Obesity Research - January 1996 - Wellens - Relationships Between The Body Mass Index and Body Composition

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Relationships Between the Body Mass Index

and Body Composition

Rita 1. Wellens*, Alex F. Roche*, Harry J. Khamisr t, Andrew S. Jacksons;
Michael L. Pollock§, Roger M. Siervogel*

Abstract Key words: Body Mass Index, fatness, fat-free mass,

Relationships between the body mass index and body Numerous studies have reported associations of
composition. Obes Res. 1996;4:35-44. obesity with increased morbidity and mortality (28,35).
The aims of this study were to evaluate the Body The Body Mass Index (BMI) is widely used in epidemi-
Mass Index (BMI) (welght/stature-i) as a proxy for ological research and, commonly, high BMI values
percent body fat (%BF) and to determine its associa- (weightlstature2; kg/m2) are interpreted as evidence of
tion with fat-free mass (FFM). Multivariate analysis overweight or obesity. Somewhat arbitrary BMI cut off
of variance and partial correlations were used to levels based on associations with mortality and morbidi-
examine relationships between BMI and %BF and ty in large population surveys have been suggested as
FFM from densitometry for 504 men and 511 guidelines for desirable weights (8).
women, aged 20 to 45 years. Sensitivity/specificity Obesity is defined as an excess of adipose tissue.
analyses used cut offs of 28 kg/m2 in men and 26 An evident problem is that the amount of body fat is
kglm 2 in women for BMI, and 25% in men and 33% usually not measured in epidemiological surveys
in women for %BF. Significantly higher associations because direct methods such as densitometry are diffi-
existed in each gender between BMI and %BF in the cult to apply. Unlike for BMI, there is a lack of reports
upper BMI tertile than in the lower BMI tertiles. In that allow the selection of a "cut off' level for body fat-
the lower BMI tertiles, correlations between BMI ness derived from body density above which morbidity
and FFM were approximately twice as large as those and mortality rates are increased. Since methods for the
between BMI and %BF. The BMI correctly identi- direct measurement of body fat are time-consuming and
fied about 44% of obese men, and 52% of obese expensive, their application is limited to research set-
women when obesity was determined from %BF. tings and typically they are applied to. small samples.
BMI is an uncertain diagnostic index of obesity. Weight and stature can be measured easily in large sam-
Results of Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) ples with high precision. Validation of BMI values
analyses using %BF and total body fat, both provid- against direct measures is needed, however, to justify
ed a BMI of 25 kg/m 2 in men and 23 kg/m 2 in the use of the BMI as an index of body composition.
women as diagnostic screening cut offs for obesity. The BMI has been criticized because the numerator
(weight) does not discriminate between muscle, fat,
Submitted for publication February 23, 1995. bone or vital organs and, therefore, an individual with
Accepted for publication in final form July 20, 1995. high fat-free mass (FFM) relative to stature might have
From the *Division of Human Biology, Department of Community Health,
Wright State University, School of Medicine, Dayton OH 45387, tStatistical
a high BMI value but not be obese (3).
Consulting Center, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435, :j:Department A valid index of body composition that is easily
of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, University of Houston, Houston, available would be important for health professionals so
TX 77004, and the §Center for Exercise Science, Department of Medicine and
Exercise Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. that persons at risk for developing obesity-related dis-
Reprint requests to Dr. Wellens, Washington State University, Department of eases could be successfully screened. The present study
Kinesiology and Leisure Studies, Pullman WA 99164-1410. Tel: 509-335-
6211; Fax 509-335-4594. was conducted to evaluate BMI as a proxy for body fat-
Copyright ©1996 NAASO. ness versus direct measurements of percent body fat

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996 35

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BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.

