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Vedic Vidyashram Sr. Sec.


XI PHYSICS JEE-7 14.08.2023 Solutions

Subjects Total Marks Duration No. of Questions

Physics 100 Marks 1 Hr 25 Questions


1. Total duration of test is 60 minutes.

2. Total number of questions in the test is 25.
3. Total number of sections in the test is 1.
4. Section 1 is SECTION A consisting of 25 questions.


SECTION A 25 Questions : 100 Marks

Q.1 A stone of mass tied to the end of a string is whirled round in a circle of radius +4 Marks / -1 Mark
with a speed of in a horizontal plane. If the speed of the stone is increased beyond
the maximum permissible value, and the string breaks suddenly, which of the following correctly
describes the trajectory of the stone after the string breaks?
A) the stone moves radially outwards

B) the stone flies off tangentially from the instant the string breaks

C) the stone flies off at an angle with the tangent whose magnitude depends on the speed of the particle

D) none of these


When the string breaks, the stone will move in the direction of the velocity at that instant. According to the first law
of motion, the direction of the velocity vector is tangential to the path of the stone at that instant. Hence, the stone
will fly off tangentially from the instant the string breaks.

Q.2 The concept of Inertia is explained in +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Newtons First law

B) Newtons second law

C) Newtons Thind law

D) All of These


Inertial is the property of a body due to which it resists the change in its state of motion.

According to Newton's first law of motion, if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will
remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by net external force.

Therefore, concept of inertia is explained by Newton's first law of motion.

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Q.3 Match the following columns +4 Marks / -1 Mark
Column - I Column - II
Inertia of motion and rest Newton’s third law
Measure of force Impulse
Relation between force and acceleration Newton’s second law
Recoiling of gun Newton’s first law

A) a - ii; b - i; c - iii; d - iv

B) a - i; b - ii; c - iii; d - iv

C) a - iv; b - ii; c - iii; d - i

D) a - iv; b - iii; c - ii; d - i


Newton’s first law is based on principle of inertia. Newton’s second law gives relation between force and acceleration. Impulse
gives us the effect of force. Recoiling of gun is accounted for by Newton’s 3rd law.

Q.4 A monkey of mass is holding a vertical rope. The rope will not break when a mass of +4 Marks / -1 Mark
is suspended from it but will break if the mass exceeds . What is the maximum acceleration
with which the monkey can climb up along the rope?

A) ​

B) ​

C) ​

D) ​


For monkey, we can write

Or, ....(i)

For suspended weight,


[breaking strength]

∴ Equation (i) becomes,

a or a . ms

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Q.5 An intersteller spacecraft far away from the influence of any stars or planets is moving at high +4 Marks / -1 Mark
speed under the influence of fusion rockets (due to thrust exerted by fusion rockets the spacecraft
is accelerating). Suddenly the engine malfunction and stops. The spacecraft will
A) Immediately stop throwing all of the occupants to the front of the craft

B) Begin slowing down and eventually comes to rest

C) Keep moving at constant speed for a while but then begins to slow down

D) Keep moving forever at constant speed


Due to malfunctioning of engine the process of rocket fusion stops and hence net force experienced by spacecraft becomes
zero. Afterwards the spacecraft continues to move with constant speed.

Q.6 Physical independence of force is a consequence of +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) third law of motion

B) second law of motion

C) first law of motion

D) all of the above


Physical independence of force is a consequence of first law of motion.

Newton’s first law states that a body at rest or uniform motion will continue to be at rest or uniform motion until and
unless a net external force acts on it. It requires some force from the outside to cause such a change. Newton’s first
law is also known as the law of inertia.

Q.7 A man is at rest in the middle of a pond on perfectly smooth ice. He can get himself to the shore +4 Marks / -1 Mark
by making use of Newton's

A) First law

B) Second law

C) Third law

D) all of them


Using Newton's third law, he can reach the coast. In this example, the man pushes the ice backwards, and the ice
reacts in a forward motion due to friction between the ice and the man. If the friction between him and the ice is
really low, he can only emerge from the pond by taking very little steps.

Vedic Vidyashram Sr. Sec.School

Q.8 The mass of a body measured by a physical balance in a lift at rest is found to be . If the lift is +4 Marks / -1 Mark
going up with an acceleration , its mass will be measured as




D) Zero


Mass is defined as quantity of matter and this will remain constant at any place irrespective of acceleration due to
gravity there. Physical balance measures mass of an object and mass measured by physical balance remains
unaffected due to variation in acceleration due to gravity.

Q.9 A parrot is sitting on the floor of a closed glass cage which is in a boy's hand. If the parrot starts +4 Marks / -1 Mark
flying with a constant speed, the boy will feel the weight of cage as

A) Unchanged

B) Reduced

C) Increased

D) Nothing can be said


In case of constant velocity the acceleration is zero because,

So there will be no change in the weight of the cage.

Q.10 When the object is moving at constant velocity on the rough surface, +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) net force on the object is zero

B) no force acts on the object

C) only external force acts on the object

D) only kinetic friction acts on the object


When the object is moving at a constant velocity on the rough surface, the net force on the object is zero. Force is a
product of mass and acceleration. Force is also given as a change in the momentum of the body.

Vedic Vidyashram Sr. Sec.School

Q.11 Bullets of mass each hit a plate at the rate of bullets per second with a velocity of +4 Marks / -1 Mark
. The average force acting on the plate in newton is





Average force on the plate is change in momentum per unit time.

