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Ship Technology Research Schiffstechnik Turning Ability of a Ship Towing

System Turning Ability of a Ship Towing System

Article in Ship Technology Research · September 2016


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2 authors:

Ahmad Fitriadhy Hironori Yasukawa

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Hiroshima University


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Ship Technology Research

ISSN: 0937-7255 (Print) 2056-7111 (Online) Journal homepage:

Turning Ability of a Ship Towing System

Ahmad Fitriadhy & Hironori Yasukawa

To cite this article: Ahmad Fitriadhy & Hironori Yasukawa (2011) Turning Ability of a Ship
Towing System, Ship Technology Research, 58:2, 112-124, DOI: 10.1179/str.2011.58.2.005

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Published online: 29 Jan 2015.

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Turning Ability of a Ship Towing
By Ahmad Fitriadhy1,* & Hironori Yasukawa1

This paper presents an application of linear and nonlinear analyses to the turning ability of a towing system
consisting of a tug and a barge. The influence of several parameters is examined on the turning performance of
the towing system. Longer towline, larger tug and tow point nearer to the bow of the barge increase the turning
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diameter. Tow point on the tug closer to its centre of gravity decreases the turning diameter significantly.
Key words: Manoeuvring, Simulation, Tow

1 Introduction
Fitriadhy and Yasukawa (2011) evaluated course stability of towing systems using numerical
analysis; the present paper focuses on the turning ability of such a system. Few previous studies
are known concerning the manoeuvring of towing systems. Using a nonlinear approach, Yasukawa
et al. (2007) found that due to the increase of towline length up to three times of the barge’s length
the system failed to complete the turning circle because of the towline becoming slack during the
manoeuvre. To prevent towline slack, Shigehiro (1998) proposed to employ a towline shorter than
the turning diameter of the tug. A more profound investigation of the involved towing parameters is
desirable for better prediction of the turning performance of towing systems.
This paper presents the application of linear and nonlinear analyses to turning ability of a
towing system in calm water. Coupled manoeuvring motion equations of tug and towed barge are
considered in three degrees of freedom (surge, sway and yaw). Several towing parameters are varied
in order to study their effect on the turning trajectories of the tug and the barge. A 2D lumped-mass
method is applied to model the dynamic towline motion. This approach allows acquiring horizontal
deflections of each towline segment and capturing any slack in the towline.

Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
Corresponding author. Present address:
2 Linear theory of steady turning of towing system
A linear manoeuvring model is described first. This approach gives insight into the basic
mechanisms of turning for towing systems. The linearised motion equations of tug and barge are
derived from the nonlinear motion equations of Fitriadhy and Yasukawa (2011).

2.1 Coordinate systems

Three coordinate systems are used, Fig. 1. The O − XY system is earth fixed. The G1 − x1 y1 is
fixed to the tug (i = 1 ), with the origin at its centre of gravity and axes x1 and y1 pointing forward
and to the starboard, respectively. The G2 − x2 y2 system is fixed to the barge (i = 2 ). The heading
angle ψi refers to the direction of the individual ship’s longitudinal axis xi with respect to the X -axis.
The instantaneous speed of the ship Ui can be decomposed in an advance velocity ui and a transverse
velocity vi . The angle between Ui and the xi -axis is denoted as the drift angle βi . The connection
points of the towing line at the tug and the barge are denoted as [X0 , Y0 ] and [X1 , Y1 ], respectively.
The distances of the connection points from the individual centres of gravity are denoted by `T
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and `B .

Fig. 1: Steady turning coordinate system of tug and barge.

