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Nuuit Singh uautam-



uest|on 1 Asslqo to tbe followloq compoooJs tbelt closs ooJ sttoctotol lotmolo
nswer 1
Name C|ass Structura| Iormu|a
normal 8uLane alkane C

lso enLane alkane C

Cyclohexane cycloalkane C

8enzene aromaLlc hydrocarbon C

ropylene alkene C

8uLylene alkene C

AceLylene alkyne C

2 L|st the ma[or categor|es of etrochem|ca|s and ment|on at |east s|x
products that can be der|ved from Lthy|ene?
Answer 2
O |ef|ns lnclude eLhylene propylene and buLadlene Lthy|ene and
propy|ene are lmporLanL sources of lndusLrlal chemlcals and plasLlcs
producLs 8uLadlene ls used ln maklng synLheLlc rubber
O romat|cs |nc|ude benzene to|uene and xy|enes 8enzene ls a raw
maLerlal for dyes and synLheLlc deLergenLs and benzene and Loluene for
lsocyanaLes Mul and 1ul used ln maklng polyureLhanes ManufacLurers use
xylenes Lo produce plasLlcs and synLheLlc flbers
O Synthes|s gas ls a mlxLure of carbon monoxlde and hydrogen used Lo make
ammon|a and methano| Ammonla ls used Lo make Lhe ferLlllzer urea and
meLhanol ls used as a solvenL and chemlcal lnLermedlaLe
LLhylene ls a gaseous organlc compound wlLh Lhe formula C
lL ls Lhe
slmplesL alkene 8ecause lL conLalns a carboncarbon double bond eLhylene ls
classlfled as an oosotototeJ byJtocotboo LLhylene ls wldely used ln lndusLry
and ls also a planL hormone LLhylene ls Lhe mosL produced organlc compound
ln Lhe world
LLhylene (bp1037
c) ls Lhe mosL versaLlle peLrochemlcals 8esldes
olymerlzaLlon Lo Low uenslLy Low uenslLy and Plgh uenslLy olyeLhylene
eLhylene on ollgomerlsaLlon produces alphaoleflns (LAC) roducLs LhaL can
be derlved from LLhylene are
1 LLhylene oxlde
2 LLhylene ulchlorlde
LLhyl 8enzene
Ilnyl AceLaLe
uest|on 4re the fo//owinq true or fo/se?
1 MelLlng polnL of a Pydrocarbon reduces wlLh lncreased molecular welghL
2 8olllng olnL lncreases wlLh an lncrease ln molecular welghL1rue
3 uenslLy lncreases wlLh lncrease ln molecular welghL1rue
4 Plgher molecular welghL hydrocarbons Lend Lo sLay ln Lhe gaseous sLaLe aL
room LemperaLure and pressureIa|se
3 Pydrocarbons wlLh branched chalns have hlgher melLlng polnLs Lhan
sLralghL chaln compounds wlLh Lhe same number of carbon aLoms ln Lhe

uest|on write o 8o/onced chemico/ quotion to show the combustion of n
+ 19C
C + 12CC
+ energy

uest|on @wo orqonic compounds hove the fo//owinq /ineor orronqement
cccOn ond ccOc
n the first compound the third corbon 4tom is /inked to on Oxyqen otom by o
doub/e bond whereos in the second compound the second corbon otom is /inked
to on Oxyqen otom by o doub/e bond? uo these be/onq to the some nomo/oqous
series ond whot ore the functiono/ qroups present in these compounds?

1wo organ|c compounds have the fo||ow|ng ||near arrangement
In the f|rst compound the th|rd Carbon tom |s ||nked to an xygen atom
by a doub|e bond whereas |n the second compound the second Carbon
atom |s ||nked to an xygen atom by a doub|e bond? Do these be|ong to
the same omo|ogous ser|es and what are the funct|ona| groups present
|n these compounds

ln Lhe sLudy of organlc chemlsLry Lhere come Lhe slLuaLlons when 2 or
more compounds conslsL of equal number of llke aLoms 1hese compounds
called lsomers have Lhe same molecular formula buL dlffer from each oLher
ln physlcal or chemlcal properLles
1he flrsL organlc compound ls sLable ln naLure and chemlcal formula ls
Class luncLlonal Croup name
Alcohol 8CP LLhyl Alcohol

