Estudios de Conduccion Nerviosa

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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

160 (3rd series)

Clinical Neurophysiology: Basis and Technical Aspects
K.H. Levin and P. Chauvel, Editors
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 14

Nerve conduction studies: Basic concepts

Neuromuscular Division, Department of Neurology, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States

Nerve conduction studies (NCSs) are an essential tool in the evaluation of the peripheral nervous system.
The sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) provides information on the sensory nerve axon and its path-
way from the distal receptors in the skin to the dorsal root ganglia, while the compound muscle action
potential (CMAP) is an assessment of the motor nerve fibers from their origins in the anterior horn cell
to their termination along muscle fibers. Various parameters of the SNAP and CMAP waveforms are used
to determine the number of functioning nerve fibers and the speed of conduction. Similarly, specific elec-
trodiagnostic patterns involving SNAP and CMAP amplitudes, latencies and other measurements can help
discern the underlying nerve pathophysiology as either axon loss or demyelinating in nature. Numerous
technical and environmental factors can affect the NCS and should be recognized and corrected if possible.
Finally, while basic NCSs are a noninvasive and low-risk procedure, safety issues for patients with
implanted electrical devices should be considered.

Routine NCSs are composed of motor and sensory
For the patient presenting with sensory changes, weak- nerve responses. The mixed NCS, which simultaneously
ness, or other potential manifestations of peripheral ner- assesses both motor and sensory components, is used in
vous system disease, nerve conduction studies (NCSs) the evaluation of specific diagnoses, such as carpal tun-
provide invaluable information regarding the integrity nel syndrome (CTS). Late responses and other special-
of myelinated nerve fibers. In conjunction with the needle ized studies are discussed elsewhere. During the basic
electrode examination, which is the other main component procedure, an electrical stimulus is applied to a nerve
of the electrodiagnostic examination (EDX), the NCS can generating an action potential that is recorded from a
be used to objectively confirm the presence of a lesion, muscle (motor NCS) or separate site along the nerve
characterize the underlying pathophysiology, and deter- itself (sensory NCS.) The recorded responses or wave-
mine degree of severity. They can also help with lesion forms are evaluated for various parameters that indicate
localization and prognostication. However, it is important the number of functioning axons and speed of the fastest
to keep in mind that an NCS or even a complete EDX nerve fibers. The results are then compared to normative
cannot supplant a careful history and neurologic examina- values, which may be established in individual laborato-
tion, which should be performed prior to each study. In ries or obtained from published reference data if similar
addition, NCSs do not evaluate unmyelinated nerve fibers. measurement protocols are used. When an NCS is per-
Thus they are not the ideal modality for studying pain or formed on the unaffected contralateral limb, side-to-side
autonomic dysfunction, which are mediated through comparisons can be made. This is especially helpful in
thinly myelinated A-delta and unmyelinated C fibers. younger patients whose individual normative range for
For patients presenting with these symptoms, specialized nerve values (e.g., higher amplitudes) may exceed that
small nerve fiber testing may be considered. of the general population.

