Research Paper EIM 12 GILBERT Marbellas Group D

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Senior High School



A Research Study Presented to

The Faculty of the Basic Education Department

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Subject

Baquiran, Angelo C.
Gordo, Aaron James E.
Ligsanan, Ian D.
Marbella, Mark Cedrick A.
Obispo, Kemp S.
Perez, Paul Vincent S.
Senior High School
Tan, Angel Chooey G.



This research paper entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTOMATED

DRYING MACHINE TO PRESERVE LEAVES”, prepared and submitted by

Baquiran, Angelo C., Gordo, Aaron James E., Ligsanan, Ian D., Marbella, Mark

Cedrick A., Obispo, Kemp S., Perez, Paul Vincent S., and Tan, Angel Chooey G.

has been approved and accepted by Mrs. Edelitha Dancel in partial fulfilment of

the requirements for the subject Practical Research II.

Senior High School


The researchers would like to convey and recognize their sincerest

gratitude and appreciation for the following people to their steadfast support in

their efforts to prepare for and complete this research study. Without them the

researchers would have never accomplished and finished this research.

To Mrs. Edelitha Dancel, the Practical Research II teacher, for the pieces

of advice she has unselfishly given to the researchers and for her unending support

to the researchers.

To the Researcher's Family for their unending love, care and patience

they have shown to encourage and boost the self-esteem of the researchers to

complete this research work. Over and above for their financial support that made

this research completion possible.

Senior High School

To Friends and Classmates, specially to the Grade 12 EIM students who

have willingly helped out with their abilities.

Above all, the Almighty God, for the guidance, protection, wisdom, and

strength he bestowed upon the researchers to complete this research work.


Title Page……………………………………………………………………….i

Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………….……ii


Table of Contents………………………………………………………………vi-v


CHAPTER 1 : Background of the Study

Introduction……………………………………………………………………. 1-2
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Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………3


Scope and Delimitations………………………………………………………..4

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………5

Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………6-7
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CHAPTER 2. Review of Related Literature

Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………..8-24

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………..25

CHAPTER 3. Research Methodology

Research Design………………………………………………………….26

Description of the Respondents………………………………………….26

Sampling Techniques ………………………………………..………….26

Research Instruments…………………………………………………… 27

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………………27

Senior High School


Leaves utilized for cooking and medicinal purposes are exceedingly

fleeting. Post-harvest losses are common, and quality suffers as a result of climate

change, inappropriate handling, delayed transportation, improper storage, and

sales delays. An effective drying procedure for the reduction of moisture to a safe

activity value is crucial for preserving leaves for a longer period of time and

ensuring their easy availability for off-seasonal use without significant nutrient

loss. Products created from dried leaves with low moisture content have a longer

shelf life, are

lighter to travel, and have lower transportation costs.

Senior High School

To remove the required water content from the leaves, a regulated heat treatment

method is used. An optimal drying method is required not only to preserve leaves

in order to obtain concentrated nutrients, but also to reduce energy usage in order

to be environmentally friendly. The goal of the optimal leaf drying process is to

achieve the necessary final moisture content while keeping the same high level of

nutrients as fresh leaves. Individual leaf drying parameters are chosen depending

on local climatic conditions, drying air temperature, relative humidity of air,

drying duration, size, shape, and age of leaves, and among other factors. This

research paper highlights the effectiveness of drying the different kinds of leaves.




Leaves do not last a lifetime, after a while, germs and fungi begin to grow on

them. The only way and simplest method to preserve leaves is to dry them. In

order to dry leaves, we need to remove the water and moisture from the leaves.

Bacteria and fungi can't thrive without water, so the leaves won't degrade like they
Senior High School

would outside or in a compost heap. Glycerin is a natural preservative that retains

moisture to keep foods, cosmetics, and scientific collections fresh. There are tons

of ways on how to give a long life to herbs. It includes sun drying, dehydrator,

microwaving, shade drying, wind drying and many more.

