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Mississippi Report Card for 2010/2011 (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)

DISTRICT: (4620) - Columbia SCHOOL: (016) - Jefferson Middle YEAR: 2010/2011 The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires school, district, and state report cards containing certain information. The required information falls into three general areas: school improvement, teacher qualifications and test data. A school that fails to make adequate yearly progress in achievement must be identified for school improvement. The report must contain information about the professional qualifications of teachers in core academic subject areas (English, reading, language arts, science, mathematics, foreign languages, arts, civics and government, economics, history, and geography). Highly qualified teachers are those who satisfied the NCLB criteria during the school year. The report must also contain achievement data for specific subgroups, two-year achievement trends, and student participation rates.

DISTRICT: (4620) - Columbia SCHOOL: (016) - Jefferson Middle YEAR: 2010/2011

Achievement and Growth Models

Accountability Status SUCCESSFUL Quality of Distribution Index(QDI) 163 Growth Status MET Graduation Rate High School Completion Index(HSCI) Notes: Applies to Districts and Schools only if grades 4 or higher are served. Accountability Status: Star School, High Performing, Successful, Academic Watch, Low Performing, At Risk of Failing, Failing.

NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress and Title I Improvement

AYP Determination -or- Improvement Status Area Reading/Language Met Mathematics Met Other Academic Indicators Met Title I Improvement Status Notes: Minimum N for inclusion of subgroup in AYP model is 40. Title I Improvement Status: Improvement Year 1, Improvement Year 2, Corrective Action, Restructuring Plan, Restructuring. Blank means not identified for improvement.

Other Academic Indicator

Attendance Rate (Percentage) 96

4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate NOT APPLICABLE Notes: Attendance Rate Target = 93% or Increase Over Prior Year. Graduation Rate Target = 63% or Increase Over Prior Year.

Adequate Yearly Progress Subgroup Results

SubGroup Reading/Language Mathematics All Students YES YES Students with Disabilities *YES *YES Limited English Proficient < MIN < MIN Economically Disadvantaged YES *YES Asian < MIN < MIN Black *YES *YES Hispanic < MIN < MIN Native American < MIN < MIN White YES YES Notes: Minimum N for inclusion of subgroup in AYP model is 40. Yes=Met AYP, *Yes=Met by Safe Harbor, No=Not Met.

DISTRICT: (4620) - Columbia SCHOOL: (016) - Jefferson Middle YEAR: 2010/2011

NCLB Teacher Quality

NCLB Measure Percentage Teacher FTE or Course Count (Number % is based on) 17 17 104

Core Teachers Who are Highly Qualified 100 Emergency/Provisional Certification 0 Courses Taught by a Highly Qualified Teacher 100.0 Courses NOT Taught by a Highly Qualified 0 104 Teacher Notes: Teacher FTE and course counts reflect NCLB Core Academic Subjects only. These counts represent the denominators for calculating the percentage values.

Participation Rate (Percent Tested)

SubGroup All Students IEP Non IEP Limited English Proficient Reading 100 100 100 Mathematics 100 100 100 Science 100 100

Economically Disadvantaged 100 100 100 Non Economically Disadvantaged 99 99 100 Migrant Asian Black 100 100 100 Hispanic Native American White 100 100 100 Male 100 100 100 Female 100 100 100 Notes: AYP target is 95%.for Reading and Mathematics Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics participation was included in the calculation of AYP. Science participation rate was not used in the calculation of AYP. Minimum N-count for reporting is 40 students.

Mississippi Curriculum Test, 2nd Edition

Grade Level 6 7 8 6 7 8 Number Tested 141 125 144 140 125 144 Mean Scale Score 150.0 150.8 148.4 151.1 153.1 151.2 Note: Minimum % % % Minimal Basic Proficient Language Arts 7.8 38.3 48.2 8.8 35.2 52.8 17.4 30.6 47.9 Mathematics 18.6 26.4 42.9 16.8 17.6 44.8 20.8 16.0 50.0 N-count for reporting is 10 students. % Advanced 5.7 3.2 4.2 12.1 20.8 13.2

Mississippi Curriculum Test, 2nd Edition Percentage Scoring Basic or Above

Grade All Non Disabled Native ELL/ Migrant Male Female Black White Asian Hispanic ED NED PI MR Level Students Disabled Only American LEP Student

