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Vivien Pajuelo

Mrs. Lazarski

Video Production

15 May 2024

Nasa Hunch Reflection

My initial concept for my pitch and project idea was to mention a resource that was very

important to the Earth and compare it to the Moon. After researching on the NASA website I

found that water is something that NASA has discovered on the moon. I kind of moved away

from my pitch because the research that I gathered was not making sense with the video I wanted

to make. I had to connect it better so I switched it up a bit so that it would fit the overall concept

of why go to the Moon. Overall the final project was about how the Moon is important and why

you should go to it because there was water discovered on the moon.

A lot of research took place during the pre-production phase. I also had to look up stock

footage and maybe make plans to film CTE shop classes. What took the most time is trying to

find NASA pictures that prove how water was a discovery on the moon. I believe that was a big

obstacle for me. I overcame that by rewording my search and searching for something more

specific. Overall I did find some videos and pictures that fit perfectly with my video.

During the production phase, since I did not have the time to film anything, my

production phase was mainly putting the clips together and just finding sound effects or music

that will fit my video. Everything was going well until there was a point in time where my edit

share was not working. I kept having to go back in and out and I couldn't really get much done

when I was trying to sort my clips. The way I overcame this obstacle was refreshing my
computer and asking my teacher for help. I'm still a bit new to how to work my edit share so it

just caused a lot of problems.

During my post-productions phase there was just a lot of editing. I also had to match up

my voice overs with my video clips. That was an obstacle for me because I had to time the video

so that they match up with my voice. I also only had 2 minutes for the whole video so it couldn't

have been too long and the clips couldn’t be too short. It also mattered because of how slow or

fast I would say my voice overs. I overcame this by making sure I talked fast enough to have

enough time to explain all the research in my script. Overall, I got my voiceovers to match well

with the videos and the music also went well with the whole concept. I also finished my video on

time and under the 2-minute limit.

My favorite part was probably the pre-production phase because researching was very

easy for me. NASA already provided us with the resources we will be needing for the video. I

also could just get research from their own websites. Everything went very smoothly while I was

researching and finding clips so the reproduction phase was the best production phase for me.

I believe my personal strengths will probably have to be good research. I like how I can

find things quickly and specifically. My overall weakness is the editing because I am still

learning how to use Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects. I did learn some new things so

hopefully they can become my strength. I can improve my weakness by pacing myself and not

overdoing my editing in one day. It can get exhausting staring at the same clip and fixing it over

and over again. so I should learn how to schedule my editing so that I don't get burnt out too

early into the project.

I believe that my video did meet the target audience. I wanted it to fit well with the genre

or concept. I believe it gave enough information to those who did not know why the moon was
so important. I also believe my timing and the music itself made people interested enough to

watch it because it starts off smoothly. People really liked my video so I am proud that at least

the audience enjoyed it.

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