2.2 Equation of motion

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The basic assumptions used in this study are:
1. The model is based on rigid body dynamics VOL. 58 / NO. 2

2. Motions are considered in the horizontal plane only

3. In steady turning, the towing angles σ and γ at the tug and the barge are constant, Fig. 1:
σ = ψ1 − θ1 and γ = θ1 − ψ2
4. θ1 , ψ1 , ψ2 and vi are considered to be negligibly small
Ship Technology Research Schiffstechnik

5. The towline is treated as a non-extensible catenary model

The expressions for the towline motion at the towing points of the tug and the barge with
respect to the global coordinate system are written as
Xi Xi
Xi = X0 − `j , Yi = Y0 − `j θ j
j =1 j =1

The solution of the coupled nonlinear equations of the tug and the barge can be recast in linearised
form as
(m2 + my2 ) (−`θ¨1 − `B ψ¨2 + `T ψ¨1 + v˙1 ) = −Yv2 `θ˙1 + [Yr2 − (m2 + mx2 ) U − Yv2 `B ] ψ˙2
+ [Yv2 `T − (m2 + my2 ) U ] ψ˙1 − Xuu2 U 2 (θ1 − ψ2 ) + Yv2 [U (ψ1 − ψ2 ) + v1 ] + O (ε2 ) (1)
(I2 + Iz2 ) ψ¨2 = −Nv2 `θ˙1 + (Nr2 − Nv2 `B ) ψ˙2 + Nv2 `T ψ˙1 − `B Xuu2 U 2 (θ1 − ψ2 )
+Nv2 [U (ψ1 − ψ2 ) + v1 ] + O (ε2 ) (2)
(m1 + my1 ) v˙1 = [Yr1 − (m1 + mx1 ) U ] ψ˙1 + Yv1 v1 + Xuu2 U 2 (θ1 − ψ1 ) + Yδ1 δ1 + O (ε2 ) (3)

(I1 + Iz1 ) ψ¨1 = Nr1 ψ˙1 + Xuu2 `T U 2 (θ1 − ψ1 ) + Nv1 v1 + Nδ1 δ1 + O (ε2 ) (4)
mxi and myi represent the added mass components in directions xi and yi , respectively, Izi is the added
moment of inertia, Xuui is the ship resistance coefficient, Yvi , Yri , Nvi and Nri are the hydrodynamic
derivatives of the tug and the barge, δ1 is the tug’s rudder angle, Yδi and Nδi are the hydrodynamic
derivatives of the rudder and ` is the towline length.
When steady turning is achieved, the angular velocities of the tug and the barge (θ˙1 = θ˙2 = r)
are constant and the accelerations are zero (v˙1 = ψ¨1 = θ¨1 = θ¨2 = 0 ), then Equations (1) to (4) are
re-written as
0 = Yv1 v1 + [Yr1 − (m1 + mx1 )U ] r − Xuu2 U 2 σ + Yδ1 δ1
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0 = Nv1 v1 + Nr1 r − Xuu2 `T U 2 σ + Nδ1 δ1 (6)
0 = Yv2 v1 + [Yv2 (`T − `1 − `B ) + Yr2 − (m2 + mx2 ) U ] r + U (Yv2 − Xuu2 U1 )γ + Yv2 U σ (7)
0 = Nv2 v1 + [Nv2 (`T − `1 − `B ) + Nr2 ] r + U (Nv2 − `B Xuu2 γ) + Nv2 U σ (8)
Furthermore, omitting γ in Equations (7) and (8) and then substituting the value of σ into Equations (5)
and (6) yields

0 = (Yv1 + Xuu2 U ) v1 + [Yr1 − (m1 + mx1 )UXuu2 U (`T − Kσ2 )] r + Yδ1 δ1 (9)

0 = (Nv1 + Xuu2 U `T ) v1 + [Nr1 + Xuu2 U (`T − Kσ2 ) `T ] r + Nδ1 δ1 (10)

