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Prémios de I&D do Iscte

Atribuição dos Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

Gabinete de Apoio à Investigação

Janeiro de 2023

1. Dados dos Ponderadores por UI – 2023 -------------- 2

bru _iscte --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
cei _iscte -------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
cies _iscte -------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
cis _iscte --------------------------------------------------------------------- 82
cria _iscte ------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
dinâmia’cet _iscte -------------------------------------------------------- 117
istar _iscte ------------------------------------------------------------------ 128
it _iscte --------------------------------------------------------------------- 140

2. Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023 por UI --------------- 153

3. Revistas identificadas como predatórias --------- 155

Prémios de I&D do Iscte

Atribuição dos Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

Caracterização dos dados

A folha Impacto reúne a lista de publicações exportada do Ciência-IUL a 2 de novembro de 2023. Foram contabilizadas as
1 publicações do tipo artigos científicos ou de revisão, indexadas na Scopus da Elsevier e classificadas em revistas do primeiro
quartil do Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR) no ano atual. Foi confirmada a filiação ao Iscte dos autores da UI. Foram excluídas as
publicações de revistas consideradas predatórias segundo os Predatory Reports ( consultados em
novembro de 2023.
A folha Executado traduz o montante do financiamento 2018-2022 de investigação executado pela UI. Foi considerada a
2 totalidade das verbas de I&D obtidas externas ao Iscte quer em projetos nacionais, internacionais e prestações de serviço
publicadas nos relatórios de atividades do Iscte, excluindo verbas internas de I&D do Iscte e montantes para o estímulo ao
emprego científico.

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 82946 2022 Barros, V., Falcão, P. F. & Sarmento, J. M. (2022). Are more sustainable firms able to operate with 7 Q1 11,03 0,63 0
lower working capital requirements?. Finance Research Letters. 46-B

BRU 90371 2022 Noivo, M. A., Dias, Á. & Jiménez-Caballero, J. L. (2022). Connecting the dots between battlefield 1 Q1 3,29 0,30 0
tourism and creative tourism: the case of the Peninsular War in Portugal. Journal of Heritage
Tourism. 17 (6), 648-668

BRU 83974 2022 Emanuel-Correia, R., Duarte, F., Gama, A. & Augusto, M. (2022). Does peer-to-peer crowdfunding 4 Q1 11,03 0,36 0
boost refugee entrepreneurs?. Finance Research Letters. 46-A

BRU 86793 2022 Gomes, M., Marques, S. & Dias, Á. (2022). The impact of digital influencers’ characteristics on 17 Q1 4,26 3,99 3
purchase intention of fashion products. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing . 13 (3), 187-204

BRU 85002 2022 Loureiro, S. M. C., Roschk, H., Ali, F. & Friedmann, E. (2022). Cognitive image, mental imagery, and 10 Q1 12,18 0,82 0
responses (CI-MI-R): Mediation and moderation effects. Journal of Travel Research. 61 (4), 903-920

BRU 83983 2022 Wang, X., Ferreira, F. & Chang, C. (2022). Multi-objective competency-based approach to project 4 Q1 6,39 0,63 0
scheduling and staff assignment: case study of an internal audit project. Socio-Economic Planning
Sciences. 81

BRU 86802 2022 Gupta, V., Rubalcaba, L., Gupta, C. & Pereira, L. (2022). Library social networking sites for fostering 10 Q1 3,18 3,14 3
startup business globalization through strategic partnerships. Journal of Academic Librarianship.
48 (6)

BRU 88082 2022 Santos, A. & Mendonça, S. (2022). The small world of innovation studies: an “editormetrics” 2 Q1 3,71 0,54 0
perspective. Scientometrics. 127 (12), 7471-7486

BRU 88083 2022 Santos, A. & Mendonça, S. (2022). Do papers (really) match journals’ “aims and scope”? A 1 Q1 3,71 0,27 0
computational assessment of innovation studies. Scientometrics. 127 (12), 7449-7470

BRU 85012 2022 Rodrigues, A., Loureiro, S. M. C. & Prayag, G. (2022). The wow effect and behavioral intentions of 7 Q1 5,94 1,18 1
tourists to astrotourism experiences: Mediating effects of satisfaction. International Journal of
Tourism Research. 24 (3), 362-375


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 88084 2022 Mendonça, S., Damásio, B., Freitas, L. C. de, Oliveira, L., Cichy, M. & Nicita, A. (2022). The rise of 13 Q1 6,46 2,01 2
5G technologies and systems: A quantitative analysis of knowledge production.
Telecommunication Policy. 46 (4)

BRU 91412 2022 Japutra, A., Loureiro, S. M. C., Li, T., Bilro, R. G. & Han, H. (2022). Luxury tourism: where we go 0 Q1 5,47 0,00 0
from now?. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 27 (8), 871-890

BRU 85014 2022 Jiménez-Barreto, J., Loureiro, S. M. C., Rubio, N. & Romero, J. (2022). Service brand coolness in the 14 Q1 12,40 1,13 1
construction of brand loyalty: A self-presentation theory approach. Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services . 65

BRU 83735 2022 Estevão, J., Lopes, J. D. & Penela, D. (2022). The importance of the business environment for the 10 Q1 13,64 0,73 0
informal economy: Evidence from the Doing Business ranking. Technological Forecasting and Social
Change. 174

BRU 89373 2022 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2022). You’re so good-looking and wise, my powerful leaders! When 4 Q1 5,05 0,79 0
deference becomes flattery in employee-authority relations. Personnel Review. N/A

BRU 93215 2022 Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2022). The heterogeneous effect of governance 1 Q1 7,80 0,13 0
mechanisms on zero-leverage phenomenon across financial systems. Corporate Governance. 22
(1), 67-88

BRU 93216 2022 Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2022). Capital structure speed of adjustment 4 Q1 8,01 0,50 0
heterogeneity across zero leverage and leveraged European firms. Research in International
Business and Finance. 62

BRU 89635 2022 Silva, G. M., Dias, Á. & Rodrigues, M. S. (2022). Continuity of use of food delivery apps: An 7 Q1 5,91 1,18 1
integrated approach to the health belief model and the technology readiness and acceptance
model. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 8 (3)

87336 2022 Amorim, I. P. de, Guerreiro, J., Eloy, S. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2022). How augmented reality media 10 Q1 12,00 0,83 0
richness influences consumer behaviour: A study in a real-world retail environment. International
Journal of Consumer Studies. 46 (6), 2351-2366

BRU 91688 2022 Alves, D. , Alves, P., Carvalho, L. & Pais, C. (2022). Cash holdings: International evidence. The 0 Q1 2,70 0,00 0
Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 26


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 81454 2022 Zeng, W. L., Ma, S., Callan, V. J. & Wu, L. (2022). Exploring the doctor-patient relationship as a 8 Q1 4,54 1,76 1
challenge job demand: application of the job demands–resources model in a Chinese public
hospital. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 27 (8), 1661-1671

BRU 78897 2022 Rego, A., Vitória, A., Ribeiro, T., Ribeiro, L., Lourenço-Gil, R., Leal, S....Cunha, M. P. e. (2022). 2 Q1 6,70 0,30 0
Attitudes and HRM decisions toward older workers in Africa: Exploring contradictions through an
empirical study. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 33 (3), 594-621

BRU 85553 2022 Curto, J. & Serrasqueiro, P. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on S&P500 sector indices and 16 Q1 11,03 1,45 1
FATANG stocks volatility: An expanded APARCH model. Finance Research Letters. 46

BRU 90931 2022 Vieira, F., Ferreira, F., Govindan, K., Ferreira, N. & Banaitis, A. (2022). Measuring urban 9 Q1 10,32 0,87 0
digitalization using cognitive mapping and the best worst method (BWM). Technology in Society.

BRU 78644 2022 Pinheiro, J., Lages, L. F., Silva, G. M., Dias, Á. & Preto, M. T. (2022). Effects of absorptive capacity 15 Q1 4,68 3,21 3
and innovation spillover on manufacturing flexibility. International Journal of Productivity and
Performance Management. 71 (5), 1786-1809

BRU 82484 2022 Costa, S., Daher, P., Neves, P. & Velez, M. J. (2022). The interplay between ethical leadership and 10 Q1 5,33 1,88 1
supervisor organizational embodiment on organizational identification and extra-role
performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 31 (2), 214-225

BRU 82999 2022 Bilro, R.G., Loureiro, S. M. C. & Dos Santos, J. F. (2022). Masstige strategies on social media: The 26 Q1 12,00 2,17 2
influence on sentiments and attitude toward the brand. International Journal of Consumer Studies.
46 (4), 1113-1126

BRU 91447 2022 Weck. M., Gelashvili, T., Pappel, I. & Ferreira, F. (2022). Supporting collaboration and knowledge 1 Q1 4,02 0,25 0
sharing in building SLEs for ageing well: Using cognitive mapping in KMS design. Knowledge
Management Research and Practice. 20 (6), 865-877

BRU 90946 2022 Vicente, P. & Suleman, A. (2022). COVID-19 in Europe: From outbreak to vaccination. BMC Public 4 Q1 4,49 0,89 0
Health . 22

BRU 86089 2022 de Mello-Sampayo, F. (2022). On the timing and probability of presurgical teledermatology: how it 1 Q1 4,15 0,24 0
becomes the dominant strategy. Health Care Management Science. 25 (3), 389-405


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 82508 2022 Ferreira-Lopes, A., Linhares, P., Martins, L. F. & Sequeira, T. N. (2022). Quantitative easing and 2 Q1 6,42 0,31 0
economic growth in Japan: A meta-analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys. 36 (1), 235-268

BRU 79183 2022 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J. & Han, H. (2022). Past, present, and future of pro-environmental 67 Q1 13,72 4,88 3
behavior in tourism and hospitality: a text-mining approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30 (1),

BRU 95567 2022 Mendonça, S., Damásio, B., Santiago, F., Chen, M., Santos, A. B., Cunha, M. P....Nicita, A. (2022). 0 Q1 2,90 0,00 0
Strategic encounters in innovation and regulation: Healthcare transformation in the era of digital
connectivity. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11 (12), 3114-3117

BRU 73040 2022 Rodrigues, J., Ferreira, F., Pereira, L., Carayannis, E. & Ferreira, J. (2022). Banking digitalization: 11 Q1 5,04 2,18 2
(re)thinking strategies and trends using problem structuring methods. IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management. 69 (4), 1517-1531

BRU 90963 2022 Chakma, B., Gomes, D., Filipe, P. A., Soares, P., Sousa, B. De & Nunes, C. (2022). A temporal 1 Q1 4,49 0,22 0
analysis on patient and health service delays in pulmonary tuberculosis in Portugal: Inter
and intra‑regional differences and in(equalities) between gender and age. BMC Public Health . 22
BRU 72279 2022 Monteiro, S., Almeida, L. S., Gomes, C. & Sinval, J. (2022). Employability profiles of higher 26 Q1 5,20 5,00 3
education graduates: a person-oriented approach. Studies in Higher Education. 47 (3), 499-512

BRU 89945 2022 Montani, F., Sommovigo, V., Torres, T., Courcy, F., Ferreira, M. C., Mendonça, H....Junça Silva, A. 0 Q1 5,27 0,00 0
(2022). When do innovators flourish? The role of interpersonal goals in the relationship between
innovative work behavior and flourishing. Personality and Individual Differences. 199

BRU 84830 2022 Junça-Silva, A. & Silva, D. (2022). How is the life without unicorns? A within-individual study on the 10 Q1 5,27 1,90 1
relationship between uncertainty and mental health indicators: The moderating role of
neuroticism. Personality and Individual Differences. 188

BRU 81247 2022 Vaz, A., Ferreira, F., Pereira, L., Correia, R. & Banaitis, A. (2022). Strategic visualization: the (real) 19 Q1 5,39 3,53 3
usefulness of cognitive mapping in smart city conceptualization. Management Decision. 60 (4), 916-

BRU 81508 2022 Abrantes, A., Passos, A. M., Cunha, M. P. & Santos, C. M. (2022). Getting the knack for team- 11 Q1 4,75 2,32 2
improvised adaptation: The role of reflexivity and team mental model similarity. Journal of Applied
Behavioral Science. 58 (2), 281-315


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 91748 2022 Conceição, A., Picoito, C. & Major, M. (2022). Implementing an hospital accreditation programme 0 Q1 2,44 0,00 0
in a context of NPM reforms: Pressures and conflicting logics. Public Money and Management. N/A

BRU 87397 2022 Javier D. Donna, Pereira, P., Tiago Pires & André Trindade (2022). Measuring the Welfare of 1 Q1 5,64 0,18 0
Intermediaries. Management Science. N/A

83558 2022 Brochado, A., Dionísio, J., Leal, M. do C., Bouchet, A. & Conceição, H. (2022). Organizing sports 1 Q1 4,08 0,25 0
events: The promoters’ perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 37 (6), 1291-

BRU 63336 2022 Petruzzi, M., Sheppard, V. & Marques, C. (2022). Positioning Airbnb and Fairbnb in the sharing- 3 Q1 10,23 0,29 0
exchange continuum . Current Issues in Tourism. 25 (19), 3106-3109

BRU 83820 2022 Jovanović, V., Joshanloo, M., Martín-Carbonell, M., Caudek, C., Espejo, B., Checa, I....Żemojtel- 10 Q1 5,15 1,94 1
Piotrowska, M. (2022). Measurement Invariance of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience
Across 13 Countries. Assessment. 29 (7), 1507-1521

BRU 90220 2022 Mendes, A., Ferreira, F., Kannan, D., Ferreira, N. & Correia, R. (2022). A BWM approach to 13 Q1 11,90 1,09 1
determinants of sustainable entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of
Cleaner Production. 371

BRU 88942 2022 Dias, Á. & Azambuja, T. (2022). Fostering destination creativity through tourism lifestyle 0 Q1 1,71 0,00 0
entrepreneurship: Exploring the moderating effect of financial orientation. Creativity Studies. 15
(2), 420-434

BRU + CEI 89970 2022 Barakat, L. L., Pedersen, T., Amaral-Baptista, M., Cretoiu, S. B. & Bento, P. (2022). Too much of two 0 Q1 4,63 0,00 0
good things: Explicating the limited complementarity between drivers of MNC Headquarters’
absorptive capacity. Management International Review. 63 (3), 393-426

BRU 90745 2022 Gonçalves, B., Pires, R., Ferreira, A. S., Marques, J. G., Paulino, M. & Henriques-Calado, J. (2022). 1 Q1 2,56 0,39 0
Maladaptive personality traits in depressive and substance use disorders: A study with the PID-5.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 63 (2), 136-143

BRU 81276 2022 Li, G., Ma, S., Wang, G., Wen, X & Zhang, Y. (2022). Relationship between workplace ostracism and 7 Q1 4,54 1,54 1
turnover intention among nurses: the sequential mediating effects of emotional labor and nurse-
patient relationship. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 27 (7), 1596-1601


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 85884 2022 Rodrigues, A., Ferreira, F., Teixeira, F. & Zopounidis, C. (2022). Artificial intelligence, digital 29 Q1 8,01 3,62 3
transformation and cybersecurity in the banking sector: A multi-stakeholder cognition-driven
framework. Research in International Business and Finance. 60

BRU 89212 2022 Sarquis, R., Santos, A. Dos, Lourenço, I. & Braunbeck, G. O. (2022). The impact of the adoption of 2 Q1 2,12 0,94 0
IFRS 11 on the comparability of accounting information. Accounting and Business Research. 52 (6),

BRU 87422 2022 Barbosa, L., Rodrigues, A. & Sardinha, A. (2022). Optimal price subsidies under uncertainty. 3 Q1 7,16 0,42 0
European Journal of Operational Research . 303 (1), 471-479

BRU 87426 2022 Gato, M., Dias, Á., Pereira, L., Lopes da Costa, R. & Gonçalves, R. (2022). Marketing communication 7 Q1 5,91 1,18 1
and creative tourism: An analysis of the local destination management organization. Journal of
Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 8 (1)

BRU 85892 2022 Alves, S. A., Sinval, J., Neto, L. L., Marôco, J., Ferreira, A. G. & Oliveira, P. (2022). Burnout and 18 Q1 3,89 4,63 3
dropout intention in medical students: The protective role of academic engagement. BMC Medical
Education. 22 (1)

BRU 87428 2022 Dutra, T. M., Dias, J. C. & Teixeira, J. C. A. (2022). Measuring financial cycles: Empirical evidence for 3 Q1 4,77 0,63 0
Germany, United Kingdom and United States of America. International Review of Economics and
Finance. 79, 599-630

BRU 84357 2022 Duran, H. E. & Ferreira-Lopes, A. (2022). The revival of the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle and 3 Q1 8,01 0,37 0
moderation of capital flows after the Global Financial Crisis (2008/09). Research in International
Business and Finance. 60

BRU 85125 2022 Martins, L. F. & Rodrigues, P. (2022). Tests for segmented cointegration: An application to US 0 Q1 2,55 0,00 0
governments budgets. Empirical Economics. 63 (2), 567-600

BRU 82054 2022 Lopes, A. I. & Penela, D. (2022). From little seeds to a big tree: A far-reaching assessment of the 6 Q1 5,14 1,17 1
Integrated reporting stream. Meditari Accountancy Research. 30 (6), 1514-1542

CIES + BRU89478 2022 Rodrigues, A. C., Carvalho, H., Caetano, António & Santos, S. C. (2022). Micro-firms way to 4 Q1 13,44 0,30 0
succeed: How owners manage people. Journal of Business Research. 150, 237-248


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 73863 2022 Simões, N. & Crespo, N. (2022). On the measurement of scientific leadership. Journal of 2 Q1 2,95 0,68 0
Information Science. 48 (1), 131-138

87944 2022 Suleman, F., Duarte, H., Brewster, C. & Suleman, A. (2022). Compensation policies and 0 Q1 3,00 0,00 0
comparative capitalisms. European Journal of Industrial Relations. 28 (4), 405-425

BRU 91788 2022 Pache Durán, M., Nevado Gil, T., Carvalho, L. C. & Paiva, I. (2022). Dissemination of responsible 0 Q1 0,69 0,00 0
information in sport through websites. Transinformação. 34

BRU 82061 2022 Ma, S., Zeng, W. L., Borges, A., Xu, Y. & Zhang, J. (2022). Emotional well-being in COVID-19 mass 3 Q1 3,53 0,85 0
quarantine: the role of personal response and life activity: a 14-day diary study in China.
Psychology and Health. 37 (10), 1200-1222

BRU 83085 2022 Chua, B.-L., Al-Ansi, A., Han, H., Loureiro, S. M. C. & Guerreiro, J. (2022). An examination of the 15 Q1 12,18 1,23 1
influence of emotional solidarity on value cocreation with international muslim travelers. Journal
of Travel Research. 61 (7), 1573-1598

BRU 67989 2022 Bicho, M., Nikolaeva, R., Ferreira, F. & Lages, C. (2022). Perceived success of hybrid 6 Q1 6,47 0,93 0
microorganisations in a contested category. Journal of Small Business Management. 60 (4), 859-

BRU 84636 2022 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2022). Family, work, collegial, and emotional influences on problem- 1 Q1 4,75 0,21 0
focused voice behaviors. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 58 (3), 393-416

BRU 84383 2022 Viana, D. B. C., Jr., Lourenço, I. & Ervin Lynn Black (2022). Does national ethical judgement matter 5 Q1 5,21 0,96 0
for earnings management?. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 13 (2), 519-

BRU 93600 2022 Campos, S., Dias, J. G., Teixeira, M. S. & Correia, R. J. (2022). The link between intellectual capital 19 Q1 7,95 2,39 2
and business performance: A mediation chain approach. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 23 (2), 401-

BRU 84641 2022 Barrios, J., Bianchi, P., Isidro, H. & Nanda, D. (2022). Boards of a feather: Homophily in foreign 4 Q1 4,77 0,84 0
director appointments around the world. Journal of Accounting Research. 60 (4), 1293-1335


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 93601 2022 Correia, R. J., Teixeira, M. S. & Dias, J. G. (2022). Dynamic capabilities: Antecedents and 7 Q1 4,68 1,50 1
implications for firms' performance. International Journal of Productivity and Performance
Management. 71 (8), 3270-3292

BRU 86437 2022 Simpson, A. V., Rego, J., Berti, M., Clegg, S. & Cunha, M. P. (2022). Theorizing compassionate 7 Q1 3,89 1,80 1
leadership from the case of Jacinda Ardern: Legitimacy, paradox and resource conservation.
Leadership. 18 (3), 337-358

BRU 86439 2022 Cunha, M. P., Simpson, A. V., Rego, J. & Clegg, S. (2022). Non-naïve organizational positivity 3 Q1 4,01 0,75 0
through a generative paradox pedagogy. Management Learning. 53 (1), 15-32

BRU 86440 2022 Clegg, S., Cunha, M. P., Rego, J. & Berti, M. (2022). Speaking truth to power: The academic as jester 1 Q1 4,01 0,25 0
stimulating management learning. Management Learning. 53 (3), 547-565

BRU 86441 2022 Rego, J., Cunha, M. P. & Giustiniano, L. (2022). Are relationally transparent leaders more receptive 4 Q1 8,11 0,49 0
to the relational transparency of others? An authentic dialog perspective. Journal of Business
Ethics. 180 (2), 695-709

BRU 86443 2022 Cunha, M. P., Soares Leitão, M. J., Clegg, S., Hernández-Linares, R., Moasa, H., Randerson, 3 Q1 3,94 0,76 0
K....Rego, J. (2022). Cognition, emotion and action: persistent sources of parent–offspring
paradoxes in the family business. Journal of Family Business Management. 12 (4), 729-749

BRU 72622 2022 Tselykh, A., Vasilev, V., Tselykh, L. & Ferreira, F. (2022). Influence control method on directed 2 Q1 4,51 0,44 0
weighted signed graphs with deterministic causality. Annals of Operations Research. 311 (2), 1281-

BRU 88751 2022 Rahim, A., Katz, J., Ma, Z., Yilmaz, H., Lassleben, H., Rahman, S....Yee, C. L. M. (2022). The 0 Q1 3,66 0,00 0
three–way interactions of gender, supervisor’s gender, and country on the strategies for managing
conflict of millennials: An exploratory study in 10 countries. International Journal of Conflict
Management. 33 (5), 762-781
BRU 67763 2022 Marques, F., Ferreira, F., Zopounidis, C. & Banaitis, A. (2022). A system dynamics-based approach 11 Q1 4,51 2,44 2
to determinants of family business growth. Annals of Operations Research. 311 (2), 799-819

91834 2022 Mohsin, A., Brochado, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2022). Mind the gap: A critical reflection on hotel 7 Q1 12,23 0,57 0
employee turnover. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. N/A


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

85436 2022 Campino, J., Brochado, A. & Rosa, A. (2022). Initial coin offerings (ICOs): Why do they succeed?. 8 Q1 7,59 1,05 1
Financial Innovation. 8 (1)

BRU 87230 2022 Cabral, I. da C., Ribeiro, P. P. & Nicolau, J. (2022). Changes in inflation compensation and oil prices: 0 Q1 2,55 0,00 0
short-term and long-term dynamics. Empirical Economics. 62 (2), 581-603

BRU 87743 2022 Batini, N., Di Serio, M., Fragetta, M., Melina, G. & Waldron, A. (2022). Building back better: How 5 Q1 6,78 0,74 0
big are green spending multipliers?. Ecological Economics. 193

BRU 86209 2022 Matos, L., Água, J., Sinval, J., Park, C. L., Indart, M. J. & Leal, I. (2022). Assessing meaning violations 0 Q1 3,93 0,00 0
in Syrian refugees: A mixed-methods cross-cultural adaptation of the GMVS-ArabV. Journal of
Traumatic Stress. 35 (4), 1201-1214

BRU 92101 2022 Junça Silva, A., Silva, D. & Caetano, A. (2022). How daily positive affect increases students' mental 1 Q1 4,45 0,22 0
health, in mandatory quarantine, through daily engagement: The moderating role of self-
leadership. Heliyon. 8 (12)

BRU 83401 2022 Murcia, N., Ferreira, F. & Ferreira, J. (2022). Enhancing strategic management using a “quantified 6 Q1 13,64 0,44 0
VRIO”: adding value with the MCDA approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 174

BRU 85193 2022 Dias, Á., Cunha, I., Pereira, L., Lopes da Costa, R. & Gonçalves, R. (2022). Revisiting small- and 26 Q1 5,91 4,40 3
medium-sized enterprises’ innovation and resilience during COVID-19: The tourism sector. Journal
of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 8 (1)

BRU 85451 2022 Santos, M. R. C. & Laureano, R. M. S. (2022). COVID-19-related studies of nonprofit management: 13 Q1 3,04 4,28 3
A critical review and research agenda. Voluntas. 33 (5), 936-951

BRU 82124 2022 Ferreira, F., Spahr, R., Sunderman, M., Govindan, K. & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2022). Urban 16 Q1 7,16 2,23 2
blight remediation strategies subject to seasonal constraints. European Journal of Operational
Research . 296 (1), 277-288

BRU 90832 2022 Nascimento, J. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2022). The PSICHE framework for sustainable consumption and 3 Q1 7,16 0,42 0
future research directions. EuroMed Journal of Business. N/A


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BRU 81874 2022 Weck, M., Humala, I., Tamminen, P. & Ferreira, F. (2022). Knowledge management visualisation in 5 Q1 5,39 0,93 0
regional innovation system collaborative decision-making. Management Decision. 60 (4), 1017-

BRU + CIES93395 2022 Ferreira, A. I., Braun, T., Carvalho, H., Abrantes, A. C. M. & Sydow, J. (2022). Networking to death: 0 Q1 6,58 0,00 0
On the dark side of start-ups’ external networking. International Journal of Entrepreneurial
Behaviour and Research. 28 (9), 289-310

BRU 86742 2022 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2022). Pandemic fears, family interference with work, and 8 Q1 4,14 1,93 1
organizational citizenship behavior: Buffering role of work-related goal congruence. European
Management Review. 19 (3), 508-523

BRU 93398 2022 Costa Ferreira, P. A. N., Ferreira, A. I., Da Veiga Simão, A. M., Prada, R., Paulino, A. P. & Rodrigues, 1 Q1 2,40 0,42 0
R. (2022). Self-regulated learning and working memory determine problem-solving accuracy in
math. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 25 (6)

BRU 83160 2022 Ribeiro, N., Duarte, A. P., Filipe, R. & David, R. (2022). Does authentic leadership stimulate 8 Q1 5,21 1,54 1
organizational citizenship behaviors?: the importance of affective commitment as a mediator.
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 13 (2), 320-340

BRU 89048 2022 Jacinto, G., Filipe, P. A. & Braumann, C. A. (2022). Weighted maximum likelihood estimation for 0 Q1 2,45 0,00 0
individual growth models. Optimization. 71 (11), 3295-3311

BRU 83676 2022 Ferreira, J., Fernandes, C. & Ferreira, F. (2022). What makes organizations unique? Looking inside 2 Q1 13,44 0,15 0
the box. Journal of Business Research. 139, 664-674

BRU 94175 2022 Godinho, M. A., Liaw, S.- T.,, Kanjo, C., Marin, H. F., Martins, H. & Quintana, Y. (2022). Digital 2 Q1 7,23 0,28 0
vaccine passports and digital health diplomacy: An online model WHO simulation. Journal of the
American Medical Informatics Association. 30 (4), 712-717

BRU 85985 2022 Castaldi, C. & Mendonça, S. (2022). Regions and trademarks: Research opportunities and policy 16 Q1 5,31 3,01 3
insights from leveraging trademarks in regional innovation studies. Regional Studies. 56 (2), 177-

BRU 86754 2022 Dias, Á., Cascais, E., Pereira, L., Lopes da Costa, R. & Gonçalves, R. (2022). Lifestyle 8 Q1 5,94 1,35 1
entrepreneurship innovation and self-efficacy: Exploring the direct and indirect effects of
marshaling. International Journal of Tourism Research. 24 (3), 443-455


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BRU 93410 2022 Pereira, N., Costa Ferreira, P. A. N., Veiga Simão, A. M., Cardoso, A., Barros, A l., Marques Pinto, 1 Q1 2,40 0,42 0
A....Carvalhal, S. (2022). “It is typical of teenagers”: When teachers morally disengage from
cyberbullying. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 25 (2)

BRU 88548 2022 Khan, K. I., Mata, M. N., Martins, J., Nasir, A., Dantas, R. M., Correia, A. B....Saghir, U. S. (2022). 36 Q1 3,37 10,68 3
Impediments of green finance adoption system: Linking economy and environment. Emerging
Science Journal. 6 (2), 217-237

BRU 91877 2022 Borralho, J., Hernández-Linares, R., Gallardo-Vázquez, D. & Paiva, I. (2022). Environmental, social 8 Q1 11,90 0,67 0
and governance disclosure’s impacts on earnings management: Family versus non-family firms.
Journal of Cleaner Production. 379 (1)

BRU 81896 2022 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2022). Perceived organizational politics and quitting plans: an 10 Q1 5,39 1,86 1
examination of the buffering roles of relational and organizational resources. Management
Decision. 60 (1), 4-26

BRU 81386 2022 Brito, R. P. & Judice, P. (2022). Asset classification under the IFRS 9 framework for the construction 2 Q1 4,56 0,44 0
of a banking investment portfolio. International Transactions of Operations Research. 29 (4), 2618-

BRU 88042 2022 Oliveira, P. M., Guerreiro, J. & Rita, P. (2022). Neuroscience research in consumer behavior: A 10 Q1 12,00 0,83 0
review and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 46 (5), 2041-2067

BRU 90860 2022 Checa, I., Di Marco, D. & Bohórquez, M. R. (2022). Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction with 0 Q1 3,46 0,00 0
Life Scale by sexual orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 51 (6), 2891-2897

BRU 81133 2022 Davcik, N., Langaro, D., Jevons, C. & Nascimento, R. (2022). Non-sponsored brand-related user- 6 Q1 7,10 0,85 0
generated content: Effects and mechanisms of consumer engagement. Journal of Product and
Brand Management. 31 (1), 163-174

BRU 73966 2022 Abrantes, A. C. M., Mach, M. & Ferreira, A. I. (2022). Tenure matters for team cohesion and 6 Q1 3,97 1,51 1
performance: The moderating role of trust in the coach. European Sport Management Quarterly.
22 (3), 313-334

BRU 90098 2022 Miguel, L., Marques, S. & Duarte, A. P. (2022). The influence of consumer ethnocentrism on 2 Q1 4,09 0,49 0
purchase of domestic fruit and vegetables in Portugal: Application of the extended theory of
planned behaviour. British Food Journal. 124 (13), 599-618


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BRU 88745 2022 Mach, M., Ferreira, A. I. & Abrantes, A. C. M. (2022). Transformational leadership and team 12 Q1 9,26 1,30 1
performance in sports teams: A conditional indirect model. Applied Psychology: An International
Review . 71 (2), 662-694

BRU 81411 2021 Shaohua, H., Wang, T., Ramalho, N., Zhou, D., Hu, X. & Zhao, H. (2021). Relationship between 5 Q1 4,61 1,08 1
patient safety culture and safety performance in nursing: The role of safety behaviour.
International Journal of Nursing Practice. 27 (4)

IT + BRU 81412 2021 Mendes, S., Soares, H. & Miró-Roig, M. (2021). Vector bundles E on P^3 with homological 0 Q1 1,77 0,00 0
dimension 2 and chi(End E)=1. Forum Mathematicum. 33 (3), 808-820

BRU 82182 2021 Loureiro, S. M. C., Japutra, A., Molinillo, S. & Bilro, R.G. (2021). Stand by me: analyzing the 43 Q1 19,91 2,16 2
tourist–intelligent voice assistant relationship quality. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management. 33 (11), 3840-3859

BRU 84998 2021 Jiménez-Barreto, J., Loureiro, S. M. C., Braun, E., Sthapit, E. & Zenker, S. (2021). Use numbers not 25 Q1 23,00 1,09 1
words! Communicating hotels’ cleaning programs for COVID-19 from the brand perspective.
International Journal of Hospitality Management . 94

BRU 85010 2021 Al-Ansi, A., Han, H. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2021). International border restrictions and rules toward 3 Q1 15,34 0,20 0
the illicit trafficking of cultural heritage in the tourism context: A multi-methods approach. Journal
of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 38 (9), 975-991

BRU 82711 2021 Miguel, A. F., Chen, Y. & Liu, X. (2021). Does mutual fund family size matter? International 6 Q1 8,53 0,70 0
evidence . Journal of Multinational Financial Management. 62

BRU 78883 2021 Marques, C., Vinhas da Silva, R. & Antova, S. (2021). Image, satisfaction, destination and product 56 Q1 27,83 2,01 2
post-visit behaviours: How do they relate in emerging destinations?. Tourism Management. 85

BRU 82726 2021 Braga, I., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, J., Correia, R., Pereira, L. & Falcão, P. (2021). A DEMATEL analysis of 43 Q1 17,75 2,42 2
smart city determinants. Technology in Society. 66

BRU 78892 2021 Cunha, M. P., Rego, A., Clegg, S. & Jarvis, W. P. (2021). Stewardship as process: a paradox 3 Q1 13,40 0,22 0
perspective. European Management Journal. 39 (2), 247-259


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BRU 79148 2021 Barão, M., Ferreira, F., Spahr, R., Sunderman, M., Govindan, K. & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. 17 Q1 22,61 0,75 0
(2021). Strengthening urban sustainability: identification and analysis of proactive measures to
combat blight. Journal of Cleaner Production. 292, 1-15

BRU 82220 2021 Patrício, V., Lopes da Costa, R., Pereira, L. & António, N. (2021). Project management in the 8 Q1 10,29 0,78 0
development of dynamic capabilities for an open innovation era. Journal of Open Innovation:
Technology, Market, and Complexity. 7 (3)

BRU 78893 2021 Rego, A., Melo, A. I. , Bluhm, D. J. , Cunha, M. P. e. & Júnior, D. R. (2021). Leader-expressed 12 Q1 13,78 0,87 0
humility predicting team psychological safety: A personality dynamics lens. Journal of Business
Ethics. 174 (3), 669-686

BRU 78895 2021 Rego, A., Cavazotte, F., Cunha, M. P. e., Valverde, C., Meyer, M. & Giustiniano, L. (2021). Gritty 26 Q1 28,16 0,92 0
leaders promoting employees’ thriving at work. Journal of Management. 47 (5), 1155-1184

BRU 82224 2021 Zheng, H., Roseta-Palma, C. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2021). Does directed technological change favor 10 Q1 20,91 0,48 0
energy? Firm-level evidence from Portugal. Energy Economics. 98

BRU 61488 2021 Silva, A., Ferreira, F., Carayannis, E. & Ferreira, J. (2021). Measuring SMEs’ propensity for open 30 Q1 9,61 3,12 3
innovation using cognitive mapping and MCDA. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 68
(2), 396-407

BRU 72498 2021 Natividade, J., Ferreira, F., Zopounidis, C., Pereira, L., Çipi, A. & Ferreira, J. (2021). Developing a 9 Q1 6,82 1,32 1
composite index for intrapreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises: a
comprehensive dual methodology. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 72 (7), 1674-1687

BRU 61490 2021 Castanho, M., Ferreira, F., Carayannis, E. & Ferreira, J. (2021). SMART-C: developing a 'smart city' 38 Q1 9,61 3,95 3
assessment system using cognitive mapping and the Choquet integral. IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management. 68 (2), 562-573

BRU 77878 2021 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2021). Sleepy but creative? How affective commitment, knowledge 8 Q1 7,77 1,03 1
sharing, and organizational forgiveness mitigate the dysfunctional effect of insomnia on creative
behaviors. Personnel Review. 50 (1), 108-128

BRU 77879 2021 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2021). When are employees idea champions? When they achieve 9 Q1 7,77 1,16 1
progress at, find meaning in, and identify with work. Personnel Review. 50 (3), 1003-1021


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BRU 75064 2021 Cardoso-Grilo, T., Oliveira, M. D. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A. (2021). Fostering long-term care planning in 1 Q1 13,03 0,08 0
practice: extending objectives and advancing stochastic treatment within location-allocation
modelling. European Journal of Operational Research . 291 (3), 1041-1061

BRU 77880 2021 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2021). Taking the pandemic by its horns: using work-related task 11 Q1 7,36 1,49 1
conflict to transform perceived pandemic threats into creativity . Journal of Applied Behavioral
Science. 57 (1), 104-124

BRU 75065 2021 Lousada, A., Ferreira, F., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Spahr, R., Sunderman, M. & Pereira, L. (2021). 16 Q1 13,49 1,19 1
A sociotechnical approach to causes of urban blight using fuzzy cognitive mapping and system
dynamics. Cities. 108, 1-13

BRU 81465 2021 Idrees, Uf, Aftab, H., Qureshi, H. A., Mata, M. N., Martins, J., Mata, P. N....Martins, J. N. (2021). The 2 Q1 10,29 0,19 0
effect of corporate philanthropy on consumer behavior: open innovation in the operating
mechanism. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 7 (1)

83001 2021 Pereira, A., Laureano, R.M. S. & Neto, F. (2021). Five regions, five retinopathy screening 0 Q1 5,52 0,00 0
programmes: a systematic review of how Portugal addresses the challenge. BMC Health Services
Research. 21 (1)

BRU 84025 2021 Costa Ferreira, P. A. N., Veiga Simão, A. M., Paiva, A., Martinho, C., Prada, R., Ferreira, A. 17 Q1 28,93 0,59 0
I....Santos, F. (2021). Exploring empathy in cyberbullying with serious games. Computers and
Education. 166

BRU 73788 2021 Palan, N., Simões, N. & Crespo, N. (2021). Measuring fifty years of trade globalization. The World 1 Q1 4,64 0,22 0
Economy. 44 (6), 1859-1884

BRU 84028 2021 Ferreira, A. I. (2021). When time flies: How timelessness determines creative process engagement. 2 Q1 5,44 0,37 0
Creativity Research Journal. 33 (2), 180-190

BRU 75069 2021 Dello Russo, S., Antino, M., Zaniboni, S., Caetano, A. & Truxillo, D. (2021). The effect of age on daily 12 Q1 9,17 1,31 1
positive emotions and work behaviors . Work, Aging and Retirement. 7 (1), 9-19

BRU 79422 2021 Costa, S. & Coyle-Shapiro, J. A-M. (2021). What happens to others matters! An intra-individual 6 Q1 9,21 0,65 0
processual approach to coworkers’ psychological contract violations. Group and Organization
Management. 46 (2), 153-185


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BRU 74048 2021 Isidro, H. & Marques, A. (2021). Industry competition and non-GAAP disclosures. Accounting and 5 Q1 4,41 1,13 1
Business Research. 51 (2), 156-184

BRU 82497 2021 Correia Leal, C. & Ferreira, A. I. (2021). In sickness and in health: The role of housework 4 Q1 3,60 1,11 1
engagement in work productivity despite presenteeism. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 24

BRU 79682 2021 Leandro, F., Andrade, R. A. & Kalakou, S. (2021). Designing aviation networks under Public Service 5 Q1 13,31 0,38 0
Obligations (PSO): A case study in Greece. Journal of Air Transport Management. 93

BRU + IT 81731 2021 Veiga Simão, A. M., Ferreira, P., Pereira, N., Oliveira, S., Paulino, P., Rosa, H....Trancoso, I. (2021). 6 Q1 11,32 0,53 0
Prosociality in cyberspace: Developing emotion and behavioral regulation to decrease aggressive
communication. Cognitive Computation. 13 (3), 736-750

BRU 75332 2021 Petruzzi, M. A., Marques, C. & Sheppard, V. (2021). TO SHARE OR TO EXCHANGE: an analysis of the 9 Q1 23,00 0,39 0
sharing economy characteristics of Airbnb and International Journal of Hospitality
Management. 92

BRU 73798 2021 Ribeiro, N., Nguyen, T. , Duarte, A. P., Torres de Oliveira, R. & Faustino, C. (2021). How managerial 16 Q1 7,66 2,09 2
coaching promotes employees’ affective commitment and individual performance. International
Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 70 (6), 2163-2181

BRU 74822 2021 Miguel, A. (2021). Do fund flows moderate persistence? Evidence from a global study. European 4 Q1 4,34 0,92 0
Journal of Finance. 27 (7), 635-654

BRU 73290 2021 Paiva, B., Ferreira, F., Carayannis, E., Zopounidis, C., Ferreira, J., Pereira, L....Dias, P. (2021). 13 Q1 9,14 1,42 1
Strategizing sustainability in the banking industry using fuzzy cognitive maps and system dynamics.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 28 (2), 93-108

BRU 85322 2021 Fernandes, M. C, Dias, J. C. & Nunes, J. (2021). Modeling energy prices under energy transition: A 7 Q1 8,78 0,80 0
novel stochastic-copula approach. Economic Modelling . 105

BRU 78156 2021 Dias, Á., González-Rodríguez, M. R. & Patuleia, M. (2021). Retaining tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs 15 Q1 10,38 1,45 1
for destination competitiveness. International Journal of Tourism Research. 23 (2), 701-713


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BRU 81486 2021 Sinval, J., Miller, V. & Marôco, J. (2021). Openness Toward Organizational Change Scale (OTOCS): 3 Q1 7,31 0,41 0
Validity evidence from Brazil and Portugal. PLoS One. 16 (4)

BRU 71254 2021 Carvalho, L. (2021). Proportional bargaining solutions, strictly comprehensive sets and the axiom of 1 Q1 8,14 0,12 0
continuity. Annals of Operations Research. 301, 41-53

BRU 81751 2021 Soliman, M., Di Virgilio, F., Figueiredo, R. & Sousa, M. (2021). The impact of workplace spirituality 24 Q1 18,07 1,33 1
on lecturers' attitudes in tourism and hospitality higher education institutions. Tourism
Management Perspectives. 38

BRU 82777 2021 Dias, Á. & Lages, L. F. (2021). Measuring of market sensing capabilities for new product 14 Q1 7,66 1,83 1
development. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.

BRU 77659 2021 Amorim-Lopes, M., Oliveira, M. D., Raposo, M., Cardoso-Grilo, T., Alvarenga, A., Barbas, 4 Q1 15,45 0,26 0
M....Barbosa-Póvoa, A. (2021). Enhancing optimization planning models for health human
resources management with foresight. Omega. 103

BRU 81756 2021 Sousa, M., Melé, P. M., Pesqueira, A. M., Rocha, Á., Sousa, M. & Salma Noor (2021). Data science 1 Q1 12,41 0,08 0
strategies leading to the development of data scientists’ skills in organizations. Neural Computing
and Applications. 33, 14523-14531

BRU 84828 2021 Miguel, A. F. & Chen, Y. (2021). Do machines beat humans? Evidence from mutual fund 0 Q1 16,27 0,00 0
performance persistence. International Review of Financial Analysis. 78

BRU 77150 2021 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J. & Tussyadiah, I. (2021). Artificial intelligence in business: state of 115 Q1 23,17 4,96 3
the art and future research agenda. Journal of Business Research. 129, 911-926

BRU 83806 2021 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2021). No news, no excitement, no creativity: Moderating roles of 3 Q1 7,14 0,42 0
adaptive humour and proactivity. Creativity and Innovation Management. 30 (4), 680-696

BRU 83818 2021 Montani, F., Torres, T., Ferreira, M. C., Mendonça, H., Junça Silva, A., Courcy, F....Dagenais- 9 Q1 23,17 0,39 0
Desmarais, V. (2021). Self-image goals, compassionate goals and innovative work behavior: The
role of organizational support for innovation across countries. Journal of Business Research. 137,


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BRU 77931 2021 Dias, Á., Silva, R., Patuleia, M., Estêvão, J. & González-Rodríguez, M. R. (2021). Selecting lifestyle 19 Q1 7,26 2,62 2
entrepreneurship recovery strategies: a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Tourism and
Hospitality Research. 22 (1), 115-121

BRU 83819 2021 Junça Silva, A., Pombeira, C & Caetano, A. (2021). Testing the affective events theory: The 22 Q1 4,73 4,65 3
mediating role of affect and the moderating role of mindfulness. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 35
(4), 1075-1081

BRU 74092 2021 Aragão e Pina, J., Passos, A. M., Maynard, M. T. & Sinval, J. (2021). Self-efficacy, mental models 11 Q1 8,84 1,24 1
and team adaptation: a first approach on football and futsal refereeing. Psychology of Sport and
Exercise. 52

BRU 90992 2021 Balestrieri, F., Izmalkov, S. & Leão, J. (2021). The market for surprises: Selling substitute goods 2 Q1 7,28 0,27 0
through lotteries. Journal of the European Economic Association. 19 (1), 509-535

BRU 76916 2021 Daly, P., Dias, Á. & Patuleia, M. (2021). The impacts of tourism on cultural identity on Lisbon 20 Q1 6,06 3,30 3
Historic Neighbourhoods. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies. 8 (1), 1-25

BRU 76917 2021 Pina, R. & Dias, Á. (2021). The influence of brand experiences on consumer-based brand equity. 45 Q1 9,51 4,73 3
Journal of Brand Management . 28 (2), 99-115

BRU 77942 2021 Herédia-Colaço, V. & Rodrigues, H. (2021). Hosting in turbulent times: hoteliers’ perceptions and 23 Q1 23,00 1,00 1
strategies to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic . International Journal of Hospitality
Management. 94

BRU 80762 2021 Almeida, T., Abreu, F. & Ramalho, N. (2021). Becoming morally disengaged: How long does it 3 Q1 9,11 0,33 0
take?. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. 42 (4), 548-563

BRU 81786 2021 Luna, R., Zilhão, M., Cardoso, V., Costa, J. L. & Natário, J (2021). Addendum to “Strong cosmic 2 Q1 10,28 0,19 0
censorship: The nonlinear story”. Physical Review D. 103 (10)

BRU 81532 2021 Palácios, H., Almeida, M. H. De & Sousa, M. (2021). A bibliometric analysis of trust in the field of 47 Q1 23,00 2,04 2
hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 95


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BRU 76416 2021 Duarte, H., De Eccher, U. & Brewster, C. (2021). Expatriates' salary expectations, age, experience 3 Q1 7,77 0,39 0
and country image. Personnel Review. 50 (2)

BRU 80773 2021 Pereira, L., Santos, R., Sempiterno, M., Lopes da Costa, R., Dias, Á. & António, N. (2021). Pereira 20 Q1 10,29 1,94 1
problem solving: Business research methodology to explore open innovation. Journal of Open
Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 7 (1)

BRU 83078 2021 Hashmi, F., Aftab, H., Martins, J., Mata, M. N., Qureshi, H. A., Abreu, A....Mata, P. N. (2021). The 2 Q1 7,31 0,27 0
role of self-esteem, optimism, deliberative thinking and self-control in shaping the financial
behavior and financial well-being of young adults. PLoS One. 16 (9)

BRU 84364 2021 Silva, P., Alves, M. R., Meireles, M. & Madaleno, M. (2021). Eco-innovation and emissions trading: 2 Q1 5,98 0,33 0
A sector analysis for European countries. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and
Management . 32, 5-18

BRU 81554 2021 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2021). “Hey everyone, look at me helping you!”: A contingency view of 3 Q1 10,60 0,28 0
the relationship between exhibitionism and peer-oriented helping behaviors. Australian Journal of
Management. 46 (4), 717-739

BRU 82068 2021 Nunes, S., Ferreira, F., Govindan, K. & Pereira, L. (2021). “Cities go smart!”: A system dynamics- 23 Q1 22,61 1,02 1
based approach to smart city conceptualization. Journal of Cleaner Production. 313

BRU 82581 2021 Henriques-Calado, J., Gonçalves, B., Marques, C., Moreira, A., Paulino, M., Marques, J.G.,...Pires, R. 2 Q1 12,54 0,16 0
(2021). In light of the DSM-5 dimensional model of personality: Borderline personality disorder at
the crossroads with the bipolar spectrum. Journal of Affective Disorders. 294, 897-907

BRU 75414 2021 Sousa, M. & Rocha, Álvaro (2021). Decision-Making and Negotiation in Innovation & Research 5 Q1 4,92 1,02 1
in Information Science. Group Decision and Negotiation. 30 (2), 267-275

BRU 80536 2021 Almeida, T., Ramalho, N. & Esteves, F. (2021). Can you be a follower even when you do not follow 6 Q1 7,18 0,84 0
the leader? Yes, you can. Leadership. 17 (3), 336-364

BRU 83608 2021 Costa, J., Alves, T., Andrade, A. & Kalakou, S. (2021). Assessing efficiency in public service 3 Q1 6,00 0,50 0
obligations in European air transport using data envelopment analysis. Case Studies on Transport
Policy. 9 (4), 1783-1809


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BRU 81063 2021 Santos, C. M., Uitdewilligen, S., Passos, A. M., Marques-Quinteiro, Pedro & Maynard, M. (2021). 7 Q1 9,21 0,76 0
The effect of a concept mapping intervention on shared cognition and adaptive team performance
over time. Group and Organization Management. 46 (6), 984-1026

BRU 83368 2021 Veríssimo, P., Carvalho, P. V. & Laureano, L. (2021). Asymmetries in the Euro area banking 0 Q1 4,90 0,00 0
profitability. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 24

BRU 81577 2021 Knoll,M., Götz, M., Adriasola, E, Al-Atwi, A. A., Arenas, A., Atitsogbe, K. A....Zacher, H. (2021). 22 Q1 14,76 1,49 1
International differences in employee silence motives: Scale validation, prevalence, and
relationships with culture characteristics across 33 Countries. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
42 (5), 619-648
BRU 77229 2021 Loureiro, S. M. C., Stylos, N. & Bellou, V. (2021). Destination atmospheric cues as key influencers of 20 Q1 9,40 2,13 2
tourists’ word-of-mouth communication: tourist visitation at two Mediterranean capital cities.
Tourism Recreation Research. 46 (1), 85-108

BRU 81331 2021 Nunes, F. G., Fernandes, A., Martins, L. & Nascimento, G. (2021). How transformational leadership 3 Q1 4,42 0,68 0
influences museums’ performance: a contextual ambidexterity view. Museum Management and
Curatorship. 36 (5), 467-484

81333 2021 Campino, J., Brochado, A. & Rosa, A. (2021). Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): the importance of human 8 Q1 5,57 1,44 1
capital. Journal of Business Economics. 91, 1225-1262

