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Believe 1

English course
Believe 1
English course



João Azevedo Lins Filho


Lucas Ribeiro Novais de Araújo


Antonio Roberto de Araújo Souza


Maria Elizabete de Araújo


Pollyana Maria Loreto Meira


Patrícia Adriana Martins Ferreira


Simone Conceição de Lima Amorim
Anderlane Fernandes de Lima


Matheus de Almeida Barbosa


Matheus de Almeida Barbosa


Anderlane Fernandes de Lima
Gabriela Felipe Machado de Carvalho
Simone Conceição de Lima Amorim

Clarissa Leite Marinho
Joselayne Ferreira Batista
Moysés Barbosa da Silva
Patrícia Adriana Martins Ferreira

Matheus de Almeida Barbosa

Este material não possui fins lucrativos e foi elaborado/diagramado utilizando-se dos recursos gráficos disponibilizados
pelo Canva, em sua versão para educadores.
Table of contents
Unit 1- New Beginnings
Asking and giving
say the alphabet and spell names and words
personal information
ask someone's names
(name, phone use numbers to talk about dates and phone numbers
number, birthday, talk about birthdates, place of origin and residence
occupation, address) talk about occupations and professions
Spelling your name ask for confirmation about personal information
ask about addresses, e-mails and social media

Unit 2 - Day to day

Using common
sentences in class use useful sentences in English classes
Expressing preference talk about actions and your preferences
Telling time talk about your weekly routine
tell the time
Talking about your
talk about your friends' routines
routine talk about the frequency of some events
Talking about frequency

Unit 3 - Who are they?

Talking about your
family and their
talk about your family
information talk about what people do at work
Talking abou your present your family members
family members' talk about friends' and family members' routines
preferences and talk about friends' and family members' preferences
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Unit 1

Warming up
English is all around us! Write down the words you know.

Engaging 1
1. Who are these girls?
Where are they?

2. Listen to their conversation

and check the correct alternatives.
a. The first girl's name is...
( ) Lidya
( ) Amber

b. The second girl's name is spelled...

( )M-I-K-O
( )L-I-K-O

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 1
1. The Alphabet.
Visit your English course website ( and
listen to the alphabet in English.

2. Similar sounds. Complete the chart below with the letters that
sound similar.


3. How do you spell these?

a. Ariana Grande c. Kim Kardashian
b. Benedict Cumberbatch d. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Engaging 2
1. Go to the Believe website (
Organize 2 conversations according to their colors.

2. Re-read the conversations and copy the questions to the answers below:

a. B: ___________________________________________________?
A: Tanzi.

b. B: ___________________________________________________?
A: T - A - N - Z - I. Tanzi.

c. A: ___________________________________________________?
B: Yes, I do. My friends call me Jay.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 2
Do you know your classmates' names? Ask them and complete the chart below..
When in doubt, ask them to spell their names.

First name Middle name Last name

Wrap-up 1
Communicative function Forms

Asking someone their


Asking someone their

last / middle / first name

Asking someone to spell

their last name

Asking someone if they

have a nickname

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Let's start: Lesson 2

How do you spell...?
Follow your teacher's instructions.

Engaging 3
1. Look at the picture. In pairs, discuss these
a. Who are they?
b. What are they talking about?
2. Listen to the conversation and check your
3. Listen again and match the students to their
telephone numbers: Imagem:

a. Brittany ( ) 614 1480

b. James ( ) 558 6016
c. Audrey ( ) 870 0019

Practicing 3
1. Go to the Believe website ( and match the
numbers to their appropriate spellings.
2. Now, write some of these numbers down.

0: ___________________ 11: eleven 30: thirty

1: one 12: twelve 33: ___________________
2: two 13: ___________________ 40: forty
3: ___________________ 14: fourteen 49: forty-nine
4: four 15: ___________________ 50: ___________________
5: five 16: sixteen 60: sixty
6: six 17: seventeen 70: seventy
7: seven 18: eighteen 80: eighty
8: ___________________ 19: nineteen 88: ___________________
9: nine 20: ___________________ 90: ninety
10: ten 21: twenty-one 100: ___________________

3. Bingo! Follow your teacher's instructions and practice how to say

numbers in English.
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 4
1. Organize the numbers on the left in their corresponding category on the chart.
a. 01/01/2021
Phone numbers Dates Other
b. +55 11 9 8113 6579
c. 15/08/1992
d. 58020-540
e. 201
f. 13/12/2005
g. (413) 275 7649
h. 01002
i. (83) 3214 4933
j. 31/10/1985
k. 9 9185 2600
l. 190
m. 90210
n. 56
o. 19/06/1987
2. How do you read these numbers?
3. How do you say these dates? What holidays Months of the year
do they represent? January May September
a. 01/01 d. 07/09 February June October
b. 15/11 e. 25/12 March July November
April August December
c. 01/05 f. 21/04

Engaging 4
1. Go to the Believe website ( and organize the
conversation between a secretary and a new student.
2. What information is being asked in the conversation?
3. Read the sentences below and choose which question from the conversation
best suits it:
a. A: ___________________________________________________?
B: It's on September 10, 2000.

b. A: ___________________________________________________?
B: I live in Centro.

c. A: ___________________________________________________?
B: It's 3133 0644.

d. A: ___________________________________________________?
B: I am from Salvador.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 5
Interview your classmates and find out the following information about them.