*Correspondence to: Jinny Tavee, M.D., Associate Professor, Medical Director, Neuromuscular Division, Director, EMG Neuro-
diagnostic Testing Center, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Abbott Hall Suite 1114 710 N Lakeshore Drive,
Chicago, IL 60611, United States. Tel: +1-312-695-7950, E-mail:
218 J. TAVEE
The use of NCS protocols can also be helpful in normally occurs under the anode results in blocked con-
detecting a suspected lesion and excluding other diagno- duction of the nerve impulse, a phenomenon known as
ses being considered in the differential. While there anodal block.
should be a minimum set of sensory and motor NCSs Stimulation is initiated at 0 mA and slowly increased
for each referring diagnosis, protocol deviations may (usually up to 50 mA) until a maximal response is
be necessary depending on the findings seen throughout obtained. The resultant biphasic waveform is the com-
the procedure. pound muscle action potential (CMAP). The CMAP
represents the summated muscle fiber action potentials
within the muscle being recorded. When the size
MOTOR NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES of the CMAP remains the same despite the use of
In most EDX laboratories, a standard motor NCS is per- higher current, the intensity is increased an additional
formed using an external handheld stimulator with two 20%–25% to confirm supramaximal stimulation of
prongs, consisting of a cathode (negatively charged) the nerve.
and an anode (positively charged). The prongs are at a For a routine motor NCS, stimulation is performed at
fixed distance of about 3–4 cm, which is close enough two different sites along the course of the nerve, resulting
to direct the current flow down toward the nerve rather in a distal and proximal waveform for each muscle. In
than toward the surrounding tissues and far enough apart most laboratories, the upper extremity protocol consists
so that the current does not pass between the stimulating of median and ulnar nerve stimulation at the wrist and
electrodes. The surface recording electrodes consist of an elbow, recording from the abductor pollicis brevis and
active electrode (G1) and a reference electrode (G2), abductor digiti minimi, respectively. In the lower extrem-
which are often in the form of flat surface disks that ity, peroneal and tibial stimulation is performed at the
can be taped onto the skin. The active electrode is placed ankle and knee while recording from the extensor digi-
over the muscle belly at the end-plate region, and the ref- torum brevis (peroneal) and abductor hallucis (tibial)
erence electrode is positioned more distally over the ten- muscles.
don. This is commonly known as the belly tendon The main CMAP parameters that are used for analysis
technique. A ground electrode is placed between the include the amplitude, latency, and conduction velocity
stimulating and recording electrodes, where it serves to (Fig. 14.2). The CMAP amplitude (millivolts) is mea-
reduce stimulus or shock artifact. sured from baseline to negative peak and reflects the
Once the skin is prepared, the stimulating electrodes number of motor nerve fibers responding to the stimulus.
are pressed down against the skin directly over and The latency (milliseconds) is the time from the moment
along the course of the motor nerve with the cathode of stimulation to the onset or “takeoff” of the negative
closest to the recording electrode (Fig. 1). This helps phase of the CMAP. Only the latency from stimulation
to ensure that the action potential generated under the at the distal site, known as the distal or onset latency,
cathode will propagate along the nerve axon and even- is reported in routine NCSs. The proximal latency is used
tually reach the recording electrodes. If the stimulating for calculating conduction velocity. While the distal
electrodes are reversed, the hyperpolarization that latency represents the time required for activation of

Fig. 14.1. Motor nerve conduction studies. Median motor nerve stimulation is performed at a distal (A) and proximal site (B) with
recording electrodes placed over the belly of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle and distal tendon. G1 is the active recording
electrode and G2 is the reference recording electrode. Note that the cathode (darker stimulator prong) is positioned closest to
the recording electrode.



