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Chemical Reaction Engineering Practice Assignment – 1 ~ AG ~

1. Consider the following reaction: N2 ( g) + 3H 2 ( g) ⎯⎯→ 2NH3 ( g) , if the rate of the loss of
hydrogen gas is 0.09 mol l  s , what is the rate of production of ammonia?

2. The rate law of a given reaction is r = kC 2 , with k = 2.64  10− 4 M −1 min−1 , If the initial
concentration is 0.025 M, what is the initial rate?

3. the reaction 2NO ( g) + Cl2 ( g) ⎯⎯→ 2NOCl ( g) , with rate law, r = kC NO

CCl is ________ order

with respect to NO, ________ order with respect to Cl2 and _______order overall.

4. The rate of a particular reaction is quadrupled when the temperature was

increased from 55 0C to 60 0C. What is activation energy (in J/mol) for this process.

5. A common rule of thumb is that near room temperature, the rate of a reaction will
double with each 10 0C rise in temperature. Estimate the activation energy (in J/mol)
needed for this rule to hold true.

6. The mechanism of a reaction is shown below:

HOOH + I − ⎯⎯
→ HOI + OH − (slow)

HOI + I − ⎯⎯
→ I 2 + OH − (fast)

2OH − + 2H3O + ⎯⎯
→ 4H 2O (fast)

(A) What is the overall reaction?

(B) Which compounds are intermediates?
(C) Predict the rate law based on this mechanism.
(D) What is the overall order of the reaction?

7. consider the following reaction, N2 H 4 + 2H 2O2 ⎯⎯→ N2 + 4H 2O . In 55 seconds, 0.165 mol

of H2O2 is consumed. The rate of production of N2 is

(A) 1.5×10 mol in 55 seconds (B) 0.33 mol s


(C) 1.5  10 mol s (D) 0.006 mol s


8. The dimensions of rate constant for reaction 3A ⎯⎯→ B are (l/gm mole)/min.
Therefore the reaction order is

(A) 0 (B) 1

(C) 2 (D) 3

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Chemical Reaction Engineering Practice Assignment – 1 ~ AG ~

9. Which statement about a rate constant is correct?

(A) its units are always M min – 1

(B) its value depends on the concentration of reactants

(C) its value at a particular temperature depends on the reaction involved

(D) Its value is always negative

10. The rate constant of a chemical reaction increases by 100 times when the
temperature is increased from 400 °K to 500 °K. Assuming transition state theory is
valid, the value of E/R is

(A) 8987°K (B) 9210°K

(C) 8764°K (D) 8621°K

11. The rate of the chemical reaction A ⎯⎯→ B doubles as the concentration of A i.e., CA
is doubled. If rate of reaction is proportional to CAn, then what is the value of n for this

(A) 0.5 (B) 1

(C) 0 (D) 2

12. Arrhenius equation represents graphically the variation between the __________ and

(A) rate of reaction (B) frequency factor

(C) rate constant (D) activation energy

13. A chemical reaction occurs when the energy of the reacting molecules is __________
the activation energy of the reaction.

(A) less than (B) equal to

(C) more than (D) equal to or more than

14. A feed for a chemical reaction 3 A + 2B ⎯⎯→ 4C + 2D , found to contain, 300 mol ‘A’, 200
mol ‘B’ and 45 mol ‘D’. what will be the composition of product mixture after 60 %
conversion of ‘A’.

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Chemical Reaction Engineering Practice Assignment – 1 ~ AG ~

15. The rate of a gas phase reaction is given by K . CA . CB. If the volume of the reaction
vessel is reduced to 1/4th of its initial volume, then the reaction rate compared to the
original rate will be __________ times.

(A) 4 (B) 16

(C) 8 (D) 2

16. A reaction with stoichiometric equation A + 2B ⎯⎯→ 3C + D has the following rate
equation ( −rA ) = 2C ACB2 . What is the rate expression for this reaction if the
stoichiometric equation is written as 2 A + 4B ⎯⎯→ 6C + 2D .

17. Consider the following reaction N2 ( g) + 3H2 ( g) ⎯⎯

→ 2NH3 ( g) . The rate of formation
of NH3 is 0.0153 g/s, the rate of consumption of N2 is

(A) 0.0765 g/s (B) 0.0306 g/s

(C) 0.000449 mol/s (D) 0.0018 mol/s

18. A reaction is 50% completed in 10 minutes. It is allowed to proceed another 5

minutes. How much of the reaction would be complete at the end of these 15 minutes if
the reaction follows zero order kinetics?

