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The Importance Of Mental Health In Today’s Era

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Ladies and gentlemen that I love and

honour. I am here not only to give a speech in front of you all, but also to convey how
important mental health is for teenagers and adults in this era. As we know that in this
era, the issue of mental health is very hotly discussed around the world. Mental health
was first discussed worldwide because of the many cases of mental disorders
experienced by teenagers and adults. Mental illness is a health condition that affects a
person's inner self, affecting their feelings, behaviour, thoughts, and moods. The most
common mental disorder we encounter is depression. This mental disorder is one of
the factors that have led to the large number of people committing suicide in the
current era. One of the countries that has the most suicides due to mental disorders is
Korea. An example of a suicide case that occurred in Korea was a singer who got a
lot of hate from his fans just because of a rumour that was not necessarily true and he
got a lot of hateful comments against him on social media, so he was unable to live
and finally decided to end his own life. From the example above, we can already
imagine how many people commit suicide just because of the hate comments we give
them. And there are many more cases that cause people to experience mental
disorders. There are several factors that can affect a person's mental health such as
genetics, sexual abuse, past trauma, unhealthy lifestyle, and many more. We can
avoid these mental disorders by getting closer to Allah Swt., psychological therapy,
getting enough sleep, getting used to positive thinking, exercise, managing a healthy
diet, and avoiding bad habits. What we can do as fellow human beings is to
understand their situation, listen to what they have to say in a non-judgemental way,
encourage them to talk to us, ask them what obstacles they are facing, and avoid
confrontation. That's why mental health is important in this day and age. Mental
health is not just talked about because many people have mental disorders but mental
health is talked about because there are many suicides that threaten the human
population on earth if it continues to experience a drastic increase. So, how many
times must I emphasise that mental disorders are very dangerous for all humans and
mental health is very important for us to avoid various kinds of mental disorders. Let
us all realise that mental illness is not an ordinary disease, but this disease often
causes people to die due to the inner pressure they experience, whether in the form of
hate comments, bullying, or getting abused by their surroundings. Once again I
emphasise that mental health is very important for teenagers and adults, so stop
giving them this disease. Maybe my speech is enough until here, and let's live healthy
until death separates us, I end this speech with wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi

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