C2 Nr2 − `B [Yr2 − (m2 + mx2 ) U ]
Kσ2 = ` + `B + − (11)
Xuu2 U (Nv2 − `B Yv2 ) Nv2 − `B Yv2
Eq. (11) describes the effect of the towline and barge on the performance in steady turning. The
stability criterion of the barge is C2 ≡ Nr2 Yv2 − Nv2 [Yr2 − (m2 + mx2 ) U ]. v1 and r follow from
Equations (9) and (10) as
∗ ∗
v1 = δ1 Nδ1 [Yr1 − (m1 + mx1 ) U − Yδ1 Nr1 ] /C1∗ (12)
∗ ∗
r = δ1 (Yδ1 Nv1 − Nδ1 Yv1 ) /C1∗ (13)

Yv1 = Yv1 + Xuu2 U (14)

Yr1 = Yr1 − Xuu2 U (Kσ2 − `T ) (15)

Nv1 = Nv1 + Xuu2 U `T (16)

Nr1 = Nr1 − Xuu2 U (Kσ2 − `T ) `T (17)
C1∗ = Nr1
∗ ∗ ∗
Yv1 − Nv1 ∗
[Yr1 − (m1 + mx1 )U ] (18)
Equations (14) to (18) describe the effect of the tug on the turning performance of the towing system.
The equations also show the effects of the barge and the tow point location `T , which appear on the
r.h.s. of Equations (15) to (17). Kσ2 and Xuu2 , associated with the tow point `T , affect the turning
behaviour of the tug, which in turn affects turning of the towing system.
The equations for the towing angles σ and γ are derived similarly:
r C2 r v1
γ=− , σ= (Kσ2 − `T ) −
U Xuu2 U (Nv2 − Yv2 `B ) U U
2.3 Non-dimensionalisation
Quantities are made non-dimensional with appropriate orders of Li , di and U , where Li denotes
the length of ship i , di its draft and U is the tow speed: `0 = `/L2 , `0B = `B /L2 and `0T = `T /L1 .
Negative `0T means a tow point located aft of the tug’s centre of gravity. With v10 = v1 /U and
r 0 = rL1 /U , Equations (12) and (13) become

v10 /δ1 = Nδ01 Yr1∗0

− m1 − mx1 − Yδ0 Nr1 ∗0
/C1 (19)

r10 /δ1 = Yδ01 Nv1

− Nδ01 Yv1

∗0 0 0
Yv1 = Yv1 + Xuu2 /(SL Sd ) (21)
∗0 0 0 0
/SL − `0T /SL Sd

Yr1 = Yr1 − Xuu2 Kσ2 (22)
∗0 0 0
Nv1 = Nv1 + Xuu2 `0T /SL Sd (23)
∗0 0 0 0
/SL − `0T `0T /SL Sd

− Xuu2
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Nr1 = Nr1 Kσ2 (24)

C1∗0 = Nr1∗0 ∗0 ∗0 ∗0
− m10 − mx1

Yv1 − Nv1 Yr1 (25)

0 C20 − Xuu2
0 [N 0 − `0 (Y 0 − m 0 − m 0 )]
Kσ2 = `0 + `0B + r2 B r2
0 (N 0 − `0 Y 0 )
2 x2
Xuu2 v2 B v2
C20 = Nr2
0 Y 0 − N 0 (Y 0 − m 0 − m 0 ), S = L /L and S = d /d . Finally, γ and σ are expressed
v2 v2 r2 2 x2 L 1 2 d 1 2
through the non-dimensional quantities as

r10 C20 r10 0

− `0T SL − v10

γ=− 0 ), σ= Kσ2
SL Xuu2 (Nv2 − `0B Yv2
0 0 SL

3 Simulation conditions
3.1 Ships
The principal dimensions of the tugs (three different lengths) and the barge are presented in
Table 1. The tug has twin CPP propellers and twin rudders. The diameter of each propeller is 1 .8 m
and the rotation speed 300 rpm. The total engine power of 1050 kW provides an initial forward
speed of 7 knots for the tug of 40 m length (SL = 0 .66 ). For SL = 0 .5 and SL = 1 .0 , the initial
forward speed was determined by adjusting the pitch ratio and the rotation speed of the propellers.
The rudder is assumed of a square shape with 2 .0 m span and cord length. The steering speed of the

April 2011
rudder was set to 2 .0 ◦ /s.

