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Health Related Laws in the Philippines country.

• It strengthened the establishment of Philippine
Health related laws focusses on common Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care. 4. The Philippines AIDS Prevention and Control Act
concerns, trends and issues of adolescents in [PITAHC] RA no. 8504
the country. • Promote public awareness about the causes, modes
of transmissions, consequences, means of prevention
It is important to be knowledgeable with the
3. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive and control of HIV/AIDS through comprehensive
policies that embody our rights as citizens of Health Act educational information and campaigns.
the country. RA no.10354 • Instituting information and educational programs.
• Provides universal access to methods on • Establishing HIV/AIDS monitoring system.
1. The Consumer Act of the Philippines RA no.7394. • Strengthening the Philippines National AIDS Council
contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and
•This Act stated the regulation of product and services [PNAC].
maternal care.
being sold and offered in the country
• It also concerns on the eradication of sexually
transmitted disease and other sex-related diseases,
It has three main objectives: 5. The National Blood Services Act of 1994
particularly AIDS.
a. Protect the interest of the consumer, RA no. 7719
b. Promote general welfare, and • Promotes and encourages voluntary blood donation
Four Pillars of R.A. 10354
c. Establish standard of conduct for business and by the citizenry and to instill public consciousness of the
industry. principle that blood donation is a humanitarian act.
a. Informed choice - effective and quality reproductive
healthcare services, which ethically and medically safe,
2. The Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act legal, accessible and affordable.
6. The Cybercrime Prevention act of 2012
[TAMA] RA no. 10175
RA no.8423 b. Respect for life - recognizes that abortion is illegal
• This act aims to advocate traditional medicine and the and punishable by law.
• Mandates the prohibition of cybersex, child
production of alternative medicines from certain herbs pornography, unsolicited commercial communications,
that are proven safe, effective, and affordable. c. Birth control - a provisions that the government must
and computer-related identity theft.
• This Act stated that there are more than 2000 respect the individual preferences and choices of family
available medicinal plants where some were planning method.
scientifically proven safe and effective. Significance of Health-Related Laws in Safeguarding
• This Act stated the regulation on the improvement of d. Responsible parenthood- equip parents with needed People’s Health
quality and delivery of health care services in the information in all aspect of family life and reproductive


- To safeguard means to protect people’s health, well- sufficient time between pregnancies to self-sustaining community with fewer
being, and human rights, and enable them to live free recover from the strain of children. problems, like juvenile delinquency. The
from harm, abuse, and neglect. Taking a two-to three-year interval for community will be a healthy place to
delivery helps a mother to recover and live in with more land, open spaces
LAW SIGNIFICANCE regain health. It gives her the freedom between houses, playground,
The the people against hazards, deceptive to have children only when she wants sanitation, and less pollution.
Consumer and unfair sales acts and practices. them and only when she is ready for • For the country, and the world
Act of the The policy mandates for information them. With the rapid growth of population in
Philippines dissemination and education to the country and the world, resources
(RA 7394) facilitate sound choice and proper • For the children are being used more rapidly. By
exercise of consumer rights. Through family planning, the children observing family planning for
Traditional Provides for the improvement of quality get quality time and attention from community, the use of resources can be
and and delivery of healthcare services in their parents and provide their basic reduced and sanitation control would
Alternative the country through the development needs. Also parents can provide them be effective. There would be fewer
Medicine Act of traditional and alternative healthcare with a good education. More countries suffering from starvation
of 1997 (RA and its integration into the national importantly, children will be showered brought about by population explosion.
8423) healthcare system. with love.
Responsible • For married couples • For the father The The act provides education and
Parenthood Family planning is a preparation for Family planning helps the father Philippine information dissemination in various
and responsible parenthood. When a couple shoulder his responsibility. It also AIDS institutions and agencies, safe practices
Reproductive agrees to practice this, they will only lightens the burden in supporting his Prevention and procedures (testing, screening, and
Health Act have the number of children they can family as there are only a few to and Control counseling) monitoring of cases with
(RA 10354) afford to support. Therefore, there will support. It gives his family a better Act of 1998 confidentiality, and programs for anti-
be no unwanted pregnancy for the home, education, and good future, thus, (RA 8504) discriminatory act (in workplace,
couple. They will still have enough time keeping the family happy and hospitals, and other public institutions).
to enjoy each other’s company without contented.
having too many children to attend to. National a) blood collection units and blood
• For the community Blood banks/centers to operate on a
• For the mother Family planning improves the economic Services Act non-profit basis.
Family planning helps the mother and social status of the community. It of 1994(RA b) ensures the safety of all
maintain good health and gives her can provide a peaceful, orderly, and 7719) activities related to the


collection, storage and banking feel have been aggrieved

of blood. with conduct, products
c) informs the public of the need and services.
for voluntary blood donation to Department of Justice acts a focal agency in
curb the hazards caused by the (DOJ) formulating and
commercial sale of blood. implementing law
Cybercrime Punishes content-related offenses such enforcement investigation
Prevention as cybersex, child pornography and libel and prosecution strategies
Act of 2012 which may be committed through a in curbing cybercrime and
(RA 10175) computer system. cyber-related offense
Securities and Exchange - assures sound standard
Commission (SEC) for financial performance
What government agencies are tasked to implement and
enforce the law?


Department of Trade and - advances consumer
Industry (DTI) rights and welfare
Department of - promote agricultural
Agriculture (DA) development
Department of Health - promotes quality health
(DOH) services
Department of Education - ensures consumer
(DepEd) education and information

Bureau of Food and Drugs - enforces laws and

(BFAD regulations relating to
Bangko Sentral ng - provides an effective
Pilipinas (BSP) redress mechanism to
financial consumers who

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