BRU 77751 2021 Dias, Á., Silva, G. M., Patuleia, M. & González-Rodríguez, M. R. (2021). Transforming local 24 Q1 17,09 1,40 1
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relationships. Current Issues in Tourism. 24 (22), 3222-3238

BRU 81338 2021 Cavalinhos, S., Marques, S. & Salgueiro, M.F. (2021). The use of mobile devices in-store and the 25 Q1 17,77 1,41 1
effect on shopping experience: A systematic literature review and research agenda. International
Journal of Consumer Studies. 45 (6), 1198-1216

BRU 78011 2021 Pereira, L., Pinto, M., Lopes da Costa, R., Dias, Á. & Gonçalves, R. (2021). The new SWOT for a 24 Q1 10,29 2,33 2
sustainable world. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 7 (1)

BRU 78013 2021 Au-Yong-Oliveira, M., Pesqueira, A., Sousa, M., Dal Mas, F. & Soliman, M. (2021). The potential of 35 Q1 11,33 3,09 3
big data research in healthcare for medical doctors’ learning. Journal of Medical Systems. 45 (1)


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BRU 87742 2021 Di Serio, M., Fragetta, M. & Melina, G. (2021). The impact of r-g on Euro-Area government 1 Q1 4,89 0,20 0
spending multipliers. Journal of International Money and Finance. 119

BRU 82884 2021 Capelo, C., Pereira, R. & Dias, J. F. (2021). Teaching the dynamics of the growth of a business 3 Q1 11,56 0,26 0
venture through transparent simulations. International Journal of Management Education. 19 (3)

BRU 82887 2021 Pinto, A., Ferreira, F., Spahr, R., Sunderman, M., Govindan, K. & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2021). 10 Q1 13,65 0,73 0
Analyzing blight impacts on urban areas: a multi-criteria approach. Land Use Policy. 108

BRU 65737 2021 Lopes, A. I., Lourenço, I., Soliman, M. T. & Branco, M. (2021). Is the relation between non- 0 Q1 10,60 0,00 0
controlling interests and parent companies misleading?. Australian Journal of Management. 46 (1),

BRU 81614 2021 Sarquis, R. W., Santos, A., Lourenço, I. & Braunbeck, G. O. (2021). Joint venture investments: An 6 Q1 8,38 0,72 0
analysis of the level of compliance with the disclosure requirements of IFRS 12. Journal of
International Financial Management and Accounting. 32 (2), 207-232

BRU 74448 2021 Rita, P., Guerreiro, J. & Omarji, M. (2021). Autonomic emotional responses to food: private label 6 Q1 8,72 0,69 0
brands versus national brands. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 20 (2), 440-448

BRU 83922 2021 Bravo, J. M. & Nunes, J. (2021). Pricing longevity derivatives via Fourier transforms. Insurance: 20 Q1 3,79 5,28 3
Mathematics and Economics. 96, 81-97

BRU 81109 2021 Costa, P., Handke, L. & O’Neill, T. A. (2021). Are all lockdown teams created equally? Work 5 Q1 6,64 0,75 0
characteristics and team perceived virtuality. Small Group Research. 52 (2), 600-628

BRU 82901 2021 Gasteiger, E. (2021). Optimal constrained interest-rate rules under heterogeneous expectations. 1 Q1 3,99 0,25 0
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 190, 287-325

BRU 94165 2021 Godinho, M. A., Martins, H., Al-Shorbaji, N., Quintana, Y. & Liaw, S.-T. (2021). “Digital Health 8 Q1 14,70 0,54 0
Diplomacy” in global digital health? A call for critique and discourse. Journal of the American
Medical Informatics Association. 29 (5), 1019-1024


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BRU 84699 2021 Nguyen, N. B. & Menezes, J. (2021). The thirty‑year evolution of customer‑to‑customer interaction 3 Q1 10,55 0,28 0
research: a systematic literature review and research implications. Service Business. 15 (3), 391-

BRU 82652 2021 Kalakou, S. & Moura, F. (2021). Analyzing passenger behavior in airport terminals based on activity 9 Q1 13,31 0,68 0
preferences. Journal of Air Transport Management. 96

BRU 81887 2021 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J. & Japutra, A. (2021). How escapism leads to behavioral intention in 29 Q1 23,17 1,25 1
a virtual reality store with background music?. Journal of Business Research. 134, 288-300

BRU 85474 2021 Curto, J. (2021). To keep faith with homoskedasticity or to go back to heteroskedasticity? The case 1 Q1 11,12 0,09 0
of FATANG stocks. Nonlinear Dynamics. 104 (4), 4117-4147

BRU 73955 2021 Handke, L., Costa, P., Klonek, F. E., O'Neill, T. A. & Parker, S. K. (2021). Team perceived virtuality: 16 Q1 10,20 1,57 1
an emergent state perspective. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 30 (5),

BRU 80872 2021 Carvalho, L., Diogo, C. & Mendes, S. (2021). Quaternionic numerical range of complex matrices. 1 Q1 2,36 0,42 0
Linear Algebra and its Applications. 620, 168-181

BRU 81384 2021 Costa, J., Ferreira, F., Spahr, R., Sunderman, M. & Pereira, L. (2021). Intervention strategies for 9 Q1 23,86 0,38 0
urban blight: a participatory approach. Sustainable Cities and Society. 70

BRU 81640 2021 Pereira, L., Fernandes, A., Sempiterno, M., Dias, Á., Lopes da Costa, R. & António, N. (2021). 16 Q1 10,29 1,55 1
Knowledge management maturity contributes to project-based companies in an open innovation
era. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 7 (2)

BRU + IT 83692 2021 Fernandes, P. M. V., Pereira, R., Wiedenhöft, G. & Costa, P. (2021). The individuals' discretionary 3 Q1 8,35 0,36 0
behaviors at work. An overview and analysis of its growing interest. Heliyon. 7 (10)

BRU 87276 2021 Gonçalves, T., Teixeira, M. S., Dias, J. G., Gouveia, S. & Correia, R. J. (2021). Commitment to 5 Q1 5,57 0,90 0
exporting as an antecedent of organizational skills and firm performance. Journal of Business
Economics. 91 (7), 1063-1084


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BRU 72685 2021 Fontes, A. & Dello Russo, S. (2021). An Experimental Field Study on the Effects of Coaching: The 13 Q1 13,62 0,95 0
Mediating Role of Psychological Capital. Applied Psychology: An International Review . 70 (2), 459-

BRU 83952 2021 Junça Silva, A. & Silva, D. (2021). Curiosity did not kill the cat: It made it stronger and happy, but 3 Q1 3,77 0,80 0
only if the cat was not “dark”. Acta Psychologica. 221

BRU 58864 2021 Xavier, M., Ferreira, F. & Esperança, J. (2021). An intuition-based evaluation framework for social 8 Q1 8,14 0,98 0
credit applications. Annals of Operations Research. 296 (1/2), 571-590

BRU 58865 2021 Ferreira, F. & Santos, S. (2021). Two decades on the MACBETH approach: a bibliometric analysis. 22 Q1 8,14 2,70 2
Annals of Operations Research. 296 (1/2), 901-925

BRU 82679 2021 Judice, P. & Zhu, Q. J. (2021). Bank balance sheet risk allocation. Journal of Banking and Finance. 2 Q1 7,19 0,28 0

BRU 82680 2021 Costa, João L. & Mena, F. C. (2021). Global solutions to the spherically symmetric Einstein-scalar 2 Q1 1,35 1,48 1
field system with a positive cosmological constant in Bondi coordinates. Journal of Hyperbolic
Differential Equations. 18 (2), 311-341

BRU 83960 2021 Santos, S. C., Nikou, S., Brännback, M. & Liguori, E. W. (2021). Are social and traditional 16 Q1 12,65 1,26 1
entrepreneurial intentions really that different?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial
Behaviour and Research. 27 (7), 1891-1911

BRU 59128 2021 Andrade, A. A., Cardoso, M. G. M. S. & Lopes, Vitor V. (2021). Logical rules characterization of 4 Q1 8,55 0,47 0
online consumer trust. International Transactions of Operations Research. 28 (3), 1393-1416

BRU 82681 2021 Judice, P., Pinto, L. & Santos, J. L. (2021). Bank strategic asset allocation under a unified risk 1 Q1 19,78 0,05 0
measure. Expert Systems with Applications. 185

BRU 74298 2021 Pérez-Gladish, B., Ferreira, F. & Zopounidis, C. (2021). MCDM/A studies for economic 15 Q1 9,14 1,64 1
development, social cohesion and environmental sustainability: introduction. International Journal
of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. 28 (1), 1-3


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BRU 82053 2021 Costa, P., Graça, A., Santos, C. M., Marques-Quinteiro, P. & Rico, R. (2021). Teamworking virtually: 4 Q1 10,20 0,39 0
business as usual?. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 30 (5), 619-623

BRU 81125 2021 Di Marco, D., Hoel, H. & Lewis, D. (2021). Discrimination and exclusion on grounds of sexual and 7 Q1 3,60 1,94 1
gender identity: Are LGBT people’s voices heard at the workplace?. The Spanish Journal of
Psychology. 24

BRU 84657 2021 Sinval, J., van Veldhoven, M., Oksanen, T., Azevedo, L. F., Atallah, A. N., Melnik, T....Marôco, J. 1 Q1 8,78 0,11 0
(2021). Interventions for improving recovery from work. Cochrane Database of Systematic
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BRU 79109 2020 Bassi, F. & Dias, J. G. (2020). Sustainable development of small- and medium-sized enterprises in 31 Q1 33,58 0,92 0
the European Union: a taxonomy of circular economy practices. Business Strategy and the
Environment. 29 (6), 2528-2541

BRU 63238 2020 Marques-Quinteiro, P., Santos,C. M., Costa, P., Graça, A., Marôco, J. & Rico, R. (2020). Team 12 Q1 13,55 0,89 0
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BRU 73223 2020 Diogo, C. (2020). Faces of sets of operators with the numerical range in a prescribed polyhedron. 0 Q1 4,16 0,00 0
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 490 (2)

BRU 79111 2020 Witulski, N. & Dias, J. G. (2020). The sustainable society index: its reliability and validity. Ecological 16 Q1 18,29 0,87 0
Indicators. 114

BRU 69903 2020 Fonseca, J., Ferreira, F., Pereira, L., Govindan, K. & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2020). Analyzing 21 Q1 32,11 0,65 0
determinants of environmental conduct in small and medium-sized enterprises: a sociotechnical
approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 256

BRU 78351 2020 Di Serio, M., Fragetta, M. & Gasteiger, E. (2020). The government spending multiplier at the Zero 4 Q1 7,35 0,54 0
Lower Bound: evidence from the United States. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 82 (6),

BRU 63251 2020 Loureiro, S. M. C., Romero, J. & Bilro, R. G. (2020). Stakeholder engagement in co-creation 80 Q1 30,33 2,64 2
processes for innovation: a systematic literature review and case study. Journal of Business
Research. 119, 388-409


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BRU 61468 2020 Duarte, F. D., Gama, A. P. M. & Gulamhussen, M. A. (2020). Credit risk, owner liability and bank 2 Q1 6,55 0,31 0
loan maturities during the global financial crisis. European Financial Management. 26 (3)

BRU 69405 2020 Karltun, A., Johan M. S., Aase, K., Andersen, J., Fernandes, A., Fulop, N. J....Andersson-Gare, B. 15 Q1 9,46 1,59 1
(2020). Knowledge management infrastructure to support quality improvement: a qualitative
study of maternity services in four European hospitals. Health Policy. 124 (2), 205-215

BRU 65309 2020 Ruhle, S. A., Breitsohl, H., Aboagye, E., Baba, V., Biron, C., Correia Leal, C....Yang, T. (2020). “To 80 Q1 13,55 5,90 3
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presenteeism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 29 (3), 344-363

BRU 68894 2020 Pereira, I., Ferreira, F., Pereira, L., Govindan, K., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. & Correia, R. (2020). A 28 Q1 32,11 0,87 0
fuzzy cognitive mapping-system dynamics approach to energy-change impacts on the sustainability
of small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Cleaner Production. 256

BRU 53278 2020 Cardoso, M. G. M. S. (2020). Picturing agreement between clustering solutions using 0 Q1 9,13 0,00 0
multidimensional unfolding: an application to greenhouse gas emissions data. Journal of the
Operational Research Society. 71 (2), 195-208

BRU 71200 2020 Sinval, J. & Marôco, J. (2020). Short index of job satisfaction: validity evidence from Portugal and 17 Q1 10,32 1,65 1
Brazil. PLoS One. 15 (4)

BRU 69927 2020 Ribeiro, N., Duarte, A. P. & Fidalgo, J. (2020). Authentic leadership’s effect on customer orientation 31 Q1 26,02 1,19 1
and turnover intention among Portuguese hospitality employees: the mediating role of affective
commitment. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 32 (6), 2097-2116

BRU 71208 2020 Nunes, J., Ruas, J. & Dias, J. C. (2020). Early exercise boundaries for American-style knock-out 4 Q1 18,48 0,22 0
options. European Journal of Operational Research . 285 (2), 753-766

BRU 75304 2020 Guerreiro, J. & Loureiro, S. (2020). Cause-related marketing in the digital era: how enterprises can 2 Q1 7,49 0,27 0
deal with international campaigns in individualist versus collectivist countries. Voluntas. 31, 1330-

BRU 67113 2020 Guerra, M., Bassi, F. & Dias, J. G. (2020). A multiple-indicator latent growth mixture model to track 5 Q1 8,96 0,56 0
courses with low-quality teaching. Social Indicators Research. 147 (2), 361-381


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BRU 78894 2020 Giustiniano, L., Cunha, M. P. e., Simpson, A. V., Rego, A. & Clegg, S. (2020). Resilient leadership as 46 Q1 6,63 6,94 3
paradox work: Notes from COVID-19. Management and Organization Review. 16 (5), 971-975

BRU 64305 2020 Greve, T. & Rocha, M. (2020). Policy and theoretical implications of the zero-subsidy bids in the 3 Q1 7,66 0,39 0
German offshore wind tenders. Energy Journal. 41 (4), 1-14

BRU 73779 2020 Escadas, M., Jalali, M. & Farhangmehr, M. (2020). What goes around comes around: The 16 Q1 11,53 1,39 1
integrated role of emotions on consumer ethical decision-making . Journal of Consumer
Behaviour. 19 (5), 409-422

BRU 66100 2020 Silva, K., Lima, M., Fafiães, C., Sinval, J. & De Sousa, L. (2020). Preliminary test of the potential of 7 Q1 5,03 1,39 1
contact with dogs to elicit spontaneous imitation in children and adults with severe autism
spectrum disorder. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 74 (1)

BRU 70967 2020 Martins, S., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, J. & Marques, C. (2020). An artificial-intelligence-based method 13 Q1 30,18 0,43 0
for assessing service quality: insights from the prosthodontics sector. Journal of Service
Management. 31 (2), 291-312

BRU 84023 2020 Offergeld, T., Martinez, L. F. & Ferreira, A. I. (2020). A train of thought in product experientiality: 3 Q1 29,80 0,10 0
Working memory, distraction, and inconsistencies in cue order effects. Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services . 53

BRU 63290 2020 Loureiro, S. M. C., Bilro, R.G. & Japutra, A. (2020). The effect of consumer-generated media stimuli 60 Q1 14,76 4,07 3
on emotions and consumer brand engagement. Journal of Product and Brand Management. 29 (3),

BRU 63294 2020 Silva, A., Patient, D., Passos, A. M. & Sguera, F. (2020). Antecedents and consequences of collective 9 Q1 20,90 0,43 0
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BRU 63295 2020 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J. & Ali, F. (2020). 20 years of research on virtual reality and 267 Q1 37,96 7,03 3
augmented reality in tourism context: a text-mining approach. Tourism Management. 77

BRU 78917 2020 Mazzeu, J. H. G., González-Ribera, G., Ruiz, E. & Veiga, H. (2020). A bootstrap approach for 1 Q1 3,42 0,29 0
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BRU 74823 2020 Keswani, A., Medhat, M., Miguel, A. F. & Ramos, S. B. (2020). Uncertainty avoidance and mutual 8 Q1 14,33 0,56 0
funds. Journal of Corporate Finance. 65

BRU 78920 2020 De Zea Bermudez, P., Marín, J. M. & Veiga, H. (2020). Data cloning estimation for asymmetric 3 Q1 3,42 0,88 0
stochastic volatility models. Econometric Reviews. 39 (10), 1057-1074

BRU 73033 2020 Pinheiro, J., Silva, G. M., Dias, Á., Lages, L. F. & Preto, M. T. (2020). Fostering knowledge creation to 31 Q1 13,39 2,32 2
improve performance: the mediation role of manufacturing flexibility. Business Process
Management Journal. 26 (7), 1871-1892

BRU 47949 2020 Nunes, J. P. V., Dias, J. C. & Ruas, J. P. (2020). The early exercise boundary under the jump to 2 Q1 6,01 0,33 0
default extended CEV model. Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 82 (1), 151-181

BRU 46160 2020 Costa, C. G., Zhou, Q. & Ferreira, A. I. (2020). State and trait anger predicting creative process 6 Q1 10,36 0,58 0
engagement – the role of emotion regulation . Journal of Creative Behavior. 54 (1), 5-19

BRU 73043 2020 Carvalho, L., Diogo, C. & Mendes, S. (2020). The star-center of the quaternionic numerical range. 3 Q1 3,67 0,82 0
Linear Algebra and its Applications. 603, 166-185

63065 2020 Suleman, F. & Figueiredo, M. C. T. (2020). Entering the labour market in the context of higher 10 Q1 6,62 1,51 1
education reform and economic recession: Young bachelor and master graduates in Portugal.
Journal of Youth Studies. 23 (10), 1396-1417

BRU 74074 2020 Costa, João L. (2020). The formation of trapped surfaces in the gravitational collapse of spherically 0 Q1 10,40 0,00 0
symmetric scalar fields with a positive cosmological constant. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 37

BRU 90973 2020 Cunha, M. P. e., Gomes, E., Mellahi, K., Miner, A. S. & Rego, A. (2020). Strategic agility through 85 Q1 28,60 2,97 2
improvisational capabilities: Implications for a paradox-sensitive HRM. Human Resource
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BRU 68960 2020 Neumeyer, X. & Santos, S. C. (2020). A lot of different flowers make a bouquet: the effect of 21 Q1 19,36 1,08 1
gender composition on technology-based entrepreneurial student teams. International
Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 16 (1), 93-114


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BRU 68193 2020 Assunção, E., Ferreira, F., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Zopounidis, C., Pereira, L. & Correia, R. 33 Q1 12,28 2,69 2
(2020). Rethinking urban sustainability using fuzzy cognitive mapping and system dynamics.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 27 (3), 261-275

BRU 60002 2020 Antino, M., Alvarado-Izquerdo, J., Asun-Inostroza, R. & Bliese, P. (2020). Rethinking the exploration 2 Q1 14,01 0,14 0
of dichotomous data: Mokken scale analysis versus factorial analysis. Sociological Methods and
Research. 49 (4), 839-867

50022 2020 Santos, M. R. C., Laureano, R. M. S. & Moro, S. (2020). Unveiling research trends for organizational 23 Q1 7,49 3,07 3
reputation in the nonprofit sector. Voluntas. 81 (1), 56-70

BRU 74090 2020 Fragoso, J. L. F. R. , Peixinho, R. M. T., Coelho, L. M. S. & Paiva, I. (2020). The impact of financial 1 Q1 10,40 0,10 0
restatements on financial markets: A systematic review of the literature. Meditari Accountancy
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BRU 73324 2020 Nunes, F. G., Robert, G. B., Weggelaar, A. -M., Wiig, S., Aase, K., Karltun, A....Fulop, N. J. (2020). 3 Q1 7,95 0,38 0
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BRU 87661 2020 Amendola, A., Di Serio, M., Fragetta, M. & Melina, G. (2020). The euro-area government spending 12 Q1 7,22 1,66 1
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BRU 60528 2020 Santos, A. S., Ferreira, A. I. & Ferreira, P. C. (2020). The impact of cyberloafing and physical 4 Q1 9,46 0,42 0
exercise on performance: a quasi-experimental study on the consonant and dissonant effects of
breaks at work. Cognition, Technology and Work. 22 (2), 357-371

BRU 63347 2020 Moreira, A. & Martins, L. F. (2020). A new mechanism for anticipating price exuberance. 0 Q1 9,95 0,00 0
International Review of Economics and Finance. 65, 199-221

BRU 79476 2020 Schivinski, B., Langaro, D., Fernandes, T. & Guzmán, F. (2020). Social media brand engagement in 33 Q1 12,73 2,59 2
the context of collaborative consumption: the case of AIRBNB. Journal of Brand Management . 27
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BRU 71541 2020 Querido, L., Fernandes, S., Verhaeghe. A. & Marques, C. (2020). Lexical and sublexical orthographic 5 Q1 7,85 0,64 0
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BRU 60798 2020 Guerreiro, J. & Rita, P. (2020). How to predict explicit recommendations in online reviews using 77 Q1 21,35 3,61 3
text mining and sentiment analysis. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 43, 269-272

BRU 68740 2020 Isidro, H., Nanda, D. J. & Wysocki, P. (2020). On the relation between financial reporting quality 48 Q1 12,64 3,80 3
and country attributes: research challenges and opportunities. Accounting Review. 95 (3), 279-314

BRU + CIES67721 2020 Paolillo, A., Silva, S. A., Carvalho, H. & Pasini, M. (2020). Exploring patterns of multiple climates and 6 Q1 12,04 0,50 0
their effects on safety performance at the department level. Journal of Safety Research. 72, 47-60

BRU 73098 2020 Marques, C., Vinhas da Silva, R., Davcik, N. & Faria, R. (2020). The role of brand equity in a new 17 Q1 30,33 0,56 0
rebranding strategy of a private label brand. Journal of Business Research. 117, 497-507

BRU 65421 2020 Loureiro, S. M. C., Stylos, N. & Miranda, F. (2020). Exploring how mindfulness may enhance 25 Q1 23,52 1,06 1
perceived value of travel experience. Service Industries Journal. 40 (11-12), 800-824

BRU 63376 2020 Correia Leal, C. & Ferreira, A. I. (2020). Should I book another hotel? The effects of sickness and 13 Q1 31,28 0,42 0
ethnicity on customer brand loyalty and positive word of mouth. International Journal of
Hospitality Management. 91

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BRU 77205 2020 Morais, F., Serrasqueiro, Z. & Ramalho, J. J. S. (2020). The zero-leverage phenomenon: a bivariate 9 Q1 17,29 0,52 0
probit with partial observability approach. Research in International Business and Finance. 53

BRU 60060 2020 Ferreira, P. C., Simão, A., Paiva, A. & Ferreira, A. I. (2020). Responsive bystander behaviour in 18 Q1 12,27 1,47 1
cyberbullying: a path through self-efficacy. Behaviour and Information Technology. 39 (5), 511-524

BRU 54430 2020 Camões, F. & Vale, S. (2020). I feel wealthy: a major determinant of Portuguese households’ 3 Q1 5,38 0,56 0
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BRU 64158 2020 Crespo, N. & Simões, N. (2020). Self-citations and scientific evaluation: leadership, influence, and 10 Q1 13,32 0,75 0
performance. Journal of Informetrics. 14 (1)

BRU 70822 2020 Simões, J., Ferreira, F., Peris-Ortiz, M. & Ferreira, J. (2020). A cognition-driven framework for the 19 Q1 14,67 1,30 1
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BRU 76457 2020 Petrides, L. & Fernandes, A. (2020). The successful visual artist: the building blocks of artistic 5 Q1 2,13 2,35 2
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BRU 64425 2020 Ju, X., Ferreira, F. & Wang, M. (2020). Innovation, agile project management and firm performance 21 Q1 15,36 1,37 1
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BRU 77227 2020 Ashfaq, M., Yun, J., Yu, S. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2020). I, Chatbot: modeling the determinants of 242 Q1 26,76 9,04 3
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BRU 77228 2020 Loureiro, S. M. C., Jiménez-Barreto, J. & Romero, J. (2020). Enhancing brand coolness through 41 Q1 29,80 1,38 1
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BRU 75183 2020 Matherne III, C. F., Bendickson, J. S., Santos, S. C. & Taylor, E. C. (2020). Making sense of 7 Q1 17,59 0,40 0
entrepreneurial intent: A look at gender and entrepreneurial personal theory. International Journal
of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 26 (5), 989-1009

BRU 77231 2020 Loureiro, S. M. C. (2020). Exploring drivers and outcomes of brand centrality experience: the role 2 Q1 4,63 0,43 0
of partner quality as moderator. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and
Education. 13 (2), 150-164

BRU 75184 2020 Santos, S. C., Caetano, A., Costa, S., Rueff Lopes, R., Junça Silva, A. & Neumeyer, X. (2020). 16 Q1 17,04 0,94 0
Uncovering the affective turmoil during opportunity recognition and exploitation: a nonlinear
approach. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 14

BRU 77232 2020 Rosado-Pinto, F. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2020). The growing complexity of customer engagement: a 62 Q1 15,10 4,11 3
systematic review. EuroMed Journal of Business. 15 (2), 167-203


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 60336 2020 Pestana, M.H., Wang, W. - C. & Parreira, A. (2020). Senior tourism: A scientometric review 15 Q1 20,23 0,74 0
(1998–2017) . Tourism Review. 75 (4), 699-715

BRU 77233 2020 Japutra, A. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2020). Destination’s efforts and commitment towards recycling. 7 Q1 23,14 0,30 0
Current Issues in Tourism. 23 (21), 2637-2648

BRU 69298 2020 Mao, X., Czellar, V., Ruiz, E. & Veiga, H. (2020). Asymmetric stochastic volatility models: properties 7 Q1 4,07 1,72 1
and particle filter-based simulated maximum likelihood estimation. Econometrics and Statistics.
13, 84-105

BRU 72370 2020 Silva, A. & Duarte de Almeida, I. (2020). Towards industry 4.0: a case study in ornamental stone 4 Q1 23,47 0,17 0
sector. Resources Policy. 67

BRU 75186 2020 António Miguel Pesqueira, Sousa, M. & Rocha, Álvaro (2020). Big Data Skills Sustainable 16 Q1 16,39 0,98 0
Development in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals. Journal of Medical Systems. 44

BRU 69299 2020 Ramos, S., Latoero, P. & Veiga, H. (2020). Limited attention, salience of information and stock 12 Q1 11,60 1,03 1
market activity. Economic Modelling. 87, 92-108

76219 2020 Moshin, A., Brochado, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2020). Halal tourism is traveling fast: community 31 Q1 23,79 1,30 1
perceptions and implications. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 18

BRU 65981 2020 Gonzalez, B., Novo, R. & Sousa Ferreira, A. (2020). Fibromyalgia: heterogeneity in personality and 11 Q1 8,31 1,32 1
psychopathology and its implications. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 25 (6), 703-709

BRU 68038 2020 Ramos, T., Gomes, M.I. & Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa (2020). A new matheuristic approach for the 11 Q1 6,87 1,60 1
multi-depot vehicle routing problem with inter-depot routes. OR Spectrum. 75-110

BRU 74193 2020 Costa, R., Resende, T., Dias, Á., Pereira, L. & Santos, J. (2020). Public sector shared services and the 24 Q1 14,00 1,71 1
lean methodology: implications on military organizations. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology,
Market, and Complexity. 6 (3)


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BRU + CIES74203 2020 Stephan, U., Tavares, S. M., Carvalho, H., Ramalho, J. J. S., Santos, S. C. & van Veldhoven, M. 37 Q1 31,51 1,17 1
(2020). Self-employment and eudaimonic well-being: energized by meaning, enabled by societal
legitimacy. Journal of Business Venturing. 35 (6)

BRU 49374 2020 Pestana, M.H., Parreira, A. & Moutinho, L. (2020). Motivations, emotions and satisfaction: the keys 110 Q1 23,79 4,62 3
to a tourism destination choice. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 16

BRU 63198 2020 Simões, N. & Crespo, N. (2020). A flexible approach for measuring author-level publishing 13 Q1 10,49 1,24 1
performance. Scientometrics. 122 (1), 331-355

64225 2020 San-Payo, G., Ferreira, J., Santos, P. & Martins, A. (2020). Machine learning for quality control 5 Q1 14,28 0,35 0
system. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 11 (11), 4491-4500

BRU 60646 2020 Van Veldhoven, M., Van den Broeck, A., Daniels, K., Bakker, B.A., Tavares, S. M. & Ogbonnaya, C. 61 Q1 17,06 3,58 3
(2020). Challenging the universality of job resources: why, when, and for whom are they
beneficial?. Applied Psychology: An International Review . 69 (1), 5-29

BRU 63206 2020 Ferreira, J., Fernandes, C. & Ferreira, F. (2020). Technology transfer, climate change mitigation, 113 Q1 32,92 3,43 3
and environmental patent impact on sustainability and economic growth: a comparison of
European countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 150

BRU 72690 2020 Vicente, P., Sampaio, A. & Reis, E. (2020). Factors influencing passenger loyalty towards public 32 Q1 8,59 3,73 3
transport services: does public transport providers’ commitment to environmental sustainability
matter?. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 8 (2), 627-638

BRU 73204 2020 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2020). Knowledge-sharing efforts and employee creative behavior: the 35 Q1 25,54 1,37 1
invigorating roles of passion for work, time sufficiency and procedural justice. Journal of
Knowledge Management. 24 (5), 1131-1155

BRU 73978 2020 Ferreira, J., Fernandes, C. & Ferreira, F. (2020). Wearing failure as a path to innovation. Journal of 14 Q1 30,33 0,46 0
Business Research. 120, 195-202

BRU 76799 2020 Antino, M., Sanchez-Manzan, M.ares & Ortega, A. (2020). The hospital survey on patient safety 8 Q1 19,02 0,42 0
culture in Mexican hospitals: assessment of psychometric properties. Safety Science. 128


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 38912 2019 Koster, M., Simaens, A. & Vos, B. (2019). The advocate’s own challenges to behave in a sustainable 3 Q1 23,73 0,13 0
way: an Institutional analysis of advocacy NGOs. Journal of Business Ethics. 157 (2), 483-501

BRU 54533 2019 Silva, A., Leite, M., Vilas-Boas, J. & Simões, R. (2019). How education background affects design 8 Q1 11,55 0,69 0
outcome: teaching product development to mechanical engineers, industrial designers and
managers. European Journal of Engineering Education. 44 (4), 545-569

BRU 63750 2019 De Clercq, D. & Pereira, R. (2019). Resilient employees are creative employees, when the 23 Q1 12,83 1,79 1
workplace forces them to be. Creativity and Innovation Management. 28 (3), 329-342

BRU 60936 2019 Warren, C., Batra, R., Loureiro, S. M. C. & Bagozzi, R. P. (2019). Brand Coolness. Journal of 108 Q1 39,40 2,74 2
Marketing. 83 (5), 36-56

BRU 61961 2019 Figueiredo, R., Nunes, P., Meireles, M., Madaleno, M. & Brito, M. (2019). Replacing coal-fired 30 Q1 40,32 0,74 0
power plants by photovoltaics in the Portuguese electricity system. Journal of Cleaner Production.
222, 129-142

BRU 59917 2019 Santos, S. C., Michael H. Morris, Caetano, António, Costa, S., Neumeyer, X. & Neumeyer, X. (2019). 24 Q1 21,77 1,10 1
Team entrepreneurial competence: multilevel effects on individual cognitive strategies.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 25 (6), 1259-1282

BRU 59918 2019 Santos, S. C. & Cardon, M. S. (2019). What’s love got to do with It? Team entrepreneurial passion 60 Q1 41,11 1,46 1
and performance in new venture teams. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 43 (3), 475-504

BRU 48914 2019 Lopes, A. I. & Lopes, M. (2019). Effects of adopting IFRS 10 and IFRS 11 on consolidated financial 5 Q1 14,83 0,34 0
statements: an exploratory research. Meditari Accountancy Research. 27 (1), 91-124

BRU 59412 2019 Rodrigues, S., Sinval, J., Queirós, C., Marôco, J. & Kaiseler, M. (2019). Transitioning from recruit to 7 Q1 7,44 0,94 0
officer: an investigation of how stress appraisal and coping influence work engagement.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 27 (2), 152-168

BRU 61467 2019 Davcik, N., Sharma, P., Chan, R. & Roy, R. (2019). An introduction to the special issue on the past, 2 Q1 16,96 0,12 0
present and future research on deliberate lookalikes. Journal of Product and Brand Management.
28 (6), 701-706


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BRU 67100 2019 Bassi, F. & Dias, J. G. (2019). The use of circular economy practices in SMEs across the EU. 76 Q1 44,58 1,70 1
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 146, 523-533

48156 2019 Simões, E., Duarte, A. P., Neves, J. & Silva, V. H. (2019). Contextual determinants of HR 15 Q1 15,12 0,99 0
professionals’ self-perceptions of unethical HRM practices. European Journal of Management and
Business Economics. 28 (1), 90-108

BRU 49186 2019 Sequeira, T. N., Santos, M. & Ferreira-Lopes, A. (2019). Human capital and genetic diversity. 0 Q1 10,94 0,00 0
Eurasian Economic Review. 9 (3), 311-330

BRU 50727 2019 Ramos-Villagrasa, P., Passos, A. M. & García-Izquierdo, A. L. (2019). From planning to performance: 10 Q1 11,66 0,86 0
the adaptation process as a determinant of outcomes. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. 55
(1), 96-114

BRU 38953 2019 Ferreira, A. I., Mach, M., Martinez, L., Brewster, C., Dagher, G., Perez-Nebra, A....Lisovskaya, A. 28 Q1 18,42 1,52 1
(2019). Working sick and out of sorts: a cross-cultural approach on presenteeism climate,
organizational justice and work–family conflict. International Journal of Human Resource
Management. 30 (19), 2754-2776
BRU 59948 2019 Cunha, M. P., Simpson, A. C., Clegg, S. & Rego, A. (2019). Speak! Paradoxical effects of a 31 Q1 23,75 1,31 1
managerial culture of ‘Speaking Up’. British Journal of Management. 30 (4), 829-846

BRU 61228 2019 Penela, D., Estevão, J. & Gregory, A. M. (2019). Accounting and financial antecedents of corporate 4 Q1 38,30 0,10 0
spin-offs in the lodging industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 83, 151-158

BRU 62764 2019 Rosa-Mendes, M., Pires, R. & Sousa Ferreira, A. (2019). Personality traits of the alternative DSM-5 10 Q1 14,14 0,71 0
model and the attachment dimensions in Portuguese adults. Personality and Individual
Differences. 143, 21-29

BRU 55598 2019 Rubio, S., Ramos, T. R. P., Leitão, M. M. R. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A. P. (2019). Effectiveness of extended 49 Q1 40,32 1,22 1
producer responsibility policies implementation: the case of Portuguese and Spanish packaging
waste systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 210, 217-230

BRU 61487 2019 Mascarenhas, C., Marques, C., Galvão, A., Carlucci, D., Falcão, P. F. & Ferreira, F. (2019). Analyzing 12 Q1 17,52 0,68 0
technology transfer offices’ influence for entrepreneurial universities in Portugal. Management
Decision. 57 (12), 3473-3491


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BRU 59952 2019 Cunha, M. P., Giustiniano, L., Rego, A. & Clegg, S. (2019). “Heaven or Las Vegas”: competing 7 Q1 10,34 0,68 0
institutional logics and individual experience. European Management Review. 16 (3), 781-798

57140 2019 Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A., Rodrigues, H. & Costa, C. J. (2019). Assessing consumer literacy on 18 Q1 18,24 0,99 0
financial complex products. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. 22, 93-104

BRU 62776 2019 Ramos, T., Gomes, M. I. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A. P. (2019). Multi-depot vehicle routing problem: a 27 Q1 18,55 1,46 1
comparative study of alternative formulations. International Journal of Logistics Research and
Applications. 23 (2), 103-120

BRU 62778 2019 Gomes, M. I. & Ramos, T. (2019). Modelling and (re-)planning periodic home social care services 22 Q1 23,74 0,93 0
with loyalty and non-loyalty features. European Journal of Operational Research . 277 (1), 284-299

59711 2019 Mohsin, A., Rodrigues, H. & Brochado, A. (2019). Shine bright like a star: hotel performance and 25 Q1 38,30 0,65 0
guests’ expectations based on star ratings. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 83,

BRU 55875 2019 Brito, V., Ferreira, F., Pérez-Gladish, B., Govindan. K. & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2019). 44 Q1 40,32 1,09 1
Developing a green city assessment system using cognitive maps and the Choquet integral. Journal
of Cleaner Production. 218, 486-497

BRU 49223 2019 Gonçalves, S. M., Vinhas da Silva, R. & Teixeira, N. (2019). Individual actors and embeddedness in 22 Q1 29,68 0,74 0
business-to-business interactions. Industrial Marketing Management. 76, 181-191

BRU 61000 2019 Estêvão, R., Ferreira, F., Rosa, A., Govindan, K. & Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. (2019). A socio- 32 Q1 40,32 0,79 0
technical approach to the assessment of sustainable tourism: adding value with a comprehensive
process-oriented framework. Journal of Cleaner Production. 236, 1-11

BRU 60239 2019 Roseta-Palma, C. & Yiğit Sağlam (2019). Downside risk in reservoir management. Australian Journal 0 Q1 10,66 0,00 0
of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 63 (2), 328-353

BRU 48720 2019 Kingshott, R., Sharma, P., Hosie, P. & Davcik, N. (2019). Interactive impact of ethnic distance and 5 Q1 15,81 0,32 0
cultural familiarity on the perceived effects of free trade agreements. Asia Pacific Journal of
Management. 36 (1), 135-160


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BRU 61526 2019 Penela, D. & Serrasqueiro, R. M. (2019). The risk identification in the hospitality industry: evidence 6 Q1 28,74 0,21 0
from risk factor disclosure. Tourism Management Perspectives. 32

BRU + IT 36954 2019 Cunha, M. P. E., Fortes, A., Gomes, E. , Rego, A. & Rodrigues, F. (2019). Ambidextrous leadership, 46 Q1 18,42 2,50 2
paradox and contingency: evidence from Angola. International Journal of Human Resource
Management. 30 (4), 702-727

39772 2019 Suleman, F., Lagoa, S. & Suleman, A. (2019). Patterns of employment relationships: the association 3 Q1 18,42 0,16 0
between compensation policy and contractual arrangements. International Journal of Human
Resource Management. 30 (7), 1136-1156

BRU 53342 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C. & Sarmento, E. M. (2019). Place attachment and tourist engagement of major 47 Q1 12,56 3,74 3
visitor attractions in Lisbon. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 19 (3), 368-381

BRU 68959 2019 Santos, S. C. & Liguori, E. W. (2019). Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intentions: outcome 82 Q1 21,77 3,77 3
expectations as mediator and subjective norms as moderator. International Journal of
Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 26 (3), 400-415

BRU 60000 2019 Ferreira, M. A., Keswani, A., Miguel, A. F. & Ramos, S. B. (2019). What determines fund 13 Q1 5,20 2,50 2
performance persistence? International evidence. Financial Review. 54 (4), 679-708

BRU 60001 2019 Antino, M., Rico, R. & Thatcher, S. B. (2019). Structuring reality through the faultlines lens: the 42 Q1 35,57 1,18 1
effects of structure, fairness, and status conflict on the activated faultlines-performance
relationship. Academy of Management Journal. 62 (5), 1444-1470

BRU 53346 2019 Santana, S. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2019). Analysing drivers and outcomes of job and professional 6 Q1 19,11 0,31 0
satisfaction at health centres in Portugal. Benchmarking: An International Journal. 26 (4), 1357-

BRU 60517 2019 Crespo, N. & Simões, N. (2019). Publication performance through the lens of the h-index: how can 12 Q1 5,58 2,15 2
we solve the problem of the ties?. Social Science Quarterly. 100 (6), 2495-2506

BRU 61543 2019 Carvalho, L., Diogo, C. & Mendes, S. (2019). A bridge between quaternionic and complex numerical 4 Q1 4,74 0,84 0
ranges. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 581, 496-504


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BRU 56938 2019 Cortinhal, M. J., Lopes, M. J. & Melo, M. T. (2019). A multi-stage supply chain network design 25 Q1 19,78 1,26 1
problem with in-house production and partial product outsourcing. Applied Mathematical
Modelling. 70, 572-594

BRU 87659 2019 Fragetta, M. & Tamborini, R. (2019). It's not austerity. Or is it? Assessing the effect of austerity on 9 Q1 11,90 0,76 0
growth in the European Union, 2010-15. International Review of Economics and Finance. 62, 196-

BRU 53355 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C., De Plaza, M. A. P. & Taghian, M. (2019). The effect of benign and malicious 39 Q1 35,16 1,11 1
envies on desire to buy luxury fashion items. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 52

BRU 59757 2019 Luna, R., Zilhão, M., Cardoso, V., Costa, J. L. & Natário, J (2019). Strong cosmic censorship: the 36 Q1 20,38 1,77 1
nonlinear story. Physical Review D. 99 (6), 1-9

BRU 59758 2019 Costa, João L. & Natário, J (2019). Elastic shocks in relativistic rigid rods and balls. Proceedings of 2 Q1 12,46 0,16 0
the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 475 (2225), 1-17

CEI + BRU 51826 2019 Costa, C. M. & Mendonça, S. (2019). Knowledge-intensive consumer services. Understanding KICS 16 Q1 30,87 0,52 0
in the innovative global health-care sector. Research Policy. 48 (4), 968-982

60538 2019 Rodrigues, H., Brochado, A. & Troilo, M. (2019). Listening to the murmur of water: essential 24 Q1 26,41 0,91 0
satisfaction and dissatisfaction attributes of thermal and mineral spas. Journal of Travel and
Tourism Marketing. 37 (5), 649-666

BRU 47995 2019 Rego, J., Yam, K. C., Owens, B. P., Story, J. S. P., Cunha, M. P., Bluhm, D....Lopes, M. P. (2019). 26 Q1 47,84 0,54 0
Conveyed leader PsyCap predicting leader effectiveness through positive energizing. Journal of
Management. 45 (4), 1689-1712

BRU 47998 2019 Rego, J., Owens, B., Yam, K. C., Bluhm, D., Cunha, M. P., Silard, A....Liu, W. (2019). Leader humility 133 Q1 47,84 2,78 2
and team performance: exploring the mediating mechanisms of team PsyCap and task allocation
effectiveness. Journal of Management. 45 (3), 1009-1033

BRU 54655 2019 Ferreira, A. I., Ferreira, P. A. N. da C., Cooper, C. L. & Oliveira, D. (2019). How daily negative affect 58 Q1 13,15 4,41 3
and emotional exhaustion correlates with work engagement and presenteeism-constrained
productivity. International Journal of Stress Management. 26 (3), 261-271


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BRU 49537 2019 Lopes, A. I. & Reis, L. (2019). Are provisions and contingent liabilities priced by the market? An 2 Q1 14,83 0,13 0
exploratory study in Portugal and the UK. Meditari Accountancy Research. 27 (2), 228-257

50821 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J., Eloy, S., Langaro, D. & Panchapakesan, P. (2019). Understanding 151 Q1 36,16 4,18 3
the use of Virtual Reality in Marketing: a text mining-based review. Journal of Business Research.
100, 514-530

BRU 44935 2019 Palermo, O. A., Carnaz, A. C. & Duarte, H. (2019). Favouritism: exploring the ‘uncontrolled’ spaces 3 Q1 11,11 0,27 0
of the leadership experience. Leadership. 15 (3), 381-397

BRU 61067 2019 Sousa, M., António Miguel Pesqueira, Carlos Lemos, Miguel Sousa & Rocha, Álvaro (2019). Decision- 69 Q1 20,44 3,38 3
making based on big data analytics for people management in healthcare organizations. Journal of
Medical Systems. 43 (9)

BRU + CIES50316 2019 Aragão e Pina, J., Passos, A. M., Carvalho, H. & Maynard, M. T. (2019). To be or not to be an 26 Q1 13,42 1,94 1
excellent football referee: different experts’ viewpoints. Journal of Sports Sciences. 37 (6), 692-700

BRU 65420 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C. (2019). Exploring the role of atmospheric cues and authentic pride on perceived 16 Q1 16,75 0,96 0
authenticity assessment of museum visitors. International Journal of Tourism Research. 21 (4), 413-

BRU 59534 2019 Nogueira, D., Reis, E., Ferreira, P. & Schindler, A. (2019). Measuring quality of life in the speaker 3 Q1 4,21 0,71 0
with dysarthria: reliability and validity of the european portuguese version of the QoL-DyS. Folia
Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 71 (4), 176-190

BRU 65422 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C., Japutra, A. & Kwun, D. (2019). Signalling effects on symbolic status and 14 Q1 16,75 0,84 0
travellers' well-being in the luxury cruise industry. International Journal of Tourism Research. 21
(5), 639-654

BRU 60815 2019 Costa, João L., Natário, J & Pedro F. C. Oliveira (2019). Cosmic no-hair in spherically symmetric 5 Q1 5,73 0,87 0
black hole spacetimes. Annales Henri Poincaré. 20 (9), 3059-3090

BRU 50065 2019 Cardoso-Grilo, T., Monteiro, M., Oliveira, M. D., Amorim-Lopes, M. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A. (2019). 7 Q1 23,74 0,29 0
From problem structuring to optimization: a multi-methodological framework to assist the
planning of medical training. European Journal of Operational Research . 273 (2), 662-683


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BRU 65425 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C., Roschk, H. & Lima, F. (2019). The role of background music in the visitors’ 8 Q1 3,33 2,40 2
experience of art exhibition: music, memory, and art appraisal. International Journal of Arts
Management. 22 (1), 4-24

BRU 65427 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C., Rita, P. & Sarmento, E. M. (2019). What is the core essence of small city 6 Q1 9,95 0,60 0
boutique hotels?. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research. 14 (1), 44-62

52372 2019 Costa, A., Guerreiro, J., Moro, S. & Henriques, R. (2019). Unfolding the characteristics of 32 Q1 35,16 0,91 0
incentivized online reviews. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 47, 272-281

BRU 65428 2019 Shahrabani, S., Teitler-Regev, S., Syna, H. D., Tsoukatos, E., Ambrosio, V., Loureiro, S. M. 6 Q1 18,00 0,33 0
C....Voulgaris, F. (2019). The effects of socio-political context on tourism. EuroMed Journal of
Business. 15 (1), 22-38

52373 2019 Suleman, F. & Suleman, A. (2019). How do household tasks shape employment contracts? The 1 Q1 11,38 0,09 0
provision of care in Portugal. Feminist Economics. 25 (1), 174-203

BRU 59548 2019 Ribeiro, N., Duarte, A. P., Filipe, R. & Oliveira, R. T. (2019). How authentic leadership promotes 60 Q1 14,51 4,14 3
individual creativity: the mediating role of affective commitment. Journal of Leadership and
Organizational Studies. 27 (2), 189-202

BRU 49314 2019 Smale, A., Bagdadli, S., Cotton, R., Dello Russo, S., Dickmann, M., Dysvik, A....Verbruggen, M. 67 Q1 26,53 2,53 2
(2019). Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: the moderating role of national
culture. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 40, 105-122

BRU 59554 2019 de Jesus, A., Antunes, P., Santos, R. & Mendonça, S. (2019). Eco-innovation pathways to a circular 104 Q1 40,32 2,58 2
economy: envisioning priorities through a Delphi approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 228,

BRU 60335 2019 Pestana, M.H., Vargas-Sánchez, A. & Moutinho, L. (2019). The network science approach in 25 Q1 28,74 0,87 0
determining the intellectual structure, emerging trends and future research opportunities: an
application to senior tourism research. Tourism Management Perspectives. 31(July 2019), 370-382

BRU 69296 2019 Mazzeu, J. H. G., Veiga, H. & Mariti, M. B. (2019). Modeling and forecasting the oil volatility index. 6 Q1 10,40 0,58 0
Journal of Forecasting. 38 (8), 773-787


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BRU 54193 2019 Sousa, M. J., Carmo, M., Gonçalves, A. C., Cruz, R. & Martins, J. M. (2019). Creating knowledge and 43 Q1 36,16 1,19 1
entrepreneurial capacity for HE students with digital education methodologies: differences in the
perceptions of students and entrepreneurs. Journal of Business Research. 94, 227-240

BRU 59825 2019 Ferreira, J., Fernandes, C. & Ferreira, F. (2019). To be or not to be digital, that is the question: firm 254 Q1 36,16 7,02 3
innovation and performance. Journal of Business Research. 101, 583-590

BRU 59826 2019 Vaz de Almeida, M., Ferreira, J. & Ferreira, F. (2019). Developing a multi-criteria decision support 24 Q1 12,02 2,00 2
system for evaluating knowledge transfer by higher education institutions. Knowledge
Management Research and Practice. 17 (4), 358-372

BRU 55732 2019 Ferreira, F., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Zavadskas, E., Jalali, M. & Catarino, S. (2019). A judgment- 9 Q1 11,73 0,77 0
based risk assessment framework for consumer loans. International Journal of Information
Technology and Decision Making. 18 (1), 7-33

BRU 40373 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C., Breazeale, M. & Radic, A. (2019). Happiness from rural experience in Dalmatia: 28 Q1 17,02 1,65 1
exploring the role of tourist mindfulness as moderator. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 25 (3), 279 -

BRU 59829 2019 Marques, C., Marques, C., Ferreira, J. & Ferreira, F. (2019). Effects of traits, self-motivation and 29 Q1 23,84 1,22 1
managerial skills on nursing intrapreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management
Journal. 15 (3), 733-748

BRU 59831 2019 Ferreira, F., Esperança, J., Xavier, M., Costa, R. & Pérez-Gladish, B. (2019). A socio-technical 8 Q1 11,43 0,70 0
approach to the evaluation of social credit applications. Journal of the Operational Research
Society. 70 (10), 1801-1816

BRU 61372 2019 Ladeira, M. J. M., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, J. M., Fang, W., Falcão, P. F. & Rosa, A. (2019). Exploring the 48 Q1 23,84 2,01 2
determinants of digital entrepreneurship using fuzzy cognitive maps. International
Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 15 (4), 1077-1101

BRU 50376 2019 Oliveira, J., Azevedo, G. & Silva, M. J. (2019). Institutional and economic determinants of corporate 14 Q1 14,83 0,94 0
social responsibility disclosure by banks: institutional perspectives. Meditari Accountancy
Research. 27 (2), 196-227