Tab. 1: Principal dimensions of tug and barge.

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Description Tug Barge

SL 1 .0 0 .66 0 .5
Lpp , m 60 .96 40 .0 30 .0 60 .96
Ship Technology Research Schiffstechnik

Bwl , m 13 .72 9 .0 6 .75 21 .34

d, m 3 .35 2 .2 1 .65 2 .74
LCB, m 3 .39 2 .23 1 .672 −1 .04
CB 0 .63 0 .92
kzz /Lpp 0 .25 0 .252
Lpp /Bwl 4 .44 2 .86

3.2 Hydrodynamic derivatives on manoeuvring
The hydrodynamic derivatives of the tug and the barge, including resistance coefficients in full
scale Xuu0 were obtained by captive model tests in a towing tank, Table 2. In addition to the stability

index of the barge, the stable condition of the barge in course-keeping was selected, Fitriadhy and
Yasukawa (2011). Added mass coefficients mx0 , my0 and Jz0 were calculated using a panel method with
rigid free-surface condition.

Tab. 2: Resistance coefficient, manoeuvring hydrodynamic derivatives and

added mass coefficients.

Tug Barge Tug Barge

Xuu −0 .033 −0 .0641 mx0 0 .0187 0 .0391
Yv0 −0 .3579 −0 .4373 my0 0 .1554 0 .2180
Yr0 0 .127 0 .1355 Jz0 0 .0056 0 .0124
Nv0 −0 .0698 −0 .0491 Yδ0 −0 .05 −
Nr0 −0 .0435 −0 .0742 Nδ0 0 .025 −
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3.3 Turning ability of the tug without the barge

The turning performance of the tug was examined using a nonlinear analysis, Fig. 2. The tug
complies with the IMO criteria for the tactical diameter. The tactical diameters obtained at δ1 = 15 ,
20 and 35 ◦ are 4 .5L1 , 3 .0L1 and 1 .7L1 , respectively. Correspondingly, v1 increased from 0 .57 to
0 .67 and 0 .70 , and r from 1 .8 to 2 .3 and 3 .3 , respectively.
Using linear analysis, the turning performance of the tug can be defined by eliminating the
variables of Xuu2 U 2 σ and Xuu2 `T U 2 σ in Equations (5) and (6), respectively. Then v1 and r can be
expressed as follows:

v1 = δ1 Nδ1 [Yr1 − (m1 + mx1 ) U − Yδ1 Nr1 ] /C1 (27)

r = δ1 (Yδ1 Nv1 − Nδ1 Yv1 ) /C1 (28)
C1 ≡ Nr1 Yv1 − Nv1 [Yr1 − (m1 + mx1 )U ] is the course stability criterion of the tug. The components
of C1 and δ1 affect strongly v1 and r. Similar to what noted in Section 2.3, the non-dimensional
Equations (27) and (28) show that the increase of δ1 is proportional to r and β1 (≡ −v1 ). For example,
increasing δ1 from 15 to 20 ◦ resulted in the increase of r 0 and β1 from 0 .92 to 1 .23 and from 27 .8
to 37 .0 ◦ , respectively. These results agree well with the nonlinear ones.

Fig. 2: Turning trajectories of the tug alone.

4 Linear analysis of steady turning of tug and barge
4.1 Effect of towline length
Fig. 3a shows the effect of the towline length on steady turning of the tug in towing. The
increase of the towline length from `0 = 1 .0 to 5 .0 leads to a proportional increase of υ10 /δ1 and
inversely proportional decrease of r10 /δ1 . The general results of the linear analysis were almost the
same as the nonlinear results. Tendencies of r10 /δ1 and v10 /δ1 due to the increase of the rudder
angle from 2 to 5 ◦ were also similar to those for the tug alone, as noted in Section 3.3. For the
same speed, r10 /δ1 and v10 /δ1 were significantly greater for the tug alone than for tug coupled to
the barge. For this reason, the behaviour of the towing system generally correlated well with Kσ2 0 .

