hall look
played by Kaparov omethig at them all n the next three
ele wa devied and the varation main game we hall dicu the
rapidly developed. developig move I I    �5,
8 b4 gam 7 ad 8 will be devoted to
9 �e2 �e6 I I    5, and game 9 to  I    6 25/116

6    6    6 n 7    e 7

n the econd game o  the Can-

ddate matc EhvetYuupov, 2
St ohn 1988 Back exchanged at w
b on 13c3cdAter
xd5I I 14
. . . c2
14   . 5 deerved attention) 5
d2 re8 16 rae  �e6 1 7 �d3
g6 18 �4 .g7 19 e4 �d5 20
c5 xe 1 xe b8 White
ha a cear potonal plu which
trengthened to byEhvet
22 �g3!coud be
prepar d6 37  (37 e7 equale
ing 23 h4 Now ater 37 . . . b6 (37     b6 
et u ook at a ew more move i ao good) Black again obtained
o th very harp game, where the better chance but the game
Ehlvet preerred 22 d2. There wa naly drawn on move 60
oowed  22    a5 23 e2  c8  �f5

on the .e5 game
xe5 25 d (commentng
uupov criticed vanov  2 payed
 212 a3 agant
Whte at two move More Arkhpov Mocow 985) and
accurate wa 4 h3 and now an ater 12 . . .  xc3 1 3 b c2 14
equa game i preerved by 25 a2 xa3  1 4 . .  xe3  5 e wth
xe5 Takng on e5 with the pawn a ma advantage to White) 5
give Black a good game) 25    xa3 �xa3  6 c5  .b2  7 b3
e7! 26 g4 d8 Yuupov  .xc3  8 xc3 c6 1 9 a I e8 20
remarked that 26   . 8 27 d4 a3 c7 21 d2 b5 22 a6 the
{27 d7? e6 28 a4 xd7 game i complicated but n Whte
etc } 27 .   d8 give Black the avour However ater 1 6    b5
advantage) 27 e4 xe5 28 h4 1 7 b3 �xc5  8 d c6 9 d4
g5 29 h5 c 2 (exchanging �d7 20 .4 a5 2 d6 e8
on e4 wa better). Back game i ne
30 4 a nice try to expoit the From b3 the queen xe on the
ight weakne o the enemy king) centre and on the b7-pawn Now
30 .    g7 the ony move a 30 the variation 12    xc3 1 3 b
   g 3  xe5  xe5 32 6 g7 c2 14 a   xe3 15 e i no
33 h5 and 34 xe5 loe) 31 longer good or Black or example
g  .xe4 32 �xe4 e5 3 3 h4 g6 15    �g5  6 xg5 xg5 17 4
34 .xg6 hg 35 W 3  8 36 e3 e4  8 g3. Game 6 i devoted to 26/116

an ne wh   c an 7    e7 27

5 xf7?!
 The timid move 15 e2 oses

a pawn  1 5   . e6  6 d  xc3
17 1xc3
or  xa21 818 c2
7 b xa2 b3 a5
b4 and
But a4,
bishop sacrice s incorrect
5 lxf7
6 e5 d5
 1 6    e8, there olows 1 7
g4!  xc3 1 8 b etc.
 cl 7 variation
n the xe4 1 7 xc6 exc3 !
2 c6
18 xd8 e2 19 >hl xcl
or  2    d see the oowing
Back retains a materia advan
ga m tage
3 ac
7 xe4
 3 cd cd  4 ac a5  5 a 3 xc3
8 xc6
 6  xc3 a4  7 d 1 c6 eads to
euity but 1 3 c5  xc3 14 b Better
ony then is19 1xc6.
8 x7 >x7 and
c2 1 5 ac  xe3  6 e is poss
8 e8!
e The waiting move with the
9 cc
rook gves the nitiative to Back.
9 c is no good because o
3 d
 9  .   xe3 20 x7 d5
ompared to the immediate 1 2
9 d6
   d this exchange gains in
20 xf7 xf7
  . b7b5asmanoeuvre
Back has prepared the 2 c6 d8
b5! 
There is orma euaity on the
4 xc4
board but the tange o back
 pieces hods together wel
 22 g5 f4!
This orcing move leads by a
series o exchanges to a winning
bishop ending
23 xf7 xf7
24 xd8 xc6
25 g5 xg2!
26 d5 xd5
27 d 1 e6 27/116

28 Ma Le wt 6    6 ad 7    e7

28 xdS xdS Game No. 5

29 xg2 e4 TmmanHartarson
The dierence in the activty of Rotterm 989
the two matters.
decides kings is too great and this 1 e4 eS
 e3 a6 2 f3 f6
31 h3 eS 3 xeS d6
32 3 d4 4 f3 xe4
33 gS d3 5 d4 
34 f3 c2 6  c6

36 e3
e4 f6
2 7
8 00
c4 e7
37 d3 xa2 9 e2 00
38 c2 aS 10 c3
39 6 a4 he followng recent game s
40 4 interesting, in which White tried a
40 ba loses at once to 40 . . . b4. new approach, quickly playing
41 cS a3
hS a2a3: 990,
Warsaw znapikTischbierek,
went 0 a3 c6 I 
42 f8 g6 cdxd5 2 c3 xc3  3 b f5
43 cS gS ( 3   . a5 is good) 4 c4e4 5
44 f3 a2 f6 6 d2 ad 7 b2
On 44 d6 there folows the e7  e f4 9 g3 d6 20
breakthrough 44 . . . g4 45 hg h4, f g4 2 h3 xf3 22 xf3
foowed by .  . h4h3 and . . . e7 c5 23 d5 . xb2 24 xb2 b6 25
wth capture of the b-pawn. be2  26 e5 d7 27 d3
  d6 2h5 g6 29 h4 de 30
45 e7 g3 e7d 3 xe xe 32xd
46 xgS x4 d 33 e7 b5 34 cb c4 35 f
47 f4 c4 xb5  a4 d6? (The game has
 fS dS! owed with a slight initiative to
49 d8 d6 White, but now afer 36 . . . a3
50 h4 ·4 37 e3 c2 3 c3 d4! 39
51 f6 fS xc4  d5 it must end in a
52 c3 6 draw But now Back gets a lost
53 gS 4 ending.) 37 xa7 c8   a6 c3
54 c4 3 39 d3 c4  c6 xc6 4 d
01 b6 42 c7 f 43 a5   28/116

an ne wh    . c an 7    e7 2

 and Black reigned (44 .   lat game

e 7 45 e2 d7 46 a6 d6 3 xc4 a5
47 c8 )+ etc.). Ater 3    xc3 4 b c2 1 5
n the middle o that game the ad   xe3
on  67 e White ha trong
que en wen t rom d5 to d6 in three preure
move but     d5d6 can be 4 a3 23
played at once HjartaronYuu
pov Barcelona 989, 4    d6 
 5 d5 e5  6 d4 d7  7 b B
b6 8 b5 xb5 9 b5 

The Obihop nearly alway

e6 goe
to 5 in two move but in Ljubo
jevicYuupov Barcelona 989
Black played the bihop traight
to 5 and demontrated a clear
path to equality  0    5  a3

c4 d6 2 b 5c6
g5 3d7
 e  6dh4
4 move
n the tournament
 . . c8e6 wa where the
rt ully
a5 7 a2 g4 8 c2 ae8 teted (Mocow 985) Arkhipov
9 h3 e6 20 c4 e7 2 xe7 ued hi idea three time. We have
xe7 22 3    already talked about two game
Several month later the player in the third Tehkovky played
continued their theoretical di 4 a3 againt him and the poition
cuion n LjubojevicYuupov, in the diagram aroe. There ol
Belgrade  989 they repeated lowed 4     x c 3  5 b  a 4  6
move up to 3 e Then the b2 c2 7  a2  xe3  8 e d6.
black player poibly earing ow it wa correct to play 9
home preparation played a e5 e6 20 xe6 e with un
dieren move  intead o doubtedly better chance or
exchanging on c4 he played  3    White However, ater two con
6. Again matter quickly ended ecutive inaccurate move   9
peaceully   4 4 c8 1 5 a4 xb7 b8 20 d5 (i 20 a6
a6  6 b3 a5  7 b4 c5  8 d d7 and Black poition i active
c6  9 b3 a5  enough) 20    d3 White wa
 e3 f5 loing  2   c6 (2 d3
 2  b3 d xh2+  2   d  c6 22  xc6 c8)
 2 . . . c6 wa dicued in the 2      x 22 x  b  + etc 29/116

0 an Ln wh 6    !6 an 7     7

n the game we are ollowing 2

Tmman played a new move 
answerng  4    xc3 by aking
the other
ever knight
beore we move
 5 abonHow
should note that a halmove
earlier an important novelty
or Black had been adopted in
the game EmenkoVzdvizhkov
correspondence tournamen
989) n 14he  diagram
ollowed posion
d2? Ater 5 6 b
xd2 c2  6 x7 +  x7 1 7 7 jx3 d3
e 6 5  8 b 3   8 e 5 d6) 8 fe
18    c2  9 e 6 th game was Now Whie ha s material superi
agreed drawn  neiher player oriy and in the long erm can
could avoid repeating moves. march the a-pawn. Hartarson
course dependso on 4 the
   variation
d2 o oers 8desperae resistance
1 5 xd2 c2 1 6 ab xb3  7 19 .d2 5
xb3 ab  8  d5 The sides are 20 d f6
approximaely equal on material nsucient is 20  .   xc5 2
bu  would preer to play with e 5!  b 5 2 2 e3 22 g 3?  xb2
the hree minor peces agains he 23 c3? x2+ ! 22 .  .  e8 23
queen.  you dont like the white xe8 + ! xe8 24 xc5 a 8 25
positon  is clear hat 2 a3 or d4 wih he hrea o c3
12 c1 should be preerred to 2   jd5
placing he queen on b3 (see the 22 f4!
next game. Premature s 2 2 b4? cb 23 x d3
4 x3 xd3 24 xd3 xa 1 25  xa 
5 ab 2  bd8 and Black is winnng
5 b5 22 fe8 25
6 ba! Nether 22     b3 23 d2  b8
Not so clar s  6 x7+  x7 24 a6  xb2 25 a7! nor 22    x c5
 7 b a4, bu the contnuation 1 6 23 xd3 work but more practica
b b  7 x c4 e6  8 b5 ab chances were retained by 22    g5
9  xa8 x a8 20 cb d5 is in creating an opening or the kin
Black's avour n act t seems that Black does 30/116

an n wh     c an 7    e7  

 
 B

stand so badly now ourng Ater 34    >d5 35 c7

tranerring the white rook to the
23 b4!! eighth rank decide, and i 34   
A brilliant reply! Three paed h5 there ollows 35 c7 + d 7 36
pawns are too much g6 c8 37 xg5
23 b
24 Wxd3 Wxd3
Game No 6
26 .xa
b2 HberTm ma
27 Srevo 
But not 27  b  b3 28 xb2  e4 e5
8 e5?  a3) 28     xb2 2 tf3 tf6
27 xb2 3 txe5 d6
28 h3 2 4 tf3 txe4
29 a6! g5 5 d4 d5
9    xc5 doent help  30 a7 6 .d3 t6
a8 30  cc8 31  b a8 32 7 0-0 . e7
b8 etc) 31 b  cc8 32 b8 8 4 tb4
 3   . 8 33 h2!) 33 d6 9 e2 0-0
its too early or 33 xc8 + xc8 0 t3  e6
3 b8    + 35 h2  a  ) 33  e3 .f5
g7 34 h2. 2 l 27
30 d6 a8 The moves  2  and  2 b3
3 a7 f5 have already been covered Notice
 a6 w f7 that the Dutch grandmater will
33 6 we6 ingly chooes the Petro with
34 .b8 26 -0 either colour. However i in the
he  nal poition i worth sav- previous game he played beauti 31/116

32 Man ne wth 6    c6 an 7  . . e 7

�xe4  8 xf7 xf7 9  xc6

2 g8 with advantage to Black
 4 x3
S b dS
6 3
Whites pieces are more active
but Black is gradually managing
to consolidate
6 � e6
7 �d3

fully with White now matters f  7eualises

�c4  fe   7  immediately
  xe3 8  xe3
dont turn out so well with 7 �d6
Black  in this encounter Tim Exchanging on e3 is to Whites
man struggled to draw ad vantage   7    xe3  8 fe
2 d �d6 9 c4 �c7 20 e4
The move 2  was rst 8 �d2 h4!?

played by(Hilversum
Timman Short, again against
(6 989. n to Decisive measures
reduce Whites are needed
ueenside press
it the tactical skirmish after 2    ure 8  �xe5 9 de e7 20
xc3  3 b xa2  4  c2 � xc2 �g5!
 5 xc2 xc3  6 xc3 c6  7  b  9 e 6
a5 8 xb7 a4 9 e5 �d6 20  a4 g4
xc6  c8 2   b6 brought some With exchanges Black makes
advantage to White. After inaccur things easier for his pieces 20   
acies on both sides it eventually �d5 2  g3 xg3 22 hg with
ended in a draw n any case, better prospects fr White.
Timman prepares for complica 2 �f4 xeS
tions by postponing the exchange 22 �xeS �dS
on c3 for a few moves 23 S �xeS
3 �x4 6 White gets a slightly better
4 eS ending from 23 .    ad8 24 e3
othing is gained from 4 g6 25 f6 xf6 26 �xf6 �f4 27
b3 with pressure on f7 Hbner �xd8 xd8 28 b �xe3 29 fe
gives the variation 4    b5  5 b6
�xf7+ (5 �e2 �e6 6 d 24 xeS g6
xc3  7 b xa2  8  c2 b4  5 The retreat 24 �e6 covers
 . .  xf7  6 e5 d5  7 xe4 the invasion suares to the eighth 32/116

Ma ie with 6   . c6 a  .   e  33

nk, although ater 25 3 g6 26 J bd8 37  c3 c5 (or 37    5

b  ab8 27 Ja5 a6 28 Je5 38  xc6 J e3 39 J d  ) 38 d5 5
h ite ha the eer game 39 x5 g 40  x6  bring the
25 d7 ab long-awaited
26 b fd place in the prize (thi game
Candidate took
And now 26 e6 27 c7 and had Hbner won the core
c 8 28 a5 a6 deerve attention, would have been levelled)
d vng the peritent ueen away 3 e8
om the black cam p ow i 32 3 the rook can acti-
27 'c7 g4 vate i tel 3 2    J e 1 33 2  c  
29 f
Je7 d7
xc7 32
33 c4
 bxb7 e6
 xb7
30 Jxc7 a5 28 34 J xb7 Jd8
35 d5
8 There i no danger or Black in
w 35  c7 xd4 36  xc6 d  
35 cd
37 c5
b5 d4
38 d3 .
39 �xf5 gf
40 wf Je8
4 c6
The continuation 4 1  xa5 d 3
An important moment Ater 42 Jb5 Je4! 43 a5 d2 44 Jb
e obviou 3 1  bxb7 J xb7 32 a4 immediately orce a draw
b7 c5 33  b6 (33  b5 cd 34 41 d3
c c6 35  xa5 J xd4) 33    cd 42 Jd5 c8
3 c there ollow 34    e4! 43 xd3 xc6
3  b5 J xd4 36  xa5 c6 and 44 Jd5 Jc4
th the a-pawn the lat chance 45  xa5 wg7
isa ppears 46 Ja8 Jb4
3 J b6 47 a5 Ja4
A atal delay letting go o the 48 a6
r ebird Meanwhile the inclusion The king' dance' in ront o hi
o t he ki ng in the hunt  3 1 3! own pawns doen't promie much 
 3 2 2 g7 33 d3 h5 34 48 e2 a2 49 3 Ja3 50
 e6 35 <e3 Je8 36 d2 4 Ja2 51 <g3 Ja3 33/116

 Ma   6  C6 a     

48 a2 n the ae tournaent  

49 g3 h6 Brue Ljuboevc oe  
0 h4 crudey payed   cd againt Se
  xc3 I 2 b 
king 50 g2 a3
i unabe to 5ecape
 h4 h
7 wan. Ater( 1 3  .d
13 c2 2 b6 ead 
ncarceraton. equaity  3    c5 14 c4 b 
0 f4 e4 d  6 d? 5 1 7 d4 
 gf a4 I 8  b2 6 19 d2 xb2 
2 a7 a2  xb2 c2 Back ad te ad 
3 <g2 tage whch he converted nt a
reut ove
the gae out butdeter-
 aready the u
the pont When
opinion wa the
putgae n
orward 
ned. 6 b2 w a better chance 
3 a3 White.
54 f3 a2  f!? 
 <g3 a3
6 <f2 a2 9
58 <e3
<d3 a4
a3 w
9 <c4 a
60 < d4 a
6 <c4  

Gae No 7
B e 8
A curou dea thank to 
e4 e energetic oveent o the p
2 f3 f6 Back obtan actve counter
3 xe d6 on the kngde Let u re
4 f3 xe4 oureve that the other 
 d4 d pobite are  I     }S
6 d3 e7 gae 46   .   6 ga 9
7 00 c6 and I I    xc3 (note to ga 
8 c4 b4 n the gae A SokoovSy
9 e2 e6 Mocow  987 yet another 
0 c3 0-0 tnuaton wa encountered  
 e3 .  . 6 but thi knight retrea  34/116

  wh 6    6 a 7     7 

ay be recommended There Serper USSR 987)
wed 2 a3 c6 3 b3 e4 5 >h8
xanging on c3 wen the wite 6 ab b8
s onasb2it isstengtens
not avourable 7 fe d
 te 8  x4  g4
nents centre but now when 9 �e2 3)
e bawn has moved one square
ad an the b capture is not 
s ib e, the blac ght returns 
o 4 to attac c3 Howevr, Whte
 temphmsel and the
does Blac no
avu at al  4 xe4 de  5 d5
  6 x3 d7  7 d xc6  8
c6 b 9 3 d3 20 ab
g 2 a4 a5 22 4 d6 2
x6 xd6 24 bd I b 4 25

7 ab8
xc6 26 xc7
Although xb3
Smyslov 27
saved ngAnahead
mportant moment
one should noteoo
msel in the endng, hardly ater  9    d6 20 h3 h5 the
yone would want to repeat hs white roo carred out an unusua
nng experiment wth Blac manoeuvre  2   b5 e8 22 c2
 a3 x3 a6 23 5. There too place an
3 b 6 exchange o roos, the lght
4 a4 squares in the enemy camp were
 shall loo at 4 cd in the notceably weaened, and n the
xt game end  made use o ths situaton
4 f4 Shortly aterwards Serawan
5 d2 ound a way to improve Blacs
 was later established that t play and the relevant game s
 better or the bishop to return worth giving n ull (RohdeSera
 e  5 c ! h8  6 b  b8 wan USA Ch 986) n the diag
 7 , as was played in my game
e   now  7 . . . d  8 c4 rammed position Blac repled
19    a!
 t Seirawan, is not possible Not a complicated move, but
use o 9 d5 wnnng)  7   . now t is clear that the b5-square
  8  d3 d  9 xh7 and Wht s not avalable to the whit roo,
 s a a rge advantage (Kayum ov whch s not insignicant 35/116

36 Man Lne wth 6    6 and 7  e

0  .5  5' against eirawan.