Second organlc compound ls unsLable ln naLure and chemlcal formula ls
Class luncLlonal Croup name
LLher 8C8 MeLhyl LLhyl

Above compound unsLable because lL has a double bond wlLh oxygen
uest|on which of the fo//owinq feeds to o steom crocker wi// qive the
hiqhest yie/ds of thy/ene ond Propy/ene?
O thone
O -ophtho
O os Oi/
nswer s per the tab|e g|ven here
D|fferent feedstocks and the percentage by mass of the d|fferent products
obta|ned after crack|ng
roduct Lthane ropane 8utane Naphtha D|ese|
Lthene 78 43 39 30 23
ropene 3 16 13 16 14

s (|e butanes
and buta1
3 3 7 10 11
L|ght gases
methane other)
14 31 27 17 10
etro| (r|ch |n
2 4 10 23 20
Iue| o|| 0 1 2 4 22
So Lthane g|ves h|ghest y|e|d of Lthene and Naptha g|ves h|ghest y|e|d of
ropene buL Lo geL 8oLh ln good amounL we need napLha as one feed sLock

uest|on 7 @he cosh cost of thy/ene production in the Midd/e ost is obout 5
100/ @onne ond in the u54 it con vory from 5 l00500 /@onne
dependinq on the price of crude Oi/ xp/oin {o) why is the cost /ower
in the Midd/e eost ond {b) why does the production cost in the Midd/e
ost not show o siqnificont chonqe os the price of crude oi/ increoses?
nswer 7
(a)1he flnal cosL ls based on Lhe followlng parameLers
O Iarlable CosLs Lnergy CosLs (8aw maLerlals naphLha/gas) Lhese
deLermlne up Lo 73 of producLlon cosLs
O llxed CosLs (lncludlng labour)
O 8oyalLles
O lrelghL CosLs
O 1arlffs
As seen above ma[or parL of cosL producLlon ls Lnergy CosL So compared Lo uS
Mlddle LasL en[oys Lhe cheap avallablllLy of naLural 8esources and LhaL makes Lhe
cosL of rodn of eLhylene low
(b) Clobally eLhylene ls produced from a varleLy of hydrocarbon feedsLock Cver
60 of currenL cracker capaclLy ls based on llquld feed 1he balance ls based on
gas of whlch around 12 ls based on Lhe advanLageously prlced gas ln Lhe Mlddle
LasL 1he share of gas based crackers ln global capaclLy ls expecLed Lo lncrease ln
fuLure LLhane whlch ls used as a prlmary feedsLock for mosL of Lhe Mlddle LasL
crackers ls avallable aL flxed naLural gas prlces of uS$732/MM81u maklng Lhe
reglon Lhe one of Lhe lowesL cosL eLhylene producers ln Lhe world 1he Mlddle
LasL planLs could run aL hlgh operaLlng raLes regardless of markeL condlLlons
because of low flxed and feedsLock cosLs So Lhere ls noL much prlce volaLlllLy ln
naLural Cas prlce lf we compare lL wlLh Crude oll prlce varlaLlon ln lasL decades
1hls makes low change as Lhe prlce of crude oll lncreases
uest|on 8 Moke o b/ock f/ow dioqrom for the process scheme to produce
8entene ond @o/uene from o /iqht -ophtho froction { 0110
8oi/inq konqe) 8rief/y describe the function of eoch processinq step
nswer 8

