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Summary of IPPC Meeting November 17, 2011 Jason Altenbern (D204 Community Relations Coordiator) gave an update on the

Winter Coat & Boot Drive conducted by the district in October. With 24 schools participating in the drive, the district collected 1600 winter clothing items, as follows: 628 coats, 157 pairs of boots, 450 hats/ gloves/mittens, 183 snowpants Jason also requested that schools send him information regarding any holiday events they will be holding. Jason will pass this information along to Dr. Birkett and the district board. Jean Donavon reported on a recent District 36 meeting where officials from the DuPage County Health Department gave a presentation regarding the health & safety considerations that schools need to take into consideration when schools provide concessions at school events. Dina Lohman reported that based on responses by IPPC members, there would not be a district toy drive this holiday season. The idea may be explored again next year. Jean Donavon reported that Article VIII of the IPPC bylaws (dealing with officers and their election) needed to be amended to provide for a strong transition process when new IPPC officers are elected so that they can take necessary training and be ready to assume their duties. The amendments were read aloud, and after discussion, were approved by the IPPC members. The next step is for all the local units (PTAs & PTSAs) to alert their membership about the changes to the IPPC bylaws and post the amendments for 30 days to allow their membership to review the changes. Then, the changes must be voted on by each local unit and adopted. After adoption by the membership of the local units, IPPC must be notified of the result. IPPC plans to vote on these amendments at the February 2012 IPPC meeting, so all local units must have their voting process completed before that February date. (A copy of the proposed amendments is available by contacting the Hill IPPC Rep, Melanie Hinds @ Jay Strang (Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum and Allison Sherman (Dir. of Core Curriculum) spoke about the districts progress in revamping and updating the districts core curriculum (i.e. the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training program ~ see for more information). The changes to the current curriculum began in May 2011 and math curriculum role out should occur in the Fall of 2012. Also in Fall 2012, new science standards will be instituted to integrate an engineering component. However, the district also needs to update the infrastructure it currently has in school building and throughout the district as a whole (i.e. district server needs to be updated and bandwith capacity increased to permit increased use of computers and wireless devices that could be used in the classroom by teachers as tools). This costs money and will take time. The Calendar Committee reported that it submitted its proposals for the 2012-2013 calendar to district officials and the teachers union and included a proposal that the calendar condense days to permit long weekends (e.g. having a Friday off for a holiday and the following Monday off for a teacher in-service day). The teachers union needs to vote of the proposed changes to the calendar.

The Reflections chair reported that 367 Reflections entries form within the district made it to the IPPC level for judging, which is in progress. An announcement as to which entries have advanced to the District 36 level will be made before the Winter break. Upcoming events: (1) School Board Holiday Reception, Monday, December 5, CEC, 5:00 - 6:30 PM (2) IPPC Reflections Ceremony, Tuesday, January 31, Fry Elementary School, TBA (3) Students Summer Activities Fair, Wednesday, March 7, Still Middle School, 6:00 -8:00 PM

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