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Ministry of Health

Al_Bashir Hospital
Infection prevention and control

Decontamination Exam.

Employee Name: Date: / /201

1. What is the Last step in sterile supply cycle?

a) transport c) packaging
b) use d) storing
2. Thermal sterilization uses Steam under pressure to kill all microorganisms including spores
within minutes. This way used for immediate using of equipments is:
a) Hot sterilization c) Flash sterilization
b) Plasma sterilization d) Steam sterilization
3. First step in Gravity steam sterilization is
a. Introduction of steam c. Increasing temperature
b. Air removal d. Ventilation
4. What is the Bioburden reduction method sterilization by high temperature water (above
a. Oxidation
b. Coagulation
c. Poisoning
d. Incineration.
5. Laryngoscopes, Flexible endoscopes and Vaginal Specula enough to be ...................
before using to another patient.
a. High level disinfected
b. Low level disinfected
c. sterilized
d. moderate level disinfected
6. What are the essential physical parameters of steam sterilizer?
a. Securely wrapped packaging c. Chemical indicator and B. indicator
b. Heat, temperature, and pressure d. Leak test

7. which one of the following provide the earliest indications of unsatisfactory sterilization
a- Mechanical indicator c- Biological indicator
b- Chemical indicator d- Sterilizer maintenance
8. which of the following is considered the highest level of sterility assurance:
a- chemical indicator c- mechanical indicator
b- biological indicator d- record keeping
9. flash sterilization used for all except:
a- Items to be used immediately c- In unwrapped objects
b- For reasons of convenience to save time d- Not for implanted surgical objects


10. All the following Equipments are of Clean area EXCEPT:
a) Water heat gun c) Inspection Table
b) Sterilization pouches d) Sealing machine
11. In autoclave sterilization absolute pressure is
a. 2500 mbr c. 3000 mbr
b. 2000 mbr d. 3500 mbr
12. Lack of inventory as a reason for flashing results from?
a. Surgeons not contacting vendors with enough time to deliver instruments
b. limited knowledge regarding best practices
c. Scheduling procedures that require the same instruments
d. OR not contacting CSSD with enough time to reprocess instruments

13. Lack of communication as a reason for flashing results from?

a. Scheduling procedures that require the same instruments
b. Vendors delivering instruments in time
c. OR not contacting CSSD with enough time to reprocess instruments
d. Surgeon’s personal instruments being used

14. Regarding flash sterilization; all of the following statements are true EXCEPT?
a. Used only when the sterilized items are urgently needed.
b. Follow proper procedures before sterilization,
c. Position the sterilizer in CSSD.
d. Develop procedures to ensure proper aseptic instrument handling .
15. What are the Flash Sterilization Parameters?
a. 3- 5 min.,121 °C & 4 bars c. 3- 5 min.,137 °C & 1 bar
b. 3- 5 min.,134 °C & 3 bars d. 3- 5 min.,124 °C & 5 bars

16. What are the essential physical parameters of HOT AIR OVEN sterilizer?
a. Heat, Time, and pressure c. Chemical indicator and B. indicator
b. Heat, temperature, and pressure d. Heat and time

17. All of the following can be sterilized by dry heat EXCEPT

a. Powder c. Metal
b. Plastic d. ceramic
18. Regarding HOT AIR OVEN sterilization; all of the following statements are false EXCEPT?
a. Gravity convection takes longer exposure time than mechanical convection sterilizer.
b. Gravity convection takes shorter exposure time than mechanical convection sterilizer,
c. Mechanical convection takes longer exposure time than Gravity convection sterilizer.
d. Mechanical convection takes same exposure time as Gravity convection sterilizer.
19. TDT for dry heat sterilization at 140 oC is
a. 2 hours c. 6 hours
b. 4 hours d. 8 hours
20. Dry heat sterilization performed at
a. 160 0C for 1 hour c. 160 0C for 3 hours
b. 170 0C for 2 hours d. 170 0C for 1 hou


