مرشحات الامتحان التنافسي 2024

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‫ علم اللغة‬2025-2024 ‫مرشحات االمتحان التنافسي‬

F.R. Palmer Semantics

1. Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of …
A. Grammatical categories
B. B. Meaning
C. Context.
D. Society
2. Semantics was firstly introduced in a paper read to the American Philology in
A. 1984
B. B. 1986
C. C. 1990.
D. D. 2000
3. Philology is a traditional terms which stands for …
A. Synchronic linguistic
B. B. Meaning
C. C. Pragmatics
D. D. language history
4. One of the most famous books in semantics is the ‘meaning of meaning’ by …
A. Palmer
B. B. Yule
C. C. C.K. Odgen
D. D. Quirk
5. Signifier or signified refers to language as an information system or a message
associating meaning. This is done by …
A. Chomsky
B. Gofman.
C. Levinson
D. Saussure
6. Competence is a term used in linguistic theory referring to …
A. Speaker’s knowledge of his/her language
B. B. Concrete objects
C. C. Performance
D. D. none of them
7. Sentence meaning stands for …
A. Rules of grammar
B. Lexicon
C. Graphemes
D. All of them
8. Utterances refer to secondary aspects especially those that refer to …
A. Text.
B. Context.
C. Textual traces
D. Sounds
9. Denotation in semantics means …
A. Communal association
B. B. Hidden meaning
C. C. Explicit meaning
D. D. Literal meaning
10. ……… in 1933 Offered a solution that ‘the word is a minimum free form.’
A. Bloomfield.
B. B. Henry Sweet
C. C. Russell
D. D. De Saussure
11.Ellipsis is the …
A. Substitution
B. B. Omission
C. C. Reference
D. D. Pro-formation
12. Context of situation is a term introduced by two scholars …
A. De Saussure and Chomsky
B. B. Sacks and Scheglof
C. C. Leech and Short
D. D. Milanowski and Firth
13.Collocation is a field theory introduced by Trier and Firth and then Porzig (1934)
which refers to …
A. Habitual co-occurrence
B. literal meaning
C. Connotation
D. Syntagmatic relations
14. Polysemy is a term used to mean …
A. The same word with different meanings
B. Same meaning
C. Opposite meaning
D. Components
15. Kiprasky (1971) defined presupposition as …
A. Constant under negation
B. Implicature
C. deep structure
D. Surface structure
Goerge Yule the study of language
16. Etymology is the study of …
A. Borrowing
B. Origin and History of a word
C. Joining
D. Blending
17. ……… is a word formation process that refers to a change in function of a word
as for example when a noun comes to be used as a verb.
A. Clipping
B. Back-formation
C. Acronyms
D. Conversion
18. Descriptive approach is used to describe …
A. Derivation
B. B. Morphology
C. C. the facts of linguistic usage as they are
D. Rules of correction
19.Recursion in syntax refers to …
A. Repeatable any number of items
C. Prescriptive approach
D. Gender
20. Associative meaning covers the …
A. Connotation
B. Denotative meaning
C. Conceptual meaning.
D. Meaning
21.Agent stands for …
A. The one or thing that performs an action
B. Theme
C. Affected.
D. None of them
22.Gradable antonyms are a type of antonyms that can be used in …
A. Comparable construction like big and small
B. Hyponymy
C. Synonymy
D. Conversion
23. Non-gradable antonyms are also called complementary pairs which ….
A. Used in comparable adjectives
B. Do not used in comparable adjectives
C. Inclusion.
D. None of them
24. ………. Is defined when the meaning of one word is included in the meaning of
the other.
A. Hyponymy
B. B. Acronym
C. Polysemy
D. Gradable
25. When two words have the same pronunciation but different meaning …
A. Homonyms
B. Polysemy
C. Homophones
D. None of them
26. ……… is the study of what speakers mean or the study of what speakers mean
by their utterances.
A. Semantics
B. B. Pragmatics
C. C. Discourse analysis
D. D. Sociolinguistics
27.………… is the physical location that influences our interpretation
A. Co-text
B. Linguistic context
C. Utterance
D. Physical context
28. Deixis comes from Greece which means
A. Referring back
B. Pointing via object
C. Speech
D. Writing
29. ………… is an additional information used by the listener to create connection
between what is said and what is written
A. Anaphora
B. Cataphora
C. Inference .
D. None of them
30.…………. Is what a speaker or writer assumes is true by the reader or listener
A. Presupposition
B. Speech acts
C. Reference
D. Inference
31. Speech acts can be defined as …
A. Direct meaning
B. Indirect meaning
C. Interaction
D. Action performed by a speaker with an utterance
Peter Roach Phonetics and Phonology
32. Any particular occurrence of sound segment that is used by a speaker in words
may be referred to as …
A. Phone
B. Minimal Pair
