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Press Statement

The Mid-Atlantic Association of Career Schools (MAACS) has been monitoring recent public stories on
Pittsburgh Technical College (PTC) and reports of its financial condition, accreditation status, and risk for
closure. Founded in 1946, PTC has been a successful technical career school for many decades, and has
positively served countless thousands of students and employers in the Pittsburgh Region.

PTC was a longstanding member of MAACS until 2018. Although we cannot comment on what happened
to its fiscal condition or accreditation status after that time, we hope the stories being reported on its
potential risk of closure do not come to fruition. However, if closure does occur, its imperative students
know the resources available to them and are protected in the process.

“If the public reports about potential closure do become reality, it is vital that Allegheny County, the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Middle States Commission on Higher Education, and other education
institutions work together to do everything they can to protect the interests of students currently
enrolled at PTC.” Says Aaron Shenck – Executive Director of MAACS

MAACS has reviewed technical and trade programs at other higher education institutions in the
Pittsburgh Region. Below are the institutions identified so far that have at least one program aligned to
an existing PTC Program. There may also be other institutions not yet identified for this list. We cannot
assure transferability of all credits, but we believe these institutions would do their best to work with
individual students to help them transition their educational pathway with as little disruption as possible.

All State Career School - Pittsburgh Bidwell Training Center

Community College Of Allegheny County Community Kitchen Pittsburgh
Douglas Education Center Laurel Technical & Business Institutes
New Castle School Of Trades Penn Commercial Business/Technical School
Pittsburgh School Of Massage Therapy Rosedale Technical College
Triangle Tech

“Should PTC close, MAACS and some of our member schools in the Pittsburgh area have expressed
interest in providing assistance or guidance to students at PTC who may have questions, regardless of
whether the student intends to go to one of our institutions or not. Students looking for assistance may
email their questions to” Says Mr. Shenck
Finally, if for whatever reason a student cannot find an alternative education provider that satisfies their
goals, MAACS would also like students to know they may be eligible for federal student loan forgiveness
through the: Closed School Loan Discharge Form

Mid-Atlantic Association of Career Schools

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