ln caLalyLlc reformlng a mlxLure of hydrocarbons wlLh bolllng polnLs beLween 60
200 C ls blended wlLh hydrogen gas and Lhen exposed Lo a blfuncLlonal plaLlnum
chlorlde or rhenlum chlorlde caLalysL aL 300323 C and pressures ranglng from
830 aLm under Lhese condlLlons allphaLlc hydrocarbons form rlngs and lose
hydrogen Lo become aromaLlc hydrocarbons 1he aromaLlc producLs of Lhe
reacLlon are Lhen separaLed from Lhe reacLlon mlxLure (or reformaLe) by
exLracLlon wlLh any one of a number of solvenLs lncludlng dleLhylene glycol or
sulfolane and benzene ls Lhen separaLed from Lhe oLher aromaLlcs by dlsLlllaLlon
1he exLracLlon sLep of aromaLlcs from Lhe reformaLe ls deslgned Lo produce
aromaLlcs wlLh lowesL nonaromaLlc componenLs Socalled 81x (benzene
Loluenexylene) process conslsLs of such exLracLlon and dlsLlllaLlon sLeps Cne
such wldely used process from uC was llcensed Lo producers and called Lhe
udex process

uest|on 9 whot ore the principo/ steps in the monufocture of Methono/ from
-oturo/ os? whot ore the row moterio/s required ond whot is the
typico/ requirement of eoch per ton of methono/ product?
nswer 9Gas to ||qu|ds (G1L) |s a ref|nery process to convert natura| gas or
other gaseous hydrocarbons |nto |ongercha|n hydrocarbons such as
gaso||ne or d|ese| fue| Methaner|ch gases are converted |nto ||qu|d
synthet|c fue|s e|ther v|a d|rect convers|on or v|a syngas as an
|ntermed|ate for examp|e us|ng the I|scher 1ropsch or Mob||
llscher1ropsch process
1hls meLhod sLarLs wlLh parLlal oxldaLlon of meLhane (naLural gas) Lo carbon
dloxlde carbon monoxlde hydrogen and waLer Lhe carbon monoxlde Lo
hydrogen (P
) raLlo ls ad[usLed uslng Lhe waLer gas shlfL reacLlon) and Lhe excess
carbon dloxlde removal by aqueous soluLlons of alkanolamlne (or physlcal
solvenLs) Lhe waLer ls removed yleldlng synLhesls gas (syngas) LhaL ls chemlcally
reacLed over an lron or cobalL caLalysL Lo produce llquld hydrocarbons and oLher
Mob|| process
An alLernaLlve paLh sLarLs by converslon of Lhe naLural gas Lo syngas converslon
of Lhe syngas Lo meLhanol whlch ls subsequenLly polymerlzed lnLo alkanes over a
zeollLe caLalysL lL was developed by Mobll ln early 1970s
MeLhanol ls made from meLhane (naLural gas) ln a serles of Lhree reacLlons
1 SLeam reformlng CP
+ P
C CC + 3 P
ArP +206 k! mol

2 WaLer shlfL reacLlon CC + P
+ P
ArP 41 k! mol

3 SynLhesls 2 P
CP ArP 92 k! mol

uest|on 10 5eporotion of two products requires the feed to be pumped
preheoted ond sent to the disti//otion co/umn Overheod vopours ore
condensed ond routed to o ref/ux drum from where the ref/ux is sent
to the top of the co/umn ond the top product is sent to storoqe neot
for the process is supp/ied by o reboi/er ond the bottom product ofter
heot exchonqe with the feed is coo/ed by woter ond sent to storoqe
{o) moke o f/ow scheme of the system showinq the mojor streoms
ond equipment ond {b) /ist the unit operotions thot ore opp/ied in the
disti//otion process { q heot tronsfer)
nswer 10

LlsL of unlL CperaLlons
1 PeaL generaLlon
2 PeaL 1ransfer
3 SeparaLlon
4 Coollng
3 urlflcaLlon

