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I see where you're coming from, but…

I beg to differ.

I do take your point, but…

If you don't mind me saying so…

tell me about it!

don't take this personally, but

with all due respect I don't agree with you

that's not the way I see it

I'm afraid I have to say...

That's like trying to get blood out of a stone

No offence intended, but

You're telling me!

in the nicest possible way


I was under the impression that…


If my memory serves me correctly,

I’d hazard a guess that

We all have our ups and downs

On a temporary basis

things will slow down soon enough


 first and foremost

 if you'd like me to elaborate
 one thing is clear
 a bit of a sore point
 to cross that bridge when I come to it
 turning now to
 let me talk you through
 It's worth a shot
 to recap what I've been saying
 More specifically
 to labour the point
 let me take you through my presentation
 it was worth a shot
 More to the point,


 it was inexusable of me
 To take it out on smb – выместить на ком-то
 get off my back – слезть с моей шеи
 I was out of line
 I don’t know what came over me
 I thought I was helping
 To overreact
 I had no right to take it out on you
 Why don’t you just come out with it? – признать это


 I’m open to discussion, suggestions

 What would you say to 500?
 It’s worth much more
 Could you see your way to increasing that a little?
 Fair's fair
 It’s fair to say
 How flexible can you be on that? – I would be authorised to accept
 Is that your best offer?
 That would be out of the question
 A fair suggestion
 There is just the issue of the – осталось только (обсудить)
 I was kind of hoping for more in the region of…
 I'm not in a position to offer more
 I think that's a little too low.
 We'd be prepared to offer £500
 How much would you be willing to pay?


 It’s totally unacceptible!

 That’outrageous!
 I will look into the matter.
 I can assure you there will be consequences.
 This is beyond belief!
 They have no right to…
 Words cannot express my anger
 You’ve failed to fulfil your responsibility to…
 discuss it face-to-face
 I smell a rat
 Hold your conclusions
 I’m lost for words
 I’m calling to express my dissatisfaction
 There is something fishy about this
 Let’s not jump to conclusions
 You owe me an explanation
 Hold your horses
 Words cannot express my anger

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