For decades, sun drying is the natural process that has been used to dry leaves

and foods and removing the product's natural moisture and effectively dehydrating

it. This natural way takes a lot of time to dry the product that’s why people tend to

invent machines that will help them to produce more product that consume little

time. One of the disadvantages of sun drying is temperature cannot be controlled

and the food may become overheated. Furthermore, sun drying is a time-

consuming operation that employs a large number of individuals.

Senior High School

Natural drying processes allow for less control over drying speed and

product quality. Mechanical and active dryers provide a faster ing

dry rate that may

be regulated to satisfy quality needs and standards.

This research report shows the

modern technique on drying the leaves. The machine that the researchers made uses

a bulb that produceheat to dry the leaves and it takes about 3-5 minutes before it

finally dried up.

Senior High School


This is study focused on Preserving Leaves with the Use of an Automated

Drying Machine.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the respondents be described as to:

1. Age

2. Sex

3. Grade Level

2. What is the difference of the Automated Drying Machine as perceived

by the respondents?

3. What are the respondents’ perceptions as to:

3.1 Functionality

3.2 Safety

3.3 Affordability

3.4 Durability

4. What are the respondents’ recommendations to improve the Automatic

Drying Machine?
Senior High School


Our product, the Automated Drying Machine can preserve leaves and it

can also be used to cook meat because this machine can produce heat. The type of

machine that we made is like an oven that’s why we assume that it can be an

alternative way to cook meat with the use of electricity.


The primary objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of

Automated Leaves Drying Machine that can be used for Herbal Medicine, Tea,

and to preserve leaves. The purpose of this is to dry leaves that consume a short

period of time.

This study was limited to Novaliches High School and conducted during

the 2nd Semester A.Y. 2021-2022.

Senior High School


The study will be beneficial to the following groups of people:

The Researchers. Will be more knowledgeable about their research and

give us guidance in making their product.

The User. This study will provide information and serve as a guide to the

user on how this product operates and functions and also how to process making

and what are materials used. This can help to make their own product.

The Entrepreneurs. Will be curious about the Automated Leaves Drying

Machine and this will serve as a manual foundation of knowledge that can help

them be informed about the product if they want to include the product of their


The Future Researchers. The study’s findings will serve as a guidance

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for future researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study.

Senior High School


Angle Bar - also known as an “L-bracket” or an “angle iron,” is a metal bracket in

the form of a right angle.

Automated - operated by largely automatic equipment.

Drying - is a mass transfer process consisting of the removal of water or another

solvent by evaporation from a solid, semi-solid or liquid.

Electrical Tape - a type of thick adhesive tape used chiefly to cover exposed

electric wires.

Grill - a metal framework used for cooking food over an open fire; a gridiron.

Plug - a device for making an electrical connection, especially between an

appliance and a power supply, consisting of an insulated casing with metal pins

that fit into holes in an outlet.

Plywood - a type of strong thin wooden board consisting of two or more layers

glued and pressed together with the direction of the grain alternating.

Quartz heating -is a type of radiant heating, commonly referred to as short-wave

infrared heating.
Senior High School

Rivets - a short metal pin or bolt for holding together two plates of metal, its

headless end being beaten out or pressed down when in place.

Senior High School

Safety - the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or


Timer - is a device that measures time, especially one that is part of a machine

and causes it to start or stop working at specific times.

Wire - metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible thread or rod.



This chapter deals with the different literature and studies reviewed by the

researchers to intensify the knowledge and clarify the perception of the problem

and further conceptualize this study.


An electrical device known as a dehydrator eliminates moisture from

everything that is inside. Trays, heating elements, vents, and a fan for circulation

are all parts of it. The heating element of the dehydrator boosts the temperature

inside the machine, the fan distributes the heat and draws moisture out, and the

trays contain the food you would like to dehydrate.

