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Course: Biodiversity Conservation Course Code: WEtM2102 ECTS credit: - 4

Frist Test: Weight: - 25% Time Allowed: 1hr

Target Candidate: Regular Students (2nd year, 1nd Semester) April/26/2021

Name________________________________________ ID No ______________

Signature ______________________________________

Instruction I. Choose the best answer from the given alternative and write the answer in
bold letter within the provided space (1.5 point each)

_______1. Parts of the earth’s where air, water, and soil found in is known as

A. Community B. Biosphere
C. Ecosystem D. B and C E. All

______2. From the hierarchical indicators of Biodiversity, which is/are structural genetic

A. Heterozygosity B. Inbreeding C. Allelic diversity D. All

______3. A person who advocates or practices the sensible and careful use of natural
resources is known as_________

A. Conservationist B. Preservationist C. Environmentalist D. Ecologist

______4. Among parts of terrestrial ecosystem which one is characterized by grass and sedges

A. Tundra B. Boreal forest

C. Temperate forest D. A and B

______5. Biodiversity is the variety of life in all its forms, it implies that

A. Biodiversity includes plants, invertebrate, animals, fungi, bacteria, and

other microorganisms,
B. Biodiversity include biomes (bioregional), landscape, ecosystem, species,
population, individual and genes.
C. Biodiversity is variability among living organisms from all sorts of
D. Biodiversity refers to the quality, range or extent of differences between
biological entities in a given set.

_____6. From the given, which is/are a Composition indicator in the Community-Ecosystem
diversity of biological diversity?

A. Patch dynamics B. Species richness C. Habitat attributes D. None

Instruction II. Fill in the blank space provided (1 point each)

1.__________________________is the variety of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems found in

an area or on the earth.

2. _____________________________is sequence of organisms, each of which serves as a

source of food for the next.
3. __________________________refers to A group of organisms that are known to recognize
one another as potential mates.

4. __________________________ is known by hot summers, cool winters, rain of plentiful

and long growing season.

Instruction III. Match each the following inclined Idea (1 Pts each)


1. Founder effect A. Extreme reduction in population size

2. Homozygous B. Both alleles in an individual are the same

3. Heterozygous C. Geographic isolation +reproductive isolation

4. Allopatric speciation D. Reproductive isolation of parent species from hybrid

5. Sympatric speciation E. Two different alleles present individuals for gene

Instruction IV. Write short Answer

1. Differentiate, Allopatric and Sympatric speciation (2 pts)

2. List down the determinant factor for Evolutionary Processes (3 pts)
3. List and describe at least 4 levels of Organization for Biological Diversity (2pts)

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