Meeting the unexpected, White 19 6
becomes lost. After 2 J bd (also ll remind you again that 9 . . 
interesting is 2 h2) he still has
the initiative. a6  correct
20 h3here. hS
   . .xe 20 . . . .f5?! is no better.
ignicantly stronger than 2 21  S! e
. . . .g5 22 .b 5 f3 23 .bg5 f 2  . . . .g6 then 22 c4 is ve
xg5 24 f3! J xf3 (24 . . . xd4 unpleasant.
25 xd4 Jxf3 26 Jxb7 Jbf8 27 22 c2 a6

J xc7the
with J xh3 28 d6
terrible Jg8
threat 29 e6
of xg8+) is A22bit. . too late.23
. .g6 n d3
Whites fav
xd3 
25 xc6! and White has a clear xd3 with threats of J  ad
advantage. g5.
 e6 l5  J xe  23 fS!  xfS
By sacricing the exchange 24 xfS g6
Black creates dangerous threats. 25 g4 f6
26 c4 f
/5 5 x8 J x8 6  exchange of queens by 26 . 
Black already has a won game, .f5 27 g5 xg5 28 xg5 d
but it is interesting to watch the not ease the black position.
game to the end. 27 a4 c2
7 x lx+ 8  / 28 hS h6
n order to avoid mate White f 28 . . . .xa4 then 29 g5 h
must give up a piece. 30 f7 h7 3 e6! decide
 Je Jxe 0 .xe lxe  29 e8! fS
l 6  / Again the a-pawn is untoch·
Of no help is 32 c8+ g7 33 able because of 30 g5!
Jxb7 .d6 34 Jxc7+ .xc7 35 30 S! 7
xc7+ e7. 31  xf8 xf
 . . . <7  J 1e +  < f 3  . . . .xf8 there follows 
x 5 1/ le 7 6 Je 1/7 e5.
 le .6 8 Je e7  32 h4 e8
x7 5 0 / e+ 33 e2
White resigned now in view of Without rooks it is harder 
the etive 4  g1 .h2+! 42 my opponent to defend the lih 
xh2 xf2+ 43 h g2+! squares. There  no point in hurr·
 t is time to go back to the game ing. nstead after 33 g6+ x 36/116

Ma Le wth 6    6 a 7    e 7 3 7

 xg6 e7 Whie ha lo mo 44 e g5

  i ad van age. 45 5
33 ld8  would have been beer to
34 e4 e7 exchange
35 lg6 xg6 45 queen a once
36 xg6 6 46 ab ab
r egcally Black poiton  47 h5 a5
 ele However he ha man 48 �
aged o organe ubborn re An d here 48 xh7  wa correc
ance and the game laed anoher with an eaily won ending. For
 move  enough or a whole
game! vicory a mall
create wa tudy.
no neceary o
37 �b3 b5 48 'e7+
38  f8 49 d
39 � g8 Aer 49 3 g4! Black can
40 �b3 h8 already count on vctory 50
4 h4 lb7 xg4 g5 51 3 (51 h3
4 4 g8 
52 e4 mae)
g6 5  52 x h5  g5
x4 52 g4
 52     h   
 49 e 
50  xf
5 b g3
5 xg3 fg
53 
A la he queen are
exchanged; Black it i true ha
an extra pawn but he nor
pece endng hold no propect
43 d3 or hm.
h rerea did no aec he 53 <g7
  l bu becaue o i he whole 54 d5 xS
nng wa waed nihing he 55 b f8
 Aer 43 �c2 wh he 56 de la6
ra o c3 d5 and xh6 mae 57 a3  <e8
  ould hav been nihed much 58 �e6
i  r An elegan way o cutng o
43 h7 h e kng rom h e pawn 37/116

 Mn n      '6  7 .   J 7

58 �b4 73 b6
O coure not 58   . b4+ 59 74 �d6 �g5
�xb4 �xb4 60 c 75 �xg3 0
59 �b �f8
60 �d7 wd
Game No 8
6 �e5 b4
6 wd d5
Roem 988
63 �e6 7
64 �f7 e8 32  e4 e5
The lat chance eted in 64     f3 f6

a6 Now ollow the tudy 

pomied 34 xe5
f3 d6
5 d4 d5
 6 �d3 6
 7 0-0 �e7
8 c4 b4
9 �e 0-0
0 3
The Petro i one o gra
mater Atu uupov avou
opening, and he achieve go
eult with it, oten with gr
artity Thee month later in t
65 �xe8 wxe8 Wold Cup in Rottedam, N
66 �f6 played a new move in thi poit
The othe white bihop cut the againt uupov  I 0 e5 T
king o om he pawn Ate 66 knigh' udden aack cau
�c �c Black  ill holding Black no ham  0 . .  c  
on. �e3 �  2 a3 c6 I 3 xc6 e
66 g4 4 cd cd 5 d �x 6 �
67 w3 �d6 xc 1  d2 d4. Black' pot 
68 �g7 � f4 i aleady peeable, i rue 
69 wb4 wd8 ate en moe move i all end
70 wxb5 w7 peaceully: 8  c8 19 
7 w5 �e3 + xb3 20 xc8 xc8 2 
 wd5 �f4 �c2 22 3 b8 23 b4 c8 
73 �f8 �a6  c3 25  d  xa3 26 e
Black i in complee zugzag �g6 2 xd4 b6 -   38/116

Min Lin i  _ _ _  n  _ _  
0 �e6 h3 c4 39 b 7 40 g 6 41
 �e3 f5 x8 10
12 a3  x3

 2
d2 cd 1xd
xe3 13 xe4
 e �g e 14
and Black Bua tong
with no  2 initiative
   c6?o
 3 White
 veything in ode, but White 3 b 6
 play he tonge 13 xd 4 d
xd 4 4 c6  obtaining A novelty To 1 4  b 1 Black
 inmal poitional advantge. eplie  4     b8, and hen 1  cd
 xd  6 c4 �e4! wih an unclea
33w game wa
game  17 devoted
b a6 oThe previou
14 a4
4 �xd5
5 4 )


n act in the game Dvoi

ookin, Chelyabink 1990, hi
vantage wa quickly incead
  e b he he queen i
ot o the action; anothe
anoeuve, d8e8g6, Accoding to Makarichev
eeved atention 1 6 c2  ad8 White etain bete chne wih
17 3 a 18 �c4 d6 19 d2 1   b 1 ? Le clea i   �   
7 20 4 �6 2  ae1 �xd4 d2? a 1     g 1 6 c 1
22 x �c3 23 c2 d6 24 6!, b t not 16  . . g4! 1 7 d2
d6  xd6 2 e4 �xe 1 26 �d6 18 c4 �xh2 19 xh2
xd6 b4 he intene kimih h4 20 g1 xg2 21 xg2
 the middlegae ha let a h 3  22 g1 xd4 23 e 1 and
cult ending o Black 27 e4 Black attack i beaten o 23 .  
8 28 �xd xd 29 d1  g3 24 1
  3 � e7 31 d3 7 32 d4 n he gme DvoiiMikhal
 3  c4 c 34 a4 8 3 e8 chihin, Lvov 990, Black anw
 e7 36 a8 g8 37 d8 6 38 eed 1  4 wih 1     �d6 39/116

40 Mi Lie wit 6    !6 d 7    e7

Ater 16 d6 ' xd6 17 d2  xe5 33 .xa7 e8 34 c5 
White obtained the sighty beter 35 f2 f6  b4 h5 (A car
ending, nay ending in a draw. ess move, aowing White to 
t is instructive
happened: 17 . . . to see1 8how
ae8 this the advantage.  fact, everythin
.H3 b6 turns out favouraby for both pla
19 ' a4 a5 20  fe I c6 21 ers.) 37 h4 gh 38 d4 <g5 9
.xc6 'xc6 22 'xc6 xc6 23 a5 b6  d2 f8 41 c5 
c4 g5 24 f3 e7 25 f2 fe8 42 cb cb 43 c4 d7  <g 
26 e3  f8 27  gh 28  h I f4 45 d4 e6 46 h2 .c8 
29 d5 d7 30 b4 e7 3  xh4 .a5 h3  d6 c5 49 .d8
a2g6 33 36
dc7  h5
b4  cd
cd a5 37 f5 50
of  h6 d5 (th presen
opposite-cooured biso
d5 c2+ 38 xc2 xc2+ 39 guarantees Back a peacefu 
<g b5 40 f6+ g7 4 1 e4 come) 51 h5+ e6 52 x
b4 42  xa5 b3 43  h2  h4 44 <xd5 53  f5  .c7 
 b2 45  b5 f5 46 c5 xd4 55 xf4 <e6 56 <g3 .f5 
47  b7+ 6 48 d3 c3 49 g5 b 58 4 f5 59 4

xa3, xf3 50 gf xf3+
and Whie 51 g4
soon had 15 h5 d5 xf3
to .b 60
resign himsef to a draw. 16 xf3 f4
Moving the c-pawn aows 17 .+ 
Back to carry out an advantage 1  xd4!
ous simpication. A year ater More accurate than 1 8 . . . 
Beyavsky chose the more 19 b2 xd4 20 xd4 4
restrained 15 'c2 against Yusu 21 'xd4   ad I  23 cd wi
pov (Barceona 1989 and aso a better ending for White.
achieved nothing. There foowed 19  
1 5 . . . h8 1 6  fd  'd7 1 7 f4 Bad is 19 'xd4 because of 1 9
.d6 18 e5 (now Back seizes . . . .f6, and 19 .b2 c5 eads 
the initiative. White had to equaity.
exchange on d6) 1 8 . . . xe5 19 19 .
de 'e6 20 c4 .e4 21 c3 e7 But not 19 . . . c6 20 .e4 wi
22 d4 ae8 23 f3 b6 24 g3 the threat of 21 'h5.
g5 25 .d3 f4 26 f2 f5 27 20 x7
.xf5 xf5 28 ad g8 29 d8 Now 20 b2 eads to a dr
f8  xe8  xe8 31 'd4 'xe5? ater 20 . . . ' f6
(Throwing away the advantage. 20 f3
Correct was 31 . . .b6.) 32 'xe5 21 xf3 xf3 40/116

in in i 6  c6 n      

 7 0 6

ter 22 g �d6 White extra 8 c4  b4
an ha no ignicance 9 �e2
er game
Kaparov 4  o mythat
it eemed match
no with
Game o 9
would want to play thi poition
a Black in uture But a you
Bugono 
ee, theory quickly develop and
 e4 eS poible antidote appear or
  f6 Black Eventually,  myel
4 xeS
 d6xe4
 decided
Black to play the variation a
5 d4 9 0-0
n nformor 44 in the commen 0   �e6
tary to one o the game reerence  �e3 �f6 35
i made to MileChritianen
San Francico  987), which went 35
5g6 c3with
�5 a6 quick
xe4 �xe4
draw 7The
bihop move to 5 i noted a
a novelty  i related in the
agazine Chess fe, Mile and
Chritianen it eem, had agreed
a draw beorehand and thereore
it wan't worth taking their move
eriouly Viwanatan Anand ell
into the trap'  everal month Thi wa rt een in another
ater nformor appeared at Biel game by the Yugolav grand
988) he tried the reliable' move 5 mater, LuboevicChritianen
 . . �5 and aer apata obviou (Linare  985  Ater  2  c  c5  3
reply 6 e2 he had to reign (6 a3 cd 4 xd4 �xd4 5 �xd4
   e7 7 d5) Thi i poibly xc3  6  xc3 c6  7 cd l xd4
te quicket grandmater deeat in  8 de e (le dangerou i  8   
itory The incident will no doubt xe6 when White ha only a
 added to the treaure trove o minimal advantage) 9 �d3 7
openi ng curioitie. 20 d2 6 2 c White
5 dS obtained a clear advantage
6 �d3 � e7 n the game we are ollowing 41/116

 M L  6    6      

Lubojevic decided o take on e4 

Other path are completely ae 
or Black :  2 cd xc3  3 b xd 
 3 bic6
4 cdbetter;
�xd 2wih
an eual game
 xe4 de
3 e 6
4 b3 e7
IS a3 a6
6  8
Poibly better i  6    d7  7  xd4
  c7 preparing    b7b
3 xd4 ed
7  Ja8
4  xd3  x4
8 a4 S
Bad i 24     a8 becaue o 2
Not allowing  9 b4 wih ueen
b6 Ja6 26 \b3 ad6 27 c
ide preure S n x4 x4
9 Ja
6 J e3 d6
Ater 9byd  ��e
ollowed d720 b 3 d6
Black po Maybe it wa worth playing 
   d7 with the idea o 27 h 
ition would have ully uited me 28 c  e6 ollowed by     
Now White having overproec and    •7
td the c4pawn renew the hreat 7 h3 f6
o b4  S
9 d Another poibility wa 28 
0 xd4 a pawn S
 get6 d
Sacricing om b8.  29 h2 \d6 30  
play rrepecive o what happen 8 xS
now, he opening move hve been 8  .   xd4 ail because o 2
in Whie avour. Je8 7  e7
 xa7 d3 9 S bS
nucien i 2  . .  �xd4 22 30 b4
n xd4 n xd4 23 �xd4 d3 24 b3 7 3  a4  d   
 c2 with advantage o White  ba 33 ba  a  34 �a3 a
 �xd3 would lea to a draw
Ater 22 x6  xe6 23  c2 23 30 hS
xd3 ed 24 \ xb7 J b8 with an 3 Je7?
eual game) 23 . .  b lack ha For the whole game White a
enough counte-chance had preure on the enemy p 42/116

Mn n  6   n       

  en now cold keep the 7 0-0 �e7
t  nces 3 h2 d7 32 8 4 lb4
  te threat o g3 3 and Smyslov always plays the

at able the rook move
to breathe easly was etro nventively.
example, where theere s one
3 d Champon quckly obtains a draw
3 'h  havng chosen the qiet move 8
 not 32   .  33 e !    e6  ShortSmyslov as
33 3  tings  988/89, 9  e I 6 0 c
34 �d4 0-0   c3 g4 2 e3 ( ) .
 34 g3 there ollows 34  . 
4. 37
34 d B
35 d7 d3
lso possible s 3  . . . h4 36
d8 h7 37 x6 x2.
36 h4 wh7
37 f3 'g6
39 d8
�b6 wf7
40 xd8 'g6
Or 40  . .  4  g3 7 42
4 e6 t rst glance White havng
4 'g3 f5 moved the c-pawn orward has a
4 'f e5 solid advantage, bt Smyslov has
43 we3 �b3 prepared a beautil operation
44 �7 wd5 qckly relevng
  the board :  2    the sitaton
xc!  3 d on
 4 xd4 xd4  xh7 xh7
6  xd4 x3 7 xd8  xd8
Game No. 0  8 g g  9  e7  ac8 20 e3
Beyavskymysov d2 2 e4    
Reggio Emii 9868 9 d
Ths capture allowng the
 e4 e5 exchange o the lightsqared
 lf3 lf6 bshop was known beore the 4 st
3 lxe5 d6 game o the math wth Kasparov
4 lf3 lxe4 Bt ths seqence s still ashion
5 d4 d5 able today.
6 .d3 l6 9 lxd3 43/116

 Min Lin i    .  n     

0 xd3 xd5 () 39


d6   c2 0-0  6 d2 

This position has been known (also good is 6 . .  h 7 h
or at least twenty years so there d 8 d3 6) 7 b3 xb3  8
is no point in going nto very mch ab 6 9 c3 7. Whites extr
detail We o corse are interested pawn is not elt especially as Blac
n the most pto-date material. has two active bishops The gam
   ended in a draw.
Beore reprodcing Belyavskys (b) Van der WieShort B
move on the board let us 98  3    e6 4 e (pehaps
remember that in recent years this is better than taking on c7
White has in this position almost but neither is t very dangero
exclsivly chosen  2 c3 xc3 or Black) 4 . . . c6 (Black also
 3  xc3. ere are two important has a strong position ater 4   
examples o these theme d7   g 6  6 e 3   7  a 

 bnerSmyslov
3  e6 (The Velden
move 0-0
xc6 8 b
 xe6
the 6
slight weakness
e  (i o
 3    c6 ( 9 ggests itsel but Blacks pawn chain is compe
has long been disproved because sated by the two bishops    
o a most eective response 0-0-0  6 g  xg  7  x 
4 h6!  g8   4  . . gh   d  8 e b6 (  8 . .  h6 
 e d7  6  ae e6  7 d! cd g3 6 is also acceptable)  9  x 
8 xe6 e 9 xh8 8 20  hg8 20  g3 xb2 (was it no
6 etc;  4    e4   xg7  g8 better to tae the d4 pawn?!) 
 6  xe4 xe4  7  e xe   8  d   xg3 22 hg xa2? (ter 
xe  xg7  9 e }   e d7   . e8 Black sholdnt lose. B
 6 ae  e6 7 g 0-0-0  8 gabbing the a2pawn he virtual 
x7 and Wh ite won in Browne excludes his bishop rom the gam
Bisguier US Ch  974  4 xc7 and Whites threats rapid 44/116

Ma Le wh 6    6 a 7   7 

becoe extreely dangerous n 
prnciple we could place a ull 
top here but the nish is worth
t to the endso23itsa
 b8showing
24 d3
 b3 2 c b6 26 e c8 27
 4 b2 28 c6 b7 29 h2
x2 30 d3 d2 3 e4 b8
( ore stubborn than the iedi
ate 3     d8) 32 e  d8 33
d7+! c8 40.
 2 .  . �h4?  3 g3 xg3 the ove
 4 3 decides the gae Zui
 deaBarendregt sterda
 966). owever the ove  2  . .
6 deserves closer investigation n
act tr 2    6 3 3 Black
replies  3 .   g6 nd when the
knight on e retreats he has no
particular probls but in the
variation 4 g4 e   g g things
are pretty bad or White (  6 x
34 d6 The death blow: 34 g8+ 7 l c4+)
. .  xd7 3 a8 ate or 34   . What should one do against  2
 3 c6 ate    6?  n the gae Makropoulos
lly wonothis
but not gae
course as abeauti
result Toth
 3 c3 Budva
xc3 9 84  
x ollowed
b 
o the opening Now in our ree  h + g6  6  h3 e  7  xe  xd4
narrative its tie to return to the  8 e6  d + 9  e  d7 20
ain gae �g with equal chances
12  4  novelt was introduced in the
The knight thrust has been well gae de FirianPlaskett
known in theory or a long tie Copenhagen  98   g4!?. ter
though the Enylopei of Che      xd4  6 d3 lack went
Opening onl gives it a ew lines ater the exchange   6   
ter  2   . 6 Paul Keres reco c2?  and ell into a ating
endation is given   3 3 with attack   7 b4! xb4  8  xb4
a slightl better position or White c 9 g4 7 20 h6! gh (20
(and in brackets it is stated that i     hg8 2   ad  gh 22 xg8+) 45/116

46 Min Line wt 6  .  c6 nd 7  .

 e

2 ad 5 (2 .   c622 xe7+! xe e8) 15 . . . xc3 16 b

xe7 23 g7+ e6 24 e + e6 7 xd5 xd5 18 g5 wit
wit tter destrction) 22 e2 5 adantage to Wite Also ater 12
 xe7+
ag8 g65
26 e4 24 d7 4 g6
27 7+ 3 .4
 . d6 13 c3!
de xd3 a5
15 ed cd(163 .d5)
. . xe5
28  d5 and lack resigned. e3 (or 4 3) Black come
Commenting on te game in nder a powerl bind.
no mto, de Firmian sggested dging by te qick cessatio
6  . . 7 7 xe7+ xe7 8 o ostilities in te game, one ca
xg7 + wit an nclear game. Bt conclde tat myslos . . . g7g
it trned ot tat tis position is noelty was a sccess. owee
extremely clear! A game between beore acieing te draw, Blac
te yong masters Ulybin nd ad to oercome a ew rdles, s
erper (oci 986) contined moing te neigboring pawn i
nly anoter seen moes: 8 . . . neerteless more reliable.
7  9 g4 ad8 20 b3 g6 2 13 
xg6 g 22 a3+ 7 23 e An impotant moment 3 g4 
  24 � b2 e6  3  d5 no good ecase o 3 . . . x2
and Wte resigned. Bt wy not  3 c3? At rst sigt
o, te acrice 7 e7 is te inclsion o te moes e5
nsond nd, possibly, te wole and . . . g6 compared wit te
ariation  sae or Black.  cold games already looked at  i
possibly be conclded tat in Wites aor. ndeed, ater  3
response to 2 e5 te moe 2 c3 xc3 4 xc3 bad  4 
. . . 6 is lly scient or eqality. e6 becase o 15 6 0-0-0 
o wat e
o wen waspt
is knigttinking
on e5 x7! pawn
extra �x7and
7 a xe7
beter wit a
and wat did myslo ear wen 4 . . . c6 loses to 15 c4! wit
e aoided 2 . . . 6!? We sall te treat o 6 e3 and 7 d5
probably nd ot in te tre. oweer, correct is 4 .  . 0-0
12 g6 wit a good game or Black, since
t sold be pointed ot tat 15 xg6 is rled ot becase 
tere is not a big coice ere. 15 . . . g 6  xe7 d6! wit an
According to Arkipo, 2 . . . attack on bot te rook and te
0-00 is inscient, becase o 3 2-pawn.
3 (3 c3? xe5) 3 . . . g6 4 t appears tat ater te qeen
g4 4 15 c3 (in lacks aor manoere cosen by Belyask 
is 15 d3 x2 6 xd5 3+ Wites initiatie is ery dange
7 g2 xd5 8 g xe 9 os. Bt myslo calmly takes te 46/116

Min in       n      

paw . (c) 8    0 0 9 g g ( 9
13 xd4 6 20 h6) 20 h wth an
4  3 xe5 unstoppable attack.
hn ontnues
g that comes totopck up any
hand. The Nevetheless
only Black deence.
but welldeseved nds the
ateial will soon be won back,
ut meanwhile the boad s being 2
completely cleaed B
5 .f4
   xe4 Black manages to
lp away with      00
5 a5
6 b4 (
te 6 xe4 thee is agan
time o 6    00   7 g3 e6
Belyavky had pobably calcu
lated the b-pawn thust when he a3
played  3  3.  now 6   .  xb4 7 d5
(      b6) then  7 d! decdes las now ths move involves
This knght leap also ollows the exchanging queen but 7 xe4
queens eteat to a6 The vai x3 leads to a bette ending
atons that aise then ae wothy o Black as ts hadly worth
o our attenton   6    a6  7 counting on 8 6 8?? 9
d d8 (thee is no altena h6 mate
tve) 8 g4! (8 e4 xe4 9 7 xf3
22 x8e6 x820 
23d4 
d 22 g7
h6 24
6 8 gf .d8
9 fe
 e d7 is in Blacks avou). Now t emans o White to be poud
Black has thee possblties but that o ve moves he caed ou
none o them hold good pospects  an attack a piece down
(a)  8 . . . c6. Closing the queens 9 e6
oute to the e6s uae which 0 x7 x7
Whte quickly makes use o 9  x7 f6
xe4 xe4 20 xe4 d7  a3 8
(20    8 2 h6 <g8 22 3 a f7
e8 mate) 2  d  wnning)   
(b)  8    e6  9 x e4 00 20  shot skimsh but you ce
 h 6  e8 (20  .  xd 2  xd tanly couldnt call it a gand
i nning the exchange) 2  e maste daw 47/116