21. First step in EtO "ethylene oxide" sterilization is?
a. steam is released by a chamber heating system,
b. a vacuum pump withdraws air from the chamber
c. Raising the relative humidity (RH).
d. EtO is injected into the chamber, initiating the exposure (sterilizing) phase.
22. Concentration of EtO “ethylene oxide" varies from ?
a. 450 to 1,000 mg/L, c. 450 to 1,200 mg/L
b. 450 to 1,300 mg/L d. 500 to 1,200 mg/L.
23. EtO is injected into the chamber, initiating the exposure (sterilizing) phaseEtO “ethylene
oxide" may be diluted with- in the past :
a. CO2 & HCFC c. HCFC & O2
b. HCFC d. CO2 & O2

24. Regarding EtO “ethylene oxide" sterilization; all of the following statements are true
a. Systems operating at -ve pressure. c. Inactivation of cells by
b. The vacuum system vents the coagulation.
gas from the chamber to an d. 30-70% relative humidity.
exhaust drain,
25. EtO “ethylene oxide" sterilization advantage is / are
a. Good materials compatibility c. Lengthy cycle
b. Poor penetrator. d. a & b
26. All the following are EtO “ethylene oxide" sterilization parameters EXCEPT?
a. 35 0C, 3 hours exposure & 10 H.aeration
b. 55 0C, 1 hour exposure & 12 H.aeration
c. 35 0C, 3 hours exposure & 3 H.aeration
d. 55 0C, 1 hour exposure & 15 H.aeration
27. Formaldehyde used in All the following purposes EXCEPT?
a. Autopsy c. Sterilization in LTSF
b. Pathology d. Surfaces disinfection
28. Low-Temperature Steam and Formaldehyde LTSF is an alternative method for :
a. EtO sterilization c. Radiation
b. Flash sterilization d. Cold sterilization
29. In the LTSF process, the pure heat energy of steam sterilization is replaced by a mixture of
steam and formaldehyde gas at temperatures of either :
a. 45, 75 or 85° C. c. 55, 75 or 85° C.
b. 55, 65 or 75° C. d. 45, 65 or 75° C.
30. All of the following sterilization methods act under atmospheric pressure EXCEPT?
a. Low-Temperature Steam and Formaldehyde LTSF
b. EtO “ethylene oxide" sterilization
c. Plasma sterilization
d. Steam sterilization
31. Concentration of EtO “ethylene oxide" varies from ?
a. 150 to 1000 mg/L, c. 450 to 1200 mg/L
b. 15 to 100 mg/L d. 15 to 1200 mg/L.


32. All of the following can be sterilized by Plasma EXCEPT
a. Powder c. Gauze
b. Plastic d. rubber
33. In Plasma sterilization Temperature varies from:
a. 35 – 65 C
b. 45 – 75 C
c. 35 – 55 C
d. 25 – 45 C
34. Plasma sterilization consists of :
a. One exposure c. Three exposures
b. Tow exposures d. Four exposures
35. In Plasma sterilization The peroxide absorbs radio-frequency and then gives off :
a. ultra-violet (UV) light c. gamma rays
b. infra red light d. a & b
36. Each exposure phase In Plasma sterilization includes:
a. injection, diffusion, and plasma stages
b. vacuum, diffusion, and plasma stages
c. vacuum, injection, and plasma stages
d. vacuum, injection, and diffusion stages
37. What is the Bioburden reduction method sterilization by Plasma sterilization?
a. Oxidation c. Poisoning
b. Coagulation d. Free radicals
38. After the activated components react with the biological material from the instruments or with
each other, they lose their high energy and combine to form primarily :
a. Hydroperoxy and hydroxyl c. Oxygen and hydroxyl
b. Oxygen & water d. Hydroperoxy and water
39. Total cycle time in sterilization by gas plasma ranges from:
a. 18-67 minutes c. 38-87 minutes
b. 28-77 minutes d. 48-97 minutes
40. Gravity sterilization is not suitable for
a. Metals c. Fluids
b. Gauze d. powder
41. Exposure time for dry heat sterilization at 190 oC is
a. 3-5 minutes c. 12-15 minutes
b. 5-10 minutes d. 15-20 minutes
42. All the following Equipments are of Decontamination area EXCEPT:
a) Water heat gun c) Inspection Table
b) Steam heat gun d) Ultra sonic cleaner
43. In autoclave sterilization temperature ranges from
a. 100-1200C c. 121-1350C
b. 120-1300C d. 125-1400C


