Work Humanitave

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In this report, I will discuss the aim of the fundraising campaign of HUMANITAVE, the

methods employed to raise funds, the problems I faced and the solutions, as well as my
feelings and wishes during the campaign.

The fundraising campaign aimed to raise money to build water boreholes in Guinea-
Bissau, providing residents with clean water for hygiene and other purposes.

To raise funds, Mafalda, Matilde, and I worked together and decided to organize a raffle.
The item we raffled off was an air fryer. We would go to people's houses and ask them the
same question every time someone opened the door: “Would you like to buy a raffle and
have the chance of winning an air fryer? You'll be helping the people of Guinea-Bissau to
have clean water.”. Upon each purchase, we would write their name, address, and phone
number on paper. Random numbers were associated with everyone so that we could know
who won the raffle.

During our research, we chose an air fryer for the cost of 39.90 euros. When we went to
buy it, the one we had selected wasn't available, so we had to buy a more expensive one,
and we didn't have the money planned for it. This presented a fundraising challenge, as we
had to raise more than anticipated. However, we were able to accomplish our goal. Another
difficulty was that most of the houses we visited didn't open their doors or didn't want to

I felt happy to be doing work where I was going to help those in need. Nevertheless, I was
disappointed to see that some people don't care about others.

To conclude, I enjoyed raising funds for the campaign, even though I faced a few
problems because I was happy knowing that I was making a difference.

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