2 Main Line wih 6 ... 'c6

and  .. �g4 

Game No. II flly interact in te centre. Here

Kasparov-Karpov are two examples from te 985
Wo Champonh Match 5) international tornament in Frnze
Mocow 98 (a) 9 3 Je8 0 �f4 (against
0 c3 Makarycev ad prepare
2I  ef3 e5f6
 0 .. xd4! I I xd4 d4 2
3 xe5 6
xd4 xc3 3 xc3 J xe2) 0 
  f3 xe
�[5 I I J e d7  2 a3 xh
5  3 g x3 4 �e3 g3 wit a
ometimes anoter order of attack for Black (Cibrdanidze
moves is encontered  5 c4. Te Makarycev);
main reply was sggested by (b) 9 �e3 (9 d5 e7 0 �d3
Makarycev  5 . . . c6 Now if 5 I I Je c5 and 9 �d3 �f
6 d4, 6 . . . d5 is good, for example: 0 Je Je8 also lead to a goo
7 c3 b4 8 c2 e7 9 e3 game for Black) 9 . . . Je8 0 bd2
g4 0 c xc3 I I b a3 2 �[5 I I b3 d5! 2 Je d 3
d2 b4 wit a decisive advan �xc4 d6 4 �e2 b4 an
tage to Black (KpreicikMik Black as te advantage (Kp
alcisin, Kibysev 986). f 6 reicikMakarycev).
c3 Black eqalises easiy wit 6 5 5
. . . xc3 7 d  8 d4 xd4 9 6 3 c6
xd4 e  0 e2 e4 (Cibr 7 00 g (43)
danidzeAgzamov, Frnze 985). And , we move on to look at
Also ater 6 �e2 �e7 7 00 00 anoter contemporary plan  te
8 d4 �f6! Blacks pieces sccess etro, connected wit te qic
48 48/116

Ma L wh  . . .  a 7    " 

The ollowng elegant game shows

 what can happen.

sakhisMartnovsky (hila
xd4 I  e3
8 .  I. Ix3 9 x3
e2 d4 2
e3  3  h 3 (o corse Whte
is not happy ust to repeat moves)
 3    d7 4 cd ed6   c3
0-0-0 6 4 e7 7 h g6
 8 g3 b8  9 a4 e7 20 a

evelopment o the lghtsqared 44. 2 a4 t b 22

6 I xd
bshop on g4 and the black
sqared bshop stayng at home 
or the moment. t wold seem 
tat the derence s not great bt
evertheless at tmes the game

takes on aSavng
character completely dierent
a tempo by
omttng    e7 Black pts seri
os pressure on the d4pawn but
at the same tme hs k in is stck
 the centre and can be sbect
to enemy atack So there are both 23  b! xh 24  c7+ c8
plsses and mnsses or Black (24    a8 2 b6+ ab 26 ab
i this varaton. Criosly the mate) 2 e mate
positon n dagram 43 s not even s the reptation o 8    6
mentoned n the Encycopei of has been nder some doubt
he Opening (98). recently in the orth game o
8 4  the Candidates match Ehlvest
Having retreated the knght to Yspov (St. ohn 988) Black
 (and expectng the reply c3) chose a rarer move order  8   
lck as we shall see, will e7 Now ater 9 c3 3 (9
 change on 3 and take the cen . . . xd4 loses  0 xe4 de  
tl d4pawn But isn't it possble xd4)  0 g (  0 x3  xd4  
to take on 3 and then straght g4)  0 . . . 6   cd xd  
ay on d4 that s wthout e4 a postion would have arsen
 tea ting the knight beorehand? rom an ancient game Schers 49/116

50 Ma Le h      a 7    

K lomn played back in  90  dangeros or Black See game  

White has a denite advantage or 9 cd  t i s clear that ater 9
 2    xc3  3 b 0-0  4 4 etc e  + e7 we have by transposi
But 90 ears on we play rather
dierently. tion
you KasparovKarpov
wll recall 0 cd ( x3
I  28 s
9 cd d  0 c3 xc3 I I b x3 xd  2 h3 xd4  3 c3
0-0 2 :e I f3  3 x3  x3 d7  4 xd7 + xd7 led to a
4 g d6  e3  qick draw. O corse sch an
outcome suits Black and there
5 ore ater 46 mintes thoght
Kasparovit chose
decidng wasn't another path
worth rshng
to gve check better to save  t or
the tre.
9 �xf3
Other continuatons can lead to
seros problems  9 .   e7 I 0 cd

 ex d + (the
 e4 ; 9comes
I I check    xd4 0
i n handy
Whte has the advantage o the here! )  0     e7 (  0    e6 I I
two bishops whch determines the e) I I xd4 d  2  cd  3
postion n hs avour n this game xg7+ 8  4 h6 g8   3
Yusupov contned     :ad8 wth a strong initiative or White
bt several months later against 0 xf3  xd4
Tmman (Belort 988) he played  e  
  . .  e7 n both games Black ter this check the game goes
got a draw n a long endgame bt o the beaten track albeit only
not without some dculty From or one move The nterestng
then on when playng the Petro contnuatons I I e3+ and I I
Yusupov has no longer chosen h3 wll be looked at later o
this varaton (games 24)
9 3  �e7 
Black has created pressure 2 d?
against the d4-pawn and or the n the game LobronKarpov
sake o rapid pece development Hannover  983 there ollowed  
Kasparov decdes to give t p g3 d  3 xc4 (  3 xg7 loses
straightaway  an idea whch to  3 .  . 3+ 4 h  g8  
althogh not new s not really x6 xe  )  3    0-0 4 g 50/116

Ma Le th 6    c6 a 7     5

 4
 w

d6 (  4    c2   e 7!   kniht in the centre Black has

h 4 h6 !  6  x6  x6  7 x 6 an extra although doubled pawn
  8  e4 c    h4 g7 20 e4 One compensates the other and
e7 2  g3  22  h3  d6 23 peace qickly ensues
4 b 24 d3 c4 2 x e8 6 ' b3
he pawn is nally surrendered  6  4 looks tepting hinder

bt Blacks
vast and t positional advantage
easily broght victoryis ing Black 7ind6
   d6 casling  6   8 0-0
 d6 6 6
The qeen manoevre to d  e7  d 8 20 3 and
nqestionably complcates mat Black's king is sck in the cenre;
ers bt as we shall soon see it is i 6     c8  7 e is unpleas
also not very dangeros or Black ant  7 xe7  e7  8  d6
 te6 owever by bravely playing 6
n this way Black is able to  x4 7 xe7 8 8 e
ipliy the position  2    d d6! Black avods all problem
  xc4 0-0 (  3    c 4 a4 or example      d8 20  x4
4 xe7 xe7  xd4 Black s xd etc
on th e brink o deeat and White 6 0-0
al o has a big advantage ater 2 There is no time to deend the
   0-0  3 cd or  2    c6  3 e3 pawn;  6    a6  7 e3 0-0  8
e6 4 cd xd  xd x d  ad  with a ll bind
  c2 7 txe7
3 d txd5   7 xb then  7    c is
4 b5 6 good
5 txd5 b 7 7 xe7
The poston has become 8 xb5 a6
cleare r White has a powerul More accrate than the immedi- 51/116

52 Main Line ith 6 .  . c6 an 7  .  

ae  8 .   8  9 . e3 d7 20 48
d7  d7 2   ad l  B
9 Wb3  fd8

20 0
  b e3
leads  a8
o equaliy
 a h6
 h3 ld4
er 23 d4  XC  24  XC 
 d4 he ghing resorces o
boh sides are ehaused.   2    c  hen  3 3 d
 4  e l  8   4 d  
Game No  2
d d  7 c7 e6  8  3
 d8 9  d  h 20 h4 is possibl
Wol Chapionship 6)
wih advanage o Whie
Lonon 1986
3 xd5 Wxd5
I e4 e5 4 e4 Wb5
 lf3 f6 5 a4
3 lxe5 d6    3? Black replies wih  
4 lf3 lxe4 .   d4
5 d4 d5 5  (49
6 d3 l6 Whie has h advanage o h
7 0 g4 wo bishops and he iniiaive 
8 4 lf6 his pawn. n orer no o lose h
9 l3 xf3 b7-pawn Black has only one mov
0 xf3  xd4 bu he black queen nds isel a
 e3+ 48) he edge o he board n he ae
Unil now we have ollowed he vanchkSerper Sochi 98
 h game o or previous mach which can be considered as 
Now Kasparov brings ou a pro sorce o Kasparovs idea Bak
duc o home preparaion. B ried      c when  6 
he queen check on e3 had been  b8  7 b4 b6 ( 7 . . . e3 8
suggesed he previos year so he . c6 e7 9 e3  8   
srprise wa or me no compleely cb led o a worse ending or Blak:
unepeced 9 .c6 d8 20 dl w  7
 le6 2 b d8 22 d8 d8 
 d lxd5 .d e6 24 e6 e 2   . 52/116

Ma Lie th 6    6 an 7   

 all accnts te nvety n 50

  r game can be cnsidered nt B
 ceck by e wite qeen n
a6 retreat  te black


e7 20 5 c5 (n better is 20

. . . e2 2  e3 r 20 . . . c4 2 1
 g5 J e8  J d l  c7 23
xe7) 21 g5 d6 22 xe6
xe6 3 J d l .
1 J Black mst calmly cmplete is

e immediate
ing 16 b41 7 des
 1 6 . . . b4 Jbl (devepment
1 9 b4 d4) : 1918.  . . . .b6
0-0 (bt
19 d3
 18 3 c6 19 Jxb7 0-0  19  . . a5 20 d2  b6 21 b4
 3 d4! 17 e3 Kasparv d4 22 a5 r 9 . . . b5 20 b4
vises Black nt t take te xb4 2 1 e4) 20 a  b4 2 1 d2
ange  17 .  . e2  1 8   I 4 (bad s 1     xb  c3
3 19 g  xl  20  2 wit b3 3 5 g6 4 xg6) 2 g3
 nclear game bt recmmends 6 (22 . . . 3 23 5 23  x6
    . 0-0-0! wit an extra pawn g and everyting s nder cntrl.
 excellent cances Nting cmes rm 4 J xb7
1  e7 J d8 25 J b3 d4 26 Jc3  b4
a ny teretcians ave std etc.
  tis game (lgy Makary 7 b4 51
  Nnn Tmman etc. bt  Wite sacrices anter pawn
  tat exastive analysis is bt t is very dangers t take t:
ssile wtt a cmpter. 1 7   . xb4 18  3 c6 ( 1 8    c 5
teresting variatins arise ater 19 J d4) 19 J d7 0-0 20 3 g6
    .  c5 17 3 c6 18 Jd7? ( 2 0 . .  6 21 x6 21 xg6
) g 22 b2 g7 23 6 wit
T  rk sacrice cannt be navidabe mate. Anter way
  ted 1 8    xd7? 1 9 x7 t pay is  8  b2 0-0 19 3 g6 53/116

54 Man Line ith 6 .  . c6 an 7    g4

 variatin is Black's nly deenc

B n te game Aseevvanc
rktsk 1986 Black tried t p 
ater sarply
20 b2d4 19 c3 c  
2 d3  
22 a c7 23  xc 24 jf
J d8 2 J a4 came under de
pressre; 2    J ac8 26 J ax
9 W4

(1 9     20 x g 2 1 3  and queentrment
Black's nally cmes
breaks t
 8 22 J d7 etc 20 J d3  (20 end. Tere is nting in 1 9 . . . 
   g 2  6 6 22 d 8 20 e3 e2 (20  . . g 2  ' h )
23 xg) 2 1 x g 22 J g3  2  d4 6 2 2 3 A s bere h
wit mate. pawn is untucable: 1 9  . . x
Besides te marc rward  20 J d3 wit te deadly treat f

te b-pawn,
adpted  see 7te3
game.later 21 x7 0 Jx7
d7 22 J3.
7 0-0 Wite cld win back te paw
 8  wit 20 xb7, ut ater 20   
 18 b Black as te strng J ad8 e as nting O cs
intermediate mve 1 8    Jad8, ater te qeen went t c4 it w
wic seizes te initiative and necessary t cnsider 20 d 
wic is als te reply t 18 3 Black as an imprtant temp 
8 g6 20  .  c2, securing at least equ
Bad is 1 8 .  . 6  9  g6 20 ity 21 e 21 Jab Jad8  
e r 20 3 wit treats    . Jad8 22 J ac l 22 Jd 3  
xb7 and x6 23 Jad c6 24 xe6 Jxd 
9 b2 Jdc l d2 23  xe6 e 24 xe
Oter cntinatins d nt J7) 22 . . . xc   23 J xc Jxd 
bring success : 1 9 b J ad8 20 J e I 0  ae8
20 6 Jxd 21 Jxd xa4) Altug tis is te nly m
20    b6 1 9 c3 g 20 xg it cmpletely cls Wites atta
20 b2 6 20   .  xg 2 1 ing ardr As ere te 4pa
xc7 Jad8, and Wite as nly is ntcable: 20    x4 20   
a symblic advantage Te knigt  xe4 2 1 c3 6 22 J xe7 r 2 1   
manevre t g in te secnd d4 22 J e   4 23 J xd4 f6 54/116

Mai Le wh  .  . c6 a 7    g4 5

 xe7 xe7 25 e4 wit a 4 gh �xb4

n ning psitn) 2 �xg6 g5 5 x7 b6
    .  g 22  xe6+ . 7 23 �6 Pssibly mre accrate was 25
e8 24
a3! e 24
4 ) 22�xe7
�x7+ x7
x3 23
25 g    5 e5
t andand transer
pressre n 
2. te rk
 d 26 a3. 6 xa7 g7
 � 7  7  d8
N w Wte needs t play accr  27 .  . e 5 Wte deends wit
 e y  2 �xb7 xb4 22 �a3 28  a2 5 29  b2 �c5 30 c2
xa4 23 . xe7 . xe7 24 c3 c5 (wit te treat  a4a5) 30 . . 

 b2 d4
28 26 . xa4
�xc3 e2its
xb7 + all
27 c8 31
8 �e6
xd8 . xd8
er r Wite 9   �d6
 xb4 30 d3 h5
 �3 3 w . d7
 22 �a3, ten 22    d4, bt 3 g �5
t 22 �e5 as 22    �6 23 33 w h4
34 �c4 e7
x6 
4 s gd. f4 52 35 f3 �d6
36 g 7
 37 �b3 f5
 38 d3 � 
39 3 f6
40  c4 g5
4  'e5
4 � c4  

Game N. 13
Te rles are nw reersed n Goningen 98687
e  te treats   . .  xc3  e4 e5
    e2+. Wites attack as  f3 f6
eterred t and ater many 3 xe5 d6
nges Black gets te better 4 f3 xe4
  ng Een s, a draw s  d4 
  idable. 6 �d3  6
3 �xb4 xh3 7 0-0 �g4 55/116

56 Main Line ih 6 . . . 6 an 7 . . . 

8   xb7 c5 22 xc5 xc5 2

9   b 5 �-.
10    xd S 1 7  . .  d8 is nt bad  
11  +  s
vanck cses a mremdes
12 cd d5 cntinatin,
13 xd5 xd5 deending te b7-pawn.
1  b5
15    
16 d1  e7 
17  53
Te nting
Wite active mve
in game17 six
b4 gave
1 986 Wrd Campinsip matc
As we ave seen,  qickly repelled
te attack and even tk te
initiative. Terere smeting
new ad t be tried 17 3 was
17 b8!
rst tried in matc
(Hilversum TimmanYusupv
1986). Te 18b
game ased nly six mre mves : Ater 1 8 3 te game c
1 7     d8 1 8 d3 ( 1 8  xd 8+ transpse int KasparvKarp
xd8 19 4 deserved attentin) (3 6) wic we ave already d
1 8   . a5 (bad r Black is 1 8 . . . cussed.
d4 1 9  g4 mre accrate tan 18 0-0
19  g3 e2+ 20 xe2  xe2 2 1 19 d7?
 x8+ xd8 22 e3 0-0 23 19 b2 was necessary Ate
d4} 19  . . 6 20 e3 e6 2 1 te mistaken incursin  t
 e4; a s is 1 8 .    b6 1 9 e3 wite rk t d7 te appearan
 xb2 20  ab 1  a3 20  . .  c3  te black rk n d8 gains i
as t be played} 21  xb7 0-0 22 strengt
 e4 g6 2 3 xa7) 19 d2 (nw 19  bd8! 
19  xb7 unexpectedly lses t 1 9 20 xb7
 . .  x d 3  ) 1 9 . .  b 4 2 0 e 3 t appears tat te bisp n e
0-0 (i 20 . .  c6 W ite retains is untucable vancuk gives 
te initiative 21  e4 g6 22 c4 llwing variatin: 20 xe
xd  + 23  xd 1 5 24  x5 g  d6 (strnger tan 20    d4 2 1
25 xa7 e7 26 b6. Nw te x7+ 8 2 2  d3 e2+ 23
game instanty becmes level 2 1  xe2 d3 24 xd3  xd3 25 56/116

Main Lne ith 6    c6 an 7    fg4 57

6, altg Black is a ealty

 pawn up

2 xc5
25  d
26 e1 x
vancuk carries ut te tecni
cal stage simply and cnvincingly
27 5
7 x 7+ desnt elp  7
   x7 8 x7  d6 9 5 

 1 a3 xe7  b5 c5 3 g6 30277 g7 tg5

x7 (3  e 1 g6 3   0 x7 28 f5 txe4
24 5 + (4  5+ g8 5 xc5 29  xe 'd1 +
6! 4    g6 5 xc5 e and 30 w2 g6
lack gains te upper and Te 31 g g
isp is als untucable in 32 g5 d5
ter variatins: 0 d3 c6 1 33 f6 5
3 g6  xe7 c3 3 xe6 3  x!
xd3 0 b5 a5! 1 d b4 01
2  xd8  xd8 3 �e3 �c3
20 �c4
Game N 14
 1  xe7 ten te eective  1
USSR Ch Minsk 197
   d4!  r  1    c3! decide
21  xd8 1 e e5
22 �e3 xb 2 f3 f6
23 e 3 xe5 d6
3 xa7 is bad  3    c5 4  f3 xe
5 6 r  d5  3    6 5 d d5
4 c1 xa4 5 �xe6 e 6 g3 6 d3 c6
 e5 (vancuk 7 0-0  g
23 �c5 8 c f6
2 xc5 9 c3
Mre stbbrn was 4 d5 S we return again t te sarp
xe3 5 xe6 x 6 x and ascinating variatin cnnec
 7 xa7 c5 8  d4 9 ted wit te pawn sacrice Tis
  1 4 30 g1 e3 31 1 game, played in te 54t Sviet 57/116

58 Ma Le ih 6  .  c6 a 7    g4

Campinsip, remains an wever, Black was nt limi t 

imprtant milestne in te t tis mve, and in wellv 
develpment  tis varatin ck, Grningen 198687, Bla  
9 .xf3 nd
0 xf3 xd4 tive a wa t gt
plaing 1 7 r
  te8int
S tat te reader desnt get pawn is deended and Wite n 
cnused ere we sw Kprei t tink aut w t win a 
cik's nvelt, let s remind r te material Ater te 1 8 4 trus
selves  te inrmatin we ave Black tk te initiative a
ere tis game gained te pper and

arrive1 1 ateKsparvKarpv
1  e7 1 2  d1 S, isne
•e3 ntcan cncluderta
dangerus I
(2, 1 5  game 1 1 in tis bk  and neiter is 1 1  e 1   A m
wic ended in a draw; and ater decisive tr t usti te pa
1 2 •g3 d 1 3 c4 0-0 1 4 g5 sacrice was adpted b Kprei
d6, LrnKarpv, ann cik against ne  te lead
ver 1983, Black als didnt specialsts n te Petr
 3!
encnter 1an
immediate 1 •g3 diclties
is ardl suce • (55)
cessul, as ts is mt b 1 1    e6 55
and Black can wn time tanks t B
te mve  8d6
Kasparv gave me te surprse
1 1 •e 3 in ur return matc
(3, 6)  game 1 2 n ts bk 
but ater 1 1    e6 1 2 cd xd5
13 xd5 •xd5 14 e4 b5 15
a4 •a6 16 d1 e7 17 b4? 00
1 8 •  3 g6 Black ugt  te
attack and demanded te draw Curiusl, tis mve ad be
rm a psiin  strengt recmmendd b gr Zaitsev a
An attempt t strengten te msel Black as saved a tm 
variatin r Wite was made in n    8e7, and Wit 
TimmanYusupv (ilversum e   .
matc 1 986 nstead  te sdden  d
attack wit 24 Wite plaed ardl gd r Black is 1    
1 7 3, t ater 1 7     d8 te c6 1 2  e1  e7 1 3 g5  
game als qickl nised drawn 1 4  x6 x6 1 5 cd cd 1 6 , 58/116