BRU + CIES59593 2019 Rodrigues, H., Almeida, F., Figueiredo, V. & Lopes, S. L. (2019). Tracking e-learning through 206 Q1 48,14 4,28 3
published papers: a systematic review. Computers and Education. 136, 87-98


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU 60363 2019 Sánchez-Hernandez, I., Carvalho, L. & Paiva, I. (2019). Orientation towards social responsibility of 6 Q1 13,73 0,44 0
North-West African firms. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 10 (2), 365-

BRU 49360 2019 Bilro, R.G., Loureiro, S. M. C. & Guerreiro, J. (2019). Exploring online customer engagement with 88 Q1 36,09 2,44 2
hospitality products and its relationship with involvement, emotional states, experience and brand
advocacy. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. 28 (2), 147-171

BRU 60624 2019 Abreu, J. F., Alves, M. G. & Gulamhussen, M. A. (2019). State interventions to rescue banks during 7 Q1 11,90 0,59 0
the global financial crisis. International Review of Economics & Finance. 62, 213-229

BRU + IT 53713 2019 Rosa, H., Pereira, N., Ribeiro, R., Ferreira, P., Carvalho, J., Oliveira, S....Trancoso, I. (2019). 149 Q1 35,98 4,14 3
Automatic cyberbullying detection: a systematic review. Computers in Human Behavior. 93, 333-

BRU 60128 2019 Costa, João L., Natário, J & Pedro F. C. Oliveira (2019). Decay of solutions of the wave equation in 7 Q1 3,14 2,23 2
expanding cosmological spacetimes. Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations. 16 (01), 35-58

60901 2019 Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2019). Main gamification concepts: a systematic 60 Q1 13,14 4,57 3
mapping study. Heliyon. 5 (7), 1-13

BRU 57326 2019 Reis, I., Ferreira, F., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Govindan, K., Fang, W. & Falcão, P. (2019). An 32 Q1 38,96 0,82 0
evaluation thermometer for assessing city sustainability and livability. Sustainable Cities and
Society. 47

BRU 57337 2019 Gonçalves, J., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, J. & Farinha, L. (2019). A multiple criteria group decision- 39 Q1 17,52 2,23 2
making approach for the assessment of small and medium-sized enterprise competitiveness.
Management Decision. 57 (2), 480-500

BRU 61692 2019 Japutra, A., Loureiro, S. M. C., Molinillo, S. & Ekinci, Y (2019). Travellers’ mindsets and theory of 36 Q1 28,74 1,25 1
planned behaviour. Tourism Management Perspectives. 30, 193-196

BRU 61693 2019 Itani, Omar S., Kasser, Abdul-Nasser & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2019). Value get, value give: the 156 Q1 38,30 4,07 3
relationships among perceived value, relationship quality, customer engagement, and value
consciousness. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 80, 78-90


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BRU 61694 2019 Prentice, P., Wang, X & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2019). The influence of brand experience and service 142 Q1 35,16 4,04 3
quality on customer engagement. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 50, 50-59

BRU 81407 2019 Frank. U., van den Engel-Hoek, L., Nogueira, D., Schindler, A., Adams, S., Curry, M....Hucckabee, M.- 13 Q1 12,24 1,06 1
L. (2019). International standardisation of the test of masticating and swallowing solids in children.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 46 (2), 161-169

BRU 59919 2019 Angelo Riviezzo, Santos, S. C., Francisco Liñán, Maria Rosaria Napolitano & Floriana Fusco (2019). 40 Q1 39,96 1,00 1
European universities seeking entrepreneurial paths: the moderating effect of contextual variables
on the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship. Technological Forecasting and Social
Change. 141, 232-248
BRU 54782 2019 Neumeyer, X., Neumeyer, X., Santos, S. C., Caetano, António & Pamela Kalbfleisch (2019). 142 Q1 28,19 5,04 3
Entrepreneurship ecosystems and women entrepreneurs: a social capital and network approach.
Small Business Economics. 53 (2), 475-489

BRU 38402 2018 Jesus. A. & Mendonça, S. (2018). Lost in transition? Drivers and barriers in the eco-innovation road 506 Q1 27,15 18,64 3
to the circular economy. Ecological Economics. 145, 75-89

BRU 48903 2018 Marques, S., Ferreira, F., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I. & Banaitis, A. (2018). Classifying urban 38 Q1 44,43 0,86 0
residential areas based on their exposure to crime: a constructivist approach. Sustainable Cities
and Society. 39, 418-429

BRU 48904 2018 Carayannis, E., Ferreira, F., Bento, P., Ferreira, J., Jalali, M. & Fernandes, B. (2018). Developing a 40 Q1 44,26 0,90 0
socio-technical evaluation index for tourist destination competitiveness using cognitive mapping
and MCDA. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 131, 147-158

BRU 48905 2018 Grillo, C., Ferreira, F., Marques, C. & Ferreira, J. (2018). A knowledge-based innovation assessment 32 Q1 37,59 0,85 0
system for small- and medium-sized enterprises: adding value with cognitive mapping and MCDA.
Journal of Knowledge Management. 22 (3), 696-718

BRU 48906 2018 Ferreira, J., Jalali, M. & Ferreira, F. (2018). Enhancing the decision-making virtuous cycle of ethical 23 Q1 41,07 0,56 0
banking practices using the Choquet integral. Journal of Business Research. 88, 492-497

BRU 48910 2018 Faria, P., Ferreira, F., Jalali, M., Bento, P. & António, N. (2018). Combining cognitive mapping and 58 Q1 30,08 1,93 1
MCDA for improving quality of life in urban areas. Cities. 78, 116-127


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BRU 48911 2018 Castela, B., Ferreira, F., Ferreira, J. & Marques, C. (2018). Assessing the innovation capability of 51 Q1 19,86 2,57 2
small- and medium-sized enterprises using a non-parametric and integrative approach.
Management Decision. 56 (6), 1365-1383

BRU 41232 2018 Costa, C. G., Zhou, Q. & Ferreira, A. I. (2018). The impact of anger on creative process engagement: 22 Q1 32,18 0,68 0
the role of social contexts. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 39 (4), 495-506

BRU 48912 2018 Rita, D., Ferreira, F., Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Govindan, K. & Ferreira, J. (2018). Proposal of a 31 Q1 47,37 0,65 0
green index for small and medium-sized enterprises: a multiple criteria group decision-making
approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 196, 985-996

BRU 40727 2018 Rodriguez-Muñoz, A., Sanz-Vergel, A., Antino, M., Demeruti, E. & Bakker, B. A. (2018). Positive 18 Q1 18,06 1,00 1
experiences at work and daily recovery: effects on couple’s well-being. Journal of Happiness
Studies. 19 (5), 1395-1413

BRU 40728 2018 Vásquez-Echeverría, A., Antino, M., Alvarez-Nuñez, L. & Rodríguez-Muñoz, A. (2018). Evidence for 10 Q1 16,44 0,61 0
the reliability and factor solution of the CFCS-14 in Spanish: a multi-method validation in Spain and
Uruguay. Personality and Individual Differences. 123, 171-175

BRU 40740 2018 Dias, J. C. & Nunes, J. P. V. (2018). Universal recurrence algorithm for computing Nuttall, 0 Q1 28,22 0,00 0
generalized Marcum and incomplete Toronto functions and moments of a noncentral x2 random
variable. European Journal of Operational Research . 265 (2), 559-570

BRU 47653 2018 Ramos, T. R. P., de Morais, C. S. & Barbosa-Póvoa, A. P. (2018). The smart waste collection routing 71 Q1 41,64 1,71 1
problem: alternative operational management approaches. Expert Systems with Applications. 103,

BRU 46631 2018 Álvarez-García, J., de la Cruz del Rio-Rama, M., Saraiva, M. & Pires, A. R. (2018). The influence of 15 Q1 47,37 0,32 0
motivations and barriers in the benefits. An empirical study of EMAS certified business in Spain.
Journal of Cleaner Production. 185, 62-74

BRU 38955 2018 Souza, S. B., Veiga Simão, A. M., Ferreira, A. I. & Costa Ferreira, P. A. N. (2018). University students’ 34 Q1 20,11 1,69 1
perceptions of campus climate, cyberbullying and cultural issues: implications for theory and
practice. Studies in Higher Education. 43 (11), 2072-2087

BRU 59947 2018 Cunha, M. P., Rego, A. & Munro, I. (2018). Dogs in organizations. Human Relations. 72 (4), 778-800 24 Q1 26,02 0,92 0


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BRU 38444 2018 Pedro, C. P., Ramalho, J. J. S. & Silva, J. V. (2018). The main determinants of banking crises in OECD 20 Q1 6,94 2,88 2
countries. Review of World Economics. 154 (1), 203-227

BRU 53292 2018 Carayannis, E., Ferreira, J., Jalali, M. & Ferreira, F. (2018). MCDA in knowledge-based economies: 28 Q1 44,26 0,63 0
methodological developments and real world applications. Technological Forecasting and Social
Change. 131, 1-3

BRU 45869 2018 Costa, J. L., Girão, P. M., Natário, J. & Silva, J. D. (2018). On the occurrence of mass inflation for the 23 Q1 11,28 2,04 2
Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant and an exponential price law .
Communications in Mathematical Physics. 361 (1), 289-341

BRU 59949 2018 Rego, A., Cunha, M. P., Reis Júnior, D., Anastácio, C. & Savagnago, M. (2018). The optimism- 10 Q1 22,20 0,45 0
pessimism ratio as predictor of employee creativity: the promise of duality. European Journal of
Innovation Management. 21 (3), 423-442

BRU 59951 2018 Cunha, M. P., Vieira, D. V., Rego, A. & Clegg, S. (2018). Why does performance management not 14 Q1 14,87 0,94 0
perform?. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 67 (4), 673-692

BRU 23346 2018 Langaro, D., Rita, P. & Salgueiro, M. F. (2018). Do social network sites contribute for building 78 Q1 15,03 5,19 3
brands? Evaluating the impact of users’ participation on brand awareness and brand attitude.
Journal of Marketing Communications. 24 (2), 146-168

BRU 50750 2018 Freitas, A. C., Silva, S. A. & Santos, C. M. (2018). Safety training transfer: the roles of coworkers, 26 Q1 31,49 0,83 0
supervisors, safety professionals, and felt responsibility. Journal of Occupational Health
Psychology. 24 (1), 92-107

42816 2018 Brochado, A., Santos, M-C., Oliveira-Brochado, F. & Esperança, J. (2018). Gambling behavior: 9 Q1 41,07 0,22 0
instant versus traditional lotteries. Journal of Business Research. 88, 560-567

BRU 41028 2018 Martins, L. F. (2018). Bootstrap tests for time varying cointegration. Econometric Reviews. 37 (5), 8 Q1 5,49 1,46 1

BRU + CIS 46149 2018 Duarte, H., Palermo, O. & Arriaga, P. (2018). The role of emotions in the control-resistance dyad. 3 Q1 11,66 0,26 0
Scandinavian Journal of Management. 34 (1), 91-102


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BRU 40518 2018 Jesus, A,, Antunes, P., Santos, R. & Mendonça, S. (2018). Eco-Innovation in the transition to a 200 Q1 47,37 4,22 3
circular economy: an analytical literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 172, 2999-3018

BRU 41802 2018 Montes-Maroto, G., Rodriguez-Muñoz, A., Antino, M. & Gil, F. (2018). Mindfulness beyond the 23 Q1 15,93 1,44 1
individual: spillover and crossover effects in working couples. Mindfulness. 9 (4), 1258-1267

BRU 41039 2018 Soares, H., Sequeira, T. N., Marques, P. M., Gomes, O. & Ferreira-Lopes, A. (2018). Social 2 Q1 19,56 0,10 0
infrastructure and the preservation of physical capital: equilibria and transitional dynamics.
Applied Mathematics and Computation. 321, 614-632

BRU 47183 2018 Coelho, P. S., Rita, P. & Santos, Z. R. (2018). On the relationship between consumer-brand 155 Q1 39,40 3,93 3
identification, brand community, and brand loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services .
43, 101-110

BRU 48209 2018 Ribeiro, N., Duarte, A. P. & Filipe, R. (2018). How authentic leadership promotes individual 34 Q1 14,87 2,29 2
performance: mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior and creativity. International
Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 67 (9), 1585-1607

BRU 45140 2018 Lourenço, I. C., Rathke, A., Santana, V. & Branco, M. C. (2018). Corruption and earnings 42 Q1 19,47 2,16 2
management in developed and emerging countries. Corporate Governance. 18 (1), 35-51

BRU 45142 2018 Lourenço, I., Branco, M. C. & Curto, J. D. (2018). Timely reporting and family ownership: the 6 Q1 17,91 0,34 0
Portuguese case. Meditari Accountancy Research. 26 (1), 170-192

BRU 36951 2018 Rego, J., Cunha, M. P. & Simpson, A. V. (2018). The perceived impact of leaders’ humility on team 65 Q1 27,54 2,36 2
effectiveness: an empirical study. Journal of Business Ethics. 148 (1), 205-218

BRU 47708 2018 Leite, M., Varanda, A., Ribeiro, A., Silva & Vaz, M.F. (2018). Mechanical properties and water 49 Q1 19,47 2,52 2
absorption of surface modified ABS 3D printed by fused deposition modelling. Rapid Prototyping
Journal. 24 (1), 195-203

BRU 53340 2018 Loureiro, S. M. C., Cavallero, L. & Miranda, F. J. (2018). Fashion brands on retail websites: customer 59 Q1 39,40 1,50 1
performance expectancy and e-word-of-mouth. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 41,


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BRU 53341 2018 Loureiro, S. M. C., Maximiano, M. & Panchapakesan, P. (2018). Engaging fashion consumers in 30 Q1 6,85 4,38 3
social media: the case of luxury brands. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and
Education. 11 (3), 310 -321

BRU 90974 2018 Cunha, M. P. e., Cardona, M. J., Clegg, S., Gomes, J. F. S., Matallana, M., Rego, A....Sánchez, I. D. 0 Q1 5,96 0,00 0
(2018). Through the looking glass: Leader personhood and the intersubjective construction of
institutions. Journal of Political Power. 11 (3), 378-402

BRU 46176 2018 Gietzmann, M., Isidro, H. & Raonic, I. (2018). Vulture funds and the fresh start accounting value of 1 Q1 11,90 0,08 0
firms emerging from bankruptcy. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. 45 (3-4), 410-436

BRU 53350 2018 Prentice, C. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2018). Consumer-based approach to customer engagement - the 90 Q1 39,40 2,28 2
case of luxury brands . Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 43, 325-332

BRU 47979 2018 Fernandes, F., Ferreira, F., Bento, P., Jalali, M. & António, N. (2018). Assessing sustainable 46 Q1 17,33 2,65 2
development in urban areas using cognitive mapping and MCDA. International Journal of
Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 25 (3), 216-226

BRU 47980 2018 Ferreira, F. (2018). Mapping the field of arts-based management: bibliographic coupling and co- 136 Q1 41,07 3,31 3
citation analyses. Journal of Business Research. 85, 348-357

BRU 47981 2018 Oliveira, I., Carayannis, E., Ferreira, F., Jalali, M., Carlucci, D. & Ferreira, J. (2018). Constructing 20 Q1 44,26 0,45 0
home safety indices for strategic planning in residential real estate: a socio-technical approach.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 131 (6), 67-77

BRU 47982 2018 Ferreira, F., Spahr, R., Sunderman, M. & Jalali, M. (2018). A prioritisation index for blight 24 Q1 13,14 1,83 1
intervention strategies in residential real estate. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 69
(8), 1269-1285

BRU 50550 2018 Cardoso, V., Costa, J. L., Destounis, K., Hintz, P. & Jansen, A. (2018). Strong cosmic censorship in 80 Q1 25,02 3,20 3
charged black-hole spacetimes: still subtle. Physical Review D. 98 (10)

BRU 39546 2018 Duarte, F. D., Gama, A. P. M. & Gulamhussen, M. A. (2018). Defaults in bank loans to SMEs during 26 Q1 31,99 0,81 0
the financial crisis. Small Business Economics. 51 (3), 591-608


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BRU 54653 2018 Baldé, M., Ferreira, A. I. & Maynard, T. (2018). SECI driven creativity: the role of team trust and 39 Q1 37,59 1,04 1
intrinsic motivation. Journal of Knowledge Management. 22 (8), 1688-1711

BRU 38527 2018 Bouville, G., Dello Russo, S. & Truxillo, D. (2018). The moderating role of age in the job 25 Q1 21,02 1,19 1
characteristics-absenteeism relationship: a matter of occupational context?. Journal of
Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 91 (1), 57-83

BRU 41087 2018 Braun, T., Ferreira, A. I., Schmidt, T. & Sydow, J. (2018). Another post-heroic view on 14 Q1 26,71 0,52 0
entrepreneurship: the role of employees in networking the start-up process. British Journal of
Management. 29 (4), 652-669

BRU 54657 2018 Mach, M., Ferreira, A. I., Martinez, L. F., Lisowskaia, A., Dagher, G. K. & Perez-Nebra, A. R. (2018). 18 Q1 16,14 1,12 1
Working conditions in hospitals revisited: a moderated-mediated model of job context and
presenteeism. PLoS One. 13 (10)


31363 2018 Figueiredo, M. C., Suleman, F. & Botelho, M. C. (2018). Workplace abuse and harassment: the 21 Q1 9,09 2,31 2
vulnerability of informal and migrant domestic workers in Portugal. Social Policy and Society. 17
(1), 65-85

BRU 47747 2018 Oliveira, J., Serrasqueiro, R. M. & Mota, S. (2018). Determinants of risk reporting by portuguese 19 Q1 30,63 0,62 0
and spanish non-finance companies. European Business Review. 3 (1), 311-339

40836 2018 Silva, M., Martins, L. F. & Lopes, H. (2018). Asymmetric labor market reforms: effects on wage 7 Q1 16,04 0,44 0
growth and conversion probability of fixed-term contracts. Industrial and Labor Relations Review.
71 (3), 760-788

BRU 40071 2018 Aragão e Pina, J., Passos, A., Araújo, D. & Maynard, M. (2018). Football refereeing: an integrative 52 Q1 19,14 2,72 2
review. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 35, 10-26

BRU 37257 2018 Martin, R., Thomas, G., Legood, A. & Dello Russo, S. (2018). Leader–member exchange (LMX) 114 Q1 32,18 3,54 3
differentiation and work outcomes: conceptual clarification and critical review. Journal of
Organizational Behavior. 39 (2), 151-168

BRU 41102 2018 João Henrique Gonçalves Mazzeu, Ruiz, E. & Veiga, H. (2018). Uncertainty and density forecasts of 4 Q1 21,65 0,18 0
arma models: comparison of asymptotic, bayesian, and bootstrap procedures. Journal of Economic
Surveys. 32 (2), 388-419


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BRU 48015 2018 Magueta, D., Madaleno, M., Dias, M. F. & Meireles, M. (2018). New cars and emissions: effects of 15 Q1 47,37 0,32 0
policies, macroeconomic impacts and cities characteristics in Portugal. Journal of Cleaner
Production. 181, 178-191

BRU 49578 2018 Martins, A. L., Duarte, H. & Costa, D. (2018). Buyer–supplier relationships in IT outsourcing: 9 Q1 25,04 0,36 0
consultants’ perspective. International Journal of Logistics Management. 29 (4), 1215-1236

BRU 61103 2018 Vicente, P. & Reis, E. (2018). Ex-regular users of public transport: their reasons for leaving and 3 Q1 47,96 0,06 0
returning. Journal of Public Transportation. 21 (2), 101-116

BRU 46517 2018 Ramalho, J. J. S., Rita, R. M. S. & da Silva, J. V. (2018). The impact of family ownership on capital 30 Q1 31,62 0,95 0
structure of firms: exploring the role of zero-leverage, size, location and the global financial crisis.
International Small Business Journal. 36 (5), 574-604

BRU 30391 2018 Eccher, U. & Duarte, H. (2018). How images about emerging economies influence the willingness 22 Q1 20,98 1,05 1
to accept expatriate assignments. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 29 (4),

BRU 41402 2018 Machado, V., Carrasco, P., Contreiras, J., Duarte, A. P. & Gouveia, D. (2018). Governing locally for 19 Q1 15,50 1,23 1
sustainability: public and private organizations’ perspective in surf tourism at Aljezur, Costa
Vicentina, Portugal. Tourism Planning and Development. 15 (6), 692-704

BRU 40379 2018 Kastenholz, E., Carneiro, M. J., Marques, C. P. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2018). The dimensions of rural 133 Q1 29,72 4,48 3
tourism experience: impacts on arousal, memory, and satisfaction. Journal of Travel and Tourism
Marketing. 35 (2), 189-201

BRU 54203 2018 Sousa, M. & Daniela Wilks (2018). Sustainable skills for the world of work in the digital age. 35 Q1 9,51 3,68 3
Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 35 (4), 399-405

BRU 61379 2018 Major, M., Conceição, A. & Clegg, S. (2018). When institutional entrepreneurship failed: the case of 9 Q1 18,82 0,48 0
a responsibility centre in a Portuguese hospital. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.
31 (4), 1199-1229

BRU 40903 2018 Lopes, A. I. & Coelho, A. M. (2018). Engaged in integrated reporting? Evidence across multiple 21 Q1 30,63 0,69 0
organizations. European Business Review. 30 (4), 398-426


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BRU 47303 2018 Ly, A., Esperança, J. & Davcik, N. S. (2018). What drives foreign direct investment: the role of 33 Q1 41,07 0,80 0
language, geographical distance, information flows and technological similarity. Journal of Business
Research. 88, 111-122

BRU 48584 2018 Penela, D., Morais, A. I. & Gregory, A. (2018). An analytical inquiry on timeshare research: a 5 Q1 43,14 0,12 0
continuously growing segment in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality
Management. 76, 132-151

BRU 49359 2018 Bilro, R.G., Loureiro, S. M. C. & Faizan Ali (2018). The role of website stimuli of experience on 55 Q1 21,98 2,50 2
engagement and brand advocacy. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 9 (2), 204-222

BRU 55254 2018 Henqriques-Calado, J., Duarte-Silva, M. E. & Sousa Ferreira, A. (2018). Depressive vulnerability in 5 Q1 25,09 0,20 0
women with Alzheimer's disease: relationship with personality traits and abnormal personality
dimensions. Journal of Affective Disorders. 241, 182-191

CIS + BRU 49369 2018 Luís, S., Lima, M. L., Roseta-Palma, C., Rodrigues, N., Sousa, L. P., Freitas, F....Poulos, S. (2018). 22 Q1 36,51 0,60 0
Psychosocial drivers for change: understanding and promoting stakeholder engagement in local
adaptation to climate change in three European Mediterranean case studies. Journal of
Environmental Management. 223, 165-174
BRU 48091 2018 Huckabee, M.-G., McIntosh, T., Fuller, L., Curry, M., Thomas, P., Walshe, M....Sella-Weiss, O. 72 Q1 11,90 6,05 3
(2018). The Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids (TOMASS): reliability, validity and
international normative data. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 53
(1), 144-156
BRU 40417 2018 Abrantes, A. C. M., Passos, A. M., Cunha, M. P. & Santos, C. M. (2018). Bringing team improvisation 61 Q1 41,07 1,49 1
to team adaptation: the combined role of shared temporal cognitions and team learning behaviors
fostering team performance. Journal of Business Research. 84, 59-71

BRU 41955 2018 Cardoso, V., Costa, J. L., Destounis, K., Hintz, P. & Jansen, A. (2018). Quasinormal modes and 173 Q1 44,38 3,90 3
Strong Cosmic Censorship. Physical Review Letters. 120 (3)

BRU + CIES48615 2018 Dias, J. G. & de Oliveira, I. T. (2018). Exploring unobserved household living conditions in multilevel 3 Q1 16,14 0,19 0
choice modeling: an application to contraceptive adoption by Indian women. PLoS One. 13 (1)

BRU 28649 2018 Dello Russo, S., Mascia, D. & Morandi, F. (2018). Individual perceptions of HR practices, HRM 37 Q1 20,98 1,76 1
strength, and appropriateness of care: a meso, multilevel approach. International Journal of
Human Resource Management. 29 (2), 286-310


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BRU 41199 2018 Caetano, A. J. & Dias, J. G. (2018). Socioeconomic classification of the working-age Brazilian 2 Q1 12,69 0,16 0
population: a joint latent class analysis using social class and asset-based perspectives. Social
Indicators Research. 139 (1), 119-146

BRU 46069 2018 Nave, M., Rita, P. & Guerreiro, J. (2018). A decision support system framework to track consumer 36 Q1 39,83 0,90 0
sentiments in social media. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. 27 (6), 693-710

BRU 49910 2018 Falcão, P. F., Saraiva, M., Santos, E. & Pina e Cunha, M. (2018). Big Five personality traits in 5 Q1 19,95 0,25 0
simulated negotiation settings. EuroMed Journal of Business. 13 (2), 201-213

BRU 45815 2018 Marchesi, S., Marques, P. M. & Soares, H. (2018). Monads on projective varieties. Pacific Journal of 1 Q1 3,39 0,29 0
Mathematics. 296 (1), 155-180

BRU 37113 2018 Parente, P. M. D. C. (2018). A general class of non-nested test statistics for models defined through 0 Q1 6,27 0,00 0
moment restrictions. Econometric Theory. 34 (2), 477-507

BRU 48633 2018 Marques, C., Mohsin, A. & Lengler, J. (2018). A multinational comparative study highlighting 10 Q1 33,00 0,30 0
students' travel motivations and touristic trends. Journal of Destination Marketing and
Management. 10, 87-100

45818 2018 Brochado, A., Dionísio, P. & Leal, M. C. (2018). Sponsoring the football national team. Journal of 4 Q1 15,18 0,26 0
Business and Industrial Marketing. 33 (5), 625-637

BRU 59920 2018 Santos, S. C., Neumeyer, X., Neumeyer, X. & Michael H. Morris (2018). Entrepreneurship education 72 Q1 23,44 3,07 3
in a poverty context: an empowerment perspective. Journal of Small Business Management. N/A,

BRU 39394 2018 Neumeyer, X., Neumeyer, X. & Santos, S. C. (2018). Sustainable business models, venture 157 Q1 47,37 3,31 3
typologies, and entrepreneurial ecosystems: a social network perspective. Journal of Cleaner
Production. 172 (20), 4565-4579

BRU 49992 2018 Mendonça, S., Pereira, J. & Ferreira, M.E. (2018). Gatekeeping African studies: what does 22 Q1 20,34 1,08 1
“editormetrics” indicate about journal governance?. Scientometrics. 117 (3), 1513-1534

Total P_Imp_Artigo 384


Executado 2018-2022 bru_iscte

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018-2022

Projetos Nacionais 359 386 € 313 154 € 189 314 € 363 414 € 576 202 € 1 801 470 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Prog - - - 6 837 € 48 708 € 55 545 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Base 258 252 € 184 153 € 109 740 € 167 308 € 360 590 € 1 080 042 €
Projetos FCT 100 136 € 101 799 € 56 654 € 115 992 € 48 690 € 423 270 €
Outros Programas 999 € 19 661 € 2 370 € 9 681 € 100 036 € 132 748 €
Instituições Privadas - 7 541 € 20 549 € 63 596 € 10 114 € 101 800 €
Organismos Públicos - - - - 8 064 € 8 064 €
bru_Iscte Projetos de Cooperação Nacional - - - - 0€ 0€
Projetos Internacionais 2 599 € 1 021 € 46 157 € 90 273 € 245 993 € 386 043 €
Comissão Europeia 2 599 € 1 021 € 41 363 € 90 273 € 245 993 € 381 249 €
Outros Programas Internacionais - - 4 794 € - 0€ 4 794 €
Instituições Privadas - - - - 0€ 0€
Organismos Públicos - - - - 0€ 0€
Projetos de Cooperação Internacional - - - - 0€ 0€
Total 361 985 € 314 176 € 235 471 € 453 686 € 822 195 € 2 187 513 €
Fonte: Relatório de Atividades do Iscte

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CEI 89603 2022 Mattheis, F. & Seabra, P. (2022). An ocean free of nuclear weapons? Regional security governance in the 1 Q1 2,05 0,49 0
South Atlantic. Politics and Governance. 10 (3)

CEI 90154 2022 Maupeu, H., Gez, Y. N. & Droz, Y. (2022). Athéisme et sécularisme au Kenya. Les tribulations des Atheists In 1 Q1 1,10 0,91 0
Kenya (AIK). Social Compass. 69 (4), 596-613

CEI 91952 2022 Pereira, J. C. & Terrenas, J. (2022). Towards a transformative governance of the Amazon. Global Policy. 13 0 Q1 1,78 0,00 0
(S3), 60-75

CEI 83249 2022 Da Silva, R., Fontana, G. & Armstrong, M. (2022). ‘It’s about keeping children safe, not spying’: A 4 Q1 2,49 1,61 1
governmentality approach to prevent in primary education. British Journal of Politics and International
Relations. 24 (2), 259-276

CEI 92212 2022 Mesquita, R., Martins, R. & Seabra, P. (2022). Estimating ideal points from UN General Assembly sponsorship 0 Q1 1,41 0,00 0
data. International Interactions. 48 (6), 1233-1252

CEI 89922 2022 Seabra, P. & Mesquita, R. (2022). Beyond roll-call voting: Sponsorship dynamics at the UN General Assembly. 2 Q1 2,50 0,80 0
International Studies Quarterly. 66 (2)

CEI 82523 2022 Esteves, A. (2022). Processes of normative regulation in spaces of “solidarity economy”: A comparative case 5 Q1 3,34 1,50 1
study analysis. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. 42 (7/8), 624-639

CEI 90727 2022 Ferreira Dias, J. (2022). The making of religion: An essay on the definition of ‘African religion’ through the 0 Q1 0,46 0,00 0
cases of the Yorùbá and Candomblé. Journal of Religion in Africa . 52 (3-4), 374-394

BRU + CEI 89970 2022 Barakat, L. L., Pedersen, T., Amaral-Baptista, M., Cretoiu, S. B. & Bento, P. (2022). Too much of two good 0 Q1 4,63 0,00 0
things: Explicating the limited complementarity between drivers of MNC Headquarters’ absorptive capacity.
Management International Review. 63 (3), 393-426

CEI 89971 2022 Delios, A., Clemente, E. G., Wu, T., Tan, H., Wang, Y, Gordon, M....Generalizability Tests Forecasting 10 Q1 9,68 1,03 1
Collaboration (2022). Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119 (30)


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CEI 82042 2022 Sanches, E., Cheeseman, N., Veenendaal, W. & Corbett, J. (2022). African exceptions: democratic 4 Q1 1,70 2,35 2
development in small island states. Journal of International Relations and Development. 25, 210-234

CEI 89729 2022 Costa, C. M. (2022). Beyond organisational borders: The soft power of innovation in the health sector; 0 Q1 2,90 0,00 0
comment on what managers find important for implementation of innovations in the healthcare sector –
Practice through six management perspectives. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11
(12), 3125-3128
CEI 82120 2022 Marsili, M. (2022). The servant of two masters: Italian diplomats in World War II. Story of a diplomatic civil 0 Q1 0,46 0,00 0
war and its implications and consequences on post-war foreign policy. Journal of Modern Italian Studies. 27
(1), 19-40

CEI 92662 2022 Gargallo, E. (2022). ‘Experts’, settlers and Africans: The production of local agricultural and veterinary 0 Q1 0,48 0,00 0
knowledge in Southern Rhodesia (1897–1914). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History. 50 (4), 639-

CEI 79337 2022 Stavi, I., Roque de Pinho, J., Paschalidou, A., Adamo, S. B., Galvin, K. A., Sherbinin, A. De...van der Geest, K. 14 Q1 3,00 4,67 3
(2022). Food security among dryland pastoralists and agropastoralists: The climate, land-use change, and
population dynamics nexus. Anthropocene Review. 9 (3), 299-323

CEI 78856 2021 Esteves, A., Genus, A., Henfrey, T., Penha-Lopes, G. & East, M. (2021). Sustainable entrepreneurship and the 29 Q1 24,84 1,17 1
Sustainable Development Goals: community-led initiatives, the social solidarity economy and commons
ecologies. Business Strategy and the Environment. 30 (3), 1423-1435

CEI 84531 2021 Seabra, P. (2021). Falling short or rising above the fray? Rising powers and security force assistance to Africa. 3 Q1 3,79 0,79 0
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. 15 (5), 682-697

CEI 84032 2021 Unks, R., Goldman. M. J., Mialhe, F. & Roque de Pinho, J. (2021). People should also look after the people: 9 Q1 8,51 1,06 1
relational values of wildlife and collectively titled land in Ilkisongo Maasai group ranches in Southern Kenya.
Ecology and Society. 26 (3)

CEI 85835 2021 Gargallo, E. (2021). Human-wildlife conflict in a ‘successful’ community conservation programme: Economic 4 Q1 5,83 0,69 0
and territorial impacts on Namibia’s conservancies. Journal of Arid Environments. 193

CEI 54860 2021 Lam, K. (2021). Island-raised but foreign-made: lived experiences, transnational relationships, and 4 Q1 3,74 1,07 1
expressions of womanhood among Cape Verdean migrant women in Greater Lisbon. Island Studies Journal.
16 (1), 101-114


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CEI 79699 2021 Dolenec, D., Balkovic, A., Kralj, K., Sirinic, D., Romanos, E. & Fernandes, T. (2021). Protest event data for 3 Q1 0,67 4,48 3
Croatia, Portugal, Serbia and Spain: Focus on strike data. Croatian Political Science Review. 57 (4), 155-168

CEI 78716 2021 Sá, A. L. & Sanches, E. (2021). The politics of autocratic survival in Equatorial Guinea: co-optation, restrictive 6 Q1 5,51 1,09 1
institutional rules, repression, and international projection. African Affairs. 120 (478), 78-102

CEI 84879 2021 Ribeiro, I. M. & Kostas, S. (2021). Diplomacy, hybrid leadership, and EU actorness: assessing the role of EU 0 Q1 1,38 0,00 0
High Representative Catherine Ashton in the 2013 Kosovo-Serbia agreement. Eastern Journal of European
Studies. 12 (2), 66-85

CIES + CEI 82083 2021 Pereira, C., Pereira, A., Budal, A., Dahal, S., Daniel-Wrabetz, J., Meshelemiah, J....Pires, R. P. (2021). ‘If you 8 Q1 10,35 0,77 0
don't migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers
in Portugal. Journal of Rural Studies. 88, 500-509

CEI + CIES 81829 2021 Moriconi, M. & Cima, C. (2021). Why some football referees engage in match-fixing? A sociological 4 Q1 5,00 0,80 0
explanation of the influence of social structures. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 13 (4), 545-

CEI 82403 2021 Ylönen, A. (2021). Positivism or understanding? The complexity of analyzing the objectives of armed 0 Q1 0,59 0,00 0
opposition groups. Critical Review. 33 (1), 128-144

CEI 94460 2021 Gargallo, E. (2021). Michael Bollig, Shaping the African Savannah. From Capitalist Frontier to Arid Eden in -- Q1 0,00 0,00 0
Namibia. Human Ecology. 49, 363-365

CEI 70940 2020 Lam, K. (2020). ‘I eat to kill hunger’: the foods of Cape Verde and the double-edged sword of globalisation. 1 Q1 1,85 0,54 0
Shima. 14 (1), 212-230

CEI + CIES 61233 2020 Moriconi, M. & Cima, C. (2020). Betting practices among players in Portuguese championships: from cultural 19 Q1 9,35 2,03 2
to illegal behaviours. Journal of Gambling Studies. 36, 161-181

CEI 79166 2020 Da Silva, R. & Ferreira, A. S. (2020). From the armed struggle against the dictatorship to the socialist 1 Q1 3,31 0,30 0
revolution: the narrative restraints to lethal violence among radical left organisations in Portugal.
Perspectives on Terrorism. 14 (6), 139-151


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CEI 56646 2020 Neto, P. F. (2020). Moving assemblies. Socio-political mobilization in Angola’s collective transport. Cultural 0 Q1 4,86 0,00 0
Studies. 34 (1), 95-121

CEI 78485 2020 Lisi, M., Sanches, E. & Maia, J. S. (2020). Party system renewal or business as usual? Continuity and change in 12 Q1 8,59 1,40 1
post-bailout Portugal. South European Society and Politics. 25 (2), 179-203

CIES + CEI 57247 2020 Espírito-Santo, A. & Sanches, E. R. (2020). Who gets what? The interactive effect of MPs’ sex in committee 7 Q1 3,88 1,80 1
assignments in Portugal. Parliamentary Affairs. 73 (2), 450-472

CEI 74694 2020 Daniele, G. (2020). Mizrahi Jews and the Zionist settler colonial context: between inclusion and struggle. 5 Q1 3,00 1,67 1
Settler Colonial Studies. 10 (4), 461-480

CEI 79352 2020 Ylönen, A. (2020). Building the nation in Southern Sudan: state emblems, symbols and national identity. 1 Q1 2,77 0,36 0
Africa Review. 12 (2), 151-171

CEI 79355 2020 Ylönen, A. (2020). The dragon and the horn: reflections on China–Africa strategic relations. Insight on Africa. 0 Q1 2,55 0,00 0
12 (2), 145-159

CEI 79127 2020 Falcão, Ricardo (2020). Garbage Citizenship: Vital Infrastructures of Labor in Dakar, Senegal by Rosalind -- Q1 0,00 0,00 0
Fredericks (review). African Studies Review. 63 (2), E30-E32

CEI 63790 2019 Marchi, R. & Da Silva, R. (2019). Political violence from the extreme right in contemporary Portugal. 2 Q1 4,31 0,46 0
Perspectives on Terrorism. 13 (6), 27-42

CEI 61232 2019 Moriconi, M. & Peris, C. A. (2019). Merging legality with illegality in Paraguay: the cluster of order in Pedro 9 Q1 8,53 1,06 1
Juan Caballero. Third World Quarterly. 40 (12), 2210-2227

CEI 70224 2019 Esteves, A. M. (2019). ‘Systemic thinking’, ‘regenerative culture’, and new forms of prefigurative politics: 6 Q1 8,69 0,69 0
challenges for the global left. Globalizations. 17 (2), 232-236


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CEI 59990 2019 Da Silva, R., Fernández-Navarro, P., Gonçalves, M. M., Rosa, C. & Silva, J. (2019). Tracking narrative change in 5 Q1 15,74 0,32 0
the context of extremism and terrorism: adapting the Innovative Moments Coding System. Aggression and
Violent Behavior. 47, 204-214

CEI + BRU 51826 2019 Costa, C. M. & Mendonça, S. (2019). Knowledge-intensive consumer services. Understanding KICS in the 16 Q1 30,87 0,52 0
innovative global health-care sector. Research Policy. 48 (4), 968-982

CIS + CEI 44813 2018 Ramos, M. & Moriconi, M. (2018). Corruption in Latin America: stereotypes of politicians and their 2 Q1 24,27 0,08 0
implications for affect and perceived justice . Social Psychological and Personality Science. 9 (2), 111-112

CIES + CEI 47379 2018 Espírito-Santo, A. & Sanches, E. (2018). Looking for locals under a closed-list proportional representation 6 Q1 8,84 0,68 0
system: the case of Portugal. Electoral Studies. 52, 117-127

CEI 76631 2018 Vidal, N. F. (2018). International development strategies for the XXIst century and post-modern 0 Q1 4,20 0,00 0
patrimonialism in Africa – Angola and Mozambique. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional. 61 (1), 1-19

CEI 59991 2018 Silva, R. Da & Ferreira, A. S. (2018). The post-dictatorship memory politics in Portugal which erased political 6 Q1 5,46 1,10 1
violence from the collective memory. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 53 (1), 24-43

CEI 31859 2018 Moriconi, M. (2018). The official football match-fixing prevention discourse as a cognitive limitation (the 18 Q1 5,23 3,44 3
cases of Iberian countries). Soccer and Society. 19 (2), 271-287

CEI 95923 2018 Zoettl, P. A. (2018). My body imprisoned, my soul relieved: Youth, gangs and prison in Cape Verde. European 2 Q1 9,87 0,20 0
Journal of Cultural Studies. 21 (2), 148-164

CEI 25592 2018 Abdel-Rahim, A., Jaimovich, D. & Ylönen, A. (2018). Forced displacement and behavioral change: an empirical 2 Q1 7,99 0,25 0
study of returnee households in the Nuba Mountains. Defence and Peace Economics. 29 (2), 190-220

Total P_Imp_Artigo 25


Executado 2018-2022

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018-2022

Projetos Nacionais 132 157 € 174 245 € 294 673 € 391 693 € 623 010 € 1 615 778 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Prog - - - 84 528 € 81 254 € 165 782 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Base 119 085 € 69 935 € 84 817 € 119 766 € 100 217 € 493 821 €
Projetos FCT 13 071 € 86 944 € 195 515 € 137 585 € 358 908 € 792 023 €
Outros Programas - - - - 0€
Instituições Privadas 0€ 10 622 € 1 437 € 18 687 € 33 990 € 64 736 €
Organismos Públicos 0€ 5 204 € 12 903 € 14 420 € 44 597 € 77 124 €
Projetos de Cooperação Nacional 0€ 1 541 € 0€ 16 707 € 4 044 € 22 292 €
Projetos Internacionais 25 778 € 108 215 € 285 765 € 146 151 € 107 376 € 673 284 €
Comissão Europeia 25 778 € 108 215 € 285 765 € 146 151 € 102 396 € 668 304 €
Outros Programas Internacionais - - - - 0€ 0€
Instituições Privadas - - - - 0€ 0€
Organismos Públicos - - - - 4 980 € 4 980 €

Projetos de Cooperação Internacional - - - - 0€ 0€

Total 157 934 € 282 460 € 580 438 € 537 844 € 730 386 € 2 289 062 €
Fonte: Relatório de Atividades do Iscte

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 81415 2022 Horta, H., Meoli, M. & Santos, J. M. (2022). Academic inbreeding and choice of strategic research approaches. 13 Q1 2,18 5,96 3
Higher Education Quarterly. 76 (1), 76-101

CIES 88332 2022 Tsatsanis, E. , Lisi, M. & Freire, A. (2022). The ‘Lost Generation’ and Its Political Discontents: Age-related Divides in 3 Q1 2,37 1,27 1
Southern Europe after the Crisis. South European Society and Politics. 26 (2), 133-152

CIES 83730 2022 Mateus, S. (2022). Blending ahead: The advantages of young people of mixed origin in Portuguese compulsory 0 Q1 3,11 0 0
schooling. Globalisation, Societies and Education. 20 (5), 571-589

CIES 93204 2022 Madureira, N. L. (2022). Borders and transit countries: The re-territorialization of Middle East pipelines. Revista 0 Q1 1,02 0 0
Brasileira de Política Internacional. 65 (2), 1-17

CIES 85271 2022 Horta, H., Feng, S. & Santos, J. M. (2022). Homophily in higher education research: A perspective based on co- 4 Q1 3,71 1,08 1
authorships. Scientometrics. 127 (1), 523-543

CIES 81449 2022 Ferreira, J. M. L. (2022). Children’s life in superdiversity contexts: impacts on the construction of a children’s 1 Q1 2,29 0,44 0
citizenship – the Portuguese case. Current Sociology. 70 (2), 258-274

CIES 82477 2022 Cairns, D., França, T., Malet Calvo, D. & Azevedo, L. (2022). Immobility, precarity and the Covid-19 pandemic: the 12 Q1 2,44 4,92 3
impact of lockdown on international students in Portugal. Journal of Youth Studies. 25 (9), 1301-1315

CIES + DCET 78384 2022 Gaspar, S., Ramos, M. & Ferreira, A. (2022). Transnational divorce in binational marriages: The case of Portuguese- 7 Q1 3,11 2,25 2
Brazilian and Portuguese-Cape Verdean couples. Population, Space and Place. 28 (5)

CIES 89396 2022 Carvalho, H., Espirito Santo, M. & Ferreira, J. (2022). Construction and validation of Social Work intervention 0 Q1 2,14 0 0
complexity scale in hospital care settings. British Journal of Social Work. 52 (6), 3740-3760

CIES 82485 2022 Gouveia, C. & Di Fátima, Branco (2022). Far beyond the four lines: the Group B fan pages at the 2018 World Cup. 0 Q1 1,88 0 0
Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 25 (12), 2484-2500

CIES 92213 2022 Garcia Ruiz, M. & Nofre, J. (2022). The urban ecological transition and the future of Europe’s nightlife industry. 0 Q1 1,93 0 0
World Leisure Journal. N/A

CIES 82234 2022 López Peláez, A., Álvarez-Pérez, P. & Harris, V. W. (2022). Superdiversity: New paths for social sciences in the 2 Q1 2,29 0,87 0
upcoming future. Current Sociology. 70 (2), 161-165


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 87610 2022 Lisi, M. & Loureiro, J. (2022). Interest group strategies and policy involvement: Does the context matter? 1 Q1 1,22 0,82 0
Evidence from Southern Europe. Interest Groups and Advocacy. 11 (1), 109-135

CIES 75330 2022 Alarcão, V., Costa, J., Madeira, T., Peixoto-Plácido, C., Fernandes, E., Sousa-Santos, N....Gorjão-Clara, J. (2022). Self- 1 Q1 2,82 0,35 0
perceived general health among community-dwelling Portuguese older adults: do men and women differ'.
Ageing and Society. 42 (1), 223-245

CIES 92998 2022 Padilla, B., Castellani, S. & Rodrigues, V. (2022). Who cares? Civil society organizations as healthcare life vest for 0 Q1 4,17 0 0
migrants in post troika Portugal. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. N/A, 1-20

CIES 81740 2022 Entradas, M. (2022). In science we trust: The effects of information sources on COVID-19 risk perceptions. Health 10 Q1 4,46 2,24 2
Communication. 37 (14), 1715-1723

CIES 74321 2022 Goritz, A., Schuster, J., Jörgens, H. & Kolleck, N. (2022). International public administrations on Twitter: A 7 Q1 4,12 1,7 1
comparison of digital authority in global climate policy. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. 24 (3), 271-295

CIES 81494 2022 Aboim, S. & Vasconcelos, P. (2022). What does it mean to be a man? Trans masculinities, bodily practices, and 9 Q1 3,26 2,76 2
reflexive embodiment. Men and Masculinities. 25 (1), 43-67

CIES + DCET 91994 2022 Ramos, M. & Ferreira, A. (2022). Marriage patterns among Portuguese-Brazilian couples: are same-sex couples 0 Q1 0,91 0 0
different from heterosexual couples?. Migraciones. 56, 1-25

CIES 91996 2022 Gaspar, S. & Iorio, J. (2022). Migración brasileña en Portugal y España: Dinámicas y nuevos paradigmas. 0 Q1 0,91 0 0
Migraciones. 56, 1-19

CIES + ISTAR 88159 2022 Antunes, N., Ferreira, J. & Cardoso, E. (2022). Generating personalized business card designs from images. 0 Q1 4,27 0 0
Multimedia Tools and Applications. 81 (18), 25051-2507

CIES 92000 2022 Azevedo, L., França, T. & Cairns, D. (2022). “You’re better being poor here”: Migration decision-making and 0 Q1 0,91 0 0
political and lifestyle considerations among qualified Brazilians in Portugal. Migraciones. 56, 1-16

CIES 76909 2022 Salminen, J., Jung, S. - G., Kamel, A. M. S., Santos, J. M. & Jansen, B. J. (2022). Using artificially generated pictures 6 Q1 5,36 1,12 1
in customer-facing systems: An evaluation study with data-driven personas. Behaviour and Information
Technology. 41 (5), 905-921

CIES 89454 2022 Cardoso, G., Sepúlveda, R. & Narciso, I. (2022). WhatsApp and audio misinformation during the Covid-19 1 Q1 4,23 0,24 0
pandemic. Profesional de la información. 31 (3)


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 85110 2022 Entradas, M. (2022). Public communication at research universities: Moving towards (de)centralised 11 Q1 4,83 2,28 2
communication of science?. Public Understanding of Science. 31 (5), 634-647

CIES 86903 2022 Şengün, S., Santos, J. M., Salminen, J., Jung, S.-G. & Jansen, B. J. (2022). Do players communicate differently 5 Q1 13,64 0,37 0
depending on the champion played? Exploring the Proteus effect in League of Legends. Technological Forecasting
and Social Change. 177

CIES 81794 2022 Accornero, G. (2022). Contentious buildings: The struggle against eviction in NYC’s Lower East Side. Current 3 Q1 2,29 1,31 1
Sociology. 70 (7), 1066-1084

CIES 84613 2022 Adinolfi, G. (2022). Continuities and discontinuities in the processes of elite recruitment: The Italian political field 0 Q1 1,49 0 0
between authoritarianism and democratic regime. Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy. 41, 79-92

CIES 89221 2022 Clemente, M. (2022). The counter-trafficking apparatus in action: who benefits from it?. Dialectical Anthropology. 3 Q1 0,67 4,48 3
46 (3), 267-289

CIES + BRU 89478 2022 Rodrigues, A. C., Carvalho, H., Caetano, António & Santos, S. C. (2022). Micro-firms way to succeed: How owners 4 Q1 13,44 0,3 0
manage people. Journal of Business Research. 150, 237-248

CIES 90248 2022 Horta, H., Panova, A., Santos, J. M. & Yudkevich, M. (2022). The adaptation of academics to the Covid-19 crisis in 0 Q1 3,75 0 0
terms of work time allocation. PLoS One. 17 (8)

CIES + CIS 87950 2022 Silva, C. S., Carvalho, H., Magalhães, E., Attar-Schwartz, S., Ornelas, S. V. & Calheiros, M. M. (2022). Organizational 0 Q1 3,71 0 0
social context and academic achievement of youth in residential care: The mediating role of youth-caregiver
relationship quality. Children and Youth Services Review. 137

CIES 90002 2022 Coelho, J. V. (2022). Recruiting business expatriates in Portugal: A surefooted endeavor?. Employee Relations. 45 0 Q1 4,43 0 0
(7), 1-26

CIES 82073 2022 Castellani, S. & Roca, B. (2022). Bricolage in labor organizing practices: Spanish and Italian migrant activists in 4 Q1 2,09 1,91 1
Berlin. Journal of Industrial Relations. 64 (1), 77-100

