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Columbia School District (District 4620)

Dr. Marie a W. James, Superintendent 613 Bryan Avenue Columbia, MS 39429

Student Data Demographics
Total Enrollment Free Lunch and Reduced Lunch Average Daily A endance This District Mississippi 1,836 492,105 72.33% 70.70% 94.96% 94.46%

Sec on Source: MDE/SY 2009-2010

Student Data Special Education

IEP Students as a Percentage of All Students Actual Number of IEP Students * IEP = Individualized Educa on Program 19.01% 349 This District Mississippi 249.17 67,853.42 32,041.61 107.67 2,360 6 97.2% 95.9% 2.3% 1.9% 910 3.60 86.90 % 75.6 % 10.61 % 6.72 % Data from SY 2010-2011
Sec on Source: MDE

School District Sta

Number of Employees (FTE) Number of Teachers (FTE) Na onal Board Cer ed Teachers Highly Qualied Teachers Emergency/Provisional Teachers Number of Special Educa on Teachers (FTE) Highly Qualied Special Educa on Teachers Emergency Special Educa on Teachers FTE = Full Time Equivalent

Student Data Racial Makeup

Race Asian Black Hispanic Na ve American White This District 0.87% 48.20% 1.80% 0.11% 49.02% Mississippi 0.92% 50.29% 2.31% 0.20% 46.28%

2011 State Accountability Label

Gradua on and Comple on Data (First Time 9th Graders in 06-07)

Gradua on Rate Comple on Rate (w/ graduates) Dropout Rate Occupa onal Diplomas Cer cates of A endance

2011-2012 Accredita on Status

Number of Schools by Accountability Label
Star School High Performing 0 Successful Academic Watch 0 Low Performing 0 At Risk of Failing 0 Failing 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

All Students IEP Students Mississippi 71.4% 80.4% 15.4% 80.9% 78.6% 88.8% 11.4% 9.5% 17% NR NR 570 1014 NR NR

ACT Informa on (2009-2010)

Graduates Taking ACT (es mated) Average ACT Score * ACT = American College Test This District Mississippi 84.54% 78.83% 18.5 18.6

1 1

Expulsions & Out of School Suspensions > 10 Days (2009-2010)

IEP Students All Non-IEP Students
* NR = Less Than 10 Students or No Results Reported

This District Mississippi 0.36% NR 0.60% 1.91%

Data from SY 2010-2011

Revenue Sources
State 40.42% Federal 35.51%

Sec on Source: MDE/SY 2009-2010

Millage and Assessed Valua on

Opera onal Millage Rate Debt Service Millage Rate Net Ad Valorem Requested Assessed Valua on This District 53.75 11.50 $ 3,503,585.27 $71,415,597 Mississippi 41.37 4.57

Actual Expenditures

Es mated Per Pupil Expenditures

Local State Federal Intermediate Total $ $ $ $ $ This District Mississippi 2,296.00 $2,691 3,855.00 $4,305 3,388.00 $1,930 0.00 $3 9,539.28 $8,929

Local 24.07%
Total Revenue: 19.60M

Instruc onal Other Instruc onal General Administra on School Administra on Opera ons

70.64% 12.99% 4.71% 5.51% 6.15%

For more informa on on how to get involved in the Columbia School District, or to obtain a free hard copy of this report, please call (601) 736-2366 or visit any Columbia School District School or District Oce. To view this report online, or to nd out more, visit Intermediate funds are grants from an intermediate source which can be used for any legal purpose desired by the LEA

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