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Poverty during the Victorian era

How was society affected in the Victorian times Employment

Poor people could work in mines, in mills and factories, or in Poor Victorians would put children to work at an early age,
workhouses. Whole families would sometimes have to work or even turn them out onto the streets to take care of
so they'd all have enough money to buy food. Children in themselves. In 1848 an estimated number of 30,000
poor families would have jobs that were best done by homeless, filthy children lived on the streets of London.
people who weren't very tall. Boys became chimney sweeps, worked the narrow shafts in
coal mines or were employed beneath noisy weaving stands
How did Victorians view death
near and threatens retrieving cotton bobbins while others
Compared to modern attitudes, our ancestors of the
would shine shoes or sell matches to earn a crust.
Victorian time in history could be accused of having had a
scary and depressing fascination and weird obsession with How society treated the poor
death and dying. The Victorians had reasonable For the first half of the 19th century the rural and urban
expectations of living to a relatively old age, so death at a poor had much in common. Unsanitary and overcrowded
young age was generally considered tragic. housing, low wages, poor diet, insecure employment and
the feared and hated effects of sickness and old age.

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