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School: Silago National Vocational HS Grade Level: 10

Teacher: Sharlene Cecil O. Pagobo Area: Science
Teaching Dates & Time: March 2024 Quarter: 3rd

The learners demonstrate an understanding on how evolution through natural
A. Content Standards
selection can result in biodiversity.
The learners shall be able to write an essay or create an infographic on the
B. Performance Standards
importance of adaptation as a mechanism for the survival of a species.
C. Learning Competencies Explain the occurrence of evolution. (S10LT-IIIg-40)
K: Analyze the different theories of evolution.
S: Classify the different kinds of adaptation.
D. Learning Objectives
A: Reflect on why reproduction, variation, and adaptation are necessary for
the survival of species.
II. CONTENT Theories of Evolution & Adaptation and Survival
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 232-235
2. Learner’s Materials pages 316-321
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint presentation, pictures, animation, video clip
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Enumerate the evidence of evolution.
presenting the new lesson
ENGAGE Video Analysis: 5 Theories on the Creation of Humans
B. Establishing a purpose for the (
lesson Which theory do you believe the most?

C. Presenting examples/ instances Different pictures depicting the theories of evolution will be presented on the
of the new lesson board. Ask the students to give their opinions.
EXPLORE Theories of Evolution
D. Discussing new concepts and 1. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
practicing new skills #1 The first evolutionist to believe that organisms change over time. Using fossil records
as a guide, Lamarck was able to develop three theories of evolution.
E. Discussing new concepts and a. The Theory of Need – states that organisms change in response to their
practicing new skills #2 environment. Their ability to survive helped them develop characteristics
necessary for them to adapt in a given environment.
b. The Theory of Use and Disuse – states that organs not in use will disappear while
organs in use will develop.
c. The Theory of Acquired Characteristics – states that physiological changes
acquired during an organism's lifetime can be passed down to the offspring.
Lamarck believed that giraffes before had short necks, but because of the need to
survive and in order to reach tall trees for food, they kept stretching their necks
until these became longer and able to reach taller trees. These acquired
characteristics were believed to be inherited by their offsprings and propagated by
the next generation of giraffes.

Many scientists rejected the theories of Lamarck. They understood that if there were
changes in cell or body structure, there could be changes in the genetic information of the
2. Charles Darwin
a. Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection – is based on natural selection, which he
suggested after his voyage to the Galapagos Island aboard the HMS Beagle. He
was fascinated by the diversity of organisms he found along his journey. He stated
that species evolve (or, as he put it, undergo "descent with modification"), and
that all living things can trace their descent to a common ancestor, all of which
happens by natural selection.
b. Natural selection – states that nature selects organisms that will or will not
survive based on their existing traits. Organisms with favorable traits or those who
are best suited to the environment have a better chance of survival. The survivors
will pass on their favorable traits to their offspring. As the years pass by, the
population will produce an organism with traits different from their ancestors.
“Survival of the fittest.”

Adaptation & Survival

Every organism has a unique ecosystem within which it lives-its natural habitat. This is
where its basic needs to survive are met: food, water, shelter from the changing weather and
climate and place to breed its offspring. Habitats are constantly changing and evolving.
Animals living within must constantly adapt to environmental changes, big or small.

Adaptation is all about survival. Adaptation is the evolutionary process whereby an

organism becomes better able to live in its habitat; they can live and reproduce in a given set
of habitats. When the environment dramatically changes, some animals move to other
places, others die, and some develop adaptations over generations to survive.
Animals have a variety of ways to adapt to their environment. These include:
1. Structural or Physical or using body structures to help an animal survive.
a. Camouflage
b. Mimicry
c. Chemical defenses
d. Body coverings
2. Behavioral or how animals respond or act to life needs. Behavioral adaptation
could be instinctive or happen naturally.
a. Hibernation
b. Migration
c. Learned behaviors

Organisms struggle for existence in order to survive; they compete for food and space.
Organisms with favorable and advantageous characteristics survive and reproduce. Fitness
refers to the ability of an organism to survive and produce offsprings. Different individuals
in a population possess different characteristics and abilities. This is called variation.

Variation among individuals in the population would likely bring greater chance of
survival. An organism that is adapted and has structures fitted to survive in a given
environment would likely produce offsprings.

Variation increases the chance of survival of living things. Organisms with the best and
desirable traits would likely adapt to environmental changes and may gradually become
better suited to survive in a given environment. Organisms which are best adapted to the
environment will continue to reproduce and perpetuate their own kind. Mating between
surviving populations of the same species may shift the abundance of a new breed of
organism because of mutation, gene combination, and natural selection. This then leads to
speciation and may subsequently increase biodiversity.
EXPLAIN Assign groups to perform the following activities:
F. Developing mastery. Perform Activity 5: Follow the Track
(Leads to Formative Assessment Perform Activity 6: Survivor
How can evolution through natural selection result in biodiversity of species?
Can destruction of our natural resources affect the survival of species? How?
ELABORATE Give some possible effects of natural selection in the development of human
G. Finding practical applications of characteristics.
concepts and skills in daily How would variation among individuals in the population bring greater chance of
living survival?
What will you do in order to survive in any given environment or situation?
H. Making generalizations and
Do you want to survive in any given environment or situation? Explain.
abstractions about the lesson

EVALUATE I. Identify what theory of evolution is being described. Write the letter only.
A. Theory of Natural Selection
I. Evaluating learning
B. Theory of Need
C. Theory of Use and Disuse
D. Theory of Acquired Characteristics
1. States that organs not in use will disappear while organs in use will develop.
2. States that species evolve and that all living things can trace their descent to one
common ancestor.
3. States that physiological changes acquired during an organism's lifetime can be
passed down to the offspring.
4. States that organisms change in response to their environment.
5. The theory suggested by Charles Darwin.

II. Classify the different kinds of adaptation provided below.

Physical Adaptation Behavioral Adaptation

Learned behavior Camouflage

Mimicry Brumation
Body coverings Migration
Hibernation Chemical defenses

EXTEND In a 1/8 illustration board, create an infographic on the importance of adaptation as a mechanism for the
survival of a species.
J. Additional activities for Rubric:
application or remediation Content – 30%
Organization – 20%
Creativity – 20%
Grammar – 20%
Punctuality – 10%
TOTAL – 100%
B. REFLECTION Sardonyx Opal Sunstone Onyx
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Sharlene Cecil O. Pagobo Benjie Mae C. Gomez

Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher
BSEd – Science 4 Special Science Teacher I
SLSU-HC Science 10

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