CIES 83101 2022 Martins, R., Capitão, C., Fialho, M. , Feteira-Santos, R., Virgolino, A., Santos, R. R....Santos, O. (2022). Are beliefs 3 Q1 6,32 0,47 0
and attitudes about COVID-19 associated with self-perceived changes in food consumption? Results from a
nationwide survey during lockdown. Appetite. 168

CIES 89763 2022 Santos, J. M., Horta, H. & Luna, H. (2022). The relationship between academics’ strategic research agendas and 0 Q1 3,71 0 0
their preferences for basic research, applied research, or experimental development. Scientometrics. 127 (7),


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 82093 2022 Álvarez-Pérez, P., López Peláez, A. & Harris, V. W. (2022). Methodological pathways to portray superdiversity: A 0 Q1 2,29 0 0
few concluding thoughts. Current Sociology. 70 (2), 308-313

CIES 80308 2022 Álvarez-Pérez, P. & Harris, V. (2022). Personal social networks as a superdiversity dimension: A qualitative 2 Q1 2,29 0,87 0
approach with second-generation Americans. Current Sociology. 70 (2), 227-257

CIES 89524 2022 Foulds, C., Royston, S., Berker, T., Nakopoulou, E., Bharucha, Z. P., Robison, R....Živčič, L. (2022). An agenda for 6 Q1 3,81 1,57 1
future Social Sciences and Humanities research on energy efficiency: 100 priority research questions. Humanities
and Social Sciences Communications. 9

CIES 87484 2022 Junqueira, L., Truninger, M., Almli, V. L., Ferreira, V., Maia, R. L. & Teixeira, P. (2022). Self-reported practices by 3 Q1 6,84 0,44 0
Portuguese consumers regarding eggs’ safety: An analysis based on critical consumer handling points. Food
Control. 133 (B)

CIES 91071 2022 Diniz, E. & Sepúlveda, R. (2022). Depicting #fatherhood involvement on Instagram: Caregiving, affection, and 0 Q1 1,84 0 0
stimulation. Communication and Society. 35 (4), 1-18

CIES 83906 2022 Mederake, L., Saerbeck, B., Goritz, A, Jörgens, H., Well, M. & Kolleck, N. (2022). Cultivated ties and strategic 1 Q1 3,66 0,27 0
communication: Do international environmental secretariats tailor information to increase their bureaucratic
reputation?. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. 22 (3), 481-506

CIES 89547 2022 Fonseca, R. P. (2022). The impacts of animal farming: A critical overview of primary school textbooks. Journal of 2 Q1 2,05 0,98 0
Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 35 (3)

CIES + ISTAR 91598 2022 Lorvão Antunes, A. , Cardoso, E. & Barateiro, J. (2022). Incorporation of ontologies in data warehouse/business 6 Q1 18,85 0,32 0
intelligence systems - A systematic literature review. International Journal of Information Management Data
Insights. 2 (2)

BRU + CIES 93395 2022 Ferreira, A. I., Braun, T., Carvalho, H., Abrantes, A. C. M. & Sydow, J. (2022). Networking to death: On the dark 0 Q1 6,58 0 0
side of start-ups’ external networking. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 28 (9),

CIES 88027 2022 Alvares, M. (2022). Policy discourse in times of crisis: Debating educational policy in Portugal in the years of 1 Q1 1,55 0,65 0
austerity. Journal of Language and Politics. 21 (5), 742-762

CIES 90847 2022 França, T. (2022). ‘No less of a woman’: Examining the (invisible) life of childfree women academics during the 2 Q1 1,92 1,04 1
COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Gender Studies. 31 (8), 956-968

CIES 89057 2022 Raccanello, D., Balbontín-Alvarado, R., Bezerra, D. da S., Burro, R., Cheraghi, M., Dobrowolska, B....Aleksander 21 Q1 7,39 2,84 2
Aristovnik (2022). Higher education students’ achievement emotions and their antecedents in e-learning amid
COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey. Learning and Instruction. 80


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CIES + CIS 82659 2022 Silva, C. S., Calheiros, M. M., Carvalho, H. & Magalhães, E. (2022). Organizational social context and 8 Q1 9,26 0,86 0
psychopathology of youth in residential care: the intervening role of youth-caregiver relationship quality. Applied
Psychology: An International Review . 71 (2), 564-586

CIES 88045 2022 Santos, J. M., Horta, H. & Li, H. (2022). Are the strategic research agendas of researchers in the social sciences 4 Q1 3,71 1,08 1
determinants of research productivity?. Scientometrics. 127 (7), 3719-3747

CIES 91373 2022 Madureira, C. & Rando, B. (2022). Teleworking in Portuguese public administration during the COVID-19 1 Q1 3,5 0,29 0
pandemic: Advantages, disadvantages, work-life balance and motivation. Work Organisation, Labour and
Globalisation. 16 (2), 119-139

CIES 89843 2022 Matos, P. T. de & Paiva, D. (2022). Remarriage and stepfamilies in the ‘Western Islands’ of Europe: the rural 2 Q1 0,89 2,25 2
Azores of Portugal in the 18th and 19th centuries. History of the Family. 27 (3), 493-520

CIES 91127 2022 Gouveia, C. (2022). An intercultural sporting event as part of soft power strategy: Macao’s 1st Lusophony Games . 0 Q1 2,64 0 0
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 14 (4), 641-656

CIES + ISTAR 86524 2022 Casquilho-Martins, I., Belchior-Rocha, H. & Moro, S. (2022). Unfolding Social Work research to address the COVID- 2 Q1 2,14 0,93 0
19 impact: A text mining literature analysis. British Journal of Social Work. 52 (7), 4358-4377

CIES 87806 2022 Ferreira, D., Carmo, R. M. & Vale, M. (2022). Is the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the platformisation of the 1 Q1 2,44 0,41 0
urban economy?. Area. 54 (3), 443-450

CIES 89599 2022 Gardner, P., Carvalho, T. & Valenstain, M. (2022). Spreading rebellion?: The rise of extinction rebellion chapters 8 Q1 2,56 3,12 3
across the world. Environmental Sociology. 8 (4), 424-435

CIES 80386 2021 Paulo, C., Machado, I., Carvalho, H., Gomes. J., Mota, A. D., Tavares, L....Gil, S. (2021). A 5-year retrospective study 1 Q1 3,09 0,32 0
of canine and feline patients referred to an isolation unit for infectious diseases. Veterinary Record Open . 8 (1)

CIES + ISTAR 74506 2021 Gil, P. D., Martins, S. C., Moro, S. & Costa, J. M. (2021). A data-driven approach to predict first-year students’ 16 Q1 12,71 1,26 1
academic success in higher education institutions. Education and Information Technologies. 26 (2), 2165-2190

CIES 74508 2021 Nina, S. R. & Santana-Pereira, J. (2021). Feasting our eyes on the candidates: visual cues in televised debates 2 Q1 12,37 0,16 0
prime personality traits of lesser known candidates and promote learning. International Journal of Press-Politics.
26 (1), 236-255

CIES 73741 2021 Gouveia, C. & Pereira, R. (2021). Professional football in Portugal: preparing to resume after the COVID-19 4 Q1 2,86 1,4 1
pandemic. Soccer and Society. 22 (1), 103-114


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CIES 79629 2021 Carmo, R. M. & d'Avelar, Maria Madalena (2021). The weight of time and the unemployment experience: Daily 2 Q1 4,99 0,4 0
life and future prospects. Current Sociology. 69 (5), 742-760

CIES 88333 2021 Tsatsanis, E. , Borghetto, E., Freire, A. & Montero, J. R. (2021). Generational and ideological gaps in democratic 2 Q1 5,03 0,4 0
support: Seeds of deconsolidation in post-crisis Southern Europe?. South European Society and Politics. 26 (2),

CIES 88334 2021 Freire, A., Pedrazzani, A. , Tsatsanis, E. , Coller, X. & Segatti, P. (2021). Age and descriptive representation in 2 Q1 5,03 0,4 0
Southern Europe: The impact of the Great Recession on national parliaments. South European Society and
Politics. 26 (2), 271-301

CIES 82708 2021 Vos, J & Matos, P. T. de (2021). The demography of slavery in the coffee districts of Angola, c. 1800–70. Journal of 2 Q1 1,08 1,85 1
African History. 62 (2), 213-234

CIES 80162 2021 Von Nordheim, G., Bettels-Schwabbauer, T., Di Salvo, P., Kennedy, P., Kiss, K. R., Kús, M....Telo, D. (2021). The 2 Q1 2,05 0,98 0
State of europeanisation: between clash and convergence. A comparison of the media coverage of the 2019
European elections in seven countries. Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación. 12 (1), 95-113

CIES 61735 2021 Schuster, J., Jörgens, H. & Kolleck, N. (2021). The rise of global policy networks in education: analyzing Twitter 26 Q1 7,75 3,35 3
debates on inclusive education using social network analysis. Journal of Education Policy. 36 (2), 211-231

CIES + CIS 73518 2021 Santos, J. M., Horta, H. & Amâncio, L. (2021). Research agendas of female and male academics: a new perspective 17 Q1 4,8 3,54 3
on gender disparities in academia. Gender and Education. 33 (5), 625-643

CIES 74551 2021 Santos, Patrícia, Luísa Veloso & Paula Urze (2021). Students matter: the role of doctoral students in 11 Q1 8,5 1,29 1
university–industry collaborations. Higher Education Research and Development. 40 (7), 1530-1545

CIES 79159 2021 Marques, J. S., Veloso, L. & Sales Oliveira, C. (2021). Free mobility, locked rights: the posting of construction 6 Q1 6 1 1
workers from Portugal. Mobilities. 16 (3), 404-422

CIES 55863 2021 Quintanilha, T. L. (2021). Journalists’ professional self-representations: a Portuguese perspective based on the 6 Q1 7,42 0,81 0
contribution made by the sociology of professions. Journalism. 22 (7), 1775-1792

CIES 87609 2021 Lisi, M., Oliveira, R. & Loureiro, J. (2021). Looking for Ariadne’s thread: A systematic review on party-group 0 Q1 4,27 0 0
relations in the last 20 years. Politics. N/A

CIES 61513 2021 Nazridod, S., Pereira, C. & Guerreiro, M. D. (2021). Adolescents who stay, parents who migrate: gender 5 Q1 8,06 0,62 0
inequalities, resilience and coping strategies in Tajikistan. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 47 (7), 1613-


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CIES 78667 2021 Rego, R. & Borges, V. (2021). The transformative role of Angels’ cultural organisations under austerity. Cultural 4 Q1 5,11 0,78 0
Trends. 30 (2), 156-173

CIES 81753 2021 Loureiro, P., Horta, H. & Santos, J. M. (2021). Mapping case studies of public engagement and participation in 2 Q1 4,31 0,46 0
science and technology. Science and Technology Studies. 34 (2), 46-64

CIES 82788 2021 Cairns, D., França, T., Malet Calvo, D. & Azevedo, L. (2021). An immobility turn? The Covid-19 pandemic, mobility 21 Q1 6 3,5 3
capital and international students in Portugal. Mobilities. 16 (6), 874-887

CIES 81791 2021 Ferreira, D., Mário Vale, Carmo, R. M., Encalada-Abarca, L. & Marcolin, C. (2021). The three levels of the urban 12 Q1 7,72 1,55 1
digital divide: Bridging issues of coverage, usage and its outcomes in VGI platforms. Geoforum. 124, 195-206

CIES 74119 2021 Scheibein, F., Wells, J., Henriques, S. & Van Hout, M. C. (2021). “Slam Sex” - Sexualized Injecting Drug Use (“SIDU”) 9 Q1 6,04 1,49 1
amongst Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)—a scoping review. Journal of Homosexuality. 68 (14), 2344-2358

CIES 83335 2021 Entradas, M. & Santos, J. M. (2021). Returns of research funding are maximised in media visibility for excellent 1 Q1 6,51 0,15 0
institutes. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 8

CIES + CIS 77709 2021 Espírito-Santo, A. & Santos, M. H. (2021). The share of women in decision-making positions across different levels 3 Q1 3,45 0,87 0
of government. Representation. 57 (4), 419-437

CIES 83857 2021 Rocha, J. M. (2021). Looking at Africa with Lisbon Eyes - The 'wind of change' in the colonial press of Luanda. 1 Q1 0,68 1,47 1
Media History. 27 (3), 331-349

CIES 75417 2021 Zuev, D. & Hannam, K. (2021). Anxious immobilities: an ethnography of coping with contagion (Covid-19) in 25 Q1 6 4,17 3
Macau. Mobilities. 16 (1), 35-50

CIES + CEI 82083 2021 Pereira, C., Pereira, A., Budal, A., Dahal, S., Daniel-Wrabetz, J., Meshelemiah, J....Pires, R. P. (2021). ‘If you don't 8 Q1 10,35 0,77 0
migrate, you're a nobody’: Migration recruitment networks and experiences of Nepalese farm workers in
Portugal. Journal of Rural Studies. 88, 500-509

CEI + CIES 81829 2021 Moriconi, M. & Cima, C. (2021). Why some football referees engage in match-fixing? A sociological explanation of 4 Q1 5 0,8 0
the influence of social structures. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 13 (4), 545-563

CIES 81833 2021 van Kessel, R., Siepmann, I., Capucha, L., Paschalis, A. K., Brayne, C., Baron-Cohen, S....Roman-Urrestarazu, A. 2 Q1 8,55 0,23 0
(2021). Education and austerity in the European Union from an autism perspective: Policy mapping in Ireland,
Portugal, Italy, and Greece. European Policy Analysis. 7 (2), 508-520


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CIS + CIES 81835 2021 Craveiro, D., Marques, S., Zvěřinová, I., Máca, V., Ščasný, M., Chiabai, A....Taylor, T. (2021). Explaining inequalities 7 Q1 10,67 0,66 0
in fruit and vegetable intake in Europe: The role of capabilities, opportunities and motivations. Appetite. 165

CIES 82607 2021 Goritz, A., Jörgens, H. & Kolleck, N. (2021). Interconnected bureaucracies? Comparing online and offline networks 6 Q1 6,1 0,98 0
during global climate negotiations. International Review of Administrative Sciences. 87 (4), 813-830

CIES 82864 2021 Caiani, M. & Carvalho, T. (2021). The use of religion by populist parties: The case of Italy and its broader 1 Q1 2,43 0,41 0
implications. Religion, State and Society. 49 (3), 211-230

CIES + CIS 83122 2021 García de Jalón, G., Chiabai, A., Quiroga, S., Suárez, C., Ščasný, M., Máca, V....Taylor, T. (2021). The influence of 15 Q1 17,26 0,87 0
urban greenspaces on people’s physical activity: A population-based study in Spain. Landscape and Urban
Planning. 215

CIS + CIES 83123 2021 Craveiro, D., Marques, S., Bell, R., Khan, M., Godinho, C. & Peixeiro, F. (2021). Behavioural change box? Applying 2 Q1 6,04 0,33 0
the COM-B model to understand behavioural triggers that support consumption of fruits and vegetable among
subscribers of a fruit and vegetable box scheme. Public Health Nutrition. 24 (18), 6488-6498

CIES 82101 2021 Moreno, J. & Sepúlveda, R. (2021). Article 13 on social media and news media: disintermediation and 1 Q1 3,27 0,31 0
reintermediation on the modern media landscape. Communication and Society. 34 (2), 141-157

CIES 87745 2021 Delaunay, C., Santos, M. & Gouveia, L. (2021). In-vitro metaphors: ART beneficiaries’ meaning-making about 6 Q1 3,49 1,72 1
human embryos in the context of IVF in Portugal. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online. 13, 62-74

CIES + DCET 77764 2021 Sousa, I. C., Ramos, S. & Carvalho, H. (2021). Retaining an age-diverse workforce through HRM: the mediation of 4 Q1 6,97 0,57 0
work engagement and affective commitment. German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für
Personalforschung. 35 (1), 409-435

CIES 78540 2021 Baía, I., Freitas, C. & Silva, S. (2021). Priority of access to fertility treatments based on sexual orientation and 2 Q1 5,72 0,35 0
marital status: the views of gamete donors and recipients. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 18 (2), 368-376

CIES 86485 2021 Cabana, A., French, H., Johnson, C. R., Van Molle, L., Cariño, M. & Serrão, J. V. (2021). Gender and rural history: A 2 Q1 1,25 1,6 1
roundtable. Historia Agraria. 85, 7-36

CIES 85484 2021 Costa, A., Lopes, J., Sousa, C. J., Santos, O., Virgolino, A., Nogueira, P....Alarcão, V. (2021). Developing a social 1 Q1 5,52 0,18 0
prescribing local system in a European Mediterranean country: a feasibility study to promote active and healthy
aging. BMC Health Services Research. 21 (1)

CIES 81907 2021 Lisi, C., Freitas, C. & Barros, H. (2021). The impact of formula industry marketing on breastfeeding rates in native 3 Q1 4,11 0,73 0
and migrant mothers. Breastfeeding Medicine. 16 (9), 725-733


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CIES 81908 2021 Freitas, C., Amorim, M., Machado, H., Teles, E. L., Baptista, M. J., Renedo, A....Silva, S. (2021). Public and patient 8 Q1 5,77 1,39 1
involvement in health data governance (DATAGov): protocol of a people-centred, mixed-methods study on data
use and sharing for rare diseases care and research. BMJ Open. 11 (3)

CIES 83703 2021 Keržič, D., Alex, J. K., Alvarado, R. P. B., Bezerra, D. da S., Cheraghi, M., Dobrowolska, B....Aristovnik, A. (2021). 54 Q1 7,31 7,39 3
Academic student satisfaction and perceived performance in the e-learning environment during the COVID-19
pandemic: Evidence across ten countries. PLoS One. 16 (10)

CIES 82428 2021 Caetano, A., Nico, M., Baía, J. & Anabela da Conceição Pereira (2021). More than meets the eye: traditions, 2 Q1 7,31 0,27 0
nucleus and peripheries of the biographical research field. Scientometrics. 126 (7), 5707-5726

CIES 79613 2021 Aboim, S. & Vasconcelos, P. (2021). Migration after empire: postcolonial masculinities and the transnational 6 Q1 2,11 2,84 2
dynamics of subalternity. Postcolonial Studies. 24 (3), 323-344

CIES 73728 2020 Henriques, S.; , Van Hout, M. C. & Teixeira, A. (2020). A Virtual ‘experiential expert’ communities of practice in 1 Q1 11,95 0,08 0
sharing evidence based prevention of novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use: The Portuguese experience.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 20 (1), 469-479

CIES 65287 2020 Santos, J. M., Horta, H. & Zhang, L. - F. (2020). The association of thinking styles with research agendas among 10 Q1 6,62 1,51 1
academics in the social sciences. Higher Education Quarterly. 74 (2), 193-210

CIES 68106 2020 Alarcão, V., Guiomar, S., Oliveira, A., Severo, M., Correia, D., Torres, D....Lopes, P. (2020). Food insecurity and 13 Q1 16,97 0,77 0
social determinants of health among immigrants and natives in Portugal. Food Security. 12 (3), 579-589

CIES 69902 2020 Dagdeviren, H., Capucha, L., Calado, A., Donoghue, M. & Estêvão, P. (2020). Structural foundations of social 6 Q1 5,26 1,14 1
resilience. Social Policy and Society. 19 (4), 539-552

CIES 61720 2020 Salminen, J., Jung, S. - G., Santos, J. M. & Jansen, B. J. (2020). Does a smile matter if the person Is not real?: the 17 Q1 14,53 1,17 1
effect of a smile and stock photos on persona perceptions. International Journal of Human–Computer
Interaction. 36 (6), 568-590

CIES 80665 2020 Zuev, D. (2020). High-rise urban density in Macau. Visual Studies. 35 (5), 401 1 Q1 1,78 0,56 0

CIES 56609 2020 Sales Oliveira, C. (2020). My trip in my words: Subjectivities, time(s) and mobilities in slow travel blogs. Time and 7 Q1 5,22 1,34 1
Society. 29 (1), 233-255

CIES 77608 2020 Zuev, D. & Bratchford, G. (2020). The citizen drone: protest, sousveillance and droneviewing. Visual Studies. 35 8 Q1 1,78 4,49 3
(5), 442-456


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CIES 72234 2020 Carvalho, J. & Duarte, M. C. (2020). The politicization of immigration in Portugal between 1995 and 2014: a 8 Q1 8,58 0,93 0
European exception?. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 58 (6), 1469-1487

CIES 76330 2020 Sargsyan, M. & Cairns, D. (2020). Home or away? Pathways to employment for the highly qualified in Armenia 2 Q1 5,66 0,35 0
after the velvet revolution. Young. 28 (3), 259-274

CIES 53034 2020 Borghetto, E. & Belchior, A. M. (2020). Party manifestos, opposition and media as determinants of the cabinet 10 Q1 8,61 1,16 1
agenda. Political Studies. 40 (7), 37-53

CIES 76332 2020 Samkange-Zeeb, F., Borisova, L., Padilla, B., Bradby, H., Phillimore, J., Zeeb, H....Brand, T. (2020). Superdiversity, 8 Q1 11,46 0,7 0
migration and use of internet-based health information: Results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in 4
European countries. BMC Public Health . 20 (1)

CIES 76334 2020 Bradby, H., Lindenmeyer, A., Phillimore, J., Padilla, B. & Brand, T. (2020). 'If there were doctors who could 17 Q1 8,67 1,96 1
understand our problems, I would already be better': Dissatisfactory health care and marginalisation in
superdiverse neighbourhoods. Sociology of Health and Illness. 42 (4), 739-757

CIES 59439 2020 Serra-Silva, S. & Belchior, A. M. (2020). Understanding the pledge fulfilment of opposition parties using evidence 2 Q1 5,74 0,35 0
from Portugal. European Politics and Society . 21 (1), 72-90

CEI + CIES 61233 2020 Moriconi, M. & Cima, C. (2020). Betting practices among players in Portuguese championships: from cultural to 19 Q1 9,35 2,03 2
illegal behaviours. Journal of Gambling Studies. 36, 161-181

CIES 65333 2020 Carvalho, J. (2020). Immigrants’ acquisition of national citizenship in Portugal and Spain: the role of 4 Q1 5,51 0,73 0
multiculturalism?. Citizenship Studies. 24 (2), 228-246

CIES 48695 2020 Carvalho, J. & Ruedin, D. (2020). The positions mainstream left parties adopt on immigration: a cross-cutting 20 Q1 8,69 2,3 2
cleavage?. Party Politics. 26 (4), 379-389

CIES 84544 2020 Ferreira, P. L., Raposo, V., Tavares, A. I. & Correia, T. (2020). Drivers for emigration among healthcare 9 Q1 9,46 0,95 0
professionals: Testing an analytical model in a primary healthcare setting. Health Policy. 124 (7), 751-757

CIES 84546 2020 Correia, T., Gomes, I., Nunes, P. & Dussault, G. (2020). Health workforce monitoring in Portugal: Does it support 2 Q1 9,46 0,21 0
strategic planning and policy-making?. Health Policy. 124 (3), 303-310

CIES 72518 2020 Salminen, J., Santos, J. M., Kwak, H., An, J., Jung, S.-G. & Jansen, B. J. (2020). Persona perception scale: 24 Q1 18,26 1,31 1
Development and exploratory validation of an instrument for evaluating individuals’ perceptions of personas.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 141


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CIES 47451 2020 Espírito-Santo, A., Freire, A. & Serra-Silva, S. (2020). Does women’s descriptive representation matter for policy 18 Q1 8,69 2,07 2
preferences? The role of political parties. Party Politics. 26 (2), 227-237

CIES 74844 2020 Santos, O., Alarcão, V., Feteira-Santos, R., Fernandes, J., Virgolino, A., Sena, C....Andreia, C. (2020). Impact of 21 Q1 14,25 1,47 1
different front-of-pack nutrition labels on online food choices. Appetite. 154

CIES 71517 2020 Paisana, M., Pinto-Martinho, A. & Cardoso, G. (2020). Trust and fake news: exploratory analysis of the impact of 12 Q1 4,41 2,72 2
news literacy on the relationship with news content in Portugal. Communication and Society. 33 (2), 105-117

CIES 79198 2020 De Giorgi, E. & Santana Pereira, J. (2020). The exceptional case of post-bailout Portugal: a comparative outlook. 9 Q1 8,59 1,05 1
South European Society and Politics. 25 (2), 127-150

CIES 60511 2020 Conceição, C. P., Ávila, P., Coelho, A. R. & Costa, A. F. (2020). European action plans for science–society relations: 14 Q1 6,87 2,04 2
changing buzzwords, changing the agenda. Minerva. 58 (1)

CIES 57451 2020 Belchior, A. M. (2020). Political parties in troubled times: economic crisis and voter's perceptual bias of parties' 1 Q1 5,33 0,19 0
ideology in Europe. Comparative European Politics. 18 (2), 171-189

CIES 72812 2020 Artamonova, A., Guerreiro, M. D. & Höjer, I. (2020). Time and context shaping the transition from out-of-home 3 Q1 8,07 0,37 0
care to adulthoodin Portugal. Children and Youth Services Review. 115

CIES 69490 2020 Madeira, T., Peixoto-Plácido, C., Sousa-Santos, N, Santos, O., Costa, J., Alarcão, V....Gorjão-Clara, J (2020). The 6 Q1 12,64 0,47 0
association between living setting and malnutrition among older adults: the PEN-3S study. Nutrition. 73 (110660)

CIES 61042 2020 Álvarez-Pérez, P., Ferreira, J. & Pena, M. (2020). Alternative model for social work undergraduate training. Social 1 Q1 5,32 0,19 0
Work Education. 39 (1), 97-110

CIES 63861 2020 Salminen, J., Santos, J. M., Jung, S. - G., Eslami, M. & Jansen, B. J. (2020). Persona transparency: analyzing the 24 Q1 14,53 1,65 1
impact of explanations on perceptions of data-driven personas. International Journal of Human–Computer
Interaction. 36 (8), 788-800

CIES 73594 2020 Cairns, D. & França, T. (2020). South-South student migration: Socially integrating students from Portuguese- 8 Q1 7,46 1,07 1
speaking Africa at UNILAB, Brazil. Globalisation, Societies and Education. N/A

CIES 68733 2020 Cuzzocrea, V. & Cairns, D. (2020). Mobile moratorium? The case of young people undertaking international 14 Q1 8,08 1,73 1
internships. Mobilities. 15 (4), 416-430


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CIES 61054 2020 Gaspar, S. & Ampudia de Haro, F. (2020). Buying Citizenship? Chinese Golden Visa Migrants in Portugal. 17 Q1 5,46 3,11 3
International Migration. 58 (3), 58-72

CIES 68227 2020 Saerbeck, B., Well, M., Jörgens, H., Goritz, A. & Kolleck, N. (2020). Brokering climate action: the UNFCCC 17 Q1 11,08 1,53 1
secretariat between parties and non-party stakeholders. Global Environmental Politics. 20 (2), 105-127

CIES 66436 2020 Felvinczi, K., Benschop, A., Urbán, R., Van Hout, M. C., Dąbrowska, K., Hearne, E....Korf, D. (2020). Discriminative 4 Q1 11,95 0,33 0
characteristics of marginalised novel psychoactive users: a transnational study. International Journal of Mental
Health and Addiction. 18 (4), 1128-1147

CIES 74118 2020 Entradas, M., Bauer, M. W., O'Muircheartaigh, C., Marcinkowski, F., Okamura, A., Pellegrini, G....Li, Y.-Y. (2020). 46 Q1 10,32 4,46 3
Public communication by research institutes compared across countries and sciences: building capacity for
engagement or competing for visibility?. PLoS One. 15 (7)

BRU + CIES 67721 2020 Paolillo, A., Silva, S. A., Carvalho, H. & Pasini, M. (2020). Exploring patterns of multiple climates and their effects 6 Q1 12,04 0,5 0
on safety performance at the department level. Journal of Safety Research. 72, 47-60

CIES 76425 2020 Allegra, M., Tulumello, S., Colombo, A. & Ferrão, J. (2020). The (hidden) role of the EU in housing policy: The 7 Q1 10,88 0,64 0
Portuguese case in multi-scalar perspective. European Planning Studies. 28 (12), 2307- 2329

CIES 59535 2020 Patrício, M. T. & Santos, P. (2020). Collaborative research projects in doctoral programs: a case study in Portugal. 5 Q1 13,06 0,38 0
Studies in Higher Education. 45 (11), 2311-2323

CIS + CIES 68765 2020 Correia, N., Carvalho, H., Durães, J. & Aguiar, C. (2020). Teachers’ ideas about children’s participation within 7 Q1 8,07 0,87 0
Portuguese early childhood education settings. Children and Youth Services Review . 111

CIES + CEI 57247 2020 Espírito-Santo, A. & Sanches, E. R. (2020). Who gets what? The interactive effect of MPs’ sex in committee 7 Q1 3,88 1,8 1
assignments in Portugal. Parliamentary Affairs. 73 (2), 450-472

CIS + CIES 63929 2020 Correia, N., Carvalho, H., Fialho, A. & Aguiar, C. (2020). Teachers’ practices mediate the association between 2 Q1 8,07 0,25 0
teachers’ ideas and children’s perceived participation in early childhood education. Children and Youth Services
Review. 108

CIES 72382 2020 Pereirinha, J. A., Branco, F., Pereira, E. & Amaro, M. I. (2020). The guaranteed minimum income in Portugal: a 7 Q1 9,13 0,77 0
universal safety net under political and financial pressure. Social Policy and Administration. 54 (4), 574-586

CIES 78549 2020 Santana Pereira, J. & Cancela, J. (2020). Demand without supply? Populist attitudes and voting behaviour in post- 16 Q1 8,59 1,86 1
bailout Portugal. South European Society and Politics. 25 (2), 205-228


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 64214 2020 Solorio, I. & Jörgens, H. (2020). Contested energy transition? Europeanization and authority turns in EU 33 Q1 8,2 4,02 3
renewable energy policy. Journal of European Integration. 42 (1), 77-93

CIES 69079 2020 Borghetto, E., Santana-Pereira, J. & Freire, A. (2020). Parliamentary questions as an instrument for geographic 19 Q1 4,51 4,21 3
representation: the hard case of Portugal. Swiss Political Science Review. 26 (1), 10-30

CIES 39384 2020 Stark, T. H., Silber, H., Krosnick, J. A., Blom, A.G., Aoyagi, M., Belchior, A. M....Yu, R. (2020). Generalization of 15 Q1 14,01 1,07 1
classic question order effects across cultures. Sociological Methods and Research. 49 (3), 567-602

BRU + CIES 74203 2020 Stephan, U., Tavares, S. M., Carvalho, H., Ramalho, J. J. S., Santos, S. C. & van Veldhoven, M. (2020). Self- 37 Q1 31,51 1,17 1
employment and eudaimonic well-being: energized by meaning, enabled by societal legitimacy. Journal of
Business Venturing. 35 (6)

CIES 53215 2020 Santos, C. P. C. D., Valduga, T. & Ferreira, J. (2020). Social work in the web of social protection: contexts and 0 Q1 5,97 0 0
alternatives. International Social Work. 63 (3), 291-305

CIES 74726 2020 Feres Jr., J., Melo, P. B. & Barbabela, E. (2020). A judicialização foi televisionada relação entre mídia e sistema 1 Q1 0,76 1,32 1
judiciário. Caderno CRH. 33, 1-20

CIES 65257 2020 Horta, H. & Santos, J. M. (2020). The Multi-Dimensional Research Agendas Inventory – Revised (MDRAI-R): factors 8 Q1 11,51 0,7 0
shaping researchers’ research agendas in all fields of knowledge. Quantitative Science Studies. 1 (1), 60-93

CIES 81898 2020 Lisi, C., Freitas, C. & Barros, H. (2020). Maternal country of birth and exclusive breastfeeding during the first in- 9 Q1 5,55 1,62 1
hospital day in Portugal: The influence of the baby-friendly hospital initiative. Journal of Human Lactation. 37 (1),

CIES 65258 2020 Horta, H., Jung, J. & Santos, J. M. (2020). Mobility and research performance of academics in city-based higher 24 Q1 6,73 3,57 3
education systems. Higher Education Policy. 33 (3), 437-458

CIES 78065 2020 Dores, A. (2020). Questioning the hope in science and schooling. Critical Sociology. 47 (4/5), 687-698 0 Q1 5,56 0 0

CIES 59641 2020 Horta, H. & Santos, J. M. (2020). Organisational factors and academic research agendas: an analysis of academics 37 Q1 13,06 2,83 2
in the social sciences. Studies in Higher Education. N/A, 1-16

CIES 73021 2020 Freitas, C., Massag, J., Amorim, M. & Fraga, S. (2020). Involvement in maternal care by migrants and ethnic 19 Q1 14,98 1,27 1
minorities: a narrative review. Public Health Reviews. 41 (1), 1-18


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 57602 2019 Rodrigues, C. F., Lopes, N. & Hardon, A. (2019). Beyond health: medicines, food supplements, energetics and the 7 Q1 11,27 0,62 0
commodification of self-performance in Maputo. Sociology of Health and Illness. 41 (6), 1005-1022

CIES 61192 2019 Azevedo, A. B., López-Colás, Julián & Módenes, Juan Antonio (2019). Recent increase of tenancy in young Spanish 7 Q1 7,74 0,9 0
couples: sociodemographic factors and regional market dynamics. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.

CIES 51984 2019 Asensio, M. & Popic, T. (2019). Portuguese healthcare reforms in the context of crisis: external pressure or 10 Q1 11,51 0,87 0
domestic choice?. Social Policy and Administration. 53 (7), 1003-1017

CIES 59414 2019 Costa, R. C. (2019). The place of the humanities in today’s knowledge society. Palgrave Communications. 5, 1-5 14 Q1 13,27 1,06 1

CIES 53017 2019 Werse, B., Benschop, A., Kamphausen, G., van Hout, M.-C., Henriques, S., Silva, J....Korf, D. (2019). Sharing, group- 7 Q1 13,61 0,51 0
buying, social supply, offline and online dealers: how users in a sample from six European countries procure New
Psychoactive Substances (NPS). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 17 (5), 1237-1251

CIES 40731 2019 Adeboye, T. K., Guerreiro, M. D. & Höjer, I. (2019). Unveiling the experiences of young people in foster care: 4 Q1 6,86 0,58 0
perspectives from Portugal and Nigeria. International Social Work. 62 (1), 433-446

CIES 49956 2019 Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Knecht, M., Padilla, B. & Pemberton, S. (2019). Bricolage as conceptual tool for 40 Q1 7,63 5,24 3
understanding access to healthcare in superdiverse populations. Social Theory and Health. 17 (2), 231-252

CIES 53551 2019 Carmo, R. M. & Hedberg, Ch. (2019). Translocal mobility systems: social inequalities and flows in the wild berry 8 Q1 14,52 0,55 0
industry. Geoforum. 99, 102-110

CIES 54581 2019 Entradas, M. & Bauer, M. W. (2019). Bustling public communication by astronomers around the world driven by 31 Q1 23,39 1,33 1
personal and contextual factors. Nature Astronomy. 3, 183-187

CIES 39999 2019 Carvalho, J. (2019). Mainstream party strategies towards extreme right parties: the French 2007 and 2012 10 Q1 11,21 0,89 0
Presidential Elections. Government and Opposition. 54 (02), 365-386

CIES 46658 2019 Cairns, D. (2019). Researching social inclusion in student mobility: methodological strategies in studying the 18 Q1 7,51 2,4 2
Erasmus programme. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. 42 (2), 137-147

CIES 65348 2019 Accornero, G. (2019). “Everything was possible”: emotions and rerceptions of the past among former Portuguese 6 Q1 6,26 0,96 0
antifascist activists. Mobilization. 24 (4), 439-453


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 60232 2019 Quintanilha, T. L., Silva, M. T. & Lapa, T. (2019). Fake news and its impact on trust in the news. Using the 14 Q1 5,12 2,73 2
portuguese case to establish lines of differentiation. Comunicacion y Sociedad. 32 (3), 17-33

CIES + ISTAR 59476 2019 Correia, R., Vieira, J. & Aparicio, M. (2019). Community radio stations sustainability model: an open-source 9 Q1 2,76 3,26 3
solution. Radio Journal. 17 (1), 29-45

CIES 60251 2019 Mourato, J., Patrício, M.T., Loures, L. & Morgado, H. (2019). Strategic priorities in portuguese higher education 3 Q1 16,95 0,18 0
institutions. Studies in Higher Education. 46 (2), 215-227

CIES 40285 2019 Caetano, A. & Nico, M. (2019). Forever young: creative responses to challenging issues in biographical research. 11 Q1 8,15 1,35 1
Contemporary Social Science. 14 (3-4), 361-378

CIES 48990 2019 Zuev, D., Tyfield, D. & Urry, J. (2019). Where is the politics? E-bike mobility in urban China and civilizational 37 Q1 33,51 1,1 1
government. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 30, 19-32

CIES 60512 2019 Loureiro, P. & Conceição, C. P. (2019). Emerging patterns in the academic literature on responsible research and 12 Q1 25,58 0,47 0
innovation. Technology in Society. 58, 1-13

CIES 60273 2019 Danaj, E., Edvin Lame & Daniela Kalaja (2019). Gender and feminist studies in Albania – a brief state of the art. 2 Q1 7,45 0,27 0
Gender, Place and Culture. 26 (7-9), 926-934

CIES 60274 2019 Danaj, E. (2019). Gendered experiences of international student migration: the case of Albania. Gender, Place 3 Q1 7,45 0,4 0
and Culture. 26 (4), 607-611

CIES 67451 2019 Madureira, Nuno Luis (2019). Reckless proliferation and guardianship proliferation: The fast breeder nuclear 0 Q1 2,05 0 0
reactor and the plutonium economy. Technology and Culture. 60 (3), 833-865

CIES 61313 2019 Santos, M., Augusto, A., Clausen, J. A. & Shabot, S. C. (2019). Essentialism as a form of resistance: An ethnography 0 Q1 7,9 0 0
of gender dynamics in contemporary home births. Journal of Gender Studies. 28 (8), 960-972

CIES 59780 2019 Marivoet, S. & Silvério, J. (2019). Football fan cultures after the Euro 2004 in Portugal. Soccer & Society. 20 1 Q1 4,52 0,22 0
(4), 1-8

CIES 49804 2019 Belchior, A. M. (2019). The effects of party identification on perceptions of pledge fulfilment: evidence from 14 Q1 7,59 1,84 1
Portugal. International Political Science Review. 40 (5), 627-642


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU + CIES 50316 2019 Aragão e Pina, J., Passos, A. M., Carvalho, H. & Maynard, M. T. (2019). To be or not to be an excellent football 26 Q1 13,42 1,94 1
referee: different experts’ viewpoints. Journal of Sports Sciences. 37 (6), 692-700

CIES 58510 2019 Castellani, S. & Martín-Díaz, E. (2019). Re-writing the domestic role: transnational migrants’ households between 15 Q1 10,65 1,41 1
informal and formal social protection in Ecuador and in Spain. Comparative Migration Studies. 7 (1)

CIES 48529 2019 Alarcão, V., Madeira, T., Peixoto-Plácido, C., Sousa-Santos, N., Fernandes, E., Nicola, P....Gorjão-Clara, J. (2019). 11 Q1 12,51 0,88 0
Gender differences in psychosocial determinants of self-perceived health among Portuguese older adults in
nursing homes. Aging and Mental Health. 23 (8), 1049-1056

CIES 49042 2019 Ornellas, A., Spolander, G., Engelbrecht, L. K., Sicora, A., Pervova, I., Martínez-Román, M.-A....Strydom, M. (2019). 20 Q1 6,86 2,92 2
Mapping social work across 10 countries: structure, intervention, identity and challenges. International Social
Work. 62 (4), 1183-1197

CIES 64165 2019 Baía, I., De Freitas, C., Samorinha, C., Provoost, V. & Silva, S. (2019). Dual consent? Donors' and recipients' views 9 Q1 10,72 0,84 0
about involvement in decision-making on the use of embryos created by gamete donation in research. BMC
Medical Ethics. 20 (1)

CIES 59814 2019 Craveiro, D., Oliveira, I., Gomes, C., Malheiros, J. M., Moreira, M. J. & Peixoto, J. (2019). Back to replacement 8 Q1 7,47 1,07 1
migration: a new European perspective applying the prospective-age concept. Demographic Research. 40, 1323-

CIES 59559 2019 Entradas, M., Marcelino, J., Bauer, M. W. & Lewenstein, B. (2019). Public communication by climate scientists: 22 Q1 17,56 1,25 1
what, with whom and why?. Climatic Change. 154 (1-2), 69-85

CIES 54189 2019 Pemberton, S., Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Padilla, B., Lopes, J., Samerski, S....Humphris, R. (2019). Access to 11 Q1 16,96 0,65 0
healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Health and Place. 55, 128-135

CIES 54190 2019 Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Doos, L., Padilla, B. & Samerski, S. (2019). Health providers as bricoleurs: an examination 12 Q1 11,66 1,03 1
of the adaption of health ecosystems to superdiversity in Europe. Journal of European Social Policy. 29 (3), 361-

CIES 61618 2019 Alarcão, V., Stefanovska-Petkovska, M., Virgolino, A., Santos, O., Ribeiro, S., Costa, A....Machado, F. L. (2019). 10 Q1 11,76 0,85 0
Fertility, migration and acculturation (FEMINA): a research protocol for studying intersectional sexual and
reproductive health inequalities. Reproductive health. 16 (1)

CIES 54974 2019 Calca, P. & Gross, M. (2019). To adapt or to disregard? Parties’ reactions to external shocks. West European 10 Q1 16,7 0,6 0
Politics. 42 (3), 545-572

CIES 67524 2019 Antoine Fages, Kristian Hanghøj, Naveed Khan, Charleen Gaunitz, Andaine Seguin-Orlando, Michela 143 Q1 143,2 1 1
Leonardi...Ludovic Orlando (2019). Tracking Five Millennia of Horse Management with Extensive Ancient Genome
Time Series. Cell. 177 (6), 1419-1435.e31


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU + CIES 59593 2019 Rodrigues, H., Almeida, F., Figueiredo, V. & Lopes, S. L. (2019). Tracking e-learning through published papers: a 206 Q1 48,14 4,28 3
systematic review. Computers and Education. 136, 87-98

CIES 55757 2019 Popic, T., Schneider, S. & Asensio, M. (2019). Public opinion towards healthcare in the context of economic crisis: 8 Q1 10,8 0,74 0
evidence from Portugal. Journal of Social Policy. 48 (4), 741-764

CIES 64206 2019 Verge, T., Wiesehomeier, N. & Espírito-Santo, Ana (2019). Framing symbolic representation: exploring how 7 Q1 7,79 0,9 0
women’s political presence shapes citizens’ political attitudes. European Journal of Politics and Gender. 20 (20), 1-

CIES 57553 2019 Casanova, J. L. (2019). Participation methods, system dynamics, and society – some notes. Systems Research and 0 Q1 8,39 0 0
Behavioral Science. 36 (2), 211-214

CIES 60377 2019 Mucharreira, P., Cabrito, B. G. & Capucha, L. (2019). Net costs of class-size reduction: the portuguese case. 1 Q1 1,64 0,61 0
Cadernos de Pesquisa. 49 (172), 164-181

CIES 49118 2019 Casanova, J. L., Guerreiro, M. D. & Pervova, I. (2019). Contemporary changes and civil society in Portugal and the 2 Q1 6,7 0,3 0
Russian Federation. European Politics and Society. 20 (3), 277-295

CIES 50927 2019 Cardigos, J., Barcelos, F., Carvalho, H., Hipólito, D., Crisóstomo, S., Vaz-Patto, J....Alves, N. (2019). Tear meniscus 15 Q1 9,03 1,66 1
and corneal sub-basal nerve plexus assessment in primary Sjögren syndrome and Sicca syndrome patients.
Cornea. 38 (2), 221-228

CIES 53232 2019 Caetano, A. (2019). Designing social action: the impact of reflexivity on practice. Journal for the Theory of Social 10 Q1 5,84 1,71 1
Behaviour. 49 (2), 146-160

CIES 53238 2019 Accornero, G. (2019). ‘I wanted to carry out the revolution’: activists’ trajectories in Portugal from dictatorship to 12 Q1 10,65 1,13 1
democracy. Social Movement Studies. 18 (3), 305-323

CIES + CEI 47379 2018 Espírito-Santo, A. & Sanches, E. (2018). Looking for locals under a closed-list proportional representation system: 6 Q1 8,84 0,68 0
the case of Portugal. Electoral Studies. 52, 117-127

CIES 28706 2018 Freire, A. & Kivistik, K. (2018). Authoritarian legacies and mass left-right regime support in new democracies: the 1 Q1 7,94 0,13 0
Baltic States and Southern Europe compared. Comparative European Politics. 16 (2), 249-270

CIES 30503 2018 Garcia, J. L., Lopes, J. T., Martinho, T., Neves, J. S., Gomes, RT & Borges, V. (2018). Mapping cultural policy in 15 Q1 8,33 1,8 1
Portugal: From incentives to crisis. InternatIonal Journal of Cultural Policy. 24 (5), 577-593


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 49993 2018 Tsatsanis, E., Andreadis, I. & Teperoglou, E. (2018). Populism from below: socio-economic and ideological 32 Q1 15,72 2,04 2
correlates of mass attitudes in Greece. South European Society and Politics. 23 (4), 429-450

CIES 48714 2018 Kuhlmann, E, Batenburg, R., Wismar, M., Dussault, G., Maier, C. B., Glinos, I. A....Ungureanu, M. (2018). A call for 42 Q1 15,52 2,71 2
action to establish a research agenda for building a future health workforce in Europe. Health Research Policy
and Systems. 16

CIES 40524 2018 Santos, J. M. (2018). Development and validation of the Multi-dimensional University Research Workplace 7 Q1 10,03 0,7 0
Inventory (MDURWI). Higher Education Policy. 31 (3), 381-404

CIES 50031 2018 Fernandes, J. M. A., Magalhães, P. & Santana Pereira, J. (2018). Portugal’s leftist government: from sick man to 40 Q1 15,72 2,54 2
poster boy?. South European Society and Politics. 23 (4), 503-524

CIES 47473 2018 Horta, H., Jung, J. & Santos, J. M. (2018). Effects of mobilities on the research output and its multidisciplinarity of 13 Q1 9,57 1,36 1
academics in Hong Kong and Macau: an exploratory study. Higher Education Quarterly. 72 (3), 250-265

CIES 47474 2018 Escobar-Ballesta, M., García-Ramirez, M. & Freitas, C. (2018). Taking stock of Roma health policies in Spain: 14 Q1 14 1 1
lessons for health governance. Health Policy. 122 (4), 444-451

CIES 48761 2018 Giorgi, A. & Accornero, G. (2018). The Catholic Church and the crisis: the case of Portugal. Journal of 2 Q1 3,42 0,58 0
Contemporary Religion. 33 (2), 261-276

DCET + BRU 31363 2018 Figueiredo, M. C., Suleman, F. & Botelho, M. C. (2018). Workplace abuse and harassment: the vulnerability of 21 Q1 9,09 2,31 2
+ CIES informal and migrant domestic workers in Portugal. Social Policy and Society. 17 (1), 65-85

CIES 39062 2018 Pegado, E., Lopes, N. & Zózimo, J. (2018). Pharmaceuticalisation and the social management of sleep in old age. 4 Q1 11,89 0,34 0
Ageing and Society. 38 (8), 1645-1666

CIES 42145 2018 Belchior, A. M., Azevedo, J., Lisi, M. & Abrantes, M. (2018). Contextual reasons for emigrants’ electoral 10 Q1 6,39 1,56 1
participation in home country elections: The Portuguese case. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 26 (2),

CIES 37813 2018 Malet Calvo, D. (2018). Understanding international students beyond studentification: a new class of 72 Q1 21,31 3,38 3
transnational urban consumers. The example of Erasmus students in Lisbon (Portugal). Urban Studies. 55 (10),

CIES 47292 2018 Álvares, C. (2018). Online staging of femininity: disciplining through public exposure in Brazilian social media. 9 Q1 8,13 1,11 1
Feminist Media Studies. 18 (4), 657-674


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES 39628 2018 Tyfield, D. & Zuev, D. (2018). Stasis, dynamism and emergence of the e-mobility system in China: a power 21 Q1 44,26 0,47 0
relational perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 126, 259-270

CIES 46040 2018 Santos, J. M. & Horta, H. (2018). The research agenda setting of higher education researchers. Higher Education. 35 Q1 21,63 1,62 1
76 (4), 649-668

CIES 38369 2018 Carvalho, J. (2018). ‘Bringing the state back in’: A political economy analysis of Portuguese immigration policy. 2 Q1 7,93 0,25 0
Mediterranean Politics. 23 (4), 501-521

BRU + CIES 48615 2018 Dias, J. G. & de Oliveira, I. T. (2018). Exploring unobserved household living conditions in multilevel choice 3 Q1 16,14 0,19 0
modeling: an application to contraceptive adoption by Indian women. PLoS One. 13 (1)

CIES 52973 2018 Peralta, M., Ramos, M., Lipert, A., Martins, J. & Marques, A. (2018). Prevalence and trends of overweight and 92 Q1 12,35 7,45 3
obesity in older adults from 10 European countries from 2005 to 2013. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 46
(5), 522-529

CIES 72946 2018 França, T., Alves, E. & Padilla, B. (2018). Portuguese policies fostering international student mobility: a colonial 44 Q1 10,94 4,02 3
legacy or a new strategy?. Globalisation, Societies and Education. 16 (3), 325-338

CIES 44386 2018 Rodríguez, María Dolores & Ferreira, J. (2018). The contribution of the intervention in social networks and 10 Q1 7,15 1,4 1
community social work at the local level to social and human development. European Journal of Social Work. 21
(6), 863-875