(%BF) and total body fat (TBF) estimated from densito- %BF = (4.95 1 BD - 4.5) x 100 with total body fat (TBF)
metry in a large sample of healthy men and women and and FFM calculated from %BF and weight (W) as fol-
within tertiles of the BMI distribution. In addition, the lows: TBF (kg) =(%BF x W) 1100 and FFM (kg) =W -
utility of BMI in the diagnosis of obesity (high %BF) TBF.
was evaluated and associations of BMI values with fat-
free mass (FFM) were explored. Statistical Analysis
The Statistical Analysis System (SAS) was used for
Methods and Procedures data analysis (33). Multivariate analysis of variance
Subjects (MANOVA) was applied to examine whether there
The subjects were enrolled in one of three separate were significant differences among the data from the
studies. All were white and aged 20 to 45 years. The three study populations with respect to age, BMI, and
procedures for each study were approved by the body composition variables. Selected percentiles were
Institutional Review Boards of the respective institu- calculated for the total data set (data from the three studies
tions. The Fels sample consisted of 153 men and 162 combined) in order to compare these with percentiles
women from the Fels Longitudinal Study for whom data from a nationally representative sample. Partial
from their most recent examinations were used. These Spearman correlation analyses (adjusting for age) were
Fels subjects were from a wide range of social and eco- conducted on the total data set and on BMI tertiles of the
nomic strata with distributions of socio-economic status total data set. Multiple comparisons among the age-
similar to those in national surveys (29). The Jackson adjusted partial correlations were conducted across these
sample included 282 men and 194 women measured at tertiles within gender using a Bonferroniadjustmentwith a
Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem (NC), the 95% family confidence coefficient for three comparisons.
Institute for Aerobics Research, Dallas (TX), or the The BMI was evaluated as a diagnostic index for
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Milwaukee (WI). These obesity by examining its sensitivity and specificity ver-
data have been used previously by Jackson et al. (17-18) sus %BF from densitometry (20). These analyses
in the development of predictive equations for body required the selection of cut off levels; values derived
density based on anthropometry. The Pollock sample from published recommendations were used. Obesity
provided data for 69 men and 155 women measured at by BMI was defined as a value> 28 kg/m2 in men and
the University of Florida, Gainesville (FL). These data > 26 kg/m 2 in women since long term follow-up studies
have been used to develop predictive equations for body beginning at about 35 years show increases in mortality
composition based on ultrasound (1,13). when BMI at entry is larger than these values (11,35).
The chosen cut off levels for obesity by %BF were> 25
Anthropometry and Densitometry % in men and > 33% in women; these match recent rec-
In each study, weight and stature were measured ommendations (2,4). The cut off levels for obesity by
using the techniques described in the Anthropometric TBF were calculated from applying these %BF cut offs to
Standardization Reference Manual (23). BMI was cal- the 85th percentiles for weight for the corresponding age
culated as weight divided by stature squared (kg/m2). groups from the Second National Health Examination
To avoid the problem of fluid retention before and Survey (26). These resulted in > 22.0 kg for men and>
during menstruation, the subjects were not tested from 5 24.8 kg in women. Receiver Operator Characteristic
days before until after their menstrual periods. Percent (ROC) curve analysis was applied, as an alternative to
body fat was estimated from body density with a correc- using published BMI cut off levels, in order to identify
tion for residual lung volume. For underwater weight, cut off levels of BMI that would lead to a good trade-off
the subjects from the Fels Longitudinal Study sat on a between high sensitivity and low specificity or vice
chair suspended from four load cells while subjects versa (16). The ROC curve is a plot of the sensitivity
from the Jackson and Pollock studies were seated on a (proportion of true positives) versus l-specificity (pro-
chair suspended from a scale. In the Fels Longitudinal portion of false positives) associated with fatness, as
Study, the average of the largest three weights in a indicated by %BF, for a range of BMI cut off values.
series of 10 trials - indicative of maximum exhalation - The choice of a BMI cut off value is based on a balance
was used to calculate body density. The Jackson and between high sensitivity and low specificity.
Pollock studies repeated underwater weighing six to 10
times until three similar readings, to the nearest 20 g, Results
were obtained. If this was not achieved, the average of Age, weight, stature, BMI, and body composition
the three largest weights was used. The Siri two-com- estimates for the three samples are presented in Table 1.
ponent model (34) was applied in each study to calcu- A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOV A)
late FFM from body density (BD). From the Siri model showed some significant (p < 0.001) differences among

36 OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996

15508528, 1996, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1550-8528.1996.tb00510.x by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of age, weight, stature, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat (%BF),
total body fat (TBF), and fat-free mass (FFM) by densitometry

FELS Sample Jackson Sample Pollock Sample

MEN (n= 153) (n = 282) (n = 69)


