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Respondents Overview

Q1 - Are you involved in writing your master's thesis during this

academic year?

0 89

Field Choice Count

MIF 15

major_unknown 12


Strat 9

DD 6


Marketing 5

Digital 4



DS 1


Total 73

GE 50
MSc 19

Q19 - Gender - Selected Choice

Field Choice Count

Female 32

Male 37

Prefer not to say 1

Respondents' Age

Q18_1 - Click to write Choice 1

Field Min Max Mean Median Standard Deviation Variance Responses Sum

Click to write Choice 1 20.00 30.00 24.58 24.00 1.82 3.30 59 1450.00

Q18_1 - Click to write Choice 1



20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30

Usage of Generative AI

Q2 - Have you used Generative AI in preparing your master's thesis?

Yes [96%, 70]

Q3 - Which Generative AI tools did you use? Q3_4_TEXT - Other

(Select all that apply) - Selected Choice (Please specify) -
67 Text
Other (Please specify) - Text

32 Quillbot

8 Assistant by
Grammarly Bard/Gemini Chat-GPT Other Copilot

Q4 - How much do you pay for all AI-tools you use for your master thesis
in total per month?

I use free plans only 28

less than $10 5

$10-$16 3

$16-$21 22

more than $21 12


Q5 - For which type of tasks did you use AI the most when writing your
thesis? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice

Optimize [60] Investigate [39] Create [31]

Q5 Matching suggested answers with initial

Q5_6_TEXT - Other (Please categories
specify) - Text
Other (Please specify) - Text
Redaction -> Optimize (added manually)
Rephrase -> Optimize (already selected)

Sentence Framing Sentence Framing -> Optimize (added manually)

Structure Structure -> Optimize (already selected)

Grammar Grammar -> Optimize (already selected)

Generate ideas Generate ideas- > Create (already selected)

mostly to paraphrase things or to improve the way i Paraphrase/Imrove -> Optimize (added manually)
wrote something
Plan -> Investigate (added manually)

Browse papers, coding -> Investigate, Create

Browse academic papers, coding
(already selected)

Q6 - For which parts of your thesis preparation did you use Generative
AI? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice
Improving language and grammar [51] Revising and editing [47] Conducting literature review [37]
Drafting introduction section [29] Formulating research questions [29] Generating thesis idea [28]
Drafting the abstract [23] Drafting conclusion section [18] Data analysis [16]
Reference and citation assistance [13] Creating data visualizations [7] Generating images [6]
Other (Please specify): [4]

Q6 - For which parts of your thesis preparation did you use Generative
AI? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice
Field Choice Count

Generating thesis idea 28

Formulating research questions 29

Conducting literature review 37

Data analysis 16

Drafting the abstract 23

Drafting introduction section 29

Drafting conclusion section 18

Improving language and grammar 51

Revising and editing 47

Reference and citation assistance 13

Creating data visualizations 7

Generating images 6

Other (Please specify): 4

Q6 Matching suggested answers with initial

Q6_15_TEXT - Other (Please categories
specify): - Text
Other (Please specify): - Text
! Methodology Ideas (introduce as new part)
Generating ideas on methodology
Summarizing documents -> Literature Review
Summarizing documents
(already selected)
Find relevant papers (ScholarGPT by ChatGPT 4) Find Relevant Papers -> Literature Review (added
Creating survey questions Creating Survey Questions -> Formulating RQ
(added manually)

Impact of Generative AI

Q7 - How would you rate the impact of Generative AI on your research

Significantly positive 27
Somewhat positive 36
Neutral 7
Somewhat negative 0
Significantly negative 0

Q8 - To what extent has Generative AI helped in improving the structure

and coherence of your thesis?
Significantly improved 20
Somewhat improved 36
No impact 13
Somewhat worsened 1
Significantly worsened 0

Q9 - Do you believe that using Generative AI has contributed to your

learning and development of new skills while working on your master’s
Yes, significantly 18
Yes, to some extent 23
Not sure 18
Not at all 9
No, it even had the opposite effect 2

Q10 - Has the use of Generative AI led to more creative or innovative

approaches in your research?
Yes, significantly 10
Yes, to some extent 29
Not sure 18
Not at all 13
No, it even had the opposite effect 0

Q11 - When was the year you submitted your bachelor’s thesis or thesis
from your previous master's (if you have two) ?
Field Choice Count

I am working on my first thesis 24

2023 7

2022 9

2021 14

2020 11

2019 5

2018 0

2017 and earlier 1

Q12 - Reflect on your bachelor’s or previous master's thesis experience.

Does using Generative AI now help you to progress faster with master’s
thesis preparation compared to your past experience? - Selected Choice
No 15
If yes, could you estimate ho ... 32

Q12_3_TEXT - If yes, could you estimate ho much faster (%) - Text

Field Min Max Mean Median Variance Responses Sum

If yes, could you estimate ho

5.0 400.0 52.3 30.0 73.3 5375.9 28 1465.0
much faster (%) - Text

Perceptions and Supervisor's View

Q13 - Are you aware that AI usage might result in academic integrity
issues regarding thesis writing?

No 11

Yes 60

Q14 - How do you ensure the academic integrity of your work when
using Generative AI? (Select all that apply) - Selected Choice



10 9
7 7

Citing the use Only using AI Manually Consulting with Systematically Other (Please
of Generative for initial drafts reviewing and my supervisor referencing specify):
AI tools or ideas editing or academic prompts sent to
AI-generated advisor AI

Q14 Matching suggested answers

Q14_8_TEXT - Other (Please specify): - Text with initial categories
Other (Please specify): - Text

Use Grammarly only to correct mistakes in initial text. This ensures that - Grammarly correcting mistakes is
is used as a proofing tool and does not give rise to plagiarism not the case of generative AI (???)
- Formatting tool is not the case of
Using AI as a formatting tool generative AI (???)
-> initial draft or ideas (added
I only use it either to generate initial ideas/brainstorm or to optimize the manually)
writing for a text I have drafted

-> manually reviewing amd editing

i rewrite what it gives me, and it’s just some sentences here and there.
(already selected)
not asking chat gpt to write my thesis

Only for advanced paper research, data processing, data visualization - Lena, think about it. Are those
based on my research ideas and coding assistance. No writing or points not included in potential
layout performed by AI except introduction Iexcept intro academic integrity threats?

only use it for correction and grammer - not the case of generative AI (???)

Q15 - Was your thesis Q17 - Did your supervisor support

supervisor aware of your use of the use of Generative AI in your
Generative AI? thesis preparation?
35 35 47
20 21
0 0
Yes No Not discussed Yes No

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