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El Pasado perfecto se usa: 10-………………………………………………………(you/do) your homework before I

 Para expresar una acción que sucedió antes de …………………………………………..(see) you?

otra acción en pasado o antes de un tiempo
determinado en el pasado. 2- Read and choose the correct option
1.When I got to Maria's, Jorge had gone.
They had already reserved the table when they went to the
restaurant. ( ellos hicieron una reservacio primero y luego A. Jorge left after I arrived.
fueron al restaurant) B. Jorge left before I arrived.

 Para expresar una acción que termino en el 2.The children had got up when their father arrived.
pasado y que el resultado es visible en el pasado A. A. The children were already up before the father arrived.
Example: B. B. The children got up after the father arrived.
Bill had injured his legs in a car accident, so he had to use a
wheelchair for six months. ( La accion termino en el 3-When they heard the news, Rob and Chris had left.
pasado y su resultado era visible en el pasado, tambien)
A. A. Rob and Chris heard the news and then left.
Podemos usar el pasado perfecto o el pasado simple con Expresiones: B. B. The news came after Rob and Chris left.
BEFORE o AFTER (sin diferencia en el significado) BEFORE, AFTER, already,
4- Gaby entered the room. They had told him to wait outside.
She left after she had finished her work for,since,just, till/until,
She left after she finished her work when, by, by the A. He entered the room first.
time,never, etc B. He was told to wait outside first.

5.Pat had failed his exam. He became sick.

1-Complete with Past Perfect or Simple Past (affirmative or negative)
A. A. Pat was sick before the exam.
1-When I………………… (arrive) at the cinema, the film ………………… (start). B. B. Pat was sick after the exam.
2-The lights …………………(go) off because we …………. (not/pay) the electricity bill. 3- Make questions and answer
3-The grass ……………………(be) yellow because it ……………………(not/rain) all summer.
4-After they …………………….. (eat) the shellfish, they………………….( begin) to feel sick.
1) (you/go) to Tucuman before you went together?
5-The children ………………………. (not/do) their homework, so they …………………….(be) in
2) (your teacher/see) the film “ The Ring”?
6-We……………………………(not/ go) into the concert because we ……………………………… 3) Where (you/be) when the bell rang?
(not/bring) our tickets.
4)How much (she/study) before the exam?
7-I……………………………….. (give) them some of the candies I…………………………… (buy).
5)Where (your teacher/work) ?
8-He ………………………….. (not/use) email before, so I ……………………………….(show) him
how to use it.
9- My friend …………………………….(eat) up all the biscuit we………………………….. (bake).
Las secuencia de palabras se usan a menudo para ayudar a hacer mas claro el orden
cronológico de las acciones .

Las palabras y frases como AFTER, BY THEN and AS SOON AS se usan antes del
PASADO PERFECTO. Frases como AS BY THE TIME se usan antes del PASADO SIMPLE.
Palabras como BEFORE y WHEN pueden usarse con ambos tiempos pasado simple y
pasado perfecto.

Example Silvia had cleaned her house before her guests arrived

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