DR Jekyll

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Dr . Jekyll and Mr.

A gothic novella by Scottish author Robert L. Stevenson
A scientist torn apart by his 2 separate sides
Tortured by conflicting sides
Unbearable ; the clash between two sides
Remorse ; to feel bad about smt one did wrong

Upright the good side

Jekyll develops a potion (a drug) to allow him to separate the good and evil
aspects of his personality. He will not feel remorse or guilt therefore.. but
Mr. Hyde, his evil counterpart murders Dr.Jekyll . Mr.Hyde can exist only
from now on.
Jekyll is in every way a gentleman, but just beneath the surface there lay
desires that remain unspoken; he is the very personification of the
dichotomy between outward gentility and inward lust.

Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalyst- neurologist

Explanation of the 3 functions of the mind/psyche

The ego : the realistic side – rational- ordered sturctured part of our mind ;
it is in the world, the ego is the part of us that we show the world and are
aware – conscious of ; social normal – the surface function of our mind –
Tries to balance between the id and the superego (anxiety)
The id : completely unconscious, Freud called it the ‘pleasure principle’
because all it wants is to satisfy its instinctual needs ; our drives- our
passions our desires our biological needs. It is both sexual and also violent,
it is irrational, powerful, has no organization no logic. The id is dark, it is
hidden- has no shame. It has no social or cultural compass. No inhibition.
The superego ; is the critical moralizing part of our mind. It is the pointing
finger.. it wants perfection , it wants to suppress the id. It wants to suppress
fantasies, and passions. The superego punishes with feelings of guilt.

Gollum : Gollum can be seen to represent the id in Freudian terms.

Dr . Jekyll represents our ego and sometimes our superego and again in
Freudian terms Mr.Hyde could be representing the id of the human psyche .

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