uest|on 11 ist possib/e woys by which refinery operotion con be inteqroted
with Petrochemico/s production
nswer 11
1he peLrochemlcals lndusLry all over Lhe world has become hlghly compeLlLlve
eLrochemlcals producers are faclng challenges of decreaslng demand hlgh
prlced feedsLock and envlronmenLal regulaLlons Whlle Lhe decreaslng demand
durlng recesslon ls puLLlng pressure on proflL marglns hlgh prlced feedsLock ls
maklng lL dlfflculL for producers Lo malnLaln Lhe proflLs 1o malnLaln growLh
peLrochemlcal complexes have sLarLed lnLegraLlng wlLh reflnerles lnLegraLed
peLrochemlcals reflnery has conLlnuous supply of beLLer quallLy feedsLock aL
relaLlvely lower prlces lnLegraLlon has several oLher beneflLs such as ablllLy Lo
reprocess byproducLs produced ln Lhe peLrochemlcals complex reducLlon ln Lhe
energy requlremenL and a decrease ln operaLlonal and LransporLaLlon cosLs
8ecause of slgnlflcanL domesLlc demand ln Lhe Asla aclflc mosL of Lhe lnLegraLed
peLrochemlcal reflnerles are comlng onsLream ln Lhe reglon
1hls ls how 8eflnery and eLrochemlcal can be llnked LogeLher

8enef|ts of |ntegrat|on
1 Slngle slLe lnLegraLlon of reflnlng and peLrochemlcal capaclLy
2 AvallablllLy of producL
3 8educLlon ln LransporL (cosLs and rlsks)
4 Worklng caplLal savlngs
3 Synergles from [olnL lnfrasLrucLures and loglsLlcs
6 8educLlon ln varlable cosLs (sLeam uLlllLles)
7 Slze effecL on supporL servlces malnLenance P8 PSLC managemenL lA
SLraLeglc advanLage
1 Less recourse Lo Lradlng markeL
2 lndependence and supply securlLy
3 LongLerm exchanges
4 Common buslness and lnvesLmenL sLraLegy
3 Commlngled fooLprlnL of acLlvlLles

uest|on 12 write o note {obout three poroqrophs) on the out/ook for the
Petrochemico/ 5ector in ndio
nswer 12

1 eLrochemlcals conLrlbuLe over 20 of LoLal chemlcal secLor ouLpuL
2 eLrochemlcals annual consumpLlon growLh 10
3 olymer (63) synLheLlc flber (29) are ma[or eLrochemlcals
4 olymer growLh raLe more Lhan 2 Llmes Cu growLh raLe ln pasL flve years
3 Plgh CrowLh observed ln Lhe olymers enduse segmenLs ln pasL 3 years
Consumer LlecLronlcs
Consumer uurables
1here have been very few changes ln Lhe lndlan peLrochemlcals and plasLlcs ln Lhe
lasL Lwo decades 8uL Lhe few changes LhaL dld Lake place had a Clobal lmpacL on
Lhe peLrochemlcals and plasLlcs lndusLry
PlsLorlcally lndlan cracker plus 2/3 lndusLry has been owned and operaLed by
publlc secLor unlLs
1 lCL (lndlan eLrochemlcals LLd)
2 CAlL (Cas AuLhorlLy of lndla LLd )
3 nCClL (naLlonal Crganlc Chemlcals lndla LLd)
1hese organlzaLlons sLlll accounL for ma[or porLlon of Lhe peLrochemlcals Loday
lncludlng Lhe planned operaLlons of CnCC (Cll and Cas Commlsslon of lndla)
1he Lwo slgnlflcanL prlvaLely held organlzaLlons LhaL had a ma[or lmpacL on Lhe
lndlan peLrochemlcals scenery lnclude
1 Paldla eLrochemlcals
2 8ellance
1ogeLher Paldla and 8ellance accounL for 86 of eLhylene and 87 of Lhe
propylene maklng Lhe prlvaLe secLor's domlnaLlon of Lhe peLrochemlcals nearly
100 of Lhe polyolefln and 63 of Lhe IC are owned by Lhe lnLegraLed players
wlLh no slgnlflcanL nonlnLegraLed players ln lndla llmlLlng Lhe opLlons for
parLlclpaLlon ln lndlan cracker plus 2/3 parLlclpaLlon opLlons Paldla
eLrochemlcals Loday accounLs for approxlmaLely 18 of Lhe eLhylene and 14 of
Lhe propylene capaclLy ln lndla 8ellance lndusLrles on Lhe oLher hand accounLs
for approxlmaLely 68 of Lhe eLhylene capaclLy and 73 of Lhe propylene
capaclLy ln lndla
Ma[or layers ln lndlan eLrochemlcal lndusLry
e||ance Industr|es Ltd
8ellance lndusLrles ls Lhe largesL prlvaLe secLor organlzaLlon ln lndla (28 of
lndla's Cu) 8ellance's excepLlonally 8ackwardverLlcal lnLegraLlon sLraLegy
helped lL achleve such a phenomenal growLh
unllke mosL peLrochemlcal and plasLlcs organlzaLlons ln Lhe world 8ellance
sLarLed lLs growLh sLraLegy from lLs LexLlle and polyesLer operaLlons and verLlcally
lnLegraLed backwards lnLo crackers for Lhelr LC producLlon Lhen moved lnLo
polyolefln and plasLlcs an unlque/excepLlonal sLraLegy ln Lhe world 8ecause of
compleLe undersLandlng of Lhe consumer and markeLs and supply chalns Lhey
have accompllshed Lhe feeL of belng among Lhe Lop Len global players (ln all of
Lhelr core buslnesses)
8ellance ls Lhe largesL player ln Lhe lndlan peLrochemlcal lndusLry (acqulred
asseLs of nCClL and lCL prevlously CovL operaLlons) lL ls a common occurrence
ln lndla for Lhe governmenL operaLed lndusLrlal organlzaLlons Lo be declared
economlcally slck and sold Lo prlvaLe flrms aL bargaln prlces boLh aL sLaLe and
cenLral governmenL levels
8ellance ls based ln WesLern lndla (MaharashLra Cu[araL) 8ellance ls soon Lo
sLarL up Lhe world's largesL reflnery lncreaslng global presence plus lndlan
domlnaLlon WlLh oll/gas energy operaLlons and expanslons lnLo downsLream
markeLs lncludlng communlcaLlons grocerles beauLy salons and vegeLables
8ellance has lLs hands on Lhe pulse of lndla
1he ma[or sLraLeglc advanLages of 8ellance lncludlng Access Lo caplLal lowcosL
labor supply chaln synergles hlsLory of Pave made Lhem
3 ICL (Ind|an || Corporat|on L|m|ted)
ln order Lo peneLraLe Lhe peLrochemlcals markeL effecLlvely a separaLe SLraLeglc
8uslness unlL (S8u) has been creaLed ln lndlanCll for markeLlng of
peLrochemlcals 1hls S8u has flve excluslve subgroups classlfled producL wlse
(LA8 1A olymers) and funcLlon wlse (LoglsLlcs LxporLs)

