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Premature Physeal Closure

Following Distal Tibia Physeal Fractures
A New Radiographic Predictor
Adam Barmada, MD, Tracey Gaynor, MA, and Scott J. Mubarak, MD

mature physeal closure (PPC) in distal tibia physeal fractures

Abstract: The incidence and predictors of premature physeal clo- has been reported as low as 2% to 5%.2,15 Factors proposed as
sure (PPC) after pediatric distal tibial fractures were investigated.
influencing rates of growth disturbances include fracture type
PPC was defined as evidence of growth plate disturbance on the in-
jured side compared with the uninjured side. Ninety-two fractures and location, displacement, energy of injury, quality of reduc-
were reviewed with at least 1 year of follow-up, or until physiologic tion, number of reduction attempts, and method of treat-
closure of the growth plates. Twenty-five fractures (27.2%) were ment.1,2,7–9,20,21 Salter-Harris (SH) type I and II fractures have
complicated by PPC, as confirmed by CT scan in most cases. Salter- been considered low-risk injuries.20,23 The importance of ana-
Harris III and IV (medial malleolar type) fractures resulted in the tomic reduction to decrease the potential of future growth dis-
highest percentage of PPC by fracture type (38%). Salter-Harris I and turbances has been debated.7,16,21 Several authors have sug-
II fractures resulted in PPC in 36% of cases, followed by triplane gested that growth disturbances in distal tibia SH II fractures
fractures (21%) and Tillaux fractures (0%). Initial displacement,
may be more common than previously realized.9,21 Interposi-
number of reduction attempts, or treatment method did not signifi-
tion of periosteum and other soft tissues is occasionally re-
cantly affect the incidence of PPC. More anatomic reductions resulted
in a statistically significant decrease in PPC rates. Residual physeal sponsible for creating a block to reduction in these injuries.8,23
gap (>3 mm) following reduction was determined from radiographs Researchers have found that periosteum folded into a physeal
in Salter-Harris I and II fractures. If a residual gap was seen on the defect in sheep results in physeal growth arrest.24 Others dis-
radiograph, the incidence of PPC increased to 60%; if no gap was covered that periosteum after fractures could form bone, car-
present, the incidence decreased to 17%. Open reduction was per- tilage, or fibrous tissue, cause resorption of bone, and lead to
formed in five Salter-Harris II fractures that had a residual gap. Peri- increased rates of growth plate disturbances in rat models.5,18
osteum was entrapped in the physis in all of these cases. Residual gaps This theory has not been demonstrated in humans.
in the physis following closed reduction may represent entrapped Medial malleolar (SH III and IV) fractures have resulted
periosteum in Salter-Harris I and II fractures. This can lead to a higher in higher complication rates. Consequently, anatomic reduc-
incidence of PPC, suggesting that open reduction and removal of the
tion is recommended for preservation of the physis and the
entrapped periosteum may be beneficial.
articular surface.1,8,9,20,21,23 Triplane (SH IV) and Tillaux (SH
Key Words: distal tibia fracture, physeal closure, growth plate, peri- III) fractures occur closer to skeletal maturity, and PPC has not
osteum, pediatric ankle been considered a problem. Anatomic reduction in these inju-
(J Pediatr Orthop 2003;23:733–739) ries is recommended for articular surface congruity.

P hyseal fractures of the distal tibia represent a significant

percentage of long bone physeal injuries, second only to
distal radius physeal fractures.11,12,16,23 The incidence of pre-
The records of 92 patients treated for distal tibia physeal
fractures at San Diego Children’s Hospital between 1991 and
2000 were reviewed. All were treated by one of six pediatric
Study conducted at Children’s Hospital and Health Center, San Diego, Cali-
fornia. orthopaedic surgeons. We recorded gender, age, and mecha-
From Portland Bone & Joint Center, LLC, Portland, Oregon (Dr Barmada) and nism of injury. Initial injury radiographs were categorized ac-
Children’s Hospital and Health Center, San Diego, California (Ms Gaynor, cording to a modification of the SH classification (Fig. 1). Ini-
Dr Mubarak). tial fracture displacement was recorded in millimeters, mea-
Supported by the Children’s Hospital-San Diego Orthopedic Research and
suring the largest displacement between the epiphysis and
Education Fund.
Reprints: Scott J. Mubarak, MD, 3030 Children’s Way, Suite 410, San Diego, metaphysis on the AP or lateral radiograph. The categories of
CA 92123 (e-mail: treatment were closed reduction and casting, closed reduction
Copyright © 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. and percutaneous pinning (CRPP), and open reduction internal