C. Phonotactic
D. Phoneme
33.Auditory phonetics may also refer to as …
A. Articulatory phonetics
B. Acoustic phonetics
C. Perceptual phonetics.
D. None of them
34. The study of the structure and systematic patterning of sounds in a particular
language is ….
A. Phonetics
B. Phonology
C. Linguistics
D. Phonotactics
35.The terms form and function are related to …
A. Phonetics and phonology
B. Consonants
C. Vowels
D. all of the above
36. The concept that two allophones of one phoneme might occur within similar
context is known as …
A. Phonotactics
B. Free variation
C. Complementary distribution
D. Minimal pairs
37. The concept that two allophones of one phoneme have no environment or context
in common is known as …
A. Phonetics
B. B. Free variation
C. Complementary distribution
D. Minimal pairs
38. If we want to transcribe as much details as possible, we would use …
A. Analphabetic
B. Phonemic transcription
C. Phonetic transcription
D. Broad transcription.
39. Broad transcription can also be called …
A. Analphabetic transcription
B. Phonemic transcription
C. Phonetic transcription
D. Citation-form transcription
40. Within the unstressed syllables, vowel reduction can occur. The reduced vowel
commonly assumes which quality?
A. A vowel that has a lower articulation
B. A diphthong quality
C. The schwa vowel
D. The vowel is not articulated at all
41.Which of the following is a voiced post-dorsal velar nasal ?
A. /g/
B. /n/
C. /ŋ /
D. /h/
42.Which of the approximants can serve as a syllable consonants ?
A. /l/
B. /w/
C. /r/
D. /j/
Quirk University Grammar of English
43.……….. is by far the most frequent kind of object, and it must always be present
if there is an indirect object in the sentence.
A. Indirect object
B. Direct object
C. Subject Complement
D. Object complement
44. When verbs will not admit the progressive, they are called …
A. Stative
B. Dynamic
C. Intensive
D. Extensive
45. The set of closed-system items (articles, conjunctions, pronouns, demonstratives,
prepositions) are closed in the sense that …
A. New items can be added B. Involve creation of new words C. they cannot be
normally extended by the creation of additional members D. None of them
Note: Open-class items are open because they are extendable (new words can be
added which is called coinage in the word formation processes)
46. Many English verbs have …….. forms
A. Three
47. Concord means …
A. Non-agreement B. Contrast C. Verb phrase D. Agreement between the subject and
the verb
48. ……….. this kind of subjunctive categories has the indicator of that-clause
which lacks the property of concord between the subject and the finite verb
A. Mandative subjunctive
B. Formulaic subjunctive
C. The subjunctive were
D. hypothetical subject
49. ‘I will write as soon as I can.’ The modal auxiliary ‘will’ here indicates …
A. Prediction
B. Insistence
C. Intention
D. Possibility
50. ‘The road may be blocked’ the modal auxiliary ‘may’ shows …
A. Possibility
B. Capability
C. Willingness
D. Intention
51.Involves the change of vowel in the middle of the noun to make it plural …
A. En-Plural
B. Generic plural
C. Mutation
D. Zero Plural
52. ……these differ from other nouns in taking as pronoun substitute either singular
(it) or plural (they) without change of number in the noun.
A. Personal dual gender
B. Generic nouns
C. C. Higher organisms
D. Collective nouns
53. The most typical semantic role of a subject is ……….. the animate being
instigating or causing the happening denoted by the verb (John opened the door)
A. Agentive
B. Theme
C. Current attribute
D. Resulting attribute
54. I have found you a place. ‘YOU’ is the
A. Direct object
B. B. Recipient
C. Affected
D. Effected
55. ‘He turned traitor or he became restless’ has the semantic role of …
A. Affected Effected
B. Resulting attribute
C. Current attribute
D. Effected
56. ‘The avalanche destroyed several houses’ indicates ……..
A. Instrument
B. Agent
C. Actor
D. Affected
57. The pencil was lying on the table. THE PENCIL IS ……
A. Instrument
B. Affected
C. Effected
D. Agent
58. The path is swarming with ants…. the semantic role of the PATH is
A. Locative
B. Place
C. Time
D. None of the
59. The concert is on Thursday. The subject ‘concert’ has the semantic role that of …
A. Temporal
B. Spatial
C. Eventive
D. Empty
60. A Subject may lack the semantic content altogether, and consists only the
meaningless word ‘it’ ……….
A. Eventive
B. Empty
C. Locative
D. None of them
61. The most important type of CONCORD in English is that of …..
A. Number
B. Gender
C. Aspect
D. Case

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