44. All of the following can be sterilized by hot air Oven EXCEPT
a. Powder c. Metal
b. Petroleum Oil d. Linen
45. Vacuum sterilization is not suitable for
a. Metals c. Fluids
b. Gauze d. Paper
46. Exposure time for flash sterilization by vacuum sterilizers
a. 3-5 minutes c. 10-15 minutes
b. 5-10 minutes d. 15-20 minutes

47. Ultrasonic generates waves and produces vibration (about …………cycles per second
a) 5,000 c) 15,000
b) 10.000 d) 20,000
48. Consists of high-pressure jet-spraying of water or a water/detergent mixture through several
a) Ultrasonic c) Steam sterilizers
b) Washer/disinfector d) EtO sterilizers
49. Which of the following is most effective against spores?
a- Autoclaving c- Pasteurization
b- Boiling d- disinfection

50. Which of the following sterilizing gas can be used on heat sensitive material?
a- Glutaraldehyde c- Peracetic acid
b- Ethylene oxide d- OPA

51. bowie dick test monitors

a- Air removal c- Killing spores
b- Air leak in jaket d- Increase temperature

52. Dry heat sterilization performed at

a. 1600C for 1 hour c. 1600C for 3 hours
b. 1700C for 2 hours d. 1700C for 1 hour
53. Air acts as a barrier against penetration of steam into pack and must removed by
a. Vacuum c. packaging
b. cleaning d. transporting
54. Consists of a reactive cloud of ions, electrons, and neutral atomic and molecular species
produced by a strong electric or magnetic field.
a) Steam under pressure c) Hot Air Oven
b) Plasma Sterilization d) Dry Heat
55. CSSD consists of …………Areas
a) Tow c) Four
b) Three d) Five

56. the most suitable way for sterilization of oil fat and dusting powder is:
a- Hot air oven c- Pasteurization
b- Autoclaving d- chemicals


57. sharp instruments should not be sterilized by :
a- chemical disinfectants c- hot air oven
b- autoclaving d- boiling

58. recording chart of sterilization is :

a- replaced weekly and discarded c- replaced daily and discarded
b- replaced daily & stored for record keeping d- according to hospital policy

59. Used to quickly and urgent need of instruments sterilization

a. Hot air sterilization c. Flash sterilization
b. Steam sterilization d. ETO sterilization
60. Packaging is essential for
a. Maintaining sterility c. waste management
b. serve money d. sharp disposal
61. Are designed to clean instruments by removing blood, bone, fat, and other organic debris
that can adhere to
a. Mechanical convection c. Sealing Machines
b. Washer disinfector d. Gravity convection
62. Plasma sterilization machine inject hydrogen peroxide at concentration of:
a. 39 % c. 59 %
b. 49 % d. 69 %
63. The following tools can be sterilized by Hydrogen peroxide- plasma sterilization EXCEPT
a) Plastic c) Fine metals
b) Rubber d) Gauze
64. Give an example for process indicator
a. Helix c. Tape
b. Bowie-dick d. mechanical
65. Test Object Surgical Instruments “TOSI” is used to validate the efficacy of:
a. Ultrasonic cleaned c. Steam sterilizer
b. Washer disinfector d. Dry heat sterilizer
66. Aluminium foil test is used to validate the efficacy of:
a. Ultrasonic cleaned c. Steam sterilizer
b. Washer disinfector d. Dry heat sterilizer
67. Hemo Check is used to validate the efficacy of:
a. Washer disinfector c. Manual cleaning
b. Dry heat sterilizer d. Steam sterilizer
68. Some hospitals in ……………do not test with BIs at all
a. Europe c. Jordan
b. USA d. Canada
69. What is /are the conditions that can directly compromise the ability of a package to maintain
its sterile integrity