J Pediatr Orthop • Volume 23, Number 6, November/December 2003 733

Barmada et al J Pediatr Orthop • Volume 23, Number 6, November/December 2003

FIGURE 1. Modified SH fracture classification. A: SH II (AP/lateral views). B: Medial malleolar fractures: SH III (left) and SH IV (right).
C: Triplane (SH IV). D: Tillaux (SH III).

fixation (ORIF). Closed treatment was commonly performed (5.4%), baseball (4.3%), and indeterminate cause (17.3%).
under conscious sedation in the emergency department. Pa- Follow-up averaged 12 months (range 1–66 months). The
tients were instructed to be non-weight-bearing and were overall PPC rate across all fracture types was 27.2% (including
placed in a long-leg cast for 4 weeks, followed by short-leg Tillaux fractures). PPC was diagnosed at a mean of 7 months
casting and weight-bearing as tolerated for another 2 to 3 after injury (range 2–12 months). Sixteen of the 25 patients
weeks. If open reduction was performed, any interposed peri- (64%) with PPC underwent a subsequent operation for short-
osteum was noted. Fixation was obtained with percutaneous ening, angular deformity, or a high potential for either because
pins across the physis or screws parallel to the physis. Pins of remaining growth. Two of the four triplane injuries in which
were typically smooth 0.062 Kirschner wires that were re- PPC developed underwent tibia and fibula epiphysiodesis on
moved after 4 weeks. The number of reduction attempts was the injured side only.
Postreduction radiographs were measured for residual
displacement in millimeters using the method described Fracture Types
above. Residual physeal gap was recorded for SH I and II frac- We identified eight (8.5%) medial malleolar (SH III and
tures. Gap was identified as positive if the physis was widened IV) injuries, with an average age of 12.6 years. Six of the in-
more than 3 mm on a standard AP or lateral radiograph (Fig. 2). juries underwent ORIF. PPC occurred in three (38%). This in-
Patients were followed for 1 year or until physiologic closure crease in PPC rate was significant (P = 0.04) compared with
of the physis. Ankle radiographs, including contralateral films, other fracture types. Nineteen triplane fractures (21%) were
were evaluated for physeal closure and CT scans were ob- identified, 15 of which were treated with ORIF. Average age
tained in most cases to further delineate size and location of was 14.0 years. PPC occurred in four (21%). Fourteen Tillaux
any physeal bar. Any evidence of shortening or angular defor- fractures were identified, 11 of which were treated with ORIF.
mity was recorded. Subsequent operations performed second- Average age was 14.8 years. PPC was not evident in any case.
ary to PPC, usually bar excision or epiphysiodesis, were docu- Associated fibula fractures were present in 44 (47.8%) cases.
mented. Fixation of the fibula, with Kirschner wires or screw, was per-
Statistical analysis was performed by dividing patients formed in 11% of these cases. One case of fibula PPC was
into PPC or non-physeal closure groups. ␹2 analysis and documented (2.3% PPC rate).
ANOVA were used for each variable as appropriate. The 45 SH II fractures accounted for the majority of in-
juries (48.9%). Six (6.5%) SH I injuries were identified, with
RESULTS four resulting in PPC. Since the fracture type, patient age, and
Ninety-two fractures were included (61 boys, 31 girls). mechanism of these injuries were similar, these two fracture
Forty-six of the fractures were left-sided and 46 were right- types were combined. Radiographs were available for 44 of the
sided. The most common cause of injury was nonspecific fall 51 SH I and II fractures. Treatment consisted of ORIF for 9,
(25%), followed by skateboard accidents (16.3%), motor ve- CRPP for 9, and closed treatment for 26. Average age in this
hicle accidents (12%), football (12%), soccer (7.6%), biking group was 12.1 years. PPC occurred in 36% (Fig. 3).

