UNIT 4 - HR Metrics - by Uzair

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UNIT 4: HRA – HR Metrics


HR metrics are quantifiable measures used to track and assess the status of specific processes, activities, or
outcomes related to human resources and the workforce. These metrics provide objective data points that allow
organizations to monitor performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Steps to Define HR Metrics:

1. Clarify Objectives: Begin by clearly defining the objectives or goals you want to achieve. What are you trying to
measure or improve? Understanding the purpose behind the metrics will guide the selection process.
2. Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs are the most important metrics that directly reflect progress
toward your objectives. They should be relevant, measurable, and aligned with your goals. For example, if your
objective is to increase employee productivity, relevant KPIs could include absenteeism rate, employee
engagement score, and performance appraisal ratings.
3. Consider Context: Take into account the context of your organization, industry, or project. Metrics that are
relevant and meaningful in one context may not be as useful in another. Consider factors such as industry
standards, best practices, and organizational priorities.
4. Balance Leading and Lagging Indicators: Leading indicators provide insight into future performance, while
lagging indicators measure past performance. Both types of indicators are important for a comprehensive
understanding of progress. For example, while employee retention rate is a lagging indicator, employee
satisfaction surveys may serve as leading indicators.
5. Ensure Measurability: Metrics should be quantifiable or observable to enable consistent measurement and
comparison over time. Avoid vague or subjective metrics that are difficult to quantify or interpret.
6. Establish Targets or Benchmarks: Set specific targets or benchmarks for each metric to provide a clear standard
for success. These targets should be realistic and achievable based on historical data, industry norms, or
organizational goals.
7. Regularly Review and Adjust: Continuously monitor and review your metrics to assess performance and identify
areas for improvement. Be prepared to adjust your metrics as needed to ensure they remain relevant and
effective over time.

Components of a Well-Defined HR Metric:

For each HR metric, it's important to clearly define and document the following:

1. Name of the Metric: Clearly state the name of the metric.

2. Units of Measurement: Specify the units in which the metric is measured (hours, dollars, percentages, etc.).
3. Maximum and Minimum Possible Values: Define the maximum and minimum possible values for the metric.
4. Date Range for Data Availability: Specify the date range for which data is available.
5. Financial Value or Importance: Explain the financial value or importance of the metric to the organization.
6. Desired Direction of Change: Indicate whether an increase or decrease in the metric is desirable.
7. Expected Impact of the Investment: Describe the expected impact of the investment being measured.
8. Contact Person Responsible: Provide the contact person responsible for collecting and managing the metric.

Examples of Common HR Metrics:

Here are some common HR metrics along with their formulas and descriptions:

1. Absence Rate:
- Formula: (Number of days absent in a month) / [(Average number of employees during the month) × (Number of
workdays)] × 100
- Description: Measures absenteeism and helps determine if your company has an absenteeism problem. It
analyzes the effectiveness of the attendance policy and management in applying the policy.

2. Cost per Hire:

- Formula: (Advertising + Agency fees + Employee referrals + Travel cost of applicants and staff + Relocation costs
+ Recruiter pay and benefits) / Number of hires
- Description: Measures the costs involved with a new hire. It can be used to benchmark your organization against
industry standards and identify ways to increase savings or reduce costs in the recruitment process.

3. Time to Fill:
- Formula: Total days elapsed to fill requisitions / Number of hires
- Description: Measures the number of days from when a job requisition was approved to the new hire start date.
It assesses the efficiency and productivity of the recruiting function.


Demographics refer to the statistical characteristics of a population. In the context of HR analytics and workforce
data, demographics are the attributes that describe individual employees or groups of employees.

