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Change your world

And that world changes you as well
Who, then, will you become?
The magick is you.
Sphere: The 9 areas of magic. Each one covers a different

Intro to M5
building block of magical application and theory.
Avatar: The portion of the mage’s soul which grants them
the ability to perform magic. Many experience their avatar
as a separate entity.
Awakened: An individual or group who are aware of
Mage 5th edition is a while away, but the world of Mage in magic or the supernatural are considered to be awakened
the World of Darkness setting is one of the most and are no longer part of, or considered, Sleepers.
compelling and its freeform magic is an absolute blast.
Given the updated game mechanics Vampire the Sleepers: All human mortals who are unaware of the
Masquerade 5th edition brought to the World of Darkness supernatural are Sleepers. These sleepers subconsciously
line-up and that M20 Revised is over 650 pages long (not influence and possible even sustain our reality with the
including the supplemental spell guide) it is in dire need shared Consensus.
some a simplification and modernization is the vein that Consensus: The collectively belief about reality that all
V5 brought to VTM. That’s where these M5 rules home in. Sleepers share. Anything that violates the shared
These M5 Homebrew rules are an attempt to understanding of the unawakened Sleepers goes against the
simplify and update the core M20 premise with the core Consensus and may generate Paradox. This typically
elements of the WoD 5 mechanic updates along with some happens when a mage exerts their will upon reality to cast
minor tweaks to keep up with the general metaplot. spells counter to the Consensus belief. Notable local
variations in the Consensus do exist in that what people
Intentionally these rules do not duplicate the
believe in one area and another.
rules in V5 or the lore and basic concepts beyond a general
keyword list from M20, World of Darkness has some great Paradox: When a mage exerts their Will against the
publications and these rules are a love letter to them – I Consensus in order to change reality to cast spells, they
don’t want to caught copyright ire by invalidating either. may generate Paradox. Paradox is the difference between
WoD 5 includes at the time of writing this what the Consensus expect and what the mage made
document Vampire (V5) and Hunter (H5). happen and it builds up around the mage until it either
dissipates over time or ‘grounds’ through the mage via what
Creator: EnterElysium
is known as a backlash.
Adaptation: Yogarpg
Backlash: Backlash is what happens when a mage pushes
Paradox too far and reality catches up with them. This can
Game Design Aims range from being merely damaging to the mage, to
◼ Update Mage M20 to the WoD 5 system debilitating, to banishment to a Paradox Realm, or even
◼ Limit multiple tables and nested dice rolls result in manifestations of Paradox. Generally, backlash
will go the simplest route to undo or balance the scales the
◼ Balance the Sphere system a little
mage has tipped. A mage throwing lightning might be
◼ Define the Sphere system a little for easier use on the fly wracked by electrical energy, a mage trying to view the
◼ Tailor the Sphere system so each one brings something future might be struck blind, and a mage trying to reverse
different time might be stuck in Groundhog Day.
◼ Avoid excessive bookkeeping Burn: Direct damage caused by Backlash.
Spell: The combination of a mage’s powers in a Sphere or

General Concepts Spheres empowered by their Arete to inflict their will

upon reality.
Mages are people who channel energy to fuel spells. These Arete: A measure of the mage’s enlightenment and
spells are governed by spheres which are the areas and connection to their Avatar.
components of magic. Each mage is invested their powers
Quintessence: The raw material of reality from which
by a particular entity that allows the mage to harness these
everything is created and sustained.
Quiet: Quiet is a magical delusion that distorts afflicted
Terms mages' views of reality. Each is associated with one
Mage: A human who uses magic thanks to the mystic particular type of Resonance, and indicates a mage has too
connection with their Avatar to create spells. They have closely associated with one particular branch of the
the ability learn any Sphere and adapt their magic to fit the Metaphysic Trinity.
situation. Disassociation: The risk a mage runs when reality
conflicts with their will, can result in them gaining Quiet.

Essence: Each Avatar has an Essence. These describe the without effect but an increase to 8 would reduce your
Avatar's nature, as well as the way in which the Avatar Quintessence to 2. You also may not raise your
seeks Ascension. An Avatar's Essence usually, though not Quintessence beyond 10 minus your Paradox by any means.
always, complements the mage's own desires and outlook  Also tracked on the Paradox meter, this has no direct
on magic and life. comparator in V5.
Resonance: The type of Quiet a mage suffers. Quiet is how well your character is managing to
Wisdom: The quality of understanding a mage possesses differentiate the real world from their ability to influence
about the proper balance of magic and the mundane. it. As it gets higher your characters smallest thoughts start
Wisdom is hard to acquire and maintain when practicing to affect the world around them in terrible ways.
The Art, but it is well worth the effort, for many mages  Used directly in dice pools as Hunger is in V5, it also
believe that only the Wise can attain the Final Key to the acts similar to Humanity for long term character
Ascension. viability. Once a Mage reaches 6 Quiet that’s it, they’re
an unplayable NPC much like when Humanity gets

too low in V5.
 Instability Failure is the equivalent of Bestial Failure,
and Shock Critical are the same for Messy Critical.
Wisdom The ability to balance the needs of this world
with a yearning for the Ascension. Also called “Sophia.”
There are some additional rules that hybridize the core
 Acts equals to Humanity for long term character
mechanics from V5 and the more Mage specific mechanics
viability too, like Quiet. But has effects on your
of M20. This section will go over those and some of the
character like Humanity for a Vampire. Ranging from
stats that are new to V5 – nearly all of the Vampire specific
0 to 10.
mechanics and stats have been replaced with Mage ones or

New Stats Highest Sphere + Arete [Difficulty]
Spells are cast using a dice pool consisting of the highest
There are several new stats that are equivalent to stats
from V5 mechanically, and some that only share aspects sphere involved and your Arete, plus or minus any
while staying true to M20. modifiers.
Arete is a measure of your enlightenment and raw magical
strength. Unless using correspondence to extend the range spells can
be directly created only where you can perceive significant
 Similar to Blood Potency in V5, although acts directly
detail of the target with normal human sense range. This
as a dice pool in its own right.
distance varies for each object; some examples are where
Paradox is a measure of the mage’s current paradox count. 20/20 eyesight can perceive a person’s eye color, building
It is rated from 0 upwards and is mostly gained when number, or a car license plate. This does not apply to
casting spells. indirect spells as they are created near the target.
 Sharing aspects of humanity and hunger, Paradox Direct Spells
increasing causes increasing risk on casting but also a
Direct spells are spells created on a target and affecting
risk to your characters Quiet.
that target. They use a simple spell casting roll.
Quintessence is a measure how much quintessence you
Indirect Spells
have stored. This is the raw fabric of creation and can be
Indirect spells are those which launch a mundane projectile
used to empower or counter spells. Typically, you can hold
to have an effect and so rely on the spellcasters ability to
up to your Arete value in quintessence and it can only be
get the projectile to the target. Classic examples include
regenerated by meditating at a Node. Meditating and
creating and throwing an arc of lightning to the target.
magically absorbing more from a Node can allow you to
Unlike direct spells a target can usually dodge such attacks
hold up to twice your Arete instead (this would require a
in a mundane manner and cover factors into the hit roll,
Prime spell). Quintessence is the polar opposite of Paradox
however extra successes on the hit roll often result in
and as such as your Paradox count increases your
additional damage. This means that indirect spells are
Quintessence starts to be neutralized by it. If your Paradox
generally harder to hit with but do additional damage and
score increases to higher than 10 minus your Quintessence
do not suffer the range limitations of direct spells.
it starts to remove Quintessence on a 1 for 1 basis. So, if you
had 3 Quintessence your Paradox could rise as high as 7
When maintaining an ongoing spell, the caster takes a –1 to 1-2 5
all casting attempts for every two full spells they have cast 3 4
that are still in effect. 4 3
Multi-Casting 5-6 2
Mages may combine their spheres together to cast spells 7-8 1
that require spheres that no one mage has. To do this the 9+ 0
spell must not be quick cast as the coordination takes time
and precision. Participants in multi-cast spells must all
Some examples for traditionally inclined mages
follow a broadly similar tradition (technocrats and
include hand gestures, chanting in a dead language, wands,
traditional mages for instance would be unable to co-cast)
staffs, and pendants or similar. These should all be personal
and all spells cast use the dice pool of the lowest ranked
to the mage (such as a staff carved from an ancient tree by
sphere involved and the Arete of the person with the
the mage) and must be displayed or active in some way
highest Arete.
(tattoos being displayed, wand being manipulated, words
being spoken etc. Generally, this only affects gameplay
MULTI-CASTING DICE PENALTY when the mage is restricted from using them (chanting by
Intimately Familiar with Co- 0 gagging, hand gestures by being bound, wands by having
Casters (life partners, etc.) them taken away, etc.).
Very Familiar with Co-Casters –1 A mage who does not have access to one of their
(good friends, etc.) tools is at a –1 to all casting rolls for each tool they lack the
Known (vague colleague, etc.) –2 use of. They are magical crutches, not necessary but very
Acquaintance –3 helpful.
Unfamiliar Impossible Counterspelling
Different Sect, Same Faction –1 To counterspell a spell you are aware of being cast or
(stacks) affecting someone or something in your vicinity you roll
Radically Different Faction Impossible and reduce the successes of the spell by your number of
successes by siphoning power away from the caster. This
can reduce the spell’s duration or number of targets as
appropriate. To do so you must have at least one of the
A model of reality that reflects a system of belief. (See M20 sphere’s being used in the spell and then roll a dice pool
page 565) consisting of your arête plus one of the sphere’s being used
Practice in the spell
With regards to mages and magick, practice reflects the You can try gain bonuses to counterspelling as
activities and rituals a mage uses to focus her beliefs; also you normally do with spells but counterspelling does not
known as a magickal style. (See M20 page 565) normally generate paradox unless it is a Instability Failure.
Tools (Instruments in M20) Reactive Casting
Every mage starts off needing tools and crutches to help Similar to counterspell this allows instant reaction to an
shape the world around them. For some these are wands, event in a split second but by shaping a spell instead of
pendants, or Latin chanting. For other’s this can be new age directly disrupting a spell and can also be used to react to
NLP techniques, sonic screwdrivers, or sprinkles of metal other circumstances such as gunfire or falling. This can
powders. only be used against threat that you can perceive and
Every mage must use or have free usage of a allows you to instantly try and cast a spell outside of your
number of personalized tools equal to 7 minus an amount normal turn or turns worth of casting time (although it
dependent on their Arete, generally this drops after Arete comes at a penalty).
7 until they no longer need focuses. As they gain in power, The restriction is that it has to be directly
they need fewer and fewer magical crutches to focus their targeted at preventing the damage in some way and cannot
power. be offensive.