734 © 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

J Pediatr Orthop • Volume 23, Number 6, November/December 2003 Premature Physeal Closure After Tibial Fracture

FIGURE 2. Radiographs of SH II distal tibia fracture before (A) and after (B) closed reduction. Note the residual physeal gap after

SH I/II Injuries were retrospectively found to have a residual gap prior to sur-
Fractures that were positive for PPC had an average ini- gery. All five had interposed periosteum removed from the
tial displacement of 7.5 mm versus 7.9 mm for the group with- physis at the time of surgery (Fig. 4). None of these five pa-
out PPC (P = 0.86). The incidence of PPC with initial displace- tients went on to develop PPC.
ment of at least 5 mm (31%) was not significantly different
from the incidence of PPC with initial displacement less than 5 DISCUSSION
mm (42%) (P = 0.51) The number of reduction attempts Previous reports have found low complication rates with
ranged from zero to four. There was no difference in incidence SH I and II fractures. Pacicca et al showed one “physeal dis-
of PPC based on the number of reduction attempts (P = 0.54). turbance” in 38 SH I and II fractures.15 Their overall incidence
Of the 16 cases complicated by PPC, 69% were treated by of physeal disturbance was 5%, much lower than ours. This
closed methods, 19% were treated by CRPP, and 12% were could be due to shorter follow-up, as fractures were “followed
treated by ORIF. This difference did not reach significance (P to union.” In our series fractures were followed for 1 year on
= 0.55). The average residual displacement after treatment of average, as many have recommended.1,8,21 Pacicca et al found
the positive PPC group was significantly greater (3.1 mm) than that the quality of reduction did not appear to correlate with
the group without PPC (1.4 mm) (P < 0.001). The incidence of physeal disturbance, contrary to our findings.
PPC in patients with a residual displacement of at least 2 mm Spiegel et al grouped 184 fractures into low-risk, high-
was 73% (11/15 patients), whereas the incidence of PPC in risk, and unpredictable categories based on the rate of compli-
patients with a residual displacement of less than 2 mm was cations, which included PPC, shortening, joint incongruity,
18% (5/28 patients) (P = 0.001). and angular deformity.21 The overall complication rate was
Twenty of the fractures were positive for gap. All gaps 14.1%. It is difficult to know whether shortening or angular
were found anteriorly or medially. The presence of a gap was deformity was a result of PPC in most of their cases. Low-risk
associated with a 60% PPC rate; if no gap was found, the PPC injuries included all fibula fractures, SH I distal tibia fractures,
rate was 17% (P = 0.003). This represents a 3.5-fold increased and SH III and IV fractures with less than 2 mm of displace-
risk. Nine patients were treated with open reduction after failed ment. High-risk injuries included SH III and IV fractures with
closed reduction. The reason was inadequate reduction in six 2 mm or more of displacement and triplane and Tillaux frac-
patients and evidence of extensor retinaculum syndrome (as tures. The unpredictable group included only SH II fractures.
described by Mubarak14) in three patients. Five of the nine They concluded that prognosis was related to the quality of

© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 735

Barmada et al J Pediatr Orthop • Volume 23, Number 6, November/December 2003

FIGURE 3. Flow chart for SH I and II fractures. Gap is defined as a physis widened ⱖ3 mm on postreduction AP or lateral
radiographs. *The operative report for this patient made no mention of entrapped periosteum or other tissue. †This patient was
treated for compartment syndrome and later developed osteomyelitis.

reduction, consistent with our findings. According to our data, Historically, triplane and Tillaux fractures have been
the presence of a residual physeal gap in these injuries may treated based on displacement at the articular surface. Due to
predict a higher rate of PPC (Fig. 5). We did not find SH I limited growth remaining, PPC has not been considered a sig-
fractures to be low-risk injuries, although our number of cases nificant problem. We found a PPC rate of 21% in triplane in-
in this category was small (n = 6). This low incidence could be
related to the difficulty in diagnosing minimally or nondis-
placed SH I injuries.
Kling et al reviewed 65 distal tibia physeal fractures.9
The incidence of PPC could not be determined because half of
these fractures were referred for growth plate closures. They
concluded that medial malleolar (SH III and IV) fractures, and
“perhaps type II” fractures, commonly result in growth distur-
bances. They suggested that anatomic reduction of the physis
by open or closed methods decreases the incidence of these
growth disturbances. We agree, and also found SH III and IV
medial malleolar fractures to result in the highest incidence of
growth problems.
Cass et al found that 9 of 18 medial malleolar (SH IV)
fractures resulted in partial growth arrest.1 They stressed the
importance of distinguishing SH IV injuries from SH III inju-
ries by obtaining oblique radiographs. They noted the diffi-
culty of identifying the small metaphyseal fragment in many
SH IV medial malleolar injuries. SH III and IV medial malleo-
lar fractures were categorized in the same group because of FIGURE 4. Periosteum interposed in the physis with subse-
their similarity and are treated similarly at our institution. quent residual gap.