The moisture from the food or leaves is drawn out by the dehydrator's heat. By

using low temperatures and lengthy cooking durations, the machine does this in a
Senior High School

special way. This method protects the food's flavors and nutrients, making it the

best moisture removal method. High-heat cooking frequently destroys food's

nutritional content and its potential flavors. We utilize dehydrators primarily

because the technology allows the user to make delicious and interesting


However, the fact that it does a great job of keeping the food that is put
Senior High School

within is another important factor. Bacteria, yeasts, and molds are prevented from

forming on the food by the heat's capacity to evaporate moisture from the contents

of the dehydrator. The moisture in the food is necessary for the survival of

everything that causes the food to spoil.

Furthermore, herbs and spices benefit greatly from the heat of a

dehydrator. The fresh herbs and spices are highly prone to attracting mold and

bacteria due to their high moisture content. It may use abundant harvests or

purchases of herbs and spices for a longer period of time by drying them in a



Air Circulation

According to Caroline Merida (2019), air circulation is going to take the

moist air that the heating elements pull from the food inside and work with the

vents on the dehydrator to push it outside the machine. This keeps the food from

reabsorbing the moisture it just lost. But on top of removing the moist air through

the vents, the dehydrator also pulls the dry air from outside of the machine inside
Senior High School

to make sure the content is in a moisture-free environment and undergoing the

most thorough process of dehydration.

On top of maintaining a space of dry air within the dehydrator, the fans

that create the air circulation also make sure that the heat within the machine is

evenly distributed to every item inside. A quality machine isn’t going to super dry

a few things and leave a couple of other items still wet inside. A quality machine is

going to make a batch of equally dehydrated and superb treats.

Horizontal Air Movement

Horizontal air movement is great because it eliminates the need to stir

around and rotate the trays inside. A dehydrator with horizontal air movement

means that there is a fan in the back of the machine and it blows towards the door

you open the machine with. The air blows across all the items on each tray and

dries each thing equally.

Vertical Air Movement

These dehydrators come in two different ways, the fan can either be at the

top of the machine or it can be at the bottom. Heat rises, so typically with a top-

side fan, the food on the bottom will become much drier than the food on the top.
The food on the top will have a harder time receiving the heat, which is what we

rely on to pull the moisture out. However, when the fan is at the bottom, there is a

good chance that food will drip and drop down and making cleaning a problematic

process. If your machine has a fan at the bottom, your food will dry much more

evenly, but you should make sure the trays are rip-proof.



As stated by Keeren Flora (2020), food has been dried in the sun since the

earliest days of recorded human history. Ancient people need direct sunlight for a

number of days and a low-humidity environment of below 20% that's why

sundried foods are such an important component of some cultures. Evidence

shows that foods were dried by Middle Eastern and Oriental societies as early as

12,000 BCE. Fish, poultry, grapes, and raisins were all dried by the ancient

Egyptians for long-term preservation around 2,800 BCE. In Mexico and Peru,

cocoa leaves and fruits were sun-dried during the Middle Ages (from 630 CE to

1630 CE).
Senior High School

Some of the traditional dehydration techniques—like sun-dried tomatoes—

remain the ideal ones. Halved tomatoes are spread out on wooden drying trays in

the sun for 9 to 14 days after being cleaned, sorted, and properly sanitized with

sulfites. When compared to mechanical alternatives, sun-drying tomatoes is still

the best way to preserve nutrients and allow flavors to concentrate into its distinct



The first automated drying process was created in 1795 by French inventors

Masson and Chollet. The machine fed sliced fruit and vegetables into a hot-air

dehydration chamber, with a controlled temperature of 40°C dehydrating produce

ready to be pressed and sealed in tin foil. Since then, a variety of techniques for

dehydrating food have been developed. Here we will look at how two of the most

common drying methods work.


According to Dr. Renerio S. Mucas of ISAT U, the dehydrator machine

can efficiently dry fresh leaves of guava, moringa, guyabano, and roselle flower

petals. It uses solar radiation to heat up the air that flows inside the dehydrator.