Language Arts 90 94 96 96 96 93 91 96 91 90 96 96 92 89 76 89 96 96 96 76 96 Mathematics 6 81 84 65 82 81 66 96 96 96 96 76 91 96 7 83 91 37 79 88 83 82 96 96 86 78 8 79 85 23 81 78 74 83 96 96 96 75 91 Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. ED - Economically Disadvantaged. NED - Not Economically Disadvantaged. PI - Pacific Island. MR - Multi Racial. 6 7 8 92 91 83 95 94 90 71 74 8 92 94 82 93 88 83

Mississippi Curriculum Test, 2nd Edition Percentage Scoring Proficient or Above

Grade All Non Disabled Native ELL/ Migrant Male Female Black White Asian Hispanic ED NED PI MR Level Students Disabled Only American LEP Student

Language Arts

6 7 8

36 70 96 67 75 48 66 96 50 59 50 75 49 66 37 70 4 67 4 40 81 Mathematics 6 55 56 47 56 54 37 69 96 96 96 47 72 96 7 66 74 21 63 69 61 66 96 96 64 69 8 63 69 8 66 61 50 76 96 96 96 56 81 Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. ED - Economically Disadvantaged. NED - Not Economically Disadvantaged. PI - Pacific Island. MR - Multi Racial. DISTRICT: (4620) - Columbia SCHOOL: (016) - Jefferson Middle YEAR: 2010/2011

54 56 52

56 61 57

41 26 8

52 52 50

56 60 54

Subject Area Test Percentage Passing

Test Students Disabled Only Male Female Black White Asian Hispanic American LEP ED NED PI MR Student Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. ED - Economically Disadvantaged. NED - Not Economically Disadvantaged. PI - Pacific Island. MR - Multi Racial.
All Non Disabled Native ELL/ Migrant

Subject Area Test Percentage Scoring Basic or Above

Test Students Disabled Only Male Female Black White Asian Hispanic American LEP ED NED PI MR Student Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. ED - Economically Disadvantaged. NED - Not Economically Disadvantaged. PI - Pacific Island. MR - Multi Racial.
All Non Disabled Native ELL/ Migrant

Subject Area Test Percentage Scoring Proficient or Above

Test Students Disabled Only Male Female Black White Asian Hispanic American LEP ED NED PI MR Student Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. ED - Economically Disadvantaged. NED - Not Economically Disadvantaged. PI - Pacific Island. MR - Multi Racial.
All Non Disabled Native ELL/ Migrant

Alternate Assessment (MAAECF) Percentage Scoring Basic or Above

Grade All Non Disabled Native ELL/ Migrant Male Female Black White Asian Hispanic ED NED PI MR Level Students Disabled Only American LEP Student

Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%.

Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. ED - Economically Disadvantaged. NED - Not Economically Disadvantaged. PI - Pacific Island. MR - Multi Racial.

Alternate Assessment (MAAECF) Percentage Scoring Proficient or Above

Grade All Non Disabled Native ELL/ < if(theTestYear }>Migrant Male Female Black White Asian Hispanic ED NED PI MR Level Students Disabled Only American LEP Student

Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Note: Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. ED - Economically Disadvantaged. NED - Not Economically Disadvantaged. PI - Pacific Island. MR - Multi Racial.

DISTRICT: (4620) - Columbia SCHOOL: (016) - Jefferson Middle YEAR: 2010/2011

Grade 5 & 8 Science Test

Grade Level 8 Number Mean % % % Tested Scale Score Minimal Basic Proficient 144 148.2 27.8 20.8 36.8 Notes: Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students. % Advance 14.6

Percentage Scoring Basic or Above

Gra EL Economica Migra All Non Disabl Native Not Econ de Mal Fema Bla Whi Asi Hispa L/ lly nt Stude Disabl ed Americ Disadvanta Lev e le ck te an nic LE Disadvanta Stude nts ed Only an ged el P ged nt 8 72 79 8 79 66 62 83 64 93 Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students.

Percentage Scoring Proficient or Above

Gra EL Economica Migra All Non Disabl Native Not Econ de Mal Fema Bla Whi Asi Hispa L/ lly nt Stude Disabl ed Americ Disadvanta Lev e le ck te an nic LE Disadvanta Stude nts ed Only an ged el P ged nt 8 51 56 8 53 50 35 68 40 79 Notes: Percentages 0-4% are reported as 4% and percentages 96-100% are reported as 96%. Minimum N-count for reporting is 10 students.

DISTRICT: (4620) - Columbia SCHOOL: (016) - Jefferson Middle YEAR: 2010/2011

Quality of Distribution Index Ranking

Rank 1 2 3 District Name Columbia Columbia Columbia School Name Columbia High Jefferson Middle Columbia Elementary QDI 204 163 149 ReadingLanguages Not Met Met Not Met Mathematics OAI Not Met Met Not Met Met Met Met Improvement Status

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