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4, DECEMBER 2018 417

Market-oriented Optimal Dispatching Strategy

for a Wind Farm with a Multiple Stage Hybrid
Energy Storage System
Zhenyuan Zhang, Member, IEEE, Yun Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, Qi Huang, Senior Member, IEEE and
Wei-Jen Lee, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—With the increased promotion of integrated energy Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) sourced 11.7
power systems (IEPS), renewable energy and energy storage percent of its electric energy from wind in 2015 [2].
systems (ESS) play a more important role. However, the fluc-
tuation and intermittent nature of wind not only results in Cumulative MW IA Signed-Financial IA Signed-No
substantial reliability and stability defects, but it also weakens the Installed Security Posted Financial Security
competitiveness of wind generation in the electric power market. 35,000 MW
Meanwhile, the way to further enhance the system reliability
30,000 MW  

effectively improving market profits of wind farms is one of the  


most important aspects of Wind-ESS joint operational design. In 25,000 MW 

this paper, a market-oriented optimized dispatching strategy for a 20,000 MW  
wind farm with a multiple stage hybrid ESS is proposed. The first 15,000 MW  
stage ESS is designed to improve the profits of wind generation 10,000 MW  

through day-ahead market operations, the real-time market-  

5,000 MW  
based second stage ESS is focused on day-ahead forecasting       

error elimination and wind power fluctuation smoothing, while 0 MW

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
the backup stage ESS is associated with them to provide the
ancillary service. An interval forecasting method is adopted to Fig. 1. ERCOT Wind Installations by Year [2].
help to ensure reliable forecast results of day-ahead wind power,
electricity prices and loads. With this hybrid ESS design, supply
reliability and market profits are simultaneously achieved for However, the intermittent and fluctuating nature of wind
wind farms. results in substantial defects in the reliability and stability
of the grid, but also diminishes the market competitiveness
Index Terms—Dispatching optimization, energy storage, for wind power generation itself [3]. With the promotion of
integrated energy power systems, interval forecasting, power integrated energy power systems (IEPS), and energy storage
market, p2g, wind power generation.
systems (ESS), which operate jointly with renewable power
generation, it is assumed that this will be a practical solution
to enhance the reliability of renewable energies [4], [5]. In
many rich renewable energy resource areas, the installation
I. I NTRODUCTION of ESS has become mandatory. For example, the California

W IND power generation has rapidly developed over the

last few decades, driven by limited fossil fuel supplies
and environmental pollution concerns. According to the report
Public Utilities Commission set an energy storage goal for
utilities of installing 1.3 GW batteries by 2020 [6].
To achieve a better co-operation performance of wind-ESS,
of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), there were 60 various designs and control schemes have been studied from
GW of new wind generation systems installed in 2015 [1]. different aspects, such as ESS sizing optimization, power qual-
Meanwhile, the natural advantage of low marginal cost for ity control, and energy dispatching management. Traditional
wind resources gains an extensive interest from the electric wind-ESS dispatching primarily focuses on wind fluctuation
power market. In the market of Texas, as shown in Fig. 1, the suppression and operational cost minimization. However, with
more wind power generation actively evolving into the market
Manuscript received February 5, 2018; revised June 4, 2018; accepted June
5, 2018; date of publication December 30, 2018; date of current version competition, effectively improving market profits of wind
September 20, 2018. farms while ensuring system reliability is the new mission
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation for Wind-ESS energy management design.
of China (No. 51607025).
Z. Y. Zhang (corresponding author, email:, Although the most common hybrid ESS optimization
Y. Zhang and Q. Huang are with the University of Electronic Science and methods, such as fuzzy logic based hierarchical optimization,
Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China and multi-objective based discrete optimization approaches are
W. J. Lee is with the University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019,
DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2018.00130