Classmate's name Phone number Birthdate Place of origin Place of residence

Wrap-up 2
Which numbers are confusing to pronounce? Which ones are easy?
Which months are easy to pronounce? Which ones are difficult?

Communicative function Forms

Asking someone their

telephone number

Asking someone's

Asking someone their

place of origin

Asking someone their

place of residence

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Let's start: Lesson 3

Let's remember the numbers in English! Go to the Believe website
( and choose the correct alternatives,
according to what you hear.

Engaging 5
1. Look at the pictures below. Discuss with a partner:
a. Where are they?
b. What is their relationship?

They are... They are...

at a party. friends.
in a park. co-workers.
on the street. brother and sister.
in a restaurant boyfriend and girlfriend.
on a car. strangers.
at the cinema. classmates.
2. Listen to the conversation and decide which picture it corresponds to. Are your
predictions from question 1 correct?
3. Listen again. Choose the correct alternative according to what you hear.
a. Julia is... b. Sammy is... c. Julia's phone number is...
( ) a dancer. ( ) a dancer. ( ) 6-3-6-2-4-1-6-9-2.
( ) an aerobics instructor. ( ) an aerobics instructor. ( ) 6-3-6-2-4-1-7-5-2.
( ) an engineer. ( ) an engineer. ( ) 6-3-6-2-4-1-7-9-2.
( ) a vet ( ) a vet ( ) 6-3-6-2-4-1-6-5-2.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Words, words, words

1. Look at the places below. Which occupations from the box work in the these

accountant dentist dancer vet salesperson

secretary engineer singer police officer electrician
teacher actor cashier firefighter psychologist
cook lawyer instructor architect farmer
doctor journalist painter pharmacist interpreter
IT analyst baker artist nurse manager

School Hospital Mall Supermarket Other places

2. Now, read the sentences below and complete with some appropriate words.
a. A nurse and a _________________________ work at a _________________________.
b. A _________________________ and an instructor work at a _________________________.
c. A _________________________ and a _________________________ work at a mall.
d. A _________________________ and a _________________________ work at a supermarket.

Practicing 6
Choose 4 occupations from the previous activity. Ask your classmates to see if
any of them have these occupations.



Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Breaking it down 1
1. Take a look at the sentences below. Highlight the occupations you find.
a. George is a nurse. He works at the regional hospital.

b. Maggie is an accountant. She works at an office.

c. Barbara is a doctor. She works in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

d. Manolo is an environmental engineer. He works at a non-governmental organization.

e. Charlie is an artist. He is a painter, an actor and an illustrator.

2. Take a look at the above sentences and choose the correct options below:
We use A / AN before... We use A before... We use AN before...
( ) singular nouns. ( ) vowel sounds. ( ) vowel sounds.

( ) plural nouns. ( ) consonant sounds. ( ) consonants sounds.

3. Go back to the occupation on the Words, words, words section. Which ones do
we use A or AN?

Let's start: Lesson 4

Follow your teacher's instructions and practice the topics from Unit 1 so far.

Engaging 6
1. What information do you usually need to
complete in a registration form?
2. Listen to a conversation and check which of the
information the 2 people mention.
3. Listen again. Complete the information below:
a. What is the girl's last name? ____________________
b. She is 12 / 15 years old.
c. Her address is 7 ______________ Road.
d. Her e-mail address is:
( )
( )
( )

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 7
1. Go to the Believe website ( and match
the question and answer pairs.
2. Now, talk to your classmates and complete the chart below with
their information.



E-mail address
Social media

School or

Breaking it down 2
1. Read the sentences below. Highlight all the places they mention.

a. I work at the cinema on Main Street. f. Walmart is on Route 9.

b. I live at 26 Colonial Village. g. We're in João Pessoa.

c. We study at UEPB. h. I'm at home.

d. Martha lives in Mangabeira. i. They live in Paris.

e. Bob's workplace is at 7 Amherst Road. j. Do you work in Cabedelo?

2. Now, read the sentences below and correct the ones that need correction.
a. Jill's store is on 56 North Pleasant St. a. __________________________________________________
b. Do you work at Japan? b. __________________________________________________
c. I'm at 7th Avenue right now. c. __________________________________________________
d. Let's meet in the bus stop, ok? d. __________________________________________________
e. The university is on College Street. e. __________________________________________________
f. She is in Europe now. In Paris or Rome... f. ___________________________________________________
g. I was born on Barcelona. g. __________________________________________________
h. Vanessa's parents live at Webster St. h. __________________________________________________

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 8
1. Read the message below. Can you find and correct the mistakes in it?