Age (y) 32.1 7.7 31.3 7.8 32.7 7.6
Weight (kg) 79.4 13.6 79.6 11.8 79.7 12.7
Stature (em) 180.5* 7.6 179.0 6.2 179.1 6.7
BMI (kg/m 2) 24.3 3.6 25.0 3.3 24.8 3.2
%BF 20.3* 7.6 18.9 7.4 18.3 7.8
TBF (kg) 16.8* 8.8 15.6 7.7 15.1 8.1
FFM (kg) 62.5* 7.6 64.1 7.3 64.6 8.8

WOMEN (n= 162) (n = 194) (n = 155)


Age (y) 31.2 7.6 30.0 8.6 29.9 8.1
Weight (kg) 66.3* 13.8 56.6 7.2 61.5 11.4
Stature (em) 166.0 6.4 165.1 5.7 166.6 6.4
BMI (kg/m2) 24.1* 5.1 20.8 2.3 22.1 3.6
%BF 31.4* 8.9 23.2 7.0 24.6 7.8
TBF (kg) 21.8* 10.5 13.4 5.5 15.7 8.2
FFM (kg) 44.6* 5.7 43.1 4.1 45.8 5.7

* differences (p < 0.001) among the 3 groups

the three populations (Fels, Jackson, and Pollock) after be comparable to national values. There are important
adjustment for the effects of gender (Table 1). Based on advantages to pooling the data, including the enhanced
Fisher's LSD multiple comparison procedure (7) at the sample size and an increase in the validity of the conclu-
0.05 level of significance, several of the variables dif- sions. Deviations (in absolute value) between the sam-
fered among the three groups, especially for women. ple percentiles and the national values for each gender
Among men, the Fels sample had significantly larger and each of the four samples (Fels, Jackson, Pollock and
mean values for stature and smaller values for FFM in the pooled sample) were computed for the three vari-
comparison to the Jackson sample. ables (weight, stature, and BMI) and averaged for each
Among women, the means for weight, BMI, and of five percentile levels (10, 25, 50, 75, and 90). This
TBF are higher in the Fels sample than in the Pollock average absolute deviation was used as a measure of the
sample, and higher in the Pollock sample than in the extent to which the combined sample matched the gen-
Jackson sample; similarly, the mean for FFM is ranked eral U.S. population (the lower the average absolute
(highest to lowest): Pollock, Fels, and Jackson. The deviation, the closer the match). While each of the indi-
mean stature for Pollock women is higher than for vidual samples has the highest mean absolute deviation
Jackson women. Finally, the mean %BF is higher in in at least one instance, the pooled sample never has the
Fels women than in either of the other two samples. highest mean absolute deviation (data not shown). So,
A comparison of percentiles for weight, stature, and while none of the four samples is ideally representative
BMI from the pooled sample (Fels, Pollock, and of the general population based on this comparison, the
Jackson combined) with percentiles from national data pooled sample appears to be at least as representative as
(26) is presented in Table 2. Although the three popula- any of the individual samples. This fact, combined with
tions differ with regard to some variables, as indicated its much larger sample size, makes the pooled sample
in the results from the multivariate analysis of variance, the best choice for purposes of analysis.
the percentiles from the pooled sample may nevertheless Table 3 shows the Spearman rank correlations,

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996 37

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BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.

Table 2. Comparisons by gender of selected percentiles of weight, stature and BM! from the combined
dataset used in the present study with percentiles from national data

Source 10 25 50 75 90

Weight Present study 66.0 70.6 78.1 86.7 95.7
NCHSa 63.6 69.2 76.8 84.8 95.0
Stature Present study 170.8 174.8 179.6 183.5 188.5
NCHS 167.8 172.5 177.0 181.7 185.9
BM! Present study 21.0 22.3 24.4 26.7 29.2
NCHS 20.7 22.4 24.5 26.9 29.5

Weight Present study 50.1 53.2 58.9 66.0 75.2
NCHS 50.3 54.5 60.3 68.5 80.5
Stature Present study 158.3 161.3 165.7 169.7 173.9
NCHS 155.6 158.9 163.3 167.5 171.5
BM! Present study 18.7 19.7 21.2 23.5 26.7
NCHS 19.0 20.4 22.4 25.5 30.2

a NCHS: National Center for Health Statistics (18)