Magick Damage
The number of successes indicates how much
paradox is backlashing; immediately reduce your paradox
Unless stated otherwise, magic damage will be aways non- by that amount (as such it will always reduced to 10 or
halved and: lower). The backlash score is then spent by the Storyteller
 Superficial Willpower: Mind Sphere Effects. in a number of ways described in the table below. In
 Superficial Health: Most other Sphere Effects. addition, if the backlash is caused when paradox was over 5
 Aggravated Damage: Any Sphere when charged then any Burn damage will be aggravated instead of
with Prime 2 and a point of Quintessence. superficial.
Fire Forces Effects. Critical Successes discharge all Paradox points
Electrical Forces Effects only to humans and harmlessly and Total Failure has no effects, but no Paradox
animals. points discharge.
Vulgar Entropy-, Life- or Prime-based Effects that
directly disrupt the target’s Pattern. PARADOX BACKSLASH ROLL
Cost No. of Backslash Effect
Correspondence and Time inflict no damage unless Required
they’re combined with other Spheres. 1 1 Burn 1
The Forces Sphere adds +1 to Damage. 1 1 Trivial Paradox Flaw
Entropy inflicts damage only through indirect attacks 2 4 Minor Paradox Flaw
until Rank 4; after that, damage is aggravated. 3 6 Significant Paradox Flaw
Paradox Burn damage will be halved when Superficial. 3 6 Paradox Spirit Visitation
5 9 Permanent Paradox 1

4 9 Severe Paradox Flaw
4 9 Banishment to a Paradox
When spells are cast a Mage courts gaining Paradox, Realm
something which can be decidedly unhealthy for them as 10 11 Drastic Paradox Flaw
reality rebels against the Mage’s attempt to bend it against
the consensus. Regardless of Paradox Backslash, you can only
Paradox Generation receive one Paradox Flaw for each Backslash.
When you cast a spell roll a number of dice depending on A Paradox Flaw’s duration depends on the
whether it is Coincidental, Vulgar, Vulgar with Witnesses, Wisdom tier of the caster who invokes it.
or Instability Failure. Add the number of successes to your
paradox track, if you exceed 10 you immediately backlash. WISDOM PARADOX FLAW
Spells succeed or fail their roll.
Enlightened (Wisdom 8-10) One Scene
Understanding (Wisdom 4-7) One Chapter/Day
SITUATION DICE POOL Falling (Wisdom 1-3) One Story/Month
Coincidental 0 Fallen One (Wisdom 0) One Chronicle/Year
Vulgar 1
Vulgar with Witnesses 2 Backlash Mitigation
Instability Failure Coincidental Highest Sphere Characters can choose to mitigate burn during backlash in
Instability Failure Vulgar Highest Sphere +1 several ways. If a character wishes, they may turn all
Instability Failure Vulgar with 2x Highest Sphere +2 aggravated burn damage into superficial, or negate all
Witnesses superficial burn damage entirely by voluntarily taking a
point of Quiet. A character can choose to take 2 points of
Paradox Backlash Quiet and take both options. They may also reduce burn
damage (of either type) by 2 by taking a point of
Whenever you get an Instability Failure when Spellcasting,
permanent paradox. This can only be chosen once per
or your Paradox exceeds 10 it immediately backlashes. This
can take many forms, although the most common is
physical damage (known as the Burn) as reality reacts Paradox Delay
against you. When this happens roll dice equal to your When you trigger backlash, you can delay the backlash
paradox (if you exceed 10 then add the number by which until the end of the scene by spending willpower. This
you exceeded 10 as automatic successes). keeps your paradox at the level it is even if it currently
exceeds 10. If you trigger backlash again this scene it cannot
be delayed again this way and backlashes all your paradox Because each Wonder uses Sphere-based Effects,
without rolling dice, each is treated as a success. those dots depend upon the Sphere Rank of the object’s
Paradox Discharge most powerful Effect. A Talisman, for instance, that uses a
Every day the mage does not use magic (other than tier 1 Forces 4/ Prime 4 Effect would be a four-dot Background,
sensory abilities) they may roll one dice. For each success its Potence as high as 4.
they lose a point of paradox. As an optional rule, a Wonder may have a higher
Potence than usual; for one extra wonder point, that four-
dot Talisman could have a Potence of 5. Generally,
Wonders Wonders have a capacity of five Quintessence points for
each point of Potence. That four dot Potence 5 Talisman,
Wonders are a special Background, which can be purchased then, could hold up to 25 Quintessence and would cost
multiple times, for multiple wonders. A wonder by any nine wonder points.
name is still as sweet… and you have one. What’s a
Using a Wonder
Wonder? Perhaps it’s a mystic Talisman imbued with
magickal power; a Fetish whose strange properties come Wonder Potence + User Arete [Difficulty]
from a spirit bound within its form; or a Technocratic or As a general rule, Devices and Talismans have their own
weird-science Device, shaped by Enlightened Science into Potence Trait, which determines the dice pool for the
something that transcends mortal technology. In game item’s Effects, add your own Enlightenment/Arete to this
terms, a Wonder is simply an item with Sphere Effects of value, like any other Spell Roll. If Ryan uses a 4 Potence
its own. Although such items, with a few exceptions, bafflejack, for example, his player rolls four dice plus your
usually work only for mages, the Wonder’s form and Arete to activate that Talisman’s Effect.
function depend on the people who created it and the A Fetish channels the power of a spirit within
methods involved in its creation. (See more in M20 page that item. To use one, the character asks the spirit to
651) unleash its powers. Storywise, this typically demands a
For M5 conversion, replace Arete/Enlightenment decent relationship with the spirit in question; game-wise,
for Potence. You receive 3 Wonder Points for each the Storyteller might have the player make a Willpower
Advantage Point allocated in Wonder Background. You roll, difficulty is the Level of the Fetish. A successful roll
can spend Experience Points in the place of Wonder Points employs that Gnosis as the dice pool for the Fetish’s effects,
in a 1 to 1 ratio to increase Potence of a wonder (max. so a Gnosis 5 Fetish would have a five-die pool.
Background Dot of wonder) Periapts and Matrices simply store up
 Wonders have at least a Background Dot rating equal Quintessence. Each item holds up to five points of
to the Highest Sphere in the effects they use. Quintessence for each dot in that Wonder. Thus, a three-
 Wonders have at least a Background Dot rating equal dot Matrix could hold a total of 15 Quintessence. To access
to the number of effects they can do. that Quintessence, or to refuel the Wonder, a character
 Their Potence is as high as their Background Dot uses a Prime 2 Effect, plus at least one turn of focused
rating concentration, to channel Quintessence back into the
 Optionally, you can have higher Potence by having the Periapt. Without Prime of 2 or higher, a mage cannot
wonder use more Wonder Points. (max. Background employ such a Wonder.
Dot of wonder) Trinkets are easy to use, and pretty much anyone
 Wonders can hold Quintessence equal to their can do so. Jinx could put on a bulletproof hoodie and enjoy
Potence x5 its protective effects without further skill or effort.
 You need to spend dots x5 Quintessence into the Although such items – super-sharp blades, Prime-
wonder on creation, plus 1 Quintessence per roll used strengthened clothing, glass forged with Matter to become
for crafting it. damn near unbreakable – require Sphere Effects when
Background Costs they’re being crafted, their properties remain intact unless
some other force (like unweaving countermagick) destroys
As described in the M20 pa 328, Wonders get rated by their
overall power level, points described here represent
Wonder Points or Experience Points.
An individual Wonder can have up to one
separate power for each dot in that Background. A three- Quiet and Disassociation
dot Wonder, for instance, can have up to three different In M5 Quiet takes the place of Hunger in dice rolls, it is a
powers, although many three-dot Wonders have only one pool that goes from 0 to 5 and which can only be reduced
or two abilities. under the most exceptional of conditions. Although it
replaces dice in dice pools like Hunger it changes much

like Humanity from V5. It represents the Mage becoming
twisted and disassociated with reality around them as
paradox warps their perception.
All Mages have an Essence; this is the broad
category that their Avatars fall under and the general drive.
Dynamic, Pattern, Primordial, or Questing. These all tend Spheres are what Mages call the areas, domains, or
to but not always evolve a Quiet related to their nature, branches of magic. Each one is a distinct and specific area
Madness, Denial, Morbidity, or in the case of Questing, any that allows a Mage to influence anything under that
one of the three, called a Resonance. spheres purview.
As quiet goes up there are additional knock-on