Mai Lie th  . . c a 7    �g4 9

 1 3    d 1 4 �xc6 g 1 5 �xc4 56
i t m re tn eng cmpens B
n  te pwn
At I I    �e7 1 2 �g5 d 1 3
 c4 te psitin in te gme
e ae lkng a is reaced by
trnsp sitin, nd  1 2  e  d 1 3
xc4 00 ( 1 3    c2? 1 4 �g5
 6 15 �x6 g 16 x6  srp
sitin rises in wic i t s ard
t reer
er ne sideweer,
Strnger, in as 1 2te
cd  espite te material eqal
xd5 1 3 e  e6 14 �g6 d4 ity, Wite s te adantage
15 �4 x4 1 6 �x7 + x7 tanks t te maneabilty 
  5+ wen Wite wins back te qeen
e pawn nd retins te intate 15 6
i te centre 16 x6!?
Als12interestng is 1 2  e I + e6 Te bisp
mind, scrice cmes
bt apprently 
13 �g6 gt t cnine 16 xe7! and
 e7 ater 1 6    g (  6     xe7 1 7 d5
Ecanging qeens is nt etc 17 xb7 Wite's cnces e
esy  1 2    d7 1 3  e  + �e7 better
  3    d8 14 xd7+ xd7 1 5 16 gh
d c5 6 �x7, wnning bck 17 x6 7
te pawn and keepng te dn 18  �g5
ge  te tw bisps 1 4  xd7 + 19 5
d7 ( 1 4     x d 7 1 5  d   1 5  19 g3 5 20 g6+
d5 e6 1 6  xe6, nd Wte g7 Blcks rtress cann be
s e per and tken
 � 0-0 19 f6
1 d1 c5 0 
15 fe1 56 Strnger is   3  g7 2 1 4
ngers r Black nw is 1 5 �x4 22 d5 �g5 23 e7 +
 e8 1 6 �b5 ( 1 6 d 3 c8 1 7 �xe7 24  xe7 wit danges
 4 6 18 x6 5 wt an treats Master Mcal tk
 cl ear game 1 6    xb5 1 7 tis ariatin rter: 24    6
 d8 �xd8 18 xe8+ xe8 20 25 xc5 g4 26 g3 ac8 27 59/116

6 Man Lne wh 6 .  . 6 an 7 . . . g4

x7 h8 28 h3 h6 29 many pieces, but alas, they are l
 xh6 xh6 30 xd4 g7 3 1 discnnected
h4 h7 3 2 xh7 xh7 33 25 WxcS 
e620winning 26 WS 
e8 27 xf7 
Here Black culd play the mre 28 2 
accurate 20   . 5 . Ater 2 1 e4 29 f 
g7 22 g4 (22 xg5 xg5 23  b3 
t xg5 d6 22 . h6 23 J g3 31 Je8 xf
5 the game culd end by rep 32 g3 xg3

agreed.  mves i the players Black33 3 time but
ran ut  there 
21 e 8 () n aviding mate
Yusupv cnsiders that this was Fr several years this game 
the decisive mistake and that 21 regarded as he last wrd n the
. .  g7 was crrect. The game is mve 1 1 h3  White has 
very dicult and in such a sharp dangerus initiative. But ther
struggle inaccuracies
able n bth sides are unavid recently Hwell
between tk andplacevanaKemen
ade England 1 99 1  in which Black
57 played the valuable nvelty 1    
 e6 There llwed a series 
exchanges  1 2 cd xd5 1 3 e
xc3 1 4 b 6 1 5 5 e
(Hwell suggests 1 5 . . . 0-0-0?
xe6 e 17 xe6 b8 with 
gd game r Black 1 6 e3 h
1 7 xe6 e 1 8 d4 7 1 9  xe
0-0 Here 20  g4 g5 2 1 h
xh4 22 xg7 x2 23 h
22  J xe h5 24 g5 5 25 g6 xg5 2
 better is 22   . h 6 (g6 23 J xg5 J 7 led t equality ut
 xg5 r 22   . xh4 23 x 6 Hwells mve 20 g3? led t
xe1 24 h2 catastrphe  20 . . . h4 2 
23 xe .f4  xh4 xe6 and Black has a 
2  g 6 ning psitin
24  .  d6 des nt save him  At present this is the latest w r
25 xd4 cd 26 d3. Black has n this variatin. 60/116

Main Lne wth 6  . . !c6 an 7 . . . g4 6

Game N 1 5 Je8 and Black wins

TmmYusuov 13 00
Tlug 2  1 �xc6  (
1 e e5 58
2 f3 f6 

3 xe5 d6
 f3 xe
5 d d5
6 �d3 c6

78 00
c �g
9 cd
9 c3 x3 1 0 x3 xd4
eads as we ave seen t a sarp 15 e3
actical strggle s taking n d5 Wite strengtens is d4-pawn
can be cnsidered a psitinal ping t en se te vlner

9 xf3 abilit 
pawns is ppnents
alng dbled
te c-le. We sall
10 xf3 xd5 retrn t tis psitin again at te
11 e2+ end  tis game
A nvelt prepared b Timman 15 d5
speciall r te Candidates semi 16 Jc J fe8
nal atc Ater 1 1 J e 1  �e 7 Plaskett tk te ter al
a psitin arises wic we ave pen le in tw games: 1 6 . . 
alread seen mre tan nce rm J ab8 1 7 b3 xe3 1 8 xe3 Jd8
asparvKarpv ( 1  28  1 2 19  1 c5  1 9   . 8 20 g3
3 xd4 1 3 c3 d7 1 4  xd7 wit strng pressre n Black's
xd7 wit a qick draw psitin MestelPlaskett Ln
11 Je7 dn 1986) 20 d5 8 21 e4
12 b5 d6! and Wite as a clear advantage
Taking te pawn  1 2 (SrtPlaskett Lndn 1986.
xd4  i s t risk as Wite 17 xd5!
plas 1 3 c3 wit a cnsiderable An nsal decisin. Black nw
 iti ative. as an pprtnit t ndble
13 c3 is pawns bt ater 1 7 . .  cd 1 8
O crse 13 J e 1 00 14 �xc6 c2 and ten 19 c6 e as n
b 1 5  xe7 is bad in view  1 5 cnterpla at all. Hwever in 61/116

6 an ne wth 6    6 an 7    g4

espnse t Wite's nexpected Ater 2  x c6  ae8 22 d5  

mve Black replies wit ne  23 c5 5 Back as sci  
is wn  cmpensatin r te pawn. W
17 xd5! an intermedary mveaway
18 c  d6 drives e enemy qeen r
19 b3 ( te cmrtable 5sqare
21 
59 22 xc6 e8
B 23 g2 e
2  fe1 fS

25 24    ! b4
d2 is seess
expiting tebecas 
 te back rank Hwever it w
wt interering wit Timma
intended excange  rks w
24  a! 25 a4 5  25 e
5 wit    75 t lw 

 9 Ater  9  xc6 cme te reply

   a2 tisaccrate
be case Wite already
t avid needs 
19 e6 25  
2 g3 26 f3 xe1+
Te pawn is stil ntcable: 27 xe1 xe1+
20 xc6? x2 28 xe1 d3
2  f 29 f2 3!
Yspvs trainer internatinal Wite's extr pawn makes 
master Mark vretsky cm dierence
pared tis prely psitinal sacri 3 wg2 
ce t te pawn sacrice in te 31  f xd4
Marsa Attack Te ppnent's 32 e2
small material gain is ly cm Mre dangers r Black is 3
pensated r by te activity  2 e3 (32    b 2 33 b5
Black's pieces  20     ae8 33 e2 x2 34 x2 rcing  
Wite wd ave rater nt pawn ending  34    b6 
taken te pawn bt limited im xb6 ab Bt, as Timma
se t te qiet 2 xd5 cd 22 secd Grandmaser l Ande
 c6 Te mve 20     5 as sn estabised Wite as  
deserved attentin. cances r sccess in tis endin
21 c2 36 2 8 37 e3 e7 3 62/116

Ma Le wth 6    6 an 7    4 6

4 d6 60
32 b2 w
33 xb2 �xb2

Bt3nt g34    g g6
35 g and
ie gets a distant passed pawn
35 g g
n te bisp ending te weak
ess  Backs qeenside pawns
ives Wite a denite advantage
cangingnt anter
eng par
t win
 Hw srprising it is tat tis is
wns Timman eases is te decisive mistake One passive
pnents task cnsideraby mve pts Black in a critical ps
36 'g3 �e5+ itin. Te active 1 9  .  6
37 ' �x2 deserved attentin  20 xc7
38 'x5 �d6  e4 Nw Srt realises is ps
39 'g5 'f8 itinal advantage in a tecnical
0 'f5 'e8 manner
1 �c3 c6 20  acl  ac8 2  l 6 22
2 �e5 �e7  d3 7 23 3 8 24  b3 5
3 �d  25 4 e6 26 a4 e8 27 el
nd s Wite's intersting ps  xe l  2 8 xe c5 29 d xc5
iinal pan linked wit te 30  b7 d4 31 d2 b6 32
bed enemy c-pawns and te b4! c4 33 d6 g5 34 a5 gl
xcange n d5 was nt wly 34 g g 36 b5 a4 37 a6 a2
ccessl in tis game Hwever 38 d3 d8 39 b8 a3 40
igel Srt later came p wit a c2  a5? 4 1 c7  1 0
repared imrvement Lets Back qickly managed t
etrn t te psitin in te dia imprve is game as eary as mve
ram ater Blacks 14t mve 16  1 6    ab8! (instead  6   
SrtOassn Reykjavik d5 I 7 b3 d 7 1 8 d5 cd 1 9 xd5

 act
987  1 5  d   (clearly a mre
way  deending te dpawn
xd5 20  xd5 6 21 e3  xd5
22 x d5 a l 23 g3 a6 24 c 6
an 1 5 e3  5     e8 1 6 3 e6 25 x c7 e5 26 c 4 5 27
 d5 1 7 xd5 x d5 1 8 x d5 (tis b4 d6 28 a3 8! and Black
 i e Wite willingy excanges srvived (LbrnGergiev San
 eens 1 8    cd 19 4 c6? 60 Bernardin 987 63/116

3 Main Line wih 6    Je

and  0-0   

Game No. 16 centre wth 8 . . . c6 an

ax-Kochnoi wthdraws the knght from t
ijk n Z  centre.
9 h3
I e e5
A good prophylactc mov
3 f3
xeS d6f6
 Other contnatons allow Blac
 f3 xe
to pn the knght on f3.
9 
5  e7
Usally 5 ... d 5 s played After 9 . . . c6 I 0 c3 a positio
mmedately. from KasparovKarpov (I, 4
6 d3 dS arses by transposton.  took t
Once pon a tme Black con pawn on c and Whte obtaned a
tned 6 . . . f6, leavng the pawn small advantage. Korchno pref
on d6. n the th game of the to exchange pawns mmedatel,
scherPetrosan match (Benos bt develops the knght on d ,
Ares 1971 ater 7 h3 0-0 8 0-0 then on b6, to strengthen t
e8 9 c bd7 10 c3 c6 I I e blockade of the d5sqare.
f8 12 f a6 13 b3 e6 10 xc d7
a complated strggle developed 11 c3 6
wth roghly eqal chances, bt 12 3 dS
later on t was establshed that 13 13 e 1 c6
b gves Whte a clear advantage 1 gS e6 
7 00 00 The strateges of openng vai
8 c f6 atons are very nterestng: on th
Korchno avods acton  the board we have a poston from th 64/116

Ma Le wth 6    e a     - 6

becme a gd bect  attack

 Bt it's nt as easy as tat Wi te's
 pieces ave a ree game is knigts
n e5takeandpc5wnder tpsts
ndbtedly te
initiative is n is side.
16 te5 d7
Back tries t simpiy
17 xe7  xe7
18 te4 tf8

een's Gambit Accepted wic asAter

been1 8reieved
   xe5 1 9isdeislated
ses ater 1 d4 d5 2 c4 d 3 e3 pawn and as an excelent tpst
 4 c4 ed 5 ed 6 6 3 n d6 r a knigt
e7 7 0-0 0-0 8 3 t bd7 9 c3 19 tc5 e
b6  0 b3 bd5 1 1  e 1 c6 1 2 Better is 1 9     c8 lwed by
g e6 Bt te players ave 20  . . d 6 r 20 . .  a 5. n

is tw mves
psitin mre we
n principe t cld
reac e8 te qeen
enemy rk. stands ppsite te
tp ere and direct te reader 2 f3! d8? 62
 a mngrap n te Qeen's
mbit bt tat is nt r b (  2
ve sed sme master Zcev w
y's ntes.
15 c1
n te game RazvayevBagi
v Yarslav 1 982 a Qeen's
ambit, tere lwed 1 5 e5
 7 (r 1 5   . xc3 1 6 b  b3
7 xb3  b8 1 8 4 wit a smal
 vantage 1 6 c2  e8 1 7 d 3
 18 3 wit attacking prs  t  ard t say weter tis
ts is an versigt r an incrrect
15 e8 evalatin  te psitin arising
At rst sigt Back as n prb as a reslt  Wite's cmbinatin.
 s Al is minr pieces are Bt apparenty Back did nt
velped te d5sqare is bck wnt t g back  20    d 8
ed and te pawn n d4 can sn admitting is mistake (wic 65/116

66 M Le h 6    _e7  7    0-0

ould have bee the bet move 6

2 xb7 xb7 
22 xc6

to to
give piece
up a rook
23 xd5 xd5 24 xd5 threate
22 xb3
23 xb3 d7
24 "a3
t  poble that both playe
amed for thi poito
mate materal Approxi
equaty ha bee chace to top the eemy i fa 
maitaed but all White piece  to exchage rook
are paced extremely activey ad 35 xe7 xe7
h queeide pa are ready to 36 aS wg6
quickly ruh forard Back kig i too far aa a
24 "a8 ithout hm Back cat ha
26 b4
bS 6 the pa
37 a6
27 "f3 "b7 t i o eay to decide hc
27    f6 itedig 28    d5 pa to quee Sax pay 
fail to 28 e7   edig partcuary accuratey
28 cS f6 37 c8
29 a4 �dS f 37     f5 38 b6 e6 3 b7
3 "g3 e4 Black i  Afte 
3 "b8 "xb8 prelmary f2 zugzag
f3 the hte 
32 xb8 xcS come to the queede th 
33 e8 ve eect
A importat termediary 38 d7 
move f 33 d Back oud have 38 . .  e6 i o help beca 
payed 33    d8 of 39 b6 xd7 40 b7
33 w7 39 b6 e7
34 d e7 (6) 4 ba
Sax ha traformed h adva f 40 b7 the 40    c 4 1
tage White o ha oly to b8( xb8 42 xb8 e6 a
pa for the pece but h co the kight i trapped i the co  
ected paed pa o the quee 4 c8
ide are very threateig. The oly 41 b6 xa7 66/116

Main Line with 6    e and 7    - 67

 xdS 45 <g3 wd4

We coud draw a close here 46 M4 f6
 we 7 g 1
3 e3
g6  47
e5 etc  is hg then  xg4 5 49
 67/116

4 Main Line with  . . . j d 

Game No. 7 64
Tmmaaov w
S ohn 4) 1988

I e4 eS
2 tf3 f6
3 5 d6
4 f3 
5 d4 dS
6 d3 d6
7 0-0 00
Th varato, the ymmetrcal harmle cotuato for Bac 
varato a ko log before e1,  o rarey met Corr
the opeg telf got t ame podgy materal relatg to t
Hoever,  recet year t ha ymmetrcal varato  dve
aga acqured great popuarty, to three game th game dal
eve at gradmater level. Back th 9 c2, game 1 8 th 9 lc3
avod actve but ghtly rky ad game 9 th 9 cd
varato ked th attackg 9 Wc2 a6
the cetre th . .  b8c6 ad After 9    f5 Whte ca ucce
tre to tregthe h cetre ol fuly eze pace o the quee  
dy th    c7c6 for exampe: 0 c3 a6 1 1 
8 c4 c6 64) c7 12 c5 e7 13 f4 g5  
Here Whte ha three ma xc7 xc7 1 5  ad 1 g4 1 6  
pobte at h dpoa  9 g5 17 g3 BurkovVarlam o
c2 9 c3 ad 9 cd the at to or 1 0 c5 c7 1 1 c3 d7 1 2 
move ofte trapoed ad the e8 13 f4 d8 4 e5 j6

 68/116

Man Lne h 6    6 69

  xd7 xd7 6 f3 (Geier 6

t ch i) Curiouy both thee w

  e ere played i the USSR

tee 985 ad 1987 i a the
 atic correpodece touramet
dvtd to the ymmetrica vari
 i of the Petro!
1 a3
arlier opeig book recom
eded takig the pa acrice
 xe4
b4 3 de
b3  .xe4
t£5 14eg5
8 1 2 d3
ith ad came to grief  8 ab ( 1 8  xd6
dvatage to White Hoever f6 19 d 7 c2 20 a2  xd4)
cety Black ha foud everal 1 8    f6 19 d7 g6+ 20  h 
tidote tead of 1 2     b4 d8 2 1 f5 g5 22 e6 h 5 23
tter i 1 2    g4  3 g5  d 7 d2 g6 24  xg6 hg 25 xa 7
  bd2 h6  5 e3 f5 (K ruppa xb4 26 xb7 xd2 27 xd2
etali Lvov
he kight 1985).
jump to b4 i eve xf3+g4+
c3 28 g xd4
30 h 0 g
f3 31 29
ger a move earier  I     x g + !)
4 Let u look at the game 1  (66)
aichGrodzeky Corr 1987 Salov played thi piece of home
 , 2 g5   2 a3 e8  3 e5 preparatio (athough ot a
a 4 c2 xe5 1 5 de xe5 ovelty) i game four of thi Ca
th advatage to Black) 12    f5 didate match but the ecod
  e2 f4 4 f3 or 14 e4 f3 game had goe dieretly 10   
  gf h3 16 e c7 17 a3 f5 I I c3 c7 1 2 e2 e6 I 3 b4
h2+ 8 h a6 19 g5 h 8 1 4 b2 e 8 1 5 ae h 5
US 20 c3 h6 2 ge4 g6 22 16 e5 f4 17 f3 4g5 18 cd a
  f5 23 g2 af8 ith haty exchage a Back ha o
 peatio for the pa Kra threat o the kigide { if    f6
vRaetky ame correpo the g4 o the immediate 18
ce touramet a above) 14       i  better) 1 8    cd 1 9 
4  5 a3 xf3 1 6 gf  h4 1 7 xe5 20 de d7 21 b2 a6 22
 + h8 65) d 2 the coequece of the 1 8th
e re  8 "g4 xg4+ 19 fg c2 move tart to te o White ha
 a2 xd4 lead to equality to coted ith . .  d7b5) 22
hite riked grabbig the piece    ad8 23 c  e8! 24 d4 69/116

 Man Le wh 6 . .  6

g6 25 b6 d7 26 xg6 hg 22 a5 a6 23 xe4 de 

27 c5 f5 28 d6 f7 29 b3 f7 25 xf7 xf7 6
c8 h7 30 d4 xd4 31  e2 ad White obtaie d 

 xd4 xe5Back
32 had
 xe5 33 advatage. Correct a 20   
xf4 he to a6 2 1  af (21 a5? f3  
gai equaity ad a dra a oo  af xg3 loe) 2 1  3
agreed ith a equal game
A active, although ot 
66 dagerou cotiuatio occur
w i LjubojevicHort Amterd
1 988 After
ac5 1 3 f3 1113 e5? xe5
b4 xd3 1 2 
14 x3
f5 1 5 cd cd 1 6 d4 c8 a
Back i better HazaiVlad
rov Rotterdam 1 988) 1 3 . . . x 3
14 xd3 c5 15 d4 b3  6
xg4 xa 17 h6 g6 18 

11 c5  xf8 1 9 cdthak
athough cd chace
to a ere e
mitak 
Tim ma liked 1 0    g4, ad hi oppoet Hort maage 
a m oth after the ed of the match i  20 d4 c2 2 1 f2  c8 
he choe it himelf agait Ljubo xa7? (correct a 22  
evic (Liare 1 988) after hich a ith euaity 22    d4 23 
faciatig tactical trugge e7 24 f4? e3 25 b d7 6
eued : 1 1 xe4? de 1 2 g5 f5 e4 g7 27 b6 c6 28 
1 3 c3  e8 14  e  c7  5 b3 f5 ad evera move la
 xd4 1 6 e3 c5 1 7  b4 d6 White reiged
8 xc5 xh2 19 <f g4 20 After 1 1 c5 Saov ith accr
h3  e5 21 d5 xh3 2 2 gh move alo maaged to euali
b6 23 xb6 xc5 24 xa8 11 c7
xh3 25 e2 xc4 ad te 12 te5 �xe5
move later White reiged 13 de texc5
 the game ShortHort Wet  the origia game Shakao
Germay 1 988 there foloed 1 1 Rozetali, USSR Corr 1986) 
 bd2 xd2  2 xd2  h4 1 3 f4 other kight took o c5 ad Ba
 ae8  4 c5 b8 1 5 b3  e7 1 6 a uicky routed 1 3 .   a  
d2 fe8 1 7  f2 c7 1 8 g3 h5 14 f3 b6 5 e3 d4 16  
19 f5 f6 20 a4 f3? 2 1  af e4  fd8 1 7 x4  xd4 1 8 h   70/116

