The Rabbit and The Turtle

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HARI / TANGGAL : ………………………………

Q1>: 1. The generic structure of narrative text is...

A>: Complication, Resolution, and Orientation.
A>: Resolution, Orientation, and Complication.
A>: Orientation, Resolution, and Complication.
A>: Orientation, Complication, and Resolution.
K>: D

Q2>: 2. What is the resolution of narrative text?

A>: Problem solving
A>: Story
A>: Moral value
A>: Messages
K>: A

Q3>: 3. Read the text below!

The Rabbit and the Turtle
One day, in the forest a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so
slow. Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and
accepted the challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race
As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. The rabbit got to the half-
way point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. All
this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept
However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went
at full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.
What is the text about?
A>: Recount Text
A>: Descriptive Text
A>: Narrative Text
A>: Announcement Text

K>: C

Q>: 4. Read the text below!

The Rabbit and the Turtle
One day, in the forest a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so
slow. Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and
accepted the challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race
As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. The rabbit got to the half-
way point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. All
this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept
However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went
at full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.
What is narrative text?
A>:A story to entertain/amuse people.
A>:A story tells about past experience.
A>:A funny story
A>: A fact story
K>: A

Q>: 5. Arrange these jumbled sentences to make a meaningful narrative text.

1.When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the miners to dig, they would have bought his
2. The man next went to a house where a wedding was taking place.
3. A stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt.
4. There he dug a huge hole.
5. He first went to a mining area but nobody there wanted his salt.
6. This made the people angry and they chased him away.
The best arrangement is … .
A>: 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 6
A>: 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 6
A>: 5 – 6 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 4
A>: 6 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4
K>: A

Q>: 6. Read the text below!

The Bear and the Two Friends
Once, two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to them
at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in case of danger.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching tern. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the
other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless,
pretending to be a dead man.
The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt his ears and slowly left the place. Because the
bear did not touch him, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, "Friend, what did the
bear tell you into your ears?"The other friend replied, "He advised me not to believe a false friend.
Where do you think the story happened?
A>: In the river
A>: In the park
A>: In the forest
A>: In the zoo
K>: C

Q>: 7. The following text is for questions.

Any online or mobile service that provides can be considered a digital wallet or "e-wallet." The balance of digital
wallet can be topped up by various ways, such as online bard transfer To transfer money from your bank account
your digital wallet, follow the steps below.
1) Log in to your bank account in the phone application.
2) Select the option to top up e-wallet
3) Select the correct e-wallet you wish to be topped up.
4) Insert the account number of your e-wallet
Then, enter the desired amount of money to be transferred.
5) Make sure all of the data is correct before you're ready to transfer. Enter the transaction password.
6) Check your e-wallet account to confirm that your money had been deposited.

What is the goal of the text?

A>: Transfer money to another bank account.
A>: Deposit money to the bank account online.

A>: Top up the e-wallet account.

A>: Register to e-wallet account.
K>: C

Q>: 8. The following text is for questions.

Any online or mobile service that provides can be considered a digital wallet or "e-wallet." The balance of digital
wallet can be topped up by various ways, such as online bard transfer To transfer money from your bank account
your digital wallet, follow the steps below.
1) Log in to your bank account in the phone application.
2) Select the option to top up e-wallet
3) Select the correct e-wallet you wish to be topped up.
4) Insert the account number of your e-wallet
Then, enter the desired amount of money to be transferred.
5) Make sure all of the data is correct before you're ready to transfer. Enter the transaction password.
6) Check your e-wallet account to confirm that your money had been deposited.
What should we do after making sure that the data is correct?
A>: Check the e-wallet account
A>: Enter the transaction password
A>: Select to option to top up e-wallet
A>: Enter the account number of the e-wallet
K>: B

Q>: 9. The following text is for questions.