Sphere Basics
effects depending on the Resonance of the Quiet.
Regardless of the type, once Quiet hits 6 the character
becomes a Marauder, wholly given over to their quiet and Spheres govern what can be affected and how with your
unsuitable to being a player character anymore. They magic (what ‘sphere’ it operates on). Spheres, like
become an NPC under the storyteller’s control. Disciplines, are rated 1-5 (or 0 if you do not possess that
See more about Quiet in M20 page 554. sphere), where each rank means a certain level of
Gaining Quiet interaction, awareness and control. Unlike V5 each level
Characters can gain quiet in a couple of ways. The first is does not gain you a specific ability or power, instead it
that all characters must make a Disassociation Roll, which changes what you can do with your Sphere – what you
they do at the end of every chapter. This is done by rolling specifically do is up to you!
a dice for every square on the paradox tracker that is not
filled by paradox. If any successes are rolled, the character SPHERE RATING MAGNITUDE
passes and there is no effect. If the character fails their
● Awareness
Quiet immediately increases by 1. Living with a high
paradox can warp a person’s mind.
●● Manipulation
The other way is during backlash as detailed in
●●● Limited scale and unfocused
the Paradox Backlash Mitigation section. control
See Quiet Dice page 26.
●●●● Large scale or intricate control
●●●●● Vast scale and masterful
Losing Quiet
With a lot of effort, roleplay and Willpower, it’s possible
for a mage to will herself sane. In practical terms, the
player takes 1 Willpower aggravated damage and roleplays Example 1: Let’s say Jaime wants Joe (and Joe’s gun) to
out the process of asserting her character’s sanity, reducing shoot Josh. Jaime has the Mind sphere, if Jaime had Mind 2
1 Quiet Dice. he could coax and manipulate Joe to shoot but because he
can only manipulate not control Jaime wouldn’t be able to
Other characters can try to help a mage recover
magically demand Joe shoot Josh – he wouldn’t be able to
from Quiet; doing so, however, typically involves some
create a new thought that wasn’t there. Also, if the thought
powerful roleplaying, a few social or Knowledge-based
to shoot someone was there but Joe strongly considered
rolls, and an extended roll in which the healing character
Josh a friend, Joe’s push to shoot might result in him
uses Mind 4/ Prime 4 to drive out the Paradox within the
shooting someone else. Manipulation does not create a new
suffering mage’s mind. As a base guideline, assume that the
‘thing’ and it cannot work at intricate levels, it’s more
healer must invest his own personal Quintessence and
greasing a path…
replace each point of Paradox in the Quiet-ridden mage’s
pool with two points of the healer’s own Quintessence, However, if Jaime had Mind 3 he could yank on
then uses a Mind 4/ Prime 4 effect (difficulty equals Quiet the thought directly or place his own, limited, thought to
of the target). The particulars of such curing efforts are left shoot Josh. Now the human mind is complex, so to give Joe
to the individual players and Storytellers. This method heal a direct command he would follow immediately would
all Quiet from Mage and is the only method that reduce need intricate (Mind 4) control (note that if it were a sheep
Quiet below 1. holding that gun, maybe with hands given to it by a
powerful Life mage, Mind 3 might be enough to directly
Whatever it takes, however, the cure should NOT
command the sheep). Mind 3 is capable of only unfocused
be easy. After all, if fixing Quiet were easy, no mage would
control so Jaime could place a suggestion to shoot Josh and
fear this madness… and yet, all sensible mages do.
strongly push him to. Obviously, such commands are much
more persuasive when Joe already has a reason to want to
shoot Josh. If, though, Jaime had Mind 4 suddenly Jaime
can make an intricate command that blends in to the would have no effect whereas the same spell with more
complex human mind and can command Joe to shoot Josh successes might cause you to accidentally knock over a glass
right now. With excess successes Joe might even have a of water… and when you hurry to the kitchen for a cloth
fuzzy feeling that it was his decision and not an outside you would find them.
thought. In essence Entropy cannot affect violate free will,
Mind 5 though would allow Jaime to command it cannot affect the inner workings of one pattern (by
Joe and Josh and all their friends to shoot at each other itself) and it is very difficult to use it to impose change on
(vast scale) while making them rationalize it as their choice one big singular event or object immediately. However, it
and desire (masterful control). Admittedly Jaime might excels at swaying many little things which can lead to the
need a lot of successes to pull this off – but it’s within their desired outcome. Application of high-level spheres of
Sphere! Entropy can force more and more unlikely single events to
Example 2: Dom has Forces 1, he can feel the electrical grid happen sooner ranging from manipulating the probability
around him. Dick has Forces 2, he can cause the power grid of a coin toss, to almost completely controlling the
to spark and overload and (with a few successes) outcome of the coin toss, to having a tree happen to fall
manipulate it to surge out in arcs of electricity. over on someone right now (which may require a lot of
Diana has Forces 3, she can create limited bolts of successes).
lightning from her hand (note that although she is creating Entropy is also the root of a lot of classical curses
electricity the energy still has to come from somewhere, or bindings, curses of misfortune are obvious whereas
typically she’ll be using Forces to drain it from somewhere curses that inflict every first born member of a family with
else such as room temperature). blindness by age 21 would also normally be done with
Diva has Forces 4, she can create bursts or Entropy. Entropy spells are best utilized where you have
lightning capable of leaping between multiple people or time for them to happen and/or you are unspecific. For
doing some serious very damage. instance a spell on someone’s gun for the bullets to miss
you could happen now but you don’t really care where the
David has Forces 5, he can cause multiple
bullets end up, whereas every single other sphere requires a
lightning strikes to smash into the same point or blast
concrete specific action or target. And this is the unique
multiple people with focused streams of electricity. David
part of Entropy, it can make decisions.
isn’t subtle.
Every other sphere the caster knows their ideal
outcome and directs their magic as specifically as possible
Nine Known Spheres to make that outcome (for a Mind example: I want that
There are nine known spheres, and a long sought and driver to drive that car and stop in front of me right now),
theorized ‘Tenth’ sphere. The nature of which is hotly Entropy is the opposite. Entropy specifically works better
debated and a core part of the Mage metaplot. when you give it the least specific mandate and the widest
remit (I want any car to stop in front of anyone on this
street in the next minute). It is theorized by some
Also called Space, Connection, Locality or Location.
Hermetic mages that this is because the sleepers
Correspondence governs placement of patterns on the
unconsciously choose the final steps to the outcome for the
Tapestry. It can allow teleportation or even warping of
mage, bridging the gap between the mages wishes and the
distances by changing the placement or space involved.
outcome via the path of least resistance. This leads to the
Entropy last surprising thing about Entropy: It is capable of
The strangest and least well defined of the Spheres. It binding, recognizing and enforcing Oaths.
governs probability. While everything is a consequence of Forces
every other interaction entropy allows a mage to, in effect,
Forces covers forces such as the classical fire and wind
pull on the tapestry and makes certain outcomes more
(earth and water are Matter Sphere) but also gravity,
electricity, radiation (although high level Entropy might
Entropy might be able to influence a coin toss but manage similar effects), and even light.
wouldn’t be able to make your lost house keys appear in
front of you (at least not without a very powerful spell) – it
could however make you likely to find them by influence Life covers anything that is currently alive plants, sheep,
subtle events to make you stumble across them. Counter- people, bacteria and things of that nature.
intuitively in this last example, the harder you look for Matter
your car keys the less likely you would be to find them as Matter covers the sphere of physical, tangible inanimate
the Entropy Sphere cannot violate your free will, only objects – cars, rain, lampposts, rocks and that sort of thing.
subtly guide you. So, if they are in the kitchen and you
decide to look in the living room a weak Entropy spell
Mind instance, you might attach a luck boost locked to a car –
Mind is not typically seen as a Pattern Sphere but Entropy pattern locked to Matter). Otherwise, the spell
functions similarly in that it can be used to tie other spells merely flings some luck out without a proper connection
to a mind (note however that big changes of mind or with the car as it has no way of attaching to the pattern.
personality changes may render the pattern different Spirit
enough for the pattern lock to fail). Mind covers anything Spirit affects the spirit world, ghosts and even to an extent
with a higher level of reasoning above that of a plant – the reflection of complex enough beings in the spirit world
generally anything that possesses a physical brain. The that some people know as ‘souls’. A Pattern Sphere that can
Mind is a construction of that brain and while some might be used to bind other spheres this doesn’t work on the vast
consider Mind to be a highly specialized subset of the Life majority of ‘souls’ as they are too weak a reflection and too
Sphere it is vast enough, powerful enough, and widely flexible to lock a spell to.
enough practiced that it can be considered its own sphere. Time, Correspondence and Entropy are known to
Prime some as the meta-pattern spheres. They generally deal with
Prime is the only foundational sphere known – it is the information about patterns stored in The Tapestry such as
sphere governing the building blocks of the patterns its time and place.
around us and everything built upon them, Reality. Often Time
referred to as The Tapestry it is the weave that defines the Time has caused headaches down (and up) the ages, and in
world around us, the specific weave and pattern of that many cases far, far worse. Time governs the 4th dimension,
tapestry defines the world around is and other worlds on the forwards-backwards of time’s flow, and as with most
top of us. To use a computing metaphor the Tapestry is flows it is far easier to go downstream than it is to swim
your computer, it stores your data which both contains against the current. Time can (and I stress ‘can’!) allow a
information such as Patterns (a blue car), locations (50m Mage to go forwards in time, backwards in time, slow
above you), forces acting on them (gravity) and far more. down or even speed up time. A common combination is to
Without the Tapestry everything would be both in the use time to set ‘triggers’ or ‘timers’ to spells allowing them
same place (which would be nowhere since space wouldn’t to go off on a delay or once a certain input (within the
exist) and would not exist (since there would be no spell’s Spheres) has been met.
Tapestry to store the patterns).
Prime is the control and focus of this tapestry, it
can be used to solidify pattern locks (otherwise they tend
to ‘slide off’ since they aren’t attached in the tapestry),
Sphere Guide
damage patterns on a fundamental level (or even remove This is a rough guide for common uses and powers at each
them at Prime 5!) or create raw energy or matter where sphere rank it is not a definitive list by any means. Mage
there was none (when combined allowing pattern spheres powers are limited by the scope of your sphere rank and by
to not have to gather their building blocks from anywhere the creativity of your mind… And by the successes on your
at all!). dice roll. Consider this more a list to inspire your
Some see Prime as the foundation of every sphere
and while the Tapestry does control everything, simply
because you have the Prime Sphere does not mean you can Correspondence
build a car from the Tapestry. You would need the Combining: When using correspondence combined with
appropriate Matter Sphere (just because you are really other spheres as a means of extending the range of those
good are refining silicon does not mean you know anything spheres effects the rank of the mage’s correspondence acts
about the software running on the computer chip made as a limit to the maximum rank of any other sphere being
from that silicon). Matter, Life, Forces (and to an extent utilized in the spell. You cannot conjure fire at a distance if
Mind and Spirit) are the Pattern Spheres – they govern you only have correspondence 2 as conjuring is a rank 3
structures. effect, at best you could manipulate fire at rank 2.
They control things that, to a greater or lesser Pattern Effects: Correspondence can only affect whole
extent, exist in the world. In some cases, there are physical patterns, not parts of patterns (unless another sphere is
things you can touch, as in Matter, Life and sometimes combined that can provide that effect).
Spirit; feel as in Forces and sometimes Spirit and Mind; or Physical Proximity: When using Correspondence to
have given rise to things of the world, such as Spirit and teleport the mage can teleport objects and beings they are
Mind. They describe a definitive instance of something, for physically touching without restriction but to do it at a
want of a better word. They can also be used as vectors to distance they need the appropriate sphere for the pattern.
tie or lock other spheres to them by pattern locking. This
allows spells to attach or connect with these patterns. For

Rank 1 Rank 5
Immediate Spatial Perception: Basic spatial Master Teleport: You can now teleport yourself and huge
understanding allows a mage to sense things in her objects including buildings and city blocks – similarly to
immediate vicinity even if she can’t perceive them with her Teleport. You can teleport anywhere in the globe.
normal senses such as warps, anomalies, wormholes, etc. – Warp Space: The mage can now bend and warp reality
especially the ones caused by other Correspondence allowing space to be stretched increasing distances or
Effects. shortened. The mage can twist space upon itself making
cities hang upside down over oceans or roads appear to be
Rank 2 loops.
Extend Sense: Allows the mage extend to their senses
Co-Locate Space: The mage can now merge chunks of
beyond their current location.
space together allowing buildings be in multiple places at
Distort Space: Allows the mage to slightly distort space once or overlaying one city upon another. This creates all
throwing people off balance, making targets harder to hit sorts of issues.
with firearms or similar.
Reach Through Space: With adjacent Spheres of Life or
Matter, they can draw small lifeforms or objects through Entropy
space. Sleepers and Pattern Locks: Sleepers are especially
Thicken Walls of Space: You may thicken the walls of vulnerable to disorder and order and do not have the
space making it harder for space to be manipulated. innate protection that mages and many supernatural
creatures gain from their awareness of the world. Most
Rank 3 entropy spells used on sleepers or objects, events, or items
Co-Locality Perception: You can split your senses over that are not innately magical do not need a pattern sphere
multiple locations allowing you to perceive multiple to lock to. This means that Entropy 4 could cause a person
locations. However, without Mind 1 or possibly 2 (or to be curse to stand on rakes forever without needing Life
similar) perceiving all at once would overwhelm a normal to ‘lock’ it to the person.
Teleport: You can now teleport yourself and small loads Rank 1
and items through space. With pattern spheres you may Sense Probability: You know the exact odds of obvious
teleport small loads and items from a distance. You can chance games (card games etc.) and the approximate odds
teleport up to a few hundred miles. of more esoteric events (such as a yellow car passing by in
the next minute).
Rank 4
Spatial Gate: Make openings between one place and Rank 2
another by connecting space allowing travel between Influence Probability: The mage can now control the
locations. More success can make the opening bigger or last probability of simple games of chance and slightly
longer. influence single actions with a large luck component
Co-Locate Self: You can now be in multiple places at once (allowing them to bestow a +1 or –1 automatic success on
or more precisely multiple places are the one you are in. non-casting rolls). The difficulty of the roll should reflect
Bear in mind that similar to Co-Locate Perception you may the time taken for the event to happen, instant events
need other spheres to perceive all locations at once without being more difficult. As you can perceive the probability of
issue. In addition, all locations of you do the same actions actions this action may be taken immediately after a roll to
as it is just one of ‘you’, however with Life 3 you could represent your knowledge of the probability of the
make them act independently. outcome, although the difficulty should be increased.
Greater Teleport: You can now teleport yourself, other
people, large vehicles and huge loads through space – Rank 3
similarly to Teleport. You can teleport up to a few Control Probability: The mage is now able to strongly
thousand miles. influence probability allowing them to push or pull events
Seal Space: Create small pockets of space divorced from to suit their needs within reason. They can also guarantee
normal space. These eventually merge back but can be used the outcomes of games of chance.
with auxiliary spheres to seal patterns into their own Create and Remove Entropy: At this level you can
realms. increase of remove entropy from predictable patterns such
as making a car never break down, or break down

Rank 4 Rank 4
Arrange Fate: You can attempt to arrange for events to Control Major Forces: The mage can manipulate Forces
happen. The likelihood of the event should represent the patterns on a wider scale, allowing them to use former
base difficulty and the wider the scope and longer the time effect on more than one Pattern. This allows them to
given for the affect should make it easier, and the inverse change the weather, insulate a whole building or area of
harder. forest from fire and electricity, divert light into a series of
Improved Create and Remove Entropy: An improved rooms, banish all sounds from a huge cavern, or render a
form of the Rank 3 ability, this now allows you to Chantry invisible to normal sight.
introduce disorder or order for an unpredictable pattern
such as a living being. Making it possible for that person to
Rank 5
be plagued with stubbing their toe or more nefarious ends.
Transmute Major Forces: The mage can use their power
on nearly all Forces Patterns within their surroundings,
Rank 5 summoning storms of fire, massive charges or electricity,
Oath: Fates are now capable of creating and binding oaths
shadows that blot out entire city blocks, and typhoons even
to people as triggers for spells. As part of a spell, you may
in the midst of a calm day.
use an oath as a trigger. If someone, knowingly makes an
oath or gives you their word, knowing they are making an
Oath then they are considering bound and breaking that Life
oath (from the standpoint of an informed, reasoned, Intimate Knowledge: Generally, effects that can be done
average person’s viewpoint in the local consensus) will to other people can be done to the mage by themselves at 1
cause the spell to take effect. Oaths accepted without sphere rank lower than usual due to their innate knowledge
knowing the result if they break it increase the difficulty of their own pattern and self.
by 1.
Bind Fates: The mage can tie the fates of people, objects,
or events together. Making it possible for people to Rank 1
repeatedly meet, never manage to get rid of an item, or Sense Life: The mage can sense the potency of a Life
similar. Pattern, measuring its relative health and well-being, as
well as basic information (age, sex etc.)

Rank 2
Tempest: Forces damage always an additional 1 extra
damage on a success due to the incredibly damaging nature Alter Simple Patterns: The mage can influence simple
of forces. life forms, like fungi, invertebrates, or plants.
Heal Self: The mage can fix damage to their Pattern at a
cost of 1 success per superficial damage and 2 per
Rank 1 aggravated.
Perceive Forces: The mage becomes privy to Forces
Boost Self: You may alter your physique adding or
patterns around them, transcending the limits of human
subtracting up to 1 dot of any physical attributes.
sensory organs.