Fig. 14.2. Compound muscle action potential (CMAP). The
commonly measured components of the CMAP include the
onset or distal latency, which is the time between the stimulus Fig. 14.3. Sensory nerve conduction studies (NCS). Median
artifact and the onset of the negative phase; the amplitude, sensory NCS is performed antidromically, stimulating the
which is measured from baseline to negative peak; and the median nerve at the wrist, while recording distally from ring
duration of the negative phase. electrodes placed over the second digit. G1 is the active record-
ing electrode and G2 is the reference recording electrode. Like
the motor NCS, the cathode is closest to the recording
the fastest conducting nerve fibers, it also includes the electrodes.
time interval for nerve conduction through the neuro-
muscular junction and then muscle fiber activation. Peak
The conduction velocity (meters per second) is the latency
speed of the fastest conducting nerve fibers and is calcu-
lated by dividing the distance between the two stimula-
tion sites by the difference between the proximal and Baseline-to-peak
distal latencies. Because the latencies (and thus the time amplitude
for neuromuscular junction transmission and muscle
fiber activation) do not factor into the final calculation,
the conduction velocity more closely reflects the conduc-
tion time of the fastest motor nerve fibers. In the normal
adult, conduction velocity in the upper extremity is typ-
ically 50 m/s, while that of the lower extremity is 40 m/s. Fig. 14.4. Sensory nerve action potential (SNAP). The two
Other measurements include the CMAP area, which is commonly reported SNAP parameters are the amplitude mea-
sured from baseline to peak, and the peak latency, which is the
calculated by the computer and is actually more accurate
time from stimulation to the maximum negative peak.
than the amplitude in its representation of the total num-
ber of activated motor fibers, because it includes all of
The two primary SNAP measurements are the ampli-
the nerve fibers rather than just the more synchronized
tude and peak latency (Fig. 14.4). The amplitude (micro-
ones. However, it is not as commonly reported as
volts) is measured from baseline to negative peak and
amplitude. Waveform duration, which is a measure of
reflects the number of sensory nerve fiber action poten-
synchrony, can be helpful in the diagnosis of a number
tials. The peak latency (milliseconds) is the time from the
of conditions, particularly demyelinating neuropathies
moment of nerve stimulation to the negative peak of the
and critical illness myopathy (Goodman et al., 2009).
response. Other parameters include the onset latency,
which is measured from the time of nerve stimulation
to the waveform’s departure from baseline and represents
the fastest conducting sensory fibers. Duration of the
SNAP is measured from the waveform’s departure from
For a sensory NCS, both stimulation and recording baseline to its final return to baseline, and is shorter than
occur along the nerve (Fig. 14.3). As with motor NCS, that of the CMAP, which can help distinguish the two in
the cathode is positioned closest to the recording elec- cases where one may be absent. If the onset latency is
trode, and stimulation intensity is gradually increased used rather than the peak latency, the conduction velocity
until there has been supramaximal stimulation (usually can be calculated with stimulation at only one site. Prox-
only 30–40 mA is required). The resultant waveform is imal stimulation is not routinely performed with sensory
the sensory nerve action potential (SNAP), a biphasic NCSs due to the effects of temporal dispersion and phase
or triphasic waveform that represents summated nerve cancellation, which result in a SNAP of reduced ampli-
action potentials. tude and prolonged duration.
220 J. TAVEE
Unlike the magnification effect seen with the CMAP, fibers. While it is also expressed in microvolts, the
which represents activated muscle fibers as opposed to MNAP amplitude is usually higher than that of the SNAP
motor nerve fibers, the SNAP is a direct measurement obtained from the same nerve segment, as both the sen-
of the nerve action potential and is a hundred times smal- sory and motor components of the nerve are included in
ler. This leads to an increased susceptibility to technical the MNAP measurement. Its use in most laboratories is
factors and background noise. Special consideration is limited to palmar studies for the evaluation of CTS and
therefore warranted in the choice of technique and plantar studies for tarsal tunnel syndrome and polyneuro-
parameters used for analysis when performing a sensory pathy. An advantage of the mixed NCS is inclusion of Ia
NCS. For instance, because the SNAP amplitude is so muscle afferents, which are heavily myelinated and are
small, it is often challenging to identify the exact onset, among the first fibers to be affected in demyelinating
which affects the accuracy of the latency measurement. nerve lesions (Preston and Shapiro, 2013).
This is why the peak latency is more commonly used than
the onset latency. Furthermore, the sensory nerve con-
duction velocity may also be inaccurate given that it is
calculated from the onset latency. The result is that in In everyday practice, a number of technical and physio-
many laboratories technical factors preclude the routine logic factors can potentially lead to altered waveforms
reporting of onset latency and conduction velocity with and spurious findings. Constant vigilance and trouble-
sensory NCSs. shooting in addition to a standardized approach to the
A common protocol for routine sensory NCSs in the procedure are needed to ensure optimal results. The fol-
upper extremity consists of median, ulnar, and superficial lowing factors can influence the NCS.
radial sensory stimulation at the wrist while recording
from the second digit (median), fifth digit (ulnar), and ana- Temperature
tomic snuffbox along the dorsal aspect of the wrist and
hand (radial), respectively. In the lower extremity, the sural The cool limb is one of the most common problems seen
and superficial peroneal sensory nerves are stimulated at in the EDX laboratory and can affect both the NCS and
the calf and recorded at the ankle or dorsum foot. needle electrode examination. Larger amplitudes, longer
durations, prolonged latencies, and slowed conduction
Antidromic vs orthodromic technique velocities are changes seen with reduced limb tempera-
tures (Fig. 14.5). Physiologically, cold temperatures lead
As depolarization results in bidirectional conduction of
the nerve impulse, a sensory NCS can be performed
either orthodromically (physiologic direction of nerve
conduction) or antidromically. In most laboratories, the 25.6°C
antidromic technique is preferred, mainly because it 33.2°C
results in larger SNAP amplitudes. With antidromic sen- P
sory NCSs, the nerve is stimulated proximally and the
response recorded distally where the nerve is closer to
the surface. The shorter distance between the nerve
and recording electrode results in a higher SNAP ampli-
tude. The reverse is true with the orthodromic method, in
which the nerve is stimulated distally and recorded prox-
imally, where the nerve may be deeper underneath the
surface. One disadvantage of the antidromic technique
is that CMAPs and SNAPs may be evoked simulta-
neously by proximal nerve stimulation, corrupting the
20 µV

measured distal response. Careful evaluation of the

waveform features of morphology and duration can help
identify the response as being motor or sensory. 2 ms