2096-0042 © 2018 CSEE


showing good potential on wind fluctuation suppression, the neural network (ANN) based phase 1 short-term preliminary
way to improve market profits of wind generation are not deterministic forecasting approach aims to accurately depict
described. For example, a multi-objective optimization algo- the trend of wind power variations; a long-term forecasting
rithm provided by [9] effectively reduced the wind fluctuation error based phase 2 refining stage is subsequently adopted,
and ESS sizes, but with this scheme, the revenue of wind which uses the interval-predication method to ensure the
generation is only 1.24 $/MW, which cannot even cover the robustness of the predictions.
fixed operational costs of wind generation. In another case, 1) ANN Based Phase 1 Forecasting
the market-based ESS dispatch strategy from [10], provided An ANN is a widely used learning algorithm, inspired
a very promising financial improvement plan for wind farms, by biological neural networks, which is capable of nonlinear
however, the integrated power fluctuation increased 21.3% at approximation-oriented forecasting [13], [14]. In this paper,
maximum utilization. Based on the foregoing review, there is a for training purposes, a 1-week historical wind generation
clear dilemma in market profit increment and wind fluctuation output data from a single wind farm in West Texas is available
smoothing controls which requires some tradeoff to be made for use in the forecasting process. The corresponding meteo-
between each of them, especially for relatively large price rological data is also obtained, which includes wind speed,
variation occurrences. temperature, humidity, atmosphere pressure, etc.
Thus, to achieve the maximum market profit while limiting To reduce the training burden and prevent overfitting, a
the fluctuation of the integrated wind generation within a rea- limited number of inputs have to be screened out through pa-
sonable range, this paper proposes a market-oriented optimal rameter sensitivity analysis. Trajectory sensitivity is the most
dispatching strategy for wind generation with a multiple stage widely used parameter sensitivity evaluation tool, which can
hybrid ESS. The first stage ESS is designed for the day-ahead quantify the variation of the system trajectory corresponding
market (DAM), a lead-acid battery ESS is operated with wind to a tiny change of the parameter, which can be generally
generation to achieve maximum market profits. A real-time defined as follows:
market (RTM) based second stage lithium-ion battery ESS
is focused on wind power forecasting error elimination and ∂yi (θ, k) yi (θj + ∆θj , k) − yi (θj , k)
= lim (1)
fluctuation smoothing. A hydrogen combined cycle energy ∂θj ∆θj →0 ∆θj
storage system (HCCESS) consisting of a backup stage ESS where yi is the trajectory of variable i; θj is the parameter j;
is designed for storing the excessive power when the ESS is m is the total number of parameters; k is sampling time (1
fully charged and is earning the extra income from the an- hour for this paper).
cillary service provided. Additionally, a two-phase forecasting Therefore, according to (1), the first five most sensitive
method for wind power, price and load is also proposed to parameters, which include wind speed, wind direction, tem-
ensure the robustness of the forecasting approach. perature, humidity and pressure, are selected as the input data
The paper is organized as follows: Section II introduces set for ANN training. The prediction models are then trained
the forecasting method for wind power, electricity price and by a three layer ANN for wind power forecasting, while the
the load profile. Section III describes the configuration of input layer has 32 neurons, the output layer has 1 neuron for
the multiple stage ESS. Section IV optimizes the Wind- wind power output, and the hidden layer is calculated to have
ESS dispatch plan for the DAM and RTM. Case studies are 24 neurons. The training data from May 11 to May 17 are
provided in section V. used to train the network, and data for May 18 are used for
validation. Fig. 2 shows the prediction result of the wind power
In most power markets, the wind farm usually participants Actual Wind Power
65 Forecast Wind Power
in the real-time market as a price taker [11], [12], which
significantly relies on a good forecast of wind generation, 60
Power /MW

electricity market price and load profiles. Thus, to carry 55

out the dispatching optimization of a wind-ESS, the reliable 50
forecasting on these associated variables are a prerequisite. 45

A. Wind Power Forecasting 40

Wind power prediction is an important and yet challenging 35

subject due to the stochastic nature of wind. Although recent 30

0 4 8 12 16 20 24
works, such as statistical modeling and physical modeling, Time interval /1h
have improved the accuracy of wind forecasting by adopting
more sophisticated functional kernels or including more algo- Fig. 2. Forecast and actual wind power on May 18th .
rithm inputs, the issue of prediction robustness in day-ahead
pre-dispatching still remains. To achieve a reliable forecasting Compared with the actual wind power output on May 18th,
for day-ahead pre-dispatching uses, in this section, a two-phase the phase 1 forecast result can basically match the variation
wind power forecasting algorithm is proposed. An artificial trend on wind generation. However, in certain time ranges, the

forecasted outputs are higher than the actual one, which could 120
cause the over dispatching on DAM energy management.
Thus, to enhance the reliability of the forecasting result, the 100
phase 2 refining process will be taken into consideration.
2) Interval-predication Based Phase 2 Forecasting 80