Rank 3
Rank 2
Alter Self: The mage can alter their Pattern in small ways.
Control Minor Forces: The mage can alter existing
They may change the color of their hair, enhance their
forces within sensory range. Applications are varied and
eyesight, grow clawlike fingernails or suspend their need to
allow a mage to warp light to make things invisible, change
breathe oxygen for several hours. They may add even dots
their colors by altering the spectrum of localized light,
to physical attributes.
render them silent by bending sound waves in their
vicinity, and manipulate currents of electricity, make fires Transform Simple Patterns: The mage can transform
dance according to specific images and spread. simple life forms into others, transforming i.e. a snail into a
Heal Others: The mage can fix damage in other Life
Rank 3
Transmute Minor Forces: The mage can manipulate
Patterns of Forces, allowing them to convert forces into
other types, or even shift their intensity radically.

Rank 4 Rank 5
Alter Complex Patterns: The mage can alter complex Alter Properties: By bending the limits of what materials
Life Patterns of vertebrates, possibly inflicting serious are capable of you can make materials only possible by
damages or enhancing their natural capabilities. magic and beyond the scope of modern science. Incredibly
Transform Self: The mage can transform their own atom perfect polymers and alloys without a single flaw and
pattern, allowing them to assume the shape of an animal of materials hardened by interwoven layers of elements of
similar size or mass or transform their physical features to different states and structures.
resemble another human. Radioactive: At matter 5 you can also control and
transmute radioactive substances.
Rank 5
Transform Complex Patterns: The mage can transform Mind
complex life forms into a simpler form, transforming i.e. an Examining the Cause: All mind powers performed with
attacking human into a frog. spheres under rank 5 to subvert a targets freewill leave
Perfect Metamorphosis: The mage can alter their own evidence of a targets altered consciousness. These
Pattern according to their wishes. They may assume any differences between conscious and subconscious, or micro
form they wish, free themselves from corporeal needs like fractures in their memories and rationalizations can be
hunger and become immune to all known diseases. detected by a skilled mind mage. At rank 5 in mind
however the target can be reshaped to rationalize their
actions as their own and the memories are entirely
Matter replaced instead of being papered-over.
Radioactive Science: Due to the current consensus, Intimate Knowledge: Generally, effects that can be done
radioactive materials are outside the scope of low rank to other people can be done to the mage by themselves at 1
matter spheres. sphere rank lower than usual due to their innate knowledge
of their own pattern and self.
Rank 1
Matter Sense: The mage knows information about Rank 1
material objects and may be treated as a specialist in their Sense Emotions: You can read the surface or strong
design or may recreate them using higher rank matter emotions of a target. You can also use this more crudely to
spells. detect consciousness nearby allowing you to sense people
nearby via any strong emotions.
Rank 2 Mind Shield: You can bolster your defenses against mental
Basic Transmutation: Allows the mage to change one attacks or manipulation.
homogenous substance into another without affecting its Empower Mind: You can empower you mind increasing
shape, temperature, or basic state. Stone to iron is possibly, the speed at which you process mental tasks or even
stone to gold harder, stone to fog impossible. allowing you to add 1 dot in any 1 mental attribute.

Rank 3 Rank 2
Reshape: You can reshape objects as you will although Read Surface Thoughts: Allows a mage to skim the
they must still generally be one piece or homogenous. surface contents of another’s mind.
State Change: You can change the nature of the object Push Emotions: You can push and stoke emotions present
turning it into a homogenous number of similar pieces in another to try and influence them and their feelings.
allowing you to turn stone into fine grains or even atoms, Tie Emotions: Establish a link between people allowing
briefly turning it to fog before the density would cause it them to share basic strong emotions.
to collapse (combined with prime to alter the mass you
could make a fog of stone). Fortify Mental Shield: You can strengthen your mental
defenses making it harder for Mind effects to be used on
Rank 4
Complex Transformation: Shape objects into ones with
Rank 3
multiple different pieces and materials or vice versa.
Mental Link: Allows a link that can transfer ideas and
images in raw form between two targets.

Dream Control: Allows the mage to control their dreams Rank 2
and those of others. Primal Force: Allows disruption of patterns to cause
Illusions of the Mind: Allows the mage to force a damage on a primal level to the target.
person’s mind to perceive things that aren’t real. In effect Enchant Patterns: Allows a mage to tap into an object’s
this makes an illusion for the target only. quintessence, allowing it to interact with spirits and affect
Psychic Anguish: The mage can attack a person’s mind other objects enchanted with prime.
and force them to experience emotions, thoughts, ideas and Create Simple Pattern: Allows a mage to create a simple
torment. This causes the target to take willpower damage. pattern from nowhere, however each use or turn costs one
quintessence unless it is made real by imbuing it with
Rank 4 another appropriate sphere (such as creating a rock using
Control Mind: The mage may order and control another Matter 3).
human to do actions. With enough successes the person
might even rationalize it as their own choice as they ‘own’ Rank 3
the action to resist the concept that their mind was under Capture Quintessence: Allows the mage to hold
someone else’s control. additional quintessence or even store it in an object.
Alter Mind: The mage may alter the targets memories by Activate Quintessential Life: Allows a mage to create a
overwriting them and can also plant suggestions and living pattern from nowhere, however each use or turn
commands. costs one quintessence unless it is made real by imbuing it
Astral Projection: The mage may divorce their minds with another appropriate sphere (such as creating a rabbit
from their body and roam freely. using Life 3).
Shred Mind: The mage can attack a person’s mind Enchant Life: Allows a mage to tap into a living being’s
directly, shredding their very concept of self and identity. quintessence, allowing them to interact with spirits and
affect other beings enchanted with prime.
Rank 5
Control Subconscious: The mage can rewrite the Rank 4
person’s psyche, beliefs, personality as well as rewriting Expel Quintessence: Allows the mage to drain
existing memories or removing them. quintessence from other patterns collapsing them and
Untether: You can now untether your mind from your gaining quintessence from some.
body allowing limitless projection. Resonance Lock: Allows the mage to see the unique
Forge Mind: You can create a mind from nowhere, resonance of each and every pattern and differentiate
although you would still need other spheres to anchor and between them and the imprints they leave.
instantiate it. Alter Fundamental Properties: The mage can now alter
the fundamental properties of patterns and materials
Prime making water that isn’t wet, iron that isn’t magnetic, or
making wood that doesn’t burn.
Prime Energy: Mages skilled in the prime sphere
(anything of rank 2 or above) can be easier to spot by
mystic means as their connection to the Tapestry is unique Rank 5
and more easily picked up on. Infuse Quintessence: Store quintessence in living beings.
Limits: Although Prime is a powerful sphere it relies on Nullify Paradox: Remove temporary paradox.
other spheres to shape things into being. Quintessential Permanence: Make enchantments
Rank 1 Create Node: Create a permanent node.
Etheric Sense: The mage can perceive quintessential
energy, and can perceive when someone uses magic in their Spirit
vicinity. Rank 1
Consecration: Allows the mage to enchant an object with Spirit Sense: You can peek into the other side of the
their own resonance making it shape change with them or Gauntlet.
always count as within immediate perception for them. Feel Walls: You can sense strong impressions left in a
place from powerful emotional events.

Rank 2 Rank 2
Touch Spirit: The mage can affect small things on the Pre/Post-Cognition: Allows you to see backwards and
other side of the Gauntlet. forwards in time. The impressions are hazy, not entirely
Thicken Spiritual Walls: You can thicken the walls of accurate, and bound by the limitations of the time and
reality making it harder for entities on one side to perceive, place (what a bystander could perceive under the
effect, or cross over to the other. circumstances).
Essence Sense: You can sense powerful emotions Thicken Time Walls: You may thicken the walls of time
associated with objects. making it harder for time to be manipulated in the
Rank 3
Step Into the Gauntlet: You can step from one side of
the Gauntlet to the Gauntlet or back. Rank 3
Rouse and Lull Spirit: You can rouse or lull the spirits of Time Contraction or Dilation: Allows the mage to slow
objects and places. or speed up the flow of time compared to the normal
Damage Spirit: You can directly damage spirits at this world.
rank. Loop Time: Allows the mage to create short loops of time
that repeat.
Rank 4 Rewind Time: Allows the mage to rewind time up to the
Unknit/Reknit Gauntlet: You can make rifts into and duration of a scene.
out of the Gauntlet or collapse them.
Bind Spirit: You can summon and compel spirits. Rank 4
Stop Time: Allows a mage to stop time in its tracks.
Rank 5 Trigger Effect: Allows the mage to generate a paused
Ectoplasm Forging: The mage can summon and shape the spell that can be triggered based on an input under the
material of the spirit realm as they see fit creating new purview of a sphere.
realms or healing spirits. Anchor Point: Allow the mage to create an anchor point
Outward Journeys: The mage can cross the Outer in time allowing them to find their way back to ‘their’
Horizon. present with much more ease.
Gilgul: The mage can affect and attack other mage’s
Soul Summoning: Souls can be created or altered which Rank 5
can then be used for living things created from other Time Travel: The mage can travel in time.
spheres. Time Immunity: The mage can become immune to time
allowing them to step in and out of time’s flow.

Reversing the Flow: Going against the flow of time is far
harder than going with it, and any attempt to actually
reverse time increases difficulty by 3.
Time Paradox: When going back in time any paradox you

gained or lost during the intervening time is not undone,
paradox follows you since it is a product of the Tapestry
and is outside our mortal Space-Time.
Memory: Just remember that if you rewind time, you also
undo the memories of people affected, including your own
The basics of character creation stay the same in M5 as it
if you are affected! Mind 2 combined would allow you to
does in V5, when creating a character follow the creation
avoid having your memories altered.
process and refer to this document for the changes. The
majority of attribute and skill selection is the same,
Rank 1 however clan and predator type have been replaced.
Time Sense: You always know what time it is exactly and
are aware of distortions of local time.
Important Changes with M5
Skill Specialties (and Skill Requirements): Because of the
nature of many Spheres and the way they can be used on a
microscopic level on mass an optional rule is that to do
intricate powers the mage must have a specialty related to
that field.
Example 1: Jane wants to make Joe angry, but she only has
Avatar Capacity
Life rather than the Mind sphere. Now Life cannot directly
◼ Flaw: (●●) Limited Avatar. Your Avatar is poor
make him angry but it could flood his system with
at holding Quintessence. Your capacity for holding
hormones ‘suggesting’ or ‘swaying’ him towards anger.
Quintessence is equal to one less than normal.
However since this requires knowledge of human
●● Capacious Avatar. Your Avatar is unusually good
biology to know which hormones to push and where the
at holding Quintessence. Your capacity for holding
Storyteller may rule Jane needs either a sufficiently high
Quintessence is equal to one more than normal.
Medicine skill (probably only 1 or 2 since anger is a simple
hormonal emotion to push) or a specialty in
●●●● Mighty Avatar. Your Avatar is especially good at
holding Quintessence. Your capacity for holding
Quintessence is equal to two more than normal.
Example 2: This time Jane wants to interfere more directly
with Joe and wants him to fire the gun he is holding. Using
Life she can either try and flip the reflex in his brain to pull Avatar Resonance
the trigger with his finger (needing a Medicine of 3 or 4 or ●●/●●●● Avatar Resonance. Your resonance is
a 2+ with an appropriate specialty) or go into the nerves especially in tune with your dominant emotion. Whether it
system between the brain and the finger direct and fire a is kindness, hate, anger, sadness, or curiosity. When you
nerve (requiring a similar Medicine score but using a pick this merit pick an emotion, typically one tied to your
different specialty). Essence. When you are in severely affected by this emotion
Example 3: Alternately if Jodie wanted to do the same you may choose to gain a bonus of +1 (for the 1 dot) or +2
without Life or Mind but with Forces instead, she COULD (for the two dot) on any casting rolls, however after you do
simply will an electrical impulse down Joe’s nerves to his this you must immediately make a Disassociation Roll with
finger. This however would require a very high medicine, a a penalty equal to the number of times you have used this
specialty and a failure to meet those requirements might this chapter as the paradox and your emotion mix.
cause nothing to happen, the wrong finger to move, the
entire arm to convulse or physical damage. Avatar Strength
Example 4: Jake has Matter and wants to create a F-22 ◼ Flaw: (●●●) Subtle Avatar. You lose –1 Arete for
fighter jet. A state-of-the-art modern military jet would be all rolls. However, rolls to counter spell you always lose 1
complex enough that Jake would definitely need a high dice.
skill and probably a specialty too in order to just conjure ●●●●● Brutal Avatar. You gain +1 to your Arete for all
one on the fly. rolls. All rolls to counterspell your magic gain 2 dice
Example 4 (Work-Around): Matter 1 gives a detailed provided they are capable of counterspelling.
awareness of an object for a short time. If Jake could get
close enough and used Matter 1 to become innately aware Bard’s Tongue
of a F-22’s matter pattern he would be treated as having ◼ Flaw: (●) Bard’s Tongue. Things you say
perfect knowledge of the matter properties of the F-22 and sometime become true in unfortunate ways. The
could then duplicate one without having to have any Storyteller should use this to hamper your character with
applicable skills or specialties. However, without Forces ill fortune but not necessarily directly imperil you.
that F-22 wouldn’t have any electricity in it.
Beast Affinity
Animals are unusually drawn to you, although you can’t
Pick your affiliation to a Sect of Mages or Technomancers speak to them you can communicate on a limited level
(see Factions) and a Faction (Traditions, Disparate or based on body language and tone.
Technocracy) with Storyteller discretion. Your gain a dot ● Beast Affinity. One specifictype of animal is
in one sphere in their affinity, in addition to the listed affected (i.e.Crows).
advantages, flaws, and specialties. ●● Beast Kinship. One specificgroup of animals is
affected (i.e. Birds).
●●● Beast Mastery. All natural animals are affected.
●●●●● Unnatural Beast Mastery. Even supernatural
animals are affected by your aura, although it only covers
non-sapient creatures.