Total P_Imp_Artigo 164


Executado 2018-2022 cies_iscte

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018-2022

Projetos Nacionais 851 788 € 1 291 357 € 1 288 200 € 1 568 108 € 1 731 883 € 6 731 337 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Prog - - - 41 260 € 70 962 € 112 222 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Base 469 754 € 459 487 € 357 334 € 376 455 € 457 767 € 2 120 796 €
Projetos FCT 100 603 € 525 119 € 553 604 € 549 061 € 349 248 € 2 077 636 €
Outros Programas 29 228 € 67 069 € 68 220 € 69 909 € 348 164 € 582 590 €
Instituições Privadas 52 855 € 82 238 € 71 760 € 143 840 € 251 768 € 602 461 €
Organismos Públicos 196 564 € 155 301 € 237 282 € 379 701 € 245 142 € 1 213 989 €
cies_iscte Projetos de Cooperação Nacional 2 784 € 2 144 € - 7 883 € 8 832 € 21 644 €
Projetos Internacionais 341 692 € 366 079 € 189 943 € 209 859 € 402 301 € 1 509 874 €
Comissão Europeia 341 692 € 354 379 € 185 185 € 206 554 € 389 496 € 1 477 305 €
Outros Programas Internacionais - 3 540 € - - 0€ 3 540 €
Instituições Privadas - 2 110 € 2 555 € - 0€ 4 665 €
Organismos Públicos - 6 050 € 2 203 € 3 305 € 0€ 11 559 €
Projetos de Cooperação Internacional - - - - 12 806 € 12 806 €
Total 1 193 480 € 1 657 436 € 1 478 143 € 1 777 967 € 2 134 184 € 8 241 210 €
Fonte: Relatório de Atividades do Iscte

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIS 93440 2022 Kirkland, K., Van Lange, P. A. M., Van Doesum, N. J., Acevedo-Triana, C., Amiot, C. E., Ausmees, L....Bastian, B. (2022). Social 0 Q1 4,44 0,00 0
mindfulness predicts concern for nature and immigrants across 36 nations. Scientific Reports. 12 (1)

CIS 82690 2022 Frade, S., Pinheiro, A. P., Santi, A. & Raposo, A. (2022). Is second best good enough? An EEG study on the effects of word 3 Q1 2,42 1,24 1
expectancy in sentence comprehension. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 37 (2), 209-233

CIS 90376 2022 Kowal, M., Sorokowski, P., Pisanski, K., Valentova, J. V., Varella, M. A. C., Frederick, D. A.... Zumárraga-Espinosa, M. (2022). 6 Q1 4,89 1,23 1
Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries. Evolution and Human Behavior. 43 (6), 455-

CIS 81423 2022 Torres, C. A. & Rodrigues, D. L. (2022). Heteronormative beliefs and internalized homonegativity in the coming out process of 3 Q1 3,25 0,92 0
Portuguese and Turkish sexual minority men. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 19, 663-677

CIS 90386 2022 Fonseca, A. & Castro, P. (2022). Thunberg’s way in the climate debate: Making sense of climate action and actors, 4 Q1 3,08 1,30 1
constructing environmental citizenship. Environmental Communication. 16 (4), 535-549

CIS 74771 2022 Paiva, J. C., Rosa, M., Moreira, J. R., Morais, C. & Moreira, L. (2022). Science-religion dialogue in education: religion teachers’ 3 Q1 3,04 0,99 0
perceptions in a roman-catholic context. Research in Science Education. 57, 287-304

CIS 91158 2022 Magalhães, E., Ferreira, C., Antunes, C., Jongenelen, I. & Castro, E. (2022). Stressful events during last year, violence and 0 Q1 1,33 0,00 0
anxiety and depression: A moderated mediation model by sex. Violence and Victims. 37 (5), 610-624

CIS 84507 2022 Silva, C. S. & Calheiros, M. M. (2022). Youth’s self-construction in the context of residential care: The looking-glass self within 2 Q1 3,71 0,54 0
the youth-caregiver relationship. Children and Youth Services Review. 132

CIS + DCET 79394 2022 Mariano, J., Marques, S., Ramos, M. R., Gerardo, F., Cunha, C. L., Girenko, Vries, Hein (2022). Too old for technology? 34 Q1 5,36 6,34 3
Stereotype threat and technology use by older adults. Behaviour and Information Technology. 41 (7), 1503-1514

CIS 89640 2022 Simões, F., Tosun, J. & Rocca, A. (2022). Determinants of job-finding intentions among young adults from 11 European 1 Q1 3,63 0,28 0
countries. Social Indicators Research. 164 (2), 623-648

CIS 88874 2022 Martins, I., Lima, C. F. & Pinheiro, A. P. (2022). Enhanced salience of musical sounds in singers and instrumentalists. Cognitive, 2 Q1 2,98 0,67 0
Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 22 (5), 1044-1062

CIS 89134 2022 Aguiar, A. & Aguiar, C. (2022). Challenges associated with group composition: A qualitative study about the perceptions of 0 Q1 4,8 0,00 0
teachers in Portuguese public preschools. Teaching and Teacher Education. 117

CIS 93230 2022 Corrigall, K. A., Tillmann, B. & Schellenberg, E. (2022). Measuring children’s harmonic knowledge with implicit and explicit 1 Q1 2,25 0,44 0
tests. Music Perception. 39 (4), 361-370


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIS 88880 2022 Zoppolat, G., Righetti, F., Balzarini, R. N., Alonso-Ferres, M., Urganci, B., Rodrigues, D. L....Slatcher, R. B. (2022). Relationship 4 Q1 2,96 1,35 1
difficulties and “technoference” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 39 (11), 3204-

CIS 73777 2022 Camilo, C., Garrido, M. V. & Calheiros, M. M. (2022). Parental attitudes in child maltreatment. Journal of Interpersonal 7 Q1 3,5 2,00 2
Violence. 37 (5-6), 2920-2947

CIS 77361 2022 Guerra, R., Bierwiaczonek, K., Ferreira, M., Golec, A., Abakoumkin, G., Wildschut, T....Sedikides, C. (2022). An intergroup 17 Q1 5,49 3,10 3
approach to collective narcissism: intergroup threats and hostility in four European Union countries. Group Processes and
Intergroup Relations. 25 (2), 415-433

CIS 83252 2022 Ramos, C., Cabral, E., Serrão, V., Figueira, P., Vaz Santos, P. & Baptista, J. (2022). Psychometric properties of the Parent-Report 1 Q1 2,09 0,48 0
Version of the UCLA PTSD Reaction Index for DSM-5. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 15 (3), 627-637

CIS 88885 2022 Rodrigues, D. L., Zoppolat, G., Balzarini, R. N. & Slatcher, R. B. (2022). Security motives and negative affective experiences 3 Q1 3,53 0,85 0
during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology and Health. 37 (12), 1605-1625

CIS 73783 2022 Correia, A. I., Castro, S. L., MacGregor, C., Müllensiefen, D., Schellenberg, E. G. & Lima, C. F. (2022). Enhanced recognition of 13 Q1 4,73 2,75 2
vocal emotions in individuals with naturally good musical abilities. Emotion. 22 (5), 894-906

CIS 88633 2022 Bence Bago, Marton Kovacs, John Protzko, Tamas Nagy, Zoltan Kekecs, Bence Pálfi...Balazs Aczel (2022). Situational factors 14 Q1 18,24 0,77 0
shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample.
Nature Human Behaviour. 6 (6)

CIS 88124 2022 Conde, T., Correia, A. I., Roberto, M. S., Scott, S. K., Lima, C. F. & Pinheiro, A. (2022). The time course of emotional 2 Q1 3,44 0,58 0
authenticity detection in nonverbal vocalizations. Cortex. 151, 116-132

CIS 89413 2022 Hinrichs, K., Hoeks, J., Campos, L., Guedes, D., Godinho, C., Matos, M....Graça, J. (2022). Why so defensive? Negative affect 8 Q1 6,54 1,22 1
and gender differences in defensiveness toward plant-based diets. Food Quality and Preference. 102

CIS 85070 2022 Kim, K.-H. & Guinote, A. (2022). Cheating at the top: Trait dominance explains dishonesty more consistently than social 5 Q1 5,26 0,95 0
power. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 48 (12), 1651-1666

CIS 93009 2022 Roque, L., Graça, J., Truninger, M., Guedes, D., Campos, L., Vinnari, M....Godinho, C. (2022). Plant-based school meals as 4 Q1 4,35 0,92 0
levers of sustainable food transitions: A narrative review and conceptual framework. Journal of Agriculture and Food
Research. 10

CIS 84056 2022 Prada, M., Saraiva, M., Viegas, C., Cavalheiro, B. P. & Garrido, M. V. (2022). Relationship between objective and perceived 2 Q1 6,54 0,31 0
sugar content on consumers perceptions about breakfast cereals. Food Quality and Preference. 96, 104387

CIS 89953 2022 Rodrigues, D. L., Aybar Camposano, G. & Lopes, D. (2022). Stigmatization of consensual non-monogamous partners: Perceived 2 Q1 3,46 0,58 0
endorsement of conservation or openness to change values vary according to personal attitudes. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
51 (8), 3931-3946


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CIS 92769 2022 Haji, R. & Fasoli, F. (2022). Predicting and changing attitudes toward same-gender parenting: Informational influence, 0 Q1 3,69 0,00 0
parasocial contact, and religious fundamentalism. LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 18 (2), 119-134

CIS 84836 2022 Possidónio, C., Piazza, J., Graça, J. & Prada, M. (2022). An appetite for meat? Disentangling the influence of animal 2 Q1 6,32 0,32 0
resemblance and familiarity. Appetite. 170

CIS 92773 2022 Masi, M. & Fasoli, F. (2022). When fluency matters: The interplay between categorization fluency and gender atypicality on 1 Q1 2,7 0,37 0
gaydar judgments. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 41 (6), 746-759

CIS 89725 2022 Neves, L., Correia, A. I., Castro, S. L., Martins, D. & Lima, C. F. (2022). Does music training enhance auditory and linguistic 6 Q1 8,05 0,75 0
processing? A systematic review and meta-analysis of behavioral and brain evidence. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral
Reviews. 140

CIS 84351 2022 Oliveira, R. & Arriaga, P. (2022). A systematic review of the effects of laughter on blood pressure and heart rate variability. 1 Q1 1,78 0,56 0
Humor - International Journal of Humor Research. 35 (2), 135-167

CIS 89216 2022 Graça, J., Roque, L., Guedes, D., Campos, L., Truninger, M., Godinho, C....Vinnari, M. (2022). Enabling sustainable food 5 Q1 4,09 1,22 1
transitions in schools: A systemic approach. British Food Journal. 124 (13), 322-339

CIS 92288 2022 Vitale, V., Martin, L., White, M. P., Elliott, L. R., Wyles, K. J., Browning, M. H. E. M....Fleming, L. E. (2022). Mechanisms 7 Q1 7,22 0,97 0
underlying childhood exposure to blue spaces and adult subjective well-being: An 18-country analysis. Journal of
Environmental Psychology. 84

CIS 84353 2022 Pinheiro, M., Magalhães, E. & Baptista, J. (2022). Adolescents’ resilience in residential care: A systematic review of factors 5 Q1 3,23 1,55 1
related to healthy adaptation. Child Indicators Research. 15 (3), 819-837

CIS 91777 2022 Barriga, P., Correia, I., Vries, J. De & Tortora, L. (2022). Cognitive dissonance induction as an “inoculator” against negative 0 Q1 4,38 0,00 0
attitudes towards victims. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 16 (2)

CIS 90246 2022 Mendonça, R., Garrido, M. V. & Semin, G. R. (2022). Two cultural processing asymmetries drive spatial attention. Cognitive 0 Q1 2,67 0,00 0
Science. 46 (8)

CIS 85896 2022 Peceguina, I., Daniel, J. R., Correia, N. & Aguiar, C. (2022). Teacher attunement to preschool children’s peer preferences: 2 Q1 4,42 0,45 0
Associations with child and classroom-level variables. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 60, 150-160

CIS 91789 2022 Hajdu, N., Schmidt, K., Acs, G., Röer, J. P., Mirisola, A., Giammusso, I....Szaszi, B. (2022). Contextual factors predicting 2 Q1 3,75 0,53 0
compliance behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: A machine learning analysis on survey data from 16 countries. PLoS
One. 17 (11)

CIS 84366 2022 Torres, N., Martins, D., Monteiro, L., Santos, A. J., Vaughn, B. E. & Verissimo, M (2022). Salivary oxytocin after play with 2 Q1 3,88 0,52 0
parents predicts behavioural problems in preschool children. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 136


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CIES + CIS 87950 2022 Silva, C. S., Carvalho, H., Magalhães, E., Attar-Schwartz, S., Ornelas, S. V. & Calheiros, M. M. (2022). Organizational social 0 Q1 3,71 0,00 0
context and academic achievement of youth in residential care: The mediating role of youth-caregiver relationship quality.
Children and Youth Services Review. 137

CIS 87955 2022 Khumalo, N., Dumont, K. B. & Waldzus, S. (2022). Leaders’ influence on collective action: An identity leadership perspective. 4 Q1 7,93 0,50 0
Leadership Quarterly. 33 (4)

CIS 90261 2022 Magalhães, E., Costa, P., Pinto, V. S., Graça, J., Baptista, J., Ferreira, S....Gouveia, L. (2022). Reasons, willingness, and intention 1 Q1 3,71 0,27 0
to be a foster family: A community-sample study. Children and Youth Services Review. 142

CIS 85142 2022 Cavalheiro, B. P. , Prada, M., Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D. & Garrido, M. V. (2022). Evaluating the adequacy of emoji use in 8 Q1 6,41 1,25 1
positive and negative messages from close and distant senders. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 25 (3), 194-

CIS 81815 2022 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D. & Carvalho, A. (2022). Regulatory focus and sexual health: Motives for security and pleasure in 9 Q1 4,47 2,01 2
sexuality are associated with distinct protective behaviors. Journal of Sex Research. 59 (4), 484-492

CIS 82071 2022 Carnaghi, A., Rusconi, P., Bianchi, M., Fasoli, F., Coladonato, R. & Hegarty, P. (2022). No country for old gay men: Age and 13 Q1 5,49 2,37 2
sexuality category intersection renders older gay men invisible. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 25 (4), 964-989

CIS 86425 2022 Fonseca, S. & Fernandes, J. L. (2022). A self-assessment tool for social responsibility in higher education. Reporting on a 1 Q1 3,68 0,27 0
national policy development process in Portugal. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 23 (4), 848-864

CIS 90265 2022 Aybar Camposano, G., Rodrigues, D. L. & Moleiro, C. (2022). Social and cultural correlates of identity management strategies 0 Q1 3,25 0,00 0
among lesbian and gay people: The role of intergroup structure and self-construal. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 19
(4), 1763-1777

CIS 88988 2022 Breakwell, G. M., Camilo, C., Jaspal, R. & Lima, M. L. (2022). Influences of nationality and national identification on perceived 2 Q1 1,94 1,03 1
dangerousness of COVID-19 variants and perceived effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines: A study of UK and Portuguese
samples. Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 10 (1), 106-122

CIS 86944 2022 Horchak, O. V. & Garrido, M. V. (2022). Simulating background settings during spoken and written sentence comprehension. 2 Q1 4,29 0,47 0
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 29 (4), 1426-1439

CIS 83365 2022 Galinha, I. C., García-Martín, M. A. & Lima, M. L. (2022). Sing4Health: Randomised controlled trial of the effects of a singing 6 Q1 8,64 0,69 0
group program on the subjective and social well-being of older adults. Applied Psychology - Health and Well-Being. 14 (1),

CIS 86952 2022 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D. & Balzarini, R. N. (2022). Having a prevention regulatory focus longitudinally predicted distress and 5 Q1 4,8 1,04 1
health-protective behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stress and Health. 38 (4), 767-775

CIS 83369 2022 Simões, F., Erdogan, E, Muratovic, M. & Sik, D. (2022). Scrutinising the exceptionalism of young rural NEETs: A bibliometric 7 Q1 2,77 2,53 2
review. Youth and Society. 54 (2_suppl), 8S-28S


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CIS 86954 2022 Rodrigues, D. L., Cavalheiro, B. P. & Prada, M. (2022). Emoji as icebreakers? Emoji can signal distinct intentions in first time 6 Q1 10,09 0,59 0
online interactions. Telematics and Informatics. 69

CIS 91051 2022 Kuba, K., Yeung, J. C., Capaldi, C., Lun, V. M. -C., Torres, T., van Tilburg, W. A. P....Vignoles, V. L. (2022). Societal emotional 9 Q1 5,42 1,66 1
environments and cross-cultural differences in life satisfaction: A forty-nine country study. The Journal of Positive Psychology.
17 (1), 117-130

CIS 78764 2022 Magalhães, E., Graça, J., Antunes, C, Ferreira, C. & Pinheiro, M. (2022). Why are men more likely to endorse myths about child 1 Q1 4,26 0,23 0
sexual abuse than women? Evidence from disposition and situation-based approaches. Child Maltreatment. 27 (3), 356-365

CIS 87468 2022 Krupnik, S., Wagner, A., Koretskaya, O., Rudek, T. J. , Wade, R., Mišík, M....von Wirth, T. (2022). Beyond technology: A 27 Q1 8,29 3,26 3
research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe. Energy Research and Social
Science. 89

CIS 88237 2022 Faustino, B., Vasco, A. , Farinha-Fernandes, A., Delgado, J., Guerreiro, J. C. & Matos, M. (2022). Path analysis from COVID-19 2 Q1 4,43 0,45 0
perceptions to psychological health: The roles of critical distance and mastery. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 29 (5),

CIS 81328 2022 Toscano, C, Soares, I., Baptista, J., Moutinho, J., Rippe, R. & Mesman, J. (2022). Maternal and paternal overprotection of 0 Q1 2,56 0,00 0
children born preterm: relations to child and parental factors. Journal of Family Psychology. 36 (2), 312-317

CIS 95409 2022 Brodbeck, J., Jacinto, S., Gouveia, A., Mendonça, N., Madörin, S., Brandl, L....van Velsen, L. (2022). A web-based self-help 2 Q1 8,13 0,25 0
intervention for coping with the loss of a partner: Protocol for randomized controlled trials in 3 countries. JMIR Research
Protocols. 11 (11)

CIS 95410 2022 Braga, J. N. & Jacinto, S. (2022). Effortless online shopping? How online shopping contexts prime heuristic processing. Journal 2 Q1 5,06 0,40 0
of Consumer Behaviour. 21 (4), 743-755

CIS 86970 2022 Alderson-Day, B., Moffatt, J., Lima, C. F., Krishnan, S., Fernyhough, C., Scott, S. K....Samuel Evans (2022). Susceptibility to 1 Q1 2,97 0,34 0
auditory hallucinations is associated with spontaneous but not directed modulation of top-down expectations for speech.
Neuroscience of Consciousness. 22 (1)

CIS 89274 2022 Ramos, M., Schumann, S. & Hewstone, M. (2022). The role of short-term and longer term immigration trends on voting for 0 Q1 6,57 0,00 0
populist radical right parties in Europe. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 13 (4), 816-826

CIS 86205 2022 Sawicki, A. J., Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Balcerowska, J. M., Sawicka, M. J., Piotrowski, J., Sedikides, C....Zand, S. (2022). The 17 Q1 3,89 4,37 3
fear of COVID-19 scale: Its structure and measurement invariance across 48 countries. Psychological Assessment. 34 (3), 294-

CIS 90045 2022 Sousa, J., Martins, M., Torres, N., Castro, S. L. & Silva, S. (2022). Rhythm but not melody processing helps reading via 1 Q1 4,44 0,23 0
phonological awareness and phonological memory. Scientific Reports. 12 (1)

CIS 83134 2022 García-Sánchez, E., Correia, I., Pereira, C., Willis, G. B., Rodríguez-Bailón, R. & Vala, J. (2022). How fair is economic inequality? 11 Q1 5,26 2,09 2
Belief in a just world and the legitimation of economic disparities in 27 European countries. Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin. 48 (3), 382-395


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CIS 84672 2022 Rodrigues, D. L. (2022). Regulatory focus and perceived safety with casual partners: Implications for perceived risk and casual 8 Q1 3,06 2,61 2
sex intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology and Sexuality. 13 (5), 1303-1318

CIS 82881 2022 Correia, A. I., Vincenzi, M., Vanzella, P., Pinheiro, A. , Lima, C. F. & Schellenberg, E. (2022). Can musical ability be tested 9 Q1 6,54 1,38 1
online?. Behavior Research Methods. 54 (2), 955-969

CIS 88261 2022 Carvalho, A. & Rodrigues, D. L. (2022). Sexuality, sexual behavior, and relationships of asexual individuals: Differences 2 Q1 3,46 0,58 0
between aromantic and romantic orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 51 (4), 2159-2168

CIS 89809 2022 Diniz, E., Castro, P. & Bernardes, S. F. (2022). (De)humanizing metaphors of people in pain and their association with the 0 Q1 1,38 0,00 0
perceived quality of nurse-patient relationship. Metaphor and Symbol. 37 (4), 337-353

CIS 84179 2022 Luís, S., Moura, R., Lima, M. L., Poggio, L., Aragonés, J. I. & Camilo, C. (2022). Judging pharmaceutical environmental risk by its 2 Q1 4,16 0,48 0
cover? The effects of prescription medication and disease severity on environmental risk perception. Risk Analysis. 42 (10),

CIS 83669 2022 Toscano, C, Soares, I., Baptista, J., Moutinho, J. & Mesman, J. (2022). The quality of interactive behaviors in the context of 1 Q1 2,01 0,50 0
prematurity: Fathers, mothers, daughters, and sons. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 43 (4), e218-e226

CIS 88023 2022 Fernandes, J. M., Soares, S., Lopes, R., Jerónimo, R. & Barahona-Corrêa, J. B. (2022). Attribution of intentions in autism 0 Q1 4,71 0,00 0
spectrum disorder: A study of event-related potentials. Autism Research. 15 (5), 847-860

CIS 88539 2022 Lamy, E., Viegas, C., Rocha, A., Lucas, M. R., Tavares, S., Capela-Silva, F....Anzman-Frasca, S. (2022). Changes in food behavior 21 Q1 6,54 3,21 3
during the first lockdown of COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country study about changes in eating habits, motivations, and food-
related behaviors. Food Quality and Preference. 99

CIS 88541 2022 Oliveira, I., Garrido, M. V. & Bernardes, S. F. (2022). On the body-mind nexus in chronic musculoskeletal pain: A scoping 2 Q1 3,61 0,55 0
review. European Journal of Pain. 26 (6), 1186-1202

CIS 88799 2022 Nguyen, T., Weinstein, N., Moller, A., Legault, L., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z....Psychological Science Accelerator Self-Determination 14 Q1 9,68 1,45 1
Theory Collaboration (2022). A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119 (22)

CIS 83424 2022 Boager, E. & Castro, P. (2022). Lisbon's unsustainable tourism intensification: contributions from social representations to 3 Q1 13,72 0,22 0
understanding a depoliticised press discourse and its consequences. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30 (8), 1956-1971

CIES + CIS 82659 2022 Silva, C. S., Calheiros, M. M., Carvalho, H. & Magalhães, E. (2022). Organizational social context and psychopathology of youth 8 Q1 9,26 0,86 0
in residential care: the intervening role of youth-caregiver relationship quality. Applied Psychology: An International Review .
71 (2), 564-586

CIS 85478 2022 Calheiros, M. M., Ornelas, S. V., Magalhães, E. & Garrido, M. V. (2022). Profiles of young children involved with child 0 Q1 3,23 0,00 0
protection services in Portugal. Child Indicators Research. 15 (3), 933-958


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CIS 81127 2022 Cosme, G., Tavares, V. , Nobre, G., Lima, C. F., Sá, R., Rosa, P. J....Prata, D. (2022). Cultural differences in vocal emotion 3 Q1 2,4 1,25 1
recognition: a behavioural and skin conductance study in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau. Psychological Research. 86, 597-616

CIS 88303 2022 Simões, F., Fernandes-Jesus, M. & Marta, E. (2022). NEETs civic and political participation in outermost islands: The mediating 2 Q1 2,94 0,68 0
roles of sense of community and agency. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology . 32 (5), 799-813

CIS 82674 2022 Tavares, V. , Fernandes, L. F., Antunes, M., Ferreira, H. A. & Prata, D. (2022). Sex differences in functional connectivity 7 Q1 4,6 1,52 1
between resting state brain networks in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 52 (7),

CIS 93426 2022 Tanjitpiyanond, P., Jetten, J., Peters, K., Ashokkumar, A., Barry, O., Billet, M....Wai-Lan Yeung, V. (2022). A 32-society 0 Q1 4,15 0,00 0
investigation of the influence of perceived economic inequality on social class stereotyping. European Journal of Social
Psychology. 53 (2), 367-382

CIS 83699 2022 Garrido, M. V., Saraiva, M. & Semin, G. R. (2022). Does the linguistic expectancy bias extend to a second language?. Journal of 0 Q1 2,7 0,00 0
Language and Social Psychology. 41 (3), 350-366

CIS 82932 2022 Waldzus, S., Dumont, K. & Knoetze, L. (2022). Throwing off the dark legacy when going down: Experience of status loss 1 Q1 7,02 0,14 0
undermines reparation intentions prompted by narratives of the ingroup’s past wrongdoings. British Journal of Social
Psychology. 61 (1), 432-450

CIS 93429 2022 Jonason, P. K., Czerwiński, S. K., Tobaldo, F., Ramos-Diaz, J., Adamovic, M., Adams, B. G....Sedikides, C. (2022). Milieu effects 4 Q1 5,27 0,76 0
on the Dark Triad traits and their sex differences in 49 countries. Personality and Individual Differences. 197

CIS 93431 2022 Dejonckheere, E., Rhee, J. J., Baguma, P. K., Barry, O., Becker, M., Bilewicz, M....Bastian, B. (2022). Perceiving societal pressure 1 Q1 4,44 0,23 0
to be happy is linked to poor well-being, especially in happy nations. Scientific Reports. 12 (1)

CIS 82936 2022 Souza, C., Garrido, M. V., Horchak, O.V. & Carmo, J. C. (2022). Conceptual knowledge modulates memory recognition of 4 Q1 2,74 1,46 1
common items: The selective role of item-typicality. Memory and Cognition. 50, 77-94

CIS 82938 2022 Rodrigues, D. L. & Lehmiller, J. J. (2022). COVID-19 and sexual desire: Perceived fear is associated with enhanced relationship 14 Q1 4,47 3,13 3
functioning. Journal of Sex Research. 59 (4), 403-412

CIS 89082 2022 Sónia B. R., Parisod, H., Rodrigues, R. B., Luisa Barros & Salantera S. (2022). The state of empowerment counselling for 0 Q1 3,42 0,00 0
healthy family lifestyles in well-child visits from the families’ and nurses’ perspectives: a cross sectional survey. Obesity Facts.
15 (Suppl. 1), 262-262

CIS 73979 2022 Boavida, T., Silva, C. S., Aguiar, C. & McWilliam, R. A. (2022). Measuring professionals’ perceptions about collaborative 1 Q1 2,37 0,42 0
consultation in early childhood intervention. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 26 (14), 1309-1326

CIS 87803 2022 Carmona, M., Guerra, R. & Hofhuis, J. (2022). What does it mean to be a “citizen of the world”: A prototype approach. 1 Q1 3,09 0,32 0
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 53 (6), 547-569


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CIS 93438 2022 Kuba, K., Haas, B. W., Igou, E. R., Kosiarczyk, A., Kocimska-Bortnowska, A., Kwiatkowska, A....Bond, M. H. (2022). Introduction 8 Q1 5,83 1,37 1
to a culturally sensitive measure of well-being: Combining life satisfaction and interdependent happiness across 49 different
cultures. Journal of Happiness Studies. 24 (2), 607-627

CIS 79359 2022 Magalhães, E., Grych, J., Ferreira, C., Antunes, C., Prioste, A. & Jongenelen, I. (2022). Interpersonal violence and mental health 3 Q1 3,06 0,98 0
outcomes: mediation by self-efficacy and coping. Victims and Offenders. 17 (2), 182-198

CIS 91829 2022 Vauclair, C.- M. & Piccinelli, E. (2022). Serial mediation model predicting covid-19 vaccines acceptance in Portugal: The critical 0 Q1 4,08 0,00 0
role of conspiracy theories in the wake of perceived quality of government communication and national stereotypes.
International Journal of Communication. 16, 5803-5819

CIS 77828 2021 Kuba, K., Park, J., Kocimska-Zych, A., Kosiarczyk, A., Selim, H. A., Wojtczuk-Turek, A....Adamovic, M. (2021). Personal life 27 Q1 9,79 2,76 2
satisfaction as a measure of societal happiness is an individualistic presumption: evidence from fifty countries. Journal of
Happiness Studies. 22 (5), 2197-2214

CIS 77829 2021 Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Karwowski, M., Groyecka, A., Aavik, T., Akello, G....Sternberg, R. J. (2021). Universality of the 21 Q1 8,41 2,50 2
Triangular Theory of Love: adaptation and psychometric properties of the Triangular Love Scale in 25 Countries. Journal of
Sex Research. 58 (1), 106-115

CIS 81420 2021 Zickfeld, J. H., Van de Ven; N., Pich, O., Schubert, T. W., Berkessel, J. B., Pizarro, J. ...Vingerhoets, A. (2021). Tears evoke the 16 Q1 6,99 2,29 2
intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41
countries. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 95

CIS 73998 2021 Antunes, C., Magalhães, E., Ferreira, C., Cabral, J & Jongenelen, I. (2021). When subjective social status matters: moderating 2 Q1 4,81 0,42 0
effects in the association between victimization and mental health. Victims and Offenders. 16 (2), 165-182

CIS 73743 2021 Silva, C. S., Martins, A. & Calheiros, M. M. (2021). ‘Why do I think what I think I am?’: mothers’ and fathers’ contributions to 7 Q1 4,9 1,43 1
adolescents’ self-representations. Self and Identity. 20 (8), 1015-1035

CIS 82461 2021 Possidónio, C., Piazza, J., Graça, J. & Prada, M. (2021). From pets to pests: Testing the scope of the “Pets as Ambassadors” 6 Q1 4,49 1,34 1
hypothesis. Anthrozoös. 34 (5), 707-722

CIES + CIS 73518 2021 Santos, J. M., Horta, H. & Amâncio, L. (2021). Research agendas of female and male academics: a new perspective on gender 17 Q1 4,8 3,54 3
disparities in academia. Gender and Education. 33 (5), 625-643

CIS 82222 2021 Prada, M., Saraiva, M., Godinho, C. A., Tourais, B., Cavalheiro, B. & Garrido, M. V. (2021). Parental perceptions and practices 4 Q1 10,67 0,37 0
regarding sugar intake by school-aged children: A qualitative study with Portuguese parents. Appetite. 166

CIS 83760 2021 Galinha, I. C., Pinal, D., Lima, M. L. & Labisa-Palmeira, A. (2021). The role of social and physiological variables on older adults’ 3 Q1 8,96 0,33 0
cognitive improvement after a group singing intervention: The Sing4Health Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychosocial
Intervention. 30 (3), 123-138

CIS 73778 2021 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D., Dawson, K., Visser, R. & Štulhofer, A. (2021). With or without you: associations between frequency 8 Q1 6,57 1,22 1
of internet pornography use and sexual relationship outcomes for (non)consensual (non)monogamous individuals. Archives
of Sexual Behavior. 50, 1491-1504


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIS 93234 2021 Swaminathan, S., Kragness, H. E. & Schellenberg, E. G. (2021). The musical ear test: Norms and correlates from a large sample 11 Q1 12,71 0,87 0
of Canadian undergraduates. Behavior Research Methods. 53 (5), 2007-2024

CIS 61248 2021 Godinho, S. & Garrido, M. V. (2021). The in–out effect: examining the role of perceptual fluency in the preference for words 12 Q1 4,81 2,49 2
with inward-wandering consonantal articulation. Psychological Research. 85 (1), 112-120

CIS 74306 2021 Bettencourt, L., Castro, P. & Dixon, J. (2021). Can regenerated inner-city areas remain sites of public-place sociability? Psycho- 1 Q1 5,71 0,18 0
social processes predicting public sociability in a changing neighbourhood. Journal of Community and Applied Social
Psychology. 31 (1), 9-25

CIS 74056 2021 Saraiva, M., Garrido, M. V. & Albuquerque, B. P. (2021). Emergence and transmission of misinformation in the context of 3 Q1 5,06 0,59 0
social interactions. Memory and Cognition. 49 (1), 1-13

CIS 81997 2021 Alves-Oliveira, P., Arriaga, P., Xavier, C. , Paiva, A. & Guy Hoffman (2021). Creativity landscapes: Systematic review spanning 8 Q1 7,77 1,03 1
70 Years of creativity interventions for children. Journal of Creative Behavior.

CIS 81998 2021 Santos, A. C., Simões, C., Cefai, C., Freitas, E. & Arriaga, P. (2021). Emotion regulation and student engagement: Age and 19 Q1 6,7 2,84 2
gender differences across adolescence. International Journal of Educational Research. 109

CIS 77647 2021 Caillaud, S., Haas, V. & Castro, P. (2021). From one new law to (many) new practices? Multidisciplinary teams re-constructing 3 Q1 14,83 0,20 0
the meaning of a new disability law. British Journal of Social Psychology. 60 (3), 966-987

CIS 76368 2021 Saraiva, M., Garrido, M. V. & Pandeirada, J. N. S. (2021). Surviving in a second language: survival processing effect in memory 4 Q1 5,1 0,78 0
of bilinguals. Cognition and Emotion. 35 (2), 417-424

CIS 85073 2021 Chen, H., Wang, X., Zang, H. & Guinote, A. (2021). Being a tough person in a tight world: Cultural tightness leads to a desire 10 Q1 6,99 1,43 1
for muscularity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 96

CIS 76372 2021 Thygesen, J. H., Presman, A., Harju-Seppänen, J., Irizar, H., Jones, R., Kuchenbaecker, K....Bramon, E. (2021). Genetic copy 15 Q1 21,06 0,71 0
number variants, cognition and psychosis: a meta-analysis and a family study. Molecular Psychiatry. 26, 5307-5319

CIS 81504 2021 Santos, A. C., Arriaga, P. & Simões, C. (2021). Psychometric validation of the Portuguese version of the Measure of Anxiety in 0 Q1 4,63 0,00 0
Selection Interviews. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 29 (2), 285-292

CIS 92768 2021 Guizzo, F., Canale, N. & Fasoli, F. (2021). Instagram sexualization: When posts make you feel dissatisfied and wanting to 16 Q1 11,09 1,44 1
change your body. Body Image. 39, 62-67

CIS 81770 2021 Lima, C. F., Arriaga, P., Anikin, A., Pires, A. R., Frade, S., Neves, L....Scott, S. K. (2021). Authentic and posed emotional 6 Q1 7 0,86 0
vocalizations trigger distinct facial responses. Cortex. 141, 280-292


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CIS 79985 2021 Diniz, E., Brandão, T., Monteiro, L. & Veríssimo, M. (2021). Father involvement during early childhood: A systematic review of 36 Q1 7,43 4,85 3
the literature. Journal of Family Theory and Review. 13 (1), 77-99

CIS 85620 2021 Bosson, J. K., Paweł, J., Vandello, J. A., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Olech, M., Besta, T....Žukauskienė, R. (2021). Psychometric 26 Q1 5,1 5,10 3
properties and correlates of Precarious Manhood Beliefs in 62 nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 52 (3), 231-258

CIS 79994 2021 Souza, C., Garrido, M. V., Saraiva, M. & Carmo, J. C. (2021). RealPic: Picture norms of real-world common items. Behavior 9 Q1 12,71 0,71 0
Research Methods. 53 (4), 1746-1761

CIS 48506 2021 Garrido, M. V. & Prada, M. (2021). Comparing the valence, emotionality and subjective familiarity of words in a first and a 10 Q1 8,63 1,16 1
second language. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 24 (2), 275-291

CIS 82811 2021 Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C. A., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S....Moshontz, H. (2021). A multi-country test of 62 Q1 30,57 2,03 2
brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour. 5 (8), 1089-1110

CIS 77695 2021 Prada, M., Godinho, C., Garrido, M. V., Rodrigues, D. L., Coelho, I. & Lopes, D. (2021). A qualitative study about college 9 Q1 10,67 0,84 0
students’ attitudes, knowledge and perceptions regarding sugar intake. Appetite. 159

CIS 80259 2021 Cosme, G., Rosa, P. J., Lima, C. F., Tavares, V. , Scott, S. K. , Chen, S....Prata, D. (2021). Pupil dilation reflects the authenticity of 7 Q1 9 0,78 0
received nonverbal vocalizations. Scientific Reports. 11

CIS 65669 2021 Guerra, R., Waldzus, S., Lopes, D., Popa-Roch, M. , Lloret, B. & Gaertner, S. L. (2021). Little “We’s”: how common identities 3 Q1 8,29 0,36 0
improve behavior differently for ethnic majority and minority children. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 24 (3), 488-

CIS 63112 2021 Amorim, M., Anikin, A., Mendes, A. J., Lima, C. F., Kotz, S. A. & Pinheiro, A. (2021). Changes in vocal emotion recognition 21 Q1 9,06 2,32 2
across the life span. Emotion. 21 (2), 315-325

CIS 64139 2021 Calheiros, M. M., Silva, C. S. & Magalhães, E. (2021). Child Maltreatment Severity Questionnaire (MSQ) for professionals: 11 Q1 8,99 1,22 1
development, validity, and reliability evidence. Assessment. 25 (5), 1397-1417

CIES + CIS 77709 2021 Espírito-Santo, A. & Santos, M. H. (2021). The share of women in decision-making positions across different levels of 3 Q1 3,45 0,87 0
government. Representation. 57 (4), 419-437

CIS 81549 2021 White, M. P., Elliott, L. R., Grellier, J., Economou, T., Bell, S., Bratman, G. N....Fleming, L. E. (2021). Associations between 122 Q1 9 13,56 3
green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries. Scientific Reports. 11

CIS 95373 2021 Vacchini, S., Fasoli, F. & Volpato, C. (2021). “You Cannot Get into My Taxi!” Perceptions of a COVID-19-based rejection 3 Q1 4,63 0,65 0
episode reported in the newspapers. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 40 (5-6), 677-689


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CIS 76439 2021 Camilo, C., Garrido, M. V. & Calheiros, M. M. (2021). Recognizing children's emotions in child abuse and neglect. Aggressive 3 Q1 5,99 0,50 0
Behavior. 47 (2), 161-172

CIS 76440 2021 Oliveira, R., Arriaga, P., Axelsson, M. & Paiva, A. (2021). Humor–robot interaction: a scoping review of the literature and 11 Q1 10,84 1,01 1
future directions. International Journal of Social Robotics. 13, 1369-1383

CIS 77208 2021 Horchak, O.V. & Garrido, M. V. (2021). Dropping bowling balls on tomatoes: representations of object state-changes during 7 Q1 5,32 1,32 1
sentence processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 47 (5), 838-857

CIS 82584 2021 Garrido, M. V. & Godinho, S. (2021). When vowels make us smile: The influence of articulatory feedback in judgments of 4 Q1 5,1 0,78 0
warmth and competence. Cognition and Emotion. 35 (5), 837-843

CIS 83105 2021 Mariano, J., Marques, S., Ramos, M. R. & De Vries, H. (2021). Internet use by middle-aged and older adults: Longitudinal 10 Q1 7,1 1,41 1
relationships with functional ability, social support, and self-perceptions of aging. Psychology and Aging. 36 (8), 983-995

CIS 82850 2021 Martins, M., Reis, A. M. , Castro, S. L. & Gaser, C. (2021). Gray matter correlates of reading fluency deficits: SES matters, IQ 5 Q1 6,44 0,78 0
does not. Brain Structure and Function. 226, 2585-2601

CIS 81062 2021 Simões, F., Marta, E., Marta, E., Marzana, D., Alfieri, S. & Pozzi, M. (2021). An analysis of social relationships quality 8 Q1 2,22 3,60 3
associations with hope among young Italians: The tole of NEET status. Journal of Applied Youth Studies. 4 (2), 169-184

CIS 84135 2021 Neves, L., Martins, M., Correia, A. I., Castro, S. L. & Lima, C. F. (2021). Associations between vocal emotion recognition and 6 Q1 7,05 0,85 0
socio-emotional adjustment in children. Royal Society Open Science. 8 (11)

CIS + CIES 81835 2021 Craveiro, D., Marques, S., Zvěřinová, I., Máca, V., Ščasný, M., Chiabai, A....Taylor, T. (2021). Explaining inequalities in fruit and 7 Q1 10,67 0,66 0
vegetable intake in Europe: The role of capabilities, opportunities and motivations. Appetite. 165

CIS 83629 2021 Bailey, E., Devine-Wright, P. & Batel, S. (2021). Emplacing linked lives: A qualitative approach to understanding the 8 Q1 5,71 1,40 1
co-evolution of residential mobility and place attachment formation over time. Journal of Community and Applied Social
Psychology. 31 (5), 515-529

CIS 80562 2021 Moleiro, C. & Roberto, S. (2021). The path to adulthood: A mixed-methods approach to the exploration of the experiences of 0 Q1 4,15 0,00 0
unaccompanied minors in Portugal. Journal of Refugee Studies. 34 (3), 3264-3287

CIES + CIS 83122 2021 García de Jalón, G., Chiabai, A., Quiroga, S., Suárez, C., Ščasný, M., Máca, V....Taylor, T. (2021). The influence of urban 15 Q1 17,26 0,87 0
greenspaces on people’s physical activity: A population-based study in Spain. Landscape and Urban Planning. 215

CIS + CIES 83123 2021 Craveiro, D., Marques, S., Bell, R., Khan, M., Godinho, C. & Peixeiro, F. (2021). Behavioural change box? Applying the COM-B 2 Q1 6,04 0,33 0
model to understand behavioural triggers that support consumption of fruits and vegetable among subscribers of a fruit and
vegetable box scheme. Public Health Nutrition. 24 (18), 6488-6498


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CIS 84148 2021 Rodrigues, D. L. (2021). Solitary and joint online pornography use during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Portugal: 10 Q1 6,18 1,62 1
Intrapersonal and interpersonal correlates. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace. 15 (4)

CIS 78774 2021 Kragness, H. E., Swaminathan, S., Cirelli, L. K. & Schellenberg, E. (2021). Individual differences in musical ability are stable over 17 Q1 8,92 1,91 1
time in childhood. Developmental Science. 24 (4)

CIS 80826 2021 Eriksson, K., Strimling, P., Gelfand, M., Junhui Wu, Abernathy, J., Akotia, C. S....Van Lange, P. A. M. (2021). Perceptions of the 47 Q1 30,91 1,52 1
appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies. Nature Communications. 12 (1)

CIS 74171 2021 Oliveira, R., Arriaga, P., Santos, F. P., Mascarenhas, S. & Paiva, A. (2021). Towards prosocial design: a scoping review of the 33 Q1 21,43 1,54 1
use of robots and virtual agents to trigger prosocial behaviour. Computers in Human Behavior. 114

CIS 77500 2021 Carvalho, C., Santos, N. N., António, R. & Martins, D. (2021). Supporting students’ engagement with teachers’ feedback: the 7 Q1 5,8 1,21 1
role of students’ school identification. Educational Psychology. 41 (7), 863-882

CIS 82620 2021 Prada, M., Saraiva, M., Sério, A., Coelho, S., Garrido, M. V. & Godinho, C. (2021). The Impact of sugar-related claims on 9 Q1 12,54 0,72 0
perceived healthfulness, caloric value and expected taste of food products. Food Quality and Preference. 94

CIS 89277 2021 Li, D., Ramos, M. R., Bennett, M. R. , Massey, D. S. & Hewstone, M. (2021). Does ethnic diversity affect well-being and 7 Q1 9,54 0,73 0
allostatic load among people across neighbourhoods in England?. Health and Place. 68

CIS 77507 2021 Magalhães, E., Calheiros, M. M., Costa, P. & Ferreira, S. (2021). Youth’s rights and mental health: the role of supportive 8 Q1 5,31 1,51 1
relations in care. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 38 (3), 848-864

CIS 73157 2021 Rogoza, R., Zemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Jonason, P. K., Piotrowski, J., Campbell, K. W., Gebauer, J. E....Wlodarczyk, A. (2021). 34 Q1 8,99 3,78 3
Structure of Dark Triad dirty dozen across eight world regions. Assessment. 28 (4), 1125-1135

CIS 73158 2021 Fasel, N., Vauclair, C.-M., Lima, M. L. & Abrams, D. (2021). The relative importance of personal beliefs, meta-stereotypes and 10 Q1 5,79 1,73 1
societal stereotypes of age for the wellbeing of older people. Ageing and Society. 41 (12), 2768-2791

CIS 83911 2021 Piçarra, N., Silva, N., Chambel, T. & Arriaga, P. (2021). What movie will I watch today? The role of online review ratings, 2 Q1 0,65 3,08 3
reviewers’ comments, and user’s gratification style. Projections. 15 (3), 24-46

CIS 84168 2021 Silva, R. R. & Unkelbach, C. (2021). Fluent processing leads to positive stimulus evaluations even when base rates suggest 2 Q1 5,1 0,39 0
negative evaluations. Consciousness and Cognition. 96

CIS 86732 2021 Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P....Zupančič, M. (2021). Sex differences in 15 Q1 9,45 1,59 1
human mate preferences vary across sex ratios. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 288 (1955)


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CIS 86733 2021 Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frąckowiak,T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T....Croy, I. (2021). Affective interpersonal 52 Q1 10,42 4,99 3
touch in close relationships: A cross-cultural perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 47 (12), 1705-1721

CIS 74706 2021 Possidónio, C., Prada, M., Graça, J. & Piazza, J. (2021). Consumer perceptions of conventional and alternative protein sources: 39 Q1 10,67 3,66 3
a mixed-methods approach with meal and product framing . Appetite. 156

CIS 83939 2021 Pinheiro, A. , Anikin, A., Conde, T., Sarzedas, J., Chen, S., Scott, S. K....Lima, C. F. (2021). Emotional authenticity modulates 4 Q1 11,82 0,34 0
affective and social trait inferences from voices. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B- Biological Sciences. 376

CIS 84707 2021 Kosilo, M., Costa, M., Nuttall, H. E., Ferreira, H. A., Scott, S. K. , Menéres, S. ...Prata, D. (2021). The neural basis of authenticity 0 Q1 9 0,00 0
recognition in laughter and crying. Scientific Reports. 11 (1)

CIS 81637 2021 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D. & Huic, A. (2021). What drives the dehumanization of consensual non-monogamous partners?. 5 Q1 6,57 0,76 0
Archives of Sexual Behavior. 50, 1587-1597

CIS 82661 2021 Unay-Gailhard, I. & Simões, F. (2021). Becoming a young farmer in the digital age— An island perspective. Rural Sociology. 8 Q1 5,7 1,40 1

CIS 81382 2021 Mariano, J., Marques, S., Ramos, M. R. & de Vries, H. (2021). Cognitive functioning mediates the relationship between self- 4 Q1 21,43 0,19 0
perceptions of aging and computer use behavior in late adulthood: Evidence from two longitudinal studies. Computers in
Human Behavior. 121

CIS 81390 2021 Bernardes, S. F., Tomé-Pires, C., Brandão, T., Ms, L. C., Teixeira, F. & Goubert, L. (2021). Classism in pain assessment and 4 Q1 12,8 0,31 0
management: The mediating role of female patient dehumanizationand perceived life hardship. PAIN. 162 (12), 2854-2864

CIS 82418 2021 Ferreira, I., Silva, C., Neves, L., Guichard, S. & Aguiar, C. (2021). Predictors of shared book reading at home with preschoolers: 3 Q1 5,86 0,51 0
Are there differences between Roma and non-Roma low-income families? . Social Psychology of Education. 24, 1163-1191

CIS 82931 2021 Van Doesum, N. J., Murphy, R. O., Gallucci, M., Aharonov-Majar, E., Athenstaedt, U., Au, W. T....Van Lange, P. A. M. (2021). 19 Q1 20,25 0,94 0
Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. 118 (35)

CIS 81399 2021 Vorster, A., Dumont, K. B. & Waldzus, S. (2021). Just hearing about it makes me feel so humiliated: Emotional and 1 Q1 6,67 0,15 0
motivational responses to vicarious group-based humiliation. International Review of Social Psychology. 34 (1)

CIS 82170 2021 Martins, M., Pinheiro, A. P. & Lima, C. F. (2021). Does music training improve emotion recognition abilities? A critical review. 9 Q1 9,51 0,95 0
Emotion Review. 13 (3), 199-210

CIS 72960 2020 Batel, S. (2020). Research on the social acceptance of renewable energy technologies: past, present and future. Energy 115 Q1 23,57 4,88 3
Research & Social Science. 68, 1-5


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIS 73478 2020 Daniele, M., Fasoli, F., António, R., Sulpizio, S. & Maass, A. (2020). Gay Voice: stable marker of sexual orientation or flexible 11 Q1 9,44 1,17 1
communication device?. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 49, 2585-2600

CIS 70922 2020 Almeida, A. & Simões, F. (2020). Professional development perspectives across gender and age groups of under-qualified 17 Q1 6,33 2,69 2
rural NEETs. Journal of Community Psychology . 48 (5), 1620-1636

CIS 75274 2020 Prada, M. & Garcia-Marques, T. (2020). Experienced category variability modulates the impact of context on evaluative 0 Q1 3,58 0,00 0
judgments. Experimental Psychology. 67 (1), 5-13

CIS 73744 2020 Calheiros, M. M., Silva, C. S. & Patrício, J. N. (2020). Maltreatment and youth self-representations in residential care: the 5 Q1 8,07 0,62 0
moderating role of individual and placement variables. Children and Youth Services Review. 116, 1-12

CIS 76562 2020 Fasoli, F. & Maass, A. (2020). The social costs of sounding gay: voice-based impressions of adoption applicants. Journal of 8 Q1 6,63 1,21 1
Language and Social Psychology. 39 (1), 112-131

CIS 69398 2020 Albuquerque, J., Aguiar, C. & Magalhães, E. (2020). The collaboration between early childhood intervention and child 6 Q1 8,07 0,74 0
protection systems: the perspectives of professionals. Children and Youth Services Review. 111

CIS 60696 2020 Carnaghi, A., Stragà, M., Coladonato, R., Bianchi, M. & Piccoli, V. (2020). Extrapolating stereotypical information on sexual 6 Q1 7,29 0,82 0
orientation from race categories: the case of black and asian men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 21 (2), 224-234

CIS 76830 2020 Galinha, I. C., Farinha, M., Lima, M. L. & Palmeira, A. L. (2020). Sing4Health: protocol of a randomized controlled trial of the 5 Q1 11,44 0,44 0
effects of a singing group intervention on the well-being, cognitive function and health of older adults. BMC Geriatrics. 20 (1)

CIS 59934 2020 Zhang, M., Barreto, M. & Doyle, D. (2020). Stigma reduces trust in others. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 11 (3), 13 Q1 15,61 0,83 0

CIS 77600 2020 Mendonça, R., Garrido, M. V. & Semin, G. R. (2020). Asymmetric practices of reading and writing shape visuospatial attention 5 Q1 13,08 0,38 0
and discrimination. Scientific Reports. 10 (1)

CIS 69921 2020 Carmona, M., Sindic, D., Guerra, R. & Hofhuis, J. (2020). Human and global identities: different prototypical meanings of all- 15 Q1 13,53 1,11 1
inclusive identities. Political Psychology. 41 (5), 961-978

CIS 66596 2020 Ribeiro, L., Casey, B., Dearing, E., Nordahl, K., Aguiar, C. & Zachrisson, H. (2020). Early maternal spatial support for toddlers 6 Q1 6,45 0,93 0
and math skills in second grade. Journal of Cognition and Development. 21 (2), 282-311

CIS 75303 2020 Rudnev, M., Vauclair, C.-M., Aminihajibashi, S., Becker, M., Bilewicz, M., Castellanos Guevara, J. L....Bastian, B. (2020). 2 Q1 10,32 0,19 0
Measurement invariance of the moral vitalism scale across 28 cultural groups. PLoS One. 15 (6)


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CIS 70189 2020 Fernandes-Jesus, M., Lima, M. L. & Sabucedo, J. M. (2020). “Save the climate! Stop the oil”: actual protest behavior and core 13 Q1 4,66 2,79 2
framing tasks in the Portuguese climate movement. Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 8 (1), 426-452

CIS 61489 2020 Piccoli, V., Carnaghi, A., Grassi, M., Stragà, M. & Bianchi, M. (2020). Cyberbullying through the lens of social influence: 27 Q1 28,94 0,93 0
predicting cyberbullying perpetration from perceived peer-norm, cyberspace regulations and ingroup processes. Computers
in Human Behavior. 102, 260-273

CIS 69684 2020 Simões, F. & Rio, N. B. (2020). How to increase rural NEETs professional involvement in agriculture? The roles of youth 27 Q1 14,94 1,81 1
representations and vocational training packages improvement. Journal of Rural Studies. 75, 9-19

CIS 65335 2020 Castro, P. & Santos, T. R. (2020). Dialogues with the absent other: using reported speech and the vocabulary of citizenship for 9 Q1 5,98 1,51 1
contesting ecological laws and institutions. Discourse and Society. 31 (3), 249-267

CIS 72515 2020 Graça, J. (2020). Opposition to Immigration and (Anti-)Environmentalism: An Application and Extension of the Social 3 Q1 17,06 0,18 0
Dominance-Environmentalism Nexus with 21 Countries in Europe. Applied Psychology: An International Review .

