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HRP 104



1. Do you think e-learning was a good idea for Flotation Ltd.? Could e-learning help the

company realize the president’s productivity goals?

E-learning can be a good idea for Flotation Ltd. as it offers flexibility and accessibility for

employees, especially for those who are frequently on the road like the sales staff. However, its

success depends on various factors such as the quality of the content, the engagement of

employees, and the support provided for the transition to e-learning. While it has the potential

to help the company realize the president’s productivity goals by improving training efficiency

and reducing costs in the long term, its effectiveness needs to be carefully evaluated.

2. Comment on the e-learning program that Jenny and Sam designed. What are the indicators

that suggest it has not been a success? Is it possible there are other indicators that might

indicate that it is more effective than it appears?

The e-learning programdesigned by Jenny and Samseems to have several indicators

suggesting it has not been a success. These indicators include the low participation rate, low

completion rate, and negative feedback from the sales staff regarding the program's

effectiveness and interest level. Other potential indicators of its effectiveness could include

employee performance improvements or feedback on specific learning outcomes, which would

need to be assessed to provide a comprehensive evaluation.

3. If you were Jenny, what would you tell the president, and what would you do about e-

learning at Flotation Ltd.? Should Jenny give up on e-learning or wait another six months

before making a decision?

If I were Jenny, I would be transparent with the president about the current status of the e-

learning program. I would present the data showing the low participation and completion rates,

as well as the feedback from the sales staff. However, I wouldn't immediately recommend

giving up on e-learning. Instead, I would suggest conducting a thorough analysis to identify the

reasons behind the program's lack of success and propose potential solutions. It might be

premature to make a decision after only six months, so I would recommend giving it more time

while actively working to address the identified issues.

4. W
hat do you think are the main reasons for the negative reaction to the e-learning program?

What are the most important things that need to be changed to improve the program? What changes would you make

if you had to redesign it?

The negative reaction to the e-learning program could be due to various reasons such as lack of

engagement with the content, perceived lack of relevance or interest, insufficient support or
encouragement from management, and unfamiliarity or discomfort with the e-learning format .

T o im p ro v e th e p ro g ram , it's essen tial to ad d ress th ese issu es. S o m e ch an g es th at co u ld b e

made include:

1. Reviewing and redesigning the content to make it more engaging, interactive, and relevant to

the employees' needs and interests.

2. Providing adequate support and resources for employees to access and complete the e-

learn in g co u rses, in clu d in g train in g o n h o w to u se th e p latfo rm an d sch ed u lin g d ed icated tim e

fo r learn in g .

3. Seeking input fromthe sales staff and incorporating their feedback and suggestions into the


4. Offering incentives or rewards for completing the e-learning courses to motivate


5. Monitoring and evaluating the program's effectiveness regularly and making adjustments

b ased o n feed b ack an d p erfo rm an ce d ata.

By implementing these changes, the e-learning programat Flotation Ltd. could become more

successful in achieving its objectives and contributing to the company's productivity goals.

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