Curiosity True Faith may be spent for the same benefits as a point of
◼ Flaw: (●) Curiosity. Your curiosity overrides your willpower.
commonsense. Resisting temptation requires a successful True faith can be spent to act as though you had
Wits + Resolve (2) check. the Life Sphere (equal to your current True Faith value) for
the purposes of benevolent healing of good creatures.
Cursed However True Faith also demands a very strict adherence
◼ Flaw: (●●●) Severe Curse. Accidents happen to a very inflexible moral code and those who act against
frequent to you, your bank account and internet accounts people not covered by their code or who act outside of the
are frequently hacked, you keep getting your wallet and code find their True Faith abilities temporarily or
phone stolen, and driving anywhere is a risk. permanently disappear.
◼ Flaw: (●●) Moderate Curse. Your car breaks
down when you need it, your expensive clothes end up Folklore Bane
stained, and tools break when you use them. ◼ Flaw: (●●●) Fire. Fire burns you more than most.
◼ Flaw: (●) Slight Curse. Tech fails around you, When using mystical methods to avoid, reduce, or
traffic jams occur whenever you drive, tires go flat. otherwise diminish flames you roll 1 less dice and all flame-
based attacks deal 1 extra point of aggravated damage
Echoes against you.
Typically, this will be associated with your Affinity Sphere. ◼ Flaw: (●-●●●) Threshold. When crossing into
◼ Flaw: (●●●) Major Echoes. Even sleepers notice private property where someone lives you lose between 1
how you standout. Your shadow moves of its own accord, and 3 Arete while there (corresponding to the number of
you don’t cast reflections, cold winds follow you, or people dots in the flaw) unless explicitly invited by someone who
feel nauseous in your presence. People who know folklore lives there.
might know the precautions to take (Intelligence + Occult ◼ Flaw: (●●) Running Water. Standing over bodies
maybe used to counterspell against you, Resolve + Occult of water causes your magic to seep away in proportion to
vs your Willpower may be used to keep you at bay the volume and speed at which it is flowing. In game terms
physically). you take a penalty to your Arete: around 1 for a small
◼ Flaw: (●●) Noticeable Echoes. People who know stream, heavy rain or sewers, 2 for a small sedate river,
what to look for recognize you on sight. Flowers bloom or torrential rain or deep lake, 4 for a major rushing river or
wither in your presence or music echoes through the air. deep ocean and 5 for Niagara Falls. If this penalty reduces
Holy or unholy symbols repulse you and might force you to your Arete to 0 or below you may not cast and any ongoing
make a willpower check. spells you are maintaining end.
◼ Flaw: (●) Slight Echoes. Animals shy away from ◼ Flaw: (●●) Sleeper Bane. Mundane humans are
you, milks sours in your presence, a strange smell your downfall. Sleepers count as having rolled 1success
appropriate to your nature follows and proceeds you or more with any successful attack against you and your
similar. Sensitive people might get odd feelings around you. mystical methods of reducing the damage reduce it by 1
Typically, this will be associated with your Affinity Sphere. less.

Enemy Haunted
◼ Flaw: (●) Bound (to be taken with an enemy). ◼ Flaw: (●●●) Haunted. A wraith plagues you for
Your enemy is bound to you somehow and will always turn some reason and makes your life hell. It can possess you or
up or interfere at the worst time. people you know, slam doors, twist your dreams, and
throw things around.
●●●●● True Faith. You have a burning faith in something Health
divine. This faith protects and fills you. You start with 1 ●●● True Grit. You refuse to go down in a fight
dot of True Faith. extends beyond the limits of normal human bodies. You
You gain a number of advantages: may take a point of aggravated willpower damage to
When attacking anything deemed truly evil or temporarily gain 3 health boxes that disappear at the end of
tainted a number of your damage points equal to your True the scene. Any damage in them is shifted to your remaining
Faith may not be reduced by armor or innate abilities health when they are removed, this can result in superficial
belonging to the creature in any way. converting to aggravated, and can cause you to keel over
You have a number of additional points of armor and die when the fighting ends.
that count against direct mystic attacks, torture, or other
thematic sources of damage equal to your True Faith.

Lifesaver take that much Burn instead of the target. You may use this
◼ Flaw: (●●●) Lifesaver. You refuse to kill under a maximum of once per story.
even the most significant or dire of circumstances, or work
directly with people who do. When you or your allies kill Phylactery
another human or partly human, being permanently lose 1 ◼ Flaw: (●●●) Phylactery. Your avatar is trapped
point of Willpower until the end of the chronicle. The and sealed in an object for some reason. You may only cast
storyteller may rule that excessive torture or similar will spells when this object is on your immediate person.
count for this too.
Love ●●● Quickening. You can maintain 1 extra spell per
◼ Flaw: (●) Love. There is someone you would do penalty over normal before increasing your penalty.
anything to protect. You must spend willpower to roll
Willpower (3) to resist protecting or defending them via Sect Paradigms:
the most direct means possible. ◼ Flaw: (●) Divergent Sect (Technocracy or
Traditions). The individual’s sect uses techniques similar to
Memory either the Technocracy or the Traditions, allowing them to
●● Eidetic Memory. Your memory is picture perfect. multi-cast with the group (treat ‘Radically Different Sect’
You roll all memory checks at up to plus 3 depending on as just ‘Different Sect’). However, their techniques have
visual element and may remember forgettable visual diverged from most mainstream sects of his faction. Any
details. multi-cast with other sects they are part of takes a –1
penalty. Cannot be bought by non-Disparate sects.
Pain and Suffering ● Branch Sect (Specific Sect). This individual’s sect
◼ Flaw: (●●) Bloodthirsty. You enjoy killing. is incredibly similar to a specific sect with whom they are
Whenever you are faced with the chance to kill someone currently considered as ‘Different’. Treat them as part of
you must succeed on a Willpower (2) roll not to. that sect for the purposes of multi-casting penalties.
◼ Flaw: (●) Masochist. Take –1 to all rolls when you Cannot be bought by non-Disparate sects.
have no physical damage and +1 when you have half your ●● Compatible Sect. This individual’s sect is
health left (rounded up) or less. compatible in its methods with a certain faction outside of
its own. Treat them as ‘Different’ instead of ‘Radically
Paradox Merits Different’ with the selected sect faction. Cannot be
◼ Flaw: (●●/●●●●●) Permanent Paradox. You’ve bought by non-Disparate sects.
caused some serious backlash in the past and you have 1 (2
dot flaw) or 2 (5 dot flaw) points of paradox that can never Sight
be removed for any reason. ●●● Umbral Sight. You instinctively recognize spirits
◼ Flaw: (●●) Painful Paradox. Regardless of the from the Umbral, you gain an additional 3 to your dice
reason, burn damage you cause due to backlash is always pool when rolling to recognize spirits from the Umbra and
physical. you may make awareness tests to pierce their veils and
●● Paradox Magnet. Whenever someone gains deceit even when you would normally require the Spirit
Paradox nearby you may spend a number of Willpower sphere to do so.
points to gain that many Paradox instead of the target. You
may use this a maximum of once per story. Substance Use
●● Paradoxical Dispersal. Whenever you lose ● High-Functioning Addict. You add one die to any
Paradox without Backlashing you lose an extra point of one category of pool (specify when you choose which
paradox for each 10 and 1 rolled. However, you take a substance you use) when you use your drug.
penalty on your next Disassociation check this chapter
equal to the number of 1s rolled. Territorial
●●● Blank Slate. You are initially resistant to Paradox. ◼ Flaw: (●) Insular. You rarely leave your domain
Whenever you gain Paradox and are at 0 Paradox currently (no larger than a half dozen city blocks). Roll one less die
you may spend a point of Willpower to reroll a dice in your anytime you roll for any test related to local knowledge.
paradox pool. You may not use or acquire this if you have ● Stomping Ground. You know your domain (no
any Permanent Paradox. more than a half dozen city blocks) like the back of your
●●● Feel The Burn. Whenever someone suffers Burn hand. Roll one more die any time you roll for any test
nearby you may spend a number of Willpower points to related to local knowledge.

●●● My City. Cab drivers come to you for directions. ●●● A Wonder with a few notable powers or one
In your domain (up to the size of a major city) you gain an respectable one. (7-9 wonder points.)
automatic success in addition to your roll anytime you roll ●●●● A Wonder with impressive powers or a powerful
for a test related to local knowledge. Effect. (10-12 wonders points.)
●●●●● A Wonder with mighty powers or a single
Will devastating Effect. (13-15 wonder points.)
◼ Flaw: (●) Weak Willed. You permanently have a

point of aggravated willpower damage that may not be
removed under any circumstance.
●●●●● Iron Will. When rolling Willpower tests, you do
so ignoring superficial willpower damage.

Backgrounds The ability to balance the needs of this world with a

Enhancement yearning for the Ascension. The Awakened have seen a
Cybernetics, Biomods or Genegineering. Enlightened glimpse of The Art, which makes them what they are.
hypertech can accomplish incredible things, few of them Wisdom is the quality keeping them from mistaking that
more staggering (or, to some mages, unholy) than the glimpse as the whole truth. In many ways, Wisdom is
modification of living tissue with the power of machines. acknowledging how much a mage doesn’t understand or
Enhancements are devices and will be purchased as know. It’s the drive to keep searching, the ability to remain
Wonders, see page 7 for details, and M20 page 657 for a list. humble while wielding the power of the gods. Mages failing
● +1 Attribute dot, or 3 wonder points for Devices. to comprehend these lessons fall victim to their own
One Paradox point or Genetic Flaw. hubris.
●● +2 Attribute dots, or 6 wonder points for Devices.

Two Paradox points or Genetic Flaws.
●●● +3 Attribute dots, or 9 wonder points for Devices.
Three Paradox points or Genetic Flaws. We wage our Ascension War for the fate of our world. We
●●●● +4 Attribute dots, or 12 wonder points for wage it for our own survival. We wage it out of hubris, the
Devices. Four Paradox points or Genetic Flaws. fatal pride that leads to destruction. The biggest crater in
●●●●● +5 Attribute dots, or 15 wonder points for our Fragile Path, hubris insists that because we can do a
Devices. Five Paradox points or Genetic Flaws. thing, we should do it… because after all, it is our right to
do it. Reality is in our hands, so it’s our duty to make our
Haven (Named as Safe House) world a better place with it – better, of course, by the
●-●●● Occult Library. You own or have access to a standards we decide.
repository of arcane books and information. You may add And that’s where the cracks begin.
the number of dots in this merit when roll for an It often starts with people healing the sick and
appropriate occult test and you have access to your library. bringing fire and doing things that cry out desperately to
● Nightclub. Your haven is actually a nightclub be done. And that’s good. But when you become convinced
with great cover for meeting people, gossiping, soliciting that only you know what’s good or not, that fire ignites a
information, private meeting rooms and even staff. While holocaust. Robots march, and witches curse, and lightning
they work for you, they only will help out as much as storms flash down Main Street.
nightclub employees are meant to and interfering too And we, the Awakened Ones, have been doing
much with the day-to-day running of the club might cause that kind of shit for centuries.
problems. In the name of Ascension, the grand ideal, we
make slaves and corpses of those in our way. The
Wonders Technocracy gets the blame, but any so-called Ascension
Device, Fetish, Periapt, Talisman, Trinket or Biotech. Warrior is guilty.
A wonder by any name is still as sweet… and you have one. We fear, often rightly, and so we fight. And kill.
See page 7 for more details and M20 page 651 for a list. And die. Every so often, we Ascend. All too often, though,
● A Wonder with one small power – that is, a we burn.
Wonder worth 1-3 wonder points.
Magick is our gift, responsibility, and curse. We
●● A Wonder with one or two powers, probably with can use it to light lamps or set fire to the world. And we do
some Quintessence and an Arete of its own. (4-6 wonder both those things, and more besides.