adjusted for age, of BMI with %BF and FFM by BMI and women respectively, using a large BMI as an indi-
tertiles from the three samples combined and for the cator of obesity. The BM! cut off level was increment-
total data set. In men, the middle tertile BM! limits ed by steps of 0.5 from 18 to 33 kg/m 2. The curves for
were 22.8 kg/m2 (lower bound) and 25.6 kg/m 2 (upper both men and women increase, but are concave down-
bound); and in women they were 20.4 kg/m2 (lower ward. The choice of the optimum cut off point - where
bound) and 22.7 kg/m 2 (upper bound). In men, the cor- there is a good trade-off between sensitivity and the
relation between %BF and BMI in the upper tertile was false positive rate - is necessarily subjective and
significantly higher than the correlation for the lower depends upon the relative importance attributed to sensi-
tertile (p < 0.02), and in women the correlation in the tivity and specificity. This choice will be near where
upper tertile was significantly higher than the correla- the ROC curve "turns the comer" (16). For this study,
tions in the middle and lower tertiles (p < 0.001). The sensitivity was given more importance than specificity
correlation between BM! and FFM was significantly
Table 3. Spearman rank correlations adjusted for
higher in the lower than the middle BMI tertile in men
age, of BMI with percent body fat (%BF) and fat-
(p < 0.02) and in women (p < 0.0001).
free mass (FFM) from densitometry by BMI ter-
When BMI was used as a diagnostic index for obe-
tiles and for the total group by gender
sity in the total sample, sensitivity was 43.6% for men
and 51.8% for women (Table 4). Specificity (% of true
BMI Tertiles Total group
negatives) of BMI was close to 100% in each gender.
The positive predictive values were high in men, 67% of
%BF Men O.l9 L 0.27M 0.42U 0.65
those who are diagnosed as obese (using BM!) actually
have high %BF; in women, 86% of those who test posi- Women 0.19 M 0.20 L 0.69 U 0.79
tive actually have high %BF. The negative predictive
values were high in each gender. In men, 85% of those FFM Men 0.19 M 0.31 U 0.43 L 0.54
who test negative (using BMI) for high %BF actually do
not have high %BF; in women, 88% of those who test Women 0.16 M 0.36 U 0.43 L 0.46
negative actually do not have high %BF.
Figures 1 and 2 show ROC plots of sensitivity ver- L Lower tertile; M Middle tertile; U Upper tertile
sus one minus specificity (or false positive rate) for men Values connected by lines do not differ significantly at a =0.05.

38 OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996

15508528, 1996, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1550-8528.1996.tb00510.x by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.

Table 4. Diagnostic value (%) of BMI versus %BF from densitometry by gender using BMI cut offs
from the literature and from the ROC analysis applied in the present study

Literature Present study

Men Women Men Women
(BMI > 28 kglm2) (BMI > 26 kglm2) (BMI > 25 kglm2) (BMI > 23 kglm2)

Sensitivity (%) 43.6±4.6 51.8 ± 4.8 78.6± 3.8 81.5 ± 3.7

Specificity (%) 93.5 ± 1.2 97.8±O.7 69.8 ± 2.3 84.4 ± 1.8

since a false positive is not considered as serious as a the left upper corner of the plot (i.e., has higher curva-
false negative. Therefore a cut off level toward the ture) than that for men, the specificity for women is
upper end of where the curve "turns the corner" was larger than that for men for a given sensitivity (and con-
chosen. These levels were 25 kg/m 2 for men (78.6% versely, for a given specificity, the sensitivity is larger
sensitivity and 69.8% specificity) and 23 kg/m2 for for women than for men). ROC analysis was also con-
women (81.5% sensitivity and 84.4% specificity). The ducted using TBF instead of %BF and these resulted in
cut offs suggested in the literature (28 kg/m 2 for men, ROC curves (not shown) with cut offs identical to the
26 kg/m 2 for women) would result in 43.6% sensitivity ones observed for %BF, namely 25 kg/m 2 for men
and 93.5% specificity for men, and 51.8% sensitivity (88.6% sensitivity and 71% specificity) and 23 kg/m 2
and 97.8% specificity for women. The cut offs derived for women (97.2% sensitivity and 81.5% specificity).
from the ROC analysis are marked on the figures Based on the ROC analysis, the BMI levels cho-
together with the cut offs obtained from the literature. sen in the present study were 25 kg/m2 for men and
Because the ROC curve for women extends further into 23 kg/m2 for women. In the study by Hortobagyi et aI.