Mega |ants

L|near |ky| 8enzene (L8) p|ant Gu[arat ef|nery
1he counLry's largesL Llnear Alkyl 8enzene (LA8) planL aL Cu[araL 8eflnery ln
AugusL 2004 lL ls also Lhe largesL grassrooLs slngle Lraln keroseneLoLA8 unlL ln
Lhe world wlLh an lnsLalled capaclLy of 120000 meLrlc Lonnes per annum
(M1A) CurrenLly Lwo grades of LA8 hlgh molecular welghL and low molecular
welghL are belng produced for manufacLure of envlronmenL frlendly
blodegradable deLergenLs

1he LA8 unlL aL Cu[araL 8eflnery achleved 1028 capaclLy uLlllzaLlon durlng Lhe
year 20092010 LA8 sales Louched 126 1M1 lncludlng exporL of 19 1M1 Lo 19
counLrles durlng Lhe year 200910

araxy|ene]ur|f|ed 1erephtha||c c|d (k]1) an|pat
1he 1A lanL ls Lhe slngle largesL unlL ln lndla wlLh a worldscale capaclLy of
333000 M1A achlevlng economy of scale 1he araxylene planL ls deslgned Lo
process 300000 M1A of hearLcuL naphLha Lo produce abouL 360000 M1A of
x naphLha ls sourced from lndlanCll's anlpaL and MaLhura reflnerles for whlch
naphLha spllLLer unlLs are seL up aL Lhe respecLlve reflnerles 1he 1A unlL
produces 333000 M1A of urlfled 1erephLhallc Acld from araxylene