And this is why, in the grand scheme of things, Touchstones in one way or another aid the mage
we’re all such Fools, dancing at the edge of transcendence in his Ascension, and their destructions echoes in the
and oblivion. Awakened Wisdom.
When a mage acts against Wisdom, it’s called an In addition to Tenet violations, other acts
“act of hubris,” because the equilibrium of the Tapestry is endanger the mage’s Wisdom. When such acts occur, the
momentarily obscured by the mage’s own ego. These are mage gains additional Hubris based on the severity of the
also called “acts of blindness,” because a mage is blinded to occurrence.
the repercussions of his desires. Acts of hubris are sins
against the Morality of Wisdom. ACTION HUBRIS
Hubris replaces Stains from V5 (page 241), they Killing a human needlessly +1
work in the same way however. You gain Hubris by
Destroying an Avatar +3
violating Chronicle Tenets or your beliefs, your
Convictions about Magick, and what you consider the Touchstone damaged +1
right path to Ascension. Touchstone damaged by your actions +2
Hubris also corrodes your Wisdom when a loved Touchstone destroyed +3
one is hurt because of your Magick, your Quiet, or your Touchstone destroyed by your actions +3
It's not just because you CAN DO IT that you A character with any Hubris marked on their Harmony
SHOULD DO IT. And an enlightened mage knows the track at the end of the session makes a Judgement Test (in
difference. the same way of Remorse Test described in V5 page 241). If
his player fails, the mage grows a bit more callous and
Wisdom 8–10, High / Enlightened: These highest
levels of Wisdom force the mage to walk a careful line. Prideful, losing a dot of Wisdom.
Wisdom 4–7, Medium / Understanding: Most If a character’s Wisdom drops to 0, he can no
experienced and stable mages fall into this range of longer be played. He might feel compelled to enter the
Wisdom. Nephandi’s Cauls.
Wisdom 1–3, Low / Falling: Hubris of this level

concerns all mages. A mage at this precipice could be lost
to his magic at any time.
Wisdom 0: A character with no Wisdom is
forever lost. His hubris has overcome him, and he’s become
one of “The Fallen.” He cannot control his magic; it
controls him. Mages are split roughly in three different factions. The
Traditions, the Technocracy, and the Disparate. This
doesn’t include the Nephandi, or the individualistic

Convictions Marauders as both are unsuited for player characters.

Convictions are a little different for mages. Rather than

being human values that vampires cling to after death, for
an Awakened they are beliefs that guide the mage in your
The Traditions are a collection of magical traditions united
Path to Ascension, whatever that path may be. Start with
by a common theory of magical Spheres, as well as a
two Convictions related to your Paradigm and Practice
common purpose: the defense of magic and myth against
(your way to do Magick) and one additional of your choice.
the oppressive, static and safe Technocratic paradigm of
Chronicle Tenets work the same as in V5 (page
predictability and control.
174) being just thematically different.
If the Conviction or Tenet was violated in the
service of another Conviction, reduce the Hubris gained by
Akashic Brotherhood (Akashayana)
one or more. Mystical martial artists whose meditations grant them
Affinity Spheres: Mind or Life.
Touchstones Advantages: Choose two: Status 1 (Akashic Brotherhood),
Status 1 (Ahl-i-Batin), Hidden Armory 1 (requires a
Each mage begins with one to three Touchstones: humans Haven), Ally 1 (Any), Mentor 1, or Mask 1.
or spirits who are friends, family and/or loved ones. For an Flaws: No Haven, Curse 1, Destitute, or Bound (requires
Awakened even special objects like a Wonder or Tool can Enemy).
be a Touchstone.
Specialties: Tenth Sphere (Occult), and choose one: Law Order of Hermes
(Academics), First Aid (Medicine), or Any (Brawl). They draw upon a potent fundus of magical knowledge and
has shaped occult history to great deals.
Celestial Chorus Affinity Spheres: Forces.
United by their efforts to touch the Divine as well as their Advantages: Choose one: Occult Library 2 (requires a
belief in the One and Prime from which all things Haven), Eidetic Memory, or Resources 2; or choose two:
originate. Status 1 (Order of Hermes), Occult Library 1, Resources 1,
Affinity Spheres: Prime, Forces, or Spirit. or Influence (Local University).
Advantages: Status 1 (Celestial Chorus), Influence 1 (Any Flaws: Insular, or Curiosity.
Local Political or Religious Body), Resources 1, or Retainer Specialties: Any (Occult), or Traditions (Politics).
Flaws: None inherent. Sons of Ether (Society of Ether)
Specialties: Traditions (Politics), and choose one: Originally part of the Technocracy, they abandoned their
Supernatural (Occult), or Singing (Performance). former compatriots. Since then, the Sons have adopted
several outdated technologies and incorporated them into
Cult of Ecstasy (Sahajiya) their Paradigm.
Seers who transcend boundaries and limitations through Affinity Spheres: Matter, Forces, or Prime.
sacred experience. Advantages: Choose one: Laboratory 2 (requires a Haven),
Affinity Spheres: Time, Life, or Mind. Contact 2 (Any Engineer, Scientist, or similar), Eidetic
Advantages: Choose one: Fame 2, Beautiful; or choose Memory, or Resources 2; and choose one: Status 1 (Sons of
two: Mask 1, High-Functioning Addict, Location 1 Ether), Status 1 (Virtual Adepts), or Laboratory 1 (requires
(requires a Haven), Nightclub (requires a Haven), or a Haven).
Luxury 1 (requires a Haven). Flaws: Divergent Sect (Technocracy), and choose one:
Flaws: Masochist, Love, or Bard’s Tongue. Suspect (Technocracy), or Adversary 1 (Technocracy
Specialties: Dance (Performance), Seduction (Subterfuge), mage).
Desires (Insight), or Drugs (Streetwise). Specialties: Any (Science), or Research (Academics).

Dreamspeakers (Kha’vadi) Verbena

Individuals who practice shamanism, communing with Dedicated to preserving the ancient crafts and wisdom
spirits as part of their magic and existing as intermediaries passed down over the ages by witches and warlocks, druids
between the Mortal World and the Spirit World. and druidesses, shamans, mystics, and priests and
Affinity Spheres: Spirit, Forces, Life, or Matter. priestesses of the Old Gods.
Advantages: Beast Affinity 1, or Stomping Ground. Affinity Spheres: Life or Forces.
Flaws: None inherent. Advantages: Beast Affinity 2, or choose two: Territorial 1,
Specialties: Oratory (Leadership), Any (Animal Ken), Retainer 1 (animal familiar), or Beast Affinity 1.
Knives (Melee), or Shelters (Survival). Flaws: Curse 1, Destitute, No Haven, or Echoes 1.
Specialties: Gardening (Craft), Wilderness (Awareness),
Euthanatos (Chakravanti) or Veterinary (Medicine).
Intimately devoted to the forces of death, rebirth, destiny,
and karma in the world. They represent a collection of Virtual Adepts (Mercurial Elite)
thanatotic cultists, necromancers, priests of fate, assassins, The youngest members of the Traditions and former
scholars, gamblers and healers. members of the Technocracy. Focused on the Digital Web,
Affinity Spheres: Entropy, Life, or Spirit. the Adepts search for a way to reach the singularity, the
Advantages: Choose three: Influence 1 (Local Mortuaries), point where mankind can transcend into something post-
Surgery 1 (requires a Haven), Hidden Armory 1 (requires a human.
Haven), Cell 1 (requires a Haven); or choose one: Umbral Affinity Spheres: Data/ Correspondence or Forces.
Sight, or True Grit. Advantages: Choose one: Eidetic Memory, Resources 2,
Flaws: Choose two: Suspect (Ahl-i-Batin), Slight Echoes, Security System 2 (requires a Haven), or Blank Slate; and
or Dark Secret 1; or choose one: Bloodthirsty, or Infamy. choose one: Resources 1, or Security System 1 (requires a
Specialties: Weapon Smithing (Craft), Law (Academics), Haven).
Poisons (Science), or Any (Melee). Flaws: Divergent Sect (Technocracy), and choose one:
Insular, Suspect (Technocracy), Adversary 1 (Technocracy
Specialties: Any (Technology), Mathematics (Science), or Affinity Spheres: Any.
Physics (Mathematics). Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Flaws: Suspect (Traditions), Suspect (Technocracy), or

Divergent Sect (Either).
Specialties: Any (Any).
The Disparate Alliance is a newly created network of
independent Crafts that have chosen to take the matters of Ngoma
the Ascension War into their own hands, independently WIP
from the Technocratic Union or the Council of Nine Affinity Spheres: Life, Mind, Prime, or Spirit.
Mystick Traditions. Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
Ahl-i-Batin (Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either).
Arabian mages that practice mainly magic with a strong Specialties: Any (Any).
focus on subtlety. A founding member of the Council of
Nine, they withdrew their membership due to apathy in Orphans
face of the Technocratic onslaught.
Affinity Spheres: Correspondence or Mind.
Affinity Spheres: Any.
Advantages: Compatible Sect (Traditions).
Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Flaws: Suspect (Technocracy).
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
Specialties: Any (Leadership), Any (Stealth), or Tenth
(Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either).
Sphere (Occult).
Specialties: Any (Any).

Bata’a Sister of Hippolyta (Hippolytoi)

Affinity Spheres: Spirit or Life.
Affinity Spheres: Life or Mind.
Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
(Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either).
(Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either).
Specialties: Any (Any).
Specialties: Any (Any).

Children of Knowledge (True Solificati) Taftâni

Affinity Spheres: Matter, Forces, Prime, or Entropy.
Affinity Spheres: Forces, Matter, Prime, or Spirit.
Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
(Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either).
(Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either).
Specialties: Any (Any).
Specialties: Any (Any).