Mai Le h 6     6 7

   9 fg b3 20 h1 xa 21 67

'[5  5 2 2 *xf7 xh7 2 3 e6  d5 B
 3 e5 25 e4! <h8 26
;xg 5 ad Back
2 7 f3)
reiged (26   
14 �x7 <8
15 b4 *4
fer  5 .   d7 1 6 b2 g6 7
_ g6 fg  8 * xg6 White attack
 eae.
17 �d3
*xd3 xd3
7 With a pa acrice Salov
18 3 �h5 o iiiate a geera exchage
19 f4 f5 of all he maor piece ad tur
o poibe a 1 9    f6 20 he game ito a oppoite
b fe 21 xe5 e6 ih cooured bihop edig
ce for both ide. 32 e5

21 d2
b3 e6
b6 33
34 x5
x5 x5
alov caim that a more accur 35 *xS *xS
 ay to equaity i 2   . . d4 22 36 �xS a6
xd4  ad8 23 xf5 xf4. For aother 45 move Timma
22 d4 xd4 trie i vai to d ucce but i
23 *xd4 �f7 the ed he i forced to make peace
24 �e3 a8 al the ame. For the ake of
25 ac 7 completee e give all the
26 3 f8 remag move.
27 f *e7 37 �b6 �d7 38 �d4 g6 39
28 <f2 �e6 4 �e6 40 g5 �d7 4 6
29 <g3 <g8 �e6 42 �5 �d7 43 �b6 �8
30 a4 44 �e3 �d7 45 �f2 �8 46
 ite ha improved the po �a7 �d7 47 �5 �8 48 �d4
o of hi piece to the fu ad �e6 49 �3 �d7 50 �b2 �8
o eed to ope a lie to pe 5 �a �d7 52 <g5 �e6 53
te Back' poitio �b2 �8 54 �3 �d7 55 �a 1
30 <f7 �8 56 �b2 �e6 57 �3 �8
3 a5 ba 58 4 �d7 59 �d4 �e6 60 �e3
32 ba () �d7 61 �f2 �8 62 �b6 �d7 71/116

 ain ine wih 6    j6

63 .5 .e6 64 .f2 .d7 65 5 get a dra  fact thak 

g 66 x5 .b5 67 g5 e6 hi dicovery thi game o   
68 g4 .d3 69 gf . xf5 70 .d4 Joraor aard for the e 
.e4 71 .3 .d3 72 g4 .2 ovety!9
73 f3 .b1 74 e3 .7 75 x3
d4 .g6 76 .d2 .f5 77 .e3 10 b d
�e4 78 5 �b1 79 b6 .d3 The poitio after I 0     
80 6 .2 81 5 ! I  cd cd il be ooked at i 
i the foloig game. f core 
White at to avoid exchagi  
Gam No 18
A okoov pa
c3 he o c4, the
hold begio
Oessa 1989 exchagig i the cetre  9 cd
1 e4 e5 cd ad oy the play I 0 3
2 f3 f6 11 .x4 .g4
3 xe5 d6 12 d3
4 f3 xe4 f  2  b  good i  2    b5! 
5 d4 d5 exampe 3 e8
b6 5 c2 d3 ith
d7 equai
4 
6 .d3 .d6
7 00 00 (ShortMakarychev, Rotter
8 4 6 988)
9 3 (8 12 d7
13 g5 f6
68 14 3 .5
B 15 f4 6 (9


Developig the kight o c3

a regarded a fairly dagerou
for Back before thi game but
here  maage to play a vau 16 g4 g
abe theoretical ovelty ad eaily f 6  b5 7 b3 c5!   72/116

Mai Lie with 6     6 

_d5   g6 19 xg6 hg 20 xg5 

 d White chace are better. B
 o i White favour i 1 6 .  
_xg4 1197 hg
xg4 xf7
20 1 8f5 
. 
17 fg bS
18 
1 8 gf b 19 d2 g6 20 fg
xg7 21 h6 g8 22 g5
 e etc. oe

hi18 kight acrice

a rt f2 g3 ) 25    c4 26 d 
e i ShortHber, iburg  e   27  xe  g2 28 e2
988, athough the move    b xh  29 d2 lack' attack i
5 ad c4b3 ere payed ater beate o ad he ha othig.
e ih of that game i give 23     e4 look dagerou but
lo here ao by cotiuig ith 24
19 19 
After folo
. . . xg4 there f3example
for White defue
24  . . ay
24 . . 
20 g6 e6 2 1  xf7 ith very  fe8 25  xf7  25 d2  g4
rog threat.  2 5    xg  2 6  xg   2 6 xg4
20   xg4 27 xh2  h4 (27 . . 
 NuSaov ruel 1988, xh5 28 g3) 28 g2 e4
20 f5 xg4 21 xd7 d7 22 28 . . .  e8 29 d 1  29 f2 f5 
 f7  xf7 23 g6 e8 gave White 29  e8 30 g2 30 e2
othig. e8 31 d. he check have
20 '4 + eded ad White ha a deciive
21 f2 ae8 material advatage.
 White had played 21 h2 Ho ever ot o good i 2 5  h 1
 hi move ould have ed t o vic g4 26 f g3 27 xc6
ory for lack No the threat i h3 28 f2 f5 29 e.
22  . . e2 23 xe2 g3 mate hi poitio aroe i Pakhi
22   Mikhalchihi (Klaipeda 1988.
23 g2 (70 After 29    g  30 d 1 d3
At thi poit both game coi 31 d2 e3 ack oud have
cide agai. Here Hber played gaied the upper had but lack
23  .  c5 ad after 24  h 1 reiged payed 29  . .  c8 (71, believig
  deed if 24 . .   g4 25 f (25 that thi ao ed eaiy to victory 73/116

74 Man Ln w 6 .   6

 25 e+!
 26 xe •xg+
27 e2 xc
28 xc!
After 28 d3 •xg5 Blck i
ply remi  p up
28 •xc
29 g6 e8+
30 d3 b 
31 d2

But here cme the eective dbviouly ot 3 1 c2 •xa2

f7 i defeded
trike 30 e6 d Blck oo 31
hd to reig 32 d3
So it eem tht the folloig 33 d2  
cocluio might be mde the
kight crice i uoud 
got the rd
cocluio for refutig
he prove thi
tht Blck Gme No. 19
c eily dr  piece do. Lvov 1990
23 •2+!
A importt improvemet I e4 e5
hich put ito doubt the future 2 f3 f6
of the hole vritio from 1 2 3 xe5 d6
d3 4 f3 xe4
24  f4! 5 d4 d5
The hole poit, threteig 6  d3 d6
    e8e 1  d fter 25 xf4 7 0-0 00
*xf4 26 g2 e3 the quetio 8 c4 c6
remi hether hite c bet 9 cd cd
o the ttck. 10 c3
25 •f3 The mot populr move order
The oly move 25 d 1  loe hich give Blck quite  fe
immeditely to 25  .  e 1   The problem hite build  tble
me reult come from 25 g6 cetre d hi oppoet eed to
e 26 xe1 xg 27 e2 ply ccurtely
e8 No Blck force  dr 10 xc3
d thi outcome lo uit hite 11  g4 74/116

Ma Le w 6    6 75

12  b1 (72  xb6 ab 1 8 b ) 1 7 g5 g6

18 g4 xg4  1 8    •xb7 19 gh
 f6 20  e   19 hg •xb7 20  e 

ith the threat
iuciet i 15o f 2 g6
1 c21 . Ao
6 xg6
hg 1 7 e 2 ad Back ha diculty
i exploitig the iolatio' of the
rook o b7 Hoever by payig
the preimiary 1 5    h6 1 6 e I
ad oly o 1 6    • c8, Black
get a equal
1 7 a6 c6 game,
18 e5for •xb7
12 b6
xb7 xd I 20 xa8 xe5 2 1
1 2  .   d7 i alo ofte payed.
de o better i  2 1  xd  xd4 22
t' look at the mot iteretig
xd5 xd5 23 cd  b8) 21 . . .
xampe of recet year 
a4 22 b 7 b5 23  b  4
13 h3
ith a quick dra SerperAkop
f coure ot 13 xb7 b6
ith the threat of 14  . . c8. ya
 Tbiii
A. 1989)
13 .   h5 (73
Mik 1 986 White played 1 5
Wore i  3    xf3  4 •xf3
a6 immediatey, but after 1 5   
b6  5 g3  c8  6 h4 c7 1 7 h5
e8  6 e2 c6 1 7 b5 •xc3
ith a cear advatag to Whit
1 8 b2 c2  9 c  e4 20 e 
voiriYakovich, Kiev 1 986
g6 21 e2 c4 2 2 xc4 d  2 3
73 g4 xg4 24 hg •xg4 25 f
w h3 the game eded i per
petua check
14  b5!
The troget move i the dia
gram poitio. Movig the rook
to the fth rak give the oppoet
evera problem We hall look
at the vauable theoretica game
BelyavkyPeturo Reykjavik
No the bpa ca be take 988
f 14 xb7 b6 5 d2 the 14    t b6 15 c4  xf3
 5    •c8 i bad becaue of 1 6 agerou i 1 5    d 1 6
 xh7    xh7  1 6     h8  7 xh7 xh7 17 xh5, but if 75/116

76 Main Line with 6    d6

1 5    xc there comes 1 6  xd5 g7  'xf7+ 27 xe6+ fe 

�h2+ (1 6    �xf3 1 7 'xf3 wth g6+ e7 29 g7+ 10 (29 
advantage to Whte 17 xh2 d8  'g5+ c8 31 'c5+.
and 18 �xc
s let'xc
wth 19nothng.
'xh5, 'c7Belyavsky recommends
straght away 17 1 
 1 8 a a6
nterestngly, ths poston rst  h5 g 6 20 �h6  fe8 2 1f6 f
occrred n MahaPa (Mar del 22 �xf8  xf8   c5 'd8 4
Plata 1988 and was repeated 'xd8 axd8  b d6 26 a
n DvorsVladmrov (Barnal d7 27 xc b5 28 ab xb6 wit
1988 a level endng
 x opened
 7 �c!lnes, Whte n Black
1991, mmanAnand, lbr
placed the qeen 
develops a dangeros ntatve the neghborng sqare  1 7 
7   6 'd7 here followed 18 a �c
hs nave move allows an 19 c5 �d6 20 b5 �c7 1
eectve nale c5 �d6 Whte now reected a
8 �5!  repetton of moves and ater 

h5Badh6s201 8�xh6
   f6abbecase
21 'g6,ofand
19 a5
25 ab23
b8 �f5
26 �g5 'd8f6227a6�e6
f the qeen retreats 19 �f6 s h8  �f �xf 29 'xf x
decsve Bt, of corse, wthot 30 d5 g6 31 'xc got a slghtl
the qeen Black has no chance better endng on accont of th
ether passed d-pawn Neertheless,
 �x8 x8 0 5 6  Whte was nable to make se f
x5 �c7   x  c5 t, and, nsrprsngly, was barl
 7  !, and Whte won shortly able to retan t n the long ending
aterwards   bS
he game KdrnMachago, Threatenng 1 xd5 �xh2
hessalonk (o 1988, nshed n 1 5 xh2
a smlar way: 1 7    b8 1 8 a 13 �
a6 19 �g5 'c7 ( 1 9    f6 20h5 14 h3
h6 21 �xh6 20 �xh7+ xh7 rng the Black bshop on g
21 h5+ g8 22 �f6 �h2+ to the th rank,  order to pl
(22  �e7  �xg7 xg7 2 c comfortably What happens if
'g+ f6  f5+ e6 26 Whte pshes the cpawn forw
c5+ f5 27 'e2+ 23 h 'd6 at once? hs occrred  the gm
2 �xg7 xg7 25 g5+ f6 hortmman, Hlversm 1989
26 e  'e6 (26    h8 27 5+  c (7) 76/116

Ma Le wth 6  6 

had Hoever i the game he
 made a error  1 9 e3 ad
Salov could have already gaied
dieret bythreat
1 9   f5!0ith
 b4; 0 . . . e7 or 0   . f4. But
Black i tur made a eriou lip
movig the rog pa  19   
g6 After 0 a3! White got the
iitiative back ad quickly took
  . d! the
.  . f5upper had
 1  . gh
: x0h 3 
h 3  h 1 f4 0
Wore i  4  .  d 6  5  e  !
d  d8 4 c3  Short  1
f3 1 6 x f3 xh 1 7 f
e h4  g4 f5 3 d7 f4 4
c6  8  xd5 75
 h 1 f6 5 d 5 e6 6 g5
5 xd4 7 d 1 1 0
 et u retur to ShortTim
5  e4 c!  5
f 1 6 xc6 there follo 1 6   
d 6 threateig  . . xf3.
    x/3 7 x/3 d 8   3
No better i 1 8 g3  xd4 1 9 e 3
 ae8 0 a3 e 1 g  d 4
or  8  h5 g6 1 9 a3  xd4 0
Thi poitio aroe i Short h 3 e   1  h 1 d 4 (Tim
lov Amterdam 989  ma
eoe to  8     ae8 Short 8   . xd4 9 4 g 20 xa8
ive the folloig beautiful vari xa8?
tio  9  xe8! h 1  (  9    Black thro aay a large
 xe8 0 h5 0 e xe8 1 advatage hich h ould have
e3 e7  d7 xd7 3 xc6 retaied after the prelimiary 0
h5 4 f3 or       a  f5 . .  f5 ad the   d  ( a3
 e6     g6 3 d 7     e 5  d 1 e  1 .  .  xa8
x d4 3  xd4 xd4 4 x h7   e  b5 3 b   d8 ad
8 5  h8  ad 6 xe8  3 White i defecele
 h7  f8 4 h 8 e7 5 2  d  d8 22 wf d5 23 neJ
 xg7 ad White get the upper /5? 77/116

78 Main Line wit 6 . . . 6

Now movig the fpaw leads followig iterestig game oo

to defeat. t was ecessary to play place i the Cadidates quarer
23    c3 24  c3 b5  al i Brussels.
24 �h4 4 Short Gelfad Brussels 1 99  
Now after 24    c3 25  xd4 15 hg!
 xd4 26 e 8 White wis. The same idea as i the ge
25  e 7 h5 26 �6 1-0. we are lookig at, but i a sligh
14 a 6 76 dieret format
Before retreatig the bishop 15 . .  b 16 �c2 g6 17 h6 8
Black wats to drive the eemy 8 xb5 e4
rook from comes
�h5 there the fth1 5rak f 14after
c4, ad  9 1g5
8 �  d6d7 1 9 �c6
20 5 �e6 2 1 4 77
the passive 1 4 . . . �e6 1 5 g5 h6
1 6 h5 d6 1 7 g3 d7 1 8 �f4 77
c6 19 xe6 f6 20 e2 White 
has a clear positioal plus
DvoirisRoetalis Baraul

The positio looks fairly da

is sealedforad
future at
all i exchagig o e5. Mea
while �d3 ad f4f5 threate 
However Gelfad ds a elega
Now if the rook retreats to b1 way of escapig from his tricy
or b3 Black eplies 15 . �h5 positio with the help of a pece
ad chaces are equal sacrice
15 xd5!? 21    c6! 22 x6
A iterestig possibility  22 �xc6 �xe  �xa8  x
retur fo the exchage White will with dagerous threats. There is
get a paw ad a strog iitiative othig i 22 f5.
t is iterestig that whe this 22     x4 2  x4 x4
book was almost complete the Two mior pieces agais a 78/116

Main Line with    d 79

k  generally speaking, a con 19 g5

ierable advantage, bt taking 19 f3 is nsitable becase
it accont that the bishop on of 1 9 . . . e5 and 19 xh6 IS
 is hopelessly incarcerated, the answered by 1 9 .  . xd4.
ances can be considered eqal. 19  fe
24 e5 $ xe5 5 e xe5 6  20 e1 xd4!
 7   c8 8  e5+ 21 cd xd4
29  xc 0  c7  22 c2!
 c+   c7   22 f6+ comes p against 22
c -j. . . . gf 23 xe8+ xe8 24 h7+
n recent
ame commentaries
Gelfand to this
and his second, x72225 'xd4 e1 mate.
nternational Master Kapengt, 23 xc7 c
ave made a nmber of improve Bt not   .  hg 2 xg5 f6?
ents. nstead of 19 g5? there are  xf6
tter prospects in 19 c4 Blacks 24 7 xc
ve 20  . . e6? is inaccrate. And here if 2 . . . hg 25 xg5

xc6the(21 immediate
f3? xe5 2220 .xc6
. . . c6 21
e7 f5 the bishop manoevre 26 f6
tc. 21 . .  J xe5 22 de (22 xa8? 25 xc xe4
lses to 22   . J e2 22 .   xc62 3 26 x6 f4
4 Ja3 Blacks position is better. 27 J e6
Finally, White also made a mis 28 d8 h7
take on move 23: 23 d2 J xf + 29 d3 e4
4 xf .g3  a4 e4 26 d3 30 xe4  xe4
h4 27 e3 wold lead to an 31 gh xh6
dvantage for White. As a reslt of ths wld skrmsh
15 xd5 an eqal rook ending has emerged
16 hg c6! Blacks rook is a lttle more active
The only move, bt qite and so he decdes to make hs
cient. oponent ser a lttle Bt, of
17 g5 h6 corse, a peacef otcome IS
18 e4 navoidable.
White has created a range of 32 d1 4
reats  1 9 xh6, 1 9 g5, 19 'f3, 33 d2 g5
t Black has a way of repeling all 34 g3 g6
f them. 35 g2 f5
18 ad! 36  2 a3 79/116

8 Main ine with 6    d6

37 c2 'h5 44 c2 'f5

38 d2 aS 5 2 c3
39 c2 a4 46 4 a3
40 d2 g5 47 a4 g
1 c2 >g4 48 a8 'f5
42 c4 f4 49 a4 'e5
1 1
43 g gf 2-2 80/116

5 White Fourth Move


Game No. 20 between 4 . . . .e7, 4 . . . d5, 4  . .

Vitolins-Raetsky g6 and 4 . .  .c5. n eac case the
Naberezhnye Chelny 1988 position is roughly level.
1 e4
(b) 3 .c4 c6 leads to the
Two Knights Defence, but Black
2 f3
3 xeS  has the good reply 3 . . . xe4!.
Looking in in opening books you
This game is devoted to the rare,
wll nd that ater 4 c3 (4 d3, 4
t fascinating knight sacrice
variation  3 xe5 d6 4 xf7?! 1e2 and 4 xe5 give nothing at
e are also using it to examine all) 4 . . . xc3 (the quiet 4 . .  f6
ter rar continuations, which and 4 .  . d6 are also possible) 5
re almost never met in serious d f6 White as some initiative for
rnaments. In particular, the sacriced pawn, but hardly
istead of 3 xe5 the following sucient.
ves are possible to avoid the (c) Finally, to 3 c3 Blacks
ain lines  3 d3, 3 .c4 and 3 best reply is 3 . . . c6 giving
c3. (The correct' move 3 d4 will a Four Knights Game, which is
e given considerable attention perfectly satisfactory. Te con
lter). tinuations 3 . . . .c5 and 3 . . .
(a) If White plays 3 d3 he is .b4, once well regarded by
laying a Philidor's Defence with theory, allow White to obtain a
�H extra tempo But in thi open denite advantage, for example: 3
g, even havng an extra tempo, . . . .b4 4 xe5 0-0 5 .e2 Je8
 is hard to expect much After 3 6 d3 xc3 7 d xe4 (78).
c6 4 .e2 Black has a choice
.  · The critical position. Ater 8
81 81/116

 White Fourth Move Alternaties

8 the log theoretical vara t 

w ariig from 4 f3  White  
to pa for the kight a d 
beforeroller i the
lookig og.
at the Howe
kight ac i
ce variatio let u refer to o
more poibility for White  
The idea behid retreatig th
kight to c4 i it future tra

0-0 d5 9 f4 c6 10 e3 d6 the to e3 from

preure o thehere
ce Let
l o
game i level but White ca play at ho evet ca develop 4   
the immediate 8 f4 prevetig xe4 5 d4 the old cotiuatio
   d7d5  PakhiYuupov, 5 c3 5 d3 ad 5 e2 lead t
Viliu 1980/81 there foloed 8 equality 5    d5 6 e3 6 t
   c6 9 c4 d6 1 0 00 f5 1 1 a4 favourite move of Makaryc
a5 1e6
g4 2 a3
1 5 d7 1 3 1 6e3dc5
f 3 f6 14
d4 c7 the uual
a a choice
played i beig
the lat6 cet
   
1 7 b3 h6 18 b2  ad8. Here 7 e2 e6 8 c3 c6 9 d2
White played 19 d1 hich led 000 .
to equality. Hoever i Blum
Piliya Corr 198283, White 
preferred 1 9  f2 ad o. w
3 d6
t i ell ko that takig
the pa traight aay doe ot
ork  3 . .  xe4 4 e2 e7 5
xe4 d6 6 d4 de 7 de c6 8 c3
(the implet 8     xe5 9  xe5
xe5 10 f4 d6 1 1 g3 ad
the b5 or e4 ith a exchage
o d6 hich lead to a uavoid After 10 g3 but ot 10 x
able break up of Black pa de 1 1 g3  xd4 the poitio  s
4  roughly level
Thi kight acrice ca be rec  SmagiMakarychev  
ommeded to player ith a harp cia rapid 1 990 there folloed  
tyle ho dot like rememberig reckle 10 xd5 xd5 1 1   82/116