In this section, an interval prediction method is introduced to
improve the robustness of the preliminary forecasting results. 60
As one of the typical stochastic forecasting methods, interval
prediction refines the deterministic forecasting results by using 40
the probability distributions of long-term wind power predic-
tion errors. Through the statistical analysis of the prediction 20
errors, the confidence interval of the given confidence can be
obtained [15]–[19].
Assume the deterministic point forecasted value of time t −0.30 −0.20 −0.10 0.00 0.10
is L and the probability distribution of the prediction error is Relative Errors %
f (x), the interval prediction model is shown by the equation
Fig. 3. Historical wind power forecasting error distribution.
J(β) = [L + f −1 (α), L + f −1 (α)] (2) where β is the confidence level, usually taken as 0.95.
Because the Normal distribution shows up in specific sym-
α−α=1−β (3)
metries of the samplings, the probability interval can be
where β is the confidence level, the value interval [0, 1]; L + rewritten as:
f −1 (α) and L + f −1 (α) are the upper and lower limits of the α = 1 − α = β/2 (8)
predicted interval, respectively. By considering the inherent output of the wind turbine
The relative error is used to calculate the probability of the generator upper and lower limits, the minimum and maximum
error distribution. Relative errors are usually defined in two of the wind forecasted interval should follow the constraints
ways: as shown below:
1. The ratio of the prediction error to the actual power;
2. The ratio of the prediction error to the total installed Pmax = min(P + f −1 (α), PW, max ) (9)
capacity of wind power. Pmin = max(P + f −1 (α), PW, min ) (10)
The relative error of the first definition is greatly influenced
by the actual value, especially when the power is very low or where PW, max and PW, min are the total upper and lower
approximately zero, the relative error is large or even infinite. limits of the wind power output; Pmax and Pmin are the
Therefore, the second definition is adopted in this paper, which maximum and minimum of the interval.
is expressed as: Thus, to ensure the reliability of the forecast results, from
P − Pr the worst scenario, set the 95% confidence interval as the final
e= (4) day-ahead wind forecast results for DAM dispatching uses,
which is shown in Fig. 4.
where P is the preliminary forecasted wind power, Pr is the
actual wind power, and Pt is the total installed capacity of 70 Actual Wind Power
wind power. Forecast Wind Power
65 95% Confidence Forecast Wind Power
In accordance with the actual and forecasted wind power in
the last 3 months (from March 17th to May 17th), by using the 60
ANN mentioned above, the error distribution of the forecasted
Power /MW

wind power can be obtained as shown in Fig. 3.

From Fig. 3, the 3-month forecasting error conforms to the 50
Normal Distribution, which can be expressed as:
1 (x−µ)2
f (x) = √ e− 2σ2 (5) 40
σ 2π Z
x 35
1 (t−µ)2
F (x) = √ e− 2σ2 dt (6)
σ 2π −∞ 30
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
where x is the relative error, µ and σ are −0.02 and 0.081, Time interval /1h
Fig. 4. Wind power forecasting refined by the interval prediction method.
Thus, according to the phase 1 preliminary forecasting
results P and the forecasting error distribution function f (x), B. Electricity Price and Load Profile Forecasting
an interval of forecasting is drawn as:
In deregulated markets, due to the fluctuation in power
J(β) = [P + f −1 (α), P + f −1 (α)] (7) supply and demand, the electricity price, as determined with

the locational marginal price (LMP), fluctuates frequently, with phase” for the next operating day, which ensures that adequate
the peak-hour price even being several times higher than the resources are scheduled to meet the next day’s anticipated
off-peak, which may significantly affect the market profits demand while allowing the market participants to lock in
of wind generation. Therefore, in addition to wind power pricing prior to real time; RTM balances the energy supply
generation, prediction of the LMP and load profile is also with demand every 15 minutes at the least possible cost while
needed. maintaining reliable system conditions.
Similar to the wind prediction, a two-phase forecasting Thus, in order to better adapt the market operational mode, a
algorithm is also applied to the day-ahead hourly LMP and multiple stage ESS is specifically designed. The energy storage
load forecasting in this paper. The 3-month historical hourly devices and the corresponding sizes for each stage of the ESS
LMP and load profile in the nearest node of the wind farm, are selected, according to the installation capacity of the wind
obtained from ERCOT, are used for the study. farm (72 MW in the paper), forecasted wind power and loads.
Throughout the trajectory sensitivity analysis discussed
above, the training data feeding the ANN input layer to A. First Stage ESS
forecast the LMP are as follows: temperature, system load and The first stage ESS adjusts to increase the revenue of the
price lagging factors; the input for load profile forecasting are: wind farm through the DAM settlement. As the described
temperatures, real-time prices and timing factors. function of the DAM, the first stage ESS should have a
For LMP forecasting, the input layer has 20 neurons, large capacity, long duration energy storage and relatively
the hidden layer is calculated to have 12 neurons; for load low operational costs. Among different types of bulk energy
forecasting, the input layer has 12 neurons, and the hidden storage devices with matured adoption, utility scaled lead-acid
layer is calculated to have 5 neurons. batteries are suggested because of their technology maturity,
The lower limit of the 95% confidence interval of the large storage capacity, long storage period, high efficiency, low
forecasting results, which are illustrated in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, capital cost per unit energy, low maintenance and replacement
are used in the subsequent optimization process. costs [20], [21].
Referring to industry practices, when the size of the ESS
Actual Price is equal to 15%−20% of wind farm capacity, it is suggested
Forecast Price
95% Confidence as an approach to perform an effective time-shift of energy
Forecast Price delivery and grid operational support [22], [26]. Therefore,
the 115 MWh utility scale lead-acid battery is selected as the
20 first stage ESS.
Price /$