~ 25 kg/m2 (A)

.s; 0.5

~ 28 kg/m2 (8)

0.2 Men

o. 0 -+-r.....-T"'T""T""T""T'"T""T""~r-T'"I-rT"'T""T""T""T'"T""T"""I'"T"1-rT"'T""T""T""T'"T""T"""I'"T"1r-r-T"'T""T"T""T'",..,-,...,...,r-rT""1
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
1 - Specificity (%)
Figure 1: Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve for men.
Note: (A) BMI cut off level from ROC analysis with sensitivity of 78.6% and one minus specificity of 31.2% (B)
BMI cut off level from literature with sensitivity of 43.6% and one minus specificity of 6.5%

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996 39

15508528, 1996, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1550-8528.1996.tb00510.x by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.






26 kg/m2 (8)
Q) 0.4


o.0 -+-r""""'TT""rT""IrT"T"T"T"T"T"1r-rT-r-rT'"'T""1'"T""T""""T"T"~rT"T"""""T""T"'1r-r-T-r-rT"T"""r-T'"T""'I""T""'t
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
1 - Specificity (%)
Figure 2: Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve for women.
Note: (A) BMI cut off level from ROC analysis with sensitivity of 81.5% and one minus specificity of 15.6% (B)
BMI cut off level from literature with sensitivity of 51.8% and one minus specificity of 2.2%

(14), BMI levels of 24.5 kg/m 2 for men and 22 kg/m2 in national U.S. surveys (4). The latter levels are based
for women were derived from ROC curve analysis. on the 85th percentile values for men and women aged
These lower BMI cut off levels coincide with a reversal 20 to 29 years. There is a lack of long-term studies relat-
in sensitivity and specificity values. Table 5 shows that ing %BF to morbidity and mortality. Although the sup-
compared to the study by Hortobagyi et aI., sensitivity porting research is limited, cut off points for %BF of >
in the present study represents a 14% decrease in men 25% in men and > 33 % in women have been suggested(3).
and a 3% increase in women, and the specificity repre- Sensitivity and specificity reflect the proportion of
sents a 48% increase in men and a 21 % increase in true positive and negative test results respectively in
women. The gender differences are also much smaller homogeneous populations, that is, either those that are
in the present study (Table 5). truly obese (for sensitivity) or truly not obese (for speci-
ficity). As such, these estimates are not influenced by
Discussion the ratio of obese to non-obese individuals in the study
The age range of the subjects was limited to 20 to sample (20). Notwithstanding the strong correlations in
45 years because in this age range the density of FFM is the present study between %BF and BMI for the total
close to 1.1 g/mL (13), which is the assumed value in group (0.65 in men and 0.79 in women), our findings
the Siri two-component model (34). The BMI cut off using published cut off levels indicate low sensitivities
values were based on the findings from long term fol- (44% in men and 52% in women) and high specificities
lOW-Up studies showing increases in mortality for BMI (93% in men and 98% in women). This indicates that
values greater than 28 kg/m 2 for men and greater than only about 44% to 52% of the truly obese adults as indi-
26 kg/m 2 for women (35). These values are similar to cated by %BF from densitometry are identified by BMI
the BMI levels ( men, ;;::: 27.8 kg/m 2 ; women, ;;::: 27.3 as being obese while almost all non-obese adults are
kg/m 2) used to calculate the prevalence of overweight classified as such by BMI.

40 OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996

15508528, 1996, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1550-8528.1996.tb00510.x by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.

Table 5. Diagnostic value of the BMI versus %BF from densitometry by gender derived from ROC

Gender Study Age range BMlcutoff Sensitivity Specificity

(y) level (kg/m2) (%) (%)