Hello! My name is Miguel Oliveira and I have 28 years old. I live on 39

Cottage Street. I am an teacher and I am learning English. I am from in
Brazil, but now I live on the United States. I am single but I have many
friends. I live with 4 people: two boys and two girls. They are also
learning English. Augusto was born on Portugal. He is 25 years old.
Marie was born in France, she is a university student. Vladimir is from
Russia. He is 26 years and he is a arquitect. Aya is from in Egypt. She is
a teacher too. We all live in an big house on a small city called Amherst
in Massachusetts.

2. Now it's your turn. Can you write a small paragraph about yourself? If you feel
confident, you may include some information about the people who live with you
as well.

Wrap-up 3
Communicative function Forms
Asking someone their

Asking someone their

e-mail address

Asking someone's age

Asking someone their

social media account

Asking someone their

Asking someone their

Confirming someone's


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Day to day
Unit 2

Warming up
Do you know these useful sentences in English? Get together with a classmate
and match the columns.

What do you say when you...

1. want to know the right pronunciation of a word?
2. can't hear or understand what someone says?
3. want to know a word in English?
4. don't know the meaning of a word?
5. think someone is speaking too fast?
6. want to know how to spell a word in English?
7. have a question to ask?

( ) What does "__________" mean?

( ) I have a question.
( ) Excuse me?
( ) Could you speak more slowly, please?
( ) How do you pronounce "__________"?
( ) What's the meaning of "__________"?
( ) How do you spell "__________"?
( ) Could you repeat that, please?
( ) How can I say "__________" in English?

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Words, words, words 1

1. Go to the Believe website ( and
learn some vocabulary to talk about routine and likes/dislikes.
Which words do you know?
2. Now, classify those words in the box below. Are they actions
or other items (nouns)?

Actions Other items

3. Do you know any other action or noun to include in the box above? Share
them with your classmates.

Engaging 1
1. Take a look at the actions and other items in the previous section (Words,
words, words). Which ones do you do on a regular basis? Which ones represent
likes or dislikes?
2. Listen to four conversations and number the items below according to which
conversations they are mentioned.
( ) read about history ( ) play sports ( ) wake up
( ) take a shower ( ) work at a bike shop ( ) eat with my friends
( ) teach math ( ) eat breakfast ( ) get dressed
( ) fix and sell bikes ( ) teach students ( ) study at the library
( ) play soccer ( ) eat in the park ( ) go to school
3. Listen again. Which questions are asked in each conversation? Which
questions are not asked?
( ) Do you like watching TV? ( ) What do you like to do on the weekend?
( ) What do you like to do? ( ) What do you do on the weekend?
( ) What do you do during the day ( ) Do you like eating with your friends?
( ) Do you like to play soccer? ( ) What do you do at lunch?
( ) When do you get up? ( ) Do you like playing video games?
( ) Do you like working out? ( ) What do you do in the morning?
( ) What sports do you play? ( ) Do you like movies?

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 1
1. What do you like to do? Choose some words and include them in the table below.

I love... I like... I don't like... I hate...

2. Now, ask your classmates how they feel about the items you chose.

I love... I like... I don't like... I hate...

Breaking it down 1
Take a look at the sentences below. They all express likes and dislikes. Highlight all
the sentences that are talking about ACTIONS.

I love dancing. I hate soccer.

You like movies. My mother and I don't like writing.
I don't like to cook. My family and friends like singing.
We hate waking up early. I hate reading about celebrities.
I like eating with my friends. I don't like to swim.
They love pasta. All my friends love sports.
I hate studying math. I like to play cell phone games.
Mary and I don't like coffee. We love watching TV.

Now, complete the reflection below.

When we talk LOVE ___________________________________________________
about actions that LIKE
we use: HATE ___________________________________________________

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Wrap-up 1
Communicative function Forms

Ask someone if they like


Expressing likes and

(for actions and nouns)

Let's start: Lesson 2

Follow your teacher's instructions and have fun.

Engaging 2
1. Take a look at the weekly planner below. Which days do you associate with the
following words:
a. busy
b. relaxed
c. free
d. regular
e. _______________
2. Listen to four conversations. Which days of the week are mentioned in each
Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4


3. On which days do you have English class? On which days are you free/busy?
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 2
Choose some activities from the previous sections in this material. Ask your
classmates if they do them in their routine.
Activity/Routine Classmate 1 Classmate 2

Practicing 3
Ask a classmate when they do the following activities (include one at the end):
Activity Classmate's name Day(s) of the week


Study English

Go grocery shopping

Practicing 4
What do you do on your week? Write about your routine and ask your classmate
about their routine.
You Classmate

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Wrap-up 2
Communicative function Forms

Ask someone if they do

one specific activity

Ask someone when they

do one specific activity

Ask someone what they

do on a day of the week

Let's start: Lesson 3

I never study English on Sundays!
Follow your teacher instructions and remember some of the vocabulary and
communicative functions from last class.