The system consists of a solar heat catcher (installed outdoors a drying chamber


with 12 trays where the leaves are dried).

The drying process takes place when the heated air flows through the trays

containing the leaf samples. Drying takes place due to the difference in moisture

concentration between the drying air and the air in the vicinity and inside of the

crop surface. This drying process is known as convective heat transfer. In case of

insufficient solar radiation, the dehydrator will utilize a backup electric heater.


Renerio S. Mucas, 2020).

In the study by Antony Aroul Raj (2018), fresh leaves used for culinary

and medicinal purposes are highly perishable by nature. Quite often, post-harvest

losses occur and there is a noticeable deterioration in quality due to

moistureenhanced enzymatic and microbial activity, climate changes, improper

handling, delayed transportation, improper storage, and delays in sales. To

preserve leaves for a longer duration and to ensure their easy availability for off-

seasonal use without considerable deterioration in nutrient levels, an appropriate

drying method is essential for the removal of moisture to a safe activity value.

The low moisture content of products made from dried leaves helps

improve their shelf life, reduce shipping weight and minimize transportation costs.

A controlled heat treatment process is employed for the removal of the required

water content from the leaves. An optimized drying process is necessary not only

for the preservation of leaves to achieve concentrated nutrients, but also to

minimize energy consumption to make it eco-friendly. The optimized process of

Senior High School

drying leaves is to ensure desired final moisture content retaining the original high

level of nutrients as that of fresh leaves.

The selection parameters for the drying technique of individual leaves are

based on local climatic conditions, drying air temperature, relative humidity of the

air, drying time, size, shape, and age of leaves, etc. The present review work

explores the influencing parameters on water loss in leaves, drying kinetics,

Senior High School

various available drying methods, range of operating conditions, and the effect of

different drying methods on nutritional properties.


Manual processing of Malunggay leaves which includes air drying and

powdering takes two to three days, making it time inefficient. This led to the

creation of this machine that aims to dry and powder Malunggay leaves

automatically and faster than the manual process.

With this machine, ten kilograms of Malunggay leaves are processed per batch.

Air temperature, heated by two electric stove coils, is regulated between 65±5

ºC using a temperature controller. An air blower is used to distribute heated air

towards 12 insulated flexible tubes. Mixer inside the drying chamber is used to

further hasten the drying process. After the drying time is achieved, dried leaves

having a final moisture content of 7-10% are finally transferred to the powdering

stage. The whole system is automated through the use of a Programmable Logic

Device. Experiments show that machine requires a preheating time of 12 minutes

and 4 seconds before the temperature stabilizes at 65±5 ºC. (Jerico Mark.

Abedania, et. al., 2019).


Vegetable dehydration is generally done either for preserving the perishable raw

commodity against deterioration or to reduce the cost of packaging, handling,

storing, and transporting. The most serious constraint for shelf-life enhancement is

the activity of microorganisms. Water in food is reduced to a very low level during

dehydration, thus achieving better microbiological preservation and retarding

many undesirable reactions during storage (Ibarz and Barbosa-Canovas, 2000),

owing to the reduction in water activity. In the present study dehydration

technology is utilized with a different perspective.

Senior High School

Green Leafy Vegetables are rich sources of micronutrients as already

discussed earlier and therefore dehydrating them can provide us with a

concentrated source of micronutrients. Utilizing these micronutrient-rich GLV in a

dehydrated form can be a food-based approach to combat the micronutrient

deficiencies, which is prevalent in our populations, especially during seasons of

their non-availability.