15 B. Second Stage ESS

10 The second ESS is incorporated with the same day trading
session, which is responsible for balancing the forecasting
errors and smoothing the integrated power. Compared with the
first stage ESS, the second ESS requires smaller installation
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time interval /1h
capacity but more stringent requirements on response time.
Being highly modular and having low standby losses, lithium-
Fig. 5. LMP forecasting results by using the interval forecasting method. ion batteries are chosen to be a reasonable solution for second
stage ESS, which can respond very rapidly (less than 1 s) to
Actual Load smooth out wind generation changes and cogenerated power,
Forecast Load meanwhile providing high recharge efficiency (88%−95%),
60 95% Confidence
Forecast Load long cycle life, and potential lower cost [21], [22].
The total energy capacity for secondary stage ESS is set as
Power /MW

50 1 h of the average wind power mismatches (a forecasting error

of 95% confidence interval is 13.29% in this study), which is
45 4 MWh. Thus, 4 MWh lithium-ion batteries are selected as
40 the second stage ESS.

35 C. Backup Stage ESS

In traditional Wind-ESS joint operations, when the ESS is
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 fully charged, the excessive wind generation will be dissipated
Time interval /1h by the dump load. To avoid the wasting of energy, a backup
Fig. 6. Load profile forecasting results by using the interval forecasting
stage ESS, which shifts the excessive power to peak load hours
method. then obtains the payment for ancillary service, is necessary to
improve the reliability and increase the market profits of the
In deregulated markets, DAM and RTM are running in To ensure the immediacy of ancillary support, the backup
different ways: DAM serves as an hourly based “planning stage ESS requires a large spinning reserve with short ramping

time. Compared to pump storage (landscape required), super Since the purpose of this paper is to design the dispatching
capacitor (temperature resisted), diesel generator (capacity strategy of the wind farm with multiple stages of hybrid ESS,
limited), coal generation (slow ramping rate), the power to the installation costs of the ESS are not considered in the
gas (P2G) based hydrogen combined cycle energy storage calculation.
system (HCCESS) has a short ramping time, large reserve The optimization is subject to the following constraints.
capacity and is easy to install, which is widely used in DAM power balance constraints (based on forecasting):
electric co-generation, standby power and distributed power
Pgf (i) = Pw (i) + Pc1 (i) + Peb (i) (12)
supply of the IEPS [23]–[25]. Thus, HCCESS is chosen as the
backup stage ESS. According to the 3-month historical average P (i) = Pw (i) + Pd1 (i) + Pas (i) (13)
shortcomings between wind generation and load demands, in P (i) = PLf (i) (14)
this study, a 97 MWh HCCESS is chosen to act as the backup PLf (i) ≥ Pw (i) ≥ 0 (15)
stage ESS.
First stage ESS power constraints:
[E1 max − E1 (i − 1)] max
IV. M ARKET- ORIENTED W IND -ESS D ISPATCHING 0 ≤ Pc1 (i) ≤ min Pw (i), , Pc1
A. DAM Dispatching Optimization 
[E1 (i − 1) − E1 min ] max