Any online or mobile service that provides can be considered a digital wallet or "e-wallet." The balance of digital
wallet can be topped up by various ways, such as online bard transfer To transfer money from your bank account
your digital wallet, follow the steps below.
1) Log in to your bank account in the phone application.
2) Select the option to top up e-wallet
3) Select the correct e-wallet you wish to be topped up.
4) Insert the account number of your e-wallet
Then, enter the desired amount of money to be transferred.
5) Make sure all of the data is correct before you're ready to transfer. Enter the transaction password.
6) Check your e-wallet account to confirm that your money had been deposited.
From the text, we know that ……..
A>: e-wallet can only be topped up by going to the bank
A>: the text is called an explanation text
A>: the first step to do is by logging in the bank account in phone application
A>: e-wallet is online based service
K>: C

Q>: 10. The following text is for questions.

Any online or mobile service that provides can be considered a digital wallet or "e-wallet." The balance of digital
wallet can be topped up by various ways, such as online bard transfer To transfer money from your bank account
your digital wallet, follow the steps below.
1) Log in to your bank account in the phone application.
2) Select the option to top up e-wallet
3) Select the correct e-wallet you wish to be topped up.
4) Insert the account number of your e-wallet
Then, enter the desired amount of money to be transferred.
5) Make sure all of the data is correct before you're ready to transfer. Enter the transaction password.
6) Check your e-wallet account to confirm that your money had been deposited.
The pronoun “you” in the text refers to ……………….
A>: e-wallet
A>: bank account
A>: the reader
A>: the writer
K>: C

Q>: 11. The following text is for questions.

Any online or mobile service that provides can be considered a digital wallet or "e-wallet." The balance of digital
wallet can be topped up by various ways, such as online bard transfer To transfer money from your bank account
your digital wallet, follow the steps below.
1) Log in to your bank account in the phone application.
2) Select the option to top up e-wallet
3) Select the correct e-wallet you wish to be topped up.
4) Insert the account number of your e-wallet
Then, enter the desired amount of money to be transferred.
5) Make sure all of the data is correct before you're ready to transfer. Enter the transaction password.
6) Check your e-wallet account to confirm that your money had been deposited.
“Select the option to top up e-wallet”.
A>: comparative sentence
A>: superlative sentence
A>: declarative sentence
A>: imperative sentence
K>: D

Q>:`12. Rini’s dress is the same … as Rina’s.

A>: big
A>: size
A>: large
A>: small
K>: B

Q>: 13. His house is … than your house.

A>: farer
A>: further
A>: farther
A>: farthest
K>: C

Q>: 14. Amin is … student in the school.

A>: as active as
A>: the same active
A>: more active
A>: the most active
K>: D

Q>: 15. i was sick this morning but now I feel ………………………
A>: worse
A>: better
A>: the best
A>: the worst
K>: B
Q>: 16. Endah: What do you think of those shirt?
Rina: I think the red one ……………………………… than the others.
A>: suitabler
A>: the most suitable
A>: more suitable
A>: the suitablest
K>: C

Q>: 17. In 2000, England is the …………………………………….. in winter of all countries.

A>: coolest
A>: cooler
A>: most cool
A>: cool
K>: A

Q>: 18. X : Di you watch the sport program on TV last night?

Y : Yes, of course. I think Taufik Hidayat will be a champion in the Indonesia Open Tournament.
X : I think so. he played …………………………………… than before.
A>: carefully
A>: more carefully
A>: the most carefully
A>:as carefully
K>: A

Q>: 19. John has ten marbles.

Andi has fifteen marbles, but Doni has twenty.
Which of the following is not correct?
A>: Andi has more marbles than John.
A>: Doni has the most marbles among them.
A>:. John has the least marbles among them.
A>: Andi has more marbles than Doni.
K>: D

Q>: 20. Lina sings the song beautifully.