In recent years, exhaustive efforts have been made for an improvement in

the nutrient retention of dried products by altering processing methods and/or

pretreatment. Blanching is a prerequisite for the preservation of green leafy

vegetables. It is necessary to prevent the formation of off-flavors, odors and

colors. However, it may cause partial destruction of some nutrients like ascorbic


Senior High School

Based on the study of Susan Mills-Gray (2019), The nutritive value of

food is affected by the dehydration process. Vitamins A and C are destroyed by

heat and air. Using a sulfite treatment prevents the loss of some vitamins but

causes the destruction of thiamin. Blanching vegetables before drying, while

crucial to a better quality product, results in some loss of vitamin C and B-

complex vitamins as well as the loss of some minerals, because these are all water

soluble. Yet blanching reduces the loss of thiamin and vitamins A and C during

dehydration and storage.

Dried foods have more calories on a weight-for-weight basis because of

their nutrient concentration. For example, 100 grams of fresh apricots has 51

calories, whereas 100 grams of dried apricots has 260 calories. Nutritive value, as

well as flavor and appearance, is best protected by low temperature and low

humidity during storage.


In the modern times, technology grows continuously and people tend to

invent more advance and enhance appliances and machines that can make our
Senior High School

lives much easier. It is essential to have appliances that we can use at home, it

saves time and effort to do household chores.

The researchers come up with the idea of inventing an upgraded version of

the oven wherein you can cook food and it can also dry plants and leaves that can

be used as herbal medicine such as Malunggay, Lagundi, Sambong, Tsaang Gubat,

Pansit-pansitan and Yerba Buena. There are tons of people who tend to use herbal

medicine before they consult with Health Providers. The characteristics of this

product influences the user/s from using a modern way of drying leaves or foods

instead of using the sun-drying method which consume a lot of time. The product

will most likely to be marketable because of its function and drying time. It takes

3-5 minutes to dry leaves and 15-20 minutes to cook food but it varies of the type

of food or meat. The life span of this machine is about 20 years with the proper

use and care.

For this machine’s evaluation, the proponents will be resorting to creating

a stall in a grocery store that demonstrates the use and the excellent features of

product. We will provide a site wherein people can leave their comments and
Senior High School

feedback about the product that they bought from our team. In that way, it will


as motivation to grow and also to improve our product.


Preserving plant materials in a dried form is not a new idea; it has been

considered art for hundreds of years. Fragrant dried herbs were encased with

mummified bodies in Egyptian pyramids. During the Middle Ages, monks dried

flowers, foliage, and herbs for use in decorative motifs or for making dyes to color

their hand-printed books. Dried flower arrangements have been popular in Europe

for centuries, and as early as 1700, colonial Americans used dried flowers to

brighten their homes, especially during the dark winter months.

With the development of some new preservation techniques, dried materials no

longer have to appear withered and somber gray or brown. Plant materials

available commercially, as well as those that can be preserved at home with

modern methods, are almost unbelievably fresh-looking and represent a wide

Senior High School

range of colors. Thus new areas of creativity are now open to the artistically-

inclined. (Sydney Park Brown, 2020)

Herbs are “any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food,

medicine, or perfume” (2019). Herbs are considered to be highly perishable foods

due to their high moisture content and most herbs are chill-sensitive (Pirbalouti,

Mahdad, and Craker 2013). They are therefore processed by drying to create

shelf-stable products (Orphanides, Goulas, and Gekas 2016). Drying preserves

the quality of herbs by reducing the moisture content, which inhibits the
Senior High School

growth of microorganisms and chemical alterations during dried storage(Diaz-

Maroto, Perez-Coello, and Cabezudo, 2002).

In the culinary sense, dried herbs are generally used as “flavoring” agents

to add their characteristic aromas to foods. Apart from the culinary

usages of herbs,

their essential oil can be used as an antimicrobial agent that is effective against

bacteria, y east, and molds (Bor et al. 2016). Dried herbs also have man y

applications in other fields, such as in medical and toiletry products and in perfume


Herbs are known to be an excellent source of antioxidants

(Embuscado2015). The quality characteristics considered to be the most important

for dried herbs may depend on their usage. For instance, the quality of medical dried

herbs is defined by the content of bioactive compounds

(Ebadi et al. 2015), while

the quality of culinary dried herbs is usually defined by their color and fresh

characteristic aroma (Rahimmalek and Goli 2013). The focus of dried -herb

quality in this review will be on the color and aroma. Dried culinary herbs are

usually high in value, thus, the expectation of consumers regarding the quality of

the product are generally high

(Schaarschmidt2016). The quality specifications of

dried herbs have been listed mostly to ensure the chemical and microbiological

safety of the products.


