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Front-End Developer (Angular) Challenge

o Media (Video or image)

o Start time && End time

Assume that the above entity represents Ads models which are being displayed on digital advertising
screen due to specific timeline and being controlled via Angular Admin-dashboard website where the
authenticated site admin can:

1. Full Authentication using Firebase && Login using mobile verification

2. List screen ads

3. Update existing screen ads

4. Delete existing screen ads

5. Create new screen ads

You can use the following Api base URL to fetch the screen ads PS:

Create/update/delete operations can be done via the state only – no need for apis –

Make sure:

1. You’re using Redux to handle the app state

2. You’re creating suitable and well-styled user interface/experience

3. You’re including readme file to the task files which describes your choices and code documentation

What do we love?
1. Well documented code

2. Clean code design which can be easily human readable

3. Writing testing scripts which makes the code can be easily evaluated

4. Git micro commits to describe coding steps

Please do something similar to the following video

With (possibility to add a field or row )

With the possibility to change the status only or to make a assign for a person like video inline

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