Engaging 3
1. Do you remember these words from the Engaging 2? How would you describe
your week? What about the life of the person in the text?
a. busy b. relaxed c. free d. _____________
I'm Toni and my life is very ______________! I always get up at 6 o'clock, and go to the gym at 6:30. At
7:30 I go home, take a shower and have breakfast. I usually eat some fruit and drink some coffee. At
8:45 I go to work. I always work from 9 to 6. I have one hour for lunch, but I never get to use it. I
usually get 45 minutes. I rarely have some tea before my afternoon classes. I often organize my
papers before class. I don't always teach in the afternoon. I do paperwork three times a week, on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays . I grade exercises and plan some classes. At 6pm o'clock I leave
work and go back home. I sometimes cook dinner. I usually order some food. I have dinner and after
dinner I seldom watch the news. At 10pm I am always very tired. So, I take another shower, brush
my teeth, and go to bed at 10:30pm. On weekends, I also get up at 6 o'clock. But I don't work. I
never work on Saturdays or Sundays. On Saturdays, I study in the mornings, and clean my house in
the afternoon. I usually do house chores from 2pm to 5pm. On Saturday evenings, I usually go out
with some friends. We usually have something to eat. We sometimes go dancing. On Sundays, I
relax. I frequently go to my parents' house. We have lunch together. We usually go out to a
restaurant by the beach or order something. In the afternoon, we always watch movies and talk. On
Sunday evenings I don't have any plans. What about you? Is your life as ______________ as mine?

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

2. Now, read the text again. Complete the schedule below with Toni's routine.

Toni's routine Morning Afternoon Evening








3. Based on the text, answer the following questions:

a) When does Toni visit her family? ( ) On weekdays. ( ) On Saturdays. ( ) On Sundays.
b) When does Toni go out with friends? ( ) On weekdays. ( ) On Saturdays. ( ) On Sundays.
c) What time does Toni wake up? ( ) At 6 am. ( ) At 6:30 am. ( ) At 7:30 am.
d) What time does Toni go to bed? ( ) At 10 pm. ( ) At 10:30pm. ( ) At 11 pm.
e) How often does Toni go to the gym? ( ) Everyday. ( ) Rarely. ( ) Five times a week.
f) How often does Toni do paperwork? ( ) Once a week. ( ) Twice a week. ( ) Three times a week.

4. What is Toni's profession? How do you know it?

Words, words, words 2

What time is it?
Go to the Believe website ( and learn how to tell time in
English.Then, match how we can say the following minutes in English:
a) __:00 ( ) half past __________
b) __:15 ( ) a quarter to __________
c) __:30 ( ) __________ o'clock
d) __:45 ( ) a quarter past __________

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 5
Complete the chart below with information from your classmate.
Activity What time? Activity What time?

Wake up Study English

Start work/school Have dinner

Have lunch Go to bed

Practicing 6
How often do you...? Ask your classmate the frequency they do these activities:
Activity How often? Activity How often?

Study English Read books

Go grocery shopping Watch reality shows

Eat out Visit your family

Travel Buy electronics

Wrap-up 3
Communicative function Forms

Tell the time in English

Ask what time they do

one specific activity

Ask the frequency they

do a specific activity

Talk about the frequency

of some events

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Let's start: Lesson 4

1. Go to the Believe website ( and
unscramble the questions.
2. After you have organized the questions, copy them down in
the space below and come up with answers for them.
Question Answer

Breaking it down 2
Look at the questions from the previous section. Which ones have "yes/no"
answers? Which ones need "other information" as answers? Do you know any
other question that requires yes/no or other information as answers? Write them
down as well.

Now, look at the questions above. Can you find any pattern in them? Talk to your
classmates and, in groups, complete the box below with your teacher's help.
Yes/No questions begin with an Other information questions begin
auxiliary _____________, like ______ or the with words like ____________, ____________
verb to ______. and ____________, for example.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 7
Do you always study English on Fridays? Think of questions using the following
frequency words.

Question Yes/No






Breaking it down 3
1. Read the sentences below and check the correct choices in the boxes.
a. I work at the cinema every weekday. f. I usually read about History in my free time.

b. Do you take the bus to go to work? g. I don't surf on the Internet.

c. We don't study at UEPB. h. I never cook dinner.

d. Do you drink coffee in the morning? i. Do you write a lot of e-mails?

e. I visit my grandparents every Saturday. j. You don't watch TV at night.

These statements ( ) habits and routine. ( ) past

tense to talk
and questions are ( ) likes and dislikes. We use ( ) present
about them.
about ( ) past activities. ( ) future

2. Complete with the appropriate word from the box and write one example:

a. We use don't + the main verb in ________________________ statements. For example:

b. We use do + subject + the main verb in ________________________. For example:
c. We use just the main verb in ________________________ statements. For example:

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 8
1. Do you remember the previous classes of Unit 2? Look at the previous pages
and compile the communicative functions and forms you learned.

Lesson 1
Warming up - Wrap up 1

Lesson 2
Warm-up 1 - Wrap up 2

Lesson 3
Warm-up 2 - Wrap up 3

2. Now it's your turn. In pairs/trios, imagine you are at a school or workplace. One
of you is new there. The other(s) are veterans. Introduce yourselves and talk
about the routine at this place.
You'll have a couple of minutes to discuss, but you should perform orally.

