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Madara: This the story of snowhite, the fairest girl in the kingdom, with hair as black as coal and

skin as pale
as snow.
Terēza: But her tragic story all starts with an Evil Queen . An arrogant and selfish woman, who was willing to
do everything, just to be the fairest of them all.
The Evil Queen comes on stage.
Evelīna: (Angry, takes the mirror) Mirror Mirror, show me who is the fairest of them all.
Terēza: ‘’It is Snowhite my queen!’’ The mirror said.

Evelīna: (Throws the mirror) No! It has to be me! I have to do something about that girl….
The queen leaves and snowhite starts wandering on stage
Madara: And there she was, Snowhite, the fairest girl in the kingdom, loved by all, left with no home,
wandering through the forest and hated by the Queen.
Terēza: And having only birds and deer and other forest creatures to keep her comany.
Snowhite sits on the stairs doing something.
Madara: Feeling helpless and lost, snowhite asked the forest animals for help and guidence.
Terēza: Seeing as snowhite was so nice to them, the animals told her to look for a small cottage in the forest.
And so she did.
She starts wandering around. The dwarves come.
Aisma: Who are you!
Snowhite: Im sorry! I was hoping you could help me, I need somewhere to stay! Please I’ll do anything!
They look at eachother, whisper.
Melānija: Okay, we agree, you can stay with us.
Mikus: But you will have to help us!
Agita: Maybe you could help us with the house? And feed us?
Snowhite: Of course i will! But what are your names kind gentelmen?
Aisma: My name is Grumpy!
Melānija: My name is sleepy1
Lāsma: Im Sneezy!
Agita: Im Happy!
Mikus: Im Bashful!
Roberts: Im Dopey!
Alens: And my name is Doc! We are pleased to meet you snowhite!
Madara: That is how snowhite started living with the dwarves, her new friends, saviours and house mates.
Terēza: Every day Snowhite would clean their house- sweep the floors, wash the clothes, make their beds and
other things that would keep her buisy while the dwarves were working and sweating at the mines.
Madara: Snowhite would also cook for them, because she made the most delicious pies and cakes, that the
dwarves liked to enjoy every day.
Terēza: And this is how snowhite now spent most of her days, in her new life.
Madara: But she wasnt at all so safe in her new home, because back in the kingdom, the Evli Queen hadn’t
given up her desires to be the most fairest in the kingdom.
Snowhite and the dwarves leave the stage, the Queen comes on.
Evelīna: Mirror, Mirror, Now, show me who is the fairest of them all!
Terēza: ‘’My queen, it is still Snowhite’’ The mirror said.
Evelīna: Oh how could this be she is gone! Mirror, show me! Where is she hiding!
Madara: The mirror, showed the evil queen a small cottage in the middle of the forest, and there- Snowhite-
Haapy and peacful.
Terēza: Still dedicated to be the fairest in the kingdom, the Evil queen came up with an evil plan, a plan that
would guarantee, that snowhite wouldnt be the fairest in any kingdom.
Snowhite comes on stage sweeping the floor. The Evil queen comes.
Snowhite: Oh! You poor old lady! What are you doing in the forest all alone!
Evelīna: I must’ve gotten lost! Could you help me to see the right direction?
Snowhite: Of course come this way!
Snowhite and the queen start wandering around
Evelīna: Oh you kind girl! Here have an apple for all your troubles!
Snowhite: Oh thank you!
Snowhite sits on the stairs, eats the apple, falls down!
Madara: a curse had fallen over Snowhite, it seems that the apple was poisoned!
Terēza: Later, when the dwarves came home from the mines, they were expecting a clean house and a warm
pie….But instead….
Aisma: Oh my! Is that snowhite!?
Alens: Look at her hand! She must have eaten the apple!

Roberts: (takes the apple) It’s poisoned!

Terēza: It looked as if Snowhite was just in a peacful sleep, but they couldnt wake her up.
Madara: So they placed her in a glass cascet in the forest, hoping that one day she will wake up.
Everyone leaves, snowhite stays laying on the ground, the prince rides in on a horse.
Matīss: Who is this?....She is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen! Oh who are you, why are you laying so
Terēza: The prince was suprised to see sucsh a beautiful girl, laying so still, like a curse was put on her.
Madara: But he couldnt take his eyes off of her, it was love at first sight.
The prince sits down next to her, takes her hand, she suddenly wakes up!
Mikus: Shes awake! Shes awake!
Aisma: But how?
Alens: I know! Look at him! It was true love!
Snowhite slowly stands up and everyone leaves the stage.
Terēza: In the end, Snowhite was saved.
Madara: She and Prince got Married and lived happily ever after.
Terēza: The Dwarves became the kingdoms official miners.
Madara: But the Evil Queen……She got what was coming to her.
Terēza: She never became the most fairest in the kingdom, time got the better of her. And she became the old
poor ugly lady forever. Now the curse was on her.
Madara: And snowhite stayed the same – as pale as snow, as kind as the animals and the fairest in the
Terēza: The end.

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