Force acting,

Q.12 Two masses m1 and m2 are experiencing the same force where . The ratio of their +4 Marks / -1 Mark
acceleration is

A) 1

B) less than 1

C) greater than 1

D) all the three cases


The push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change its velocity. The force is given by F=ma. If the same
force is applied to different bodies of mass m1 and m2 provided that m1<m2. Then, then a1 is higher than a2, which
means the ratio of a1 and a2 is greater than 1.

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Q.13 A block of mass is at rest on a plane surface inclined at an angle to the horizontal. The +4 Marks / -1 Mark
magnitude of the force exerted by the plane on the block is:





It is given that a block of mass is at rest on a plane surface inclined at an angle to the horizontal. The magnitude
of force exerted by the plane on the block is to be calculated.

Let the force exerted by the plane on be .

The weight of the body is .

Since the block is at rest, the net force is zero,

Hence, the magnitude of this force is .

Q.14 A body released from the top of a smooth inclined plane reaches the bottom of the plane in 4 +4 Marks / -1 Mark
second. The time taken by the body to cover the first half of the inclined plane is
A) 2 s



D) 5 s



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Q.15 A lift moves vertically up with an acceleration . Force exerted by a person of mass on the +4 Marks / -1 Mark
floor of the lift is
A) Ma

B) Mg

C) M(g + a)

D) M(g - a)


The force exerted by the man on the floor will be equal to the normal reaction by the floor on the man.

Let is the normal reaction force due to the floor on the man.

Applying newton's second law of motion,

Q.16 The linear momentum of a body initially starting from rest is given by . +4 Marks / -1 Mark
Here is time. Then it can be concluded that the body is moving with
A) uniformly velocity

B) uniform acceleration

C) increasing acceleration

D) decreasing acceleration


Momentum of a body is given by . Therefore,

If we differentiate the above expression with respect to time

Hence, we can conclude that the body is moving with uniform acceleration.

Q.17 A force of is applied on block . The contact force between & is. +4 Marks / -1 Mark






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Q.18 The diagram shows a girl attempting (but failing) to lift a heavy suitcase of weight The +4 Marks / -1 Mark
magnitude of the vertical upwards pull of the girl on the suitcase is and the magnitude of the
vertical reaction of the floor on the suitcase is

Which equation correctly relates and






First, draw the free body diagram of the above question where a girl tries to lift a heavy suitcase in the upward direction it
means a force is applied by a girl in the upward direction, but the suitcase tries to move in a downward direction and
reaction force is always acting normally to the floor.

it means,

Q.19 The tension in the rope used to pull a body on an inclined surface remains constant at all the +4 Marks / -1 Mark
points, if and only if
A) the rope is not accelerated

B) the rope is massless

C) this condition is satisfied always

D) either the rope is not accelerated or it is massless


In a massless rope or a not accelerating rope, tension is same in magnitude at all points.

Since there is no mass in the string so no force can be applied on it from one side since and m is zero. So when
we apply a force from both Sides of the string the tension in the string remains constant and that is equal to .

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Q.20 A vessel containing water is given a constant acceleration towards the right, along a straight +4 Marks / -1 Mark
horizontal path. Which of the following diagram represents the surface of the liquid?






Due to acceleration in forward direction, the vessel is an accelerated frame, therefore, a pseudo force will be exerted
in the backward direction. Therefore, water will be displaced in the backward direction, like,

Q.21 When Neils Bohr shook hand with Werner Heisenberg, what kind of force they exerted? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Gravitational

B) Electromagnetic

C) Nuclear

D) Weak


When there hands come in contact with each other, this means two surface are coming in contact. All
matters consists of electron and proton which carry charge. Whenever two surfaces of any matter comes in contact
with each other, the charged constituents of the atom of the two bodies will exert huge force on each other(equal to
normal force). When it will try to compress each other, normal force appears, which is electromagnetic in nature.

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Q.22 Which of the following physicists used the term inertia for the first time? +4 Marks / -1 Mark

A) Newton

B) Galileo

C) Aristotle

D) Kepler


The term inertia was first used by Galileo. Inertia is the resistance by any object, which opposes any change in its velocity. This
change includes any change in direction or magnitude of motion. Due to this property of objects it tends to move in straight
line with constant speed when no external force acts on them.

Q.23 Three block of mass 4 kg, 2 kg, 1 kg respectively are in contact on a frictionless table as shown +4 Marks / -1 Mark
in the figure. If a force of 14 N is applied on the 4 kg block, the contact force between the 4 kg
and the 2 kg block will be

A) 2 N

B) 6 N

C) 8 N

D) 14 N


Common acceleration of the system,

a ms ms
kg kg kg

Let R be the contact force between 4 kg and 2 kg blocks. The free body diagram of 4 kg block is as shown in the figure.

The equation of motion is

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Q.24 A man weighing is coming down in lift. If the cable of the lift breaks sudden, then the +4 Marks / -1 Mark
weight of the man would become





Consider the mass of the man in the lift is when the cable breaks as shown in the figure. Now, the man in the lift is
in free fall.

Therefore, his acceleration is the same as acceleration due to gravity . Due to this acceleration pseudo force as the
man is upward. Therefore, the weight of the man,

Q.25 Consider following forces: Force due to tension along a string, Normal force given by a +4 Marks / -1 Mark
surface, Force due to air resistance and Buoyant force or upthrust given by a fluid. Which
of these are electromagnetic forces?

A) All four

B) Only w, x and y

C) Only x, y and z

D) Only w, y and z


Electromagnetic force involves two forces - the electric and magnetic forces.

Electromagnetic Forces are Force due to tension along a string, Force due to air resistance and Buoyant force or
upthrust given by a fluid are also electromagnetic.

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