3.2. Product

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Imagine that a group of international students is coming to Peru to

study in an exchange program.

What might cause culture shock for them in the following aspects?

Please give details ( be specific)

name currency and climate and eating habits language

money weather

Miguel They won’t The weather in

understand summer in
the coins. unpredictable

Estefani Not be able to Weather Meal schedule Not be able to

pay. unpredictable understand

Katherine When you pay The weather is Lunch time is Some words
you must varied and the different from are not
understand gray skies of other countries. standard
the concepts Lima last 6
of boleta or months. examples:
factura. yape, pata,
etc.jato. so

Aby They won’t The weather The lunch time They don't
understand here is is a little late understand the
the different unpredictable jargon that
ways to pay people use to

Adolfo They must Lima is mostly Students may In some parts of

understand cool and find it odd to eat Perú people
how much doesn’t get cuy speak
things cost in much rain, languages like
soles unlike some quechua, which
compared to countries that students
their money get a lot of rain probably don’t

Anthony The exchange The weather is The meal times

rate of unpredictable, a are different
currencies abrupt change
would be a can affect your
problem. health
Not all
currencies are
worth the


List some things they would have to get used to.

get used to ????? What’s that?? What does the expression mean? When to use it ? How to
use it? ACCOSTUMED to

get used to: something that you are doing but you are not an expert now. It’s a process.

Miguel I’m getting used to playing basketball..

Valeria I’m getting used to learning portuguese.

Andrea I´m getting used to speaking japanese.

Enzo I'm getting used to studying English. It’s not easy but not

I’ m getting used to learning swim. It's difficult to me but I am learning.

Ricardo I'm getting used to learning guitar.

I’m getting used to playing the guitar.

Estefany I'm getting used to playing piano.

Katherine waking up at 5 am.

Aby I’m getting used to dancing salsa. It’s very beautiful.

Adolfo I’m getting used to eating all type of Peruvian food. It’s different but

An I’m getting used to learning about video editing programs.

I’m used to working long hours.( habit - fact)

(I am accustomed and it’s normal now)

Miguel I’m used to working long hours

Enzo I’m used to reading all the time.

Andrea I'm used to doing pilates in the mornings.

Valeria I’m used to getting up early.

Martha I’m used to listening music in the morning.

Roxana I´m used to dancing folklore once a week.

Ricardo I'm used to cleaning in the weekend.

Katherine I´m used to calling my parents every day.

Adolfo I’m used to drinking tea every evening

Aby I’m used to using the sewing machine

Anthony I’m used to riding a bicycle for long distances.

Estefany I'm used to getting up early.

I used to infinitive / I’m getting used to.. ing. / I ‘m used to … ing

get used to ( gerund or noun) be used to (+gerund or noun)

We use get used to to talk about getting or We use be used to when we want to talk
becoming accustomed to something. It about being accustomed to something. It
describes a process. We use get used to describes the result. When you are used to
when we want to say something was something, it now seems usual.
unusual in the beginning, but is starting to
feel usual. Habit

process I am used to working online for long hours.

x to y

I am getting used to -ing … ( process)

I got used to ….. ( process)

I get used to… ( process)

1.Tell me something that you are getting

used to these days.


Youtube Short



List some things the international students would have to get used to.

-would need to get used to

-would have to get used to ….

Name Things the international students would have to get used to.
would have to get accustomed to.
Carlos The International student would need to get used to the food. People here
eat a lot of chicken!

Kelly I think they’d have to get used to speaking Spanish.

Miguel I think they would get used to buying groceries at the supermarket.

Valeria They would have to get used to using coins for buy many things

Valeria They would have to get used to dressing in layers like an onion because of
the weather

Valeria They would have to get used to using a translator for communicating with

Miguel They would have to get used to talking with young people who speak slang

Enzo They would have to get used to having cash.

Valeria They would have to get used to taking public transportation.

Andrea They would have to get used to having coins to go on the buses.

Martha They would have to get used to learning Spanish because that is necessary
for best comunication.

Roxana They would have to get used to eating Peruvian food in Isolina.

Ricardo They would have to get used to changing coins in the cinema.

get used to — ing PROCESS / ACCUSTOMED.

aBY They would have to get used to using the transportations

AN I think they would have to get used to shopping in the markets and not so
much in the super markets

AD They would have to get used to staying in the altitude in some parts of Perú

KAtherine They would have to get used to eating local food and the water taste

ES They would have to get used to eating light breakfast.

STEP 4: Now , put these ideas above into a conversation.

Remember tu used : get used to … and am/are used to.

International students are used to eating frozen food. , but now they would have to get
used to eat fresh food.

would need to get used to

would have to get used to ….


Diana Hi! My name is Diana. I am an exchange student, I come from Canada. I feel a
little lost, I can’t find my classroom. Could you help me? Please

Arali Hi, Diana. Wow, that 's nice. Sure, we can help you. What's the name of your

Andrea No problem, actually we would like to know more about your country.

Diana Thank you, my teacher is John Valdivia. Do you know him?

Andrea Great! We have the same teacher. So the 3 of us will share history classes

Arali Yes, you are gonna have to get used to doing a lot of essays but I promise that
you will learn a lot. Come with us!

