Answer Key de Exam - 4 - Review

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Name:__________________________________ Schedule:_________________
A. Circle the correct answer.
1. (does/is/ did/ are) your father making dinner?
2.- (Do/did/is/was/are) you go to the concert last night?
3.-How (is/am/do/does /are) you make encocado?
4.-What time (does/are/be/do/is) your friends get to school?
5. (Is/are/does/are/was) your friend speak French?
B. Circle the correct answer.
a)Where______________ she play basketball?
Is does do are
b) What time____________the movie start?
Do is does was
c)How much is______________?
Those this ones that one these
d) Where____________last weekend?
Are you went do you go did you go
e) __________do you go to Quicentro?
How often How well How long
C. Answer the following questions
a) How well do you play soccer?
I play soccer pretty well. I don´t play it well. I play about average.
b) How often do you watch TV? I usually watch TV. I watch tv everyday.
c) What are you reading right now?
I am reading a secret garden book.
d)What time do you usually go to bed?
I usually go to bed around 10:00. I usually stay up unti midnight.
D) Complete the sentences using the words bellow

a) I___usually ______visit my grandparents, just once or twice a week.

b)I don’t play volleyball very_much ___. I prefer playing soccer
c)I____almost____always take my bike to the university, but It was raining yesterday so
my father drove me.
d) ___sometimes ______I order pizza from pizza Hut. Other times I order from Papa Johns
e) Sam___hardly ever______does his homework after dinner, but yesterday he finished
E. Circle the correct word or phrase
1. A: How (much /a little/many/any) parking is there in this part of the city?
B: There isn’t (any/one/none/much) here.
There is one parking lot (any /between/some/ on) the grocery store and the bank.
2. A: Is there much pollution in the city?
B: Yeah, there (is/are/be/aren’t) a lot. Most people in Los Angeles drive everywhere.
3. A: Is there a museum in this area?
B: No, there is (none/any/many/one) in this area.
F. Complete the gaps with do make get take go and town places ( use the correct tense
1. My friends and I took a trip to Cuenca last summer
2. I like to go to the shopping mall to find new fashions.
3. Sometimes I need to take vacation from work.
4. On the weekend, I can have a lot of fun.
5. I get my mail at the post office
6. During the week, I do my homework.
7. I’m going to the grocery store to buy some food.
8. I always go to the café internet to check my email.
9. I wash my clothes at the laundromat
10. I don’t like to make phone calls.
11. On weekends, I DO the laundry at home. I don’t go to a laundromat
12. My father always buy the newspaper at the corner ON THE NEWSSTAND
13. My sister GOES online to buy her favorite clothes.
14. Robert MAKES some interesting videos for the cinema class and he always gets an A.
G. Write the answer using the following quantifiers(much, any, a few, none, etc)
a) Are there a few schools in your area?
Yes, there are a lot of schools
b)Are there many parking lots near the Olympic Stadium?
Yes. There are a few …
c)How much money do you have?
I have a lot/ a little. I am broke.
d) How much noise is there in your neighborhood?
There is a lot/ a little/ There isn’t much ……
e) Are there any good hotels in this part of the city?
Yes. There are only few good hotels in this city.
H. Complete the following conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs.
A: What did you____do on your vacation last month?
B: I went to Santo Domingo with my family. We visited my aunt and uncle.
A: How long___were you there?
B: We ____were there for a week.
A: Did you__have a good time?
B: Yes, We___had a great time! I didn´t want, to return to work.
I. Write the questions for each answer
1. Are there many parks around here?
Yes, there are many. It is a good area for families with small children.
2. Did you see the Liga game last week?
No, I didn’t see the Liga game last week.
3. Is it any dangerous in this part of the city?
No, it’s a very safe neighborhood.
4. Did you visit Igapirca?
Yes, we visited Ingapirca. I t was amazing!
5. Are there any / many Mexican restaurants in this shopping center?
Yes, there are a few. My favorite is Taconazo
Writing: In one paragraph describe your last weekend or your last vacation. Where
did you go? Who did you spend time

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