• It can be used to cook and not just for dehydrating a leaves.

• Microwave oven is quick and easy to heat packaged food or reheat

leftovers. When a microwave heats food, a magnetron creates radio waves,

which then deliver heat energy straight into the molecules of whatever it is


• Convenient to use because you can use it directly to the output.

• Easy to use by putting whatever you want to get heat and it’s getting to be


• Easy carried.

• It will occupy small place because it’s just small.

• It is sold in a low-priced but provide a good service.


• It takes time dehydrating leaves.

• It’s small that’s why only few can be placed.

• When you dehydrating something that has a protein, any healthy benefits

have lower nutrient value.

Senior High School


Since dehydrated food is prepared well and stored for a very long time, it

can lose its nutrients, if not processed, stored and prepared correctly. This is

because of excessive heat and also the storage conditions. You should thus, store

food properly so as it does not get affected with heat. Before drying food, ensure

that you go through the manual and understand it. This will help you know the

drying times

for different types of food.


Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. Electricity is both a

basic part of nature and one of the most widely used forms of energy. The

electricity that we use is a secondary energy source because it is produced by

converting primary sources of energy such as coal, natural gas, nuclear energy,

solar energy, and wind energy, into electrical power. Electricity is also referred to

as an energy carrier, which means it can be converted to other forms of energy

such as mechanical energy or heat. Primary energy sources are renewable or

nonrenewable energy, but the electricity we use is neither renewable nor


Alternating Current (AC) is an electric current which periodically

reverses direction and changes its magnitude continuously with time in contrast to

direct current (DC) which flows only in one direction. Alternating current is the

form in which electric power is delivered to businesses and residences, and it is

the form of electrical energy that consumers typically use when they plug kitchen

appliances, televisions, fans and electric lamps into a wall socket.

Timer is a specialized type of clock used for measuring specific time

intervals. Timers can be categorized into two main types. The word "timer" is

usually reserved for devices that counts down from a specified time interval, while

devices that do the opposite, measuring elapsed time by counting upwards from

zero, are called stopwatches. A simple example of the first type is an hourglass.

Working method timers have two main groups: hardware and software timers.
Senior High School

Most timers give an indication that the time interval that had been set has expired.

Time switches, timing mechanisms that activate a switch, are sometimes also

called "timers”.
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Thermostat is a regulating device component which senses the

temperature of a physical system and performs actions so that the system's

temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint. Thermostats are used in any

device or system that heats or cools to a setpoint temperature, examples include

building heating, central heating, air conditioners, HVAC systems, water heaters,

as well as kitchen equipment including ovens and refrigerators and medical and

scientific incubators. In scientific literature, these devices are often broadly

classified as thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs).

Quartz heating is a type of radiant heating, commonly referred to as short-

wave infrared heating. Radiant heating uses infrared waves to directly heat the

surfaces of objects. All objects emit and absorb infrared heat, which is part of the

electromagnetic spectrum with a frequency below visible light. Hotter objects will

radiate more of this heat. This is the basis of the technology for most quartz


Fiberglass also known as glass-reinforced plastic can be said to be

cheaper, more flexible, and stronger than carbon fiber which can be molded into
Senior High School

different shapes. It is basically a common type of fiber-reinforced plastic using

glass fiber. The fiber may be flattened into a sheet or randomly arranged or woven

into a fabric. It has multiple applications which may include aircraft, automobiles,

roofing, pipes, water tanks and much more. The process of manufacturing

fiberglass is called pultrusion.