Wrap-up 4
Communicative function Forms

Asking Yes/No

Asking questions about

other information

Asking Yes/No questions

about frequency

Talking about habits and

(Affirmative, negative
and questions)


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Who are they?

Unit 3

Warming up
How big is your family? Listen to some people describing their families. Are their
families big or small?

Track Big family Small family
In small groups, discuss these
5 questions:
6 1. Do you have a big family?
7 2. How big is your family?
3. Are pets part of the family?

Engaging 1
1. Listen to a conversation and check the correct alternatives:
( ) mother and son. ( ) routine.
The people in this They are talking
( ) boss and employee. ( ) likes and dislikes.
conversation are about
( ) acquaintances. ( ) past activities.

2. Listen again and complete the table below with the appropriate information:
Time Activity
Can you hear any other activity?
7:00 am Write it down in this space.
8:00 am
9:30 am
7:00 pm
8:30 pm
10:00 pm

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 1
Choose 4 activities you do in your routine and write them down in the space
provided. Then, talk to a classmate and find out if/when they do them.

Activity Time

Words, words, words 1

Associate the words from the box with the occupations below. You may repeat
the words if they relate to more than one occupation.
teach plan listen to people explain things
talk to people use the computer entertain organize
read do math write things down fix
make phone calls help people drive motivate others

Teacher Public worker Nurse Waiter

Practicing 2
Talk to 2 classmates and find out more information about their occupations.
Classmate Occupation More information

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Wrap-up 1
Communicative function Forms

Talk (questions and

answers) about other
information about
people's occupations

Let's start: Lesson 2

Listen to Laura describe her family members' occupations. Match the family
members to their corresponding occupation.
a) father ( ) lawyer ( ) counselor ( ) writer ( ) professor
b) mother ( ) nurse ( ) doctor ( ) engineer ( ) athlete
c) sister ( ) manager ( ) soldier ( ) architect ( ) teacher
d) brothers ( ) vets ( ) dancers ( ) students ( ) carpenters

Engaging 2
What information do you usually ask when meeting someone new? Write them in
the space provided.

Information Father Mother Brother

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Words, words, words 2
Family members

Jason (19)

Hello. My name is Jason. I've got a very big family. My mother's name is Linda and she is a
teacher. She's 40 years old. My father is a doctor and his name is Nathan. He's 41 years old.
I've got a sister and her name is Sally. She's a university student. She's 22 years old. My
grandmother's name is Jamie. She's 72 years old. And my grandfather's name is Thomas. He's
76 years old. They've got 3 children, two daughters and one son. Jonathan is my uncle. He's
not married, but he's got a girlfriend. He is a musician. He is 37 years old. Aunt Debbie is
married and her husband, Steve, is 43 years old. They've got one son and one daughter. Their
son's name is Tim. He's my cousin and my best friend. He's 20 years old. Their daughter,
Nancy, is married. Her husband's name is Robin. They've got a baby son, Nick.

Practicing 3
Ask your classmate the following information about their family members. Take
some notes in the space provided.
Family member Name Age Occupation

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 4
1. Go to the Believe website ( and match
the question and answer pairs.
2. Now, talk to your classmates and complete the chart below with
information from their family members.



E-mail address
Social media

School or

Wrap-up 2
Communicative function Forms
Talking about family
Asking other people's
Asking other people's
Asking other people's
Asking other people's
Asking other people's
e-mail address
Asking other people's
social media account
Asking other people's

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Let's start: Lesson 3

Follow your teacher's instructions and remember the family members.
Can you guess the relationships faster than your classmates?

Engaging 3
1. Read the text below. What genre is it? Where would you find it?

ON Is your life similar to that of a school swimmer?

CAMPUS We talked to Daniel Sosa, captain of the swimming team of

Travis College to learn a little about his routine.
FOLK Dan, as his friends call him, wakes up very early, at 5 am, then
he swims from 6 to 9 o’clock. After that, he hits the shower,
gets dressed and has a big breakfast. He eats everything you
can think of: cereals, toast, bacon, eggs, orange juice! Yum!
At 10 am he comes to university and studies Sports Science.
He has classes from 11 am to 4 pm, but he stops and has
lunch at 1 pm. After classes, he always goes to the gym and
meets his friends at a café. He usually has dinner at 7:30 pm,

then he watches TV or goes online. He is in bed at 11 pm,

ready to start everything all over again the next day! Busy day,
What about you? Is your life as busy as Dan’s?

2. Now, listen to someone interviewing Dan before this profile. Find all the
information that is not correct according to what Dan said and correct them.

3. Look at the text again and locate all the activities in the daily life of Dan. What is
happening to these actions? Can you find a pattern to them?

Words, words, words 3

He has a busy life!
Go to the Believe website ( and
match the verbs to their 3rd-person singular form.
Pay attention to their appropriate pronunciation.
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 5
Ask two classmates what they do...


at 8am

at noon

at 7pm

on Mondays

on weekends

in the evenings

Breaking it down 1
1. Read the sentences below and check the correct choices in the boxes.
a. I usually get up at 6:30. f. Mother's day is always on Sunday.

b. Our classes are in the mornings. g. She was born in 1981.

c. His birthday is in August. h. Christmas is on December 25.

d. My birthday is on June 19. i. He goes to the gym every day at 8pm.

e. I always visit my grandparents in spring. j. This store doesn't open at night.

