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The skeletal system is made up of bones and cartilage.

There are two types of connective tissues called tendons

and ligaments that are also considered a part of the
system. Ligaments connect bones to bones whereas
tendons connect bones to muscles.

The two main parts of the skeletal system, as mentioned

above, are bones and cartilage.


There are 206 bones in the body which form more than
200 joints with each other. They are classified into two
broad categories based on location:

Axial skeleton: These bones are found towards the

midline of the body and include the skull, the rib cage,
and the vertebral column.

The appendicular skeleton: These bones are found in the

appendages such as arms, legs fingers, and toes.

1. Long Bones:
 Femur (thigh bone)

 Humerus (upper arm bone)

 Tibia (shin bone)

2. Short Bones:
 Carpals (bones of the wrist)
 Tarsals (bones of the ankle)
 Patella (kneecap)

3. Flat Bones:
 Scapula (shoulder blade)

 Sternum (breastbone)

 Cranial bones (such as the parietal bone)

4. Irregular Bones:
 Vertebrae (bones of the spinal column)

 Pelvis (hip bone)

 Facial bones (such as the mandible)

5. Sesamoid Bones:
 Patella (kneecap)

 Pisiform (small bone in the wrist)

 Hallux sesamoids (sesamoid bones under the

big toe)
 Free Upper Extremities:

 Arm

 Forearm

 Hand

 Fingers

 Free Lower Extremities:

 Thigh

 Leg

 Foot

 Toes

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