Fiberglass copper wires are composed by combining glass tape and

metal. Glass tape lappings are used on the bare copper conductor. The reason to

use glass tape protection is that it is non-porous, which protects and insulates the

metal from oxidation.

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Demographic profile of Senior High School Student
and Junior High School Student of NHS (Name,
Gender, Awareness about the Automated Drying

The researchers prepared the machine to have
alternative ways to dry leaves that consume a short
period of time.
Senior High School

The study aims to promote the Automated Leaves
Drying Machine for them to have informations about
the work ability, functionality, durability and safety of
the product.



This chapter includes the research design, respondents, sampling

techniques, research instruments, and construction of the instruments, validation

of the instruments, administration and retrieval of instruments, research procedure

and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This research study aims to compare the performance of different

dehydrator models in terms of their effectiveness in food dehydration. The
research objective is to determine whether a dehydrator with adjustable
temperature settings yields better results compared to a fixed-temperature
dehydrator. The target population for this study consists of individuals interested
in food dehydration. A sample size of 100 participants will be randomly selected.
The independent variable in this study is the type of dehydrator (adjustable
temperature vs. fixed temperature), while the dependent variables include
dehydration time, moisture content, nutrient retention, and taste. A randomized
Senior High School
controlled trial design will be employed, with participants randomly assigned to
either the adjustable temperature or fixed-temperature dehydrator group. Data will
be collected through measurements of temperature, moisture content, and nutrient
analysis, as well as sensory evaluations and surveys. Statistical analysis, including
descriptive statistics and inferential tests, will be conducted to compare the
performance of the two dehydrator types. Ethical considerations will be addressed
by obtaining participants' consent, ensuring anonymity, and following ethical
guidelines. The results of this study will contribute to unThis research study aims
to assess the perceptions and experiences of senior high school students (HE 11)
and faculty teachers regarding the integration of technology in the classroom. The
research objective is to understand the effectiveness of technology-based
instructional approaches in enhancing learning outcomes. The target population
for this study consists of senior high school students in HE 11 and faculty teachers
from various disciplines. A sample size of 200 participants, including 150 students
and 50 teachers, will be purposefully selected to ensure representation from
different schools and subject areas. The independent variable in this study is the
integration of technology in the classroom, while the dependent variables include
learning outcomes, student engagement, and teacher satisfaction. Data will be
collected through surveys and interviews, allowing participants to share their
perspectives on the use of technology in teaching and learning. Descriptive
statistics and qualitative analysis techniques will be employed to analyze the data
and identify patterns and themes in participants' responses. Ethical considerations
will be addressed by obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring
confidentiality, and adhering to ethical guidelines. The results of this study will
provide insights into the effectiveness of technology integration in the classroom
and may inform future instructional practices and policies in senior high school
education.derstanding the impact of dehydrator type on the quality of dehydrated
food and may inform recommendations for optimal dehydration techniques.


This research study aims to assess the perceptions and experiences of senior high
school students (HE 11) and faculty teachers regarding the integration of
technology in the classroom. The research objective is to understand the
effectiveness of technology-based instructional approaches in enhancing learning
outcomes. The target population for this study consists of senior high school
students in HE 11 and faculty teachers from various disciplines. A sample size of
200 participants, including 150 students and 50 teachers, will be purposefully
selected to ensure representation from different schools and subject areas. The
Senior High School

independent variable in this study is the integration of technology in the

classroom, while the dependent variables include learning outcomes, student
engagement, and teacher satisfaction. Data will be collected through surveys and
interviews, allowing participants to share their perspectives on the use of
technology in teaching and learning. Descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis
techniques will be employed to analyze the data and identify patterns and themes
in participants' responses. Ethical considerations will be addressed by obtaining
informed consent from participants, ensuring confidentiality, and adhering to
ethical guidelines. The results of this study will provide insights into the
effectiveness of technology integration in the classroom and may inform future
instructional practices and policies in senior high school education.