It was analytically addressed in eq. (26); the increase of towline was proportional to a positive
value of Kσ2 0 . Correspondingly, the increase of K 0 associated with X
σ2 uu2 (the barge’s resistance)
increased stability derivatives Yr1 ∗0 , while N ∗0 decreased gradually as defined in Equations (22) and
(24), respectively. Inherently, the magnitude of C1∗ is increased, which is inversely proportional to the
yaw rate r10 . However, the effect of the rudder angle diminished as the towline is lengthened further.
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This means that the effect of the towline is more dominant in influencing the turning performance
of the towing system. Thus, the turning performance of the towing system would be similar to the
turning performance of the tug alone.

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Fig. 3: Steady turning performance of the tow system.

4.2 Effect of tow point on the barge

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Fig. 3b shows the effect of `0B on the turning performance. Larger `0B means shifting the tow
point `B towards the bow of the barge as in a bridle towline configuration. Shifting the tow point `B
from `0B = 0 .5 to 1 .0 increased Kσ20 . `0 is proportional to Y ∗0 and inversely proportional to N ∗0 , thus
B r1 r1
its increase decreased r1 /δ1 and increased υ10 /δ1 , which in turn increased the stability criterion

C1∗0 . This can be explained by the fact that the increase of `0B stabilises indirectly the towing system.
However, this effect becomes negligibly small as the towline is lengthened further.

4.3 Effect of tow point on the tug
Fig. 4a shows the effect of `0T on steady turning of the tug in the towing system. In Equations (22)
to (24), the tow point `T was designated as a multiplier for the components of Xuu2 0 0 , increasing
and Kσ2
∗0 ∗0 ∗0 0 0
the stability derivatives Yr1 , Nυ1 and Nr1 . Kσ2 and Xuu2 change strongly when `T increases from
−0 .44 to −0 .15 (shift towards the centre of gravity of the tug), while Yr1 ∗0 and N ∗0 decreased.
Because these coefficients are proportional to C1∗0 and inversely proportional to r 0 , shifting the tow
point `T closer to the tug’s centre of gravity increases r10 /δ1 and decreases v10 /δ1 . However, the tow
point `T had no significant net effect on Yv1 ∗0 as expressed in eq. (21).

4.4 Effect of the tug size

Fig. 4b shows the effect of the tug dimension SL on steady turning of the towing system. The
effect was pronounced for `0 ≥ 1 .5 , namely increasing r10 /δ1 and decreasing v10 /δ1 . Equations (21)
to (24) show that SL influences Kσ2 0 and X 0 , which affect directly the steady turning of the towing
system. Increasing SL decreases Kσ2 0 and X 0 . A further increase of the tug’s size would have
negligibly small influence on Kσ2 0 and X 0 . If the tug is much larger than the barge, the steady
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turning performance of the towing system would be similar to that of the tug alone. From the linear

Fig. 4: Steady turning performance of the tow system.

analysis results, it can be merely inferred that the increase of the towline length is proportional to
v10 /δ1 and inversely proportional to r10 /δ1 . As a consequence, increasing the towline length leads to
larger turning diameters of the towing system.