CIS 73544 2020 Zickfeld, J. H., Arriaga, P., Santos, S. V., Schubert, T. W. & Seibt, B. (2020). Tears of joy, aesthetic chills and heartwarming 22 Q1 11,42 1,93 1
feelings: physiological correlates of Kama Muta. Psychophysiology. 57 (12)

CIS 61002 2020 Simões, F., Rocha, R. & Mateus, C. (2020). Beyond the prophecy success: how place attachment and future time perspective 13 Q1 6,62 1,96 1
shape rural university students intentions of returning to small islands. Journal of Youth Studies. N/A

CIS 61774 2020 Mittinty, M. M., Kindt, S., Mittinty, M. N., Bernardes, S. F., Cano, A., Verhohfstad, L....Goubert, L. (2020). A dyadic perspective 13 Q1 7,02 1,85 1
on coping and its effects on relationship quality and psychological distress in couples living with chronic pain: a longitudinal
study. Pain Medicine. 21 (2), e102-e113

CIS 74065 2020 Camilo, C., Garrido, M. V. & Calheiros, M. M. (2020). The social information processing model in child physical abuse and 17 Q1 12,39 1,37 1
neglect: A meta-analytic review. Child Abuse and Neglect. 108

CIS 76369 2020 Simões, B., Vassos, E., Shergill, S., McDonald, C., Toulopoulou, T., Kalidindi, S....Prata, D. (2020). Schizophrenia polygenic risk 9 Q1 13,78 0,65 0
score influence on white matter microstructure. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 121, 62-67

CIS 67410 2020 Landy, J. F., Jia; M., Ding, I. L., Viganola, D., Tierney, W, Dreber, A....Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests Col (2020). 83 Q1 55,24 1,50 1
Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: making transparent how design choices shape research results. Psychological Bulletin. 146
(5), 451-479

CIS 74066 2020 Prada, M., Rodrigues, D. L., Godinho, C. A., Lopes, D. & Garrido, M. V. (2020). Knowledge and acceptance of interventions 8 Q1 9,16 0,87 0
aimed at reducing sugar intake in Portugal. Public Health Nutrition. 23 (18)

CIS 76371 2020 Neto, M. L., Antunes, M., Lopes, M., Ferreira, D., Rilling, J. & Prata, D. (2020). Oxytocin and vasopressin modulation of 7 Q1 11,32 0,62 0
prisoner’s dilemma strategies. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 34 (8), 891-900


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CIS 61267 2020 Oliveira, R., Arriaga, P., Correia, F. & Paiva, A. (2020). Looking beyond collaboration: socioemotional positive, negative and 7 Q1 15,12 0,46 0
task-oriented behaviors in Human-Robot Group Interactions. International Journal of Social Robotics. 12 (2), 505-518

CIS 63059 2020 Kuba, K., Capaldi, C., Vivian, M. - C. L.un, Vauclair, C.- M., Bond, H., Dominguez-Espinosa, A....Uchida, Y. (2020). Psychologizing 18 Q1 4,12 4,37 3
indexes of societal progress: Accounting for cultural diversity in preferred developmental pathways. Culture and Psychology.
26 (3), 303-319

CIS 76629 2020 Calheiros, M. M., Patrício, J. N. & Silva, C. S. (2020). Social support as a moderator of associations between youths’ 5 Q1 8,07 0,62 0
perceptions of their social images and self-representations in residential care. Children and Youth Services Review. 119

CIS 48474 2020 Carnaghi, A., Anderson, J. & Bianchi, M. (2020). On the origin of beliefs about the sexual orientation and gender-role 12 Q1 8,25 1,45 1
development of children raised by gay-male and heterosexual parents: an italian study. Men and Masculinities. 23 (3-4), 636-

CIS 71776 2020 Nichols, O., Vaughn, B. E., Coppola, G., Shin, N., Monteiro, L. & Krzysik, L. (2020). Relations between preschooler social 1 Q1 6,79 0,15 0
competence and coping tactics during resource-based conflicts. Social Development. 29 (4), 1051-1070

CIS 78181 2020 Bai, X., Ramos, M. & Fiske, S. (2020). As diversity increases, people paradoxically perceive social groups as more similar. 38 Q1 29,33 1,30 1
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117 (23), 12741-1274

CIS 59754 2020 Stathi, S., Guerra, R., Di Bernardo, G. A. & Vezzali, L. (2020). Spontaneous imagined contact and intergroup relations: quality 9 Q1 10,86 0,83 0
matters. European Journal of Social Psychology. 50 (1), 124-142

CIS 63342 2020 Fasoli, F., Maass, A., Karniol, R., António, R. & Sulpizio, S. (2020). Voice changes meaning: the role of gay- versus straight- 2 Q1 6,63 0,30 0
sounding voices in sentence interpretation. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 39, 0261927X1988662

CIS 73074 2020 Godinho, S. & Garrido, M. V. (2020). The “ins” and “outs” of product and services marketing: The influence of consonant 8 Q1 14,35 0,56 0
wanderings in consumer decision-making. Psychology and Marketing. 37 (10), 1352-1361

CIS 74098 2020 Graça, J., Cardoso, S. G., Augusto, F. R. & Nunes, N. C. (2020). Green light for climate-friendly food transitions?: 16 Q1 9,19 1,74 1
Communicating legal innovation increases consumer support for meat curtailment policies. Environmental Communication.
14 (8), 1047-1060

CIS 63348 2020 Calado, F., Alexandre, J., Rosenfeld, L., Pereira, R. & Griffiths, M. D. (2020). The efficacy of a gambling prevention program 19 Q1 9,35 2,03 2
among high-school students. Journal of Gambling Studies. 36 (2), 573-595

CIS 59767 2020 Visser, R., Richters, J., Rissel, C., Grulich, A., Simpson, J., Rodrigues, D. L....Lopes, D. (2020). Romantic jealousy: a test of social 8 Q1 12,16 0,66 0
cognitive and evolutionary models in a population-representative sample of adults. Journal of Sex Research. 57 (4), 498-507

CIS 63351 2020 Lima, C. F., Correia, A. I., Müllensiefen, D. & Castro, S. L. (2020). Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index (Gold-MSI): 20 Q1 6,61 3,03 3
Portuguese version and associations with socio-demographic factors, personality and music preferences. Psychology of Music.
48 (3), 376-388


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CIS 73081 2020 Horchak, O. V. & Garrido, M. V. (2020). Is complex visual information implicated during language comprehension? The case of 3 Q1 7,67 0,39 0
cast shadows. Cognitive Science. 44 (7), 1-30

CIS 63354 2020 Guedes, C., Cadima, J., Teresa, A., Aguiar, C. & Barata, C. (2020). Activity settings in toddler classrooms and quality of group 15 Q1 8,11 1,85 1
and individual interactions. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 67

CIS 62602 2020 Peceguina, I., I Silva, Correia, N., Fialho, A. & Aguiar, C. (2020). Teacher and peer reports on preschoolers’ sociometric 4 Q1 7,37 0,54 0
popularity. Early Education and Development. 31 (4), 475-490

CIS 63114 2020 Arriaga, P., Melo, A. & Caires, S. (2020). The effects of hospital clowning on physical and emotional states of pediatric patients 8 Q1 5,84 1,37 1
during chemotherapy treatment. Child and Youth Care Forum. 49 (3), 365-381

CIS 63371 2020 Sofia Freire, Pipa, J., Aguiar, C., Silva, F. & Moreira, S. (2020). Student-teacher closeness and conflict in students with and 10 Q1 7,17 1,39 1
without special educational needs. British Educational Research Journal. 46 (3), 480-499

CIS 63891 2020 Silva, C. S. & Calheiros, M. M. (2020). Maltreatment experiences and psychopathology in children and adolescents: the 7 Q1 12,39 0,56 0
intervening role of domain-specific self-representations moderated by age. Child Abuse and Neglect. 99

BRU + CIS 73108 2020 Luís, S., Roseta-Palma, C., Matos, M., Lima, M. L. & Sousa, C. (2020). Psychosocial and economic impacts of a charge in 13 Q1 35,63 0,36 0
lightweight plastic carrier bags in Portugal: Keep calm and carry on?. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 161

CIS 49308 2020 Calado, F., Alexandre, J. & Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Gambling among adolescents and emerging adults: a cross-cultural study 8 Q1 11,95 0,67 0
between Portuguese and English youth. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 18 (3), 737-753

CIS + CIES 68765 2020 Correia, N., Carvalho, H., Durães, J. & Aguiar, C. (2020). Teachers’ ideas about children’s participation within Portuguese early 7 Q1 8,07 0,87 0
childhood education settings. Children and Youth Services Review . 111

CIS 65696 2020 Reyes-Sosa, H., Egilegor, M. L., Dos Santos, T., Perez-Marin, L. & Alvarez-Montero, F. (2020). Press ideology as an 2 Q1 3,27 0,61 0
epistemological connector between framing theory and social representations theory: an analysis of violence and drug
trafficking in the Mexican press. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 54 (1), 179-195

CIS 74152 2020 Pereira, T., Magalhães, E., Silva, C. S., Antunes, C. & Prioste, A. (2020). Interparental violence: professionals’ perspectives in 1 Q1 8,07 0,12 0
the child protection system. Children and Youth Services Review. 118

CIS 73643 2020 Vitória, P., Pereira, S. E., Muiños, G., De Vries, Hein & Lima, M. L. (2020). Parents modelling, peer influence and peer selection 13 Q1 12,04 1,08 1
impact on adolescent smoking behavior: a longitudinal study in two age cohorts. Addictive Behaviors. 100

CIS 81326 2020 Kirby, T. A., Rego, M. S. & Kaiser, C. R. (2020). Colorblind and multicultural diversity strategies create identity management 7 Q1 10,86 0,64 0
pressure. European Journal of Social Psychology. 50 (6), 1143-1156


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CIS 74420 2020 Santos, T. R., Castro, P. & Guerra, R. (2020). Is the press presenting (neoliberal) foreign residency laws in a depoliticised way? 3 Q1 4,66 0,64 0
the case of investment visas and the reconfiguring of citizenship. Journal of Social and Political Psychology. 8 (2), 748-766

CIS 70839 2020 Batel, S. & Devine-Wright, P. (2020). Using NIMBY rhetoric as a political resource to negotiate responses to local energy 15 Q1 8,45 1,78 1
infrastructure: a power line case study. Local Environment. 25 (5), 338-350

CIS 63673 2020 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D., Pereira, M., Prada, M. & Garrido, M. V. (2020). Predictors of condomless sex and sexual health 11 Q1 9,18 1,20 1
behaviors in a sample of Portuguese single adults. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 17 (1), 26-36

CIS + CIES 63929 2020 Correia, N., Carvalho, H., Fialho, A. & Aguiar, C. (2020). Teachers’ practices mediate the association between teachers’ ideas 2 Q1 8,07 0,25 0
and children’s perceived participation in early childhood education. Children and Youth Services Review. 108

CIS 74174 2020 Ferreira, C., Magalhães, E., Antunes, C. & Camilo, C. (2020). Victimization experiences and well-being in adulthood: a 2 Q1 3,38 0,59 0
systematic review and meta-analysis. Violence and Victims. 35 (6), 783-814

CIS 73154 2020 Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P....Zupancic, M. (2020). Sex differences in 130 Q1 19,61 6,63 3
mate preferences across 45 countries: A large-scale replication. Psychological Science. 31 (4), 408-423

CIS 67532 2020 Schubert, T. W. (2020). Grounding of rank: embodiment, space, and magnitude. Current Opinion in Psychology. 33, 222-226 5 Q1 17,86 0,28 0

CIS 48592 2020 António, R., Guerra, R. & Moleiro, C. (2020). Stay away or stay together? Social contagion, common identity, and bystanders’ 9 Q1 10,58 0,85 0
interventions in homophobic bullying episodes . Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 23 (1), 127-139

CIS 64218 2020 Diniz, E., Castro, P., Bousfiled, A. & Bernardes, S.F. (2020). Classism and dehumanization in chronic pain: a qualitative study of 17 Q1 20,74 0,82 0
nurses inferences about women of different socio-economic status. British Journal of Health Psychology. 25 (1), 152-170

CIS 76521 2020 Lima, M. L., Luís, S., Poggio, L., Aragonés, J. I., Courtier, A., Roig, B....Calas-Blanchard, C. (2020). The importance of household 16 Q1 24,91 0,64 0
pharmaceutical products disposal and its risk management: Example from Southwestern Europe. Waste Management. 104,

CIS 65770 2020 Magalhães, E. & Calheiros, M. M. (2020). Why place matters in residential care: the mediating role of place attachment in the 7 Q1 7,26 0,96 0
relation between adolescents’ rights and psychological well-being. Child Indicators Research. 13 (5), 1717-1737

CIS 72682 2020 Aguiar, A. & Aguiar, C. (2020). Classroom composition and quality in early childhood education: a systematic review. Children 12 Q1 8,07 1,49 1
and Youth Services Review. 115, 1-26

CIS 73962 2020 Vilaverde, R. F., Correia, A. I. & Lima, C. F. (2020). Higher trait mindfulness is associated with empathy but not with emotion 7 Q1 9,88 0,71 0
recognition abilities. Royal Society Open Science. 7 (8)


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CIS 63210 2020 Fernandes, C., Monteiro, L., Santos, A. J., Fernandes, M., Antunes, M., Vaughn, B. E....Veríssimo, M. (2020). Early father-child 12 Q1 9,27 1,29 1
and mother-child attachment relationships: contributions to preschoolers’ social competence. Attachment and Human
Development. 22 (6), 687-704

CIS 76523 2020 Elliott, L. R., White, M. P., Grellier, J., Garrett, J. K., Cirach, M., Wheeler, B. W....Fleming, L. E. (2020). Research note: 36 Q1 23,3 1,55 1
residential distance and recreational visits to coastal and inland blue spaces in eighteen countries. Landscape and Urban
Planning. 198

CIS 67821 2020 Batel, S. (2020). Re-presenting the rural in the UK press: an exploration of the construction, contestation and negotiation of 13 Q1 23,14 0,56 0
media discourses on the rural within post-carbon energy transitions. Energy Policy. 138

CIS 57081 2020 Sulpizio, S., Fasoli, F., António, R., Eyssel, F., Paladino, M. P. & Diehl, C. (2020). Auditory gaydar: perception of sexual 12 Q1 5,96 2,01 2
orientation based on female voice. Language and Speech. 63 (1), 184-206

CIS 78843 2020 Vogel, T., Silva, R. R., Thomas, A. & Wänke, M. (2020). Truth is in the mind, but beauty is in the eye: fluency effects are 18 Q1 12,94 1,39 1
moderated by a match between fluency source and judgment dimension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149
(8), 1587-1596

CIS 60925 2020 Golec, A., Federico, C. M., Sedikides, C., Guerra, R., Lantos, D., Mroziński, B. ...Cypryańska, M. (2020). Low self-esteem predicts 68 Q1 20,51 3,32 3
out-group derogation via collective narcissism, but this relationship Is obscured by In-group satisfaction. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology. 119 (3), 741-764

CIS 73983 2020 Calheiros, M. M., Garrido, M. V., Mário B. Ferreira & Duarte, Cátia Soraia de Melo Almeida (2020). Laypeople’s decision- 5 Q1 8,75 0,57 0
making in reporting child maltreatment: Child and family characteristics as a source of bias. Psychology of Violence. 10 (6),

CIS 60928 2019 Branco, C., Ramos, M. & Hewstone, M. (2019). The association of group-based discrimination with health and well-being: a 30 Q1 14,32 2,09 2
comparison of ableism with other “isms”. Journal of Social Issues. 75 (3), 814-846

CIS 49671 2019 Bertoldo, R. & Castro, P. (2019). From legal to normative: a combined social representations and sociocognitive approach to 9 Q1 5,84 1,54 1
diagnosing cultural change triggered by new environmental laws. Culture and Psychology. 25 (3), 324-344

CIS 49673 2019 Rizzoli, V., Castro, P., Tuzzi, A. & Contarello, A. (2019). Probing the history of social psychology, exploring diversity and views 13 Q1 13,47 0,97 0
of the social: publication trends in the European Journal of Social Psychology from 1971 to 2016 . European Journal of Social
Psychology. 49 (4), 671-687

CIS 57097 2019 Estoura, D. & Roberto, S. (2019). The RAISE model: psychosocial intervention in residential care for refugee unaccompanied 2 Q1 3,03 0,66 0
minors. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth. 36 (2), 102-117

CIS 57104 2019 Correia, N., Camilo, C., Aguiar, C. & Amaro, F. (2019). Children's right to participate in early childhood education settings: a 36 Q1 9,76 3,69 3
systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review. 100, 76-88

CIS 45841 2019 Freire, J., Moleiro, C., Rosmarin, D. H. & Freire, M. (2019). A call for collaboration: perception of religious and spiritual leaders 3 Q1 4,04 0,74 0
on mental health (a Portuguese sample). Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health. 21 (1), 55-75


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CIS 51985 2019 Correia, F., Petisca, S., Alves-Oliveira, P, Ribeiro, T., Melo, F. S. & Paiva, A. (2019). “I Choose... YOU!” Membership preferences 15 Q1 17,38 0,86 0
in human–robot teams. Autonomous Robots. 43 (2), 359-373

CIS 51734 2019 Baião, R., Fearon, P., Belsky, J., Baptista, J., Carneiro, A., Pinto, R....Mesquita, A. R. (2019). Child's oxytocin response to mother- 6 Q1 17,37 0,35 0
child interaction: the contribution of child genetics and maternal behavior. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 102, 79-83

CIS 51990 2019 Garrido, M. V., Godinho, S. & Semin, G. R. (2019). The “ins” and “outs” of person perception: the influence of consonant 17 Q1 13,59 1,25 1
wanderings in judgments of warmth and competence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 82, 1-5

CIS 67609 2019 Zickfeld, J. H., Schubert, T. W., Seibt, B. & Fiske, A. P. (2019). Moving through the literature: what is the emotion often 55 Q1 16,22 3,39 3
denoted being moved? Emotion Review. 11 (2), 123-139

CIS 61209 2019 Garrido, M. V., Prada, M., Simão, C. & Semin, G. R. (2019). The impact of stimuli color in lexical decision and semantic word 4 Q1 10,38 0,39 0
categorization tasks. Cognitive Science. 43 (8)

CIS 59419 2019 Rodrigues, D. L., Prada, M. & Lopes, D. (2019). Perceived sexual self-control and condom use with primary and casual sex 12 Q1 11,15 1,08 1
partners: age and relationship agreement differences in a portuguese sample. Psychology and Health. 34 (10), 1231-1249

CIS 47393 2019 Zickfeld, J. H., Schubert, T. W., Seibt, C., Blomster, J., Arriaga, P., Basabe, N....Fiske, A. P. (2019). Kama muta: conceptualizing 81 Q1 15,31 5,29 3
and measuring the experience of being moved across 19 nations and 15 languages. Emotion. 19 (3), 402-424

CIS 58411 2019 Mourão, S. & Bernardes, S. F. (2019). What determines immigrant caregivers' adherence to health recommendations from 1 Q1 5,24 0,19 0
child primary care services?. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 20 (e31), 1-11

CIS 59695 2019 Ramos, M. R., Bennett, M. R., Massey, D. S. & Hewstone, M. (2019). Humans adapt to social diversity over time. Proceedings 50 Q1 37,64 1,33 1
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116 (25), 12244-12249

CIS 49971 2019 Godinho, S., Garrido, M. V., Zurn, M. & Topolinski, S. (2019). Oral kinematics: examining the role of edibility and valence in 11 Q1 10,09 1,09 1
the in-out effect. Cognition and Emotion. 33 (5), 1094-1098

CIS 62774 2019 Pinheiro, A. , Lima, D., Albuquerque, P. B., Anikin, A. & Lima, C. F. (2019). Spatial location and emotion modulate voice 5 Q1 10,09 0,50 0
perception. Cognition and Emotion. 33 (8), 1577-1586

CIS 62775 2019 Moreira, H. S., Costa, A. S. , Machado, Á, Castro, S. L. , Lima, C. F. & Vicente, S. G. (2019). Distinguishing mild cognitive 11 Q1 13,22 0,83 0
impairment from healthy aging and alzheimer’s disease: the contribution of the INECO Frontal Screening (IFS). PLoS One. 14

CIS 59708 2019 Graça, J., Truninger, M., Junqueira, L. & Schmidt, L. (2019). Consumption orientations may support (or hinder) transitions to 51 Q1 18,13 2,81 2
more plant-based diets. Appetite. 140, 19-26


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CIS 59965 2019 Araújo, M.-R., Alvarez, M.-J., Godinho, C. A. & Roberto, M. S. (2019). An eight-month randomized controlled trial on the use 10 Q1 8,59 1,16 1
of intra-oral cameras and text messages for gingivitis control among adults. International Journal of Dental Hygiene. 17 (3),

CIS 63301 2019 Godinho, S., Garrido, M. V. & Horchak, O. V. (2019). Oral approach avoidance. Experimental Psychology. 66 (5), 355-360 10 Q1 4,42 2,26 2

CIS 59724 2019 Cooke, R., Beccaria, F., Demant, J. , Fernandes-Jesus, M., Fleig, L., Negreiros, J. ...Richard de Visser (2019). Patterns of alcohol 17 Q1 10,35 1,64 1
consumption and alcohol-related harm among European university student. European Journal of Public Health. 29 (6), 1125-

CIS 67917 2019 Hu, C. P., Yin, J. X., Lindenberg, S., Dalğar, I., Weissgerber, S. C., Vergara, R. C....Jzerman, H. I. (2019). Data from the Human 8 Q1 28,63 0,28 0
Penguin Project, a cross-national dataset testing social thermoregulation principles. Scientific Data. 6 (32), 1-7

CIS 63057 2019 Stanciu, A., Vauclair, C.-M. & Nicole Rodda (2019). Evidence for stereotype accommodation as an expression of immigrants’ 6 Q1 10,23 0,59 0
socio-cognitive adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 72, 76-86

CIS 63058 2019 Conroy-Beam, D., Roney, J. R., Lukaszewski, A. W., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A....Zupančič, M. (2019). Assortative 30 Q1 16 1,88 1
mating and the evolution of desirability covariation. Evolution and Human Behavior. 40 (5), 479-491

DCET + CIS 61269 2019 Gerardo, F., Rodrigues, B., Marques, S., Cunha, C., Mendonça, J., Pinto, E....Grilo, M. (2019). SeniorTec: senior tutorial 2 Q1 4,25 0,47 0
program to teach technologies to students. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 17 (4), 523-530

CIS 59224 2019 Margalhos, P. , Esteves, F., Vila, J. & Arriaga, P. (2019). Emotional impact and perceived effectiveness of text-only versus 2 Q1 5,53 0,36 0
graphic health warning tobacco labels on adolescents. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 22 (e17), 1-9

CIS 59225 2019 Arriaga, P., Murteira, C. & Oliveira, R. (2019). Adults’ responses to children’s crying after a moral transgression. The Spanish 1 Q1 5,53 0,18 0
Journal of Psychology. 22 (E15)

CIS 59995 2019 Tecelao, D., Mendes, A., Martins, D., Fu, C., Chaddock, C. A., Picchioni, M....Prata, D. (2019). The effect of psychosis associated 13 Q1 12,24 1,06 1
CACNA1C, and its epistasis with ZNF804A, on brain function. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 18 (4)

CIS 59996 2019 Prata, D., Costa-Neves, B., Cosme, G. & Vassos, E. (2019). Unravelling the genetic basis of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder 43 Q1 17,76 2,42 2
with GWAS: a systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 114, 178-207

CIS 41823 2019 Lasio, D. & Serri, F. (2019). The Italian public debate on same-sex civil unions and gay and lesbian parenting. Sexualities. 22 31 Q1 6,73 4,61 3
(4), 691-709

CIS 60514 2019 Aguiar, A., Aguiar, C., Cadima, J., Correia, N. & Fialho, A. (2019). Classroom quality and children's social skills and problem 14 Q1 14,82 0,94 0
behaviors: dosage and disability status as moderators. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 49, 81-92


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CIS 50790 2019 Sindic, D., Chryssochoou, X., Condor, S., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Bourguignon, D. & Waldzus, S. (2019). Leave or Remain? European 6 Q1 9,67 0,62 0
identification, legitimacy of European integration, and political attitudes towards the EU. Journal of Community and Applied
Social Psychology. 29 (1), 32-42

CIS 47719 2019 Mendonça, C. & Simões, F. (2019). Disadvantaged youths’ subjective well-being: the role of gender, age, and multiple social 6 Q1 8,75 0,69 0
support attunement. Child Indicators Research. 12 (3), 769-789

CIS 63338 2019 Bastian, B., Vauclair, C.- M., Loughnan, S., Bain, P., Ashokkumar, A., Becker, M....Swann, W. (2019). Explaining illness with evil: 13 Q1 18,6 0,70 0
pathogen prevalence fosters moral vitalism. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286 (1914)

CIS 60787 2019 Patrício, J., Lopes, D., Garrido, M. V. & Calheiros, M. M. (2019). The social image of families of children and youth in 3 Q1 7,3 0,41 0
residential care: a characterization and comparison with mainstream families with different socioeconomic status. Journal of
Family Issues. 40 (15), 2146-2178

CIS 49792 2019 Lasio, D., Congiargiu, N., Simone, S. & Serri, F. (2019). Gender fundamentalism and heteronormativity in the political 21 Q1 11,06 1,90 1
discussion about lesbian and gay parenthood. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 16 (4), 501-512

CIS 61315 2019 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D. & Conley, T. D. (2019). Non-monogamy agreements and safer sex behaviors: the role of perceived 4 Q1 8,42 0,48 0
sexual self-control. Psychology and Sexuality. 10 (4), 338-353

CIS 47748 2019 Fiske, A. P., Seibt, B. & Schubert, T. (2019). The sudden devotion emotion: kama muta and the cultural practices whose 79 Q1 16,22 4,87 3
function is to evoke it. Emotion Review. 11 (1), 74-86

CIS 49796 2019 Alves, H. V., Pereira, C. R., Sutton, R. M. & Correia, I. (2019). The world may not be just but you'd better not say it: on the 3 Q1 13,47 0,22 0
social value of expressing personal belief in a just world. European Journal of Social Psychology. 49 (2), 270-285

CIS 50820 2019 Prada, M., Godinho, C., Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, C. & Garrido, M. V. (2019). The impact of gluten-free claim on the perceived 31 Q1 23,09 1,34 1
healthfulness, calories, level of processing and expected taste of food products. Food Quality and Preference. 73, 284-287

CIS 55685 2019 Rodrigues, D. L., Huic, A., Lopes, D. & Kumashiro, M. (2019). Regulatory focus in relationships and conflict resolution 11 Q1 14,14 0,78 0
strategies. Personality and Individual Differences. 142, 116-121

CIS 47752 2019 Seibt, B., Schubert, T. W., Zickfeld, J. H. & Fiske, A. P. (2019). Touching the base: heart-warming ads from the 2016 U.S. 19 Q1 10,09 1,88 1
election moved viewers to partisan tears. Cognition and Emotion. 33 (2), 197-212

CIS 50825 2019 Zotti, D., Carnaghi, A., Piccoli, V. & Bianchi, M. (2019). Individual and contextual factors associated with school staff responses 17 Q1 11,06 1,54 1
to homophobic bullying. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 16 (4), 543-558

CIS 63113 2019 Morais, R., Bernardes, S.F. & Verdonk, P. (2019). Gender awareness in medicine: adaptation and validation of the Nijmegen 7 Q1 11,79 0,59 0
Gender Awareness in Medicine Scale to the Portuguese population (N-GAMS). Advances in Health Sciences Education. N/A


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CIS 60299 2019 Brandão, T., Campos, L., de Ruddere, L., Goubert, L. & Bernardes, S. F. (2019). Classism in pain care: the role of patient 8 Q1 8,81 0,91 0
socioeconomic status on nurses’ pain assessment and management practices. Pain Medicine. 20 (11), 2094-2105

CIS 61071 2019 Arriaga, P. & Aguiar, C. (2019). Gender differences in aggression: the role of displaying facial emotional cues in a competitive 7 Q1 8,64 0,81 0
situation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 60, 421-429

CIS 61076 2019 Correia, A. I., Branco, P., Martins, M., Reis, A. M., Martins, N., Castro, S....Lima, C. F. (2019). Resting-state connectivity reveals 11 Q1 24,99 0,44 0
a role for sensorimotor systems in vocal emotional processing in children. NeuroImage. 201

CIS 53658 2019 Orghian, D., Almeida, F., Jacinto, S., Gracia-Marques, L. & Santos, A. S. (2019). How your power affects my impression of you. 1 Q1 17,32 0,06 0
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 45 (4), 495-509

CIS 49563 2019 Rodrigues, D. L., Huic, A. & Lopes, D. (2019). Relationship commitment of Portuguese lesbian and gay individuals: examining 4 Q1 10,35 0,39 0
the role of cohabitation and perceived social support. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 36 (9), 2738-2758

CIS 60578 2019 Guerra, R., Rodrigues, R. B., Aguiar, C., Carmona, M., Alexandre, J. & Costa-Lopes, R. (2019). School achievement and well- 33 Q1 17,46 1,89 1
being of immigrant children: the role of acculturation orientations and perceived discrimination. Journal of School
Psychology. 75, 104-118

CIS 63655 2019 Aguiar, C., Silva, C. S., Guerra, R., Rodrigues, R. B., Ribeiro, L. A., Pastori, G....ISOTIS Curriculum and Pedagogy Team (2019). 9 Q1 6,67 1,35 1
Early interventions tackling inequalities experienced by immigrant, low-income, and Roma children in 8 European countries: a
critical overview. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 28 (1), 58-76

CIS 64171 2019 Diniz, E., Bernardes, S. F. & Castro, P. (2019). Self- and other-dehumanization processes in health-related contexts: a critical 21 Q1 15,35 1,37 1
review of the literature. Review of General Psychology. 23 (4), 475-495

CIS 59823 2019 Devine-Wright, P., Smith, J. & Batel, S. (2019). “Positive parochialism”, local belonging and ecological concerns: revisiting 10 Q1 17,08 0,59 0
common ground's parish maps project. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 44 (2), 407-421

CIS 49331 2019 Oliveira, H. M., Albuquerque, P. B. & Saraiva, M. (2019). Associative strength or gist extraction: which matters when DRM lists 2 Q1 7,97 0,25 0
have two critical lures?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72 (3), 570-578

CIS 52662 2019 Oceja, L., Stocks, E., Heerdink, M., Villar, S., Salgado, S., Carrera, P....Zubieta, E. (2019). Revisiting the difference between 3 Q1 21,61 0,14 0
instrumental and terminal values to predict (stimulating) prosocial behaviours: the transcendental-change profile. British
Journal of Social Psychology. 58 (3), 749-768

CIS 60605 2019 Camilo, C., Garrido, M. V., Ferreira, M. B. & Calheiros, M. M. (2019). How does mothering look like: a multidimensional 2 Q1 7,3 0,27 0
approach to maternal cognitive representations. Journal of Family Issues. N/A

CIS 61377 2019 Bianchi, M., Carnaghi, A., Piccoli, V., Stragà, M. & Zotti, D. (2019). On the descriptive and expressive function of derogatory 7 Q1 8,11 0,86 0
group labels: an experimental test. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 38 (5-6), 756-772


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIS 48578 2019 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D. & Prada, M. (2019). Cohabitation and romantic relationship quality among Portuguese lesbian, gay 5 Q1 11,06 0,45 0
and heterosexual individuals. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 16 (1), 100-111

CIS 48579 2019 Lima, C. F., Anikin, A., Monteiro, A. C., Scott, S. K. & Castro, S. L. (2019). Automaticity in the recognition of nonverbal 26 Q1 15,31 1,70 1
emotional vocalizations. Emotion. 19 (2), 219-233

CIS 60619 2019 Simões, F. & Calheiros, M. M. (2019). A matter of teaching and relationships: determinants of teaching style, interpersonal 11 Q1 9,89 1,11 1
resources and teacher burnout. Social Psychology of Education. 22 (4), 991-1013

CIS 67534 2019 Giessner, S. R. & Schubert, T. W. (2019). Power and vertical positions in an organization chart: a pre-registered replication 4 Q1 9,87 0,41 0
report of study 3A and a modification of study 1A, Giessner & Schubert (2007). Collabra: Psychology. 5 (1)

CIS 59087 2019 Jasmin, K., Lima, C. F. & Scott, S. (2019). Understanding rostral–caudal auditory cortex contributions to auditory perception. 36 Q1 44,54 0,81 0
Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 20, 425-434

CIS 46554 2019 Kindt, S., Vansteenkiste, M., Josephy, H., Bernardes, S. F. & Goubert, L. (2019). Helping your partner with chronic pain: the 2 Q1 8,81 0,23 0
importance of helping motivation, received social support, and its timeliness. Pain Medicine. 20 (1), 77-89

CIS 49120 2019 Lasio, D., Serri, F., Ibba, I. & Oliveira, J. M. (2019). Hegemony and heteronormativity: homonormative discourses of LGBTQ 14 Q1 10,51 1,33 1
activists about lesbian and gay parenting. Journal of Homosexuality. 66 (8), 1058-1081

CIS 61409 2019 Andrade, C., Arriaga, P. & Carvalho, M. (2019). The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the State 3 Q1 13,38 0,22 0
Mindfulness Scale. Mindfulness. 10 (12), 2661-2672

CIS 53997 2019 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D., Pereira, M., De Visser, R. & Cabaceira, I. (2019). Sociosexual attitudes and quality of life in 15 Q1 12,15 1,23 1
(non)monogamous relationships: the role of attraction and constraining forces among users of the Second Love Web site.
Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (6), 1795-1809

CIS 58863 2019 Serrano-Jiménez, A., Lima, M. L., Molina-Huelva, M. & Barrios-Padura, A. (2019). Promoting urban regeneration and aging in 31 Q1 38,96 0,80 0
place: APRAM – An interdisciplinary method to support decision-making in building renovation. Sustainable Cities and
Society. 47

CIS 67312 2019 Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K, Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T....Maja Zupančič (2019). Contrasting 30 Q1 17,2 1,74 1
computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries. Scientific Reports. 9

CIS 49904 2019 Rodrigues, D. L., Lopes, D., Pereira, M., Prada, M. & Garrido, M. V. (2019). Motivations for sexual behavior and intentions to 17 Q1 12,15 1,40 1
use condoms: development of the Regulatory Focus in Sexuality (RFS) Scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (2), 557-575

CIS 63126 2019 Graça, J., Godinho, C. A. & Truninger, M. (2019). Reducing meat consumption and following plant-based diets: current 193 Q1 57,27 3,37 3
evidence and future directions to inform integrated transitions. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 91, 380-390


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIS 44807 2018 Lacorte, S., Luís, S., Gómez-Canela, C., Sala-Comorera, T., Courtier, A., Roig, B....Calas-Blanchard, C. (2018). Pharmaceuticals 23 Q1 21,2 1,08 1
released from senior residences: occurrence and risk evaluation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25 (7), 6095-

CIS 49672 2018 Batel, S. & Castro, P. (2018). Reopening the dialogue between the theory of social representations and discursive psychology 39 Q1 24,08 1,62 1
for examining the construction and transformation of meaning in discourse and communication. British Journal of Social
Psychology. 57 (4), 732-753

CIS + CEI 44813 2018 Ramos, M. & Moriconi, M. (2018). Corruption in Latin America: stereotypes of politicians and their implications for affect and 2 Q1 24,27 0,08 0
perceived justice . Social Psychological and Personality Science. 9 (2), 111-112

CIS 48655 2018 Cadima, J., Aguiar, C. & Barata, M. C. (2018). Process quality in Portuguese preschool classrooms serving children at-risk of 14 Q1 17,8 0,79 0
poverty and social exclusion and children with disabilities. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 45, 93-105

CIS 41233 2018 Lima, M. L., Marques, S., Branco, C., Talayero, F. & Camilo, C. (2018). Competent enough to be heard? Technicians’ 2 Q1 23,93 0,08 0
expectations about local stakeholders in participative processes. Applied Psychology: An International Review . 67 (3), 557-

CIS 51732 2018 Espinosa, A., Guerra, R., Sanatkar, S., Paolini, S., Damigella, D., Licciardello, O....Gaertner, S. L. (2018). Identity inclusiveness 14 Q1 17,06 0,82 0
and centrality: investigating identity correlates of attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policies. Journal of Social
Issues. 74 (4), 674-699

CIS 47640 2018 Simões, F., Calheiros, M. M. & Alarcão, M. M. A. (2018). Socioeconomic status, multiple autonomy support attunement, and 8 Q1 8,72 0,92 0
early adolescents' social development. Journal of Community Psychology. 46 (6), 790-805

CIS 41244 2018 Castro, P., Seixas, E., Neca, P. & Bettencourt, L. (2018). Successfully contesting the policy sphere: examining through the press 15 Q1 21,42 0,70 0
a case of local protests changing new ecological laws. Political Psychology. 39 (1), 107-123

CIS 47645 2018 Fasoli, F., Hegarty, P., Maass, A. & António, R. (2018). Who wants to sound straight? Sexual majority and minority 21 Q1 16,44 1,28 1
stereotypes, beliefs and desires about auditory gaydar. Personality and Individual Differences. 130, 59-64

CIS 47647 2018 Fasoli, F., Cadinu, M., Carnaghi, A., Galdi, S., Guizzo, F. & Tassara, L. (2018). How do you self-categorize? Gender and sexual 11 Q1 16,44 0,67 0
orientation self-categorization in homosexual/heterosexual men and women. Personality and Individual Differences. 123, 135-

CIS 42272 2018 Alves-Oliveira, P., Carvalho, J., Ferreira, J., Alho, L., Nobre, P., Olsson, M. J....Soares, S. C. (2018). Influence of body odors and 4 Q1 14,81 0,27 0
gender on perceived genital arousal. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 47 (3), 661-668

CIS 48161 2018 Tecelão, D, Mendes, A., Martins, D., Bramon, E., Toulopoulou, T., Kravariti, E....Prata, D. (2018). The impact of psychosis 9 Q1 21,94 0,41 0
genome-wide associated ZNF804A variation on verbal fluency connectivity. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 98, 17-21

CIS 47906 2018 Sales, C. M. D., Neves, I. T. D., Alves, P. G. & Ashworth, M. (2018). Capturing and missing the patient's story through outcome 23 Q1 16,01 1,44 1
measures: a thematic comparison of patient-generated items in PSYCHLOPS with CORE-OM and PHQ-9. Health Expectations.
21 (3), 615-619


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CIS 49958 2018 Rudnev, M., Magun, V. & Schwartz, S. (2018). Relations among higher order values around the world. Journal of Cross- 31 Q1 11,22 2,76 2
Cultural Psychology. 49 (8), 1165-1182

CIS 37159 2018 Ramos, M., Barreto, M., Ellemers, N., Moya, M. & Ferreira, L. (2018). What hostile and benevolent sexism communicate about 31 Q1 16,12 1,92 1
mens and womens warmth and competence. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. 21 (1), 159-177

CIS 49959 2018 Rudnev, M. & Savelkaeva, A. (2018). Public support for the right to euthanasia: Impact of traditional religiosity and autonomy 8 Q1 8,21 0,97 0
values across 37 nations. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 59 (4), 301-318

CIS 39470 2018 Anikin, A. & Lima, C. F. (2018). Perceptual and acoustic differences between authentic and acted nonverbal emotional 54 Q1 10,47 5,16 3
vocalizations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 71 (3), 622-641

CIS 41785 2018 Luís, S., Vauclair, C.-M. & Lima, M. L. (2018). Raising awareness of climate change causes? Cross-national evidence for the 45 Q1 29,06 1,55 1
normalization of societal risk perception of climate change. Environmental Science and Policy. 80, 74-81

BRU + CIS 46149 2018 Duarte, H., Palermo, O. & Arriaga, P. (2018). The role of emotions in the control-resistance dyad. Scandinavian Journal of 3 Q1 11,66 0,26 0
Management. 34 (1), 91-102

CIS 47429 2018 Andrade, C. C., Pereira, C. R. & Silva, P. A. (2018). The silent impact of hearing loss: using longitudinal data to explore the 12 Q1 11,89 1,01 1
effects on depression and social activity restriction among older people. Ageing and Society. 38 (2), 2468-2489

CIS 46150 2018 Zemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Piotrowskim J. P., Osin, E. N., Cieciuch, J., Adams, B. G., Ardi, R....Maltby, J. (2018). The mental 46 Q1 12,72 3,62 3
health continuum-short form: the structure and application for cross-cultural studies-A 38 nation study. Journal of Clinical
Psychology. 74 (6), 1034-1052

CIS 47948 2018 Cichocka, A., de Zavala, A. G., Marchlewska, M., Bilewicz, M., Jaworska, M. & Olechowski, M. (2018). Personal control 66 Q1 23,11 2,86 2
decreases narcissistic but increases non-narcissistic in-group positivity. Journal of Personality. 86 (3), 465-480

CIS 42319 2018 Seibt, B., Schubert, T. W., Janis H. Zickfeld, Lei Zhu, Zhu, L., Arriaga, P....Alan Page Fiske (2018). Kama muta: similar emotional 36 Q1 11,22 3,21 3
responses to touching videos across the United States, Norway, China, Israel, and Portugal. Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology. 49 (3), 418-435

CIS 47441 2018 Alves, H., Gangloff, B. & Umlauft, S. (2018). The social value of expressing personal and general belief in a just world in 6 Q1 7,49 0,80 0
different contexts. Social Justice Research. 31 (2), 152-181

CIS 48982 2018 Mouro, C., Santos, T. & Castro, P. (2018). Past-present discontinuity in ecological change and marine governance: an 4 Q1 18,97 0,21 0
integrated narrative approach to artisanal fishing. Marine Policy. 97, 163-169

CIS 51031 2018 Rosa, P. J., Morais, D., Gamito, P., Oliveira, J. & Saraiva, T. (2018). Sexual beliefs and sexual functioning: the mediating role of 33 Q1 7,95 4,15 3
cognitive distraction. International Journal of Sexual Health. 19 (3)


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CIS + DCET 37208 2018 Vauclair, C.-M., Rodrigues, R. B., Marques, S., Esteves, C. S., Santos, F. & Gerardo, F. (2018). Doddering but dear … even in the 18 Q1 10,19 1,77 1
eyes of young children? Age stereotyping and prejudice in childhood and adolescence. International Journal of Psychology.
53, 63-70

CIS 59992 2018 Torres, N., Martins, D., Santos, A. J., Prata, D. & Veríssimo, L. (2018). How do hypothalamic nonapeptides shape youth’s 32 Q1 40,09 0,80 0
sociality? A systematic review on oxytocin, vasopressin and human socio-emotional development. Neuroscience and
Biobehavioral Reviews. 90, 309-331

CIS 44377 2018 Magalhães, E., Calheiros, M. M. & Antunes, C. (2018). ‘I always say what I think’: a rights-based approach of young people’s 12 Q1 10,25 1,17 1
psychosocial functioning in residential care. Child Indicators Research. 11 (6), 1801-1816

CIS 59993 2018 Dahoun, T., Pardiñas, A. F., Veronese, M., Bloomfield, M. A. P., Jauhar, S., Bonoldi, I....Howes, O. D. (2018). The effect of the 7 Q1 23,46 0,30 0
DISC1 Ser704Cys polymorphism on striatal dopamine synthesis capacity: an [18F]-DOPA PET study. Human Molecular
Genetics. 27 (20), 3498-3506

CIS 59997 2018 Batel, S. & Devine-Wright, P. (2018). Populism, identities and responses to energy infrastructures at different scales in the 30 Q1 34,87 0,86 0
United Kingdom: a post-Brexit reflection. Energy Research and Social Science. 43, 41-47

CIS 52062 2018 De Zavala, A. G. & Federico, C. M. (2018). Collective narcissism and the growth of conspiracy thinking over the course of the 72 Q1 15,52 4,64 3
2016 United States presidential election: a longitudinal analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology. 48 (7), 1011-1018

CIS 53345 2018 Prada, M., Garrido, M. V., Camilo, C. & Rodrigues, D. L. (2018). Subjective ratings and emotional recognition of children’s 13 Q1 16,14 0,81 0
facial expressions from the CAFE set. PLoS One. 13 (12)

CIS 50534 2018 Baptista, J., Silva, J. R., Marques, S., Martins, C. & Soares, I. (2018). Early maltreatment and current quality of relational care 7 Q1 8,95 0,78 0
predict socioemotional problems among institutionalized infants and toddlers . Infant Mental Health Journal. 39 (6), 718-729

CIS 46189 2018 Fernandes-Jesus, M., Lima, M. L. & Sabucedo, J.-M. (2018). Changing identities to change the world: identity motives in 9 Q1 21,42 0,42 0
lifestyle politics and its link to collective action. Political Psychology. 39 (5), 1031-1047

CIS 36983 2018 Kuba, K., Capaldi, C., van Tilburg, W., Lipp, O. V., Bond, M. H., Vauclair, C.-M....Ahmed, R. A. (2018). Catching up with 15 Q1 10,19 1,47 1
wonderful women: the women-are-wonderful effect is smaller in more gender egalitarian societies. International Journal of
Psychology. 53, 21-26

CIS 49805 2018 Jerónimo, R., Ramos, T. & Ferreira, M. B. (2018). Trait transference from brands to individuals: the impact of brand-behavior 6 Q1 41,07 0,15 0
congruency. Journal of Business Research. 88, 54-65

CIS 49296 2018 Sindic, D., Morais, R., Costa-Lopes, R., Klein, O. & Barreto, M. (2018). Schrodinger's immigrant: the political and strategic use 4 Q1 17,11 0,23 0
of (contradictory) stereotypical traits about immigrants. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 79, 227-238

CIS 41105 2018 Neves, L., Cordeiro, C., Scott, S. K., Castro, S. L. & Lima, C. F. (2018). High emotional contagion and empathy are associated 26 Q1 10,47 2,48 2
with enhanced detection of emotional authenticity in laughter. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 71 (11), 2355-


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CIS 60049 2018 Carla Pires, Rosa, P. J., Vigário, M. & Afonso Cavaco (2018). COPY Short Assessment of Health Literacy (SAHL) in Portugal: 11 Q1 6,22 1,77 1
development and validation of a self-administered tool. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 15, 1-18

CIS 41362 2018 Silva, C. S. & Calheiros, M. M. (2018). Stop yelling: interparental conflict and adolescents’ self-representations as mediated by 10 Q1 9,01 1,11 1
their perceived relationships with parents. Journal of Family Issues. 39 (7), 2174-2204

CIS 50834 2018 De Freitas, D. F., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Ferreira, P. D., Coimbra, S., Teixeira, P. M., Moura, A....Fontaine, A. M. (2018). 38 Q1 14,18 2,68 2
Psychological correlates of perceived ethnic discrimination in Europe: a meta-analysis. Psychology of Violence. 8 (6), 712-725

CIS 47765 2018 Schubert, T. W., Zickfeld, J. H., Seibt, C. & Fiske, A. P. (2018). Moment-to-moment changes in feeling moved match changes in 68 Q1 12,5 5,44 3
closeness, tears, goosebumps, and warmth: time series analyses. Cognition and Emotion. 32 (1), 174-184

CIS 49814 2018 Sekerdej, M., Simão, C., Waldzus, S. & Brito, R. (2018). Keeping in touch with context: non-verbal behavior as a manifestation 9 Q1 13,76 0,65 0
of communality and dominance. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 42 (3), 311-326