Sampling Techniques

Purposive techniques is a non-probability sample that is collected based on

characteristics of a population and the object of the study and also known as the
judgemental, selective, or subjective sampling. The sampling technique for this
dehydrator research study will involve selecting a diverse range of food items for
dehydration rather than focusing on specific participant demographics. This
approach aims to capture a broad representation of food types and their
dehydration characteristics. A purposive sampling method will be employed to
select a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, and herbs for the study. The selection
will be based on factors such as moisture content, texture, and popularity of the
food items. This approach ensures that the sample includes foods with varying
dehydration requirements and desired outcomes. By incorporating a range of food
items, the study aims to provide comprehensive insights into the performance of
the dehydrator across different types of produce and meats. The selected food
items will be carefully prepared and standardized to ensure consistent starting
conditions for dehydration. The results of this study will contribute to
understanding the effectiveness of the dehydrator in various food dehydration
scenarios and inform recommendations for optimal usage and outcomes.

And will involve a combination of convenience sampling and purposive sampling.

Convenience sampling will be utilized to select participants who have access to
and regularly use dehydrators for food preservation. This method will facilitate
ease of recruitment and ensure a practical sample size. Additionally, purposive
sampling will be employed to include participants who represent a diverse range
of demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, and culinary experience. By
Senior High School
purposefully selecting participants based on specific criteria, such as their level of
familiarity with dehydrators or the types of foods they commonly dehydrate, the
study can capture a variety of perspectives and experiences. This sampling
approach aims to provide a balanced representation of individuals who are
actively engaged in the practice of food dehydration, thus increasing the relevance
and applicability of the research findings.

Research Instrument

Questionnaire is the main instrument for collecting data in survey research.

Researcher used questionnaire to make it easy to collect the data from the

respondents. this dehydrator study will consist of a combination of objective

measurements and subjective assessments. Objective measurements will include

temperature monitoring devices to accurately record the temperature settings and

variations during the dehydration process. Moisture content analysis will be

conducted using a moisture meter or a laboratory-scale moisture analyzer to

quantify the water content in the dehydrated food samples. Nutrient analysis will

be performed using established laboratory methods to assess the retention of key

nutrients in the dehydrated products. Additionally, sensory evaluation will be

employed to capture subjective assessments of taste, texture, and overall quality.

This will involve the use of sensory evaluation forms or scales to gather

participants' opinions and preferences. Furthermore, a questionnaire or interview

guide will be developed to collect qualitative data regarding participants'

experiences, preferences, and recommendations related to the dehydrator models

Senior High School

and settings. The combination of objective measurements and subjective

assessments will provide a comprehensive understanding of the performance and

user perception of the dehydrators under investigation in this study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Weighted mean is similar to ordinary arithmetic mean (the most common

type of average), except that instead instead of each of the data points contributing

equally to the final average, some data points contribute more than others.

Researchers used weighted mean as the statistical treatment because it is very easy

to use and to get the average easily. this dehydrator study will consist of a

combination of objective measurements and subjective assessments. Objective

measurements will include temperature monitoring devices to accurately record

the temperature settings and variations during the dehydration process. Moisture

content analysis will be conducted using a moisture meter or a laboratory-scale

moisture analyzer to quantify the water content in the dehydrated food samples.

Nutrient analysis will be performed using established laboratory methods to assess

the retention of key nutrients in the dehydrated products. Additionally, sensory

evaluation will be employed to capture subjective assessments of taste, texture,

and overall quality. This will involve the use of sensory evaluation forms or scales

to gather participants' opinions and preferences. Furthermore, a questionnaire or

interview guide will be developed to collect qualitative data regarding

Senior High School

participants' experiences, preferences, and recommendations related to the

dehydrator models and settings. The combination of objective measurements and

subjective assessments will provide a comprehensive understanding of the

performance and user perception of the dehydrators under investigation in this


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