MIXED SENSORIMOTOR NCS Fig. 14.5. Temperature effect. Median sensory nerve action
potential obtained at 25.6°C (dashed lines) and 33.2°C (solid
Like sensory NCS, mixed NCSs are direct studies in line). At cooler temperatures, delayed sodium channel activa-
which the mixed nerve action potential (MNAP) that is tion results in slowed conduction times (note the prolonged
generated with stimulation represents the summated SNAP peak latency), while delayed inactivation results in
action potentials of individual sensory and motor nerve increased amplitudes.
to slowed opening and delayed inactivation of sodium Recording electrode placement
channels. The former affects the rate of nerve conduc-
When performing a routine motor NCS using the belly
tion, while the latter results in larger amplitudes (Louis
tendon technique, an initial positive wave or “dip” pre-
and Hotson, 1986; Kimura, 2001). Limb temperature
ceding the CMAP elicited at all sites of stimulation indi-
should be monitored during the procedure and main-
cates that the electrode may not be placed directly over
tained at or near the ideal temperature of 33°C. Warming
the belly of the muscle. The position of the recording
the limb may be accomplished by soaking the limb in
electrode should be adjusted until the positive wave dis-
warm water, wrapping it in a warm towel or using an
appears or is minimized.
infrared heat lamp prior to the study. While mathematical
corrections exist for latency and conduction velocity, the
result is an estimation that lacks true accuracy. Submaximal/supramaximal stimulation
Supramaximal nerve stimulation is essential to perform-
Age ing quality NCSs, as this leads to synchronized activa-
tion of all nerve fibers and an accurate waveform for
Both amplitude and conduction velocity are affected by analysis. During a routine NCS, the gradual increase
age due to factors including nerve fiber attrition, loss of in stimulation intensity results in a corresponding rise
myelin, and age-related changes of the nerve and muscle in SNAP or CMAP amplitude as more nerve fibers are
membrane (Lederman, 2000). Nerve conduction veloci- activated, until the nerve is supramaximally stimulated
ties in the full-term infant are half the adult value and (Fig. 14.6). To a lesser extent, the latency time also
reach the adult range by 3–5 years, correlating with the shortens with increasing intensity. Submaximal stimula-
degree of myelination (Thomas and Lambert, 1960; tion can thus result in falsely reduced amplitudes and
Kimura, 2001). After the age of 30, conduction velocity mildly prolonged latencies. Increasing stimulus intensity
slows each decade, with up to a 10% decrease by 60 years beyond just supramaximal or slippage of the stimulating
of age (Mayer, 1963). Similarly, there is a reduction in electrodes off the nerve can lead to current spread to
recorded amplitude with each decade, especially after neighboring nerve trunks, affecting waveform configu-
age 60. This is particularly apparent for sensory responses ration and amplitude.
in the distal lower extremity (Falco et al., 1992). In one
study, the sural nerve response was absent in healthy
adults over the age of 74 years (Tavee et al., 2014).

Slowed conduction velocities and prolonged latencies
are seen in taller individuals, likely a factor of limb length
and cooler temperatures in more distal portions of the
limbs (Kimura, 2001).

Women have higher amplitudes and faster conduction
velocities than men. While the latter may be attributed
to height, it is unclear why the amplitude is higher.