CIS 53657 2018 Braga, J. N. , Ferreira, M. B. , Sherman, S. J., Mata, A., Jacinto, S. & Ferreira, M. (2018). What's next? Disentangling availability 5 Q1 17,11 0,29 0
from representativeness using binary decision tasks. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 76, 307-319

CIS 38049 2018 Rodrigues, D., Fasoli, F., Huic, A. & Lopes, D. (2018). Which partners are more human? Monogamy matters more than sexual 32 Q1 13,15 2,43 2
orientation for dehumanization in three European countries. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 15 (4), 504-515

CIS 51879 2018 De Simone, S., Putzu, D., Lasio, D. & Serri, F. (2018). The hegemonic gender order in politics. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 6 Q1 8,37 0,72 0
37 (8), 832-846

CIS 42431 2018 Batel, S. (2018). A critical discussion of research on the social acceptance of renewable energy generation and associated 58 Q1 17,99 3,22 3
infrastructures and an agenda for the future. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 20 (3), 356-369

CIS 49344 2018 Krishnan, S., Lima, C. F., Evans, S., Chen, S., Guldner, S., Yeff, H....Scott, S. K. (2018). Beatboxers and guitarists engage 15 Q1 23,04 0,65 0
sensorimotor regions selectively when listening to the instruments they can play. Cerebral Cortex. 28 (11), 4063-4079

CIS 48586 2018 Stanciu, A. & Vauclair, C.-M. (2018). Stereotype accommodation: a socio-cognitive perspective on migrants’ cultural 11 Q1 11,22 0,98 0
adaptation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 49 (7), 1027-1047

CIS 52172 2018 Hinchliffe, S., Jackson, M. A., Wyatt, K., Barlow, A. E., Barreto, M., Clare, L....Thomas, F. (2018). Healthy publics: enabling 58 Q1 14,42 4,02 3
cultures and environments for health. Palgrave Communications. 4

ISTAR + CIS 47318 2018 Graça, J., Calheiros, M. M., Oliveira, A. & Milfont, T. L. (2018). Why are women less likely to support animal exploitation than 68 Q1 16,44 4,14 3
men? The mediating roles of social dominance orientation and empathy. Personality and Individual Differences. 129, 66-69


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIS 52440 2018 Zickfeld, J. H. & Schubert, T. W. (2018). Warm and touching tears: tearful individuals are perceived as warmer because we 17 Q1 12,5 1,36 1
assume they feel moved and touched. Cognition and Emotion. 32 (8), 1691-1699

CIS + BRU 49369 2018 Luís, S., Lima, M. L., Roseta-Palma, C., Rodrigues, N., Sousa, L. P., Freitas, F....Poulos, S. (2018). Psychosocial drivers for change: 22 Q1 36,51 0,60 0
understanding and promoting stakeholder engagement in local adaptation to climate change in three European
Mediterranean case studies. Journal of Environmental Management. 223, 165-174

CIS 49121 2018 Priola, V., Lasio, D., Serri, F. & Simone, S. D. (2018). The organisation of sexuality and the sexuality of organisation: a 34 Q1 16,71 2,03 2
genealogical analysis of sexual ‘inclusive exclusion’ at work. Organization. 25 (6), 732-754

CIS 41960 2018 Bratt, C., Abrams, D., Swift, H. J., Vauclair, C.-M. & Marques, S. (2018). Perceived age discrimination across age in Europe: 46 Q1 18,26 2,52 2
from an ageing society to a society for all ages. Developmental Psychology. 54 (1), 167-180

CIS 37099 2018 Rodrigues, D., Prada, M., Gaspar, R., Garrido, M. V. & Lopes, D. (2018). Lisbon Emoji and Emoticon Database (LEED): norms for 124 Q1 27,35 4,53 3
emoji and emoticons in seven evaluative dimensions. Behavior Research Methods. 50 (1), 392-405

CIS 48634 2018 Prada, M., Rodrigues, D. L., Garrido, M. V., Lopes, D., Cavalheiro, B. & Gaspar, R. (2018). Motives, frequency and attitudes 85 Q1 37,62 2,26 2
toward emoji and emoticon use. Telematics and Informatics. 35 (7), 1925-1934

CIS 47374 2018 Sacchetto, B., Ornelas, José H., Calheiros, M. M. & Shinn, M (2018). Adaptation of nussbaum's capabilities framework to 14 Q1 12,78 1,10 1
community mental health: A consumer-based capabilities measure. American Journal of Community Psychology. 61 (1-2), 32-

CIS 88408 2018 Swathi Swaminathan, Schellenberg, E. & Venkatesan, Kirthika (2018). Explaining the association between music training and 27 Q1 13,54 1,99 1
reading in adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 44 (6), 992-999
Total P_Imp_Artigo 266


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Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

cria _iscte

UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CRIA 89615 2022 Panagiotopoulos, A. & Roussou, E. (2022). We have always been transreligious: An introduction to 7 Q1 1,10 6,36 3
transreligiosity. Social Compass. 69 (4), 614-630

CRIA 90909 2022 Pusceddu, A. M. & Matos, P. (2022). On the common sense of social reproduction: Social assistance and 0 Q1 0,67 0,00 0
ideologies of care in austerity Europe. Dialectical Anthropology. 46 (4), 477-496

CRIA 83830 2022 Santos Alexandre, R. (2022). The interval between humans: A probe into the possibilities of being. 1 Q1 1,70 0,59 0
Culture and Psychology. 28 (1), 65-87

CRIA 83831 2022 Santos Alexandre, R. (2022). The work of words: Poetry, language and the dawn of community. Topoi: 0 Q1 1,49 0,00 0
An International Review of Philosophy. 41 (3), 497-504

CRIA 85369 2022 Marques, S. C. S., Doetsch, J. N., Teixeira, R., Abate, G., Brødsgaard, A., Brubakk, A.-M....Barros, H. 1 Q1 6,09 0,16 0
(2022). Increased interaction and procedural flexibility favoured participation: Study across European
cohorts of preterm born individuals. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 143, 169-177

CRIA 98425 2022 Figueiredo, G. (2022). Towards a pragmatist anthropology: Objectivity, relativism, ethnocentrism, and 1 Q1 1,73 0,58 0
intropathy. Anthropological Theory. 22 (2), 176-200

CRIA 89488 2022 Pusceddu, A. M. (2022). Southern chronicles: The political ecology of class in the Italian industrial 1 Q1 2,26 0,44 0
periphery. Capitalism Nature Socialism. 33 (4), 37-55

CRIA 89254 2022 Sa Rego, J., Cabo, P. & Castro, M. (2022). Pastoralism, multifunctionality, and environmental agency: 0 Q1 2,91 0,00 0
Insights from mountain sheep pastoralists in Northern Portugal. Journal of Agrarian Change. 22 (4), 766-

CRIA 76807 2021 Simoni, V. & Voirol, J. (2021). Remittances and morality: family obligations, development, and the 10 Q1 8,06 1,24 1
ethical demands of migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 47 (11), 2516-2536

CRIA 85363 2021 Doetsch, J. N., Marques, S. C. S., Krafft, T. & Barros, H. (2021). Impact of macro-socioeconomic 4 Q1 8,36 0,48 0
determinants on sustainable perinatal health care in Portugal: A qualitative study on the opinion of
healthcare professionals and experts. BMC Public Health . 21 (1)

CRIA 85382 2021 Marques, S. C. S., Doetsch, J. N., Abate, G., Brødsgaard, A., Colombo, G., Cuttini, M....Barros, H. (2021). 3 Q1 8,39 0,36 0
Understanding participation in European cohort studies of preterm children: The views of parents,
healthcare professionals and researchers. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 21 (1)

CRIA 77972 2021 Matos, P. & Pusceddu, A. M. (2021). Austerity, the state and common sense in Europe: A comparative 4 Q1 3,43 1,17 1
perspective on Italy and Portugal. Anthropological Theory. 21 (4), 494-519


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CRIA 84394 2021 Vaz da Silva, F. (2021). Metaphor in comparative studies, or, the folklore of anthropology: Frazer, 0 Q1 0,80 0,00 0
Malinowski, Trobriand, and us. Folklore. 132 (4), 343-366

CRIA 82655 2021 Roussou, E. (2021). Transnational spirituality and healing: an ethnographic exploration of alternative 1 Q1 2,68 0,37 0
medicine in Lisbon and Athens. Anthropology and Medicine. 28 (4), 493-507

CRIA 73477 2020 Said, A., Pascual-Fernánd, J.ez, Amorim, V., Autzen, M., Hegland, T., Pita, C....Penca, J. (2020). Small- 12 Q1 12,35 0,97 0
scale fisheries access to fishing opportunities in the European Union: is the common fisheries policy the
right step to SDG14b?. Marine Policy. 118

CRIA 67270 2020 Pusceddu, A. M. (2020). Grassroots ecologies of value: environmental conflict and social reproduction in 5 Q1 14,14 0,35 0
southern Italy. Antipode. 52 (3), 847-866

CRIA 84006 2020 Fedele, A. (2020). La spiritualité comme terrain d’entente entre la religion et le sécularisme : une 0 Q1 3,23 0,00 0
approche ethnographique. Social Compass. 67 (2), 177-190

CRIA 76810 2019 Simoni, V. (2019). Tourism, Migration, and Back in Cuba. American Anthropologist. 2 Q1 5,67 0,35 0

CRIA 59819 2019 Santos Alexandre, R. (2019). Being and landscape: an ontological inquiry into a Japanese rural 3 Q1 2,80 1,07 1
community. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology. 20 (3), 232-246

CRIA 66059 2019 Dias, N. (2019). Field notes and reading notes: studying with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett in the 1990s. 0 Q1 2,50 0,00 0
Museum Worlds. 7 (1), 134-138

CRIA 46476 2018 Feldman-Bianco, B. & Vale de Almeida, M. (2018). World anthropologies: a Portuguese-Brazilian 0 Q1 7,12 0,00 0
conversation. American Anthropologist. 120 (1), 126-137

Total P_Imp_Artigo 6


Executado 2018-2022 cria_iscte

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018-2022

Projetos Nacionais 125 086 € 149 855 € 171 580 € 51 557 € 26 010 € 524 087 €
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Total 167 913 € 181 967 € 234 540 € 160 088 € 91 925 € 836 433 €
Fonte: Relatório de Atividades do Iscte

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 81670 2022 Marques, P. & Fonseca, D. (2022). Understanding the positions taken by moderate union confederations and centre-left 2 Q1 3,00 0,67 0
parties during labour market reforms in Portugal and Spain: Why the configuration of left parties and trade union
confederations matters. European Journal of Industrial Relations. 28 (1), 65-84

DCET 89104 2022 Pereira, S. M. & Corte-Real, M. (2022). Modern estates and the production of Lisbon’s suburbs: From the planned to the 1 Q1 2,40 0,42 0
lived neighbourhood. City, Territory and Architecture. 9

DCET 73493 2022 Gato, M. A., Costa, P., Cruz, A. R. & Perestrelo, M. (2022). Creative tourism as boosting tool for placemaking strategies in 7 Q1 5,25 1,33 1
peripheral areas: insights from Portugal. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 46 (8), 1500-1518

DCET 89374 2022 Sharma, A., Sousa, C. & Woodward, R. (2022). Determinants of innovation outcomes: The role of institutional quality. 13 Q1 12,65 1,03 1
Technovation. 118

CIS + DCET 79394 2022 Mariano, J., Marques, S., Ramos, M. R., Gerardo, F., Cunha, C. L., Girenko, Vries, Hein (2022). Too old for 34 Q1 5,36 6,34 3
technology? Stereotype threat and technology use by older adults. Behaviour and Information Technology. 41 (7), 1503-

DCET 88623 2022 Costa, E., Teixeira, A. C. R., Costa, S. C. S. & Consoni, F. L. (2022). Influence of public policies on the diffusion of wind and 5 Q1 17,42 0,29 0
solar PV sources in Brazil and the possible effects of COVID-19. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 162

CIES + DCET 78384 2022 Gaspar, S., Ramos, M. & Ferreira, A. (2022). Transnational divorce in binational marriages: The case of Portuguese- 7 Q1 3,11 2,25 2
Brazilian and Portuguese-Cape Verdean couples. Population, Space and Place. 28 (5)

DCET 89403 2022 Paiva-Silva, J. (2022). Understanding the Singaporean approach to state ownership: 'commercially viable strategic 3 Q1 6,31 0,48 0
alignment' in historical perspective. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 61, 43-58

DCET 86852 2022 Silvestre, W., Fonseca, A. & Morioka, S. N. (2022). Strategic sustainability integration: Merging management tools to 11 Q1 14,88 0,74 0
support business model decisions. Business Strategy and the Environment. 31 (5), 2050-2067

DCET 77642 2022 Pereira, S. M. (2022). Regulation of short-term rentals in Lisbon: Strike a balance between tourism dependence and 19 Q1 2,33 8,15 3
urban life. Urban Research and Practice. 15 (4), 477-504

CIES + DCET 91994 2022 Ramos, M. & Ferreira, A. (2022). Marriage patterns among Portuguese-Brazilian couples: are same-sex couples different 0 Q1 0,91 0,00 0
from heterosexual couples?. Migraciones. 56, 1-25

DCET 86875 2022 Lopes, H. (2022). The deontic basis of the firm – Implications for corporate governance. European Management Review. 0 Q1 4,14 0,00 0
19 (4), 598-607

DCET + BRU 83558 2022 Brochado, A., Dionísio, J., Leal, M. do C., Bouchet, A. & Conceição, H. (2022). Organizing sports events: The promoters’ 1 Q1 4,08 0,25 0
perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 37 (6), 1291-1298


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 81771 2022 Medeiros, E., Ramírez, M. G., Dellagiacoma, C. & Brustia, B. (2022). Will reducing border barriers via the EU's b-solutions 10 Q1 5,31 1,88 1
lead towards greater European territorial integration?. Regional Studies. 56 (3), 504-517

DCET 87168 2022 Rodeia, T. B. & Duarte, J. (2022). The modulor in Manuel Tainha’s Oliveira do Hospital Pousada. Nexus Network Journal . 0 Q1 0,63 0,00 0
24 (3), 603-620

DCET 80771 2022 Marat-Mendes, T., d'Almeida, P. Bento & Borges, J. C. (2022). Concepts and definitions for a sustainable planning 4 Q1 3,59 1,11 1
transition: Lessons from moments of change. European Planning Studies. 30 (8), 1421-1443

DCET + BRU 87944 2022 Suleman, F., Duarte, H., Brewster, C. & Suleman, A. (2022). Compensation policies and comparative capitalisms. 0 Q1 3,00 0,00 0
European Journal of Industrial Relations. 28 (4), 405-425

DCET 83110 2022 Medeiros, E. (2022). Urban participatory planning approaches in capital cities: The Lisbon case. European Planning 2 Q1 3,59 0,56 0
Studies. 30 (6), 1144-1161

DCET 90544 2022 Marques, V. M., Costa, P. M. & Bento, N. (2022). Greater than the sum: On regulating innovation in electricity 1 Q1 4,23 0,24 0
distribution networks with externalities. Utilities Policy. 79

DCET 76723 2022 D'Almeida, P. B., Marat-Mendes, T. & Toussaint, M. (2022). Portugal’s rising research in architecture and urbanism: the 6 Q1 0,54 11,11 3
influence of international research centers and authors. Journal of Urban History. 48 (4), 807-834

DCET 88247 2022 Marques, P., Suleman, F. & Costa, J. M. (2022). Moving beyond supply-side arguments to explain over-qualification: The 2 Q1 2,31 0,87 0
ability to absorb graduates in different models of capitalism. European Journal of Education. 57 (2), 342-360

DCET + BRU 91834 2022 Mohsin, A., Brochado, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2022). Mind the gap: A critical reflection on hotel employee turnover. 7 Q1 12,23 0,57 0
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. N/A

DCET + BRU 85436 2022 Campino, J., Brochado, A. & Rosa, A. (2022). Initial coin offerings (ICOs): Why do they succeed?. Financial Innovation. 8 8 Q1 7,59 1,05 1

DCET 84413 2022 Volzone, R., Olimpia Niglio & Becherini, P. (2022). Integration of knowledge-based documentation methodologies and 4 Q1 3,18 1,26 1
digital information for the study of religious complex heritage sites in the south of Portugal. Digital Applications in
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. 24

DCET 83656 2022 Freitas, I., Sousa, C., Makhabbat Ramazanova & Albuquerque, H. (2022). Feeling a historic city: Porto landscape through 4 Q1 3,44 1,16 1
the eyes of residents and visitors. International Journal of Tourism Cities. 8 (2), 529-545

DCET 87759 2022 Queirós, A., Carvalho, T., Rosa, M. J., Biscaia, R., Manatos, M. J., Videira, P....Mendes, R. A. (2022). Academic engagement 3 Q1 5,20 0,58 0
in Portugal: The role of institutional diversity, individual characteristics and modes of knowledge production. Studies in
Higher Education. 47 (11), 2239-2252


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 84703 2022 Costa, E., Wells, P., Wang, L. & Costa, G. (2022). The electric vehicle and renewable energy: Changes in boundary 19 Q1 11,90 1,60 1
conditions that enhance business model innovations. Journal of Cleaner Production. 333

DCET 83430 2022 Cooke, P. & Nunes, S. (2022). Post-coronavirus regional innovation policies: from mega to giga and beyond through 12 Q1 3,59 3,34 3
sustainable spatial planning of global tourism. European Planning Studies. 30 (11), 2205-2223

DCET 89834 2022 Brochado, A., Veríssimo, J. M. C. & Oliveira, J. C. L. de (2022). Memorable tourism experiences, perceived value 3 Q1 9,89 0,30 0
dimensions and behavioral intentions: a demographic segmentation approach. Tourism Review. 77 (6), 1472-1486

DCET 92906 2022 Costa, P. (2022). Valuing culture and creativity impacts in a global technological era: Reshaping the analytical framework. 3 Q1 3,59 0,84 0
European Planning Studies. 30 (9), 1656-1675

DCET 96773 2021 Catela, J. (2021). Reflection: “It opened our eyes”: Ethnographic encounters during the COVID-19 pandemic in Lisbon, 1 Q1 2,12 0,47 0
Portugal. Food and Foodways. 29 (4), 378-390

DCET 74253 2021 Medeiros, E., Guillermo Ramírez, M., Ocskay, G. & Peyrony, J. (2021). Covidfencing effects on cross-border 51 Q1 7,88 6,47 3
deterritorialism: the case of Europe. European Planning Studies. 29 (5), 962-982

DCET 79917 2021 Brighenti, A. M. & Pavoni, A. (2021). Situating urban animals – a theoretical framework. Contemporary Social Science. 16 3 Q1 5,81 0,52 0
(1), 1-13

DCET 61234 2021 Brochado, A., Stoleiu, O. & Lupu, C. (2021). Wine tourism: a multisensory experience. Current Issues in Tourism. 24 (5), 73 Q1 17,09 4,27 3

DCET 77366 2021 Medeiros, E. (2021). Principles for delimiting transnational territories for policy implementation. Regional Studies. 55 3 Q1 10,08 0,30 0
(5), 974-985

DCET 73020 2021 Freitas, I. V, Sousa, C. & Makhabbat Ramazanova (2021). Historical landscape monitoring through residents’ perceptions 10 Q1 8,14 1,23 1
for tourism: The World Heritage Porto City. Tourism Planning and Development. 18 (3), 294-313

DCET 76103 2021 Medeiros, E. (2021). The territorial dimension of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Area. 53 (2), 292- 5 Q1 4,66 1,07 1

DCET 73550 2021 Pinto, S., Bencsik, P., Chuluun, T. & Graham, C. (2021). Presidential elections, divided politics, and happiness in the USA. 4 Q1 2,81 1,42 1
Economica. 88 (348), 189-207

DCET 77917 2021 Graham, C. & Pinto, S. (2021). The geography of desperation in America: labor force participation, mobility, place, and 9 Q1 10,26 0,88 0
well-being. Social Science and Medicine. 270


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 78190 2021 Oliveira, S. & Pinto, L. M. C. (2021). Choice experiments to elicit the users’ preferences for coastal erosion management: 4 Q1 9,75 0,41 0
the case of Praia da Amorosa. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 23, 9749-9765

DCET 81269 2021 Suleman, F. (2021). Revisiting the concept of employability through economic theories: Contributions, limitations and 6 Q1 4,31 1,39 1
policy implications. Higher Education Quarterly. 75 (4), 548-561

DCET 81789 2021 Costa, L., Teixeira, A. & Brochado, A. (2021). Determinants of consumers’ frugal innovation acceptance in a developed 5 Q1 6,85 0,73 0
country. Young Consumers. 22 (2), 185-201

DCET 83080 2021 Bento, N., Fontes, M. & Barbosa, J. (2021). Inter-sectoral relations to accelerate the formation of technological 7 Q1 24,04 0,29 0
innovation systems: determinants of actors’ entry into marine renewable energy technologies. Technological
Forecasting and Social Change. 173

DCET 82589 2021 Fonseca, A., Abreu, I. & Silvestre, W. (2021). Investigating context factors in the strategic management of corporate 5 Q1 22,61 0,22 0
sustainability integration. Journal of Cleaner Production. 314

DCET 82859 2021 Costa, E., Horta, A., Correia, A., Seixas, J., Costa, G. & Sperling, D. (2021). Diffusion of electric vehicles in Brazil from the 11 Q1 9,16 1,20 1
stakeholders' perspective. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 15 (11), 865-878

BRU + DCET 81333 2021 Campino, J., Brochado, A. & Rosa, A. (2021). Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): the importance of human capital. Journal of 8 Q1 5,57 1,44 1
Business Economics. 91, 1225-1262

DCET 78522 2021 Medeiros, E., Ferreira, R., Boijmans, P., Verschelde, N., Spisiak, R., Skoniezki, P....Berzi, M. (2021). Boosting cross-border 5 Q1 6,00 0,83 0
regions through better cross-border transport services. The European case. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 9 (1), 291-

DCET 82880 2021 Fontes, M., Bento, N. & Andersen, A. D. (2021). Unleashing the industrial transformative capacity of innovations. 3 Q1 15,40 0,19 0
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 40, 207-221

DCET 74691 2021 Bento, N., Gianfrate, G. & Aldy, J. (2021). National climate policies and corporate internal carbon pricing. Energy Journal. 4 Q1 5,29 0,76 0
42 (5), 89-100

CIES + DCET 77764 2021 Sousa, I. C., Ramos, S. & Carvalho, H. (2021). Retaining an age-diverse workforce through HRM: the mediation of work 4 Q1 6,97 0,57 0
engagement and affective commitment. German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für
Personalforschung. 35 (1), 409-435

DCET 82137 2021 Milheiro, A. V. (2021). Late Portuguese colonialism, research, and propaganda in Africa: the promotion of territorial 0 Q1 0,70 0,00 0
occupation and architectural infrastructure by the General Agency for Overseas. Journal of Architecture. 26 (2), 212-240

DCET 83429 2021 Nunes, S. & Cooke, P. (2021). New global tourism innovation in a post-coronavirus era. European Planning Studies. 29 27 Q1 7,88 3,43 3
(1), 1-19


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 80890 2021 Lima, S., Brochado, A. & Marques, R. C. (2021). Public-private partnerships in the water sector: A review. Utilities Policy. 30 Q1 7,59 3,95 3

DCET 68098 2020 Gonçalves, V. (2020). Uncertain risk assessment and management: case studies of the application of the precautionary 0 Q1 11,09 0,00 0
principle in Portugal. Risk Analysis. 40 (5), 939-956

DCET 82183 2020 Silvestre, W. J. & Fonseca, A. (2020). Integrative sustainable intelligence: A holistic model to integrate corporate 25 Q1 26,69 0,94 0
sustainability strategies. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 27 (4), 1578-1590

DCET 63765 2020 Bento, N., Borello, M. & Gianfrate, G. (2020). Market-pull policies to promote renewable energy: a quantitative 29 Q1 32,11 0,90 0
assessment of tendering implementation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 248

DCET 70944 2020 Markard, J., Bento, N., Kittner, N. & Nuñez-Jimenez, A. (2020). Destined for decline? Examining nuclear energy from a 49 Q1 23,57 2,08 2
technological innovation systems perspective. Energy Research and Social Science. 67

DCET 79648 2020 Rodrigues, N., Vale, M. & Costa, P. (2020). Urban experimentation and smart cities: a Foucauldian and autonomist 7 Q1 8,23 0,85 0
approach. Territory, Politics, Governance. N/A

DCET 79914 2020 Brighenti, A. M. & Pavoni, A. (2020). Vertical vision and atmocultural navigation. Notes on emerging urban scopic 7 Q1 1,78 3,93 3
regimes. Visual Studies. 35 (5), 429-441

DCET 79916 2020 Pavoni, A. (2020). Profanating gastro-normativity: exploring the nonhuman materiality of making and tasting wine in the 1 Q1 1,59 0,63 0
natural wine movement. Cultural Politics. 16 (3), 367-386

DCET 59180 2020 Marques, P. & Hörisch, F. (2020). Understanding massive youth unemployment during the EU sovereign debt crisis: a 10 Q1 5,33 1,88 1
configurational study. Comparative European Politics. 18 (2), 233-255

DCET 73023 2020 Dos-Santos, M. J. P. L. & Ahmad, N. (2020). Sustainability of European agricultural holdings. Journal of the Saudi Society 21 Q1 17,02 1,23 1
of Agricultural Sciences. 19 (5), 358-364

DCET + ISTAR 73035 2020 Brandão, F., Paio, A. & Lopes, A. (2020). Triangulation algorithms for generating as-Is floor plans. Nexus Network Journal. 1 Q1 1,37 0,73 0
22 (3), 683-700

DCET + BRU 63065 2020 Suleman, F. & Figueiredo, M. C. T. (2020). Entering the labour market in the context of higher education reform and 10 Q1 6,62 1,51 1
economic recession: Young bachelor and master graduates in Portugal. Journal of Youth Studies. 23 (10), 1396-1417

DCET 61531 2020 Volzone, R. & Fontes, J. L. (2020). The Portuguese eremitical Congregation of the Serra de Ossa: spatial analysis of the 2 Q1 1,83 1,09 1
monastic settlements. Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies. 12 (1), 84-105


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 65426 2020 Greenfeld, A., Becker, N., Bornman, J. F., Dos-Santos, M. J. P. L. & Angel, D. R. (2020). Consumer preferences for 18 Q1 25,06 0,72 0
aquaponics: A comparative analysis of Australia and Israel. Journal of Environmental Management. 257

DCET 60851 2020 Governo, F., Aurora A. C. Teixeira & Brochado, A. (2020). Merging social computing with content: a proposal of a new 1 Q1 12,27 0,08 0
film platform, Avids. Behaviour and Information Technology. 39 (10), 1039-1061

DCET + BRU 76219 2020 Moshin, A., Brochado, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2020). Halal tourism is traveling fast: community perceptions and 31 Q1 23,79 1,30 1
implications. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 18

DCET 70874 2020 Wilson, C., Grubler, A., Bento, N., Healey, S., De Stercke, S. & Zimm, C. (2020). Granular technologies to accelerate 85 Q1 41,78 2,03 2
decarbonization. Science. 368 (6486), 36-39

DCET 72667 2020 Bento, N. & Gianfrate, G. (2020). Determinants of internal carbon pricing. Energy Policy. 143 27 Q1 23,14 1,17 1

DCET 52197 2020 Medeiros, E. & Rauhut, D. (2020). Territorial cohesion cities: a policy recipe for achieving territorial cohesion? . Regional 47 Q1 13,98 3,36 3
Studies. 54 (1), 120-128

DCET 50937 2020 Pavoni, A. & Tulumello, S. (2020). What is urban violence?. Progress in Human Geography. 44 (1), 49-76 23 Q1 26,70 0,86 0

DCET 57102 2019 Medeiros, E. (2019). Spatial planning, territorial development, and territorial impact assessment. Journal of Planning 32 Q1 19,65 1,63 1
Literature. 34 (2), 171-182

DCET 61711 2019 Almeida, R. N. & David, N. (2019). Signs of heritage - an agent-based model of the dynamics of heritage categories. IEEE 7 Q1 21,36 0,33 0
Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 6 (6), 1283-1294

DCET 59411 2019 Medeiros, E. & van der Zwet, A. (2019). Evaluating integrated sustainable urban development strategies: a 34 Q1 13,48 2,52 2
methodological framework applied in Portugal. European Planning Studies. 28 (3), 563-582

DCET + BRU 48156 2019 Simões, E., Duarte, A. P., Neves, J. & Silva, V. H. (2019). Contextual determinants of HR professionals’ self-perceptions of 15 Q1 15,12 0,99 0
unethical HRM practices. European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 28 (1), 90-108

DCET 63266 2019 Medeiros, E. (2019). Delimiting cross-border areas for policy implementation: a multi-factor proposal. European 14 Q1 13,48 1,04 1
Planning Studies. 28, 125-145

DCET 59179 2019 Salvador, M. (2019). Shaping the city through food: the historic foodscape of Lisbon as case study. Urban Design 6 Q1 7,28 0,82 0
International. 1-14


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 46381 2019 Rita, P., Brochado, A. & Dimova, L. (2019). Millennials’ travel motivations and desired activities within destinations: a 45 Q1 27,60 1,63 1
comparative study of the US and the UK . Current Issues in Tourism. 22 (16), 2034-2050

DCET 48178 2019 Brochado, A. & Brochado, F. (2019). What makes a glamping experience great?. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 29 Q1 19,29 1,50 1
Technology. 10 (1), 15-27

DCET 59446 2019 Gonçalves, M. E. (2019). The risk-based approach under the new EU data protection regulation: a critical perspective. 4 Q1 16,66 0,24 0
Journal of Risk Research. 1-14

BRU + DCET 59711 2019 Mohsin, A., Rodrigues, H. & Brochado, A. (2019). Shine bright like a star: hotel performance and guests’ expectations 25 Q1 38,30 0,65 0
based on star ratings. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 83, 103-114

DCET 66882 2019 Azevedo Filho, E. T., Palma, M.A.M, Perestrelo, Margarida, Henrique Rego Monteiro da Hora & Rodrigo Lira (2019). The 11 Q1 13,68 0,80 0
pre-salt layer and challenges to competitiveness in Brazil: Critical reflections on the local content policy in the oil and gas
Sector. Extractive Industries and Society. 6 (4), 1168-1173

DCET 55877 2019 Drago, A. (2019). Lisbon's red belt: a cautionary tale on politicisation and depoliticisation of the urban realm. Antipode. 2 Q1 17,59 0,11 0
51 (1), 87-106

DCET 60234 2019 Borges, J. C. & Marat-Mendes, T. (2019). Walking on streets-in-the-sky: structures for democratic cities. Journal of 3 Q1 1,56 1,92 1
Aesthetics & Culture. 11 (1), 1-15

DCET + CIS 61269 2019 Gerardo, F., Rodrigues, B., Marques, S., Cunha, C., Mendonça, J., Pinto, E....Grilo, M. (2019). SeniorTec: senior tutorial 2 Q1 4,25 0,47 0
program to teach technologies to students. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 17 (4), 523-530

DCET + BRU 39772 2019 Suleman, F., Lagoa, S. & Suleman, A. (2019). Patterns of employment relationships: the association between 3 Q1 18,42 0,16 0
compensation policy and contractual arrangements. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 30 (7),

DCET 49003 2019 Lupu, C., Brochado, A. & Stoleiu, O. (2019). Visitor experiences at UNESCO monasteries in Northeast Romania. Journal of 23 Q1 11,83 1,94 1
Heritage Tourism. 14 (2), 150-165

DCET 47725 2019 Brighenti AM & Pavoni, A. (2019). City of unpleasant feelings. Stress, comfort and animosity in urban life. Social & 27 Q1 11,88 2,27 2
Cultural Geography. 20 (2), 137-156

DCET 56944 2019 Barradas, R. (2019). Financialization and neoliberalism and the fall in the labor share: a panel data econometric analysis 21 Q1 4,27 4,92 3
for the European Union countries. Review of Radical Political Economics. 51 (3), 383-417

BRU + DCET 60538 2019 Rodrigues, H., Brochado, A. & Troilo, M. (2019). Listening to the murmur of water: essential satisfaction and 24 Q1 26,41 0,91 0
dissatisfaction attributes of thermal and mineral spas. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. 37 (5), 649-666


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 50818 2019 Bento, N. & Fontes, M. (2019). Emergence of floating offshore wind energy: technology and industry. Renewable and 64 Q1 65,91 0,97 0
Sustainable Energy Reviews. 99, 66-82

DCET 50819 2019 Bento, N., Gianfrate, G. & Groppo, S. V. (2019). Do crowdfunding returns reward risk? Evidences from clean-tech 45 Q1 39,96 1,13 1
projects. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 141, 107-116

DCET + BRU 52373 2019 Suleman, F. & Suleman, A. (2019). How do household tasks shape employment contracts? The provision of care in 1 Q1 11,38 0,09 0
Portugal. Feminist Economics. 25 (1), 174-203

DCET + ISTAR 49821 2019 Brochado, A., Rita, P., Oliveira, C. & Oliveira, F. (2019). Airline passengers’ perceptions of service quality: themes in 74 Q1 32,52 2,28 2
online reviews. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 31 (2), 855-873

DCET 52145 2019 Medeiros, E. (2019). Cross-border transports and cross-border mobility in EU border regions. Case Studies on Transport 42 Q1 10,61 3,96 3
Policy. 7 (1), 1-12

DCET 61119 2019 Bento, N., Gianfrate, G. & Thoni, M. H. (2019). Crowdfunding for sustainability ventures. Journal of Cleaner Production. 66 Q1 40,32 1,64 1

DCET + ISTAR 49347 2019 Brochado, A., Rita, P. & Moro, S. (2019). Discovering the patterns of online reviews of hostels in Beijing and Lisbon. 3 Q1 7,33 0,41 0
Journal of China Tourism Research. 15 (2), 172-191

DCET 62686 2019 Stoleiu, O., Brochado, A., Ruso, A. & Lupu, C. (2019). Analyses of visitors’ experiences in a natural world heritage site 29 Q1 4,96 5,85 3
based on TripAdvisor reviews. Visitor Studies. 22 (2), 192-212

DCET 60132 2019 Brochado, A. (2019). Nature-based experiences in tree houses: guests’ online reviews. Tourism Review. 74 (3), 310-326 21 Q1 23,66 0,89 0

DCET 67301 2019 Pinto, P. T. & Delgado, J. P. (2019). Portugal dos Pequenitos as an urban laboratory for rehearsing national identity. 0 Q1 6,36 0,00 0
Nations and Nationalism. 25 (4), 1296-1324

DCET 49174 2018 Dos-Santos, M. J. P. L. (2018). Nowcasting and forecasting aquaponics by Google Trends in European countries. 22 Q1 44,26 0,50 0
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 134, 178-185

DCET 46655 2018 Lopes, H. (2018). The moral dimensions of the employment relationship: institutional implications. Journal of 5 Q1 8,81 0,57 0
Institutional Economics. 14 (1), 103-125

DCET + BRU 42816 2018 Brochado, A., Santos, M-C., Oliveira-Brochado, F. & Esperança, J. (2018). Gambling behavior: instant versus traditional 9 Q1 41,07 0,22 0
lotteries. Journal of Business Research. 88, 560-567


ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

DCET 48200 2018 Bento, N., Wilson, C. & Anadon, L. D. (2018). Time to get ready: conceptualizing the temporal and spatial dynamics of 18 Q1 34,26 0,53 0
formative phases for energy technologies. Energy Policy. 119, 282-293

DCET 30292 2018 Brochado, A. & Rita, P. (2018). Exploring heterogeneity among backpackers in hostels. Current Issues in Tourism. 21 (13), 14 Q1 31,05 0,45 0

CIS + DCET 37208 2018 Vauclair, C.-M., Rodrigues, R. B., Marques, S., Esteves, C. S., Santos, F. & Gerardo, F. (2018). Doddering but dear … even 18 Q1 10,19 1,77 1
in the eyes of young children? Age stereotyping and prejudice in childhood and adolescence. International Journal of
Psychology. 53, 63-70

DCET + BRU + CIES 31363 2018 Figueiredo, M. C., Suleman, F. & Botelho, M. C. (2018). Workplace abuse and harassment: the vulnerability of informal 21 Q1 9,09 2,31 2
and migrant domestic workers in Portugal. Social Policy and Society. 17 (1), 65-85

BRU + DCET 40836 2018 Silva, M., Martins, L. F. & Lopes, H. (2018). Asymmetric labor market reforms: effects on wage growth and conversion 7 Q1 16,04 0,44 0
probability of fixed-term contracts. Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 71 (3), 760-788

DCET 50828 2018 Suleman, F. & Laranjeiro, A. M. C. (2018). The employability skills of graduates and employers’ options in Portugal: an 16 Q1 14,61 1,10 1
explorative study of anticipative and remedial strategies. Education and Training. 60 (9), 1097-1111

DCET 48059 2018 Pádua, M., M. Pádua, Fontes, M., Fontes, M. & Sousa, C. (2018). Seizing opportunities for markets of discovery: the 0 Q1 7,19 0,00 0
reconfigurations of value chains in pharmaceutical industry in the global south. Science, Technology and Society. 23 (3),

DCET + ISTAR 42686 2018 Paio, A., Osório, F. C., Oliveira, S. M., Valenti, Graziano Mario & Guimarães, N. (2018). Architecture In-Play, future 0 Q1 2,28 0,00 0
challenges. Nexus Network Journal. 20 (1), 15-30

DCET 40386 2018 Suleman, F. (2018). The employability skills of higher education graduates: insights into conceptual frameworks and 161 Q1 21,63 7,44 3
methodological options. Higher Education. 76 (2), 263-278

DCET 60098 2018 Matos, F. & Jacinto, C. (2018). Additive manufacturing technology: mapping social impacts. Journal of Manufacturing 41 Q1 33,84 1,21 1
Technology Management. 30 (1), 70-97

DCET + ISTAR 49603 2018 Brochado, A., Oliveira, C., Rita, P. & Oliveira-Brochado, F. (2018). Shopping centres beyond purchasing of luxury goods: a 16 Q1 9,60 1,67 1
tourism perspective . Annals of Leisure Research. N/A

DCET 48589 2018 Grubler, A., Wilson, C., Bento, N., Boza-Kiss, B., Krey, V., McCollum, D. L....Valin, H. (2018). A low energy demand 632 Q1 128,68 4,91 3
scenario for meeting the 1.5 degrees C target and sustainable development goals without negative emission
technologies. Nature Energy. 3, 515-527

DCET + BRU 45818 2018 Brochado, A., Dionísio, P. & Leal, M. C. (2018). Sponsoring the football national team. Journal of Business and Industrial 4 Q1 15,18 0,26 0
Marketing. 33 (5), 625-637
Total P_Imp_Artigo 91


Executado 2018-2022 dinâmia'cet_iscte

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018-2022

Projetos Nacionais 235 338 € 493 651 € 597 330 € 704 006 € 1 166 350 € 3 196 675 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Prog - - - 42 138 € 96 081 € 138 219 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Base 66 342 € 74 651 € 149 844 € 139 044 € 226 787 € 656 668 €
Projetos FCT 128 611 € 361 072 € 247 439 € 347 623 € 490 542 € 1 575 287 €
Outros Programas - - 139 773 € 11 280 € 246 857 € 397 910 €
Instituições Privadas 4 924 € 23 379 € 26 027 € 53 749 € 38 515 € 146 594 €
Organismos Públicos 35 461 € 34 549 € 34 248 € 110 172 € 67 568 € 281 997 €
dinâmia'cet_iscte Projetos de Cooperação Nacional - - - - 0€ 0€
Projetos Internacionais 196 061 € 410 973 € 154 839 € 255 022 € 601 975 € 1 618 871 €
Comissão Europeia 63 650 € 108 197 € 81 017 € 154 258 € 403 052 € 810 173 €
Outros Programas Internacionais 132 411 € 270 527 € 11 038 € 17 381 € 15 957 € 447 314 €
Instituições Privadas - - 6 986 € 7 860 € 29 306 € 44 151 €
Organismos Públicos - - - 4 320 € 0€ 4 320 €
Projetos de Cooperação Internacional - 32 249 € 55 799 € 71 203 € 153 662 € 312 912 €
Total 431 400 € 904 624 € 752 170 € 959 028 € 1 768 325 € 4 815 547 €
Fonte: Relatório de Atividades do Iscte

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

ISTAR 81672 2022 Gonçalves, C., Santana, P., Brandão, T. & Guedes, M. (2022). Automatic detection of Acacia longifolia invasive 9 Q1 10,60 0,85 0
species based on UAV-acquired aerial imagery. Information Processing in Agriculture. 9 (2), 276-287

ISTAR 84506 2022 Moro, S. & Rita, P. (2022). Data and text mining from online reviews: a literature analysis. Wiley Interdisciplinary 4 Q1 10,30 0,39 0
Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 12 (3)

ISTAR 84764 2022 Reis, J., Brito e Abreu, F. & Figueiredo Carneiro, G. (2022). Crowdsmelling: A preliminary study on using collective 2 Q1 5,09 0,39 0
knowledge in code smells detection. Empirical Software Engineering. 27 (3)

BRU + ISTAR 87336 2022 Amorim, I. P. de, Guerreiro, J., Eloy, S. & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2022). How augmented reality media richness 10 Q1 12,00 0,83 0
influences consumer behaviour: A study in a real-world retail environment. International Journal of Consumer
Studies. 46 (6), 2351-2366

ISTAR 89900 2022 Rita, P., Moro, S. & Cavalcanti, G. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on tourism: Analysis of online reviews in the 9 Q1 7,44 1,21 1
airlines sector. Journal of Air Transport Management. 101

ISTAR 88890 2022 Besancon, L., Ferreira da Silva, C., Ghodous, P. & Gelas, J.- P. (2022). A blockchain ontology for DApps 8 Q1 4,82 1,66 1
development . IEEE Access. 10, 49905-49933

ISTAR 85326 2022 Eloy, S. & Vermaas, P. (2022). Architectural approaches to housing customization: Introducing the Inhabitant- 1 Q1 4,26 0,23 0
Driven Customization approach and the MyChanges tool. Archnet-IJAR International Journal of Architectural
Research. 16 (2), 396-412

ISTAR 88923 2022 Rita, P., Ramos, R. F., Borges-Tiago, M. & Rodrigues, D. (2022). Impact of the rating system on sentiment and tone 14 Q1 13,62 1,03 1
of voice: A and TripAdvisor comparison study. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 104

CIES + ISTAR 88159 2022 Antunes, N., Ferreira, J. & Cardoso, E. (2022). Generating personalized business card designs from images. 0 Q1 4,27 0,00 0
Multimedia Tools and Applications. 81 (18), 25051-2507

ISTAR 83559 2022 Caldeira, J., Brito e Abreu, F., Cardoso, J. & Reis, J. (2022). Unveiling process insights from refactoring practices. 3 Q1 6,28 0,48 0
Computer Standards and Interfaces. 81

ISTAR 86389 2022 Paixão, A., Muralha, J., Resende, R. & Fortunato, E. (2022). Close-range photogrammetry for 3D rock joint 8 Q1 6,53 1,23 1
roughness evaluation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55, 3213-3233

ISTAR 74115 2022 Moro, S., Rita, P., Ramos, P. & Esmerado, J. (2022). The influence of cultural origins of visitors when staying in the 3 Q1 5,61 0,53 0
city that never sleeps. Tourism Recreation Research. 47 (1), 78-90

ISTAR 77971 2022 Weber, T., Louçã, J. & Gerrits, L. (2022). Dissipative structures and the relation between individual and collective 0 Q1 3,64 0,00 0
aspects of social behavior. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. 39 (2), 274-286


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

ISTAR 88223 2022 Pinto, F., Ferreira da Silva, C. & Moro, S. (2022). People-centered Distributed Ledger Technology-IoT 5 Q1 10,09 0,50 0
architectures: A systematic literature review. Telematics and Informatics. 70

ISTAR 78026 2022 Pereira dos Reis, J., Brito e Abreu, F., Carneiro, G. & Anslow, C. (2022). Code smells detection and visualization: A 12 Q1 11,19 1,07 1
systematic literature review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 29, 47-94

ISTAR 88012 2022 Lemos, J. P. S. & Luz, P. (2022). Bubble universes and traversable wormholes. Physical Review D. 105 (4) 2 Q1 4,97 0,40 0

ISTAR 86734 2022 Duarte, M., Moro, S. & Ferreira da Silva, C. (2022). Does cultural background influence the dissemination and 3 Q1 4,45 0,67 0
severity of the COVID-19 pandemic?. Heliyon. 8 (2)

CIES + ISTAR 91598 2022 Lorvão Antunes, A. , Cardoso, E. & Barateiro, J. (2022). Incorporation of ontologies in data warehouse/business 6 Q1 18,85 0,32 0
intelligence systems - A systematic literature review. International Journal of Information Management Data
Insights. 2 (2)

ISTAR 83671 2022 Ting, Y., Moro, S., Rita, P. & Oliveira, C. (2022). Insights from sentiment analysis to leverage local tourism business 4 Q1 3,60 1,11 1
in restaurants. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research. 16 (1), 321-336

ISTAR 81383 2022 Costa, J. M., Miranda, G. & Melo, M. (2022). The four-component instructional design model (4C/ID): A meta- 13 Q1 4,46 2,91 2
analysis on use and effect. Learning Environments Research. 25 (2), 445-463

ISTAR 89849 2022 Correia, A., Reis, H., Moro, S. & Kozak, M. (2022). Meaning of luxury in hospitality: An analysis of multiple 2 Q1 9,35 0,21 0
destinations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 52, 392-402

ISTAR 91131 2022 Silva, N., Eloy, S. & Resende, R. (2022). Robotic construction analysis: Simulation with virtual reality. Heliyon. 8 3 Q1 4,45 0,67 0

CIES + ISTAR 86524 2022 Casquilho-Martins, I., Belchior-Rocha, H. & Moro, S. (2022). Unfolding Social Work research to address the COVID- 2 Q1 2,14 0,93 0
19 impact: A text mining literature analysis. British Journal of Social Work. 52 (7), 4358-4377

ISTAR 95702 2022 Gabriela del Rocío Roldán-Molina, Yevseyeva, I., Iryna Yevseyeva, Silvana Gómez-Meire, Vitor Basto-Fernandes & 0 Q1 5,90 0,00 0
Méndez, José Ramón (2022). Automatic knowledge exchange between ontologies and semantic graphs. Journal
of Information Science.

ISTAR 78339 2021 Silva Pedro, T. & Silva, J. L. (2021). Towards higher sense of presence: a 3D virtual environment adaptable to 2 Q1 9,26 0,22 0
confusion and engagement. IEEE Access. 9, 8455-8470

IT + ISTAR 82438 2021 Almeida, H., Lopes, R. J., Carrilho, J.M. & Eloy, S. (2021). Unfolding the dynamical structure of Lisbon’s public 2 Q1 5,28 0,38 0
space: space syntax and micromobility data. Applied Network Science. 6 (1)


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

CIES + ISTAR 74506 2021 Gil, P. D., Martins, S. C., Moro, S. & Costa, J. M. (2021). A data-driven approach to predict first-year students’ 16 Q1 12,71 1,26 1
academic success in higher education institutions. Education and Information Technologies. 26 (2), 2165-2190

ISTAR 66838 2021 Stellacci Stefania & Rato, V. (2021). Timber-framing construction in Herculaneum archaeological site: 2 Q1 5,79 0,35 0
characterisation and main reasons for its diffusion. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 15 (9), 1301-

ISTAR 79905 2021 Ferreira da Silva, C. & Moro, S. (2021). Blockchain technology as an enabler of consumer trust: a text mining 24 Q1 19,59 1,23 1
literature analysis. Telematics and Informatics. 60

ISTAR + IT 84016 2021 Azinhaes, J., Batista, F. & Ferreira, J. (2021). eWOM for public institutions: application to the case of the 2 Q1 6,69 0,30 0
Portuguese Army. Social Network Analysis and Mining. 11 (1)

ISTAR + IT 82483 2021 Santana, P., Almeida, A., Mariano, P., Correia, C., Martins, V. & Almeida, S. M. (2021). Air quality mapping and 15 Q1 22,61 0,66 0
visualisation: An affordable solution based on a vehicle-mounted sensor network. Journal of Cleaner Production.