19. The 50% conversion is achieved in a reactor in 20 minutes for a gas phase reaction
2 A ⎯⎯→ 3B having rate equation as −rA = 5C A2 mol·l– 1·s– 1. The feed containing 40% A
was introduced in the reactor at 300 K and P bar. Calculate the value of P.

20. The rate constant of a chemical reaction is increased by 100 times when the
temperature is increased from 400 K to 500 K. Assuming Transition state theory is

(i) the unit of E/R will be

(A) J–K (B) K

(C) J / K (D) K– 1

(ii) the value of E/R is

(A) 8987 (B) 9210

(C) 8764 (D) 8621

3 The Gate Coach, 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz khas, New Delhi-16 | All Rights Reserved | For any query, contact
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Chemical Reaction Engineering Practice Assignment – 1 ~ AG ~

21. Milk is pasteurized if it is heated to 63 0C for 30 min, but if it is heated to 74 0C it

only needs 15 s for the same result. Find the activation energy (in kJ/mol) of this
sterilization process.
+Z , k1 +Z, k 2 +Z, k3
22. A non-catalytic reaction of the type A ⎯⎯⎯→ B ⎯⎯⎯⎯ → D , is called a
→ C ⎯⎯⎯⎯
_______ reaction.

(A) Parallel (B) Series

(C) Series – Parallel (D) None of These

23. Consider a feed CA0 = 100, CB0 = 200, CI0 = 100 to a steady flow reactor. The
isothermal gas phase reaction is A + 3B → 6R

If CA = 40 at the reactor exit, what will be CB, XA and XB there?

24. For the enzyme-substrate reaction A → R, the rate of disappearance of substrate is

170[ A][E0 ] mol
given by −rA = .
6 + CA m3  s

What are the units of the two constants?

25. An elementary reaction with stoichiometric equation 2 A + 12 B ⎯⎯

→ 2C + 3D has the
following rate equation −rA = 2C A2CB1/ 2 . What is the rate expression for this reaction if
the stoichiometric equation is written as 4 A + B ⎯⎯
→ 4C + 6D .

26. A 200 liter reactor is pressurized to 25 atmospheres with a mixture of 60% A and
the rest inert. The gas-phase reaction A → B + C is carried out at 1770C.

a. Assuming ideal gas law, determine the initial number of moles of A and the
initial concentration of A.

b. Determine the time required for the consumption of 75% A if the rate
constant is 0.15/min.

27. For a gas reaction at 400 K the rate of reaction reported as

− = 3.66 pA2 atm / hr

a. What are the units of the rate constant?

4 The Gate Coach, 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz khas, New Delhi-16 | All Rights Reserved | For any query, contact
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Chemical Reaction Engineering Practice Assignment – 1 ~ AG ~

b. What is the valur of the rate constant for this reaction if the rate equation is
1 dNA
expressed as −rA = − = kC A2 mol / m3  s
V dt

28. The pyrolysis of ethane proceeds with an activation energy of about 300 kJ/mol.
How much faster is the decomposition at 650 0C than at 500 0C?

29. At 1100 K, n-nonane thermally cracks 20 times as rapidly as at 1000 K. find the
activation energy for this decomposition in kJ/mol.

30. The decomposition of nitrous oxide is found to proceed as follows:

k 1[N2O]2
→ N2 + 0.5O2 , −rN O =
N2O ⎯⎯
1 + k 2 [N2O]

What is the order of this reaction with respect to N2O and overall?

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Chemical Reaction Engineering Practice Assignment – 1 ~ AG ~

Answer Keys
1 0.06 16 rA  2C ACB2
2 1.65107 17 C
3 2, 1, 3 18 X A  75%
4 252004.15 J/mol 19 0.011 bar
(i) B
5 51213.32 J/mol 20
(ii) C
(a) HOOH  2I   2H3O 
I2  4H20
(b) HOI and OH 
6 21 422.25 kJ/mol
(c) r  kCHOOHCI 
(d) n=2
7 C 22 C
8 C 23 X A  0.5, CB  40 and XB  0.706
9 C 24 3
and s 1
10 C 25 rA  2 2C A2CB1/2
N A0  81.17 mol
(a) mol
11 B 26 C A0  0.406
(b) t  9.242 min
atm  hr
12 C 27
(b) 3.338  105
mol  s
13 D 28  1965 times
19.64% A, 13.29% B ,
14 29 273.97 kJ/mol
39.26% C , 27.81% D,
When CA is High  n  1
15 B 30
When CA is Low  n  2

1 The Gate Coach, 28, Jia Sarai, Hauz khas, New Delhi-16 | All Rights Reserved | For any query, contact
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