0 ≤ Pd1 (i) ≤ min , Pd1 (17)
As mentioned above, in the DAM, increasing the market η1 t
profits of the wind farm is the priority goal. According to Backup ESS power constraints:
the day-ahead forecasting results of wind power, LMP and
load, the available wind power can be pre-dispatched to deliver 0 ≤ Peb (i) ≤ min[Pg (i) − PLf (i) − Pc1 (i), Peb ] (18)
power to the grid or stored as the energy source for the Eh (i) max
0 ≤ Pas (i) ≤ min PLf (i)−Pg (i)−Pdh (i), ,P
first/backup stage ESS. ηHCCESS t as
Once the first stage ESS is fully charged, the excessive (19)
power will be stored in HCCESS as the backup power source ESS energy constraints:
to provide the ancillary service. The DAM Wind-ESS opera-
tion scheme is shown in Fig. 7. Emin ≤ E(i) ≤ Emax (20)
E(i) = E(i − 1) + ηPc (i) (21)
1st Stage ESS where t is the DAM operation time, Pgf is the low bound
Pd1 of the interval forecasted day-ahead wind power, Pw is the
Pc1 integrated wind power, P is the total integrated power (wind
Pg Pw + P
Wind Power Grid and ESS), PLf is the forecasted load profile, Pc1 and Pd1 are
Peb + max max
the charge and discharge power of the ESS, Pc1 and Pd1
Pas are the maximum of charging and discharging in each trading
Backup Stage ESS cycle, η1 is the efficiency of the first stage ESS, ηHCCESS is
the efficiency of the HCCESS, Eh is the energy stored in the
Fig. 7. DAM operation of Wind-ESS. backup stage ESS, Peb and Pas are the power of charge and
max max
discharge for the backup stage ESS, Peb and Pas are the
The DAM profit of the wind-ESS is calculated by the maximum of charging and discharging in each trading cycle
total amount of power sold from the Wind-ESS in each hour for the backup stage ESS, E is the energy stored in the ESS,
at a different LMP, including the ancillary service incomes Emax and Emin are the energy capacity limits of the ESS.
while subtracting the fixed operational cost of the ESS and B. RTM Dispatching Optimization
maintenance fees of the HCCESS. Thus, to maximize the total
In RTM, the actual wind power output and load demand may
profits of the Wind-ESS system, the optimization function is
differ from the day-ahead forecasting. To amend the deviations
defined as:
and then determine the intraday dispatch plan, the second ESS
X will operate with the backup stage ESS to balance the power
max P (i) × LM Pf (i) − PESS (i) × Cf
mismatches and smooth the integrated power.
 To optimize the RTM operation of the wind-ESS, NSGA-II,
− Peb × Cm + Pas (i) × Ca (11)
a typical multi-objective optimization algorithm, is used in this
where i is the number of the DAM trading cycle, P (i) is section. Generally, NSGA-II has the mathematical description
the total power integration, LM Pf is the day-ahead forecasted as follows:
electricity price, Pas is the power provided through the ancil- min[f1 (θ), f2 (θ), . . . fm (θ)]
lary service, Cf is the fixed operational cost for the ESS, Ca is 
the ancillary service income for per MW, Peb is the excessive lb ≤ θ ≤ ub

power stored in the backup stage ESS, Cm is the operational s.t. Aeq ∗ θ = beq (22)

cost for HCCESS. A∗θ ≤b


where f (θ) is the optimized sub-objective function; lb and farm in ERCOT, which is illustrated in Section-II. The wind,
ub are the lower and upper limits of the set of identified load and electricity price prediction results for the day-ahead
parameters θ; Aeq ∗ θ = beq is the linear constraint of θ; are plotted in Figs. 4 to 6, respectively. The capacity and types
A∗θ ≤ b is the nonlinear constraint of θ. In this paper, we only for each stage of the ESS are determined in Section-III.
adopt the upper and lower limits of the identified parameters Additionally, the following assumptions are considered for
as the constraints. the simulation:
By coordinating the relationships between the sub-objective 1) For the first stage ESS, the maximum of charging and
functions, the Pareto optimal solution set is found that can discharging power is 20 MW for each time interval; the
make each sub-objective function reach its optimum as much minimum storage capacity of the first stage ESS is set as 23
as possible [27]. MWh; the efficiency of the lead-acid battery is 91%; and the
According to the algorithm of NSGA-II, the RTM optimiza- fixed operational cost is 0.74 $/MW [21].
tion function can be expressed as: 2) For the secondary stage ESS, the maximum of charging
and discharging power in each time interval is 10 MW;
M inJ(ik ) = M SEk (23)
 v efficiency is 95%; and the fixed operational cost is 0.91
u n $/MW [21].
M SE R = 1 t

(Pact (i) − PL (i))2

 k
n t=1 3) For the backup stage ESS, the price of the ancillary
v (24) service is set to be 5% more than the real-time electricity
u n price; the overall efficiency of the energy storage system is
M SE F = 1 t

