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"Good afternoon, I'm very happy to see you all again. For those who don't know me, my name is Flor and
we're going to learn together all year. Also, I'd like to know: "How were your holidays? Are you excited to

I'll tell you some important things about our class:

- First, we'll talk in English all the class.

- You can bring snacks and drinks, but we won't take a break.
- Ask me anything if you're confused.
- We'll talk about homework and how we'll stay in touch. You'll each get a folder for your work and a
space to write down questions. We'll also have a WhatsApp group where I'll send homework and
extra stuff.
- Remember to practice at home too! Let's have fun learning together!"

"Let's start by looking at my presentation."

"Everybody, look at the board! Do you know what day it is? Today, we're talking about 'All About Me.' I'll
write some sentences with blanks. Let's fill them in together!."

-Hello! My name is …

-My birthday is on …

-My zodiac sign is…

-My pet is…

-It is…

-My moto is…

Fun facts about you

-I love…

-I hate…


-Remember to motivate students to speak by providing positive feedback consistently in English." ("Nice
work! I like how you're trying new vocabulary.","Fantastic! You're really getting the hang of it.","Keep it up!
You're making progress every day.")




PRE WATCHING: “"Do you enjoy watching TV series? If so, which ones do you like? Can you name a few?
Today, I have some screenshots from different series. Can you guess the name of each one if I show you the
pictures? We won't have sound, just the video."
WHILE WATCHING: "We'll watch the video together, and the first time, I want you to tell me what they are
doing. Then, we'll watch it again, and this time, we'll write down some greetings. After that, we'll share
what we wrote."


POST WATCHING:"Okay, in groups, I want you to imagine different situations and tell me how you would
greet various individuals. Think about how you would greet your partners, your mother, your significant
other, your dog, Queen Elizabeth, a baby, a little girl, your niece, and so on. Feel free to use the internet for
inspiration. After that, we'll act out these greetings."


"This lesson plan's just getting started! Catch you later!ha ha Bye!"

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