Body habitus
Nerve response amplitudes are directly related to the dis-
20 µV

tance between the nerve and recording electrodes. This is

most commonly encountered in patients with peripheral 2 ms
edema or large limb size, in whom low amplitude or Fig. 14.6. Effect of stimulation intensity. The effect of
absent sensory responses can be misconstrued as patho- increasing stimulus strength on the recorded SNAP, from sub-
logical. In such situations, increasing the duration of the threshold to supramaximal. Reproduced with permission from
stimulus or increasing the separation between the stimu- Lederman, R.J. Nerve conduction studies. In: Levin, K.H. and
lating electrodes will increase the penetration of current L€uders, H., 2000. Comprehensive clinical neurophysiology.
and possibly improve the response. Saunders, Philadelphia, pp. 89–111.
222 J. TAVEE
Nerve anomalies
Anomalous innervations are anatomic variants that can
result in spurious waveforms that can be misinterpreted as
pathological if not recognized. One of the most commonly
encountered nerve anomalies is the Martin-Gruber anasto-
mosis, which has been reported in 15%–30% of anatomic
studies (Erdem et al., 2002; Rodriguez-Niedenf€ uhr et al.,
2002). With this anomaly, nerve fibers destined for ulnar
innervated hand muscles are misdirected at the brachial
plexus level into the median nerve trunk until the forearm,
where they cross over to the ulnar nerve trunk. If crossing-
over fibers innervate the abductor digiti minimi muscle,
routine ulnar studies demonstrate a higher ulnar CMAP
with wrist stimulation compared with stimulation above
the elbow, because crossing-over fibers are stimulated at
the wrist but not at the elbow. This pattern can be misinter-
preted as a pathological conduction block along ulnar nerve
fibers at the elbow. A “cross-over study” in which the
median nerve is stimulated and the abductor digiti minimi
is recorded will confirm the cross over and rule out ulnar
Fig. 14.7. Electrodiagnostic patterns. (A) Normal motor nerve
neuropathy at the elbow. conduction studies with distal (S1) and proximal
(S2) stimulation. (B) Demyelinating conduction block lesion
Other considerations results in a normal amplitude with stimulation distal to the
Other sources of artifact and their results include mea- lesion and reduced amplitude with proximal stimulation.
(C) Demyelinating conduction block with nonuniform slowing
surement errors (inaccurate latency and conduction
results in a similar pattern as (B) with temporal dispersion.
velocity), cathode–anode reversal (reduced amplitude (D) Axon loss lesion results in diffusely reduced amplitudes.
and prolonged latency with normal conduction velocity),
filter settings (amplitude and latency changes), and
excess stimulation (increased shock artifact, costimula- loss is sufficiently severe to involve the fastest nerve
tion of adjacent nerves, and shortened latency due to cur- fibers. However, when it does occur, slowing is mild
rent jump distal to the site of stimulation). in proportion to the degree of amplitude reduction.
In the case of a traumatic or sudden axon loss lesion in
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY which the nerve is transected, infarcted, or severely
Nerve pathophysiology may be characterized as either injured, wallerian degeneration ensues and the segment
axon loss or demyelination. Axon loss causes failure of the nerve distal to the lesion undergoes rapid degener-
of nerve transmission and eventually results in degener- ation in a proximal to distal (anterograde) fashion. In the
ation of the entire portion of the nerve distal to the lesion. first few days following acute nerve injury, normal sen-
In contrast, demyelination results in either conduction sory and motor nerve amplitudes will be elicited distal to
block or conduction slowing at the site of the lesion the site of the lesion. This is because the distal nerve seg-
and remains focal with no involvement of the segments ment has not yet fully degenerated and can still conduct
proximal or distal to the lesion. Both types have specific nerve impulses. After acute nerve transection, SNAP
manifestations on NCSs, although some lesions may amplitude begins to decline after day 5 and is complete
demonstrate combined pathophysiologic features, with by day 9–11. CMAP amplitude begins to decline after
one usually predominating over the other. day 3 and is complete by day 5–8, faster than SNAP
decline owing to loss of axon transport and neuromuscu-
Axon loss lar junction transmission, which fail before nerve action
potential conductivity (Chaudhry and Cornblath, 1992).
Axon loss lesions are the most common type of nerve
pathophysiology encountered in the EDX laboratory.
Axon loss is characterized by reduced or absent CMAP
and/or SNAP amplitudes (Fig. 14.7). Slowing of the dis- Demyelinating lesions have more varied manifestations
tal latency or conduction velocity only occurs when axon on NCSs and can affect any aspect of the nerve response.
In lesions characterized by nonfocal, uniform demyelin- a trained specialist before and after the procedure is help-
ation, conduction velocities will be slowed equally ful as electromagnetic interference may inadvertently
without change in amplitude. With nonuniform demye- turn the implanted device on or off.
lination some nerve fiber action potentials arrive at the
recording site before others, causing dispersion of the SUMMARY
CMAP or SNAP, with effects on amplitude and duration
Routine NCSs are a safe and noninvasive means by
(Fig. 14.7).
which the peripheral nervous system may be examined.
Research criteria for defining peripheral nerve demy-
An understanding of the various electrophysiologic
elination have been suggested. These criteria include
latency prolongation >125% and conduction velocity patterns and technical factors that can affect NCS is inte-
slowing to <80% of normal values (Dimachkie and gral to accurate interpretation of the findings and ulti-
Barohn, 2013). When CMAP amplitude is less than mately formulation of the diagnosis. The determination
80% of normal, then the latency and conduction velocity of nerve pathophysiology in particular is a key compo-
requirements are >150% and <70%, respectively nent of the EDX that should be included in the final
(Dimachkie and Barohn, 2013). report, as this information has implications for prognosis
Like axon loss lesions, demyelinating conduction and treatment.
block prevents nerve impulse transmission at the site
of the lesion. On NCS, this is traditionally defined along REFERENCES
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