Naphtha Cracker |ant an|pat
1he feed for Lhe unlL ls sourced lnLernally from lndlanClls koyall anlpaL and
MaLhura reflnerles 1he naphLha Cracker comprlses of Lhe followlng downsLream
unlLs olypropylene (capaclLy 600000 Lonnes) Plgh uenslLy olyeLhylene
(PuL) (dedlcaLed capaclLy 300000 Lonnes) and Llnear Low uenslLy oly
LLhylene (LLuL) (330000 Lonnes Swlng unlL wlLh PuL) Mono LLhylene
Clycol(MLC) planL (capaclLy 323000 Lonnes)

1he cracker wlll produce over 800000 Lonnes per annum of eLhylene 600000
Lonnes per annum of ropylene 123000 Lonnes per annum of 8enzene and
oLher producLs vlz LC yrolysls luel Cll componenLs of Casollne and ulesel
1he olypropylene () unlL ls deslgned Lo produce hlgh quallLy and hlgh value
nlche grades lncludlng hlgh speed 8laxlally CrlenLed olypropylene (8C) (used
for food packaglng and lamlnaLlons) hlgh clarlLy random copolymers (used for
food conLalners and Lhln walled producLs) and super lmpacL copolymer grades
(used for baLLerles auLomoblle parLs luggage and heavy duLy LransporL
conLalners) olyeLhylene ls used for maklng ln[ecLlon moulded caps heavy duLy
craLes conLalners blns LexLlle bobblns luggage ware Lhermoware sLorage blns
pressure plpes (for gas and waLer) small blowmoulded boLLles [erry cans eLc

L|near |ky| 8enzene (L8)
lndlanCll LA8 planL was commlssloned aL Iadodara ln AugusL 2004 as a venLure
lnLo peLrochemlcals downsLream segmenL 1he planL uses kerosene and 8enzene
produced by Lhe reflnery as Lhe maln feed sLocks for manufacLure of Llnear Alkyl
8enzene WlLh fuel oll also avallable lnhouse for energy Lhe LA8 planL ls fully
lnLegraLed wlLh Lhe reflnery 1he planL ls based on Lhe laLesL uC uL1AL
Lechnology and ls deslgned Lo produce Low Molecular WelghL (LMW) and Plgh
Molecular WelghL (PMW) LA8

naraffln of requlred Cchaln lengLh ls exLracLed from kerosene ln Molecular
LxLracLlon unlL lL ls dehydrogenaLed lnLo correspondlng oleflns ln ACCL and
uellnlng unlL 1hereafLer alkylaLlon of 8enzene ls done wlLh Lhese mono oleflns Lo
form Llnear Alkyl 8enzene Some heavy AlkylaLe generaLed durlng Lhe process ls
separaLed ouL by fracLlonaLlon

lndlanCll Mono LLhylene Clycol (MLC) planL was commlssloned aL anlpaL
naphLha Cracker Complex anlpaL Paryana ln Aprll 2010 as a response Lo
expanslon ln Lhe downsLream polyesLer secLor and also ln Lhe llghL of llquld fuel
(naphLha) Surpluses ln Lhe norLhern SecLor 1he fully lnLegraLed planL uses
LLhylene produced by naphLha Cracker as Lhe maln feed SLock for manufacLure of
1he MLC planL ls based on Lhe proven Lechnology of SclenLlflc ueslgn Co uSA
LLhylene Clycol ls produced from LLhylene by noncaLalyLlc hydraLlon of LLhylene
Cxlde and waLer aL elevaLed Lemp and pressure1he nameplaLe capaclLy of Lhe
MLC planL ls 303000 1A wlLh ul LLhylene Clycol (uLC) and 1rl LLhylene Clycol
(1LC) as by producLs uLC and 1LC producLlon capaclLles are 21600 1A and 1000
1A respecLlvely Slnce MLC and 1A are used ln con[uncLlon Lhe MLC planL
capaclLy nearly maLches Lhe raLed capaclLy of lndlanCll 1A planL