5 Nonlinear analysis of turning ability of tug and barge

The validity of linear approach needs to be confirmed. In addition, the loosening and tightening
of the towline before reaching steady turning may affect strongly the turning performance of the
towing system. Further lengthening of the towline and larger rudder angle would also lead to strongly
nonlinear motions. Therefore, a comprehensive clarification is presented here using nonlinear analysis
for a better prediction of the turning motions, including capturing a slack towline. In the following
simulations, `0 = 2 .0 , δ1 = 15 ◦ , `0T = −0 .44 , `0B = 0 .75 and SL = 0 .66 .
5.1 Effect of towline length
Fig. 5 shows the effect of the towline length. Increasing `0 from 1 .0 to 2 .0 led to greater
advance and tactical diameters of the towing system, except for the advance diameter of the tug
that decreased gradually. However, increasing `0 from 2 .0 to 3 .0 decreased the advance and tactical
diameters of the tug while further increased these diameters for the barge. The results are summarised
in Table 3. In general, the steady turning radius of the towing system increased with the towline
length. The offset of the turning trajectories between the tug and the barge increased as `0 increased.
This led to the tug turning outward with respect to the turning trajectory of the barge. This condition
increased u1 from 1 .7 to 2 .6 m/s, decreased β1 and β2 and increased ψ1 −ψ2 (the deviation between
the course angles). The advantage of a longer towline is a reduced towline tension TC from 9 .95
to 8 .82 t.
Tab. 3: Effect of `0 on turning diameters of tug and barge (in m).

`0 Turning diameter of tug Turning diameter of barge

Advance Tactical Advance Tactical
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1 .0 134 318 266 322

2 .0 131 450 312 435
3 .0 117 410 318 378

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Fig. 5: Turning motion of the towing system for various `0 .

5.2 Effect of tow point on the barge
Fig. 6 shows the time histories and trajectories of the turning of the towing system for various
locations of the tow point `B , namely `0B = 0 .5 , 0 .75 and 1 .0 . This increment was proportional to
the resulting tactical diameters and inversely proportional to the advance diameters of both the tug
and the barge, Table 4. The advance diameters of the tug and the barge increase as `0B decreases.
A possible reason for this peculiar result is the yaw instability of the barge in the initial turning of
the towing system, indicated by the increasing drift angle β2 and course deviation ψ1 − ψ2 . This
happened mainly between t = 62 to 105 s and 42 to 72 s. Increasing `0B from 0 .5 to 0 .75 has more
significant effects than increasing from 0 .75 to 1 .0 , which is indicated by the larger tactical diameter
of the barge. The effects of `0B on turning speeds u1 and u2 and on the towline tension TC appear

Tab. 4: Effect of `0B on turning diameters (in m) of tug and barge.

`0B Turning diameter of tug Turning diameter of barge

Advance Tactical Advance Tactical
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0 .50 146 392 328 396

0 .75 131 450 312 435
1 .00 126 477 309 458

Fig. 6: Turning motion parameters of the towing system for various `0B .

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Fig. 7: Turning motion parameters of the towing system for various `0T .

5.3 Effect of tow point on the tug

Fig. 7 shows the effect of the tow point `T on the turning performance of the towing system.
Increasing `0T from −0 .44 to −0 .15 decreased markedly u2 . In steady turning, the drift angle of
the barge β2 increased from 14 to 29 ◦ and the course deviation ψ1 − ψ2 increased from 35 to 66 ◦ ,
while the drift angle of the tug β1 decreased from −1 .6 to −11 ◦ . This resulted in great reductions of
the advance and tactical diameters of the tug from 129 to 80 m and from 450 to 162 m, respectively,
and reduction of the advance and tactical diameters of the barge from 312 to 227 m and from 435
to 89 m, respectively, Table 5. Thus the tow point should be moved towards the centre of gravity

April 2011
of the tug in order to increase the turning ability of the towing system, particularly in restricted
waterways. However, this degrades the directional stability of the towing system which is indicated
by a large slewing motion of the barge, Fitriadhy and Yasukawa (2011). Increasing `T also poses
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structural concerns due to the increase of the mean towline tension from 9 .1 to 13 .25 t. This may
become even worse when the snatching frequency of the towline coincides with motion frequencies
of the tug, Varyani et al. (2007).
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Tab. 5: Effect of `0T on turning diameters (in m) of tug and barge.