______ for years, seasons, months, periods of the day.

We use ______ for dates and days of the week.

______ for time and the expression "___ night".

2. In small groups, go to the Believe

website (
and challenge each other.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Wrap-up 3
Communicative function Forms

Talk about other

people's habits and

Express the appropriate

time an event happened

Let's start: Lesson 4

Let's practice how to use time prepositions some more!
Go to the Believe website ( and
compete against your classmates in this board game.

Engaging 4
1. Look at the conversation beside. Answer the following
a. What is the relationship between the two people?
b. Who are they talking about?
c. What are they talking about?

2. Read it again and decide if the following sentences are true

or false:
True False
a. It is their friend's birthday. ( ) ( )
b. Lucas loves soccer. ( ) ( )
c. Lucas likes board games. ( ) ( )
d. He doesn't play board games often. ( ) ( )
e. Lucas's party is tonight. ( ) ( )
3. Do you have any other gift idea for Lucas? Talk to your
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Practicing 6
Think about 2 people you know well. Do they like these things?
Does _____ like...


eating sushi?

going to the beach?


reading books?

taking selfies?



Breaking it down 2
1. Read the sentences in the box, and complete the chart.
I am 24 years old. My family is great!
You like to dance. What about your family?
He is divorced. What is his name?
She doesn't study here. Her eyes are blue.
It is a beautiful cat. Its favorite activity is to sleep.
We have two brothers. Guido and Lupe are our pets.
They are twins. Their father is a doctor.



2. Follow your teacher's instructions and challenge

your classmates.
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Wrap-up 4
Communicative function Forms

Talking about other

people's likes and

Express possession

Think of someone you know well. Then, go over the Wrap-up sections in the unit
and remember how you can talk about this person.
Prepare a short presentation about them and introduce this person to your class.
Use the space below to take some notes.


While your classmates are presenting the person they know, ask questions to get
to know them as well.
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Review Unit
Believe 1

Roll the dice

Go to the Believe website ( and
review the questions and answers from this semester's

Read the statements below and check what you know and. what you need to
I need to study
Can you... I can do it!
it more

say the alphabet and spell names and words? (p. 5-6)
ask someone's names? (p. 5-7)
use numbers to talk about dates and phone numbers? (p. 8-9)
talk about birthdates, place of origin and residence? (p. 9-10)
talk about occupations and professions? (p. 11-13)
ask for confirmation about personal information? (p. 12)
ask about addresses, e-mails and social media? (p. 13-15)
use useful sentences in English classes (p. 17)
talk about actions and your preferences? (p. 18-19)
talk about your weekly routine? (p. 20-21)
tell the time? (p. 23-24)
talk about your friends' routines? (p. 23-24)
talk about the frequency of some events? (p. 26-27)
talk about your family? (p. 29 and 32)
talk about what people do at work? (p. 30)
present your family members? (p. 31-33)
talk about friends' and family members' routines? (p. 34-35)
talk about friends' and family members' preferences? (p. 36-37)

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Role-play 1 - Student A
You are a new student at the local
community college.
Before you start going to classes, you need
to talk to the campus secretary to register.
Answer the secretary's questions to fill out
your registration form.

Role-play 2 - Student A

You and a co-worker are talking about one

important meeting you need to organize.
Talk to them and find out what activities they
do in their week. Choose the best day and
time to have your meeting.

Role-play 3 - Student A
The best friend of one of your classmates is
looking for a new boyfriend/girlfriend.
You think you knew someone their friend
would be interested in. Ask them about their
personal information, likes and dislikes, and
some interesting facts about their routine.
Present your friend as well to see if it's a

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Role-play 1 - Student B
You are the campus secretary at the local
community college.
Before starting their courses, students have
to register their personal information with
Talk to one student and ask them to answer
your questions in the registration form.

Role-play 2 - Student B

You and a co-worker are talking about one

important meeting you need to organize.
Talk to them and find out what activities they
do in their week. Choose the best day and
time to have your meeting.

Role-play 3 - Student B
One of your best friends is looking for a new
Talk to your classmate and see if they know
someone your friend would be interested in.
Tell them their personal information, likes
and dislikes, and some interesting facts about
their routine.


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1


Believe 1
English course

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Unit 1

Lesson 1
I. Answer the following questions:

What’s your full name?__________________________________________________________

How do you spell your last name?______________________________________________

Do you have a nickname? What is it?___________________________________________

How old are you?________________________________________________________________

When is your birthday?_________________________________________________________

Where are you from?____________________________________________________________

Where do you live?______________________________________________________________

II. Read the following text and answer the questions:

This is Michael de Oliveira Santos, but everybody

calls him Mike. He is from Recife, but now he lives in
Altiplano, João Pessoa. He is 31 years old and his
birthday is on June 19th.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

a) What’s his middle name? ____________________________________________________

b) How old is he?