BRU + ISTAR 83001 2021 Pereira, A., Laureano, R.M. S. & Neto, F. (2021). Five regions, five retinopathy screening programmes: a 0 Q1 5,52 0,00 0
systematic review of how Portugal addresses the challenge. BMC Health Services Research. 21 (1)

ISTAR 75334 2021 Moro, S. & Esmerado, J. (2021). An integrated model to explain online review helpfulness in hospitality. Journal 5 Q1 11,17 0,45 0
of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 12 (2), 239-253

ISTAR 69721 2021 Moro, S., Ramos, R. & Rita, P. (2021). What drives job satisfaction in IT companies?. International Journal of 18 Q1 7,66 2,35 2
Productivity and Performance Management. 70 (2), 391-407

ISTAR 81315 2021 Guimarães, N. (2021). Complexity, design and culture: convergences for digital experiences. Interaction Design 0 Q1 3,20 0,00 0
and Architecture(s). 47, 274-305

IT + ISTAR 83124 2021 Pereira, L. R., Lopes, R. J., Louçã, J., Araújo, D. & Ramos, J. (2021). The soccer game, bit by bit: An information- 1 Q1 18,90 0,05 0
theoretic analysis. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 152

ISTAR + IT 77763 2021 Fernandes, E., Moro, S., Cortez, P., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2021). A data-driven approach to measure restaurant 23 Q1 23,00 1,00 1
performance by combining online reviews with historical sales data. International Journal of Hospitality
Management. 94

ISTAR 80580 2021 Piccinelli, S., Moro, S. & Rita, P. (2021). Air-travelers' concerns emerging from online comments during the COVID- 31 Q1 27,83 1,11 1
19 outbreak. Tourism Management. 85

ISTAR 80860 2021 Santos, R., Leonardo, R., Barandas, M., Moreira, D., Rocha, T., Alves, P....Gamboa, H. (2021). Crowdsourcing- 13 Q1 9,26 1,40 1
based fingerprinting for indoor location in multi-storey buildings. IEEE Access. 9, 31143-31160


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

ISTAR 84959 2021 Peyroteo, M., Ferreira, I. A., Elvas, L. B., Ferreira, J. & Lapão, L. V. (2021). Remote monitoring systems for patients 17 Q1 11,04 1,54 1
with chronic diseases in primary health care: systematic review. JMIR mhealth and uhealth. 9 (12), e28285

ISTAR 72673 2021 Rita, P., Ramos, R., Moro, S., Mealha, M. & Radu, L. (2021). Online dating apps as a marketing channel: a 14 Q1 8,87 1,58 1
generational approach. European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 30 (1)

ISTAR 81891 2021 Aparicio, M., Costa, C. & Rafael Moises (2021). Gamification and reputation: key determinants of e-commerce 33 Q1 8,35 3,95 3
usage and repurchase intention. Heliyon. 7 (3), e06383

ISTAR 82149 2021 J. P. S. Lemos & Paulo Luz (2021). All fundamental electrically charged thin shells in general relativity: From star 6 Q1 10,28 0,58 0
shells to tension shell black holes, regular black holes, and beyond. Physical Review D. 103 (10)

ISTAR 81653 2021 Rosario, V. M. Do, Breternitz, M. & Borin, E. (2021). Efficiency and scalability of Multi-Lane Capsule Networks 3 Q1 10,29 0,29 0
(MLCN). Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 155, 63-73

ISTAR 79610 2021 Muñoz-Leiva, F., Rodríguez-López, M. E., Liébana-Cabanillas, F. & Moro, S. (2021). Past, present, and future 10 Q1 9,51 1,05 1
research on self-service merchandising: A co-word and text mining approach. European Journal of Marketing. 55
(8), 2269-2307

ISTAR 76305 2020 Serpa, F. & Eloy, S. (2020). How non-designers understand the architecture design project: a comparative study 3 Q1 3,63 0,83 0
using immersive virtual reality. Interaction Design and Architecture(s). 45, 287- 301

ISTAR 64284 2020 Jerónimo, P., Resende, R. & Fortunato, E. (2020). An assessment of contact and laser-based scanning of rock 15 Q1 13,63 1,10 1
particles for railway ballast. Transportation Geotechnics. 22

ISTAR 64067 2020 Fernandes, N., Moro, S., Costa, C. & Aparicio, M. (2020). Factors influencing charter flight departure delay. 11 Q1 11,75 0,94 0
Research in Transportation Business and Management. 34

ISTAR 49225 2020 Moro, S., Pires, G., Rita, P. & Cortez, P. (2020). A cross-cultural case study of consumers' communications about a 13 Q1 30,33 0,43 0
new technological product. Journal of Business Research. 121, 438-447

DCET + ISTAR 73035 2020 Brandão, F., Paio, A. & Lopes, A. (2020). Triangulation algorithms for generating as-Is floor plans. Nexus Network 1 Q1 1,37 0,73 0
Journal. 22 (3), 683-700

ISTAR 60494 2020 Pascoal, R., de Almeida, A. & Sofia, R. C. (2020). Mobile pervasive augmented reality systems - MPARS: the role of 5 Q1 13,27 0,38 0
user preferences in perceived quality of experience in outdoor applications. ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology. 20 (1), 1-17

ISTAR 60510 2020 Pedrosa, I., Costa, C. & Aparicio, M. (2020). Determinants adoption of computer assisted auditing tools (CAATs). 24 Q1 9,46 2,54 2
Cognition, Technology and Work. 22 (3), 565-583


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU + ISTAR 50022 2020 Santos, M. R. C., Laureano, R. M. S. & Moro, S. (2020). Unveiling research trends for organizational reputation in 23 Q1 7,49 3,07 3
the nonprofit sector. Voluntas. 81 (1), 56-70

ISTAR 73589 2020 M.Breternitz, Leandro Araujo, L.Verona, F.Rangel, F.Firmino, al (2020). Weightless neural 12 Q1 19,55 0,61 0
networks as memory segmented bloom filters . Neurocomputing. Volume 416 (27 November 2020)

ISTAR 60790 2020 Gonçalves, S., Cortez, P. & Moro, S. (2020). A deep learning classifier for sentence classification in biomedical and 23 Q1 17,51 1,31 1
computer science abstracts. Neural Computing and Applications. 32 (11), 6793-6807

ISTAR + IT 70527 2020 Pestana, M., Pereira, R. & Moro, S. (2020). Improving health care management in hospitals through a productivity 19 Q1 16,39 1,16 1
dashboard. Journal of Medical Systems. 44 (4)

ISTAR + IT 73094 2020 Moro, S., Lopes, R. J., Esmerado, J. & Botelho, M. (2020). Service quality in airport hotel chains through the lens 21 Q1 29,80 0,70 0
of online reviewers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 56

ISTAR 77970 2020 Gasiba, T., Lechner, U. & Pinto-Albuquerque, M. (2020). Sifu - a cybersecurity awareness platform with challenge 14 Q1 14,74 0,95 0
assessment and intelligent coach. Cybersecurity. 3

ISTAR 71317 2020 Moro, S. (2020). Guest satisfaction in East and West: evidence from online reviews of the influence of cultural 11 Q1 12,14 0,91 0
origin in two major gambling cities, Las Vegas and Macau. Tourism Recreation Research. 45 (4), 539-548

ISTAR 73111 2020 Fuchs, A., Queirós, S. M. D., Lind, P. G., Girard, A., Bouchet, F., Wächter, M....Peinke, J. (2020). Small scale 6 Q1 8,35 0,72 0
structures of turbulence in terms of entropy and fluctuation theorems. Physical Review Fluids. 5 (3), 1-10

ISTAR 70824 2020 De Mendizabal, I. V., Basto-Fernandes, V., Ezpeleta, E,, Méndez, J. R. & Zurutuza, U. (2020). SDRS: a new lossless 4 Q1 26,61 0,15 0
dimensionality reduction for text corpora. Information Processing and Management. 57 (4)

ISTAR 59822 2020 Silva, A., Mendonça, R. & Santana, P. (2020). Monocular trail detection and tracking aided by visual SLAM for 9 Q1 10,48 0,86 0
small unmanned aerial vehicles. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 97 (3-4), 531-551

ISTAR 68298 2020 García-García, D. & Tierz, M. (2020). Toeplitz minors and specializations of skew Schur polynomials. Journal of 8 Q1 3,65 2,19 2
Combinatorial Theory, Series A. 172

BRU + ISTAR 64225 2020 San-Payo, G., Ferreira, J., Santos, P. & Martins, A. (2020). Machine learning for quality control system. Journal of 5 Q1 14,28 0,35 0
Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 11 (11), 4491-4500

ISTAR 81892 2020 Costa, C., Aparicio, M. & Joao Raposo (2020). Determinants of the management learning performance in ERP 28 Q1 11,20 2,50 2
context. Heliyon. 6 (4), e03689


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

ISTAR + IT 60903 2020 Phillips; P., Antonio, N., de Almeida, A. & Nunes, L. (2020). The influence of geographic and psychic distance on 24 Q1 30,02 0,80 0
online hotel ratings. Journal of Travel Research. 59 (4), 722-741

ISTAR 62470 2019 Moro, S., Esmerado, J., Ramos, P. & Alturas, B. (2019). Evaluating a guest satisfaction model through data mining. 32 Q1 32,52 0,98 0
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 32 (4), 1523-1538

ISTAR 47377 2019 Barraza, N., Moro, S., Ferreyra, M. & de la Peña, A. (2019). Mutual information and sensitivity analysis for feature 27 Q1 13,56 1,99 1
selection in customer targeting: a comparative study. Journal of Information Science. 45 (1), 53-67

ISTAR 60976 2019 Luz, R., Corujeira, J., Grisoni, L., Giraud, F., Silva, J. L. & Ventura, R. (2019). On the use of haptic tablets for UGV 4 Q1 18,87 0,21 0
teleoperation in unstructured environments: system design and evaluation. IEEE Access. 7, 95443-95454

ISTAR + BRU 57140 2019 Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A., Rodrigues, H. & Costa, C. J. (2019). Assessing consumer literacy on financial complex 18 Q1 18,24 0,99 0
products. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. 22, 93-104

ISTAR 50745 2019 Moro, S., Rita, P., Ramos, P. & Esmerado, J. (2019). Analysing recent augmented and virtual reality developments 42 Q1 19,29 2,18 2
in tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 10 (4), 571-586

ISTAR 62013 2019 Sequeira, J., Louçã, J., Mendes, A. M. & Lind, P. G. (2019). Transition from endemic behavior to eradication of 6 Q1 9,54 0,63 0
malaria due to combined drug therapies: an agent-model approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 484

ISTAR 48702 2019 Aparicio, M., Oliveira, T., Bação, F. & Painho, M. (2019). Gamification: a key determinant of massive open online 175 Q1 36,63 4,78 3
course (MOOC) success. Information and Management. 56 (1), 39-54

ISTAR 41810 2019 Frey, S., Rashid, A., Anthonysamy, P., Pinto-Albuquerque, M. & Naqvi, S. A. (2019). The good, the bad and the 35 Q1 28,54 1,23 1
ugly: a study of security decisions in a cyber-physical systems game. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
45 (5), 521-536

CIES + ISTAR 59476 2019 Correia, R., Vieira, J. & Aparicio, M. (2019). Community radio stations sustainability model: an open-source 9 Q1 2,76 3,26 3
solution. Radio Journal. 17 (1), 29-45

ISTAR 55637 2019 Moro, S., Pires, G., Rita, P. & Cortez, P. (2019). A text mining and topic modelling perspective of ethnic marketing 45 Q1 36,16 1,24 1
research. Journal of Business Research. 103, 275-285

ISTAR 50015 2019 Moro, S., Ramos, P., Esmerado, J. & Jalali, S. M. J. (2019). Can we trace back hotel online reviews’ characteristics 65 Q1 71,70 0,91 0
using gamification features?. International Journal of Information Management. 44, 88-95

ISTAR 61316 2019 Ramos, R., Rita, P. & Moro, S. (2019). From institutional websites to social media and mobile applications: a 30 Q1 22,90 1,31 1
usability perspective. European Research on Management and Business Economics. 25 (3), 138-144


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

BRU + ISTAR 50821 2019 Loureiro, S. M. C., Guerreiro, J., Eloy, S., Langaro, D. & Panchapakesan, P. (2019). Understanding the use of Virtual 151 Q1 36,16 4,18 3
Reality in Marketing: a text mining-based review. Journal of Business Research. 100, 514-530

ISTAR 53382 2019 Ruano-Ordás, D., Yevseyeva, I., Basto-Fernandes, V., Méndez, J. R. & Emmerichd, M. T. M. (2019). Improving the 16 Q1 35,73 0,45 0
drug discovery process by using multiple classifier systems. Expert Systems with Applications. 121, 292-303

BRU + ISTAR 52372 2019 Costa, A., Guerreiro, J., Moro, S. & Henriques, R. (2019). Unfolding the characteristics of incentivized online 32 Q1 35,16 0,91 0
reviews. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 47, 272-281

DCET + ISTAR 49821 2019 Brochado, A., Rita, P., Oliveira, C. & Oliveira, F. (2019). Airline passengers’ perceptions of service quality: themes 74 Q1 32,52 2,28 2
in online reviews. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 31 (2), 855-873

ISTAR 59805 2019 Vanderson Martins do Rosario, Borin, Edson & Breternitz, M. (2019). The multi-lane capsule network (MLCN). 44 Q1 17,00 2,59 2
IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 26 (7), 1-1

ISTAR + IT 59039 2019 Moro, S., Batista, F., Rita, P., Oliveira, C. & Ribeiro, R. (2019). Are the States United? An analysis of US hotels’ 11 Q1 19,22 0,57 0
offers through TripAdvisor’s eyes. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 43 (7), 1112-1129

ISTAR + IT 60068 2019 António, N., de Almeida, A. & Nunes, L. (2019). Big data in hotel revenue management: exploring cancellation 44 Q1 12,48 3,53 3
drivers to gain insights into booking cancellation behavior. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 60 (4), 298-319

ISTAR + IT 63147 2019 Ramos, R. P:, Oliveira, S. M., Vieira, S. M. & Christensen, A. L. (2019). Evolving flocking in embodied agents based 7 Q1 13,22 0,53 0
on local and global application of Reynolds’ rules. PLoS One. 14 (10)

DCET + ISTAR 49347 2019 Brochado, A., Rita, P. & Moro, S. (2019). Discovering the patterns of online reviews of hostels in Beijing and 3 Q1 7,33 0,41 0
Lisbon. Journal of China Tourism Research. 15 (2), 172-191

ISTAR 50372 2019 Romão, M. T., Moro, S., Rita, P. & Ramos, P. (2019). Leveraging a luxury fashion brand through social media. 27 Q1 22,90 1,18 1
European Research on Management and Business Economics. 25 (1), 15-22

ISTAR + IT 60634 2019 António, N., de Almeida, A. & Nunes, L. (2019). An automated machine learning based decision support system to 13 Q1 7,14 1,82 1
predict hotel booking cancellations. Data Science Journal. 18 (1), 1-20

ISTAR + BRU 60901 2019 Rodrigues, L. F., Oliveira, A. & Rodrigues, H. (2019). Main gamification concepts: a systematic mapping study. 60 Q1 13,14 4,57 3
Heliyon. 5 (7), 1-13

ISTAR 60655 2019 Moro, S., Rita, P., Esmerado, J. & Oliveira, C. (2019). Unfolding the drivers for sentiments generated by Airbnb 11 Q1 9,95 1,11 1
experiences. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research. 13 (4), 430-442


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

ISTAR 60152 2019 Costa, J. M. & Miranda, G. L. (2019). Using alice software with 4C-ID Model: effects in programming knowledge 10 Q1 11,98 0,83 0
and logical reasoning. Informatics in Education. 18 (1), 1-15

ISTAR 62712 2019 Santos, T., Louçã, J. & Coelho, H. (2019). The digital transformation of the public sphere. Systems Research and 5 Q1 8,39 0,60 0
Behavioral Science. 36 (6), 778-788

ISTAR 62713 2019 Fonseca, A. F., Bandyopadhyay, S., Louçã, J. & Manjaly, J. (2019). Caste in the news – a computational analysis of 3 Q1 19,00 0,16 0
Indian newspapers. Social Media + Society. 5 (4), 1-7

ISTAR 41220 2018 Fonseca, A. & Louçã, Jorge (2018). How things become popular: a probabilistic approach for online popularity. 0 Q1 22,36 0,00 0
Social Science Computer Review. 36 (2), 176-194

ISTAR 45829 2018 Rita, P., Oliveira, T., Estorninho, A. & Moro, S. (2018). Mobile services adoption in a hospitality consumer context. 33 Q1 11,25 2,93 2
International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research. 12 (1), 143-158

ISTAR + IT 37894 2018 Duarte, M., Gomes, J., Oliveira, S. & Christensen, A. L. (2018). Evolution of repertoire-based control for robots 38 Q1 69,22 0,55 0
with complex locomotor systems. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 22 (2), 314-328

ISTAR 47370 2018 Zhao, J., Jiao, L., Liu, F., Basto-Fernandes, V., Yevseyeva, I., Xia, S....Emmerichd, M. T. M. (2018). 3D fast convex- 17 Q1 39,14 0,43 0
hull-based evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithm. Applied Soft Computing. 67, 322-336

ISTAR 47892 2018 Traphan, D., Wester, T. T. B., Gülker, G., Peinke, J. & Lind, P. G. (2018). Aerodynamics and percolation: unfolding 6 Q1 67,02 0,09 0
laminar separation bubble on Airfoils. Physical Review X. 8 (2)

ISTAR + IT 48694 2018 Moro, S., Rita, P., Oliveira, C., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2018). Leveraging national tourist offices through data 6 Q1 11,25 0,53 0
analytics. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research. 12 (4), 420-426

ISTAR 48697 2018 Zhao, J., Jiao, L., Xia, S., Basto-Fernandes, V., Yevseyeva, I., Zhou, Y....Emmerichd, M. T. M. (2018). Multiobjective 35 Q1 34,44 1,02 1
sparse ensemble learning by means of evolutionary algorithms. Decision Support Systems. 111, 86-100

ISTAR + IT 50746 2018 Antonio, N., de Almeida, A. M., Nunes, L., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2018). Hotel online reviews: creating a multi- 21 Q1 37,03 0,57 0
source aggregated index. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 30 (12), 3574-3591

ISTAR + IT 46663 2018 Antonio, N., de Almeida, A., Nunes, L., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2018). Hotel online reviews: different languages, 23 Q1 24,26 0,95 0
different opinions. Information Technology and Tourism. 18 (1-4), 157-185

ISTAR 47179 2018 Canito, J., Ramos, P., Moro, S. & Rita, P. (2018). Unfolding the relations between companies and technologies 36 Q1 48,25 0,75 0
under the Big Data umbrella. Computers in Industry. 99, 1-8


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ISTAR 38995 2018 Monteiro, V., Ferreira, J. C., Melendez, A. A. N., Couto, C. & Afonso, J. L. (2018). Experimental validation of a 117 Q1 36,07 3,24 3
novel architecture based on a dual-stage converter for off-board fast battery chargers of electric vehicles. IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 67 (2), 1000-1011

ISTAR 39784 2018 Moro, S., Rita, P. & Oliveira, C. (2018). Factors influencing hotels’ online prices. Journal of Hospitality Marketing 45 Q1 39,83 1,13 1
and Management. 27 (4), 443-464

ISTAR 54640 2018 Jardim-Gonçalves, R., Cretan, A., Coutinho, C., Agostinho, C. & Bratu, B. (2018). Coordinating negotiations in data- 2 Q1 19,11 0,10 0
intensive collaborative working environments using an agent-based model-driven platform. Enterprise
Information Systems. 12 (8-9), 1100-1128

ISTAR 37758 2018 Amado, A., Cortez, P., Rita, P. & Moro, S. (2018). Research trends on Big Data in Marketing: a text mining and 190 Q1 25,06 7,58 3
topic modeling based literature analysis. European Research on Management and Business Economics. 24, 1-7

ISTAR + IT 48795 2018 Gomes, J., Oliveira, S. M. & Christensen, A. L. (2018). An approach to evolve and exploit repertoires of general 10 Q1 45,72 0,22 0
robot behaviours. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 43, 265-283

ISTAR 40860 2018 Paulo, M. M., Rita, P., Oliveira, T. & Moro, S. (2018). Understanding mobile augmented reality adoption in a 46 Q1 21,98 2,09 2
consumer context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. 9 (2), 142-157

ISTAR 37542 2018 Moro, S. & Rita, P. (2018). Brand strategies in social media in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of 105 Q1 37,03 2,84 2
Contemporary Hospitality Management. 30 (1), 343-364

ISTAR 48058 2018 Silva, A. T., Moro, S., Rita, P. & Cortez, P. (2018). Unveiling the features of successful eBay smartphone sellers. 19 Q1 39,40 0,48 0
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services . 43, 311-324

DCET + ISTAR 42686 2018 Paio, A., Osório, F. C., Oliveira, S. M., Valenti, Graziano Mario & Guimarães, N. (2018). Architecture In-Play, future 0 Q1 2,28 0,00 0
challenges. Nexus Network Journal. 20 (1), 15-30

DCET + ISTAR 49603 2018 Brochado, A., Oliveira, C., Rita, P. & Oliveira-Brochado, F. (2018). Shopping centres beyond purchasing of luxury 16 Q1 9,60 1,67 1
goods: a tourism perspective . Annals of Leisure Research. N/A

ISTAR 50371 2018 Paixão, A., Resende, R. & Fortunato, E. (2018). Photogrammetry for digital reconstruction of railway ballast 43 Q1 31,85 1,35 1
particles – a cost-efficient method. Construction and Building Materials. 191, 963-976

ISTAR 41420 2018 Cidral, W. A., Oliveira, T., Di Felice, M. & Aparicio, M. (2018). E-learning success determinants: Brazilian empirical 345 Q1 56,07 6,15 3
study. Computers and Education. 122, 273-290

ISTAR + CIS 47318 2018 Graça, J., Calheiros, M. M., Oliveira, A. & Milfont, T. L. (2018). Why are women less likely to support animal 68 Q1 16,44 4,14 3
exploitation than men? The mediating roles of social dominance orientation and empathy. Personality and
Individual Differences. 129, 66-69


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus Q1 SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

ISTAR 45808 2018 Stellacci, S., Rato, V., Poletti, E., Vasconcelos, G. & Borsoi, G. (2018). Multi-criteria analysis of rehabilitation 13 Q1 27,46 0,47 0
techniques for traditional timber frame walls in Pombalino buildings (Lisbon). Journal of Building Engineering. 16,

Total P_Imp_Artigo 83


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Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

it _iscte

UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

ISTAR + IT-Iscte IT 88597 2022 Moura, J. & Hutchison, D. (2022). Resilience enhancement at edge cloud systems. IEEE Access. 10, 45190-45206 5 Q1 4,82 1,04 1

IT-Iscte IT 91167 2022 Boella, E., Schoeffler, K. M., Shulka, N., Innocenti, M. E., Lapenta, G, Fonseca, R. A....Silva, L. O. (2022). Interaction 1 Q1 3,32 0,30 0
between electrostatic collisionless shocks generates strong magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics. 24 (6)

IT-Iscte IT 91168 2022 Verra, L., Della Porta, G. V., Pucek, J., Nechaeva, T., Wyler, S., Bergamaschi, M....Zepp, M. (2022). Controlled growth of 9 Q1 8,57 1,05 1
the self-modulation of a relativistic proton bunch in plasma. Physical Review Letters. 129 (2)

IT-Iscte IT 89899 2022 Santos, K. C. , Fernandes, C. A. & Costa, J. R. (2022). Feasibility of bone fracture detection using microwave imaging. 4 Q1 3,84 1,04 1
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 3, 836-847

IT-Iscte IT 90970 2022 Raposo, F., De Matos, D. & Ribeiro, R. (2022). Learning low-dimensional semantics for music and language via multi- 1 Q1 2,99 0,33 0
subject fMRI. Neuroinformatics. 20 (2), 451-461

IT-Iscte IT 95859 2022 Viana, J., Madeira, J., Nidhi, Sebastião, P., Cercas, F., Mihovska, A....Dinis, R. (2022). Increasing reliability on UAV fading 2 Q1 4,82 0,41 0
scenarios. IEEE Access. 10, 30959-30973

IT-Iscte IT 89466 2022 Alves, T. M. F. , Cartaxo, A. & Rebola, J. (2022). DD-OOK multicore fiber systems impaired by intercore crosstalk and 3 Q1 5,38 0,56 0
laser phase noise. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 40 (5), 1544-1551

ISTAR + IT-Iscte IT 83360 2022 Magalhães, F., Monteiro, J., Acebron, J. A. & Herrero, J. R. (2022). A distributed Monte Carlo based linear algebra 4 Q1 9,17 0,44 0
solver applied to the analysis of large complex networks. Future Generation Computer Systems. 127, 220-230

IT-Iscte IT 92327 2022 Jacob Rodrigues, M., Postolache, O. & Cercas, F. (2022). Unobtrusive cardio-respiratory assessment for different 0 Q1 4,73 0,00 0
indoor environmental conditions. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (23), 23243-23257

IT-Iscte IT 92329 2022 Chen, X., Wu, X., Prasad, D. K., Wu, B., Postolache, O. & Yang, Y. (2022). Pixel-wise ship identification from maritime 6 Q1 4,73 1,27 1
images via a semantic segmentation model. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (18), 18180-18191

IT-Iscte IT 92330 2022 Guo, L., Postolache, O., Ma, L. & Shi, Y. (2022). Acoustic observation, identification, and scattering intensity 1 Q1 5,97 0,17 0
measurement of cold seep based on bubble resonance. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 71

IT-Iscte IT 92335 2022 Mi, C., Chen, J., Zhang, Z., Huang, S. & Postolache, O. (2022). Visual sensor network task scheduling algorithm at 17 Q1 4,73 3,59 3
automated container terminal. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (6), 6042-6051

IT-Iscte IT 90338 2022 Santos, M., Ribeiro, R., Batista, F. & Correia, A. (2022). Examining Airbnb guest satisfaction tendencies: A text mining 3 Q1 10,23 0,29 0
approach. Current Issues in Tourism. 25 (22), 3607-3622

IT-Iscte IT + BRU 81412 2021 Mendes, S., Soares, H. & Miró-Roig, M. (2021). Vector bundles E on P^3 with homological dimension 2 and chi(End 0 Q1 1,77 0,00 0
E)=1. Forum Mathematicum. 33 (3), 808-820


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

IT-Iscte IT + ISTAR 82438 2021 Almeida, H., Lopes, R. J., Carrilho, J.M. & Eloy, S. (2021). Unfolding the dynamical structure of Lisbon’s public space: 2 Q1 5,28 0,38 0
space syntax and micromobility data. Applied Network Science. 6 (1)

IT-Iscte IT 87061 2021 Batsch, F., Muggli, P., Agnello, R., Ahdida, C. C., Amoedo Goncalves, M. C., Andrebe, Y....Della Porta, G. Z. (2021). 16 Q1 17,58 0,91 0
Transition between instability and seeded self-modulation of a relativistic particle bunch in plasma. Physical Review
Letters. 126 (16)

IT-Iscte IT 84758 2021 Savazzi, M., Felício, J. M., Costa, J. R., Fernandes, C. A. & Conceição, R. (2021). Study of freezing and defrosting effects 3 Q1 9,65 0,31 0
on complex permittivity of biological tissues. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 20 (12), 2210-2214

IT-Iscte IT 81944 2021 Moura, F. & Rodrigues, J. (2021). Eikonal quasinormal modes and shadow of string-corrected d-dimensional black 17 Q1 9,27 1,83 1
holes. Physics Letters B. 819

IT-Iscte IT 79141 2021 Lopez, O. L. A., Monteiro, F. A., Alves, H., Zhang, R. & Latva-Aho, M. (2021). A low-complexity beamforming design for 11 Q1 13,45 0,82 0
multiuser wireless energy transfer. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 10 (1), 58-62

IT-Iscte IT 74544 2021 Pinheiro, B. R. P., Rebola, J. L. & Cartaxo, A. V. T. (2021). Analysis of inter-core crosstalk in weakly-coupled multi-core 6 Q1 10,64 0,56 0
fiber coherent systems. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 39 (1), 42-54

ISTAR + IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 84016 2021 Azinhaes, J., Batista, F. & Ferreira, J. (2021). eWOM for public institutions: application to the case of the Portuguese 2 Q1 6,69 0,30 0
Army. Social Network Analysis and Mining. 11 (1)

IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 82483 2021 Santana, P., Almeida, A., Mariano, P., Correia, C., Martins, V. & Almeida, S. M. (2021). Air quality mapping and 15 Q1 22,61 0,66 0
visualisation: An affordable solution based on a vehicle-mounted sensor network. Journal of Cleaner Production. 315

IT-Iscte BRU + IT 81731 2021 Veiga Simão, A. M., Ferreira, P., Pereira, N., Oliveira, S., Paulino, P., Rosa, H....Trancoso, I. (2021). Prosociality in 6 Q1 11,32 0,53 0
cyberspace: Developing emotion and behavioral regulation to decrease aggressive communication. Cognitive
Computation. 13 (3), 736-750

ISTAR + IT-Iscte IT 92489 2021 Xu, B., Li, J., Yang, Y., Wu, H., Dai, W. & Postolache, O. (2021). Exploring the resilience of uncertain nonlinear handling 1 Q1 9,26 0,11 0
chain systems in container ports with a novel sliding mode control. IEEE Access. 9, 35888-35899

IT-Iscte IT 81488 2021 Chappell, J., Adli, E., Agnello, R., Aladi, M., Andrebe, Y, Apsimon, O....Della Porta, G. Z. (2021). Experimental study of 3 Q1 3,56 0,84 0
extended timescale dynamics of a plasma wakefield driven by a self-modulated proton bunch. Physical Review
Accelerators and Beams. 24 (1)

IT-Iscte IT 84819 2021 Raposo, F., De Matos, D. & Ribeiro, R. (2021). Assessing kinetic meaning of music and dance via deep cross-modal 6 Q1 12,41 0,48 0
retrieval. Neural Computing and Applications. 33 (21), 14481-14493

IT-Iscte IT 78171 2021 Postolache, O., Alexandre, R., Geman, O., Hemanth, D. J., Gupta, D. & Khanna, A. (2021). Remote monitoring of 48 Q1 31,98 1,50 1
physical rehabilitation of stroke patients using IoT and Virtual Reality. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications. 39 (2), 562-573

IT-Iscte IT 78176 2021 Fu, X., Yang, Y. & Postolache, O. (2021). Sustainable multipath routing protocol for multi-sink wireless sensor networks 25 Q1 8,59 2,91 2
in harsh environments. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 6 (1), 168-181


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

IT-Iscte IT 79716 2021 Sinha, U., Schoeffler, K. M., Martins, J. L., Vieira, J., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2021). Magnetized current filaments as 0 Q1 4,61 0,00 0
a source of circularly polarized light. Journal of Plasma Physics. 87 (1)

IT-Iscte IT 95858 2021 Brito, A., Sebastião, P. & Velez, F. J. (2021). Hybrid matched filter detection spectrum sensing. IEEE Access. 9, 165504- 11 Q1 9,26 1,19 1

IT-Iscte IT 82560 2021 Ferreira, R, Pereira, R., Bianchi, I. S. & Silva, M. M. (2021). Decision factors for remote work adoption: Advantages, 39 Q1 10,29 3,79 3
disadvantages, driving forces and challenges. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 7 (1)

IT-Iscte IT 74627 2021 Miller, K. G. , Lee, R. P., Tableman, A., Helm, A, Fonseca, R. A., Decyk, V. K....Mori, W. B. (2021). Dynamic load 10 Q1 10,59 0,94 0
balancing with enhanced shared-memory parallelism for particle-in-cell codes. Computer Physics Communications.

IT-Iscte IT 77964 2021 Li, F., Miller, K. G., Xu, X., Tsung, F. S., Decyk, V. K., An, W....Mori, W. B. (2021). A new field solver for modeling of 12 Q1 10,59 1,13 1
relativistic particle-laser interactions using the particle-in-cell algorithm. Computer Physics Communications. 258

IT-Iscte IT 81553 2021 Li, F., Decyk, V. K., Miller, K. G., Tableman, A., Tsung, F. S., Vranic, M....Mori, W. B. (2021). Accurately simulating nine- 13 Q1 9,01 1,44 1
dimensional phase space of relativistic particles in strong fields. Journal of Computational Physics. 438

IT-Iscte IT 83605 2021 Alves, E. P., Trines, R. M. G., Humphrey K. A., Bingham, R., Cairns, R. A., Fiuza, F....Silva, L. O. (2021). A robust plasma- 3 Q1 4,60 0,65 0
based laser amplifier via stimulated Brillouin scattering. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 63 (11)

IT-Iscte IT 83104 2021 Grismayer, T., Torres, R., Carneiro, P., Cruz, F., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2021). Quantum electrodynamics vacuum 7 Q1 6,96 1,01 1
polarization solver. New Journal of Physics. 23 (9)

IT-Iscte IT 81837 2021 Glória, A. & Sebastião, P. (2021). Autonomous configuration of communication systems for IoT smart nodes supported 7 Q1 9,26 0,76 0
by machine learning. IEEE Access. 9, 75021-75034

IT-Iscte IT + ISTAR 83124 2021 Pereira, L. R., Lopes, R. J., Louçã, J., Araújo, D. & Ramos, J. (2021). The soccer game, bit by bit: An information- 1 Q1 18,90 0,05 0
theoretic analysis. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 152

IT-Iscte IT 69302 2021 Amorim, A. C., Silva, M. M. Da, Pereira, R. & Gonçalves, M. (2021). Using agile methodologies for adopting COBIT. 20 Q1 8,77 2,28 2
Information Systems. 101

IT-Iscte IT 83393 2021 Hamad, M., Conti, C., Nunes, P. & Soares, L. D. (2021). ALFO: Adaptive light field over-segmentation. IEEE Access. 9, 5 Q1 9,26 0,54 0

IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 77763 2021 Fernandes, E., Moro, S., Cortez, P., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2021). A data-driven approach to measure restaurant 23 Q1 23,00 1,00 1
performance by combining online reviews with historical sales data. International Journal of Hospitality Management.

IT-Iscte IT 86982 2021 Cartaxo, A. & Morgado, J. A. P. (2021). New expression for evaluating the mean crosstalk power in weakly-coupled 10 Q1 10,64 0,94 0
multi-core fibers. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 39 (6), 1830-1842


UI ID Ano Referência (formato APA) Citações Scopus SJR 2022 SUM IF (SJR) AII (SJR) P_Imp_Artigo

IT-Iscte IT 82888 2021 Guerreiro, N. M., Rei, R. & Batista, F. (2021). Towards better subtitles: A multilingual approach for punctuation 6 Q1 19,78 0,30 0
restoration of speech transcripts. Expert Systems with Applications. 186

IT-Iscte IT 78300 2021 Zhang, W. L., Grismayer, T., Schoeffler, K. M., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2021). High-order harmonic generation in 1 Q1 5,04 0,20 0
an electron-positron-ion plasma. Physical Review E. 103 (1)

IT-Iscte IT 86757 2021 Fu, X., Li, W., Yang, Y. & Postolache, O. (2021). Cascading failures analysis of wireless sensor networks with varying 18 Q1 9,37 1,92 1
routing schemes. IEEE Sensors Journal. 21 (8), 10193-10203

IT-Iscte IT 82409 2021 Monteiro, F. A., Lopez, O. L. A. & Alves, H. (2021). Massive wireless energy transfer with statistical CSI beamforming. 4 Q1 17,35 0,23 0
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 15 (5), 1169-1184

IT-Iscte IT 82924 2021 Velez, V., Pavia, J.P., Souto, N., Sebastião, P. & Correia, A. (2021). A generalized space-frequency index modulation 3 Q1 9,26 0,32 0
scheme for downlink MIMO transmissions with improved diversity. IEEE Access. 9, 118996-119009

IT-Iscte BRU + IT 83692 2021 Fernandes, P. M. V., Pereira, R., Wiedenhöft, G. & Costa, P. (2021). The individuals' discretionary behaviors at work. 3 Q1 8,35 0,36 0
An overview and analysis of its growing interest. Heliyon. 7 (10)

IT-Iscte IT 83696 2021 Trines, R. M. G., Alves, E. P., Humphrey, K. A., Bingham, R., Cairns, R. A., Fiuza, F....Silva, L. O. (2021). Boosting the 1 Q1 4,60 0,22 0
performance of Brillouin amplification at sub-quarter-critical densities via reduction of parasitic Raman scattering.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 63 (12)

IT-Iscte IT 82167 2021 Cortesão, R., Fernandes, D., Soares, G., Clemente, D., Sebastião, P. & Ferreira, L. S. (2021). Cloud-based 0 Q1 9,26 0,00 0
implementation of a SON radio resources planning system for mobile networks and integration in SaaS metric. IEEE
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IT-Iscte IT 83454 2021 Morales Guzmán, P. I., Muggli, P., Agnello, R., Ahdida, C. C., Aladi, M., Amoedo Goncalves, M. C. ...Della Porta, G. Z. 2 Q1 3,56 0,56 0
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IT-Iscte IT 65325 2020 Ribeiro, J., Lopes, R. J., Silva, P., Araújo, D., Barreira, D., Davids, K....Garganta, J. (2020). A multilevel hypernetworks 9 Q1 10,63 0,85 0
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IT-Iscte IT 76850 2020 Gorn, A., Turner, M., Adli, E, Agnello, R., Aladi, M. , Andrebe, Y. ...The AWAKE collaboration (2020). Proton beam 6 Q1 7,12 0,84 0
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IT-Iscte IT 72523 2020 Silva, T., Schoeffler, K. M., Vieira, J., Hoshino, M., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2020). Anisotropic heating and 10 Q1 13,13 0,76 0
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IT-Iscte IT 68732 2020 Correia, A., Souto, N., Sebastião, P., Gomez-Barquero, D. & Fuentes, M. (2020). Broadcasting scalable video with 3 Q1 13,55 0,22 0
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IT-Iscte IT 76168 2020 Del Gaudio, F., Grismayer, T., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2020). Compton scattering in particle-in-cell codes. Journal 10 Q1 6,65 1,50 1
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IT-Iscte IT 77960 2020 Braunmuller, F., Nechaeva, T., Adli, E., Agnello, R., Aladi, M., Andrebe, Y....Della Porta, G. Z. (2020). Proton bunch self- 6 Q1 26,63 0,23 0
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IT-Iscte IT 77961 2020 Del Gaudio, F., Fonseca, R. A., Silva, L. O. & Grismayer, T. (2020). Plasma wakes driven by photon bursts via compton 7 Q1 26,63 0,26 0
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IT-Iscte IT 73434 2020 Monteiro, R., Rodrigues, N., Faria, S. M. M. & Nunes, P. (2020). Light field image coding based on hybrid data 5 Q1 13,55 0,37 0
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IT-Iscte IT 72670 2020 Ramos, J., Lopes, R. J. & Araújo, D. (2020). Interactions between soccer teams reveal both design and emergence: 6 Q1 24,78 0,24 0
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IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 60903 2020 Phillips; P., Antonio, N., de Almeida, A. & Nunes, L. (2020). The influence of geographic and psychic distance on online 24 Q1 30,02 0,80 0
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IT-Iscte IT 72808 2020 Shulka N, Schoeffler, K. M., Boella E, Silva, J., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, J. (2020). Interplay between the Weibel instability 14 Q1 13,13 1,07 1
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IT-Iscte IT 60165 2019 João M. Felício, J. Bioucas-Dias, Costa, J. R. & Carlos A Fernandes (2019). Antenna design and near-field 38 Q1 23,36 1,63 1
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IT-Iscte IT 58410 2019 Wen, H., Tsung, F. S., Mori, W. B., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2019). Petascale particle-in-cell simulations of kinetic 4 Q1 10,01 0,40 0
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IT-Iscte BRU + IT 36954 2019 Cunha, M. P. E., Fortes, A., Gomes, E. , Rego, A. & Rodrigues, F. (2019). Ambidextrous leadership, paradox and 46 Q1 18,42 2,50 2
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IT-Iscte IT 59229 2019 Verlekar, T., Vroey, H., Claeys, K., Hallez, H., Soares, L. D. & Correia, P. (2019). Estimation and validation of temporal 13 Q1 25,56 0,51 0
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IT-Iscte IT 65400 2019 Geman, O., Postolache, O., Chiuchisan, I., Prelipceanu, M., Ritambhara, B. & Hemanth, D. J. (2019). An intelligent 14 Q1 18,87 0,74 0
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IT-Iscte IT 64124 2019 Mayr, M. W., Ceurvorst, L., Kasim, M. F., Sadler, J. D., Spiers, B., Glize, K....Norreys, P. A. (2019). Wakefields in a 1 Q1 7,21 0,14 0
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IT-Iscte IT 60813 2019 Vranic, M., Grismayer, T., Meuren, S., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2019). Are we ready to transfer optical light to 8 Q1 8,39 0,95 0
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IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 59039 2019 Moro, S., Batista, F., Rita, P., Oliveira, C. & Ribeiro, R. (2019). Are the States United? An analysis of US hotels’ offers 11 Q1 19,22 0,57 0
through TripAdvisor’s eyes. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 43 (7), 1112-1129

IT-Iscte IT 61600 2019 Ribeiro, J., Davids, K. , Araújo, D., Silva, P., Ramos, J., Lopes, R. J....Garganta, J. (2019). The role of hypernetworks as a 27 Q1 35,73 0,76 0
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IT-Iscte IT 54177 2019 Tiago M. F. Alves & Cartaxo, A. V. T. (2019). Decorrelation bandwidth of intercore crosstalk in weakly-coupled 18 Q1 21,73 0,83 0
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IT-Iscte IT 59555 2019 Moura, F. (2019). Dilatonic black holes in superstring gravity. Physical Review D. 99 (8) 1 Q1 20,38 0,05 0

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IT-Iscte IT 54181 2019 Soeiro, R. O. J., Tiago M. F. Alves & Cartaxo, A. (2019). Inter-core crosstalk in weakly coupled MCFs with arbitrary core 8 Q1 17,06 0,47 0
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IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 63147 2019 Ramos, R. P:, Oliveira, S. M., Vieira, S. M. & Christensen, A. L. (2019). Evolving flocking in embodied agents based on 7 Q1 13,22 0,53 0
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IT-Iscte + ISTAR IT 61100 2019 Gschwendtner, E., Turner, M., Adli, E., Ahuja, A., Apsimon, O., Apsimon, R....Xia, G. (2019). Proton-driven plasma 8 Q1 15,83 0,51 0
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IT-Iscte IT 59069 2019 Raposo, F., de Matos, D. & Ribeiro, R. (2019). An information-theoretic approach to machine-oriented music 4 Q1 20,69 0,19 0
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IT-Iscte IT 60606 2019 Acebron, J. A. (2019). A Monte Carlo method for computing the action of a matrix exponential on a vector. Applied 5 Q1 16,27 0,31 0
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IT-Iscte BRU + IT 53713 2019 Rosa, H., Pereira, N., Ribeiro, R., Ferreira, P., Carvalho, J., Oliveira, S....Trancoso, I. (2019). Automatic cyberbullying 149 Q1 35,98 4,14 3
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IT-Iscte IT 61661 2019 Naseri, P., Matos, S., Lima, E. B., Costa, J. R., Fernandes, C. A. & Fonseca, N. J. G. (2019). Efficient evaluation of gradient 3 Q1 23,36 0,13 0
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IT-Iscte IT 49119 2019 Moura, J. & Hutchison, D. (2019). Game theory for multi-access edge computing: survey, use cases, and future trends. 140 Q1 152,20 0,92 0
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IT-Iscte IT 60647 2019 Lima, E. B., Costa, J. R. & Fernandes, C. A. (2019). Multiple-beam focal-plane dual-band fabry–pérot cavity antenna 9 Q1 23,36 0,39 0
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IT-Iscte IT 65784 2019 Cartaxo, A. & Tiago M. F. A. (2019). Corrections to “Impact of longitudinal variation of the coupling coefficient due to 0 Q1 21,73 0,00 0
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IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 37894 2018 Duarte, M., Gomes, J., Oliveira, S. & Christensen, A. L. (2018). Evolution of repertoire-based control for robots with 38 Q1 69,22 0,55 0
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IT-Iscte IT 49164 2018 Cruz, C. C., Fernandes, C. A., Matos, S. A. & Costa, J. R. (2018). Synthesis of shaped-beam radiation patterns at 19 Q1 28,79 0,66 0
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IT-Iscte IT 67631 2018 Prudêncio, F. & Silveirinha, M. G. (2018). Asymmetric Cherenkov emission in a topological plasmonic waveguide. 9 Q1 18,68 0,48 0
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IT-Iscte IT 38966 2018 Ramos, J., Lopes, R. J. & Araújo, D. (2018). What’s next in complex networks? Capturing the concept of attacking play 34 Q1 42,99 0,79 0
in invasive team sports. Sports Medicine. 48 (1), 17-28

IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 48694 2018 Moro, S., Rita, P., Oliveira, C., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2018). Leveraging national tourist offices through data analytics. 6 Q1 11,25 0,53 0
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IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 50746 2018 Antonio, N., de Almeida, A. M., Nunes, L., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2018). Hotel online reviews: creating a multi-source 21 Q1 37,03 0,57 0
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IT-Iscte ISTAR + IT 46663 2018 Antonio, N., de Almeida, A., Nunes, L., Batista, F. & Ribeiro, R. (2018). Hotel online reviews: different languages, 23 Q1 24,26 0,95 0
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IT-Iscte IT 48467 2018 Shulka, N., Vieira, J., Muggli, P., Sarri, G., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2018). Conditions for the onset of the current 16 Q1 10,88 1,47 1
filamentation instability in the laboratory. Journal of Plasma Physics. 84 (3)

IT-Iscte IT 52567 2018 Davoine, X., Fiuza, F., Fonseca, R. A., Mori, W. B. & Silva, J. (2018). Ion-channel laser growth rate and beam quality 7 Q1 10,88 0,64 0
requirements. Journal of Plasma Physics. 84 (3)

IT-Iscte IT 46169 2018 Boella, E., Fiuza, F., Novo, A. S., Fonseca, R. & Silva, L. O. (2018). Ion acceleration in electrostatic collisionless shock: on 12 Q1 12,97 0,93 0
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IT-Iscte IT 52569 2018 Adli, E., Ahuja, A., Apsimon, O., Apsimon, R., Bachmann, A.-M., Barrientos, D....Xia, G. (2018). Acceleration of electrons 160 Q1 82,55 1,94 1
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IT-Iscte IT 46170 2018 Vranic, M., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2018). Extremely intense laser-based electron acceleration in a plasma 26 Q1 12,97 2,00 2
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IT-Iscte IT 53597 2018 López, A., Fernández, M., Rodríguez, H., Ferrero, F. & Postolache, O. (2018). Development of an EOG-based system to 16 Q1 23,64 0,68 0
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IT-Iscte IT 54109 2018 Alves, T. M. F. & Cartaxo, A. V. T. (2018). Characterization of the stochastic time evolution of short-term average 39 Q1 21,15 1,84 1
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IT-Iscte IT 54110 2018 Soeiro, R. O. J., Tiago M. F. Alves & Cartaxo, A. V. T. (2018). Impact of longitudinal variation of the coupling coefficient 9 Q1 26,99 0,33 0
due to bending and twisting on inter-core crosstalk in weakly-coupled MCFs. Journal of Lightwave Technology. 36
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IT-Iscte IT 50275 2018 Conti, C., Soares, L. D. & Nunes, P. (2018). Light field coding with field of view scalability and exemplar-based inter- 22 Q1 37,08 0,59 0
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IT-Iscte IT 53604 2018 Yang, Y., Zhong, M., Dessouky, Y. & Postolache, O. (2018). An integrated scheduling method for AGV routing in 112 Q1 31,11 3,60 3
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IT-Iscte IT 47978 2018 João M. Felício, Costa, J. R. & C. A. Fernandes (2018). Dual-band skin-adhesive repeater antenna for continuous body 31 Q1 15,82 1,96 1
signals monitoring. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology. 2 (1), 25-32


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IT-Iscte IT 48517 2018 Lopes, H. & Souto, N. (2018). Iterative signal detection for large scale GSM-MIMO systems. IEEE Transactions on 9 Q1 36,07 0,25 0
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readiness for the study of the seeded self-modulation of a 400 GeV proton bunch. Plasma Physics and Controlled
Fusion. 60 (1)

IT 52118 2018 Naseri, P. , Matos, S., Costa, J. R., Fernandes, C. A. & Fonseca, N. J. G. (2018). Dual-band dual linear to circular 146 Q1 28,79 5,07 3
polarization converter in transmission mode-application to K/Ka-band satellite communications. IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation. 66 (12), 7128-7137

ISTAR + IT 48795 2018 Gomes, J., Oliveira, S. M. & Christensen, A. L. (2018). An approach to evolve and exploit repertoires of general robot 10 Q1 45,72 0,22 0
behaviours. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. 43, 265-283

IT 50360 2018 Lopes, B., Catarino, S., Souto, N., Dinis, R. & Cercas, F. (2018). Robust joint synchronization and channel estimation 9 Q1 23,73 0,38 0
approach for frequency-selective environments. IEEE Access. 6, 53180-53190

IT 48585 2018 Inchingolo, G., Grismayer, T., Loureiro, N. F., Fonseca, R. A. & Silva, L. O. (2018). Fully kinetic large-scale simulations of 10 Q1 25,62 0,39 0
the collisionless magnetorotational instability. Astrophysical Journal. 859 (2)

IT 46577 2018 Naseri, P., Matos, S. A., Costa, J. R. & Fernandes, C. A. (2018). Phase-delay versus phase-rotation cells for circular 40 Q1 28,79 1,39 1
polarization transmit arrays - application to Satellite Ka-Band Beam steering. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation. 66 (3), 1236-1247

Total P_Imp_Artigo 72


Executado 2018-2022 it_iscte

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018-2022

Projetos Nacionais 13 765 € 22 055 € 202 707 € 92 905 € 103 769 € 435 201 €
Projeto estratégico FCT Prog - - - - 0€ 0€
Projeto estratégico FCT Base - - - - 0€ 0€
Projetos FCT - 284 € 82 312 € 7 245 € 34 834 € 124 674 €
Outros Programas - - 93 111 € - 58 354 € 151 465 €
Instituições Privadas 10 405 € 21 654 € 16 462 € 12 220 € 6 705 € 67 446 €
Organismos Públicos 3 360 € 117 € 10 823 € 73 440 € 3 876 € 91 615 €
it_iscte Projetos de Cooperação Nacional - - 0€ - 0€ 0€
Projetos Internacionais 21 472 € 18 492 € 18 275 € 17 216 € 21 681 € 97 136 €
Comissão Europeia 21 472 € 18 492 € 18 267 € 17 216 € 21 681 € 97 128 €
Outros Programas Internacionais - - - - 0€ 0€
Instituições Privadas - - - - 0€ 0€
Organismos Públicos - - - - 0€ 0€
Projetos de Cooperação Internacional - - 7€ - 0€ 7€
Total 35 238 € 40 547 € 220 982 € 110 121 € 125 450 € 532 337 €
Fonte: Relatório de Atividades do Iscte

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023

Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023 por UI

Prémios de I&D do Iscte

Atribuição dos Prémios de I&D do Iscte 2023 por UI

200 000,00 €
Impacto Executado Total 2023
bru_iscte 384 35,20% 2 187 513 € 8,48% 21,84% 43 680 €
cei_iscte 25 2,29% 2 289 062 € 8,88% 5,58% 11 168 €
cies_iscte 164 15,03% 8 241 210 € 31,96% 23,50% 46 991 €
cis_iscte 266 24,38% 5 661 585 € 21,96% 23,17% 46 336 €
cria_iscte 6 0,55% 836 433 € 3,24% 1,90% 3 794 €
dinâmia'cet_iscte 91 8,34% 4 815 547 € 18,67% 13,51% 27 015 €
istar_iscte 83 7,61% 1 223 462 € 4,74% 6,18% 12 352 €
it_iscte 72 6,60% 532 337 € 2,06% 4,33% 8 664 €

Revistas Predatórias Link Revista Link Predatory Reports
Frontiers in Communication
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Frontiers in Marine Science
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Frontiers in Public Health
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Smart Cities

Fonte: Predatory Journals (, novembro de 2023


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