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CE313 The agents-in-an-environment

The common environment I have replicated with agents is a Living Room [1].


Both agents (robots [2]) are seated on sofas, watching cartoons on T.V. Pseudo code

Robot x
While (Observing the environment sitting down) { If T.V. is showing cartoons { Continue watching T.V; Else Stand up, walk to T.V., change to CARTOON NETWORK, sit back down on sofa } Continue watching T.V

CE313 Robot y
While (Observing the environment sitting down) { If T.V. is showing news { Continue watching T.V; Else Stand up, walk to T.V., change to CNN, sit back down on sofa } Continue watching T.V.

This simulation is based on using visual sensors. If different sorts of agents were to be simulated within this environment not having visual sensors, it would be very limited. If an agent were to have hearing sensors, it could be possible for them to make decisions about what they want to listen to, however the observation and decision could take much longer and could be more prone to error.

Ideal Mapping between actions Robot X cartoons watch ONLY Robot Y news watch ONLY

1. Robot senses the environment.

1. Robot senses the environment.

Using Xs sensors (eyes) it watches the TV. 2. Robot decides on next action. Once X processes what it has seen it knows it is OK with the TV programme it is currently watching and X remains seated on the sofa. 3. Robots acts on decision. X chooses to continue to watch TV programme.

Using Ys sensors (eyes) it watches the TV. 2. Robot decides on next action. Once Y processes what it has seen Y knows it is NOT OK with the TV programme. Y decides to stand up, walk up to the TV and find a news channel dedicated to news . Then Y will walk back to sofa and sit back down. 3. Robot acts on decision. Y then stands up and walks over to the TV, changes the TV channel to CNN. Then Y walks back to sofa, takes a seat and continues watching the news.

4. Robot senses environment.

Using Xs sensors (eyes) it watches the TV. 5. Robot decides on next action. Once X processes what it has seen X knows it is NOT OK with the TV programme. X decides to stand up, walk up to the TV and find a cartoon channel dedicated to cartoons . Then X will walk back to sofa and sit back down. 6. Robots acts on decision. X then stands up and walks over to the TV, changes the TV channel to Cartoon Network. Then X walks back to sofa, takes a seat and continues watching the cartoons. 1. Robot senses the environment.

4. Robot senses environment Using Ys sensors (eyes) it watches the TV. 5. Robot decides on next action. Once Y processes what it has seen it knows it is OK with the TV programme it is currently watching and Y remains seated on the sofa. 6. Robots acts on decision. Y chooses to continue to watch TV programme. 1. Robot senses the environment.

Each action 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 are happening simultaneously, and then will go back around in a loop. Mapping between states When the TV channel has been changed by robot x, robot y will perceive a brand new environment, new state, which then will lead to and action of TV channel being changed, which then will lead to robot x perceiving an new environment, hence a new state.


[1] [2] L. Sava, "How to Arrange the Furniture in the Livingroom?," 2011. "Robot."

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