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both using The device Methodology, M.Z. and M.A.-s.; Software,

Integrating a M.D.; Validation, Z.A.; Formal analysis,
Solar PV System hydroelectric to doesn’t have a
M.A.-s.; Investigation, S.A.-q.; Data
generate power solar PV system.
with Pumped curation, M.D.; Writing—original draft, M.D.;
from river flows. Writing—review & editing, Z.A.;
Visualization, S.A.-q.; Supervision, S.A.-q.
Storage at the
Mutah University Zeidan, M.; Al-soud, M.; Dmour, M.;
of Jordan Alakayleh, Z.; Al-qawabah, S. Integrating a
Solar PV System with Pumped
Hydroelectric Storage at the Mutah
University of Jordan. Energies 2023, 16,
they stored The device uses
Hydropower Hasan Huseyin Coban
energy using a hybrid power
Planning in
batteries and system.
Combination Coban, H.H. Hydropower Planning in
also relied on
with Batteries Combination with Batteries and Solar
water flow. Energy. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10002.
and Solar

Both use hydro The device can Conceptualization, A.B. and L.B.;
Floating methodology, A.B. and L.B.; software, J.A.-
systems to be used in rural
Photovoltaic B.; validation, R.G.; writing—original draft
generate areas not in the
Systems preparation, R.G. and J.A.-B.; visualization,
electricity. market. R.G.; supervision, A.B. and L.B
Coupled with
Pumped Hydro
Barbón, A.; Aparicio-Bermejo, J.; Bayón, L.;
Plants under Georgious, R. Floating Photovoltaic
Day-Ahead Systems Coupled with Pumped
Electricity Market Hydroplants under Day-Ahead Electricity
Conditions: Market Conditions: Parametric
Analysis. Electronics 2023, 12, 2250.

They can use a The device Conceptualization, A.I.B. and R.S.-R.;

Numerical methodology, A.I.B. and R.S.-R.; software,
free runner cannot use
Analysis of the A.S.; validation, A.I.B. and A.S.;
swirling flow of hydraulic turbines
Flow by Using a investigation, A.I.B. and R.-A.S.; writing—
water (vortex or propellers. original draft preparation A.I.B., R.-A.S. and
Free Runner
rope). A.S.; writing—review and editing, A.I.B., R.-
Downstream the
A.S. and A.S.
Francis Turbine †
Bosioc, A.I.; Szakal, R.-A.; Stuparu, A.;
Susan-Resiga, R. Numerical Analysis of the
Flow by Using a Free Runner Downstream
the Francis Turbine. Int. J. Turbomach.
Propuls. Power 2023, 8, 14.
Both using flow Uses axial inflow Conceptualisation, F.J.J.H., A.M., B.S., and
Numerical C.B.; methodology, F.J.J.H.; investigation,
of water to to generate
Investigation of F.J.J.H.; data curation, F.J.J.H.; writing—
generate energy. energy. original draft preparation, F.J.J.H.; writing—
Pelton Turbine review and editing, F.J.J.H., A.M., B.S., and
Distributor C.B.; visualisation, F.J.J.H.; supervision,
Systems with A.M., B.S., and C.B.; project administration,
Axial Inflow A.M.; funding acquisition, A.M. and C.B.

Hahn, F.J.J.; Maly, A.; Semlitsch, B.; Bauer,

C. Numerical Investigation of Pelton
Turbine Distributor Systems with Axial
Inflow. Energies 2023, 16, 2737.

Both use The device is not Y.C.; Writing—Review & Editing, R.L. and
Sediment W.H.; Methodology, T.G.; Validation, M.S.;
turbulence to designed for soil
Erosion Data curation, S.W.
generate erosion.
electricity. Chen, Y.; Li, R.; Han, W.; Guo, T.; Su, M.;
and Mechanism
Wei, S. Sediment Erosion Characteristics
on Guide Vane
and Mechanism on Guide Vane End-
End-Clearance Clearance of Hydro Turbine. Appl.
of Hydro Turbine Sci. 2019, 9, 4137.

They can specify It is utilized to Conceptualization, P.N.V.; methodology,

Algorithm for A.A.B.-D.; software, A.A.B.-D.; writing—
turbine rotational recognize the
Appropriate original draft preparation, A.A.B.-D.; writing
speed speed of water
Design of —review and editing, A.A.B.-D. and P.N.V.;
Hydroelectric supervision, P.N.V.
Turbines as
Bideris-Davos, A.A.; Vovos, P.N. Algorithm
Replacements for Appropriate Design of Hydroelectric
for Pressure Turbines as Replacements for Pressure
Reduction Reduction Valves in Water Distribution
Valves in Water Systems. Water 2023, 15, 554.

The control They don’t have a Conceptualization, S.M.Z. and C.P.; Data
Reservoir Curation, S.M.Z., C.P., F.L., and G.A.;
system was water reservoir;
Advanced Formal Analysis, S.M.Z. and C.P.;
implemented in the source of
Process Control Investigation, S.M.Z. and C.P.;
hydropower energy is coming Methodology, S.M.Z. and C.P.; Software,
for Hydroelectric
design. from river flows. S.M.Z., C.P., and F.L.; Validation, S.M.Z.
and C.P.; Visualization, S.M.Z., C.P., and
Production F.L.; Writing–Original Draft S.M.Z. and C.P.;
Writing–Review and Editing, S.M.Z. and

Zanoli, S.M.; Pepe, C.; Astolfi, G.; Luzi, F.

Reservoir Advanced Process Control for
Hydroelectric Power
Production. Processes 2023, 11, 300.

Both use battery The of this design Conceptualization, R.Z.F. and W.S.;
Optimal Design methodology, R.Z.F. and W.S.; software,
and water supply must be at 54 kW
and Comparative R.Z.F.; validation, W.S.; formal analysis,
from renewable
Analysis of a R.Z.F. and W.S.; investigation, R.Z.F. and
sources W.S.; resources, R.Z.F. and W.S.; data
curation, R.Z.F. and W.S.; writing—original
Hydropower and
draft preparation, R.Z.F.; writing—review
a PV/Battery and editing, R.Z.F. and W.S.; visualization,
Used for R.Z.F.; supervision, W.S. and S.Y.D.;
Electricity and project administration, W.S.; funding
Water Supply acquisition, W.S.

Falama, R.Z.; Skarka, W.; Doka, S.Y.

Optimal Design and Comparative Analysis
of a PV/Mini-Hydropower and a PV/Battery
Used for Electricity and Water
Supply. Energies 2023, 16, 307.

both using a The device has a Conceptualization, N.M. and W.L.;

A Review of methodology, N.M., W.L. and M.K.; formal
vortex hydro smaller total load
Gravitational analysis, N.M. and W.L.; investigation, N.M.
turbine to and fewer blades
Water Vortex and W.L.; resources, W.L. and M.K.; data
generate energy. or propellers. curation, N.M. and W.L.; writing—original
Hydro Turbine
draft preparation, N.M., W.L. and M.K.;
Systems for
writing—review and editing, N.M., W.L. and
Hydropower M.K.; supervision, W.L. and M.K.
Maika, N.; Lin, W.; Khatamifar, M. A Review
of Gravitational Water Vortex Hydro Turbine
Systems for Hydropower
Generation. Energies 2023, 16, 5394.

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