Diana Really? The good thing is that you already know them.. Well, is it always too

Arali Yes, that’s also something you are going to have to get used to. The heat waves
can be annoying even for us.

Andrea In the next few months the weather changes so you would have to get used to
the weather.

Diana Thanks! I’m not getting used to the weather or the schedule. It’s difficult

Arali Well, here’s our classroom. Let’s sit together so we can 8 talking during our

Piero - Luis

I need to get used to eating Peruvian food.

I need to get used to Peruvian food.

A Good evening, how are you? My name is Luis. I'm from Italy. Are you an
international student too?

B Hello Luis, my name is Piero and I am also an international student. I am from the

A nice to meet you , you have gotten used to LIVING IN peru -their traditions al
gastronomy and culture?
B Yes, I have to get used to the food in Peru. I am used to light food, so the first few
months I suffered too much.

A me too, well im getting used to it little by little, i think so language is the most
difficult thing in this wonderful country, i am getting used to the people who are
very kindly and respectful

B In my case I am getting used to meeting with people. I am afraid about the robbery
In Peru.

A the part more interesting in this country is their culture bur the gastronomy ,ohh
my good is so delicious but i am not getting to the spacy , they use a lot spicy
and condiments.

B What do you do when you are alone? you don't miss your family ?

A the difficult part is family is far away i'm really homesick and sometimes i feel
frustrated . how about you ? what part of this change in process is most difficult for

B Well, I agree with you, the most difficult thing is to be far away from your family, but
I am upbeat that I will return on holiday to visit them.

a well we have to get used to this is our new homre,,,, good luck and take care
piero, was apeasure

Good luck Luis, nice to meet you


TEAM 1 → Martha, Andrea and Ricardo

2 Minutes and we start

A Good morning! I´m Andrea, I´m from Canada. So, are you an international student,

B Hello everyone! I´m Ricardo and I´m from France.

C Hi! Yes, I am. I´m Martha and I´m from Colombia. How are you doing with the

A It's difficult for me. I'm getting used to speaking and writing it.

B For me it's not difficult. I studied Spanish 3 years ago so I'm used to speaking it
with my friends.

C I understand. Some advice that I would tell you is that you need to watching
Spanish programs or movies, so you can improve your pronunciation.

A Oh, that's a good idea. Thanks for your recommendations!

C Thank you, Martha! See you in class.
would need to get used to

would have to get used to ….

- Roxana
- Valeria
- Enzo

A Hello guys! I’m Valeria and I’m from Italy and I need your help about what places
can I visit in Lima.

B Hello Valeria, nice to meet you, I’m from Chile and need help too.

C Hello Valeria and Roxana, I’m Enzo, welcome to Peru, I grew up here and I know
all about my country.

A Really? I appreciate your help because Roxana and I want to do many things.

C You have to get used to the Peruvian food but first you need to get used to paying
by soles because maybe you have other coins.

B Oh! ok! Can you come with us and show the country? Because we are not used to
using public transport.

A Yes Enzo, come with us please!

C Oh, don’t worry girls, I’m going to help you. First, You would need to get used to
taking a chosicano.

B Nice! After changing the money we can go eat Peruvian food.

A Yes, it’s a good idea! Let 's go guys!

2 Minutes and we start


Situation: International students are coming to Lima. What thing will they face?
What things do they have to get used to ?
What things do you think they are used to doing ?

Estefany Hi guys! I´m Estefany and I´m from Canada and I need your help with
Lima such as where to eat, where to visit and where to shop things.

Abi Hi! I’m Abigail and I’m from Canada. I would also like to know what to do
and where to go these days.

Anthony Hello Estefany and Abi, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Anthony,
welcome to Perú, don’t worry, I know everything about Perú, I was born
and raised here.

Estefany Great, we are getting used to learning habits in Peru for the next few

Abi I would like to know I can get to university, since I saw that there are
many ways

Anthony Sure, don’t worry, I can help you, I can be your guide for today. Perú has
many customs, one of the most important is the food, you can start with
that Estefany.
Yes Abi, there are many ways to go to university, you can take many
buses, I will teach you.

Estefany I´m used to riding a bike to go to my university. But I'm getting used to
taking a traditional transport. Thank you Anthony

Abi So Antony, I'll have to get used to reminding me which buses to take.
Thank you for being our guide.


TEAM 2: Adolfo and Katherine

Khaterine HI Adolfo !, I am an exchange student and I would like to know more about
the country and the habits of the university.

Adolfo Hi katherine, welcome, I’m sure get used to our way of life pretty quickly

Khaterine Really ! I am used to eating very well and early, what can you advise me?

Adolfo You might get used to the local eateries, they serve breakfast; they open quite

Khaterine Ado, I'm getting used to using currency, in the uni cafeterias they don't use it.

Adolfo Oh, I see! Don’t worry, many places have digital payment options. I’m getting
used to just tapping my phone to pay
Khaterine Excellent; Another thing, Peruvians are used to saying "ya." Can you explain
the meaning to me?

Adolfo Sure

Khaterine Bye Thanks, for all

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