ur|f|ed 1ereptha||c c|d (1)
lndlanClls urlfled 1erepLhallc Acld (1A) planL was commlssloned aL anlpaL
8eflnery Paryana ln !une 2006 as a response Lo expanslon ln Lhe downsLream
polyesLer secLor and also ln Lhe llghL of llquld fuel (naphLha) surpluses ln Lhe
norLhern SecLor 1he fully lnLegraLed planL uses ara xylene (x) produced by
anlpaL 8eflnery as Lhe maln feed sLock for manufacLure of 1A x ls produced
from aromaLlc rlch hearL cuL of naphLha

lnlLlally crude 1erepLhallc Acld ls produced Lhrough oxldaLlon of x ln Lhe
presence of a caLalysL Crude 1erepLhallc Acld ls Lhen purlfled Lhrough a process
of hydrogenaLlon crysLalllzaLlon cenLrlfuglng and drylng Lo produce 1A Whlle
x planL ls based on Lhe laLesL uC Lechnology 1A planL ls based on Lhe proven
lnvlsLa 110 (currenLly uuonL) Lechnology

1he x1A planL had a caplLal ouLlay of around 8s3100 crores 1he nameplaLe
capaclLy of 360000 1A of lnhouse x ls ldeally maLched wlLh Lhe raLed capaclLy
of 333000 1A of 1A 8enzene Lo Lhe Lune of 23000 1A ls generaLed durlng
Lhe process and ls separaLed ouL by fracLlonaLlon

Gas uthor|ty of Ind|a Ltd (GIL)
CAlL ls lndla's publlc secLor flagshlp naLural gas company lL enLered Lhe
peLrochemlcals secLor ln 1999 exLendlng lLs operaLlons from gas processlng and
supply CAlL caLers Lo abouL a flfLh of polymers demand ln lndla malnly
focused on PuL/LLuL
LocaLed ln norLh lndla CAlL has plans for 1000 280 and 400 k1? peLrochemlcal
complexes (ln Andhra radesh Assam and kerala) CAlL ls underLaklng feaslblllLy
sLudles for a 3000 k1? planL ln l8An When all Lhe plans come Lo frulLlon CAlL
wlll be a ma[or conLrlbuLor Lo lndlan plasLlcs
CAlL has Lwo Lralns of dedlcaLed PuL unlLs of Lhe MlLsul slurry Lechnology
llcense (capaclLy 2 x 100000 M1/A) and markeLlng Lhe grades under Lhe brand
name of Clex and one Lraln of Lhe PuL/LLuL swlng planL under Lhe novacor
soluLlon based Lechnology llcense (capaclLy 210000 M1/A)
lurLher by addlng 6Lh furnace deboLLlenecklng of Lhe planL Lhe CAlL's aLa
planL capaclLy wlll reach Lo 300000 M1s of LLhylene 300000 M1s of
PuL/LLuL produclng capaclLy byl?201112

1he peLrochemlcals buslness of CAlL has conslsLenLly achlevlng all seL LargeLs wlLh
respecL Lo lLs producLlon and sales all LhroughouL

CAlL has also formed a !olnL venLure company by Lhe name of M/s 8hramapuLra
Cracker and eLrochemlcals LLd (8CL) Lo acceleraLe Lhe Col's only auLhorlzed
peLrochemlcal pro[ecL ln Lhe norLh LasL of lndla (aL LepeLkaLa Assam lndla) 1he
8CL ls a !I beLween Lhe CovernmenL of Assam CAlL(l) LLd ClL (lndla) LLd

lurLher CAlL has plans Lo augmenL Lhe lnsLalled capaclLy furLher by puLLlng up
new planLs of PuL/LLuL by 300 k1A aL aLa whlch ls LargeLed Lo be operaLlonal
by l? 201314

GIL offers a wlde range of grades ln PuL and LLuL Lo caLer Lo dlverse
appllcaLlons under Lhe brand name of Clex and Clene SLraLeglcally locaLed
sLocklesL cenLres mulLlple dellvery modes supply from producLlon slLes as well as
sLock polnLs and efflclenL supply chaln managemenL ensure cusLomer needs are
meL on Llme wlLh producLs LhaL are of conslsLenL quallLy