Some common types of demographic variables used in HR analytics include:

1. Individual Demographics:
 Age
 Gender
 Ethnicity/Race
 Education Level
 Marital Status
 Tenure/Years of Experience

2. Organizational Demographics:
 Job Level/Band
 Job Function/Role
 Department/Business Unit
 Location/Geography
 Management Level (Individual Contributor, Manager, etc.)
 Employment Type (Full-Time, Part-Time, Contractor)

These demographic traits can provide important context when analyzing HR metrics and workforce data. Some key
reasons why demographics are valuable:

1. They allow segmenting the employee population into different groups to identify patterns, differences or
disparities across groups.
2. They can be used to control for factors that may influence outcomes when analyzing the impact of HR
3. Certain demographics like tenure, age, job level may directly or indirectly impact metrics like turnover,
promotions, training effectiveness etc.
4. Demographics enable building predictive models, where an employee's demographics along with other factors
can predict future outcomes like flight risk, leadership potential etc.
5. They provide a lens to ensure programs are inclusive and don't disadvantage any particular demographic

However, some demographic information like race, gender, age are also sensitive and protected characteristics.
Their use requires following guidelines around ethical data practices and compliance with regulations like EEO laws.

1. Operations data - tracks business processes like revenue, sales, defects, safety incidents etc. This core
operational data is closely linked to an organization's cash flows.
2. Customer service data - metrics around customer-facing processes like satisfaction, returns, complaints etc.
3. HR Information Systems (HRIS) - provide demographic data on employees like education, tenure, job titles as
well as data on compensation, training etc.
4. Learning Management Systems (LMS) - contain data on employee training courses, completion rates,
assessments etc.
5. Social media and informal learning data - usage of internal forums, social media sentiment about the company
6. Engagement survey data - feedback from employees on satisfaction, manager effectiveness, career prospects
7. Psychological testing data - assessments that can predict job performance, team dynamics etc.
8. Performance management data - employee goals, competency ratings, 360-degree feedback etc.
9. External benchmarking data - data from outside sources used for competitive benchmarking.
10. Expert estimations - qualitative estimates from subject matter experts, especially for costs, risks etc.

Data Requirements:

 Identifying unique identifiers (employee ID, email) to integrate data across sources.
 Accounting for differences in data ranges, criteria for inclusion across sources.
 Handling missing data or inconsistent employee identifiers across sources.
 Understanding context behind data sources and contact owners.

The content emphasizes combining data from multiple sources to enable richer analyses. It also cautions about
overreliance on benchmarking data from external sources.

Some key challenges discussed are:

 Data access and politics around sharing sensitive data across departments.
 Stakeholder apprehensions about negative findings impacting their interests.
 Data security, privacy and compliance considerations with employee data.
 Integrating data sources managed by third-party vendors or outsourced partners.


1. Internal Data:

a. Operational Data:

Operational data tracks the business processes within the organization, such as revenue, sales commissions, safety
incident logs, etc. It is well-organized and closely tracked, as it is closest to the cash flow of the enterprise.
Operational data is not usually tied to personal privacy issues and constraints. It provides objective metrics that align
with those tracked by executives, making the analysis results credible.

b. Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) Data:

HRIS provides demographic information such as education, tenure, job title, and sometimes compensation data. It
serves as the master list of participants in measurement projects and helps in mapping data that ties different data
sets together.
c. Learning Management Systems (LMS) Data:

LMS contains information about training, including employee identification, type of training, and training dates. It is
commonly used for tracking online training, and sometimes for traditional classroom methods.

d. Engagement Survey Data:

Engagement surveys gauge employee sentiment and satisfaction. They provide insights into various aspects such as
satisfaction with managers, career prospects, etc. Due to confidentiality concerns, mapping engagement survey data
directly to particular employees or managers can be challenging.

e. Performance Management Data:

Performance management systems include internal rating and planning systems designed to evaluate employees or
teams. Examples include 360-degree feedback programs, goal-setting systems, and manager rating systems. These
systems help in evaluating employee performance and planning for future development.

2. External Data:

a. Social Media Data:

Social media and informal learning systems are becoming more important. Organizations use social media for
promoting or sharing information about the company, measuring public sentiment, and facilitating internal
communication and learning.

b. Psychological Testing Data:

Psychological testing predicts performance on job metrics and team dynamics. It helps in understanding concepts
like self-efficacy, hope, and resilience, and their impact on employee performance and team dynamics.

c. Survey Data:

Survey data provides information on various categories such as customer satisfaction, trainee satisfaction, and
engagement. It helps in understanding customer and employee sentiment and satisfaction.

d. Expert Estimations:

Expert estimation involves collecting data about costs, risks, and future planning activities. It is commonly used for IT
risk assessment and future project planning.

e. External Benchmarking Data:

Benchmarking involves comparing organizational data with external data from other organizations. It provides a
sanity check and helps in understanding how an organization compares to others in its field.