Men Present study 20-45 25 78.6 69.8

Hortobagyi et aI. (1994) 19-77 24.5 91.0 47.0

Women Present study 20-45 23 81.5 84.4

Hortobagyi et aI. (1994) 19-77 22 79.0 70.0

These results are in accordance with those from the best (Table 5). The levels chosen in the present
another study of adults using similar cut off levels for study were 25 kg/m2 for men and 23 kg/m 2 for women.
BMI (BMI ~ 27.8 kg/m 2 in men and ~ 27.3 kg/m2 in In the study by Hortobagyi et al. (15) BMI levels of 24.5
women), but lower cut off levels for %BF from densito- kg/m2 for men and 22 kg/m 2 for women were derived
metry, namely> 20% in men and > 25% in women (36). from ROC curve analysis (Table 5). These differences
In the latter study, slightly stronger correlations were between the findings from the present study and those
reported between %BF and BMI in women (n= 213, r= from the study by Hortobagyi might be due to the fact
.84) as compared to men (n=150, r= .70); a similar gen- that the age range in the present study was restricted to
der difference was observed in the present study. A ages 20 to 45 years to avoid errors in estimating %BF
study of 1280 men and 365 women, aged 19 to 77 years, for older adults due to FFM density values deviating
reported sensitivity values of 54.5% in men and 26.9% from the assumed 1.1 g/mL, but the age range in the
in women and specificity values of 91.8% in men and Hortobagyi study was 19 to 77 years. The implication
98.2% in women (15) when the obesity cut off points of the greater extension of the ROC curve into the left
for BMI were ~ 28 kg/m 2 in men and ~ 27 kg/m 2 in upper comer of the plot in women, compared to men in
women, and the cut off levels for %BF from densitome- the present study, is that identification of high %BF
try were ~ 25% in men and ~ 30% in women. using BMI is more accurate for women than for men
Data from the Rosetta Study using cutpoints for (Figures 1 and 2).
BMI > 27.8 kg/m 2 in men and> 27.3 kg/m2 in women, The correlations in the present study between BMI
and cutpoints for %BF from densitometry similar to the and %BF by BMI tertiles in the combined samples
ones used in the present study (> 25% in men and > might help explain the low sensitivity of BMI when
30% in women), reported sensitivity values in men of using recommended BMI cut offs (5). Our results
45% in the younger age group (average age 33.7) and showed strong correlations (.65 in men and .79 in
40% in the middle aged group (average age 54.6) while women) between BMI and %BF for the total group
in women sensitivity was 47% in the younger age group (Table 3) with the highest correlations observed in the
(average age 31.8) and 45% in the middle aged group upper BMI tertile for each gender (.42 in men and .69 in
(average age 55.2) with specificity values in each gen- women). A similar trend was noted in a report of BMI
der being greater than 93% (2). These three studies are correlations with %BF and TBF from densitometry by
in agreement with the present findings that the BMI is BMI quartiles showing the highest correlations in the
an excellent diagnostic index for classifying the non- upper quartiles in men (r=.56 for %BF and r=.76 for
obese, but is rather insensitive for classifying the obese. TBF) and women (r=.42 for %BF and r=.77 for TBF)
The findings that correlations between %BF and BMI . versus correlations in the lower quartiles ranging from
are higher in women, and that sensitivity values in .07 to .33 for %BF and from .21 to .44 for TBF (15). In
women are generally higher and specificities lower rela- summary, these studies document that BMI is highly
tive to the values found in men, are generally explained correlated with %BF only for adults in the upper part of
as due to the observation that women have a greater fat the BMI distribution. The higher correlations of BMI
mass and fat percentage than men for any given BMI (2). with TBF, compared with %BF, would be expected due
When ROC curve analysis was applied to derive a to the inclusion of weight in both variables (9,12,15).
reasonable trade-off between sensitivity and one minus Similarly, results of the ROC analysis show that sensi-
specificity, instead of using recommended cut off levels, tivity values are higher in both men (by 10%) and
substantially lower BMI cut off levels were selected as women (by 15%) when using TBF instead of %BF.

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996 41

15508528, 1996, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1550-8528.1996.tb00510.x by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.