( ) fifty-one ( ) thirteen ( ) thirty-one

c) What’s his nickname? ________________________________________________________

d) Where is he from? ___________________________________________________________

e) Where does he live?__________________________________________________________

III. Writing

Who are you? In a small text, introduce

yourself, say your name, nickname, age,
birthday, place of origin and place of


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Lesson 2
I. Write the following numbers in full:

3 13 27 39 44

58 62 75 80 91


a) ________________________ b) ________________________ c) ________________________


d) ________________________ e) ________________________ f) ________________________


g) ________________________ h) ________________________ i) ________________________


j) ________________________
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

II. What's the telephone number?

a) nine, nine, eight, six, four, seven, five, six, one: _______________________________
b) double eight, eight, four, double nine, two, three: _______________________________
c) nine, one, one: _______________________________
d) two, six, four, seven, five, seven, nine: _______________________________

III. Calculate:
a) twelve + seventeen + fifty-two = __________________________________
b) sixty + fourteen + ninety-five = __________________________________
c) eight x four = __________________________________
d) thirty-six x eleven = __________________________________

IV. Match the columns:

1. How old are you? ( ) 8:30
2. What’s your telephone number? ( ) 91
3. When is your birthday? ( ) March 19th
4. What time is it? ( ) 98376 2951
5. Seventy + twenty-one ( ) 45

Lesson 3
I. Read the text and answer the following questions (a - e):

My name is Adriano and I am a nurse. I live in Santa

Rita, but I work in a big hospital in João Pessoa and
my routine is very busy.
I usually arrive at work at 7 a.m., change clothes to
my uniform and clean up my hands. Then, I go to
check my workstation and my colleagues tell me who
the patients in the emergency room are and what
they need.
I just go home the next day around 7 a.m.
My job is not easy, but I really like it! I know I help
people to feel better.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

a. What does Adriano do?

( ) He is a doctor.
( ) He is a veterinarian.
d. What is his relationship with his
( ) He is a nurse.
b. Where does he live? ( ) strangers
( ) He lives in Cabedelo. ( ) co-workers
( ) He lives in Santa Rita. ( ) classmates
( ) He lives is João Pessoa. e. Does he like his job?
( ) Yes, he does.
c. What time does he arrive at work?
( ) No, he doesn’t.
( ) He arrives at 6 a.m.
( ) He arrives at 7 a.m.
( ) He arrives at 8 a.m.

II. Writing: Write a small text about your job. What do you do?


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Lesson 4
I. Based on the form below, answer the questions.

a) What’s the woman's first name? ___________________________________________________

b) How old is she? ____________________________________________________________________

c) Does she have a nickname? What is it? ____________________________________________

d) What is her address? ______________________________________________________________

e) What does she do? _________________________________________________________________

II. Complete the sentences with the prepositions IN, ON or AT.

a) I don’t drive. I usually take a bus ______ the bus station.

b) Paulo studies English ______ CELIN.
c) Sheila lives ______ Guarabira.
d) I never work ______ home.
e) Bianca sometimes reads a book ______ bedtime.
f) Jane lives ______ small town.
g) The doctor 's office is ______ Ruy Carneiro Avenue.
h) Douglas address is ______ 44 Batista Araújo street.
i) My parents are ______ Europe. They are ______ Paris today.
j) Matheus teaches ______ UFPB.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Day to day
Unit 2

Lesson 1
I. Write the actions according to the pictures.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

II. Writing: Based on the pictures from the previous activity, write a small
paragraph about one activity you like and another you don’t.


Lesson 2
I. Write one activity for each period of the day in the schedule below.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday




II. Now, write five sentences expressing your routine using the days of
the week.


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Lesson 3
I. What do you like to do in your free time? Write sentences using
frequency words. You can use the actions from the box or not.

make videos - play board games - go to the pool

do yoga - go to the movies - go to church

a. (always)_________________________________________________________________________________
b. (sometimes)____________________________________________________________________________
c. (seldom)________________________________________________________________________________
d. (usually)________________________________________________________________________________
e. (never)__________________________________________________________________________________
f. (rarely)__________________________________________________________________________________

II. What do you do in your free time? Write a small paragraph. Include
the information from the activity above and details of your routine.


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

III. What time is it?





II. Draw a clock expressing the time:

a) It’s half past two b) It’s seven, forty c) It’s a quarter to three

d) It's one o’clock e) It’s half to six f) It’s half past six

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Lesson 4
I. Answer the questions according to the pictures.
Pearl and Jessie

Nathalie John

Mark The kids

a) Does John eat hamburgers at the park?

b) Does Nathalie watch series in her free time?
c) Do Pearl and Jessie go to the beach on Sundays?
d) Does Mark play volleyball?
e) Do the kids relax in the mountains in summer?
f) Does Sam play the guitar?

II. Unscramble these sentences:

a) five / have / I / sisters /.
b) plays / Simone / handball / .
_c) she / brothers / have / Does / two / ?
d) many / has / He / friends / . /
e) English / you / Do / ? / study /
Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Who are they?