In summary, internal data such as operational data, HRIS data, and performance management data are crucial for
understanding and managing internal processes and employee performance. External data such as social media
data, survey data, and benchmarking data provide additional insights and help in understanding external factors and
industry benchmarks. Integrating both internal and external data sources is essential for comprehensive analysis and
decision-making in HR Analytics.

 Data Classification: Data can also be classified based on different criteria:

1. Structured Data: Highly organized and formatted data that is easily searchable and accessible.
2. Unstructured Data: Raw and text-heavy data lacking a predefined organization scheme.
3. Semi-Structured Data: Falls between structured and unstructured data, with some organizational properties.
4. Quantitative Data: Numerical data that can be measured and analyzed using mathematical and statistical
5. Qualitative Data: Non-numerical data that provides insights into attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and perceptions.
6. Continuous Data: Data that can take any value within a certain range and can be measured at any level of
7. Discrete Data: Data that can only take specific, distinct values and cannot be measured at any level of precision.
8. Categorical Data: Data that represents characteristics or qualities and is typically divided into categories or
9. Ordinal Data: Data that represents categories with a specific order or ranking.


Integrating data from various sources is a crucial aspect of HR analytics, enabling a comprehensive understanding of
organizational processes and employee performance. Here's how data sets are tied together:

1. Identifying Relationships:
Before integration, relationships between data sets are identified. Common identifiers like Employee ID or email
address are used to link records across systems.
2. Data Integration:
Relevant data sets are merged or joined based on these relationships. This may involve combining rows from
different tables or linking records from disparate sources.
3. Consolidation:
Redundant or overlapping information is consolidated to ensure data consistency. This may include aggregating
data, resolving conflicts, or standardizing formats.
4. Enhancing Analysis:
Integrating data sets allows for more comprehensive insights and a deeper understanding of underlying
patterns, trends, or relationships.
5. Enriching Context:
Additional context or background information is provided by combining multiple data sets. For instance,
demographic data combined with sales data can offer insights into consumer behavior patterns.
6. Improving Accuracy:
Cross-validating information from different sources enhances the accuracy and reliability of the analysis,
identifying discrepancies or inconsistencies.
7. Facilitating Decision-Making:
Integrated data sets provide a holistic view, informing decision-making processes and enabling strategic choices
based on a comprehensive understanding of the data.

Methods of Tying Data Sets Together:

1. Joining Tables: Combining data from different tables in a database based on shared columns.
2. Merging Data Frames: Combining data using tools like Python's Pandas or R.
3. Concatenating Data: Stacking data sets vertically or horizontally.
4. Appending Data: Adding new rows to an existing data set.
5. Using Keys or Identifiers: Matching records across different data sets using unique identifiers like customer IDs
or product codes.
6. Data Blending: Combining data from different sources or platforms using specialized software.
7. API Integration: Retrieving data from multiple systems or APIs and combining them programmatically.
8. Manual Integration: Manually matching and combining data sets, often done in spreadsheets.

Quality, consistency, and accuracy are paramount in data integration, ensuring that the combined data is reliable for

Integrating data from disparate sources in HR analytics is essential for unlocking synergies and deriving richer
insights than possible from any single data source alone. However, it requires meticulous planning and execution,

- Understanding all available data sources and their contexts.

- Having clear mappings and unique identifiers.
- Developing methodologies to handle inconsistencies and missing data.
- Collaborating with IT and different data owners to access sources.
- Adhering to data privacy and ethics considerations.