Whe Fourh Move Alernaves 8

 6 1 2 g3 ad  th poto The move 5  .  e7 allo

1 2    ht5 chace
oud have gve Back
He payed
Whte to orgae a dagerou
pa roer more eay after 6
 e lle 2
   d6 ad Whte took the c4 c3 for
f8example 6  9 f3eh5
8 7
 a tve th  3 h5 8 00 g4
4 < 10 g4 7 I I xf7 xf7 12
5 d4 80) f4 or 6    c6 7 c4 e6 7   
h gambt bear the ame of d5 8 ed cd 9  xd5 e6 I 0 e3
 Scotth mater of the lat xc4 I I  xc4 c6 2 c3 e8 1 3
ury Cochrae He hmelf 00; 9    xd5 10 h5 g6 I I
e oly 5 varably
 hch c4  th po
brought xd5
b3 ad <e8Black1 2haf3  f8 1 83
 ory after 5  . . e8 6 0-0 or 5 xe6 <xe6 9 f3 a5 10
   e6 6 xe6 <xe6 7 00 g 4   both cae the pa roer
 correct reply to the bhop look promg ad Whte'
ck  5    d5! ad o 6 ed threat more tha compeate for
6 7 0-0 f8 8 d4 g8 or 6 the matera dect
3 e6!
f3 <e87 e5
8 d4reper
c5 9 Apart5 from
reple    g65 ad
   c5
f 6Black
c3 ofte
o for Whte 6  .  g7 or 6  .  e8 f 6   . e7
there come 7 h6! d5 8 xd5
 xd5 9 c4 c6 10 ed cd I I f3
 <e6 12 e4 Let u look at
oe exampe each of thee move
SchumaSchmuder ga
1 986: 6    g7 7 e2 (after 7 f4
Whte ha ucet compeato
for the pece but th bhop move
hch carre the truggle to the
mddegame  veomou eough
7    e7 7    e8 8 f3 8 e3
5 c5 e6 9  d2 h6 (log tme; better
aturally the e4-pa caot a 9     e8 10 f3 bd7 I I
 touched  5    xe4 6 h5 0-0-0 c6 1 2 g4 a6 1 3 h4 b5  4 d5
¢7 ( 6    g6 7 d5  7 e2 d5 81).
  g 5! Th  exacty ho Whte pa beg to move
arevKudyhev Moco ad Black ack of queede
  amugy hed. couterplay ad ack of protecto 83/116

84 Whie Foh Move Alenaive

8   . a5 have ao bee met i

B practice, ad i each cae a v 
game ith chace o both id 
ha occurred
7  dS? 8
 thi poitio thi cou t
trike i the cetre i ot o g 
for Back. The corct rep  
i 7 . .  e6 8 x e6 x
Apparety the three pa 

for hi kig make hi poitio ot

ad compeate for the
moreover Back piecea
brig i
dicut force ito the batte
4    cd  5 ed b4  6 de b 17 et u ook at ho the ga
c3  c8 8 d2 e5 19 g5 h5 VitoliDautov Mik 1
20 f4 ith a deciive advatage cotiued  9 00 d5 9    d i
VitoiDomu Riga 1 98 3 : 6 dagerou becaue of I 0 e2 
   e8
c8 79 d3
00 g77 c4 10 eeJf8
6 8 the threatcombed
fpa of advacig
ith the e a
c4 1
I I f4 i ot bad 7 .   g 7 8 00 e5 10 c3 deerve atteti 
 f8 9 e5 g4 1 0 h3 h6 I I ed . .   e4 I I g4 f7 1 2 +
g8  I I . . . cd 1 2  e I  c6 1 3 e8 (havig adered a
e4 1 2 d c6 more precie a the board the kig retur 
1 2    a6 1 3 d5 e5 1 4 e 4 ad Black i ready to rea 
 ef7 1 5 d6 d7  6 e3 xd6 harvet 1 3 c3 d4! 14 3 
1 7 d5 h8 1 8 c5  f6 1 9 1 5 e6 xe6 16 d 3 xc3  e
 e I ith  harp game. e2 1 8  h  xc  1 9  xl
 d f7 20 fe c6 21 f5 <
The opeig book oly co 22 e6 d7 23 e5 xc5   
ider 6 c4 d5 7 ed d6 8 the cetraliatio of White'  
00  e8 9 d x c5 1 0 c3 g4 til doet uciety c o ·
I I d3  bd7 ith advatage to ate hi material oe. t 
Black (YademirovPlietky that Black maaged to  h
Moco 1983 trump i thi game a o f
  coure the reader hold  o h  k
Recommeded by Grodzeky that the piece acrice 4 ?
ad Gradmater Makarychev 6 give White a forced  i 
   e8 6 . . . d5 6    g4 ad 6 Neverthee to attract ]  84/116

Whte Fourh Moe Alterates 85

of sarp play to the Cochrane 12 f7

   bit, we have chosen a game in 13 c4 < 6
w ch Vitolins managed to gain a 14 tdS d6
 victoy We hod ote by theaPevetig f4+ , but
moe teaciou, he14 White
   h6
 that te teatioal Mate
from Riga a fervent admirer of old til have a tog attackig
this gambit, ha payed coe of poitio
e ith it ad o the majo 1S .f4  ad8
ity of th em . Bad i  5 .  . xf4  6 xf4+
h6 becae of 7 e6
 f 1 616  . xd5
 ad1 7 xd5
cSc7 the
18  xd6  xd6 9 c decide.
17 b3 txe4
18 .e3 aS
19 xb7 c8 8

8 .xdS
Tking ith the pa i eake
be cau of 8    a5 o 8    e5
8 . e6
 8    xd5 9 ed White ha
mny active pa fo he piece
9 xe6 xe6
10 "e 2 " aS + 20 !
11 t c3 .xcS Divetig oe of the mio
Bla ck's king doesn't feel too piece out of poitio f 20   
 om fort able in
the centr e  and d8 o 20     xa2 thee folo
W Ite · l ea dy has three pawns fo
a 21 b5
e pc. 20 txb4
1 2 00 20    xb4 ao loe 2 
   c +  e7 3 00 i't bad f4+ f6 22 h5+ <g6 23
  e  JVmg
  Black's king no xg7+ xh5 24 h6+  g4 25

h n
a ce
oe t o slip ou t of the danger h3 mate.
 21 tf4 .xf4 85/116

86 White Fourth Mve Alternatives

22 xe4+ f5  xa7 are threatened.

23 x4 US 26 xc2
24 �xa7! 27 dS
White elegantly wraps p the White cold stll go ami
game. wrong here 27 xg7 xf2
24 �xa7 27 xf2
25 d6+ qS Bt ths dea doesnt work 
26 7 28 xfS xf5
A doble blow 27 d5 and 27 29 xa7 10 86/116

6 3 d4

Game No 2 1 8
KasarovAad 
Linare 1991

1 e4 e5
2 3 
3 d4
ialy e come to ook at
ite other cotiuatio at
ove tree hich i coected
it a ytem ko a the Stei
 Attack White 4    de 5 xe5 e7
3 xe4 (iferior i 5    d6 6 c3
Te other mai poibiity  3 e7 7 d5 d8 8 �c4 �e6 9
   d il be looked at i detail i xf6 gf 1 0 xe6 xe5 1 1 de
 lat game of thi book The xd 1  1 2 x d 1 fg 1 3 c8 ith a
re move 3  .  d5 (8) , maitai o poitio for White Baata
n ful ymmetry i orthy of Scharzma St. oh 1988) 6
tio White ha to play accur c4 00 7 00 fd7 8 f4 xe5
ly to make ue of the right to 9 de xd 1 10 xd 1 �e6 1 1 b3
ove rt xb3 12 ab f5 3 c3 f7
 3 4 g5 (after 4 xe5 xe4 5 more accurate a 1 3    c6 ith
a poitio from our mai approximate equality 4  b5
  arie Theory recommed better a 4  d5 d8  5 e6
 d ed 5 b5  c6 6 e2 e7 xe6 16 xc7 c6 17 b4 14  . .
7  b 8 c4 00 9 00 g4 10 a6 1 5 e 6 f6 1 6 d2 c 5  7
  ith a miima advatage for �c3 xe6 ith equal chace

 87/116

88  d4

for both ide (SmiriAkopya "xe5    (RomaihiMa   

Viliu 988) chev Frue 1985.
4 d3 5 d6 
arie 4 xe5
e d6tudied
5 f3 aipoitio
detail 85
earlie by trapoitio 3 xe5 w

d6 4 f3 xe4 5 d4)  the

opeig moograph there i evi
dece that Black eaily equalie
after 4 "e2 or 4 de.  the game
985 a a reult of 4 deMik
d5 5
bd2 f5! 6 xe4 t x 4 7 d3
c6 8 00 e 9 e b4! 10
"e2 xd3 I I cd xf3 12 "xf3 The cotiuatio 5       is
Black obtaied excellet chace omehat paive, o ther
4 d5 Black ha a choice bete 
5 txe5 old 5    d6 ad the modr
Here 5 de i ot approved of    d7 Game 22 24 are dev
by theory. Poibly oly Grad to the more popular kight 
mater Romaihi play thi 6 00
move today  5    c6 6 00 g4 A amuig ovelty  pra
7 bd2 (i RomaihiEhvet, ith gor Zaitev at oe  
Yereva 1988 after 7 c3 xc3 traiig eio log ago wa 
8 b e 9  e  Back made a "f3 Thi idea a trie  i
erie of iaccurate move  9    ZaitevYuupov Yereva 
"d7 1 0 h3 h 5 I I     d8 1 2 but it tured out that afte    
e2 c6 1 3 c4 dc 1 4 "xd7  xd7 "e7 7 00 00 8 c3 xc3  
havig overlooked the thrut 1 5  xe5 I 0 de "xe5 I I f4  
e6. After oly ve more "g3  c6 White ha othig 
move  1 5    c7   5  . . fe  6 tha repeatig move   3  
e5    6 ef xf7 1 7  xc4 d6 " d6 1 4 f4 "f6
 d4 he8 19 e6 d7 Em Geller ha played  c3
20  x b7  Black reiged 7 . . . everal time i thi poitio  
xd2  xd2 d4 9 e2 xe 2 exampe 6    xc3 7 b  
10 "xe2 "d7 I  h3 xf3 12 "xf3 00 c5 9 "h5 f5 10 g5  c  
c5  3 c4 000 1 4  ad  "e6  5 "f3 e 6 1 2  fe  c4 1 3 f   
g 5  d7  6  xd5  xd5 1 7 cd 4 xc4 xh2 1 5 h   88/116

 d4 89

   e3 th a decve adva tage 12 �xdS �

 Whte (GeerYuupov The lat ve move a a
  R Ch  983) Yuupov ater etabhed og ago are the bet
d Back correct defece 8 for
eeboth de ad
Whtethere  o
   d7 9 xd7 "xd7  0 "h5 g6  ether or Back
   f3 e8  2 h6 f8  3 devatg from them
_f8  xf8  4  fe  "c6  5 h4 13 g4 � xg4 ()
x3  6 " xd5 e6 ad here Wore   3 . . . g6  4 f4 th
rtYuupov Povdv 983 a trog tatve for Whte
 agreed dra
7 c4 0-0 w

Whte kght move to c3 or d2

me ttle a theory ho
ee varato to be fuly accept
le for Black
7 xeS

 recet year
mpetey th capture
uppated ha
all other
ove. Here are the bac var
t gve  the Enylopeia The crtcal poto of the var
 Chess Openings 7    f6 8 cd; ato.
    f6 8 g5 d  9 xc4 xe5 14 �e4
 de x d     xd  ; 7 . .  c6 8 Bad  4 a3 xa   5 e4
d xd4 9 xe4 xe5 0 c3 e2!  6  e   ad8, ad Black
fS   e3 xe4 2 xd4 already ha the upper had 4
 d4  3 x d4 f5; 7  . . c6 8 f4 xa 5 e4 trapoe
 3 xc3 9 b xe5  0 de d   but Svehkov prefer  5  c  
c4 x d   2  xd  f5  3 SvehkovBelov Moco  987
 3 e8  4 f4. Whte adva cotued  5 . . .  ad8 (ore 
   uquetoable.  fact  5    c6  6 e4 f5  7 ef  xf6  8
 lat poto occurred at e3 e6  9 d2 xa2 20  xa 
 begg of thePar
cetury 
d5 2 xd5 cd 22 xa xa7
23 xa7 f4 24 f th a
8 de c6 dcut edg for Back)  6 c3
9 cd · xdS b5 ( 6    c6  7 e4  7 e4 b4
10 c2 b4 8 d5 d7 9 f3 e6 20 xb4
11 xe4 xc2 b8 2 d3 d5 22 c5 dd8 89/116

90 3 d4

23 b3 . 4 24 fe and White had 22 c1 f7 23 a4 h6 2 �

slighty the better chances. d3 White has some ini i
4  but was unabe to turn i i t �
5  anything concrete
ater a draw Fifty vs
was agreed.
Equaity is reached after 1 5 c3 A 
�h3 1 6  e 1 f5 17 ef  ae8 1 8 result, Timman became the  
�e3  xe4  9 xe4 c2 2 0  c I of this intriguing minimach 
xe3 2  fe  c8 22 f7 + <f8 23
g5 �f5 24 f h6 25 xf5 hg 87
(Psakhis-Makarychev, USSR Ch w

 980/8
23 f7+1 ) <h8
r 2 24
. .  f
c6 22�g6
Timman, Reykjavik 987).
15  87)
In Smagin-Schssler, Copen
hagen 1 988, Back preferred 1 5 . . .
f6 There followed  6 c3 fe  7
�g3  ad8  8 x a   d2 9 b4
�[3 20 a3 �xe4 2 xe4 e2 6 �+
(2  . . .  d5 was correct) 22 c5 More accurate than 6 �b7
b6 23 e6  c8 24    ? (After 24 c2 7 f3 �h5 8 �d5 >h
 d 1 ! c5 {24  . . f7 25 d8+ 9 �xa8 xa8 20 d  c5 2  >f2
f6 26  c6  2 5 b b 26 d7 d4 with equality (Romanish
 e  + 27 g 2 c4 28  xg7  h8 Kochiev, USSR Ch 978
29  e7 c3 30 �h4 White obtains 6 w
a winning position  Sveshnikov 7  c6
Now matters quickly come to a If  7     ad8 then 1 8 c b
peaceful concusion 24 .   c5 25  9 e6!  fe8 20 �xc7 c8 
b c6! 26 d8 xc5 27 d xb5 e7 22 xa exc 
 cc2 2 8 e6  ed2 29  e 1  e2 xc7 xc7 24 e! e7 25 b4 !
30  d   ed2  -  with a clear advantage fo it
White attempted to improve in (GlekVarlamov SSR Crr
the decisive game of the rapid 987)
chess na between Kasparov and  �
Timman Paris  99  , with  7  8 �e6 is payabe  8     
�e3 This is how events turned 9 �xg5 ae8 20 �h6 xe6  
out : 1 7    �f3 18 xal �xe4 �xf8 �h3 22 c3 g6+ 23  
1 9 xe4 b6 20 b4 a5 2  b5  ad8 g8 24 �e7 f4 25 xg 6 hg 90/116

3 d4 91

J  a3 f3 with eqality Ol    h 6 2 0 h4  d3 i s dangeros for

Kalim an, Vilnius 88) nclear Black. This position arose twice in
 0 � c4 5 20  . . f4 21 �f6 ) the Candidates Seminal etween
  f Here 2 1   .  xe5 is Timman andsecond
12 n the Yspo,
game Linares
a draw
  22 �d2 e6 23 �c3
� g  24 d2 (an der Wie was agreed ater 2  xa  g5 22
i alchishin, Lgano 187), t hg hg 23 xg5 g8 24 f6
  . . f4, chosen in Rozentalis  h 7 2 5 f f4 (25    f3 2 6
anch k, Minsk 186, gies an g3 f4 27 x3 1 xf3 28 g2
 roximately eqal game  22  d 3 2  h   g6 30 e4

6 1 xf6
 xc6 �x 26 5
23 ef f7 1 f8
c 24Bykho f5
xg5 3331 g5 xg5
e  oses 32 xg5
 Rozentalis)
 y). 26 h2  g6 worse is 26 .   f3
  27 h3 g4 28 xg4  xg4 2
here i nothing in 1 8     ad8 h  ! with the threat of h2) 27
  c3  d4 20 �e3  4 21 �c5 e h6 28 g g6 2 h2
ng h6 30 g g6 31 h2.
19  88) Timman introdced an
here i no danger for Bac in important new moe in game six.
9 c3 d4 20 e3 4 or 1 Instead of 21 1 xa  he rst played
f h5 2 0 a3 1 d4 2 1  e3 1 4 21 f d4 22 e3 d5 and
2 c4 a4 23 a3 !! (Sax only then took the knight  23
spo, Thessaloniki ol) 1 88)  xa  There followed 23     xe5
24 c4  d5 25 g2 1 5 Whist
 the lack rook has somewhat
 nsccessfully manoeured aong
the fth rank, the white pieces
hae now taken up ideal positions
After 26 e d8 27 xa7 d
2 8  xd xd  2  d4 f4 30
e4  4 31 3 e2 32 c3
1 5 33 d6  h5 34 f3 a6 35
f5 g8 35 f5 g8 36 xg7
xh4 37 f5, White went on to
19  realise his material adantage.
A sharpwitted method of   
 t oring material equality. As 21   
ratice has shown, the quiet 1       91/116

92 3 d4

The presence of the two bshops 8

fully copensates Whte for the 
pawn dect and n addton the
on a   knght feels uncofortable
23 f4
Matsukevchs recoen
daton 23 �f ght have kept
a slght ntatve
23 tc2

25 f2
a4 g8
a5 6 c3 6 00 6 e2 and 6  .
26 �xa5 Wth exaples fro severa 
therwse the knght sply teporary gaes let us 
jups to b4 brey at each of these
26 td4 (a) SaxNunn Brussels 1988 
For the prce of a pawn the c3 xe (the exchange o 
black knght breaks free other par of knghts s also p
27 �f .b3 ble at once 6 . .  xc3 7 b 
 
- 8 de �e6 9 00 f 10 bl b
I I e3 c 2 b f7 1
e 2 e7  4 f4 d 7 1 
Gae No. 22
hd8 6 f2 a4 wth exce
counterplay for Black K 
Bul 
Davdovc Thessalonk 1988 7
 e4 e5 de �b4 8 00 xc3 or 8    _
2 tf3 tf6 9 b e6 10 f4 d7 I    
3 d4 txe4 2 c4 c 13 e2? c6  a
4 .d3 d5 roughly equal poston n Sa P
5 txe5 td7  Nkolc Brussels 1988) 9 b  c
Nowadays one of the ost 1 0  b I (I 0 a3 xa I     l
popular postons n the Petro e6 2 b2 c8 13 4 g6 lad 
occurrng n grandaster tourna to a sharp gae) 10    7 l 
ents ore often than any other.  b3. Now after  I . .   b4 1 f4.
6 txd7 there arses a coplcated p   
Nowadays ths capture s n whch Whte has copes
alost autoatc but there are for the pawn. However  
other oves that have been tred  carelessly took the pawn -   .   92/116

3 d4 93

xe 5 an after 1 2  e I 00 13 h4 g5 1 6 f3 g8 an  was

 5 f5 1 4 f4 he ha to resign. unable to ho this position
 b) Aams-Petroic Paris against Larsen Tiburg 1 980. Kiril
 989 : 69 00 xe5 7 e c5 8 c3 Georgie trie to improe on
 x3 x3 c6 0 e2 e7 I I moe  2 against Sao at Lenin
3 g6 I 2 c3 00  3 h6 e8  4 gra in 1 987   2 c3 f6 1 3 g3
f f5  5  a  7  6 h3  a8 e7 14 2 h5 5 f3 g5 1 6 c4 f5
 4 c5 8 xf5 xf5 19 f3 7 e5 6 8 a5 �f4 9
e6 20  2  7 2 g4 f5 22 xf4  x4+ 20  f2  2 b3
"     .  b6 but again Black has exceent
c) Feoseie-Raetsky,
1983-84 6 e2 xe5 ( recallCorr my chances)
actie than 0 I 0 . .  000
b4+ I  more
 a5
own game with Hort at Amster c6 12 c3 b6 3 a6+ b8 14
am in 1 980 where after 6  . . e7 b5 c4 15 a4 b4+ 6 c3
 xe4 e 8 f4 xe5 9 xe5 6 7  xa 7 + c8 18 000
f5 0 c3 000 I I 000 e6 xg2  9 5 x5 20  hg xh2
2 e3 h5  3 h3 f6 4 h2 g6  5 2 a5 with an extremey sharp

b h6
te  6 g3  h7  7Gran
Czechosoakian  he game inchances
better which in
White ha the
aster as Back was in a fairly West Germany 987) I I c3 6
icut position 7 xe4 e 8 12 a5 (after 12 xg7 000 3
e4 e6 9 xe5 7 (90 2 c6 Back has a strong
counterattack for the pawn 1 2
0  c6 13 f3 castling is prema
 ture  3 00   4 f3 b6 1 5 a6
c4 16  x5 7 a4+ b5 18
 e5 19 f2 xh2 20 f4
�xf 01 Klinger-Wol Baguio
City 1 987) 13    �5 14 2
00 5 00 fe8 6  fe  b6  7
a6 xh2+ 1 8 xh2  xe3 1 9
xe3 h6+ 20 g3 xe3 an
Black ha a clear aantage
For the pawn Black gets the ( MaanyukM Gureich
antage of the two bishops an Tainn 1987 6 xf7 xf7 (long
 free game 10 e3 (inferior is ago the game  Zaitse-Karpo
   c3 000 I  e3 b4 2 Leningra  966, nishe 6    e7
 f6 3 g3 xc3 4 b h5 15 7 xh8 {it was ater estabishe 93/116

