Seq. 3 Emerld Isle

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Sequence 3 : The Emerald Isle

AXE : Territoire et Mémoire

Identité et Echanges
Pb : How does today’s Ireland relates to its cultural heritage ?
Doc A :
Topic : About Ireland
It’s an advert about Irland, we can see the grenn landscapes and
landmark/monuments/sits/historical places/castles. We’ve seen battles which
reminds us of invasion of Ireland. We’ve seen fairies. Ireland is famous for
legends and myths. It’s to attract tourist and enable them to discover Irish
culture. The Ancient East.

Doc C :
Topic : Interviewing Irish people
Interviewing Irish people to find out their Irish identity
- Friendly
- Social
- Generous
- Good behavior
- Love their country
- To we good for a laugh/like have fun
- Caring
- Family first
- Positive qualities
- Considerate

Doc D
Watch the video and identify the teen’s project and the problem it intends to
Topic : native language : Irish
In this video we see several people covering well-known music and translating it
into Irish, a language that has been replaced by English for several centuries, to
bring back their native language and show it to people.
It’s to translate famous songs in Irish/Gaelic Irish :
“Wake me up”
It’s revive the Irish language which has been abandoned for years and replaced
by the English language. On the video we mainly see young Irish people. It’s a
way to rejuvenate the Irish language.

The Troubles
It’s a mural
Pro Irish : The Republicans / The Catholics / The Nationalists
Pro British : The Unionists / The Protestants / The Loyalists
They are from Nothern Ireland and there fore they are British
IRA : Irish Republican Army

1921 Irand independence

Catholic and Protestant are separate
Black cab tour in Belfast is

Remembering the Troubles

 The Northern Ireland Conflict
We have an instrumental music background
- 1921
The Southern party of the Ireland became independent => The Republic
of Ireland.
The Northern part remained under Britain.
The Republic of Ireland : a majority of Cathiolics.
N-I a majority of Protestants.
- The 1960’s
The Troubles began.
- 1972
14 Catholics were killed by soldiers from the British Army
- 1998
A peace agreement was signed
- 2005
The IRA (Irish Independent Army) handed in their weapons

Le passif
S + BE + PP + by + Complement d’agent
14 Catholics were killed by the British army
A peace agreement was signed in 1998
Many war scenes are painted on walls in Northern Ireland

Bobby Sands
Black cab tour of Belfast
Identify the aim of the tour : To discover Northern Ireland’s turbulent history
when Catholics and Protestants conflict ended just about 26 years ago
Identify the qualities of the drivers : many of the drivers have been through the
Troubles in the 80s and can share their stories
Focus the two neighbourhoods
- Name Shankhill road Falls road
- Main Religion Protestant Catholic
- Facts mentionned Commemorate those Working classes
who fought and died in
the conflict working-classes
- Aim of the murals

UDA : Ulster Defense Association

The Great Famine started in 1845 and finished in 1852. It had lasted for 7 years.
It started in 1951. It had lasted for 10 years.
Il y a 20 ans -> twenty years ago
Depuis 20 ans -> for twenty years since 2004
I have lived in Dublin since 2008 (j’habite a Dublin depuis 2008)
I have lived in Dublin for 16 years (j’habite a Dublin depuis 16 ans)
I lived in Dublin 16 years ago (Il y a 16 ans, j’habitais a Dublin)

1) Read the text and pick out information about the two people mentioned

names : Bridie and Delia Cloherty

family connections : Delia is Birdie’s Mother

2 a) Focus on the two first paragraphs and find details on how these two people left

Person 1 Person 2
Dates April 1950 1921
Routes followed Londres America
Means of transport used train Train + Ship (liner)
Main reason for leaving health □ employment □ tourism □ conflict □

b) Situate her story on the timeline

3 a) Focus on the narrator’s vision of different places. Put the words in the right column.
Surprising - new - stimulating - dark - enjoyable - really difficult - holiday - grey and

Euston station (London) Connemara (Ireland)

new – grey and dirty – dark – surprising - enjoyable – holiday – really difficult

b) Explain how her perception of these places changes over time.

On arriving to Euston station, it seemed new, surprising and simulating but overtime it
appeared dark, grey and dirty, associated with working life.
Return to Connemara, every summer for the holidays before she found life there, really
difficult but overtime it appeared enjoyable.

4 Read the end of the article and explain how she kept in touch with her cultural

-By returning every summer/often to Ballinakill

- By sending back home money for the family

-By keeping close community together with other Irish migrants

How does the narrator sound ? / What are the narrator feelings ?
 Homesick
 Nostalgic
 Sad
 Reminiscent

The woman is Annie Moore, young girl of 17 with her 2

brothers. She was the first Irish to emigrate to the
States, January 1st 1892.
The statue is located in the country of

wharf = port
Belfast Dublin

Ulster Eire

English / Irish Irish / English

Constitutional monarchy Republic

Part of the UK Independnet

Pound sterling Euro


Northern Ireland


Republic of Ireland



Northern Ireland Wales Scotland England
1/ - The Troubles
- The life of the people at that time
- Main character is a little/young boy
- Childhood / memories

a) - In a street in Belfast
- Cobbled street
- A norrow street
- Terrassed houses

b) Black and white

 To the weather
 To the atmosphere gloomy
 Letters in colour to highlight the words
We have a feeling that the young is coming out of a tunnel and into the light
The foreground is open up / The background is narrowing
d) Our background are important and make us the adult we become

Le passé révolu
Didn’t use to + BV
Did + S + use to + BV
Be/Get used to + BV

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