(Pact (i) − Pact (i − 1))2

 k the electrolysis water efficiency multiplied by the fuel cell

 n t=1
efficiency [23]–[25]:
where i is the number of the RTM trading cycle, which is ηe × ηf = 80% × 69% = 55% (30)
15 min according to ERCOT protocol, Pact is the actual total
power integration, PL is the actual load on RTM, M SEkR To solve the optimization problems, the toolbox of the CVX
is the mean square error of mismatches between the RTM and NSGA-II in MATLAB are used for the DAM and RTM
integrated power and load, M SEkF is used to describe the dispatching optimization, respectively. The dispatching results
fluctuations of the integrated power in each of the adjacent of the wind generation and ESS are plotted in Fig. 8 to Fig. 9.
trading cycles. Figure 8 shows the operational strategy of the first stage ESS
The following constraints also need to be considered during in the DAM. The charging and discharging status of the ESS
the RTM optimization process. are plotted on the left Y-axis. The energy capacity changes of
RTM power balance constraints: the ESS are plotted on the right Y-axis. In the DAM, the ESS
is under the charging mode between 1:00 to 7:00, when the
Pact (i) = P (i) + Pmis (i) (25)
wind power is primarily generated (refer to Fig. 4). When the
Pwa (i) = Pw (i) + Pmisw (i) (26) LMP is gradually increasing to peak from 11:00 to 16:00, the
ESS is automatically switching to discharge mode, associated
Second stage ESS power constraints:
  with wind generation to support the peak load (refer to Fig. 5
[E2 max − E2 (i − 1)] max and Fig. 6). In the meantime, it is making the most of the
0 ≤ Pc2 (i) ≤ min Pmisw (i), , Pc2
η2 t incremental market income.
  30 150
[E2 (i − 1) − E2 min ] max 1st Stage ESS Discharge
0 ≤ Pd2 (i) ≤ min , Pd2 (28) 1st Stage ESS Charge
η2 t Total Energy of 1st Stage ESS

Ancillary Service constraints:

Energy /MWh

20 100
Power /MW

Pas RT (i) = Pas (i) + Pmisl (i) (29)

where t is the RTM operation time, Pmis , Pmisw and Pmisl 10 50
are the mismatched integrated power, wind power and load
from the DAM to RTM, E2 is the energy stored in the second
stage ESS, E2 max and E2 min are the energy capacity limits
0 0
of the second stage ESS, Pc2 and Pd2 are the charge and 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
max max Time interval /1 hour
discharge power of the second stage ESS, Pc2 and Pd2
are the maximum of charging and discharging in each trading
Fig. 8. DAM ESS dispatching results for May 18th .

The second stage ESS is operating as shown in Fig. 9.

V. C ASE S IMULATION AND D ISCUSSION Unlike the DAM, RTM changes its operational interval from
The proposed strategy is evaluated by a 72 MW wind farm one hour to 15 min, and the second stage ESS is activated
from West Texas on May 18th. The corresponding price and to adjust the DAM dispatch plan according to the mismatches
load data are determined from the nearest node of the wind actual and forecasted wind generation and load profile.

10 2nd Stage ESS Discharge 5 Actual Load

2nd Stage ESS Charge Integrated Power with 1st Stage ESS
Total Energy of 2nd Stage ESS 70
Integrated Power with 1st and 2nd
8 4 65 Stage ESS
Integrated Powe with 1st, 2nd and
Backup Stage ESS

Energy /MWh
Power /MW

6 3

Power /MW

4 2 50
2 1
0 0
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
Time interval /15 mins 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
Time interval /15 mins
Fig. 9. RTM ESS dispatching results for May 18th .
Fig. 11. integrated power from multiple stage wind-ESS on May 18th .
Through the employment of the backup stage ESS, the
midnight excessive wind generation is shifted to support the
In terms of market profits and the smoothness, the dispatch
demands during the peak hours. To take advantage of the high
plans are compared and summarized in Table I.
LMP, backup stage ESS responds to the short generation and
voluntarily provides the ancillary service from 14:00 to 21:00, TABLE I
as shown in Fig. 10. C OMPARISON OF M ARKET P ROFITS

Total Revenue ($) Smoothness

Backup Stage ESS Discharge Proposed Dispatching Plan 12609.16 2.34
50 120
Backup Stage ESS Charge Traditional Dispatching Plan 10451.39 3.16
Total Energy of Backup Stage ESS Increase (%) 20.62% 25.95%
40 96

From Table I, with the proposed multiple stages of the

Energy /MWh
Power /MW

30 72 Wind-ESS dispatching strategy, the wind farm can achieve a

profitable return from the power market. The total revenue of
20 48 the wind farm is increased by 20.62%, from $10,451.39 to
$12,609.16. The fluctuation is limited into a very promising
10 24 range, which ensures the reliable usage of the wind power.