Because in the present study, the partial correlations .15 in women, and between %BF and age these were .42
between BMI and %BF tend to be higher in the upper in men and .24 in women. The associations between
BMI tertiles than in the lower tertiles, one might specu- BMI and %BF are strengthened by adjusting for age and
late that the predictive capability of BMI is correspond- gender, but adjustments for frame size do not influence
ingly higher. This is certainly true with regard to the the strengths of these associations (32). Note that the
proportionate reduction in the %BF variation attribut- correlations for the total group tend to be higher than
able to BMI and age (coefficientof multiple determination those associated with the BMI tertiles (Table 3). This is
or R2, data not shown); in fact, for men, the R2 in the to be expected since the range associated with the BMI
upper tertile is twice what it is in the lower tertiles, and values for the total group is much larger than for the
in women the R2 in the upper tertile is seven times what BMI tertiles. For this reason it is not appropriate to
it is in the lower tertiles. However, the standard error compare the total group correlation to the correlations
(square root of mean square error) ranges from 4.7 to for the BMI tertiles, however, it is appropriate to com-
5.6% and is approximately the same across the three ter- pare the correlations for the BMI tertilesamong themselves.
tiles in each gender, indicating that the predictive capa- Few have examined the relationship between per-
bility would be poor. In fact, the estimated slope (after sons selected by BMI and by PPM. A recent study of
adjusting for the effects of age) for %BF plus or minus adults, aged 20 to 79 years, reported correlations from
the standard error for the first, second, and third tertiles two samples between BMI and PPM from densitometry
are, respectively, 0.7 ± 0.35, 1.8 ± 0.53, and 0.9 ± 0.15 of .57 and .61 in men and of .45 and .59 in women (38).
for men and l.l± 0.40, 1.6 ± 0.71, and 1.3 ± 0.09 for Although these correlations were not age-adjusted, they
women. For PPM they are 2.1 ± 0.36, 1.3 ± 0.52, and are similar to the present findings of .54 in men and .46
0.9 ± 0.22 for men and 2.0 ± 0.31,1.2 ± 0.57,0.5 ± 0.10 for in women. In men and women with BMI values in the
women. Further study is needed on the predictive capa- lowest tertile, the age-adjusted correlation of BMI with
bility of BMI, especially in light of its relationship with PPM (r =.43 in both men and women) in the present
%BF and PPM over BMI tertiles as discussed above. study was higher than with measures of %BF (r =.19 in
Other studies of adults have reported strong correla- men and women). Correlations of about 0.6 have been
tions between BMI and %BF for groups not selected by found between BMI values and PPM from densitometry
BMI (9, 12, 22, 30, 36, 39), but comparison between the in adults not selected by BMI (10, 38). Muscle mass is
present results and those from other studies are compli- a major component of body weight, especially at low
cated by differences in statistical methods. Scatterplots BMI values, and therefore, low BMI values can be used
(not shown) of %BF versus BMI and %BF versus PPM as an indicator of muscle mass. The association of sar-
showed that the middle tertile corresponded to a short copenia, as indexed by low BMI values, with increased
BMI-interval while the lower and upper tertiles corre- mortality rates has been suggested in a recent review (31).
sponded to longer BMI-intervals. This poses a serious This study was undertaken to examine the associa-
problem with the use of the Pearson correlation coeffi- tion between BMI and the main constituents of body
cient as a measure of the general linear relationship composition (%BF and FPM) in a group of healthy
since the r-value generally increases in absolute value young and middle-aged adults. We will also briefly
with the range of the X-variable (in this case, BMI). summarize the contribution that our findings add to the
Consequently, the Pearson correlations for the lower interpretation of the relationships between BMI and
and upper tertiles may be artificially high (or artificially morbidity and mortality statistics. The f-shaped or U-
low in the middle tertile) because of the substantially shaped curves indicative of increased mortality at the
differing widths of the BMI intervals. In fact, compari- low and high extreme values of body weight or BMI
son of Pearson correlation coefficients would only be have been well documented (6,25,35). However, recent
appropriate for tertiles from a uniformly distributed ran- findings from one follow-up study of 8,828 non-smok-
dom variable. The Spearman rank correlation coeffi- ing Seventh Day Adventist men showed a lack of excess
cient (adjusted for age) is a more appropriate measure mortality at low BMI values (no 'J' in the BMI-mortali-
since it is not influenced by the width of the BMI inter- ty curve) and did not observe an increase in mortality
val and hence allows a more accurate comparison of until a BMI value of 27.5 kg/m2 or greater was reached
correlations. That is, the Spearman coefficient is based (37). Chronic energy deficiency levels have been
on the ranks of the BMI values, and the range of the defined based on low BMI indices varying from 16 to
ranks of BMI values is the same for all three tertiles. 18.5 kglm2 (19), but allowance should be made for leg
The correlation coefficients reported from most other length when using BMI to assess nutritional status due
studies are Pearson coefficients and generally not age- to the contribution of Iong-leggedness to low BMI (27).
adjusted. In the present study, the Pearson correlations The measurement of leg length is not likely to be practi-
(not shown) between BMI and age were .26 in men and cal for screening. The I-shaped or U-shaped curve

42 OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 4 No.1 Jan. 1996

15508528, 1996, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1550-8528.1996.tb00510.x by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [15/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
BMI and Body Composition, Wellens et al.

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shown by our findings. Data from the prospective the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD and by
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