Winda sings the song beautifully.
We can combine the sentence into …………………………….
A>: Lina sings the song the same beautifully as Winda.
A>: Lina sings the song as beautifully as Winda.
A>: Winda sings the song the same beautifully with Lina.
A>: Winda sings the song not differently as Lina.
K>: B

Q>: 21. The book’s price is Rp 10.000,00. The pencil’s price is Rp 8.000,00.
The book is ……………………………………………… than the pencil.
A>: expensive
A>: more expensive
A>: most expensive
A>: as expensive as
K>: B
Q>: 22. X : I think TV program is ………………………….. than radio.
Y : I agree with you. TV has audio and visual system.
A>: less interesting
A>: more interesting
A>: worse
A>: the worst
K>: B

Q>: 23. Tania : I like the “Galaxy radio” very much. The programs are very interesting.
Vira : I know, it is good, but the “Family Radio” is ……………………………
A>: good
A>: worse
A>: better
A>: bad
K>: C

Q>: 24. Andi : We are in hurry. How should we go, Dul?

Dullah : I think motorcycle will be better, because it is ……………………………… than bike.
A>: fast
A>: faster
A>: slow
A>: slower
K>: B

Q>: 25. Maman : I have to go to Jakarta tomorrow, but I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket. How can I go
Ilyas : You can go there by an economy-class train.
Maman : How about the executive-class?
Ilyas : It’s … the economy-class, but it is more expensive.
A>: better than
A>: the worst
A>: worse than
A>: . the best
K>: A

Q>: 26. Sandra : How did Andy jog in the race?

Yuli : he jogged quickly.
Sandra: Really? How about Cendy?
Yuli : He was the winner. So he jogged …………………………….
A>: as quickly as the others
A>: more quickly than Andy
A>: very quickly
A>: the quickest of all
K>: C

Q>: 27. Putri : Was Indonesian team as strong as Japan?

Nanda : No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.
Putri : But …, China, Japan or Indonesia?
Nanda : China.
A>: which team is the strongest
A>: which team is the weakest
A>: which country plays better
A>: which country plays better
K>: A

Q>: 28. He speaks ……………………………… as his father.

A>: more clearly
A>: clearer
A>:as clear
A>:as clearly
K>: C

Q>: 29. Ani’s bag is cheap, and so is Rani’s. Ani’s bag is …………………………………………. as Rani’s.
A>:the same cheap
A>: as price
A>:as cheaper
A>:the same price
K>: D

Q>: 30. My watch televisin is …………………………………………………… than yours.

A>: good
A>: best
A>: the same
K>: B

Q>: 31. I have a stomachache, ………………………………..... I will come to school

A>: Since
A>: Because
A>: However
A>: Unless
K>: C

Q>: 32. I think you shouldn't go to the party …………………………….. it's raining heavily
A>: Because
A>: But
A>: Already
A>: For
K>: A

Q>: 33. My brother .................................... I went to the workshop to repair our car
A>: And
A>: Or
A>: Neither
A>: But
K>: A

Q>: 34. Sisca was lying, ………………………………….... she was shouting at me

A>: Although
A>: Moreover
A>: provided
A>: In order to
K>: B

Q>: 35. We must avoid junk food ……………………………….. be healthy

A>: Consequently
A>: And
A>: Eventually
A>: In order to
K>: D

Q>: 36. He apologized ................................ his mistakes

A>: As
A>: But
A>: For
A>: Because
K>: C

Q>: 37. ………………………………….. his brother, she is very lazy

A>: Unlike
A>: Likely
A>: Similar
A>: Differently
K>: A

Q>: 38. After months of trying and studying hard, Nana ………………………………….. passed the UTBK
A>: Initially
A>: Therefore
A>: Consequently
A>: Finally
K>: D

Q>: 39. …………………………………………….. there is a storm here, we have delayed our flight
A>: Due to
A>: Since
A>: Because of
A>: Yet
K>: B

Q>: 40. You shouldn’t go out ……………………………………….. its raining heavily

A>: for
A>: already
A>: because
A>: but
K>: C

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