`0T Turning diameter of tug Turning diameter of barge

Advance Tactical Advance Tactical
−0 .15 80 162 227 89
−0 .35 96 284 261 270
−0 .44 129 450 312 435

5.4 Effect of the tug size
Fig. 8 shows the effect of the size of the tug: the increase of SL from 0 .5 to 0 .66 and further to
1 .0 reduces slightly the mean turning speeds.
Likewise, the effect of SL on β1 , β2 and ψ1 − ψ2 is small. This resulted in a significant increase
of the turning diameters of the barge, especially of the advance diameter, Table 6. The results confirm
the results of the linear analysis, namely that the steady turning radius increases with ship length,
Lewis (1989). However, the longer tug with SL = 1 .0 has larger mean towline tension: TC increased
notably from 7 .5 to 10 t.

Tab. 6: Effect of SL0 on turning diameters of tug and barge.

SL Turning diameter of tug Turning diameter of barge

Advance Tactical Advance Tactical
0 .50 110 402 290 395
0 .66 131 450 312 435
1 .00 215 485 408 486
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According to the above results, β1 increases with u1 as long as steady turning of the towing
system has not yet been achieved. In addition, the substantial decrease in u1 is inversely proportional
to β2 . This can be explained by the fact that the large β2 associated with small deviation ψ1 − ψ2
increases the resistance of the barge; consequently, the dynamic towline tension markedly increases.
Generally, the increase of `0 , `0B , `0B and SL increases the turning diameter both for the tug and for the

Fig. 8: Turning motion parameters of the towing system for various SL .

5.5 Phenomenon of slack towline
For long towline with `0 = 4 .0 , slack in the towline occurred during manoeuvring, Fig. 9.
When the tug and the barge commenced turning motion, the towline tension gradually decreased.
At t = 100 s, the towline tension was nearly zero, the barge slowed down and finally stopped. This
condition led to slack in the towline, which means that the tug loses control of the barge. At t = 70 s,
the course deviation ψ1 − ψ2 increased excessively while the tug kept turning. β1 and β2 unduly
increased and the tug turned into a tight turn. At the end of this turn, the towline tension increased
sharply at t = 240 s. This can be explained as follows: when the barge had stopped, the tug imposed
again tension on the slack towline. Therefore, the turning speed of the tug decreased and it stopped
at the time instant t = 250 s. Shigehiro (1998) proposed a solution to prevent the towline slackening,
namely that the towline should be shorter than the turning diameter of the tug. However, for rudder
angle δ1 = 20 ◦ , slack in the towline still occurred, Fig. 10, even for the non-dimensional towline
length `0 = 3 .0 . The tug and the barge were unable to maintain turning. Again, the barge slowed
down and the course angles deviated as the towline slackened at t = 180 s. Then a sudden high
towline tension arose after the slack towline was pulled tight again.
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Fig. 9: Effect of towline length on turning performance of towing system for δ1 = 15 ◦ .

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Fig. 10: Effect of towline length on turning performance of towing system for δ1 = 20 ◦ .
Ship Technology Research Schiffstechnik

6 Conclusion
Based on nonlinear and linear analyses, the turning performance of the towing system can be
studied. The towline length and the length ratio `0B are proportional to the course deviation ψ1 − ψ2 ,
thus their increase leads directly to larger turning diameters of the towing system. Shifting `0T towards
the centre of gravity of the tug substantially increases β2 and the course deviation ψ1 − ψ2 , which
significantly decreases advance and tactical diameters of both the tug and the barge. Increasing the
size of the tug from SL = 0 .5 to 1 .0 results in a similar turning behaviour of the towing system and
the tug alone. Slack towline during manoeuvring occurs for longer towline and larger rudder angles.
While the tug continues turning, towline tension disappeared and then suddenly increased as the tug
completed its first turning motion. Linear analysis showed that longer towline, larger tug and the tow
point closer to the centre of gravity of the tug decrease r10 /δ1 and increase υ10 /δ1 .

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