94 3 4

that Whte gets the advantage wth gS (9 . . . xd2 s also good) 
7 'e2!} 7 . . . c3+ 8 d2 xd 'xe7 xe7 I I f4 e6 12 
9 e xf2 10 h7 {the qeen J df8 1 3 fS d8 14 eS e  

xe7+ xe7 cannotI Ibe xh7
gS+10 g4 f6 1 6 f4 f7Moscow
(GellerArkhipov, with eqai
and Black takes the pper hand} 7 '
10 . . . e4 I I xe4! de 12 g6+ he qeen move to h4 is h
d8 13 f7+ e8 14 d6+ most pto-date continaton 
d8 IS f7+, wth a draw by fore we proceed lets look a 
perpetal check. However, Back other moves  7 . . . d6 a 
can calmlyhas
and Whte take the knght
nothing betteron f7
than  . .(a
a draw 7 'hS+ e7 (also poss Kbyshev 1986: 7 . . . d6  4
ble s 7 . . . e6 8 xe4 de 9 dS+ c6 9 c3 00 (weaker  9 .  . 
e7 1 0 gS+ f6 I I c3 'e8! 10 b d II e+ e7 12 
12 d6+! {12 'h4? fS 13 0-0-0 e6 13 xe7 xe7 14 4
f7 14  he e7, and Black 00 I S eS 'a3 16 xe6 fe wit 

had a large
Kshnev, rmala pls 197S}
n Dozorets
12 . . . cd dclt
Wk for
13 dS+ d8 14 xf6 xhS hS f6 I I h4 d  12 xc4 
wth approxmate eqalty 8 'e2 13 gS h6 14 xf6 xf6 IS 6
(i 8 'xdS the poston resembles gf 16 fe e6 17 e4 e  
the Cochrane Gambt. n Dem xe6 fe 1 9 S xcS 20 
dovMakeyev, UR Corr 1987 ad8 21 ad f7 
90, after 8 . . . ef6 {more accrate (b) KorolevGlek, UR o
than 8 . . . df6 9 'b3 e6 10 Ch 198688: 7 .  . 'f6 (nvovi
xb7 dS 11 'a6 f7 12 f3 a pawn sacrce 8 xe4 de 9 
d6 13 c3 b7 14 aS wth 000 10 xe4 g6 (bad is   
an nclear poston, Nenashev 'b6 II e  12 d3 h4 13 h
Bakov, Moscow 198S} 9 'f3 b6 hS 14 c4 e8 1S e2, A. va
10 'e2+ f7 I I c3 d6 12 0-0 Rozentals, Klapeda 198S)   
e8 13 'c2 g8 Whtes initiat fS (no better s 1 1 . . . hS  2 4
ve had dred p 8 . . . f7 9 h4 13 d3 h3 14 g4 'b6 IS 4
'hS+ e7 10 'e2 wth a draw. e6 16 fd a6 17 a x2°  
6 xd7 c3 b4 19 a4 'e7 20 d A.
7 00 vanovKochiev, Kostroma 9
here  nothng to be ganed more resistance was oered   
from 7 'e2 e7 8 00 0-0-0 9 d2 . . . c6 1 8 c3 'xc3 19 xc3  94/116

 4 9

 ite goes ito the edig with The reaso behid this active
  ex tra paw but the two bishops move wil become cear later 9   
ak e it hard to reaise this adva xf2  0  xf2 'xd4 doest work
tge 2 f2 b5 13 e d6 because
2 b2 of  1 c6
'xa2 3 or 1 1 9b40  'xa
c3 1
 f6
1 4 h 3  de8 1 5 f4  xe    6
xe   e8 1 7 'g3 f6 1 8 c3  e2 is passive  1 0 c3 g6  1 0   
1  b3  c2 20 xd6 cd 2  'e a ' xd4 1 1 c 6!   e2 h6 1 2
ite ad a distict advatage xh6 'xh6 13  he8 14 b4
8 c4 b8  5 b5 f5  6  c3 etc
After 8 'e 000 9 f3 xe 0 Prasad-Ravikumar Idia 1987
 xe  d6 thebut
imeditey game8 becomes
c3 xc3level9 9   . g6
tage  eads
10 c3to Whites
g7 1 adva
1 e2
b 000 leads to a compicated f6 12 b4 h5 13 b5 Timma
os itio. H ber Ti burg 1 983.
8 000 () 10 tc3
The other possibiity drivig
 the kight from the cetre straight

 away with
i game 2410 f3 wi be examied
10 g
10    f6, 10  0  f5 ad 10   0
 g8 have aso bee tried 
a Am Rodriguez-Arkhipov,
Begrade 1 98 8: 10    f6   e2
if  1 g3 there folows ot 1 1   
' xd4 1 2 c6 b ut 1 1    ' h3 ad
9 cS if 12 xg5 the 12    g4!;
A comparativey ew idea: uclear is 1 1 'f3 g7 1 2 f5
hite avoids playig i the cetre b8 3 g3 'xd4 14 xg5 'e5
d iteds to create dagerous  5 xd7  xd7 1 6 h4 e4 1 7
treats o the queeside If 9 cd f4 'e6 18 fe f5 9 b5 a6
trog is 9    d6 10 g3 xg3 20 a4 e5 21  a3 d4 Grfed
1  fg xg3 12 'd2? x2 13 Mikhalchishi Palma de Mal
h2 'xd4 ad 1 4  .  xd3 orca 1 989  1 0 0  g4 1 2 h3 h6
ith advatage to Black i view 13 d2  g8 14 f3 f5 15 'e 'h5
 the draughty positio of the 16 b4  e8 7 f2 g4? correct was
 ite kig  7 . . . f4! 1 8 f4 ' f7 19 g3 with
9 g5 a cear advatage for White 95/116

6 3 d4

(b) Wedberg-Schneider Tor  3 �xe4 � b 4 �xg  X  

shavn  87: 0    f I I xd  �g2 (ore accurate than 1 5
xf2! 2  xf2  xd4 3 �xg b3  xe4 6 "xb h 6  7 �
�xc 4 e3 f4   �xf4  hf8 h4 8 fd "xh2+  f!
6 f "xe3 7 �xe3 �xe3 8 h3+ 20 e e4 2 c6! xe3
"e2 �xf2+  h de8, when 22 fe "xg 3+ 23 e 2 "g2 + 
Black has denite copensation e g3+  Doltov
for the queen A kopyan Yerevan  88)     
(c) A RodrigueCasafus f  6 b3 c6  7 �e3 �xf 1 8
Buenos Aires 0 I 0     g8! xf d7 (deserving attention 
(a novelty
cess in thiswhich
gae)brings Black
I I e2 suc
(better  8 . position
the   hd8 is level)
�xd4 �xd4
is I I xd  g6 2 f3  h6  3 the gae A Ivanov-Makarycev
�xe4 xh2+ 4 f2 h4+  Reykavk 0, where  �
e 3 {  e 2 �b +  g  was rst played after  "a3  8
h2 + with a draw}      f with 20 b4 Black could play 20  . 
a coplicated position  Casafus hd8, preparing 2      d   Now
strong Now I Black
attack) . . .  g6!gets
2 f3a however
and Blackthehas
d  square is covr
additional po
 h6  3 fe de 4 �c2 "xh2+   les because of c6)   . . .  b8 
f2 h 4+  6 g3 (  6 g  h  + b4  (aterally the sdes a
7 f2 f6+ 6 e3 �g4! 7 roughly equal but Geller attac
�xe4  e6)  6 . . . "g4  7 a4 decisively on the queenside)
 h2+  8 e �e6 and Whites
position is hopeless 2
11  B
Recently g2-g3 has also been
played, diverting the queen fro
the central squares
Geller-Howell, Reykavik
0: I I g3 h3 2 xe4 worse
is  2 xd  he8 {  2 . .  �g4  3
�xe4 �xd  �f+} 3 f3
�f 4 e3 �g6   c6  xd4
with advantage to Black Sagin 20 . . . d3 2 �f4+ a8 
H Olafsson, Sochi 88 correct �d6  xd6 (22 . . . b 23 
is   d d2  6 �xd2 �xd3 a 24 �3 ; 22  .  �f8 23 �x6
with an unclear position) 2    de 22 . . .  hd8 23  d  do not e ) 96/116

3 d4 97

 cd xd6 24 b cb 2 b e3 f4 14 f2 h6 1 d2

 b8 26  b  c 7 27 a4 c3 he8 16 ac g8 7 b4 <b8
 8  c  ·e  29 b 3 d4 30 8 b e7 19 c3 f 20 c6 c8
Back 0.
tried an interesting 21 cbf8
a4 <xb7 22  xf
24 a xf
g 7 2 c23

 ovelty in Arencibia-Vadimirov, xc 26 d and White won
yon  991  after I I g3 there fol quickly in Tivyakov-Raetsky,
owed I I  . . h6 and then 1 2 Makhachkaa 987
xe4 de  3 xe4 f 1 4 g2 f4! 13 a4
 d  hf8  6 e  b8 1 7 d6 13 fe fe 14 c2  xfl  1  xfl
d418 c6
8   8bx9d6
 e4xd6
d 20 9a4
the cd
f8 bsquare
is poor Nowfor White prepares
the bishop and
a8 2 d2 h3 22 hl f6 also opens a path for the rook
d to a clear advantage for Black .
 to go to a3 However, 1 3  e  !
11 f5 deserves attention and was seen in
The next game is devoted to van der Wiel-Sisniega Thessa
other moves, primarily I I loniki  ol  988 Let us have a

he812 f3 9 look at1 3a  few

game moves
  h from inthata
14 a
similar position see the notes to
9 Backs 4th move in the main
B game} the move cc6 brought a
quick draw 1 4    <b8 1   b4
f6 1 6 fe fe 17 g3 h4 1 8 xe4
fe 9  xf6 xf6 20 e3 but not
20 d e3! 2 e4 d4! and Back
gets the upper hand 20 . . . c6
2  f  h6 In this sharp position
chances are equa Exchanging
queens on e l is worse for Back :
12 hf8!? 1 3 . . . x e  14  xe  f4 1  fe de
Not an obvious sacrice, this 1 6 xe4  de8 1 7 c3 xd4
ea was devised by one of the 18 f  f3 19 gf g4 20 c6 b 21 f4
eading Petro specialists  g3 22 g2 c 23 hg xc3 24
randmaster Makarychev Previ b xe4 2 xe4 c6 26 e3
sy the modest  2    f6 was xe4 27 <h3 Whites position
ec ountered, and White obtained is slighty preferable Kveinis
 advantage, for exampe 3 Fedoseiev, USSR Corr 1987-90 97/116

98  4

It is also worth noting the move 19 xe2 c6! 94

 3 e3 played in RodinFedose A pair of pawns on the  
iev USSR Corr 987-90) After rank cold give Black proble 
6 fe  f4
g4 4 7
 5 f2 h 5
8 xe2 
f3 9 d2 g4 20 f xe4 2 w
e f4 22 e3 fg 23 xg2
h4 24 ed fe8 White has a
minimal advantage
13 de8

e!game Sveshnikov
14 sorce
In t he
Makarychev Moscow  987 there
followed 4 a3 f4 5 c6 xc6
 6 fe de  7 b5 f3  8 xc6 fe 20 d5!
9 xb7+ xb7 20 xe2 White in trn does not acce
 xf + 2  xf  f8 22 e 2 a backward dpawn and haste

25 23 In
hg d8. e3this
f4 24 h4
sharp d 6
ending to exchange
20 it cd
Blacks chances are no worse. In 21 xd5 h6
or main game White oers the 22 d2
exchange of qeens i n order to get Contemplating interveto
a slightly better ending after a along the central le bt hi
series of exchanges B t Black eas opponent easily repels sch eeb
ily holds the ending. threats
14 xe1 22 d8
In va n de r WielMirales on 22  . . c6 23 xc6 b 24  d6
988 the qeens stayed on the is dangros
board bt a draw was soon 23 ad1
agred : 4    h5 5 c6 xc6  6 Of corse 23 xe4 fe8 4
fe de  7 b5  e6  8 d  f4  9 d4 g4 loses
d 5  d6 20 c3 f3 2  xe4  23 xa4
15 xe1 f4!  24 xb7 + wc7
16 fe de The nal sbtlety Afer 2    
17 .c4 f3 xb7 25 xd8 xd 26 d 
Bt not  7   . e3 becase of 8 Black stil has to be carefl in  
f  ending.
18 e3 fe 25 xd8 xd8 98/116

3 d4 99

26 xd8 xd8 at another order of moves intro

27 .x4  c7 duced comparatively recently
28 c6 a6 Black avoids the immediate storm
29  d3 xb2 on the kngside and prefers
- his rooks on the ele. In thistogame
there follows 1 1 .    he8 but
before we go any further, lets
Game No 23 consider two other important
Hoakarychv exampes As the black knight
Funze 1989 must retreat from e4 after f2-f3
I 4 S it can doto t be
waiting straight
But wthout
there is
2  f3  f6
3 d4 x4 no need to hurry  here is the
4 d3 dS proof.
5 xS d7 Makarychev-Kuipers, Match
6 xd7 .xd7 CSKAEindhoven 1 986 1 1  . 
7 0-0 h4 f6 1 2 d2 If 1 2 f3 then quite
8 c4 0-0-0 good
f4; s13 1 2h1   h5
g4 141 3 g3
g3 {e7}
1 3 e3
9 cS g5
10  c3 .g7 . .   xd4 14 h  xg 3 ! { 1 4
11  95    h 3  5 c6! xc6  6  xd4
xg3 1 7 g xf 1 8 f5 
95 wnnng} 5 xg3 xc5 and then
B    c5d6, when Black has three
pawns for the piece and the sides
are roughly leve As the knight
has moved from e4 by itsef, there
s no sense n White wasting tme
wth f2f3)  2 . . .  hg8 (It was
possibly etter to pay 1 2    g4
1 3 h3 h6 at once)  3  c 1 g4
(If  3    c6 then 4 f3 s aready
he oshoots that can arse possible folowed by a4 and
 er the prevous ve moves were d2-e  g3 wth a strong intiat
lked at n deta n the commen ive) 14 h3 h6 5 c6 xc6 16
ary to the previous game, which xc6 b 7 a4 d6 8 xa7
 devoted to the  1 . .  f5  2 f3 f6 9 4! and White has an
 hf8 variation Now we shal look unstoppabe attack After 9 .  . 99/116

  4

e8   xe2 21  xc6 22  xf

 xe2 xd4 23 a8  he quicky umping ahead w noice 
won in  similar position the o
square 1    e occupied
cn 1 lso he8 the e8
y rook
with istheon king,
d8) Honot
we wishing f2
took o 
the other rook  1 1 . . .  de8 return the exchange. Howv
 . The folowing game iin here it is dangerous to take c
Akopyan, Borzhomi 988, is of the exchange  if 1 6 . . . d4
particuar value there comes 1 7 c3 and af  7
. .  xf2 1 8 >xf2 White as
w etter
advantage chances thanks
of the two to 
16 .   f4 1 7 x/4  18 6
So that, if 1 8     or 1    
xc6 White gives check wih 
ishop and defends the d4paw
18    e6! 19 b+ >b8  h

For the 1  e 
exchange b4 x7
Back h 
pawn and two active isos
1 f which alow him to easily hold 
After 1 2 a4 the rook manages position
to get to h6  1 2 .    e6 13 f3  g fg 4 hg h5 5 e  d4 
h6! 14 fe de 1 c4 xh2 16 e4  8 7 5 g8 8 h
f2   1 7 e1 xg2 1 8 f6  xg 9  a5 >d7  d5  d
xf6 19 e3 g7 Again Back 1 xe6 fe   a6  >d5 
has three pawns for the piece and xa7 xf 4 xc7 e5 5 b5 d
equa chances Ioseliani-Gaprin 6  d7 > c4  7  xb6 
dashvili Borzhomi 1990) + b4 9 b+ 5 4
1 . . . f6 1 d  xe! + b4 41 b+ -
This move was aso seen in our 11 
main game. The game liin 12 f3
Ak opyan was going to e incuded There is an interesting game 
in the main contests of the ook Pogar-Gaprindashvili No i
ut the later Makarychev game Sad ol) 1 990, where White pla yed
took its pace ecause there Back 1 2 e1 , when 1 2   . f6 po o  s
manages to fully reaise his plan 12    xd4? 1 3 xd4 xc 1 4
14 'xe h5 15 'f 'xf+ 16 c3 a4 1  f and Whie  s 100/116

3 d4 1

e upper hand) 13 d2 e4! 14 9

e 1 6 would ead to repetition B
 moves. However the youngest
 athe Polgar sisters shunned the
r ndmaster draw, replying 14
a5!? Ater 1 4    b 8 15 3 6
hite reevauated her chances
d payed 1 6 g3?! ( 1 6 �d2 g4
 7 g e2 18 �xe2 �xd4+ 19
 1 e5 20 h3 g3 2 1 g1 led
 a orced draw
commends 16   Gaprindashvii
 g8) 1 6 .   even greater eect in this game.
 5 1 7 a4? (Gaprindashvii now Curiousy, the assaut on the or
ergeticay carried out the nale) tress o the white king is only a
7    g 4! 1 8 g bg4 19 4 sideline; the main idea is to loosen
hte loses immediatey ater 9 the oundations in the centre
c3 b d4+ 20 g2 h3+ 21 which is not particuary charac

1 �3+
ate) 19 . . 22 Jx3
. b d4+ Je1+
20 g2 with
g teristic14o the variation
1 x4 e5 (even stronger was In the case o 14 �xe2 there
1    c8 22 c6 e2+ 23 � xe2 also arise beautiu and interesting
3+ 24 h1 xe2 or 22 ae1 variations Blacks quintessentia
e1 23 xe1 h3+ etc) 22 c6 plan is the destruction o the d4
c8 23 b4 �d6! (it IS pawn, not by the queen (1 4   
iportant to drive the queen rom xd4+ is not good because o
4 24 b3 bf4 25 Jx4 Je3 15 h1 h6 16 b4), but by the
6 c2 h3+ 27 h1 there is anchettoed bishop ater 1 4  . 
 savation in 27 2 xh2+ g4! . Now ater 1 5 g the white
8 xe3 xg3+ 29 3 d4+ 30 king ies rom his sanctuary to
 2 �g4+) 27  . . Jxg3 28 cb the centre o the bard where he
b7 29 x7 Jc8 30 b5 d4+ meets his end : 1 5    xd4+ 1 6
 1 c6 c3! 01  h 1 �e5 1 7 �4 ( 1 7 g 3 �xg3
12  18 g2 xh2+ 19 3 e8; 17
1  �d2 () h3 g3 18 w g1 h2+ 19 2
Ater 13 e1 xe1 the chances �d4+ 20 3 5 !) 1 7 . .  �x4
e roughly equa. 18 x4 g 19 xd5 e8!, and
1 xe2 Whites poston is hopeless
k opyans idea is used with Sherzer-Halasz, Budapest 1990 101/116

02 3 d4

Correct is   f4 ! gf?  6 fg 98

cosing the breach, or    .  xh2? w
 6 xh2  xd4+  7  h �e
8 af4bad
in �xf4 9 Stronger
way. f4 andhoweer
Black is
is   . . . f2! with a wonderful
game in al ariations 6 �xg
h3 !  7 gh g+ 8 h
f4; 6 g3  h6  7  f2 gf 8 g4
f6; 6 g3 xd 7 �xh4
 e8 20 8�xe3
h e3 9 g
xe3 Makary 19 w xb!
che The bishop remains on te 
14  h5! diagona and doesnt et the 
Of course, 4    xd4+ fails to to e as 9    xc would ive
 �e3 White counterpay Besides  
15 f useful to leae the opponen wi

  White has only6one�f2

e xd4+ moe After
f4 he isoated
0 pawns
is already worse More exact was 2 0  a d I ad
15 xf+ Black has only a minimal adva
16 xf tage.
As we reca, Ulibin took with 0 d4
the rook against Akopyan   6 If 20   . �a3 the rook ges o
 xf2 and to  6  .  �xd4 would e
hae answered 7 �c3. But now 1  e7?
Back has no rook on h8, and after After 2   b e3 folowed 
6 xf2 xd4 7 c3 before   . c7c6 and   . b7b6 Ba
taking the exchange, he can take generates connected passed 
a pawn by  7 . . . xc. and dpawns, but White neer
16 lf4! less would hae had chances 
17 �xf4 gf ) sae himsef Now his roo i
n a fairly quiet position White ambushed
has a material adantage and it is 1 Jf8!
his turn to moe, but has to look The immediate attempt o  ra 
for a draw since he cannot aoid the rook could cost Black de a 
the loss of two pawns. 2   . . e6? 22 c6 �c? be  
18 Jfe1 xd4 i 22 . .  � b6) 23  xb7 xe 24 102/116