Hollow Ones Templar Knights

A group of mages who have either been orphaned or
rejected the Traditions, but refused to join forces with the
Affinity Spheres: Forces, Life, Mind, or Prime.
Technocracy. Instead, they take what they like from every
tradition and fuse it together. As a result, they have no Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
dominant Sphere. Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
Affinity Spheres: Any. (Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either).
Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2. Specialties: Any (Any).
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect
(Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either). Wu Lung
Specialties: Any (Any). WIP
Affinity Spheres: Spirit, Forces, Matter, or Life.
Kopa Loei Advantages: Compatible Sect (Either), or Mask 2.
Flaws: Choose one of Suspect (Traditions), Suspect Library 1 (requires Haven), or Security System (requires
(Technocracy), Divergent Sect (Either). Haven).
Specialties: Any (Any). Flaws: Choose one: Permanent Paradox 2, Enemies 2
(People who don't believe in your Truth), or choose two:
Addiction, Curiosity, or Stalkers.
Technocracy Specialties: Cars (Drive), Cops (Etiquette), Detect Lies
(Insight), Oratory (Leadership), Impose Your Truth
To the Technocracy, they are not at all related to other
magickal Traditions. Enlightened Science works because it (Persuasion), or Reality Deviants (Occult).
is tested and proven, not because someone simply believes
its working. As they spread their craft across the world, Progenitors
working out kinks, improving their models, etc. The result Enlightenment Through Evolution of Biological Machines
is that many of their devices can become consensual and The most fit must survive. Evolution has taught us that a
usable by Sleepers. Hyperscience, also called vulgar better-adapted organism will always displace a less fit one.
Technomancy, is seen as beta testing before the device can The difference between Neanderthals and humans were
be used by the public. minuscule. The Neanderthals made tools, had a complex
social structure and even language. But our ancestors'
Iteration X cerebral cortex was just a bit more efficient. How many
Neanderthals have you seen on Earth lately? Now we
Enlightenment Through Precision and Quantifiable
possess the power to make humans better adapted, more fit
and hence more likely to survive. It falls to us to use this
The Iterators are dedicated to the idea of "Stronger, Faster,
power wisely, in order to gift humanity with the
Better". Specializing mainly in Forces, Iteration X are
immortality, perfection and Unity it requires. Life itself is
perhaps best known for their skill in cybernetics,
our purview. All that grows changes and look at the
computing and robotics. However, the Convention's
universe in wonder.
overarching goal is the creation of better tools to aid
Affinity Spheres: Life or Prime.
humanity. The Clockwork Convention claims that they
Advantages: Choose one: Enhancement 2 (Biomods or
strive to emulate the men who first discovered fire and the
Genegineering), Influence 2 (Scientists), or Mask 2; or
wheel, elevating man to new heights.
choose two: High-Functioning Addict, Solo Cooking,
Affinity Spheres: Forces, Matter, or Time.
Resources 1, Laboratory (requires Haven), Surgery
Advantages: Enhancement 2 (Cybernetics), or choose
(requires Haven), or Status 1 (Technocracy).
two: Resources 1, Occult Library 1 (Technocracy), Retainer
Flaws: Ugly, Infamy 1 (Wrong Experiments), Slight
1 (Personal Robot).
Echoes, Masochist, Insular, or Weak Willed.
Flaws: Curiosity, or Painful Paradox.
Specialties: Research (Academics), Pharmacy (Medicine),
Specialties: Cybernetics (Science), Modifications
Veterinary (Medicine), Biology (Science), or Genetics
(Technology), Hacking (Technology), Robotics (Science),
Any (Firearms), or Any (Brawl).
New World Order (NWO) Syndicate
Enlightenment Through Knowledge, Discipline,
Enlightenment Through Commerce, Desire, and Exchange
Institutions, and Control
Money makes the world go round – this is the Syndicate's
There are "things-man-was-not-meant-to-know". Your job
primary ethos. The Syndicate is about the almighty Bottom
is to keep people from knowing about the things that could
Line, but the Bottom Line is this: the Masses want a
wreck humanity. You perpetuate this fiction not because
Consensual Reality where they have a say in what goes on.
you are cruel or because you are an enemy of the truth, but
The Union gave the Masses exactly what they asked for and
because those things could hurt all society. Far better that
the Syndicate continues to do it today. Traditionalist
the Masses believe your Truth (with a capital "T") instead.
propaganda aside, the common man does not want to fight
It is safer, it is simpler, and best of all, if enough people
for Awakening. The Masses want something simple: they
accept it, it might as well be real. Hunt down things that
want to live.
should not be, erase violations of your Truth, educate those
Affinity Spheres: Entropy, Mind, or Primal Utility.
too stubborn or foolish to accept it. Above all, remember,
Advantages: Resources 3, or choose one: Influence 2,
you are doing it for their own good. Everyone has potential
Status 2, Wonder 2 (Device), or Linguistics 2, and choose
and is worth saving.
one: Luxury (requires Haven), Zeroed, Contacts 1,
Affinity Spheres: Mind or Data/ Correspondence.
Retainers 1, or Cell (requires Haven).
Advantages: Choose one: Linguistics 2, Contacts 2,
Flaws: Noticeable Echoes, Permanent Paradox 2, Severe
Beautiful, or Eidetic Memory; and choose one Occult
Addiction, Despised, or Enemies 2.
Specialties: Financial Scams (Larceny), Corporate
(Etiquette), Inspiration (Leadership), Bargaining
(Persuasion), Banking (Finance), Currency Manipulation
(Finance), Cryptocurrency (Finance), or Stock Market

Void Engineers
Enlightenment Through Exploration and Revelation
The place for humanity is the stars. Not only is the Earth
too small by far, but it is dying, just look around, and you
can see that. Pollution, crime, war: society is tearing itself
apart, and it is taking our world with it. No matter, for we
have seen the glory of the universe. Humanity (or the
better parts of it, anyway) can settle where we have
explored. We have already released primitive rocket-
technology to the Masses; soon we will begin to encourage
mundane versions of our Deep Universe vessels. When
humans have settled on a dozen worlds, the problems of
Earth will no longer seem so important. As for us, what
will we do then? We have always been explorers. Even
before our work settling the near worlds is done, we will be
gone again, pushing the frontiers of knowledge. We hope
some of the Masses will come with us, for Unity lies in
Affinity Spheres: Dimensional Science, Correspondence/
Data, or Forces.
Advantages: Wonder 2 (Matrix), Avatar Resonance 2,
Resources 2, or Allies 2.
Flaw: Suspect (Technocracy), Curiosity, or No Haven.
Specialties: Spaceship (Drive), Any (Firearms), Cosmos
(Survival), Any Biome (Survival), EDEs ‘Extra-
Dimensional Entities’ (Animal Ken), Cosmology (Science),
or Any (Technology).

Instant/Only This Turn 0
Point of Quintessence Used +1 1 Day +2
Casting Duration 1 Step Higher than +1 1 Week +3
Needed 1 Month +4
Casting Duration 2 Steps Higher than +2 1 Year +5
Casting Duration 3 Steps Higher than +3 SPELL EFFECT DURATION DIF.
Needed or More Instant/Only This Turn 0
Cast on Node (Depending on Node +1 to +3 1 Scene/Hour or Permanent when spending +1
Strength) Quintessence
Sympathetic Link (Depending on item/part) +1 to +3 1 Day +2
1 Week +3
Penalty Reactive Spellcasting –2 Permanent (Maintained) +6
Counterspell –2
Within immediate perception 1
MAGICAL FEAT MAGNITUDE DIF. Very familiar (home, etc.) 2
Standard: Enhanced Perception, lighting a 1 Familiar/saw recently in person 3
candle, changing hair color, shielding your Visited briefly/ saw recently via recorded 4
mind, healing yourself, conjuring a small fire, medium
altering your shape, influencing someone’s Heard or saw it described 5
mood. Totally blind 6+
Difficult: Healing aggravated damage, 2
conjuring a fireball, transforming yourself into CORRESPONDENCE CONNECTION DIF.
something radically different, reading or (Inc. Bonus for Sympathetic Link)
affecting someone’s mind. Body Sample 1
Impressive: Growing or regenerating limbs, 3 Close Possession or Companion 2
conjuring a firestorm, transforming someone Possession or Friend 3
else’s shape, controlling someone else’s mind. Object Used or Passing Friend 4
Mighty: Creating lifeforms, conjuring strange 4-8 Briefly Touched or Briefly Met 5
entities. No Connection 6+
Outlandish: Creating complex lifeforms, 8-14
blowing up buildings, summoning otherworldly ILLUSION SUCCESSES DIF.
creatures. Simple +1
Godlike: Rewriting your own pattern 15+ Complex +2
permanently, incinerating cities, conjuring Moving +1
monstrous creatures, enslaving hundreds of Moving and Interactive +2
One Sensation +0
Two Sensations +1
Multiple Sensations +2
Duration Increased as successes for duration table
Targets +1 per extra target
Area Increased as per area effect table
Damage +2 damage

MOVING FORWARD/BACKWARD IN DIF. knowledge that the subject of their denial is real,
TIME they must make a willpower roll with a difficulty
Within the scene 1 equal to their Quiet to acknowledge it.
 Morbidity (Entropic): The characters failures are
Within the day 2
taken out on sleepers nearby. Missed shots hit
Within the month 3
onlookers, driving checks end up with them
Within the year 4 ploughing into pedestrians, and social
Within 10yrs 5 interactions end up with them insulting or at-
Within 50yrs 6 tacking the recipient.
Within 500yrs 8
Within 1000yrs 10 Shock Success
More than 1000yrs 12  Madness (Dynamic): The characters success
comes with a side effect as the character changes
AREA EFFECTED MODIFIER the world around them. The character might use
Single Target/Point Target 0 the crafting tools as part of the de-sign; the
Car-Sized +1 characters drive might leave flaming skid marks
Bus/Shack +2 making them easy to follow.
 Denial (Static): The characters success comes with
Flat/Small Building +3
a side effect as the character see’s details and
Medium Building +4
designs in their success that entrance them. They
Large Building +5 become unresponsive to new stimuli and do not
City Block +6 process any new. The mage cannot voluntarily
City District +8 spend will-power for the remainder of the scene.
City +10 Additional instances cause willpower damage.
 Morbidity (Entropic): The characters success
comes with a side effect as the characters

Quiet Dice
callousness comes to the fore. At-tempting to
knock out an enemy kills them; taking a drive
short cut hits pedestrians on the pavement;
Quiet Dice replace dice in all dice pools (but medicine involves an unwilling donor.
Willpower/Paradox/Wisdom) up to the maximum dice
pool possible, like in V5. Quiet 1: Faint
QUIET DICE  Passive Effect: None.
 Madness (Dynamic): The mage revels in changing
Failure, Instability Failure if the test fails (1) their appearance and routine often.
 Denial (Static): The mage set into certain pat-
Failure (2-5)
terns. Getting quite irritable when interrupted.
Success (6-9)  Morbidity (Entropic): The mages appearance
takes on a morbid air.
Success, Shock Success if part of a critical win (10)
Quiet Dice can never be rerolled using Willpower.
Quiet 2: Subtle
 Passive Effect: Roll 1 less dice for backlash (to a
Instability Failure minimum of 1).
 Madness (Dynamic): The character over reacts to  Madness (Dynamic): The character takes a
a small stimulus and reacts as if something new penalty to all Awareness, Investigation, and
has been introduced and which occupies their Insight rolls as you imagine clues that aren’t there.
attention. For the remainder of the scene, they How-ever you gain a bonus on all craft, and
take a penalty to all rolls equal to their Quiet to performance rolls. The amount equals half your
interact with anything other than the Quiet rounded up.
hallucination.  Denial (Static): You become entirely forgettable.
 Denial (Static): The character refuses to Good for passing unnoticed but bad for making
acknowledge something in the scene as existing. an impression. You suffer a negative penalty to
For the remainder of the scene, they treat the social checks but a bonus to pass through an area
target as if it didn’t. When directly confronted by unseen, unrecognized or leave no trace against
sleepers or mundane security (security tapes Quiet 6+
mysterious fuzz, people’s mind draws a blank,  Passive Effect: No longer a player character.
etc.). The amount equals half your Quiet rounded  Madness (Dynamic): Marauder.
up.  Denial (Static): Drone.
 Morbidity (Entropic): The character’s morbid  Morbidity (Entropic): The character can no
fascination and gaunt appearance startle those longer use Quintessence gained without the
around. You get a negative penalty on all non- sacrifice of a living being. They permanently lose 1
intimidation social checks but bonus to all rolls point from their health tracker.
related to corpses, ghosts, torture or intimidation.
The amount equals half your Quiet rounded up.

Quiet 3: Noticeable
 Passive Effect: None.
 Madness (Dynamic): You gain Echoes 1, or
increase your existing Echoes by 1, as patterns
tend to shift around you.
 Denial (Static): You gain Curse 1, or increase your
existing Curse by 1, as lifts fail to respond to your
touch, taxis fail to notice you to stop, etc.
 Morbidity (Entropic): You gain Echoes 1, or in-
crease your existing Echoes by 1, as milk sours in
your presence, plants wither, and fruit rots.

Quiet 4: Strong
 Passive Effect: Roll 1 additional dice for
 Madness (Dynamic): The effects if the character’s
Instability become manifest. The hallucination
becomes real for the scene as if cast by a spell at a
magnitude roughly equal to the character’s Arete.
 Denial (Static): The effects if the character’s
Instability become manifest. The subject of their
denial becomes real for the scene as if cast by a
spell at a magnitude roughly equal to the
character’s Arete.
 Morbidity (Entropic): The effect of the
character’s Instability becomes needless and
wanton death and destruction. The destruction
caused is wider ranging and more deliberately
callous, leaving Jhor taint behind.