Clex ls Lhe brand name of PuL manufacLured and markeLed by CAlL (lndla) LLd
1hese grades are manufacLured by uslng slurry process Lechnology of M/s MlLsul
Chemlcals !apan lL provldes a wlde range of grades for Lhe cusLomers Clex
grades wlLh moderaLe and hlgh molecular welghL are sulLable for varlous
appllcaLlons of PuL whlch lncludes pressure lpes ClC uucLs 8low Molded
ConLalners 1hln lllms MonofllamenL 8affla eLc All Lhe grades conform Lo 8lS
regulaLlon for food conLacL appllcaLlons
leaLures Clex producL feaLures lnclude excellenL mechanlcal sLrengLh lmpacL
sLrengLh weaLher ablllLy easy processablllLy good low LemperaLure lmpacL
reslsLance and superlor LSC8

G|ene hd and G|ene || ls Lhe brand name of PuL and LLuL manufacLured and
markeLed by CAlL (lndla) LLd 1hese grades are manufacLured uslng SclalrLech"
soluLlon process Lechnology of M/s nova Chemlcals Canada 1hls process
provldes varleLy of grades ranglng from LLuL Lo PuL All Lhe grades conform Lo
8lS speclflcaLlon for food conLacL appllcaLlons Ieatures G|ene DL feaLures
lnclude excellenL gloss and low degree of warpage hlgh lmpacL sLrengLh and
sLlffness offerlng an opLlmal mlx of chemlcal reslsLance and mechanlcal
performance for varlous appllcaLlons 1heses grades offer greaLer ablllLy Lo meeL
Lhe dlverse and lnnovaLlve requlremenL of Lhe markeL wlLh excepLlonally hlgh
quallLy performance ln boLh exLruslon and moldlng appllcaLlons Clene PuL
grade denslLles ranges from 0941 gm/cc Lo 0963 gm/cc and Mll ln Lhe ranges
from 030 (l2) Lo 18

G|ene hd and G|ene || ls Lhe brand name of PuL and LLuL manufacLured and
markeLed by CAlL (lndla) LLd 1hese grades are manufacLured uslng SclalrLech"
soluLlon process Lechnology of M/s nova Chemlcals Canada 1hls process
provldes varleLy of grades ranglng from LLuL Lo PuL All Lhe grades conform Lo
8lS speclflcaLlon for food conLacL appllcaLlons

G|ene|| LLDL feaLures lnclude excellenL processablllLy wlLh an opLlmal mlx of
opLlcal and mechanlcal properLles for varlous appllcaLlons 1heses grades offer
greaLer ablllLy Lo meeL Lhe dlverse and lnnovaLlve requlremenL of Lhe markeL wlLh
excepLlonally hlgh quallLy performance ln prlmarlly exLruslon appllcaLlons Clene
LLuL grade denslLles ranges from 0918 gm/cc Lo 0933 gm/cc and Mll (l2) ln Lhe
ranges from 09 Lo 30 gms/10 mlnuLes

a|d|aetrochem|ca|s L|m|ted
Paldla was [olnLly promoLed by WesL 8engal lndusLrlal uevelopmenL CorporaLlon
1he ChaLLer[ee eLrochem (MaurlLlus) Co LLd and Lhe 1aLa Croup LocaLed ln
LasLern lndla (WesL 8engal) ls currenLly Lhe second largesL prlvaLe enLerprlse
wlLh a capaclLy of 320 k1? of polyolefln Paldla ls essenLlally small cash sLrapped
reglonal player wlLh llLLle/no Clobal lmpacL

etrochem|ca| Capac|ty Ind|a

Company/LocaLlon leed SLock LuL PuLLLuL
8lL (lCL) /
Cas 110 240 100
8lL (lCL) / naphLha 93 130
8lL / Pazlra /
naphLha 430 400
8lL (lCL)
/Candhar/ Cu[araL
Cas 160
8lL (nCClL)
naphLha 60
8lL / !amnagar /
naphLha 730
Sub 1oLal 8lL 203 910 1400
PL / Paldla / W8 naphLha 330 300
CAlL / aLna / u Cas 310
1oLal 203 1770 1700

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