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Chapter 9: 7 Types of Women to Avoid


In this chapter, Ricks discusses seven types of women that men should avoid:

1. The gold digger: This is a woman who is only interested in a man for his money. She
will often use her looks or charm to manipulate him into giving her what she wants.
2. The user: This is a woman who takes advantage of men. She may use them for their
time, money, or emotional support, without giving anything in return.
3. The manipulator: This is a woman who controls men through emotional manipulation.
She may play games, make threats, or guilt trips to get what she wants.
4. The drama queen: This is a woman who is always creating drama in her life. She may
be overly emotional, controlling, or demanding.
5. The attention seeker: This is a woman who craves attention. She may flirt with other
men, post provocative photos on social media, or make a scene in public to get attention.
6. The emotional vampire: This is a woman who drains the emotional energy of the people
around her. She may be needy, demanding, or negative.
7. The controlling woman: This is a woman who wants to control every aspect of a man's
life. She may be possessive, jealous, or critical.

Ricks warns men that these types of women can be very destructive to their relationships. He
encourages men to be aware of these red flags and to avoid getting involved with these women.

Key Terms and Concepts

• Gold digger: A woman who is only interested in a man for his money.
• User: A woman who takes advantage of men.
• Manipulator: A woman who controls men through emotional manipulation.
• Drama queen: A woman who is always creating drama in her life.
• Attention seeker: A woman who craves attention.
• Emotional vampire: A woman who drains the emotional energy of the people around
• Controlling woman: A woman who wants to control every aspect of a man's life.
Questions and Exercises

1. What are some of the red flags that a man should look for in a woman?
2. Why is it important for men to avoid getting involved with the types of women discussed
in this chapter?
3. What are some Bible verses that support the ideas presented in this chapter?
Discussion Prompts

• Discuss the different types of women discussed in this chapter. What are some of the
characteristics of each type of woman?
• Why do you think some men are attracted to these types of women?
• What advice would you give to a man who is considering getting involved with one of
these types of women?
Application Exercises

• Make a list of the qualities that you are looking for in a woman.
• Be aware of the red flags that you should look for in a woman.
• If you are in a relationship with a woman who exhibits any of the behaviors discussed in
this chapter, talk to her about it. If she is unwilling to change, it may be time to end the
Biblical References

• Proverbs 31:10-31: This passage describes the qualities of a virtuous woman.

• 1 Peter 3:1-7: This passage gives instructions to wives on how to be godly women.
• Ephesians 5:22-33: This passage teaches husbands how to love their wives.

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