a. Moisture c. Cleaning
b. Sterilization d. A & b

70. In order to minimize contamination of medical supplies, storage shelves should be:
a. 30 cm from the floor, 15 cm from outside walls, 100 cm from ceiling
b. 25 cm from the floor, 25 cm from outside walls, 55 cm from ceiling
c. 20 cm from the floor, 5 cm from outside walls, 50 cm from ceiling
d. 40 cm from the floor, 35 cm from outside walls, 75 cm from ceiling
71. What is the predominant method of distributing medical or surgical items and supplies
a. Demand c. Exchange cart
b. Par-level restocking d. Case – cart
72. In this type of distribution system, an optimum level of stock for each item used on a regular
basis is determined for each customer
a. Demand c. Exchange cart
b. Par-level restocking d. Case – cart
73. In Exchange-cart distribution systems
a. two identical carts are created
b. an optimum level of stock for each item is determined for each customer
c. Supplies needed only in specific emergency situations
d. b & c
74. initial rinsing of contaminated instruments should be done by the using of:
a) Hot water c) Cold water
b) Glutaraldehyde d) Formaldehydes
75. All of the following considered from the Orthopedic instruments EXCEPT
a. Amputation Saw c. Wire cutting forceps
b. Rasp d. Elevator tonsil
76. CSSD does not provide a service to :
a- Theatres c- Clinics
b- Wards d- autopsy

77. which one at the following indicators used to show ( pass / fail ) in steam vacuum-type
sterilizers with presence at air :
a- Biological c- Bowie-dick
b- Mechanical d- Electronic

78. Periodic preventive maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions is

considered :
a- Calibration c- Scheduled maintenance
b- Routine maintenance d- Preventive maintenance

79. Autoclave- An apparatus for sterilization by steam under pressure, usually at temperatures of
a. 121 or 134 Co c. 141or 148 Co
b. 131 or 138 Co d. 151or 158 Co

80. Which of the following is characteristics of Bacillus Stearothermophilus


a. highly resistant c. used to challenge plasma sterilizers
b. relatively pathogenic microorganism d. performed every month

81. Surrounds the inner chamber and stores steam until pressure has been obtained
a. Steam Jacket c. Safety Valve
b. Inner Chamber d. Steam trap

82. Biological indicator done weekly and when sterilizing the following instruments
a. General surgery instruments c. Gynecological instruments
b. Implanted instruments d. endoscope

83. When fats and oils are reacting with ………..change into fatty acids and glycerin,
a) Acids c) Alkali
b) Biocides d) Neutralizers
84. The combination of processes, including cleaning and Disinfection, involves the destruction or
removal of any organisms present in order to prevent them infecting other patients or hospital staff is:
a) Cleaning c) Sterilization
b) Decontamination d) Disinfection
85. Are agents that Lower surface tension, breakdown fat, oil and grease, break soil into fine particles
during the cleaning process?
a. Detergents c. indicators
b. Disinfectants d. Biological indicators
86. A test is to determine whether there are any leaks in the chamber and pipework which would permit
ingress of air into the chamber during the vacuum stages
a. Bowie & dick test c. Helix test
b. Leak test d. Resistant test

87. The original air removal test is the:

a. Bowie & dick test c. Helix test
b. Leak test d. Resistant test
88. A quality control test which done when the autoclave is empty:
1. Bowie & dick test 3. Helix test
2. Leak test 4. Resistant test

• Mention each type of the following indicators:

1. 2.

Helix Test ……… Sona check…………….


3. 4.

Hemo check…………….. Bowie & dick Test …..

Good Luck
Presenter … ………………………………..….....……

Iyad Ibrahim almherat


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