0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
In this paper, the optimized multiple stages of the Wind-
Time interval /15 mins
ESS dispatching strategy are developed, which are based on
Fig. 10. Backup stage ESS dispatching results for May 18th . the different operational modes of the deregulated electricity
power market. According to the interval forecasting results
Figure 11 shows the integrated power in different stages of of the day-ahead wind generation, LMP and load conditions,
the ESS operating to support the load. By adopting the sec- the first stage lead-acid battery ESS is primarily arranged to
ondary stage ESS, the smoothness of the integrated power is increase the wind farm revenue through the DAM operation.
obviously improved, while the backup stage ESS is operating The second stage lithium-ion battery ESS places emphasis on
to provide the additional support during the peak-hours. Thus, the RTM, which takes on the role to eliminate forecasting
throughout the coordination of the multiple stage ESS, the total errors and smooth the wind fluctuation. The HCCESS based
integrated power from the wind farm is completely matched backup stage ESS is designed for storing the excessive wind
with the load demand. generation and provide the ancillary service. A case study for
The total profit of the wind farm can be then calculated as a typical summer operation day is performed. The simulation
follows: results show that a large market profit can be effectively
achieved by using the proposed Wind-ESS dispatch strategy.
Pact (i) × LM PRT (i) − PESS (i) × Cf
[1] Market Forecast for 2016–2020 [Online]. Available: http://www.gwec.