Obtaining data for HR analytics is often a multifaceted challenge, influenced by organizational dynamics, logistical
complexities, and various other hurdles. Here's a synthesis of the difficulties encountered based on the provided

1. Sensitive Data Concerns:

- Sensitive HR files may be included in initial data sets, necessitating permissions and causing project delays.
- Senior leaders may demand deletion of such data, leading to complications in acquisition.
- Improper acquisition without approvals can result in delays and complications.
2. Negotiation Challenges:
- Negotiators may limit data access, hindering analysis efforts.
- Effective communication and persuasion are essential to ensure sufficient data provision.
3. Data Ownership and Sharing Issues:
- Different divisions within the organization may own specific data parts, complicating sharing.
- Reluctance to share data, akin to toddlers unwilling to share toys, creates access barriers.
4. Stakeholder Apprehension:
- Stakeholders expressing apprehension about analysis results may resist involvement and data sharing.
5. External Data Storage and Collaboration:
- Collaboration with external entities complicates data acquisition, especially when HR data is outsourced.
- Collaboration between multiple companies exacerbates data integration challenges.
6. Access Restrictions:
- Privacy concerns and regulatory restrictions may limit access to certain data sources, requiring permissions or
7. Cost and Data Quality:
- Acquiring data sets can be costly, and ensuring data quality is challenging, especially with diverse sources.
8. Data Availability and Security:
- Data may not be available or may lack sufficient granularity, especially in niche fields.
- Concerns about data privacy and security can impede access to sensitive data sets.
9. Data Silos and Technical Challenges:
- Fragmented data across systems and technical challenges in data extraction and transformation complicate
10. Data Bias and Representation:
- Bias in data collection methods can lead to inaccurate analysis outcomes, requiring diversity and inclusivity in
data collection efforts.


The ethics of measurement and evaluation in HR analytics demand a meticulous approach to handling sensitive
information while upholding principles of fairness, transparency, and respect for individual rights. Combining insights
from both contents provides a comprehensive understanding of the ethical considerations involved:

1. Confidentiality and Trust:

- Sensitive information, such as career and salary data, should be treated with the utmost confidentiality and
- Treat this information with the same standards of confidentiality as a doctor or a lawyer upholds with clients,
considering it a matter of trust.
2. Safeguards for Sensitive Information:
- Use employee IDs rather than proper names whenever possible to protect individual privacy and confidentiality.
- Consider techniques such as "hashing" identifiers to convert them into unique and reproducible forms that do
not reveal sensitive information.
- Ensure that data is stored and transmitted through secure, encrypted channels to safeguard it from
unauthorized access.

3. Ethical Decision-Making:
- Data analysis may provide justification for hard decisions within an organization, such as employee layoffs,
departmental restructuring, or special programs.
- Data-driven information can help executives make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable

4. Compliance and Legal Considerations:

- Consult with stakeholders and compliance officers to understand which data are off-limits for decision-making.
- Some data, such as personal financial data or information related to race, gender, and age, are sensitive and may
have legal restrictions on their use.
- Ensure compliance with industry regulations and legal requirements when using sensitive data for analysis.

5. Avoiding Unethical Practices:

- Be aware of ethical and legal boundaries when using data for decision-making.
- Avoid designing information or analysis to promote specific products or services, especially in industries like
pharmaceuticals or financial services where strict regulations govern data use.
- Consider the ethical implications of including sensitive information in the evaluation process and ensure that the
results are released responsibly.

By adhering to these ethical principles, HR analytics practitioners can ensure that their work respects the rights and
dignity of participants while producing valid, reliable insights for decision-making and improvement.


The Human Capital Analytics Continuum refers to a framework that outlines the different stages of sophistication in
human capital analytics within organizations. It represents the evolution of data collection, analysis, and reporting
methods used to measure and optimize human capital investments. The continuum typically includes the following
1. Anecdotes or Storytelling:
- Definition: Anecdotes involve qualitative descriptions and storytelling to convey information about human
- Purpose: Provides context and adds depth to reports and analysis.
- Example: Collecting stories or narratives about employee experiences within the organization.

2. Scorecards and Dashboards:

- Definition: Scorecards and dashboards are strategic performance management tools that track how an
organization executes its strategy and the consequences of business processes.
- Purpose: Provide a concise overview of performance by presenting a mix of financial and non-financial measures
compared to targets.
- Example: Balanced Scorecards, HR Scorecards, Workforce Scorecards, interactive dashboards.
3. Benchmarking:
- Definition: Involves studying best-run companies in specific areas to set benchmarks for various metrics such as
salary, training levels, and turnover rates.
- Purpose: Helps organizations understand how they compare to industry standards.
- Example: Comparing turnover rates or training costs to industry averages.