Quiet 5: Overwhelming
 Passive Effect: You now roll 2 less dice for
backlash (to a minimum of 1).
 Madness (Dynamic): Add +2 to the magnitude of
their Strong Quiet.
 Denial (Static): Add +2 to the magnitude of their
Strong Quiet.
 Morbidity (Entropic): The character can no
longer use Quintessence gained without the
sacrifice of a living being. They permanently lose 1
point from their health tracker.

Character Creation Summary
What was your character’s name? What did they do? Where Together with the Storyteller and other players, decide if
and when were they Awakened? Where are they now? your cabal are:
Choose your Ambition and Desire. Write your character’s  Recently Awakened / Enlightened:
name on the Relationship Map.  Arete 1
 Quiet 0
AWAKENED CONCEPT  Choose only 2 dots on Spheres
Pick your avatar Essence, your Sect, your Affiliation  Initiate / Initiated Operatives:
Faction and your Focus (a Paradigm, a Practice and several  Arete 2
Tools, see M20 page 565).  Quiet 1
 Each player spends 15 experience points
 Disciple / Agent:
Take one Attribute at 4; three Attributes at 3; four  Quiet 2
Attributes at 2; one Attribute at 1. Health = Stamina + 3;  Each player adds 2 points of Advantages
Willpower = Composure + Resolve.  Each player adds 2 points of Flaws
 Each player subtracts 1 Wisdom
SKILLS  Each player spends 35 experience points
Pick one Skill distribution. Set you Quintessence equals your Arete.
 Jack of all trades: One Skill at 3; eight Skills at 2; ten
 Balanced: Three Skills at 3; five Skills at 2; seven Skills TRAIT EXPERIENCE
at 1 Increase Attribute New Level x 5
 Specialist: One Skill at 4; three Skills at 3; three Skills
Increase Skill New Level x 3
at 2; three Skills at 1
New Specialty 3
Add free specialties to Academics, Craft, Performance, and
Sphere New Level x 7
Science Skills. Take one more free specialty.
Advantages 3 per point
Wisdom* New Level x 10
Arete* New Level x 10
Allocate 3 points between any number of spheres, although * Special conditions
none should start at more than your Arete. Your gain a dot
For Technocratic players replace:
in one sphere in their Sect affinity.
• Awakening for Epiphany
• Avatar for Genius
• Essence for Eidolon;
Spend 7 points on Advantages, and take 2 points of Flaws.
• Arete for Enlightenment
Add any new supporting cast from Advantages and Flaws
• Quintessence for Primal Energy
to the Relationship Map.


Start with two Convictions related to your Paradigm and
Practice (your way to do Magick) and one additional of
your choice. Each mage begins with one to three
Touchstones: humans or spirits who are friends, family
and/or loved ones. For an Awakened even special objects
like a Wonder or Tool can be a Touchstone. Together with
the Storyteller and other players you choose Chronicle
Tenets (V5 page 174). Add all of them (humans and spirits)
to the Relationship Map. Set you Wisdom at 7.


MAGE: THE ASCENSION ◼ Science: Knowledge and theory of the physical world

Summary Sheet
◼ Stealth: Not being seen, heard, or recognized (Physical)
◼ Streetwise: Understanding the ins and outs of criminal
and urban society (Social)
ATTRIBUTES ◼ Subterfuge: Tricking others into doing your will (Social)
◼ Strength: Exertion of force by the muscles (Physical) ◼ Survival: Remaining alive in adverse surroundings
◼ Dexterity: Agility, grace, eye-hand coordination (Physical)
(Physical) ◼ Technology: Understanding and using modern
◼ Stamina: Toughness, resilience, endurance (Physical) technology, computers, and online activity (Mental)
◼ Charisma: Charm, magnetism, strength of personality
ESSENCES / EIDOLONS (M20 page 266)
◼ Manipulation: Getting others to do what you want ◼ Dynamic: Passionate force for progress and change
(Social) ◼ Static: Grounded agent of secure stability
◼ Composure: Self-control, cool, calm head (Social) ◼ Primordial: Elusive figure of primal mystery
◼ Intelligence: Memory, reasoning, intellect (Mental) ◼ Questing: Wandering dreamer of new horizons
◼ Wits: Cleverness, intuition, spur-of-the-moment
decision-making (Mental) FACTIONS
◼ Resolve: Focus, concentration, attention (Mental) ◼ The Traditions: seek a return to the days of High Magick
or a new dawn of mystic potential. Bitter enemies of the
Technocracy, they appear to have been losing the battle for
SKILLS reality. (See page 20 and M20 page 148)
◼ Academics: Humanities and liberal arts, book learning ◼ The Disparates: protect their ancestral ways, nurture
(Mental) their chosen people, and disdain this war that has caused
◼ Animal Ken: Animal handling and communication untold misery. Often dismissed in the battle for reality,
(Social) these groups have largely gone underground and now begin
◼ Athletics: Running, jumping, climbing (Physical) to band together for mutual protection. (See M20 page 202)
◼ Awareness: Senses, being aware of your surroundings, ◼ The Technocracy: enforces global order under their
spotting threats (Mental) Enlightened guidance and protection. Dedicated to wiping
◼ Brawl: Unarmed combat of all types (Physical) out Reality Deviants, they’ve spent over 500 years at war
◼ Craft: Crafting, building, shaping (Physical) with the mystic Traditions. (See M20 page 186)
◼ Drive: Operating vehicles (Physical)
◼ Etiquette: Politeness in social settings (Social) The Council of Nine Mystick Traditions
◼ Akashic Brotherhood (Akashayana): Masters of mind,
◼ Finance: Handling, moving, and making money (Mental)
body, and spirit through the Arts of personal discipline.
◼ Firearms: Using ranged weapons, such as guns and bows
 Affinity Spheres: Mind or Life.
◼ Celestial Chorus: Sacred singers who give a human Voice
◼ Insight: Determining states of mind and motives (Social)
to the Divine Song.
◼ Intimidation: Getting another person to back down
 Affinity Spheres: Prime, Forces, or Spirit.
◼ Cult of Ecstasy (Sahajiya): Visionary seers who transcend
◼ Larceny: Breaking and entering, guarding against that
limitations through sacred experience.
 Affinity Spheres: Time, Life, or Mind.
◼ Leadership: Directing and inspiring others (Social)
◼ Dreamspeakers (Kha’vadi): Preservers and protectors of
◼ Medicine: Healing injuries, diagnosing disease (Mental)
both the Spirit Ways and the Earthly cultures that have
◼ Melee: Armed hand-to-hand combat (Physical) been looted, abandoned, and oppressed.
◼ Occult: Secret lore, both real and unreal (Mental)  Affinity Spheres: Spirit, Forces, Life, or Matter.
◼ Performance: Expressing art in person to an audience ◼ Euthanatos (Chakravanti): Disciples of mortality who
(Social) purge corruption and bring merciful release from suffering.
◼ Persuasion: Convincing others (Social)  Affinity Spheres: Entropy, Life, or Spirit.
◼ Politics: Handling, moving, and making government ◼ Order of Hermes: Rigorous masters of High Magick and
(Mental) the Elemental Arts.

 Affinity Spheres: Forces. ◼ New World Order (NWO): Custodians of social order
◼ Sons of Ether (Society of Ether): Graceful saviors of and global stability.
scientific potential.  Affinity Spheres: Mind or Data/ Correspondence.
 Affinity Spheres: Matter, Forces, or Prime. ◼ Progenitors: Innovators dedicated to the potential of
◼ Verbena: Primal devotees of rough Nature and mystic organic life.
blood.  Affinity Spheres: Life or Prime.
 Affinity Spheres: Life or Forces. ◼ Syndicate: Masters of finance, status, and the power of
◼ Virtual Adepts (Mercurial Elite): Reality-hackers wealth.
devoted to rebooting their world.  Affinity Spheres: Entropy, Mind, or Primal
 Affinity Spheres: Data/ Correspondence or Utility.
Forces. ◼ Void Engineers: Explorers and protectors of
extradimensional space.
The Disparate Crafts  Affinity Spheres: Dimensional Science,
Correspondence/ Data, or Forces.
◼ Ahl-i-Batin: Seers of Unity through Divine connection
and subtle influence.
 Affinity Spheres: Correspondence or Mind. SPHERES (see page 8 and M20 page 512)
◼ Bata’a: Inheritors of voodoo, dedicated to restoring a ◼ Correspondence: Understanding of the connections
broken world. between places, spaces, and things
 Affinity Spheres: Spirit or Life. ◼ Entropy: Study of mortality, probability, and chaos
◼ Children of Knowledge: Crowned Ones devoted to ◼ Forces: Command over elemental energies
alchemical perfection. ◼ Life: Influence over organic beings and the physical
 Affinity Sphere: Matter, Forces, Prime, or structures of living bodies
Entropy. ◼ Matter: Control of inert materials, objects, and solid
◼ Hollow Ones: Dark romantics laughing in the face of elemental structures
ruin. ◼ Mind: Influence over emotions and thoughts, including
 Affinity Sphere: Any. the ability to project consciousness from one’s physical
◼ Kopa Loei: Defenders of Nature, the Old Gods, and their body
culture. ◼ Prime: Control over primordial energies
 Affinity Sphere: Any. ◼ Spirit: Contact with Otherworldly spaces and entities;
◼ Ngoma: African High Magi, sworn to restore what’s been considered an Art by mystics and a Science by
taken from their home and people. Technocrats, though in game terms it’s all the same thing
 Affinity Spheres: Life, Mind, Prime, or Spirit. ◼ Time: Perception of, and influence over, temporal states
and time-based phenomena
◼ Orphans: Self-Awakened mages surviving in the shadows
of other sects. Technocratic Spheres
 Affinity Sphere: Any. ◼ Data: Tracing connections through information
◼ Sisters of Hippolyta: Guardians of the Sacred Feminine.
◼ Dimensional Science: Hyperphysics of alternate
 Affinity Spheres: Life or Mind.
dimensions (Spirit)
◼ Taftâni: Middle Eastern mystics shaping the gifts of
◼ Primal Utility: Employment of quantum valuation
Allah and the Arts of man.
energies (Prime)
 Affinity Spheres: Forces, Matter, Prime, or Spirit.
◼ Templar Knights: Bastions of chivalry in a corrupt age.
 Affinity Spheres: Forces, Life, Mind, or Prime. Merits
◼ Wu Lung: Preservers of heavenly wisdom, order, and (V5 page 181)
nobility. ◼ Linguistics (All)
 Affinity Sphere: Spirit, Forces, Matter, or Life. ◼ Looks (All)
◼ Archaic (All)
(H5 page 70)
The Technocratic Union
◼ Nutritionist (All)
◼ Iteration X: Perfectors of the human machine.
◼ Substance Abuse (All)
 Affinity Spheres: Forces, Matter, or Time.

(M5 page 18)

◼ Avatar Capacity
◼ Avatar Resonance
◼ Avatar Strength
◼ Bard’s Tongue
◼ Beast Affinity
◼ Curiosity
◼ Cursed
◼ Echoes
◼ Enemy
◼ Faith
◼ Bard’s Tongue
◼ Love
◼ Enemy
◼ Folklore Bane
◼ Haunted
◼ Health
◼ Lifesaver
◼ Love
◼ Memory
◼ Pain and Suffering
◼ Paradox Merits
◼ Phylactery
◼ Quickening
◼ Sect Paradigms
◼ Sight
◼ Substance Use
◼ Territorial
◼ Will
(V5 page 186)
◼ Allies (All): Sleeper associates, usually family or friends
◼ Contacts (All): The information sources you possess
◼ Fame (All): How well-known you are among sleepers
◼ Haven (All but Warding – named as ‘Safe House’): A
place to sleep safely
◼ Influence (All): Your political power within sleepers’
◼ Malwa (All – named as ‘Mentor’): A Mage or Technocrat
who advises and supports you: a mentor, patron, or
◼ Resources (All): Wealth, belongings, and income
◼ Retainer (All): Followers, guards, and servants
◼ Status (All – adapted): Your standing in Awakened
(H5 page 72)
◼ Mask (All): A false identity, complete with
(M5 page 19)
◼ Enhancement: Cybernetic or biotech improvements to
your body
◼ Haven
◼ Wonder: A Talisman, Fetish, or Device that contains its
own reality-bending power


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