− Peb RT × Cm + Pas-RT (i) × Ca (31)
[2] ERCOT Generator Interconnection Status Report [Online]. Available:
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on wind power generation,” in 2017 IEEE Industry Applications Society [27] K. Deb, A. Pratap, S. Agarwal, and T. Meyarivan, “A fast and elitist
Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 1–5, 2017, pp. 1–7. multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II,” IEEE Transactions on
[5] M. Ding, Z. Chen, J. H. Su, Z. Chen, J. F. Wu, and C. Z. Zhu, Evolutionary Computation, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 182–197, 2002.
“An overview of battery energy storage system for renewable energy
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[6] CPUC, Decision Adopting Energy Storage Procurement Framework and
Design Program, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013. [Online]. Available: Zhenyuan Zhang (S’12−M’16) received the B.S. degree from Chang’an University, Xi’an, China,
[7] M. A. Chowdhury, N. Hosseinzadeh, and W. Shen, “Fuzzy logic systems and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas
for pitch angle controller for smoothing wind power fluctuations during at Arlington, Arlington, USA, in 2007 and 2015,
below rated wind incidents,” in IEEE Trondheim PowerTech, Jun. 19–23, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor
2011, pp. 224–233. of the School of Energy Science and Engineering
[8] P. Yang and Y. W. Ma, “Application of energy storage technology in in University of Electronic Science and Technology
wind power generation,” Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical of China (UESTC). His focus lies in power system
Sciences, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 410–417, Apr. 2012. analysis and power system optimization, but he
[9] L. Chen, Q. huang, and C. Chen, “Strategy on wind power smooth- has also been involved in smart grids, renewable
ing subject to target parameters and energy-storage capacity,” Electric energy, electrical safety analysis, arc flash analysis
Power, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 63–69, Jun. 2013. and power market researches. Since 2010 he has served as the project associate
[10] M. Liu, F. L. Quilumba, and W. J. Lee, “Dispatch scheduling for a wind for the IEEE/NFPA Arc Flash Research Project.
farm with hybrid energy storage based on wind and LMP forecasting,”
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 1970–
1976, May. 2015.
[11] ERCOT 101 [Online], Available:
ining courses/14/nodal101 september 2013.pdf Yun Zhang (S’17) received her B.S. degree in
[12] ERCOT Nodal Protocols. Section 6: Adjustment Period and Real-Time Electrical Engineering from Northwest A&F Univer-
Operations [Online], Available: sity, Shanxi, China, in 2015. Her research interests
library are renewable energy, energy storage and power
[13] X. C. Zhu, “Research on power conversion and energy management market. Currently, she is pursuing the M.S. degree
in fuel cell generating system,” Ph.D. dissertation, Zhejiang University, of electrical engineering at UESTC.
Hangzhou, 2009.
[14] S. Fan, J. R. Liao, R. Yokoyama, L. N. Chen, and W. J. Lee, “Forecasting
the wind generation using a two-stage network based on meteorological
information,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 24, no. 2,
pp. 474–482, Jun. 2009.
[15] S. Viswanathan, H. Widiarta, and R. Piplani, “Forecasting aggregate
time series with intermittent subaggregate components: top-down versus
bottom-up forecasting,” IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, vol.
19, no. 3, pp. 275–287, Jul. 2008. Qi Huang (M’03−SM’09) received his B.S. degree
[16] Z. Wang, W. S. Wang, C. Liu, Z. Wang, and Y. H. Hou, “Probabilistic in Electrical Engineering from Fuzhou University
forecast for multiple wind farms based on regular vine copulas,” IEEE in 1996, M.S. degree from Tsinghua University in
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 578–589, Jan. 2018. 1999, and Ph.D. degree from Arizona State Univer-
[17] Y. Wang, Z. Zhou, A. Botterud, and K. F. Zhang, “Optimal wind power sity in 2003. He is currently a professor at UESTC,
uncertainty intervals for electricity market operation,” IEEE Transactions the Executive Dean of School of Energy Science and
on Sustainable Energy, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 199–210, Jan. 2018. Engineering, UESTC, and the director of Sichuan
[18] H. G. Zhang, Y. S. Li, D. W. Gao, and J. G. Zhou, “Distributed State Provincial Lab of Power System Wide-area
optimal energy management for energy internet,” IEEE Transactions on Measurement and Control. He is a member of IEEE
Industrial Informatics, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 3081–3097, Dec. 2017. since 1999. His current research and academic in-
[19] R. Tahmasebifar, M. K. Sheikh-El-Eslami, and R. Kheirollahi, “Point terests include power system instrumentation, power
and interval forecasting of real-time and day-ahead electricity prices by system monitoring and control, and power system high performance comput-
a novel hybrid approach,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, ing.
vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 2173–2183, Jul. 2017.
[20] M. Dicorato, G. Forte, M. Pisani, and M. Trovato, “Planning and
operating combined wind-storage system in electricity market,” IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 209–217, Apr.
2012. Wei-Jen Lee (M’85−SM’97−F’07) received the
[21] Rachel Carnegie, Douglas Gotham, David Nderitu, Paul V. Preckel, B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan Uni-
“Utility Scale Energy Storage Systems”, State Utility Forecasting Group, versity, Taipei, Taiwan, China, and the Ph.D. degree
June 2013. from the University of Texas, Arlington, in 1978,
[22] Q. Zhang, X. R. Li, M. Yang, Y. J. Cao, and P. Q. Li, “A method for 1980, and 1985, respectively, all in Electrical Engi-
configuring mixed energy storage capacity with the highest net benefit,” neering. He is currently a Professor of the Electrical
Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, vol. 31, no. 14, pp. 40– Engineering Department and the Director of the
48, Jul. 2016. Energy Systems Research Center. Prof. Lee has been
involved in research on arc flash and electrical safety,
[23] L. Xu, G. Ma, P. Cheng, R. W. Li, Z. W. Liu, and P. Li, “Summary of
utility deregulation, renewable energy, smart grid,
hydrogen storage technology and its application prospect in hydrogen
microgrid, load forecasting, power quality, distribu-
storage,” Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 166–171, Feb. 2016.
tion automation and demand side management, power systems analysis, online
[24] D. F. Jiang, ”Feasibility analysis of hydrogen and oxygen combined
real time equipment diagnostic and prognostic system, and microcomputer
cycle and wind energy coupled power generation system,” Ph.D. disser-
based instrumentation for power systems monitoring, measurement, control,
tation, Dept. North China Electric Power University, Beijing, 2012.
and protection. Since 2008 he has also served as the project manager for the
[25] D. Chade, T. Miklis, and D. Dvorak, “Feasibility study of wind-to-
IEEE/NFPA Arc Flash Research Project. Prof. Lee is a Fellow of IEEE and
hydrogen system for Arctic remote locations–grimsey island case study,”
registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.
Renewable Energy, vol. 76, pp. 204–211, Apr. 2015.
[26] S. Teleke, M. E. Baran, S. Bhattacharya, and A. Q. Huang, “Rule-based
control of battery energy storage for dispatching intermittent renewable

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