3 d 3

a6 wng. Makarychev I e e5

fends his f7pawn and keeps 2 f3 f6
ntrol of c6 with the bishop. 3  xe
22 bh7  jd3 d5
ow the rook will certainly per 5 xe5 7
 in ail, bt its release wold 6 x7 x7
nvolve losing the c5pawn and 7 00 h
on Black wold have had not 8 c 000
w, bt thr connected passed 9 c5 g5
awns. Of corse, Whites passed 1 f3

pawn cannot compensate this

s. c3n jg7
the two previos
I I e2 games
and then I I  10
22 e6 f5 or I I . . . he8 were played.
23  e e3! Black, as we have seen, obtained
reventing the doble captre scient conterchances. The aim
n e6. of the move f2f3 is essentially to
2 g Jh8! conteract Akopyans idea of . . .
There is no harm in rst training  xe2! and . . . h5.
i ights on the hpawn. Besides I 0 f3 and I 0 c3 both
25 f5 8 10 d2 and 10 je3 have been
26 Jxe6 encontered.
f 26 jxe6 Black forces the inkasKczinski, Wroclaw
change of rooks with an easy 1 987 10 d2 xd2 I I jxd2
in in the bishop ending  26 . . . g8 12 c (a very sharp pawn
e7 27 jxd5  xh2 28  e2 sacrice) 12 . . . xd4 13 c3 h4
e2 29 xe2   jc4 jxc5 14 jf6. ere Black replied 14 . . .
ething similar happens in the  e8 and lost nexpectedly
ae. qickly: 15 f4 je7 16 c6 b 17
26 fe jxe7 xe7 18 b3 g4 19 h3
27 j.x Jxh2 e6 20 ce 10. 14 . . . jg7!?
28 d h deserves attention, and after 15
White resigned de to 29 e2 jxd8  xd8 Black has the two
d 30 xd c6. bishops and a pawn for the
exchange; the game is roghly
Game o. 24 As for 10 e3, it sally trans
Dolmatov-Makachev poses (f2f3 and . . . e4f6 are
Reykjavk 990 pt back a move). There are also 103/116

4 3 d4

the folowing independent vari 11 

ations  0 e3 f5   f3 f6 with Interestingly in a prev i  
an uncear position or 0     e encounter etween these two pa

standard   c3of  e6 h6)

  d2 threat with  the
... ers the and
played novety
Back  won
   g
  
g7  2 f3 h5  3 xg5 xd Our main game took place  
4 axd xg5 5 xg5 xd4 months ater and Makaryc
6 c6 g4 7 f5+ with decided not to wait for 
approximatey equal chances opponents improvement a
10  played the other rook manoeu e
11  ( Although
enge in thisDomatov gained
sharp skirmish thi 
 
 not, a we hal see, due to e
 opening irst of a et us ha 
look at the previous game ete
the M oscow grandmasters
Dolmatov-M akarychev P

 1 Malorca
  g 1299
After  2 f2 h6 Black thet
ens    g5-g4 g3
2    g4!
Now Black has a choice  2     e   3 f2 h
etween       g and      4 d2 and White has a ce
 e; however the novelty      advantage
g7 wa tried in van Riemdik 1  (100
inegod Dieren 990 although
not very succesully. There fo 100
lowed 2 c3  de 3 f2  h6 

4 g3 h3?! more accurate was

4    g4 or 4    h5) 5 c2 h5
6 fe h4 7 c6   a6+
d 9  b 3 e6 20 f !  f5
2 e5 g6 22 b7! h5 23
xc6 hg 24 hg xe5 25 de c2
26 a+ 0 26 . .  c 27
xd5+ d7 2 a+ �c 29
 d+) An importnt moment; 3 g3 104/116

3 d4 05

 h3 1 4 f4  h5 beer was 1 4   . and Whie resigned in view of 20

 e8 was necessary and only now 'e2 xg2+ 21 'xg2 'f2+ 22
1 5 'e1  This posiion arose  h ' xg2 mate.
Buenosin Aires
van 1Riemsdik
990 There  ' (10)
ollowed 15    e8 16 'f2 f6 0
17  fe 1 �g7 1 8 'c2  e7 1 9 �f2 B
 ge8 20  e5 c6 and now insead
of 21  ae l g8 22 b4 21 b4! wins
at once. We can guess now why

in hs second
aov encouner
Makarychev with 1Dol
reected 1 
 g8 in favour of 1 1 . . .  e8
    g
Makarychev commenting on
he game suggested hat his A surprise prepared by Dolma
opponent had expeced 1 3    ' h5 ov especially for his game he
considering the following beautiful
variaion afer 1 3 .   g3  1 4 hg queen
but also notsets
onlyhedefends he bishop
asquare in is
xg3 15 e2 xg2+? 16 xg2
sighs Curiously his opponen
h3+ 17 g1 �d6!? 18 cd
g8+ 19 �g5 and Whie wins once played 12 �f2 wih Whie
y running away wih he king in his posiion Makarychev-e
g  f2-e3d2. Rongguarg Belgrade 1988 Afer
 hg 1 2    ' h6  1 2    'h5 1 3 c3 g4

d2 Or g2 14 h3
17 �xh3 15 gh 'xh3
fd1 'hl+ 18 f2 16 1 4gfg
f4 3 ! xg4 15 
 5 �xg3 h3g8  136 c3
'f3 g4 14
g l + 19 xg1 'h2+ 20 fl 1 7 ' f2 e4  8 �xe4 de 1 9  fe 1
x g l + winning f5 20 d 5 'a6 2 1 'e3 'c4 22 �f2
  .    g 5 ' 2 �f3 23 g3 d8 24 acl 'a6 25
If 1 5 e2 hen decisive is 1 5    d6 c6 24 b4 a fairly sharp sruggle
d6! 1 6 cd  xg2 + 1 7 xg2 developed in which Whie had
 some iniiaive bu Black nally
h3 + 1ec
8 �g5  xg5 + 19 g3 gaied he upper had Makary
5  . . 5 6   g8 chev gives he following variaion :
Of course no 1 6    d4 righ 1 6 0 0  h5? 1 7 'xd5 �c6 1 8
 ay  17 �f4! and Whie is  f5 + b8 19 �e4 xg3 20 hg
lready beer 'g7 21 �xc6 'xd4+ 22 h2
  1 ! 8 6  19  w b 23  ad 1 xc5 24 xc5 wih a 105/116

6 3 d4

minimal advantage to White 02

12  xe3? w
White doesnt manage to catch
his opponent
tively,    . . unawaes
g8   �f Altena
h6  4
a5 b8 5 �g c8 6 c
g4  7 �f5 �xf5 8 b5 a6  9
�xc7 a8 0 b6 ab  a5
is mate, but afte 6    h5  7
�e5 �g7! a complicated position
ases13  xe3 lh5 This vaaton is playe in 
The only esponse, as afte      game, the only dieence beng
�g7  4 g Blacks counteplay that White has suendeed 
comes to a dead end pawn
14 d1 16 b
An inaccuacy M akaychev 17 fg e8
18 d3 �xg4
also showed
4 a andthat4 4d
 4 f
no 19  c3

dange fo Black, and that the He cannot keep the exchange 
coect move is 4 c �g7 5  9  c  �h6 followed by 
e  e8 6 f and now two �e   h l g mae
shap vaiations aise : 19 �xd1
(a 6    f4 7  ad  xf 20 xd1 g5
8 xf e6 9 fel with the The dust has settled and Black
theat of b-b4 s a pawn up
b  6  . .  xe 7 xh4 gh 21 h 6
 8 �xe �xd4 9  h  f4  22 �e2 h5
0  ad  �xb    d �c  A loss of time Bette was    
c xe  xe �b5. g4 at once.
14 � g7 23 b4
 � g4  102) White ties his only chance 
 6 f was theatened, dispe counteplay on the queenside 
sing all dange. which unexpectedly  usties isel
16 c6 23 lg4
A eckless move Afte  6 fg 24 �xg4 hg
 e8  7 d �xg4  8 c �xdl 25  a6  d7
 9  xd  a daw is in pospect 26 b5  h6 106/116

3 d4 

27 b xc6 41 xf7 1-0

28 d3 e6
29  f c6?
Game No 25
isn ownunnecessary weakening
king ter 29 o
   a6 Whte
Worl C ( 10
ti  has to work or the draw Ne York 1990
30 ta4 <d8
31 tc e2 This game s the ast so ar n
32 b b my recent debate on the Petro
33 f e7 with Gary Kasparov. t is natural
n time troble Blackb4??
makes the to end Ithis e4
book wth e
ecsive mistake ter 34    e2 2 f3 tf6
threatening 34    xd4 and not 3 d4
ettng the rook on 1 out o hs Untl now or debate had begn
ght) 35 b c8 36 5 with 3 xe5 This time Kasparov
d8 37 b c8 the game changes the direction o the game,

old o
titon have ended with a rep
moves. but does
3 not catch meed unawares
3 f4 xd4 Theory gives the capture 3   .
36 d6 e8 xe4 as preerable n the prevos
37 xc6 >f8 our games we have examined that
38 c8 e8 10 move qte closely  chose 3   
38    g7 also loses to 39 ed especialy or this match
xg4 h7 40 h4 and xe7. because we had prepared an nter
esting novelty lthogh the game
3 wasnt partclarly exciting t
 theoretcal value is beyond doubt.
4 e e4
 xd4
t dierent times 5 e2 5 �d3
and 5 b5 had all been poplar
here beore t was dscovered that
centralsng the qeen was the
most dangerous contnuaton
 d
39 e6 >e7 6 ed xd6
40 c7 xe6 7 tc3 107/116

8 3 4

he stadard move but 7 g5 9 . . . +

ad 7 d3 have also bee thor he defece     e7 10
oughly ivestigated. xc6 + b 1 1 e5 0-0 1 2  x6

he 7bishop move  7 . . . f5 e8

xc2 1 135 xe7+ xe7+
  d3 1 6 d145 
was rejected thirty years ago  8 17 d4 led to a advatage f
e5 + e7  d5  xe5 1 0 xe5 White i SaxYusupov, Re
f6 1 1 f3 d7 1 2 f4 with dam 188
a clear advatage for White i 10 ;1
BrosteiBoriseko USSR Ch he forcig theoretical vi
161 8  (104) atio 1 21 0xb4
b4+ e3 xb5
xb4+1 1 1
 
d6 14 xd6+ cd 1 5 0-00 
104 16  xd6 xa2 gives White t
B better haces but the positio i
rather simplied, which is o t
everyoe's likig
10 1 1   a4
e4 0-0-0
11 xc6
1 2 e3 f6 1 
xe4  xe4 14  d 1 is usully
played ad W hite is better a d
recommedatio of Paul Kere
1 1    xc6 12  0-0-0
 this wellkow positio Black has to move the k g t
may m oves have bee tried  8 the weakeed queeside. O
   e7 +, 8    e7, 8   . g6, 8   . moves promise othig 12   
f5 hey have all bee studied b5 + 1 3 xb5 xb5 14 7
iside-out ad it has bee estab xf7 1 5 e5+ ; 1 2    e6 1 3
lished that White gets a tagible c6 b 1 4 f3 d7 1 5 4
advaage i every variatio 13  xc6 b 14 4 b5 15 
imiig ourselves to oe iterest b8 16 e3 b4
ig example lets look at the most 1 6    d4 is poor   7 d 
recet attempt for Black e5 ( 1 7    c5 1 8  b5  8 d
KlovasHarma Europea  xd4 1   e  
Corr Ch 18387: 1 7 xc6  d4
8    5 9 b5 his positio has bee ko
his bishop move also brigs for a log time i theory ad ue 
White the advatage after 8 . .  g6. to be thought pleasat for Bl 108/116

 d4 

n act, ater 1 8 xd4?  xd4 or problems? t transpires that Black

18 e4 c5 with the threat of has a fth possible move, invented
•   he8 19 a3 c4+ 0 d3 by gor Zaitsev
8 fS? 06
ixd 3 + even
ve can 1 cdbecome
c Blacks initiat
18  a6  105 106


A completely logical, althogh,

according to formal rles, para
By playing this move Klovans
radically altered the evalation o doxical move,
thoght which
o beore nobody
What had
is logical
the postion Here Black guessed is immediately apparent And
his opponents clever plan  1 8 . .  what is paradoxical    t has long
d6 1 9 d3! and 1 9  .  b3 is been well known that losing time
bad because o 0 xa+ and by moving already developed
ater 19 . . . e 0 a3 Black has pieces, especially in open pos
no compensation for the pawn. itions, is not a good idea Of the
8 .   5 19 a �7 0 7 eight moves made the black
7 1  knight has made four o them
o, the opening contest is and it seems unbelievable that this
resolved in Whites avour as he is cannot be dangerous or Black.
smply a pawn up  althogh t 9 .bS
took White almost ve years to Ater 9 b 5 b4+ 1 0 c3 a5
realise the extra pawn !, as the 1 1 g4 fe Black is in no danger
game was played by correspon 9 
dence 10 �  +   107
Why did  choose a variation 11 
 hich gives Black seros prob White doesnt hurry to dis gre
lems? (Which o the alternatives Blacks position with 1 1 xc6 + 
on move 8 do not give serious in that case xd6+ will not be 109/116

0  d

 have the nal ositon fro m t 

 man game with the only di
ence that Black's fawn is stl l i n
ts e7
. ntalorosition. Nowthe
17 .. �e7 aftr
m 7e
1  e5 s ossble and W i
retains a small initiative
11 f6
Of corse not I I .  . xe4
1 2 xe4 �e7 13 � xc6 b 1 4

threatened after the exchange on ending �xe7 and 1 5 0-0-0

can hardly when 
be saved.
e4 12 d2 d7
I I 0-0 sggests itself when after 13 0-0-0 Wx4!
I I    0-0 ( I I    � d7 1 2 � xc6 The only move 1 3    0-00 s
b is also ne for Black 1 2 � xc6 bad becase of 14 �xc6 and 13
b 13 c6 Black lays 13  . . . 0-0 becase of 1 4 xe7 fxe7
 b
the wthW
awn good
hte comensation for
gets nothng from 1 4   14�xe7 1 5 �f4!�1e7
txe4 5 e4
1 2 xe7 fxe7  1 2 . . . cxe7 1 3 The corresondng sqre
e4 �b4 When the knight is on c3 te
I I �g5 f6 1 2 �d2 was layed corresonding sqare for the
in or game, and the oston of bsho s d6 and when the kngt
the awn on f6 is ossibly n is on e4 the bisho mst move 
Black's favor Therefore, t was e7 14    0-0-0 s worse  1  g4
better to lay I I �d2 straght fe7 1 6 xd6 cd 1 7 g5 � g4 1 
away, and then I I    �d7 1 2 �e2
0-0-0 xe4 1 3 xe4 �e7 1 4  he  15 g4
0-0-0 ow 1 5 eg5  df! 1 6 g4 The last attemt to ght for te
�xg5 17 �xg5 d6 1 �xc6 ntatve. f 1 5 �f4 0-0-0 1 6 g4
�xc6 19 d4  19 e5 f6 20 xc6 then 1 6    g5 doesn't look bad
fg with eqalty 19    �d7 20 15 6?
�e7  e 2 1 �xd6 cd 22 f3 wth ess clear was 15  h6 1 6
a likely draw bt after 1 5 �c4 xf6    1 6 � x h 6 g h 1 7 h3 h 
Whte's osition s referable 1 gh f5 or 1  g5 fg 1 9 exg5 h 6
ncdentally, after 14 g4 instead and Black has an excellent ga e
of 14  he   14 . .  a6 1 5 �c4 d6 1 6    gf  1 6    �xf6 1 7 g5  g4
16 xd6 �xd6 17  de I we 1  gf �xf3 1 9 fg  g 20 h 6 110/116

 d 
xh 1 2 1 xh 1 with winnin  
chances r Whit) 17 h6  + �
x4 1 8  d3 and White has  +

sthe initiative
teady 1 5   Hwever,
d6 1 6 ater
xd6+the n this
ered stn
a draw which Kasarv 
was acceted
xd6 17  de1 + 8 18  h1  air result but all the same it
e8 1  xe8 + xe8 the sitin was wrth White waitin r the
is cmletely leel rely The act is that  ur
 �  ssible cntinuatins which at
Here Kasarv cld have rst lance aear  eqal merit
layed mre accurately er 16
a4 b 5 1 7 �b 3  1 7  b a 1 8 3 nly ne is crrect er 1 8   .
8 1   h1 e8 20 5  xe 1 +
000) 1 7 .   d4 Black has n
2 1  xe 1 r the crresndin 1 8
rblems either but by cntinuin
16 �xc6 �xc6 17 he1 �xe4  . . d8 1 h1 e8 20 5
 1 7 . .  d6 1 8 xd 6+ cd 1   xe1 + 2 1  xe1 Black has trble
d4) 1 8  xe4 d6 1   e2 White cnslidatin his rces Fr
btains a sitinal ls in view examle in bth variatins 21 .  .
 the threatened 3d4e6 e5 is bad becase  22 xe5
�xe 2 3 4. W hite als has a clear
 initiative ater 1 8 . .  e7 1 

h1 000 20 d4 Bt , 
curse intended the bish retreat
1 8    �e7 when 1  �d5 000
20 �xc6 �xc6 21 xe7 �x3
22   1 d 7 leads t ull eqality
nd s the cntinuatin  ur
discussin in the Petr is st
ned until ur utre battles 111/116

Index of Variations

1  e5
2 f3 f6
A 3 
B 3 d4

 3 xe5

3    3d6d3 8; 3 �c4 8; 3 c3 8

3    8

4 f3
  8;   < 8
4  xe4
5 d4
5  0; 5 c3 ; 5 c4 8
5   
5    �  �d3 d5 � see A
6 �d3
A      c6
A     �
A3    �d6

 6    c6
     6
7 � 7
    �g4 8    8
8 c4 �xf3 9
8   � 9 

8          0
 cd 6
 c3 0�60 112/116

nex of Varatons 

8 c
8 e f5  
8    g4 9 c3 0
9 c4 f6 10 c3 0
10 cd 5-9
8    b
8 .   f6  8   . e6 
9 
9 cd 
9 
  

9 .   d 
9 .   00  0 a3 8
10 c3 f5 9
10    e6 - see beow
10 e5 
10 lc 00
1 1 

f5 
1 1    cd
1   .  xc3 5
]   .  f6 
1     f5  2 cd 
2 a3 5-0
     f6 
12 b3 2 a3 6 2  c1 
12    c6
 2    d 9
13 ac1 6

 6    
 00 00
8 c f6 6

 6    d6
 00 00
8 c c6
9 c2
9 c3  9 cd  113/116

 nex of Varatons

9 . . • a6
9 . . . [5 68
10 a3
 � 69
10  �g
 . . . [5 69
1 1 c5 70

B 3  xe
 . . . d 87;  . . .  07
 �3
  - see A ;  i 88;   88
    5
5 xe5
5 d 99
5 7
. • .

5 . . . �d6 88
6 x7
6 c 9; 6 - 9; 6 i 9; 6  9
6 Rx7
. • •

7 00
 i 9
7     h
 . . . �d6 9;  . . . i 9

8 c  i 9;  c 9

8 000
. . .

9 c5
9 cd 95
9 g5
• . •

9     95; 9     95; 9 . . . g6 95

10 c3
  0
10  �g7
 . . . [6 95;  . . . [5 95;  . . . g 95
11 e2 96-0 114/116
5/20/2018 115/116
Botsfrd Chess brary An Owi Bk i

Utl recetly, Petrfs Defece had alays bee regarded as a

safe ad sld way fr Black t play fr equal n te peng.
Nwt weve
and featues ts
n reputat
the arsealasfbeen
smecmpletely rasfrmed
f te wld's mst
attackg players wh ave ntrdced a wealt f aggressve
ne deas fr Black.
 Ideal peng f clb ad urament players
 Regular cce f Wrld Campnsp Caddates Ja
Tmman Ar Ysupv Bs Gelfand ad Aatly arpv
• Cmpleey llustatve gaes peng
expla al te e deas
 Uqe sgts t Karpv's pepaatn
 y ca play t  wth Petff's Defece!
Ay rpv s ne f te greates playes f all tme
Drg s e as Wrld Champ beteen 1 975 ad 8,
hs turnamet recrd was unprecedented as e utclassed s
ctemprares tme ad aga. Hs ferce rvay wt Gary
aspav edured f fve matces fr te wrd tte ad e
must stll be rated as ne f te leadg cteders

Other nning th . . . books from Hny lt include:

nnng Wth the Closed Scilan nnng ith th Kng' Gambit
G ae Joe G llghe

innng th
Rd th Nimzo-lndian
Keene nning
Ty ostth
en the Phldr

nnng th th Engh nnng th the Bihop Opnng

Zoltan ii  Gabor l Gay Lae

For a it o otr tit i he

Botord C L wrie to:
ry Hot ad Copy Inc.,
 1 5 Wet 1 8th Str Nw Yor
w ok    . ISBN 0--233


9 788 263 116/116

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