Unit 3

Lesson 1
I. Complete the conversation below.

Acquaintances at the bar

Nora: Hey, what’s up? My name is Nora and you are…

Becka: I’m Becka. Hi.
Nora: Sorry for asking, but are you ok?
Becka: I’m not. I had a hard day at work.
Nora: Oh… That’s hard. ______________________________________________?
Becka: I'm a police officer. And you?
Nora: I'm an accountant. ____________________________________________?
Becka: I wake up very early at 5 a.m.
Nora: Wow. __________________________________________________________?
Becka: No, I don't. I have breakfast at a coffee shop near the police station.
Nora: How many hours do you work a day?
Becka: I usually work 12 hours a day. I have a little break for lunch.
Nora: ________________________________________________________________?
Becka: In general, we help people, but we also talk and listen to people, drive when
we are patrolling, use the computer and write reports.
Nora: _______________________________________________________________?
Becka: I usually go home at 7 p.m.
Nora: It is a long day. Cheers!
Becka: Cheers.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Lesson 2
I. Read the clues and identify the family member to complete the
crossword puzzle.
1 2



12 13



3. She is the sister of my mother. 1. They are my father and mother.

5. She is the daughter of my parents. 2. She is the sister of my husband.

7. She is my kid. 4. She is the mother of my husband.

8. He is the father of my mother/father. 6. He is the brother of my husband.

10. He is the father of my husband. 9. He is the son of my parents.

11. He is my kid. 13. He is the brother of my mother.

12. I am married with him.

14. She is married with me.

15. She is the mother of my mother/father.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

II. Write a small text about a family member. Include age, address, social
media account, occupation, e-mail address and school or workplace.


Lesson 3
I. Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets:
This is James, he _______ (to be) American, he ____________

(to live) in Los Angeles. James is a great soccer player. He

__________ (to play) in his college team. He ____________ (to

study) at Loyola Marymount University in the morning,

___________ (to go) to basketball practice on Mondays,

Wednesdays and Fridays afternoon and ____________ (to

work) in the library in the evening.

II. Read the sentences, identify the mistakes and correct them:

a) Lucas and Martha get up on 7 a.m. every day.


b) We have English classes in Wednesdays morning.


c) I love to go to the beaches at summer.


d) Sofia’s birthday is on February.


e) I was born at 1982.


Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

Lesson 4
I. Read the text and decide if the
sentences are true (T) or false (F).

Today is my sister's birthday. Her name is Tanya,

she is 11 years old. These, in the picture, are my
family. Tanya is in front of my mother, her name is
Sandra. My mother is between my grandparents, a) Silvia is my grandmother. ( )
Gary and Janet. My grandmother is so sweet and
my grandfather is a wise man, I love to talk with b) Gilberto is my father. ( )
him. c) Marcos is my grandfather. ( )
My little brother is Jonas, he is 6 years old, he is that d) Josef is my brother. ( )
smart boy in my fathers' arms. My father is Mike, he
is a strong man and he teaches me a lot about life. e) My name is Joana. ( )
And I am Mark, I'm 15 years old and I'm that guy
beside my grandfather. My family is not too big, we
love to spend time and have fun together.

II. Rewrite the sentences using the correct subject pronouns.

I - YOU - THEY - HE - WE - SHE - IT

a) Betty loves to walk her dog in the park.

b) Amy and her family have bacon and eggs for breakfast.
c) You and I study English on Tuesdays.
d) Bob sleeps late every day.
e) My dog eats bread.
f) Jack and you are friends.

Centro Estadual de Línguas da Paraíba - Believe 1

II. Look at the pictures and write sentences using possessive adjectives.


(I/new house) It’s my new house.

a) (he/car) ______________________________________________________________________

b) (she/dog) ____________________________________________________________________

c) (they/parents) ________________________________________________________________

d) (we/students) ________________________________________________________________


Atribuição de crédito

Imagens de
p. 1 - Family walk photo created by wayhomestudio; p. 4 - Asian meeting photo created by pressfoto; p.
7 - Home cinema photo created by master1305 / Delicious photo created by freepik / Tourism traveling
photo created by freepik / Old couple photo created by freepik / Trekking photo created by nensuria /
Birthday woman photo created by stockking; p. 28 - Swimming swimmer photo created by freepik; p. 34
e 35 - Freelancer photo created by marymarkevich / Office fun photo created by lookstudio / Online
dating photo created by / Office assistant photo created by bearfotos / Office fun photo
created by lookstudio

Imagens de
p. 12 - Video Call Pana / Exams Pana; p. 13 - Healthy Habit Bro; p. 15 - Create Amico; p. 23 - Family
Cuate; p. 26 - Community Pana; p. 31 - Group Therapy Bro; p. 32 - Group Chat Rafiki.

Os autores fizeram todos os esforços para atribuir os créditos das imagens e fontes utilizadas neste
material, e se desculpam por quaisquer omissões que possam ter acontecido, bem como se colocam
disponíveis para incluir qualquer crédito não reconhecido aqui.

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