CPD Programme Structure

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CPD Programme Structure

SLT development and share Trust practice. SIT to CPD

support development process.
SEF/MAT priorities built in.

Whole school delivery by T&L lead, expert

teacher or third party - principles rather than
HoD delivery beforehand. Expert delivery
Examples given within a range of subjects.
Clear message of school expectations

HoD to lead the contextualisation of the

principles and potential strategies.
Development quality subject explanations and Departments
model strategies for team. (contextualise)
SIT can work with ML to develop requires T&L
leadership skills..

Departments define a subject blueprint showing

the strategies to be used and how.
This allows observers to look for subject agrred
practice linked to whole school priorities. 'Blueprint'
SLT to review and question blueprints, impact
measures agreed.

Departments review progress in embedding

strategies and the impact on learning.
LW and drop ins used to review effectiveness of
practice. (evaluate
SIT can support DD's or drop in's and help ML impact)
with the cycle. Feedback to SLT in school.

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