4. Correlation Analysis:
- Definition: Correlation analysis identifies relationships between different variables, such as sales and employee
- Purpose: Provides insights into business resources and human capital.
- Example: Analyzing the relationship between employee training and job performance.

5. Regression Analysis:
- Definition: Regression analysis models the relationship between one or more independent variables (predictors)
and a dependent variable (outcome).
- Purpose: Helps organizations understand the drivers of human capital performance and predict future outcomes
based on historical data.
- Example: Predicting employee turnover based on factors such as salary, job satisfaction, and work-life balance.

6. Causation Analysis:
- Definition: Causation analysis goes beyond correlation and regression analysis to establish causal relationships
between variables.
- Purpose: Determines whether changes in one variable directly cause changes in another variable, controlling for
potential confounding factors.
- Example: Conducting randomized controlled trials to assess the effectiveness of a training program on job

7. Optimization:
- Definition: Optimization involves using analytics and modeling techniques to identify the most effective
strategies, interventions, or allocation of resources to maximize human capital performance.
- Purpose: Enables organizations to make data-driven decisions and allocate resources efficiently to achieve
desired outcomes.
- Example: Using mathematical programming or simulation to optimize workforce planning, talent acquisition, or
training programs.

By leveraging the human capital analytics continuum, organizations can gain deeper insights into their human capital
dynamics, improve decision-making, and drive performance and innovation in today's dynamic and competitive
business environment.

1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

- Definition: KPIs are specific, quantifiable metrics used to measure the performance of a business, department,
or individual against strategic objectives.
- Purpose: KPIs help organizations evaluate their progress towards strategic goals and identify areas for
- Examples: Employee turnover rate, revenue per employee, time to hire, employee engagement score, training
- Difference from HR Analytics: While KPIs provide valuable performance metrics, they are individual measures
and do not involve the comprehensive analysis and insights generation that HR analytics entails. KPIs are often
components of HR analytics.
2. Benchmarking:
- Definition: Benchmarking involves comparing an organization's practices and performance metrics against
industry standards or best practices.
- Purpose: Benchmarking helps organizations identify areas where they can improve their performance by
learning from others in their industry.
- Examples: Comparing turnover rates, training costs, or revenue per employee to industry averages.
- Difference from HR Analytics: Benchmarking is a part of HR analytics. It involves comparing specific HR metrics
against industry benchmarks to assess performance. HR analytics, on the other hand, encompasses a broader
range of activities, including data collection, analysis, and decision-making based on insights derived from HR
3. HR Scorecards and Workforce Scorecards:
- Definition: HR scorecards (also known as HR dashboards) and workforce scorecards are tools used to monitor
and manage HR-related metrics and key performance indicators.
- Purpose: These scorecards provide HR professionals and business leaders with a visual representation of key HR
metrics, allowing them to track performance and make data-driven decisions.
- Examples: Turnover rate, employee engagement score, time to fill vacancies, training effectiveness, diversity
- Difference from HR Analytics: HR scorecards and workforce scorecards are components of HR analytics. They
provide a way to monitor and visualize HR metrics but do not involve the in-depth analysis and insights
generation that HR analytics encompasses. HR analytics involves using statistical analysis, predictive modeling,
and other techniques to extract insights from HR data and inform strategic decision-making.
4. HR Analytics:
- Definition: HR analytics involves the systematic analysis of HR-related data to generate insights that inform
strategic decision-making and optimize HR processes.
- Purpose: HR analytics helps organizations understand trends, patterns, and relationships within their workforce
data, enabling them to make data-driven decisions to improve employee performance, retention, and overall
organizational effectiveness.
- Examples: Predictive modeling to identify factors influencing employee turnover, analysis of employee
engagement survey data to identify drivers of engagement, workforce planning based on future talent needs.
- Difference from KPIs, Benchmarking, and HR Scorecards: HR analytics encompasses a broader range of
activities, including data collection, analysis, modeling, and decision-making. It goes beyond simply monitoring
metrics and involves extracting insights from data to drive strategic HR initiatives and organizational

In summary, while KPIs, benchmarking, HR scorecards, and workforce scorecards are important components of HR
analytics, they represent specific tools or practices within the broader field of HR analytics, which involves a more
comprehensive approach to data analysis and decision-making.

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