736 © 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

J Pediatr Orthop • Volume 23, Number 6, November/December 2003 Premature Physeal Closure After Tibial Fracture

FIGURE 5. Ankle fracture in a 12-year-old boy. A: Initial injury PA radiograph showing SH II fracture of the distal tibia. B: Initial
injury lateral radiograph. C: After closed reduction and casting; note the residual gap seen medially on the AP radiograph. D: The
residual gap is also seen anteriorly on the lateral radiograph. E: Nine months after injury, the AP radiograph shows partial PPC
centrally. F: The closure is also noted centrally on the lateral radiograph. Due to older bone age and limited remaining growth
potential, subsequent surgery was not necessary.

juries, half of which received a subsequent operation. At in- for growth plate disturbances. Tillaux fractures never resulted
jury, the average age of boys was 14.6 years; that of girls was in PPC and can be followed to union. At injury, the average age
12.7 years. We recommend careful follow-up of these injuries of boys was 15.5 years; that of girls was 13.1 years. Our op-

© 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 737

Barmada et al J Pediatr Orthop • Volume 23, Number 6, November/December 2003

erative indication is consistent with most authors: more than 2 tion and significant growth disturbances compared with frac-
mm of displacement at the articular surface.3,8,19,22 tures with intact physes.4,18 We believe that the residual phy-
Some have suggested that PPC results from the trauma to seal gap seen after reduction attempts in SH I and II fractures
the physis at the time of injury.2 The presence of larger initial represents interposed periosteum in most cases. Phan et al sug-
displacement or physeal crush (SH V) injury may lead one to gested that physeal widening may indicate the presence of ro-
infer a higher-energy injury, more significant injury to sur- tational deformity.17 However, they noted a poor correlation
rounding tissues and blood supply, and therefore a higher PPC between physeal widening and rotational deformity at follow-
rate. We did not identify any SH V injuries and were not able to up. Kling et al stated, “any residual gap between the fractured
support this hypothesis. physeal edges may result in a partial growth arrest.”9 Our re-
Repeated reduction attempts are contraindicated secondary sults showed a 3.5-fold increase in the PPC rate if a gap was
to additional physeal damage. We did not find a relationship be- present on the postreduction film in SH I and II fractures. Open
tween the number of reduction attempts and PPC rates. However, reduction and removal of interposed periosteum may decrease
we recognize the difficulty of defining and documenting each “re- the incidence of PPC (Fig. 6).
duction attempt” with a retrospective review. We limit the num- The overall incidence of PPC following distal tibia phy-
ber of closed reduction attempts to two prior to open reduction. seal fractures in this series was 32%. This excludes Tillaux
Studies in animal models have shown that periosteum fractures, which never resulted in PPC and should be treated
interposed into fractured physes results in physeal bar forma- based on articular incongruity. Over half (64%) of patients

FIGURE 6. Another ankle fracture in a 12-year-old boy. A: Initial injury PA radiograph showing a SH II distal tibia fracture with
associated fibula fracture. B: Initial injury lateral radiograph. C: After closed reduction and casting; note the residual gap seen
medially on the AP radiograph. D: The gap is also noted anteriorly on the lateral radiograph. E: AP radiograph after open
reduction, removal of interposed periosteum, and pin fixation. F: Lateral radiograph after open reduction and fixation; no gap is
seen. G: Twelve months after injury, the physis remains open on the AP radiograph. H: The lateral radiograph also shows a normal

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J Pediatr Orthop • Volume 23, Number 6, November/December 2003 Premature Physeal Closure After Tibial Fracture

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